// wcand.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "wcand.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "res.h"
#include "candutil.h"
#include "candui.h"
#include "wpopup.h"
#include "candmenu.h"
#include "cuishadw.h"
// UI object IDs
#define IDUIF_CANDNUMBUTTON 0x00000001
#define IDUIF_CANDIDATELIST 0x00000010
#define IDUIF_CANDIDATEMENU 0x00000011
#define IDUIF_RAWDATA 0x00000012
#define IDUIF_OPTIONSLIST 0x00000014
#define IDUIF_BORDERLEFT 0x00000020
#define IDUIF_BORDERBOTTOM 0x00000021
#define IDUIF_BORDERRAWDATA 0x00000022
#define IDUIF_BORDER 0x00000023
#define IDUIF_CAPTION 0x00000024
#define IDUIF_BORDEREXTRACAND 0x00000025
#define IDUIF_CANDTIPBTN 0x00000026
#define IDUIF_EXTENDED 0x10000000
#define IDTIMER_MENU_HOVER 0x674b
// The menu hover timer is used by the options list object to emulate menu items
// much more closely. Otherwise there may be a 1 second pause before they lose
// highlighting when the standard cuilib mouseout timer kicks in to detect the
// mouse leave event. It is set to 50ms currently and this causes the menus to
// behave identically to normal menu items. It *only* affects the options menu
// items - everything else gets the existing 1 second timer.
/* C C A N D U I O B J E C T P A R E N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandUIObjectParent::CCandUIObjectParent( void ) { m_pUIObjectMgr = NULL; }
/* ~ C C A N D U I O B J E C T P A R E N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandUIObjectParent::~CCandUIObjectParent( void ) { Uninitialize(); }
/* I N T I I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIObjectParent::Initialize( CCandUIObjectMgr *pUIObjectMgr ) { Assert( pUIObjectMgr );
m_pUIObjectMgr = pUIObjectMgr; m_pUIObjectMgr->SetUIObjectParent( this );
return S_OK; }
/* U N I N I T I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIObjectParent::Uninitialize( void ) { if (m_pUIObjectMgr != NULL) { m_pUIObjectMgr->SetUIObjectParent( NULL ); m_pUIObjectMgr = NULL; }
return S_OK; }
/* N O T I F Y U I O B J E C T E V E N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandUIObjectParent::NotifyUIObjectEvent( CANDUIOBJECT obj, CANDUIOBJECTEVENT event ) { if (m_pUIObjectMgr != NULL) { m_pUIObjectMgr->NotifyUIObjectEvent( obj, event ); } }
/*============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C C A N D W I N D O W B A S E */ /* */ /*============================================================================*/
/* C C A N D W I N D O W B A S E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constructor of CCandWindowBase
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandWindowBase::CCandWindowBase( CCandidateUI *pCandUI, DWORD dwStyle ) : CUIFWindow( g_hInst, dwStyle | UIWINDOW_HASTOOLTIP | UIWINDOW_HASSHADOW ) { int cxyIconMenuSize;
m_cRef = 1; m_pCandUI = pCandUI; m_pCandAcc = NULL; m_pCandMenuBtn = NULL; m_pCandMenu = NULL; m_fCandMenuOpen = FALSE; m_nExtUIObj = 0; m_pCandRawData = NULL; m_fHasRawData = FALSE; m_fTargetClipped = FALSE; m_fOnSelectionChanged = FALSE; ::SetRect( &m_rcTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize event sinks
CCandListEventSink::InitEventSink( m_pCandUI->GetCandListMgr() ); CCandUIPropertyEventSink::InitEventSink( m_pCandUI->GetPropertyMgr() ); CCandUIExtensionEventSink::InitEventSink( m_pCandUI->GetExtensionMgr() );
// initialize resources
cxyIconMenuSize = GetMenuIconSize(); m_hIconMenu = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICONMENU), IMAGE_ICON, cxyIconMenuSize, cxyIconMenuSize, 0 ); m_hIconPopupOn = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICONPOPUPON), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS ); m_hIconPopupOff = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICONPOPUPOFF), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS ); m_hIconCandTipOn = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICONTIPON), IMAGE_ICON, cxyIconMenuSize, cxyIconMenuSize, 0 ); m_hIconCandTipOff = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICONTIPOFF), IMAGE_ICON, cxyIconMenuSize, cxyIconMenuSize, 0 );
// initialize accessibility object
m_pCandAcc = new CCandAccessible( this );
// initialize as object parent
CCandUIObjectParent::Initialize( m_pCandUI->GetUIObjectMgr() ); m_pCandUI->AddRef(); }
/* ~ C C A N D W I N D O W B A S E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Destructor of CCandWindowBase
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandWindowBase::~CCandWindowBase() { // uninitialize as object parent
// dispose resources
DestroyIcon( m_hIconMenu ); DestroyIcon( m_hIconPopupOn ); DestroyIcon( m_hIconPopupOff ); DestroyIcon( m_hIconCandTipOn ); DestroyIcon( m_hIconCandTipOff );
CCandUIExtensionEventSink::DoneEventSink(); CCandUIPropertyEventSink::DoneEventSink(); CCandListEventSink::DoneEventSink();
if (m_pCandAcc != NULL) { m_pCandAcc->Release(); m_pCandAcc = NULL; }
m_pCandUI->Release(); }
/* A D D R E F */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increment reference count (local method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ULONG CCandWindowBase::AddRef( void ) { m_cRef++; return m_cRef; }
/* R E L E A S E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Decrement reference count and release object (local method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ULONG CCandWindowBase::Release( void ) { m_cRef--; if (0 < m_cRef) { return m_cRef; }
delete this; return 0; }
/* O N S E T C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Callback function on SetCandidateList (CCandListEventSink method)
NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnSetCandidateList( void ) { Assert( FInitialized() );
SetCandidateListProc(); LayoutWindow(); SetSelectionProc(); }
/* O N C L E A R C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Callback function on ClearCandidateList (CCandListEventSink method)
NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnClearCandidateList( void ) { Assert( FInitialized() );
ClearCandidateListProc(); }
/* O N C A N D I T E M U P D A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Callback function of candiate item has been updated (CCandListEventSink method)
NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnCandItemUpdate( void ) { Assert( FInitialized() );
SetCandidateListProc(); SetSelectionProc(); }
/* O N S E L E C T I O N C H A N G E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Callback function of candiate selection has been changed (CCandListEventSink method)
NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnSelectionChanged( void ) { Assert( FInitialized() ); Assert( !m_fOnSelectionChanged );
m_fOnSelectionChanged = TRUE; SetSelectionProc(); m_fOnSelectionChanged = FALSE; }
/* O N P R O P E R T Y U P D A T E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Callback function on update CandiateUI property (CCandUIPropertyEventSink method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnPropertyUpdated( CANDUIPROPERTY prop, CANDUIPROPERTYEVENT event ) { Assert( FInitialized() );
switch (prop) { case CANDUIPROP_CANDWINDOW: { if (event == CANDUIPROPEV_UPDATEVISIBLESTATE) { Show( GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->IsVisible() ); } else if (event == CANDUIPROPEV_UPDATEPOSITION) { POINT pt;
GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetPosition( &pt ); SetWindowPos( pt ); } else { LayoutWindow(); } break; }
case CANDUIPROP_TOOLTIP: { CUIFToolTip *pWndToolTip = GetToolTipWnd(); CUIFBalloonWindow *pWndCandTip = GetCandTipWindowObj();
if (pWndToolTip != NULL) { pWndToolTip->SetFont( GetPropertyMgr()->GetToolTipProp()->GetFont() ); pWndToolTip->Enable( GetPropertyMgr()->GetToolTipProp()->IsEnabled() ); }
if (pWndCandTip != NULL) { pWndCandTip->SetFont( GetPropertyMgr()->GetToolTipProp()->GetFont() ); } break; }
default: { LayoutWindow(); break; } } }
/* O N E X T E N S I O N A D D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Callback function on create extension (CCandUIExtensionEventSink method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnExtensionAdd( LONG iExtension ) { // NOTE: need to rebuild all UI objects to match index correctly
DeleteExtensionObjects(); CreateExtensionObjects();
LayoutWindow(); }
/* O N E X T E N S I O N D E L E T E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Callback function on delete extension (CCandUIExtensionEventSink method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnExtensionDeleted( LONG iExtension ) { // NOTE: need to rebuild all UI objects to match index correctly
DeleteExtensionObjects(); CreateExtensionObjects();
LayoutWindow(); }
/* O N E X T E N S I O N U P D A T E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Callback function on update extension (CCandUIExtensionEventSink method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnExtensionUpdated( LONG iExtension ) { SetExtensionObjectProps();
LayoutWindow(); }
/* G E T C L A S S N A M E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CUIFWindow method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPCTSTR CCandWindowBase::GetClassName( void ) { return _T( WNDCLASS_CANDWND ); }
/* G E T W N D T I T L E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CUIFWindow method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPCTSTR CCandWindowBase::GetWndTitle( void ) { return _T( WNDTITLE_CANDWND ); }
/* I N I T I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize UI objects
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFObject *CCandWindowBase::Initialize( void ) { //
// Here register candidate window class.
WNDCLASSEX WndClass; LPCTSTR pszClassName = GetClassName();
memset(&WndClass, 0, sizeof(WndClass));
WndClass.cbSize = sizeof(WndClass); WndClass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS | CS_IME; WndClass.lpfnWndProc = WindowProcedure; WndClass.cbClsExtra = 0; WndClass.cbWndExtra = 8; WndClass.hInstance = g_hInst; WndClass.hIcon = NULL; WndClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); WndClass.hbrBackground = NULL; WndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; WndClass.lpszClassName = pszClassName; WndClass.hIconSm = NULL;
CUIFObject *pUIObjRet; CUIFToolTip *pWndToolTip;
// call CUIFWindow::Initialize() to create tooltip window
pUIObjRet = CUIFWindow::Initialize();
// set tooltip font
pWndToolTip = GetToolTipWnd(); if (GetToolTipWnd() != NULL) { pWndToolTip->SetFont( GetPropertyMgr()->GetToolTipProp()->GetFont() ); pWndToolTip->Enable( GetPropertyMgr()->GetToolTipProp()->IsEnabled() ); }
return pUIObjRet; }
/* S H O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::Show( BOOL fShow ) { if (!fShow && (m_pCandMenu != NULL)) { m_pCandMenu->ClosePopup(); }
CUIFWindow::Show( fShow ); }
/* O N C R E A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnCreate( HWND hWnd ) { SetProp( hWnd, (LPCTSTR)GlobalAddAtom(_T("MicrosoftTabletPenServiceProperty")), (HANDLE)1 );
if (m_pCandAcc != NULL) { m_pCandAcc->SetWindow( hWnd ); }
/* O N D E S T R O Y */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnDestroy( HWND hWnd ) { NotifyUIObjectEvent( CANDUIOBJ_CANDWINDOW, CANDUIOBJEV_DESTROYED );
NotifyWinEvent( EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY ); if (m_pCandAcc != NULL) { m_pCandAcc->ClearAccItem(); m_pCandAcc->SetWindow( NULL ); } }
/* O N N C D E S T R O Y */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
on n c destroy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnNCDestroy( HWND hWnd ) { RemoveProp( hWnd, (LPCTSTR)GlobalAddAtom(_T("MicrosoftTabletPenServiceProperty")) ); }
/* O N S Y S C O L O R C H A N G E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CUIFWindow method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnSysColorChange() { int cxyIconMenuSize;
// reload menu button icon
DestroyIcon( m_hIconMenu ); DestroyIcon( m_hIconCandTipOn ); DestroyIcon( m_hIconCandTipOff );
cxyIconMenuSize = GetMenuIconSize(); m_hIconMenu = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICONMENU), IMAGE_ICON, cxyIconMenuSize, cxyIconMenuSize, 0 ); m_hIconCandTipOn = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICONTIPON), IMAGE_ICON, cxyIconMenuSize, cxyIconMenuSize, 0 ); m_hIconCandTipOff = (HICON)LoadImage( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICONTIPOFF), IMAGE_ICON, cxyIconMenuSize, cxyIconMenuSize, 0 );
if (m_pCandMenuBtn) { m_pCandMenuBtn->SetIcon( m_hIconMenu ); }
// re-layout objects
LayoutWindow(); }
/* O N S H O W W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT CCandWindowBase::OnShowWindow( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { // MSAA support
if (wParam) { NotifyWinEvent( EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW );
// REVIEW: KOJIW: Unless we send notify EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, we never
// receive WM_GETOBJECT message. Why???
NotifyWinEvent( EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS ); } else { NotifyWinEvent( EVENT_OBJECT_HIDE ); }
return CUIFWindow::OnShowWindow( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); }
/* O N W I N D O W P O S C H A N G E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT CCandWindowBase::OnWindowPosChanged( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lResult = CUIFWindow::OnWindowPosChanged( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
return lResult; }
/* O N G E T O B J E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT CCandWindowBase::OnGetObject( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lResult = 0;
switch (lParam) { //-----------------------------------------------------
// We process the OBJID_CLIENT object identifier;
// this is the client area of our application
// window.
if (m_pCandAcc == NULL) { lResult = (LRESULT)E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
if (!m_pCandAcc->FInitialized()) { //-----------------------------------------------------
// Initialize our Accessible object. If the
// initialization fails, delete the Accessible
// object and return the failure code.
hr = m_pCandAcc->Initialize(); if (FAILED( hr )) { m_pCandAcc->Release(); m_pCandAcc = NULL;
lResult = (LRESULT)hr; break; }
// Send an EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE WinEvent for the
// creation of the Accessible object for the
// client area.
NotifyWinEvent( EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE ); }
// Call LresultFromObject() to create reference to
// our Accessible object that MSAA will marshal to
// the client.
lResult = m_pCandAcc->CreateRefToAccObj( wParam ); break; }
default: { lResult = (LRESULT)0L; } }
return lResult; }
/* O N O B J E C T N O T I F Y */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CUIFWindow method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT CCandWindowBase::OnObjectNotify( CUIFObject *pUIObj, DWORD dwCommand, LPARAM lParam ) { DWORD dwID = pUIObj->GetID();
// candidate num buttons
if (IDUIF_CANDNUMBUTTON <= dwID && dwID < (IDUIF_CANDNUMBUTTON + NUM_CANDSTR_MAX)) { int iListItem = GetUIListObj()->GetTopItem() + (dwID - 1);
if (SelectItemProc( iListItem )) { CompleteCandidate(); } }
// candidate menu button
else if (dwID == IDUIF_CANDIDATEMENU) { if (m_pCandMenuBtn->GetToggleState()) { OpenCandidateMenu(); } }
// candidate list
else if (dwID == IDUIF_CANDIDATELIST) { switch (dwCommand) { case UILIST_SELECTED: { CompleteCandidate(); break; }
case UILIST_SELCHANGED: { SelectCandidate(); break; } } }
// options candidate list
else if (dwID == IDUIF_OPTIONSLIST) { switch (dwCommand) { case UILIST_SELECTED: { CompleteOptionCandidate(); break; }
case UILIST_SELCHANGED: { SelectCandidate(); break; } } }
// candidate rawdata
else if (dwID == IDUIF_RAWDATA) { switch (dwCommand) { case UICANDRAWDATA_CLICKED: { if (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->FRawDataSelectable()) { m_pCandUI->NotifyCompleteRawData(); } break; } } }
// extended UI objects
else if (IDUIF_EXTENDED <= dwID && dwID < (DWORD)(IDUIF_EXTENDED + GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum())) { LONG iExtension = dwID - IDUIF_EXTENDED;
GetExtensionMgr()->UpdateExtProp( iExtension, pUIObj ); m_pCandUI->NotifyExtensionEvent( iExtension, dwCommand, lParam ); }
return 0; }
/* O N U S E R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnUser(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if (uMsg == WM_USER) { ProcessCommand( (CANDUICOMMAND)wParam, (int)lParam ); } }
/* I N I T C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize candidate list data in candidate window
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::InitCandidateList( void ) { // set candidate list data
// prepare to layout window
// NOTE: Call it only once when initializing.
// layout ui objects
// set the selection
SetSelectionProc(); }
/* P R O C E S S C O M M A N D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Process candidate commands
Return value: S_OK : command processed successfully S_FALSE : command has not processed but not error E_FAIL : command is failed
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandWindowBase::ProcessCommand( CANDUICOMMAND cmd, INT iParam ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
switch (MapCommand( cmd )) { case CANDUICMD_NONE: { hr = E_FAIL; break; }
case CANDUICMD_NOP: { // no operation
hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_COMPLETE: { CompleteCandidate(); hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_CANCEL: { CancelCandidate(); hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_MOVESELNEXT: { SelectItemNext(); hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_MOVESELPREV: { SelectItemPrev(); hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_MOVESELPREVPG: { SelectPagePrev(); hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_MOVESELNEXTPG: { SelectPageNext(); hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_MOVESELFIRST: { SelectItemTop(); hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_MOVESELLAST: { SelectItemEnd(); hr = S_OK; break; }
case CANDUICMD_SELECTITEM: { if (SelectItemProc( iParam )) { CompleteCandidate(); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } break; }
case CANDUICMD_SELECTLINE: { if (SelectItemProc( GetUIListObj()->GetTopItem() + iParam - 1 )) { CompleteCandidate(); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } break; }
case CANDUICMD_OPENCANDMENU: { if (!FCandMenuOpen()) { OpenCandidateMenu(); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } break; }
case CANDUICMD_SELECTRAWDATA: { Assert( GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() != NULL );
// not eat key when rawdata is not selectable
if (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->FRawDataSelectable()) { hr = m_pCandUI->NotifyCompleteRawData(); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } break; }
case CANDUICMD_SELECTEXTRACAND: { Assert( GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() != NULL );
// not eat key when rawdata is not selectable
if (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetExtraCandItem() != NULL) { hr = m_pCandUI->NotifyCompleteExtraCand(); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } break; }
default: { // unknown command has come
Assert( FALSE ); break; } }
return hr; }
/* I S I N D E X V A L I D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
is index valid
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandWindowBase::IsIndexValid( int i, BOOL *pfValid ) { Assert( pfValid != NULL );
*pfValid = FALSE; if (GetUIListObj() == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
int iListItem = GetUIListObj()->GetTopItem() + i - 1;
*pfValid = GetUIListObj()->IsItemSelectable( iListItem ); return S_OK; }
/* D E S T R O Y W N D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Destroy candidate window
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::DestroyWnd( void ) { if (m_pCandMenu != NULL) { m_pCandMenu->ClosePopup(); }
DestroyWindow( GetWnd() ); }
/* U P D A T E A L L W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::UpdateAllWindow( void ) { UpdateWindow(); }
/* O P E N C A N D I D A T E M E N U */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OpenCandidateMenu( void ) { CMenuButtonProperty *pMenuBtnProp; UINT uiCmd; RECT rc; POINT pt; BOOL fNotify = FALSE;
// sanity check
if (m_pCandMenuBtn == NULL) { return; }
// do not open menu when button is not enabled and visible
if (!m_pCandMenuBtn->IsEnabled() || !m_pCandMenuBtn->IsVisible()) { return; }
pMenuBtnProp = GetPropertyMgr()->GetMenuButtonProp(); Assert( pMenuBtnProp != NULL );
Assert( pMenuBtnProp->IsEnabled() ); Assert( pMenuBtnProp->GetEventSink() ); if ( pMenuBtnProp->GetEventSink() == NULL ) { return; }
// calc position to display
m_pCandMenuBtn->GetRect( &rc ); ClientToScreen( m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rc.left ); ClientToScreen( m_hWnd, (POINT*)&rc.right ); pt.x = rc.left; pt.y = rc.bottom;
// pushdown the menu button
Assert( m_pCandMenuBtn->GetToggleState() ); m_pCandMenuBtn->SetToggleState( TRUE ); m_fCandMenuOpen = TRUE;
// create and popup menu
m_pCandMenu = new CCandMenu( g_hInst ); if (m_pCandMenu != NULL) { if (pMenuBtnProp->GetEventSink()->InitMenu( m_pCandMenu ) == S_OK) { uiCmd = m_pCandMenu->ShowPopup( this, pt, &rc ); fNotify = TRUE; } m_pCandMenu->Release(); m_pCandMenu = NULL; }
// restore the menu button
m_fCandMenuOpen = FALSE; m_pCandMenuBtn->SetToggleState( FALSE );
if (fNotify) { pMenuBtnProp->GetEventSink()->OnMenuCommand( uiCmd ); }
Release(); }
/* F C A N D M E N U O P E N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCandWindowBase::FCandMenuOpen( void ) { return m_fCandMenuOpen; }
/* G E T C A N D M E N U */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandMenu *CCandWindowBase::GetCandMenu( void ) { return m_pCandMenu; }
/* G E T I C O N M E N U */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HICON CCandWindowBase::GetIconMenu( void ) { return m_hIconMenu; }
/* G E T I C O N P O P U P O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HICON CCandWindowBase::GetIconPopupOn( void ) { return m_hIconPopupOn; }
/* G E T I C O N P O P U P O F F */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HICON CCandWindowBase::GetIconPopupOff( void ) { return m_hIconPopupOff; }
/* F I N D U I O B J E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Find UI object which has an ID When no UI object found, returns NULL.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFObject *CCandWindowBase::FindUIObject( DWORD dwID ) { int nChild; int i;
nChild = m_ChildList.GetCount(); for (i = 0; i < nChild; i++) { CUIFObject *pUIObj = m_ChildList.Get( i );
Assert( pUIObj ); if (pUIObj->GetID() == dwID) { return pUIObj; } }
return NULL; }
/* O P T I O N I T E M F R O M L I S T I T E M */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get index of options candidate item in candidate list data from index of item in UIList object
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CCandWindowBase::OptionItemFromListItem( int iListItem ) { CUIFCandListBase *pUIListObj = GetUIOptionsListObj(); CCandListItem *pListItem;
pListItem = pUIListObj->GetCandItem( iListItem );
return (pListItem != NULL) ? pListItem->GetICandItem() : ICANDITEM_NULL; }
/* C A N D I T E M F R O M L I S T I T E M */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get index of candidate item in candidate list data from index of item in UIList object
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CCandWindowBase::CandItemFromListItem( int iListItem ) { CUIFCandListBase *pUIListObj = GetUIListObj(); CCandListItem *pListItem;
pListItem = pUIListObj->GetCandItem( iListItem );
return (pListItem != NULL) ? pListItem->GetICandItem() : ICANDITEM_NULL; }
/* L I S T I T E M F R O M C A N D I T E M */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get index of item in UIList object from index of candidate item in candidate list data
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CCandWindowBase::ListItemFromCandItem( int iCandItem ) { CUIFCandListBase *pUIListObj = GetUIListObj(); int iListItem; int nListItem;
nListItem = pUIListObj->GetItemCount(); for (iListItem = 0; iListItem < nListItem; iListItem++) { CCandListItem *pListItem = pUIListObj->GetCandItem( iListItem );
if (pListItem != NULL && pListItem->GetICandItem() == iCandItem) { return iListItem; } }
return -1; /* not found */ }
/* O N M E N U O P E N E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnMenuOpened( void ) { }
/* O N M E N U C L O S E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::OnMenuClosed( void ) { }
/* S E T C A N D I D A T E L I S T P R O C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set candidate list
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::SetCandidateListProc( void ) { CUIFCandListBase *pUIListObj = GetUIListObj(); CUIFCandListBase *pUIOptionsListObj = GetUIOptionsListObj(); CCandidateList *pCandList; CCandidateList *pOptionsList; int i; int nListItem;
pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); Assert( pCandList != NULL );
pOptionsList = GetCandListMgr()->GetOptionsList(); Assert( pOptionsList != NULL); // reset list item
pUIListObj->DelAllCandItem(); pUIListObj->SetCandList(pCandList);
// reset options list item
if (pOptionsList) { pUIOptionsListObj->DelAllCandItem(); pUIOptionsListObj->SetCandList(pOptionsList); pUIOptionsListObj->SetCurSel(-1); }
// rawdata
m_fHasRawData = pCandList->FHasRawData(); if (m_fHasRawData) { switch (pCandList->GetRawDataType()) { case CANDUIRDT_STRING: { m_pCandRawData->SetText( pCandList->GetRawDataString() ); break; }
case CANDUIRDT_BITMAP: { m_pCandRawData->SetBitmap( pCandList->GetRawDataBitmap() ); break; }
case CANDUIRDT_METAFILE: { m_pCandRawData->SetMetaFile( pCandList->GetRawDataMetafile() ); break; } } }
// enable/disable candidate number button
nListItem = pUIListObj->GetItemCount(); for (i = 0; i < NUM_CANDSTR_MAX; i++) { CUIFObject *pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_CANDNUMBUTTON + i );
if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->Enable( i < nListItem ); } }
// update window
if (m_hWnd != NULL) { InvalidateRect( m_hWnd, NULL, TRUE ); } }
/* C L E A R C A N D I D A T E L I S T P R O C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clear candidte list
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::ClearCandidateListProc( void ) { GetUIListObj()->DelAllCandItem(); }
/* S E T S E L E C T I O N P R O C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set selection
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::SetSelectionProc( void ) { int iCandItem; int iListItem;
Assert( GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() != NULL );
iCandItem = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetSelection(); iListItem = ListItemFromCandItem( iCandItem );
SelectItemProc( iListItem ); }
/* S E L E C T I T E M P R O C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Select item procedure
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCandWindowBase::SelectItemProc( int iListItem ) { if (GetUIListObj()->IsItemSelectable( iListItem )) { GetUIListObj()->SetCurSel( iListItem ); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
/* S E L E C T I T E M T O P */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::SelectItemTop( void ) { SelectItemProc( 0 ); }
/* S E L E C T I T E M E N D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::SelectItemEnd( void ) { SelectItemProc( GetUIListObj()->GetItemCount() - 1 ); }
/* S E L E C T C A N D I D A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandWindowBase::SelectOptionCandidate( void ) { int iListItem; int iCandItem;
iListItem = GetUIOptionsListObj()->GetCurSel(); iCandItem = OptionItemFromListItem( iListItem );
// NOTE: KOJIW: do not set selection again when the selection in listbox
// is changed by selection update notification...
if (m_fOnSelectionChanged) { return S_OK; }
GetCandListMgr()->SetOptionSelection( iCandItem, this );
// We do not want to send a selection notification for options.
return S_OK; }
/* S E L E C T C A N D I D A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandWindowBase::SelectCandidate( void ) { int iListItem; int iCandItem;
iListItem = GetUIListObj()->GetCurSel(); iCandItem = CandItemFromListItem( iListItem );
// NOTE: KOJIW: do not set selection again when the selection in listbox
// is changed by selection update notification...
if (m_fOnSelectionChanged) { return S_OK; }
GetCandListMgr()->SetSelection( iCandItem, this );
return m_pCandUI->NotifySelectCand( iCandItem ); }
/* C O M P L E T E O P T I O N C A N D I D A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandWindowBase::CompleteOptionCandidate( void ) { int iCandItem; int iListItem;
iListItem = GetUIOptionsListObj()->GetCurSel(); iCandItem = OptionItemFromListItem( iListItem );
return m_pCandUI->NotifyCompleteOption( iCandItem ); }
/* C O M P L E T E C A N D I D A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandWindowBase::CompleteCandidate( void ) { int iCandItem; int iListItem;
iListItem = GetUIListObj()->GetCurSel(); iCandItem = CandItemFromListItem( iListItem );
return m_pCandUI->NotifyCompleteCand( iCandItem ); }
/* C A N C E L C A N D I D A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandWindowBase::CancelCandidate( void ) { return m_pCandUI->NotifyCancelCand(); }
/* G E T M E N U I C O N S I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CCandWindowBase::GetMenuIconSize( void ) { const int iIconResSize = 12; // icon size in resource
const int iDefBtnSize = 14; // button size of default
int iIconSize; SIZE size;
// reload menu button icon
size.cx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL ); size.cy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL );
iIconSize = min( size.cx, size.cy ) - 2; iIconSize = iIconSize * iIconResSize / iDefBtnSize;
return iIconSize; }
/* C R E A T E E X T E N S I O N O B J E C T S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::CreateExtensionObjects( void ) { LONG nExtension; LONG i;
Assert( m_nExtUIObj == 0 );
nExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum(); m_nExtUIObj = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nExtension; i++) { CUIFObject *pUIObj = NULL; RECT rc = {0};
pUIObj = GetExtensionMgr()->CreateUIObject( i, this, IDUIF_EXTENDED + i, &rc ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->Initialize();
GetExtensionMgr()->UpdateObjProp( i, pUIObj );
AddUIObj( pUIObj ); m_nExtUIObj++; } } }
/* D E L E T E E X T E N S I O N O B J E C T S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::DeleteExtensionObjects( void ) { LONG nExtension; LONG i;
nExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum(); for (i = 0; i < nExtension; i++) { CUIFObject *pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_EXTENDED + i );
if (pUIObj != NULL) { RemoveUIObj( pUIObj ); delete pUIObj;
m_nExtUIObj--; } }
Assert( m_nExtUIObj == 0 ); m_nExtUIObj = 0; }
/* S E T E X T E N S I O N O B J E C T P R O P S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindowBase::SetExtensionObjectProps( void ) { LONG nExtension; LONG i;
nExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum(); for (i = 0; i < nExtension; i++) { CUIFObject *pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_EXTENDED + i );
if (pUIObj != NULL) { GetExtensionMgr()->UpdateObjProp( i, pUIObj ); } } }
/*============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C C A N D W I N D O W */ /* */ /*============================================================================*/
/* C C A N D W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constructor of CCandWindow
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandWindow::CCandWindow( CCandidateUI *pCandUI, DWORD dwStyle ) : CCandWindowBase( pCandUI, dwStyle | UIWINDOW_TOPMOST | UIWINDOW_TOOLWINDOW | UIWINDOW_OFC10MENU ) { m_pOptionsListUIObj = NULL; m_pListUIObj = NULL; m_pExtListUIObj = NULL; m_pWndFrame = NULL; m_pCaptionObj = NULL; m_cxWndOffset = 0; m_cyWndOffset = 0; m_nItemShow = 1; m_pCommentWnd = NULL; m_fCommentWndOpen = FALSE; m_iItemAttensionSelect = -1; m_iItemAttensionHover = -1; m_pCandTipWnd = NULL; m_pCandTipBtn = NULL; m_fCandTipWndOpen = FALSE; }
/* ~ C C A N D W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Destructor of CCandWindow
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandWindow::~CCandWindow() { //
// Notify UI object destroy
if (m_pCommentWnd) { delete m_pCommentWnd; }
if (m_pCandTipWnd) { delete m_pCandTipWnd; } }
/* C R E A T E W N D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HWND CCandWindow::CreateWnd( HWND hWndParent ) { HWND hWnd = CCandWindowBase::CreateWnd( hWndParent );
Assert( GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() != NULL );
// make timer to popup comment window
SetAttensionBySelect( GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetSelection() );
return hWnd; }
/* S H O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::Show( BOOL fShow ) { if (m_fCommentWndOpen) { m_pCommentWnd->Show( fShow ); }
if (fShow) { if (m_fCandTipWndOpen) { OpenCandTipWindow(); } } else { if (m_fCandTipWndOpen) { CloseCandTipWindow(); } }
CCandWindowBase::Show( fShow ); }
/* I N I T I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize UI objects
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFObject *CCandWindow::Initialize( void ) { RECT rc = {0}; #ifdef NEVER
CUIFButton *pButton; #endif
CUIFBorder *pBorder;
// create window frame
m_pWndFrame = new CUIFWndFrame( this, &rc, UIWNDFRAME_THIN | UIWNDFRAME_NORESIZE ); if (m_pWndFrame != NULL) { m_pWndFrame->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pWndFrame ); }
#ifdef NEVER
if (!FHasStyle( UIWINDOW_OFFICENEWLOOK )) { int i;
// create candidate num buttons
for (i = 0; i < NUM_CANDSTR_MAX; i++) { WCHAR szNum[2];
pButton = new CUIFButton( this, IDUIF_CANDNUMBUTTON + i, &rc, UIBUTTON_CENTER | UIBUTTON_VCENTER ); if (pButton) { pButton->Initialize(); szNum[0] = L'1' + i; szNum[1] = L'\0'; pButton->SetText( szNum );
AddUIObj( pButton ); } }
// create border
pBorder = new CUIFBorder( this, IDUIF_BORDERLEFT, &rc, UIBORDER_VERT ); pBorder->Initialize(); AddUIObj( pBorder ); } #endif
// create options candidate list
m_pOptionsListUIObj = new CUIFCandList( this, IDUIF_OPTIONSLIST, &rc, UILIST_HORZTB ); if (m_pOptionsListUIObj != NULL) { m_pOptionsListUIObj->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pOptionsListUIObj );
// m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetIconPopupComment( m_hIconPopupOn, m_hIconPopupOff );
// create options candidate list border
pBorder = new CUIFCandBorder( this, IDUIF_BORDEROPTIONSCAND, &rc, UIBORDER_HORZ ); if (pBorder != NULL) { pBorder->Initialize(); AddUIObj( pBorder ); }
// create candidate list
m_pListUIObj = new CUIFCandList( this, IDUIF_CANDIDATELIST, &rc, UILIST_HORZTB ); if (m_pListUIObj != NULL) { m_pListUIObj->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pListUIObj );
m_pListUIObj->SetIconPopupComment( m_hIconPopupOn, m_hIconPopupOff ); }
// create extra candidate list
m_pExtListUIObj = new CUIFExtCandList( this, IDUIF_EXTCANDIDATELIST, &rc, UILIST_HORZTB ); if (m_pExtListUIObj != NULL) { m_pExtListUIObj->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pExtListUIObj ); }
// create extra candidate list border
pBorder = new CUIFCandBorder( this, IDUIF_BORDEREXTRACAND, &rc, UIBORDER_HORZ ); if (pBorder != NULL) { pBorder->Initialize(); AddUIObj( pBorder ); }
// create candidate menu button
m_pCandMenuBtn = new CUIFCandMenuButton( this, IDUIF_CANDIDATEMENU, &rc, UIBUTTON_TOGGLE | UIBUTTON_CENTER | UIBUTTON_VCENTER ); if (m_pCandMenuBtn != NULL) { m_pCandMenuBtn->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pCandMenuBtn );
if (m_pCandAcc != NULL) { m_pCandAcc->AddAccItem( (CUIFCandMenuButton*)m_pCandMenuBtn ); }
m_pCandMenuBtn->SetIcon( m_hIconMenu ); }
// create raw data border
pBorder = new CUIFCandBorder( this, IDUIF_BORDERRAWDATA, &rc, UIBORDER_HORZ ); if (pBorder != NULL) { pBorder->Initialize(); AddUIObj( pBorder ); } //
// creare raw data statics
m_pCandRawData = new CUIFCandRawData( this, IDUIF_RAWDATA, &rc, UICANDRAWDATA_HORZTB ); if (m_pCandRawData != NULL) { m_pCandRawData->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pCandRawData ); }
// create extension border
pBorder = new CUIFCandBorder( this, IDUIF_BORDERBOTTOM, &rc, UIBORDER_HORZ ); if (pBorder != NULL) { pBorder->Initialize(); AddUIObj( pBorder ); }
// create extension items
if (0 < GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum()) { CreateExtensionObjects(); }
// create caption
m_pCaptionObj = new CUIFWndCaption( this, IDUIF_CAPTION, &rc, UIWNDCAPTION_INACTIVE ); if (m_pCaptionObj != NULL) { m_pCaptionObj->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pCaptionObj ); }
m_pCandTipBtn = new CUIFButton2( this, IDUIF_CANDTIPBTN, &rc, UIBUTTON_CENTER | UIBUTTON_VCENTER ); if (m_pCandTipBtn != NULL) { m_pCandTipBtn->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pCandTipBtn );
m_pCandTipBtn->SetIcon( m_hIconCandTipOff ); }
// create candidate tip window
m_pCandTipWnd = new CUIFBalloonWindow( g_hInst, 0 ); if (m_pCandTipWnd) { m_pCandTipWnd->Initialize(); m_pCandTipWnd->SetFont( GetPropertyMgr()->GetToolTipProp()->GetFont() ); }
// create poupup window
m_pCommentWnd = new CPopupCommentWindow( this, m_pCandUI ); if (m_pCommentWnd != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->Initialize(); }
// Initialize accessibility item
if (m_pCandAcc != NULL) { m_pListUIObj->InitAccItems( m_pCandAcc ); }
// Notify UI object creation
return CCandWindowBase::Initialize(); }
/* G E T W N D S T Y L E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CCandWindow::GetWndStyle( void ) { return CCandWindowBase::GetWndStyle() & ~WS_BORDER; }
/* O N T I M E R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OnTimer( UINT uiTimerID ) { if (uiTimerID == IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_SELECT || uiTimerID == IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER) { int iItem;
iItem = (uiTimerID == IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_SELECT) ? m_iItemAttensionSelect : m_iItemAttensionHover; OpenCommentWindow( iItem ); } else if (uiTimerID == IDTIMER_MENU_HOVER) { // Check mouse position.
POINT pt; RECT rc; GetCursorPos(&pt); ScreenToClient(m_hWnd, &pt); m_pOptionsListUIObj->GetRect(&rc); pt.x -= rc.left; pt.y -= rc.top; if (pt.x < 0 || pt.y < 0 || pt.x > (rc.right - rc.left) || pt.y > (rc.bottom - rc.top)) { KillTimer(m_hWnd, IDTIMER_MENU_HOVER); // Send messages that Cicero does on the mouse monitoring timer to trigger correct behavior and
// unselect the menu item.
SetObjectPointed( NULL, pt ); OnMouseOutFromWindow( pt ); } else { SetTimer(m_hWnd, IDTIMER_MENU_HOVER, 50, NULL); } } }
/* O N S Y S C O L O R C H A N G E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CUIFWindow method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OnSysColorChange() { CCandWindowBase::OnSysColorChange();
if (m_pCandTipBtn) { m_pCandTipBtn->SetIcon( m_fCandTipWndOpen ? m_hIconCandTipOn : m_hIconCandTipOff ); } }
/* O N O B J E C T N O T I F Y */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT CCandWindow::OnObjectNotify( CUIFObject *pUIObj, DWORD dwCommand, LPARAM lParam ) { // check hovering item
if (pUIObj->GetID() == IDUIF_OPTIONSLIST) { if (dwCommand == UICANDLIST_HOVERITEM) { int iCandItem = OptionItemFromListItem( (int)lParam );
SetOptionsAttensionByHover( iCandItem ); } } else if (pUIObj->GetID() == IDUIF_CANDIDATELIST) { if (dwCommand == UICANDLIST_HOVERITEM) { int iCandItem = CandItemFromListItem( (int)lParam );
SetAttensionByHover( iCandItem ); } else if (dwCommand == UILIST_SELCHANGED) { int iCandItem = CandItemFromListItem( (int)lParam );
SetAttensionBySelect( iCandItem ); } } else if (pUIObj->GetID() == IDUIF_EXTCANDIDATELIST) { if (dwCommand == UILIST_SELECTED) { m_pCandUI->NotifyCompleteExtraCand(); return 0; } } else if (pUIObj->GetID() == IDUIF_CANDTIPBTN) { if (m_fCandTipWndOpen) { CloseCandTipWindow(); m_fCandTipWndOpen = FALSE; } else { OpenCandTipWindow(); m_fCandTipWndOpen = TRUE; }
m_pCandTipBtn->SetIcon( m_fCandTipWndOpen ? m_hIconCandTipOn : m_hIconCandTipOff ); }
return CCandWindowBase::OnObjectNotify( pUIObj, dwCommand, lParam ); }
/* S E T T A R G E T R E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SetTargetRect( RECT *prc, BOOL fClipped ) { SIZE sizeWnd;
sizeWnd.cx = _nWidth; sizeWnd.cy = _nHeight;
if (IsShadowEnabled() && m_pWndShadow) { SIZE sizeShadow;
m_pWndShadow->GetShift( &sizeShadow ); sizeWnd.cx += sizeShadow.cx; sizeWnd.cy += sizeShadow.cy; }
m_rcTarget = *prc; m_fTargetClipped = fClipped;
if (m_hWnd != NULL) { RECT rc;
// move window here...
switch (GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection()) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { CalcWindowRect( &rc, &m_rcTarget, sizeWnd.cx, sizeWnd.cy, m_cxWndOffset, m_cyWndOffset, ALIGN_LEFT, LOCATE_BELLOW ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { CalcWindowRect( &rc, &m_rcTarget, sizeWnd.cx, sizeWnd.cy, m_cxWndOffset, m_cyWndOffset, ALIGN_RIGHT, LOCATE_ABOVE ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: { CalcWindowRect( &rc, &m_rcTarget, sizeWnd.cx, sizeWnd.cy, m_cxWndOffset, m_cyWndOffset, LOCATE_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { CalcWindowRect( &rc, &m_rcTarget, sizeWnd.cx, sizeWnd.cy, m_cxWndOffset, m_cyWndOffset, LOCATE_RIGHT, ALIGN_BOTTOM ); break; } }
if (rc.left != _xWnd || rc.top != _yWnd) { Move( rc.left, rc.top, -1, -1 );
if (m_pCommentWnd != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->OnCandWindowMove( TRUE ); }
if (m_pCandTipWnd != NULL) { MoveCandTipWindow(); } } } }
/* S E T W I N D O W P O S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SetWindowPos( POINT pt ) { if (m_hWnd != NULL) { RECT rc;
rc.left = pt.x; rc.top = pt.y; rc.right = pt.x + _nWidth; rc.bottom = pt.y + _nHeight;
AdjustWindowRect( NULL, &rc, &pt, FALSE ); if (rc.left != _xWnd || rc.top != _yWnd) { Move( rc.left, rc.top, -1, -1 );
if (m_pCommentWnd != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->OnCandWindowMove( TRUE ); }
if (m_pCandTipWnd != NULL) { MoveCandTipWindow(); } } } }
/* P R E P A R E L A Y O U T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prepare to layout window NOTE: This method will be called just once after created (not called when candidate list has updated)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::PrepareLayout( void ) { // determine lines of options list ui object
m_nOptionsItemShow = m_pOptionsListUIObj->GetCount();
// determine lines of list ui object
if (GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandListBoxProp()->GetHeight() == -1) { m_nItemShow = min( m_pListUIObj->GetCount(), NUM_CANDSTR_MAX ); m_nItemShow = max( m_nItemShow, 1 ); } else { m_nItemShow = GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandListBoxProp()->GetHeight(); }
Assert((1 <= m_nItemShow) && (m_nItemShow <= 9));
// determine candtip window open status
m_fCandTipWndOpen = (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetTipString() != NULL); }
/* L A Y O U T W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Layout window
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::LayoutWindow( void ) { HDC hDC = GetDC( m_hWnd ); int nChild; int i; CUIFObject *pUIObj;
// metrics
SIZE sizeMetText; SIZE sizeMetCaptionText; SIZE sizeMetCandItem; #ifdef NEVER
SIZE sizeMetCandNum; #endif
SIZE sizeMetSmButton; SIZE sizeMetScroll; SIZE sizeMetBorder; #ifdef NEVER
SIZE sizeMetMargin; #endif
SIZE sizeMetWndFrame;
SIZE sizeCaptionObj = {0}; SIZE sizeExtCandListObj = {0}; SIZE sizeExtCandListBdr = {0}; SIZE sizeOptionsListObj = {0}; SIZE sizeOptionsListBdr = {0}; SIZE sizeCandListObj = {0}; SIZE sizeRawDataObj = {0}; SIZE sizeRawDataBdr = {0};
SIZE sizeCandListArea = {0}; SIZE sizeExtensionArea = {0};
SIZE sizeWindow = {0}; RECT rcClient = {0}; RECT rcWindow = {0};
RECT rcCaptionObj = {0}; RECT rcOptionsListBdr = {0}; RECT rcCandListArea = {0}; RECT rcExtensionArea = {0};
RECT rcExtCandListObj = {0}; RECT rcExtCandListBdr = {0}; RECT rcOptionsListObj = {0}; RECT rcCandListObj = {0}; RECT rcRawDataObj = {0}; RECT rcRawDataBdr = {0};
int cxMax = 0; int cxMaxCandString = 0; int cxMaxInlineComment = 0; int cxInlineCommentPos = 0; int cxyExtraTopSpace = 0; int cxyExtraBottomSpace = 0;
DWORD dwListStyle; DWORD dwBdrStyle;
CANDUIUIDIRECTION uidir = GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection(); #ifdef NEVER
BOOL fShowNumber = !FHasStyle( UIWINDOW_OFFICENEWLOOK ); #endif
BOOL fShowCaption = GetPropertyMgr()->GetWindowCaptionProp()->IsVisible(); BOOL fShowCandTip = (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() != NULL) ? (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetTipString() != NULL) : FALSE; HFONT hFontUI = (HFONT)GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ); HFONT hFontCandidateList = GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandStringProp()->GetFont(); HFONT hFontInlineComment = GetPropertyMgr()->GetInlineCommentProp()->GetFont(); HFONT hFontIndex = GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandIndexProp()->GetFont(); HFONT hFontCaption = GetPropertyMgr()->GetWindowCaptionProp()->GetFont(); BOOL fHasExtension = (0 < GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum()); BOOL fShowExtCandList = FALSE; BOOL fShowOptionsCandList = FALSE; BOOL fHasPopupComment = FALSE;
Assert( 1 <= m_nItemShow );
// set font of UI object
nChild = m_ChildList.GetCount(); for (i = 0; i < nChild; i++) { CUIFObject *pUIObjTmp = m_ChildList.Get( i );
Assert( pUIObjTmp != NULL ); if (pUIObjTmp == m_pListUIObj) { m_pListUIObj->SetFont( hFontCandidateList ); m_pListUIObj->SetInlineCommentFont( hFontInlineComment ); m_pListUIObj->SetIndexFont( hFontIndex ); } else if (pUIObjTmp == m_pOptionsListUIObj) { m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetFont( hFontCandidateList ); m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetInlineCommentFont( hFontInlineComment ); m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetIndexFont( hFontIndex ); } else if (pUIObjTmp == m_pExtListUIObj) { m_pExtListUIObj->SetFont( hFontCandidateList ); m_pExtListUIObj->SetInlineCommentFont( hFontInlineComment ); m_pExtListUIObj->SetIndexFont( hFontIndex ); } else if (pUIObjTmp == m_pCaptionObj) { pUIObjTmp->SetFont( hFontCaption ); } else { pUIObjTmp->SetFont( hFontUI ); } }
// calculate metrics
// window frame
sizeMetWndFrame.cx = 0; sizeMetWndFrame.cy = 0; if (m_pWndFrame != NULL) { m_pWndFrame->GetFrameSize( &sizeMetWndFrame ); }
// candidate item
sizeMetText.cx = GetFontHeightOfFont( hDC, hFontCandidateList ); sizeMetText.cy = GetFontHeightOfFont( hDC, hFontCandidateList ); sizeMetCandItem.cx = sizeMetText.cy * 4; sizeMetCandItem.cy = m_pUIFScheme->CyMenuItem( sizeMetText.cy );
// Options list.
if (m_pOptionsListUIObj != NULL) { HFONT hFontOld = (HFONT)GetCurrentObject( hDC, OBJ_FONT ); int nItem = m_pOptionsListUIObj->GetCount(); LPCWSTR psz; SIZE size; CCandidateItem *pOptionsItem;
fShowOptionsCandList = (0 < nItem);
// get candidate string width
SelectObject( hDC, hFontCandidateList ); for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { pOptionsItem = m_pOptionsListUIObj->GetCandidateItem( i ); // can't really do anything if this is null
if ( !pOptionsItem ) continue;
psz = pOptionsItem->GetString(); if (psz != NULL) { SIZE sizeT;
FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &size );
if (pOptionsItem->GetIcon() != NULL) { size.cx += sizeMetCandItem.cy; }
if (psz = pOptionsItem->GetPrefixString()) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &sizeT ); size.cx += sizeT.cx; }
if (psz = pOptionsItem->GetSuffixString()) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &sizeT ); size.cx += sizeT.cx; }
cxMaxCandString = max( cxMaxCandString, size.cx );
// check if it has popup comment
if (pOptionsItem->GetPopupComment() != NULL) { fHasPopupComment = TRUE; } } }
// get inline comment width
SelectObject( hDC, hFontInlineComment ); for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { pOptionsItem = m_pOptionsListUIObj->GetCandidateItem( i );
if (pOptionsItem) { psz = pOptionsItem->GetInlineComment(); if (psz != NULL) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &size ); cxMaxInlineComment = max( cxMaxInlineComment, size.cx ); } } }
SelectObject( hDC, hFontOld ); }
// Main candidate list.
if (m_pListUIObj != NULL) { HFONT hFontOld = (HFONT)GetCurrentObject( hDC, OBJ_FONT ); int nItem = m_pListUIObj->GetCount(); LPCWSTR psz; SIZE size; CCandidateItem *pCandItem;
// get candidate string width
SelectObject( hDC, hFontCandidateList ); for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { pCandItem = m_pListUIObj->GetCandidateItem( i ); // can't really do anything if this is null
if ( !pCandItem ) continue;
psz = pCandItem->GetString(); if (psz != NULL) { SIZE sizeT;
FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &size );
if (pCandItem->GetIcon() != NULL) { size.cx += sizeMetCandItem.cy; }
if (psz = pCandItem->GetPrefixString()) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &sizeT ); size.cx += sizeT.cx; }
if (psz = pCandItem->GetSuffixString()) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &sizeT ); size.cx += sizeT.cx; }
cxMaxCandString = max( cxMaxCandString, size.cx );
// check if it has popup comment
if (pCandItem->GetPopupComment() != NULL) { fHasPopupComment = TRUE; } } }
// get inline comment width
SelectObject( hDC, hFontInlineComment ); for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { pCandItem = m_pListUIObj->GetCandidateItem( i );
if (pCandItem) { psz = pCandItem->GetInlineComment(); if (psz != NULL) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &size ); cxMaxInlineComment = max( cxMaxInlineComment, size.cx ); } } }
SelectObject( hDC, hFontOld ); }
// extra candidate item
if (m_pExtListUIObj != NULL) { HFONT hFontOld = (HFONT)GetCurrentObject( hDC, OBJ_FONT ); int nItem = m_pExtListUIObj->GetCount(); LPCWSTR psz; SIZE size; CCandidateItem *pCandItem;
fShowExtCandList = (0 < nItem); Assert( nItem <= 1 );
// get candidate string width
SelectObject( hDC, hFontCandidateList ); for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { pCandItem = m_pExtListUIObj->GetCandidateItem( i );
// can't really do anything if this is null
if ( !pCandItem ) continue;
psz = pCandItem->GetString(); if (psz != NULL) { SIZE sizeT;
FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &size );
if (pCandItem->GetIcon() != NULL) { size.cx += sizeMetCandItem.cy; }
if (psz = pCandItem->GetPrefixString()) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &sizeT ); size.cx += sizeT.cx; }
if (psz = pCandItem->GetSuffixString()) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &sizeT ); size.cx += sizeT.cx; }
cxMaxCandString = max( cxMaxCandString, size.cx );
// check if it has popup comment
if (pCandItem->GetPopupComment() != NULL) { fHasPopupComment = TRUE; } } }
// get inline comment width
SelectObject( hDC, hFontInlineComment ); for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { pCandItem = m_pExtListUIObj->GetCandidateItem( i );
if (pCandItem) { psz = pCandItem->GetInlineComment(); if (psz != NULL) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &size ); cxMaxInlineComment = max( cxMaxInlineComment, size.cx ); } } }
SelectObject( hDC, hFontOld ); }
// calc width of candidate item and inline comment
if (0 < cxMaxInlineComment) { int cxT = (cxMaxCandString + sizeMetText.cy / 2 + cxMaxInlineComment);
cxT += 8 /* margen at left */ + (fHasPopupComment ? sizeMetText.cy / 2 + sizeMetCandItem.cy : 0) + 8 /* margin at right */;
cxInlineCommentPos = cxMaxCandString + sizeMetText.cy / 2; sizeMetCandItem.cx = max( sizeMetCandItem.cx, cxT ); } else { int cxT = cxMaxCandString;
cxT += 8 /* margen at left */ + (fHasPopupComment ? sizeMetText.cy / 2 + sizeMetCandItem.cy : 0) + 8 /* margin at right */;
cxInlineCommentPos = 0; sizeMetCandItem.cx = max( sizeMetCandItem.cx, cxT ); }
#ifdef NEVER
// number button
sizeMetCandNum.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cy; sizeMetCandNum.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cy; #endif
// scrollbar
sizeMetScroll.cx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL ); sizeMetScroll.cy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL );
// candidate menu button
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeMetSmButton.cx = sizeMetSmButton.cy = sizeMetScroll.cx; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeMetSmButton.cx = sizeMetSmButton.cy = sizeMetScroll.cy; break; } }
// caption text
if (m_pCaptionObj != NULL) { HFONT hFontOld = (HFONT)SelectObject( hDC, hFontCaption ); LPCWSTR psz; SIZE size;
psz = GetPropertyMgr()->GetWindowCaptionProp()->GetText(); if (psz != NULL) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, psz, wcslen(psz), &size ); } else { FLGetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, L" ", 1, &size ); }
sizeMetCaptionText.cx = size.cx; sizeMetCaptionText.cy = size.cy;
SelectObject( hDC, hFontOld); }
// border
sizeMetBorder.cx = 3; sizeMetBorder.cy = 3;
#ifdef NEVER
// object margin
sizeMetMargin.cx = 1; sizeMetMargin.cy = 1; #endif
// calculate sizes of objects
// caption
sizeCaptionObj.cx = 0; sizeCaptionObj.cy = 0;
if (fShowCaption) { sizeCaptionObj.cx = sizeMetCaptionText.cx + 16; sizeCaptionObj.cy = sizeMetCaptionText.cy + 2; }
// extra candidate list
sizeExtCandListObj.cx = 0; sizeExtCandListObj.cy = 0; sizeExtCandListBdr.cx = 0; sizeExtCandListBdr.cy = 0;
if (fShowExtCandList) { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeExtCandListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cx + sizeMetCandItem.cy + 4; sizeExtCandListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cy;
sizeExtCandListBdr.cx = sizeExtCandListObj.cx; sizeExtCandListBdr.cy = sizeMetBorder.cy; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeExtCandListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cy; sizeExtCandListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cx + sizeMetCandItem.cy + 4;
sizeExtCandListBdr.cx = sizeMetBorder.cx; sizeExtCandListBdr.cy = sizeExtCandListObj.cy; break; } } }
// Options candidate list
#ifdef NEVER
if (FHasStyle( UIWINDOW_OFFICENEWLOOK )) { #endif
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeOptionsListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cx + sizeMetCandItem.cy + 4; sizeOptionsListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cy * m_nOptionsItemShow;
sizeOptionsListBdr.cx = sizeOptionsListObj.cx; sizeOptionsListBdr.cy = fShowOptionsCandList ? sizeMetBorder.cy : 0; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeOptionsListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cy * m_nOptionsItemShow; sizeOptionsListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cy + sizeMetCandItem.cy + 4;
sizeOptionsListBdr.cx = fShowOptionsCandList ? sizeMetBorder.cx : 0; sizeOptionsListBdr.cy = sizeOptionsListObj.cy; break; } } #ifdef NEVER
} else { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeOptionsListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cx; sizeOptionsListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cy * m_nOptionsItemShow;
sizeOptionsListBdr.cx = sizeOptionsListObj.cx; sizeOptionsListBdr.cy = sizeMetBorder.cy;
m_cxWndOffset = -(sizeMetWndFrame.cx + (fShowNumber ? sizeMetCandNum.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx + sizeMetBorder.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx : 0)); m_cyWndOffset = 0; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeOptionsListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cy * m_nOptionsItemShow; sizeOptionsListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cy;
sizeOptionsListBdr.cx = sizeMetBorder.cx; sizeOptionsListBdr.cy = sizeOptionsListObj.cy;
m_cxWndOffset = 0; m_cyWndOffset = -(sizeMetWndFrame.cy + (fShowNumber ? sizeMetCandNum.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy + sizeMetBorder.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy : 0)); break; } } } #endif
// candidate list
#ifdef NEVER
if (FHasStyle( UIWINDOW_OFFICENEWLOOK )) { #endif
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeCandListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cx + sizeMetCandItem.cy + 4; sizeCandListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cy * m_nItemShow; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeCandListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cy * m_nItemShow; sizeCandListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cy + sizeMetCandItem.cy + 4; break; } } #ifdef NEVER
} else { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeCandListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cx; sizeCandListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cy * m_nItemShow;
m_cxWndOffset = -(sizeMetWndFrame.cx + (fShowNumber ? sizeMetCandNum.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx + sizeMetBorder.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx : 0)); m_cyWndOffset = 0; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeCandListObj.cx = sizeMetCandItem.cy * m_nItemShow; sizeCandListObj.cy = sizeMetCandItem.cx + sizeMetScroll.cy;
m_cxWndOffset = 0; m_cyWndOffset = -(sizeMetWndFrame.cy + (fShowNumber ? sizeMetCandNum.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy + sizeMetBorder.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy : 0)); break; } } } #endif
// raw data
sizeRawDataObj.cx = 0; sizeRawDataObj.cy = 0; sizeRawDataBdr.cx = 0; sizeRawDataBdr.cy = 0;
if (m_fHasRawData) { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeRawDataObj.cx = sizeCandListObj.cx + 2; sizeRawDataObj.cy = sizeMetText.cy * 3 / 2;
sizeRawDataBdr.cx = sizeRawDataObj.cx; sizeRawDataBdr.cy = sizeMetBorder.cy; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeRawDataObj.cx = sizeMetText.cy * 3 / 2; sizeRawDataObj.cy = sizeCandListObj.cy + 2;
sizeRawDataBdr.cx = sizeMetBorder.cx; sizeRawDataBdr.cy = sizeRawDataObj.cy; break; } } }
// calc offsets
#ifdef NEVER
if (FHasStyle( UIWINDOW_OFFICENEWLOOK )) { #endif
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { m_cxWndOffset = -(sizeMetWndFrame.cx + sizeMetCandItem.cy + 4 + 8); m_cyWndOffset = 0; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { m_cxWndOffset = +(sizeMetWndFrame.cx + sizeMetScroll.cx + 4); m_cyWndOffset = 0; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: { m_cxWndOffset = 0; m_cyWndOffset = -(sizeMetWndFrame.cy + sizeMetCandItem.cy + 4 + 8); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { m_cxWndOffset = 0; m_cyWndOffset = +(sizeMetWndFrame.cy + sizeMetScroll.cy + 4); break; } } #ifdef NEVER
} else { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { m_cxWndOffset = -(sizeMetWndFrame.cx + (fShowNumber ? sizeMetCandNum.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx + sizeMetBorder.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx : 0)); m_cyWndOffset = 0; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { m_cxWndOffset = 0; m_cyWndOffset = -(sizeMetWndFrame.cy + (fShowNumber ? sizeMetCandNum.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy + sizeMetBorder.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy : 0)); break; } } } #endif
// calculate sizes of areas
// candlist area
#ifdef NEVER
if (FHasStyle( UIWINDOW_OFFICENEWLOOK )) { #endif
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { // candidate list
sizeCandListArea.cx = sizeCandListObj.cx; sizeCandListArea.cy = sizeCandListObj.cy;
// options candidate list
sizeCandListArea.cx = max( sizeCandListArea.cx, sizeOptionsListObj.cx ); sizeCandListArea.cy += sizeOptionsListObj.cy + sizeOptionsListBdr.cy;
// extra candidate list
sizeCandListArea.cx = max( sizeCandListArea.cx, sizeExtCandListObj.cx ); sizeCandListArea.cy += sizeExtCandListObj.cy + sizeExtCandListBdr.cy;
// raw data
sizeCandListArea.cx = max( sizeCandListArea.cx, sizeRawDataObj.cx ); sizeCandListArea.cy += sizeRawDataObj.cy + sizeRawDataBdr.cy; break; }
sizeCandListArea.cx = sizeCandListObj.cx; sizeCandListArea.cy = sizeCandListObj.cy;
// options candidate list
sizeCandListArea.cx += sizeOptionsListObj.cx + sizeOptionsListBdr.cx; sizeCandListArea.cy = max( sizeCandListArea.cy, sizeOptionsListObj.cy );
// extra candidate list
sizeCandListArea.cx += sizeExtCandListObj.cx + sizeExtCandListBdr.cx; sizeCandListArea.cy = max( sizeCandListArea.cy, sizeExtCandListObj.cy );
// raw data
sizeCandListArea.cx += sizeRawDataObj.cx + sizeRawDataBdr.cx; sizeCandListArea.cy = max( sizeCandListArea.cy, sizeRawDataObj.cy ); break; } } #ifdef NEVER
} else { sizeCandListArea.cx = sizeCandListObj.cx; /* be adjusted later */ sizeCandListArea.cy = sizeCandListObj.cy; /* be adjusted later */
if (fShowNumber) { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeCandListArea.cx += sizeMetCandNum.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx + sizeMetBorder.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeCandListArea.cy += sizeMetCandNum.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy + sizeMetBorder.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy; break; } } } } #endif
// extension area
sizeExtensionArea.cx = 0; sizeExtensionArea.cy = 0;
if (fHasExtension) { SIZE size; LONG nExtension; LONG iExtension;
nExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum(); for (iExtension = 0; iExtension < nExtension; iExtension++) { CCandUIExtension *pExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtension( iExtension );
pExtension->GetSize( &size ); sizeExtensionArea.cx += size.cx; sizeExtensionArea.cy = max( sizeExtensionArea.cy, size.cy ); }
if (0 < nExtension) { sizeExtensionArea.cx += 2; sizeExtensionArea.cy += sizeMetBorder.cy; } }
// adjust object/area size
// max width
cxMax = sizeCaptionObj.cx; cxMax = max( cxMax, sizeCandListArea.cx ); cxMax = max( cxMax, sizeExtensionArea.cx );
// size of areas
sizeCaptionObj.cx = cxMax; sizeCandListArea.cx = cxMax; sizeExtensionArea.cx = cxMax;
// objects in candidate list areas
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { sizeExtCandListObj.cx = sizeCandListArea.cx; sizeExtCandListBdr.cx = sizeCandListArea.cx; sizeOptionsListObj.cx = sizeCandListArea.cx; sizeOptionsListBdr.cx = sizeCandListArea.cx; sizeCandListObj.cx = sizeCandListArea.cx; sizeRawDataObj.cx = sizeCandListArea.cx; sizeRawDataBdr.cx = sizeCandListArea.cx; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { sizeExtCandListObj.cy = sizeCandListArea.cy; sizeExtCandListBdr.cy = sizeCandListArea.cy; sizeOptionsListObj.cy = sizeCandListArea.cy; sizeOptionsListBdr.cy = sizeCandListArea.cy; sizeCandListObj.cy = sizeCandListArea.cy; sizeRawDataObj.cy = sizeCandListArea.cy; sizeRawDataBdr.cy = sizeCandListArea.cy; break; } }
// calculate window size, client area
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { // window size
sizeWindow.cx = sizeMetWndFrame.cx * 2 + cxMax; sizeWindow.cy = sizeMetWndFrame.cy * 2 + sizeCaptionObj.cy + sizeCandListArea.cy + sizeExtensionArea.cy;
// margin at top and bottom
sizeWindow.cy += 2;
// client area
rcClient.left = sizeMetWndFrame.cx; rcClient.top = sizeMetWndFrame.cy + 1; rcClient.right = sizeWindow.cx - sizeMetWndFrame.cx; rcClient.bottom = sizeWindow.cy - sizeMetWndFrame.cy - 1; break; }
sizeWindow.cx = sizeMetWndFrame.cx * 2 + cxMax; sizeWindow.cy = sizeMetWndFrame.cy * 2 + sizeCaptionObj.cy + sizeCandListArea.cy + sizeExtensionArea.cy;
// margin at top and bottom
sizeWindow.cx += 2;
// client area
rcClient.left = sizeMetWndFrame.cx + 1; rcClient.top = sizeMetWndFrame.cy; rcClient.right = sizeWindow.cx - sizeMetWndFrame.cx + 1; rcClient.bottom = sizeWindow.cy - sizeMetWndFrame.cy; break; } }
// calculate area/object rects
// caption
rcCaptionObj.left = rcClient.left; rcCaptionObj.top = rcClient.top; rcCaptionObj.right = rcCaptionObj.left + sizeCaptionObj.cx; rcCaptionObj.bottom = rcCaptionObj.top + sizeCaptionObj.cy;
// candidate list area
rcCandListArea.left = rcClient.left; rcCandListArea.top = rcCaptionObj.bottom; rcCandListArea.right = rcCandListArea.left + sizeCandListArea.cx; rcCandListArea.bottom = rcCandListArea.top + sizeCandListArea.cy;
// extension area
rcExtensionArea.left = rcClient.left; rcExtensionArea.top = rcCandListArea.bottom; rcExtensionArea.right = rcExtensionArea.left + sizeExtensionArea.cx; rcExtensionArea.bottom = rcExtensionArea.top + sizeExtensionArea.cy;
// calculate object rects in candidate list area
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { int py = rcCandListArea.top;
// extra candidate list
rcExtCandListObj.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcExtCandListObj.top = py; rcExtCandListObj.right = rcExtCandListObj.left + sizeExtCandListObj.cx; rcExtCandListObj.bottom = rcExtCandListObj.top + sizeExtCandListObj.cy; py = rcExtCandListObj.bottom;
rcExtCandListBdr.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcExtCandListBdr.top = py; rcExtCandListBdr.right = rcExtCandListBdr.left + sizeExtCandListBdr.cx; rcExtCandListBdr.bottom = rcExtCandListBdr.top + sizeExtCandListBdr.cy; py = rcExtCandListBdr.bottom;
// candidate list
rcCandListObj.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcCandListObj.top = py; rcCandListObj.right = rcCandListObj.left + sizeCandListObj.cx; rcCandListObj.bottom = rcCandListObj.top + sizeCandListObj.cy; py = rcCandListObj.bottom;
// rawdata
rcRawDataBdr.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcRawDataBdr.top = py; rcRawDataBdr.right = rcRawDataBdr.left + sizeRawDataBdr.cx; rcRawDataBdr.bottom = rcRawDataBdr.top + sizeRawDataBdr.cy; py = rcRawDataBdr.bottom;
rcRawDataObj.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcRawDataObj.top = py; rcRawDataObj.right = rcRawDataObj.left + sizeRawDataObj.cx; rcRawDataObj.bottom = rcRawDataObj.top + sizeRawDataObj.cy; py = rcRawDataObj.bottom;
// options candidate list
rcOptionsListBdr.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcOptionsListBdr.top = py; rcOptionsListBdr.right = rcOptionsListBdr.left + sizeOptionsListBdr.cx; rcOptionsListBdr.bottom = rcOptionsListBdr.top + sizeOptionsListBdr.cy; py = rcOptionsListBdr.bottom;
rcOptionsListObj.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcOptionsListObj.top = py; rcOptionsListObj.right = rcOptionsListObj.left + sizeOptionsListObj.cx; rcOptionsListObj.bottom = rcOptionsListObj.top + sizeOptionsListObj.cy; py = rcOptionsListObj.bottom;
break; }
case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { int py = rcCandListArea.top;
// options candidate list
rcOptionsListObj.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcOptionsListObj.top = py; rcOptionsListObj.right = rcOptionsListObj.left + sizeOptionsListObj.cx; rcOptionsListObj.bottom = rcOptionsListObj.top + sizeOptionsListObj.cy; py = rcOptionsListObj.bottom;
rcOptionsListBdr.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcOptionsListBdr.top = py; rcOptionsListBdr.right = rcOptionsListBdr.left + sizeOptionsListBdr.cx; rcOptionsListBdr.bottom = rcOptionsListBdr.top + sizeOptionsListBdr.cy; py = rcOptionsListBdr.bottom;
// rawdata
rcRawDataObj.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcRawDataObj.top = py; rcRawDataObj.right = rcRawDataObj.left + sizeRawDataObj.cx; rcRawDataObj.bottom = rcRawDataObj.top + sizeRawDataObj.cy; py = rcRawDataObj.bottom;
rcRawDataBdr.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcRawDataBdr.top = py; rcRawDataBdr.right = rcRawDataBdr.left + sizeRawDataBdr.cx; rcRawDataBdr.bottom = rcRawDataBdr.top + sizeRawDataBdr.cy; py = rcRawDataBdr.bottom;
// candidate list
rcCandListObj.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcCandListObj.top = py; rcCandListObj.right = rcCandListObj.left + sizeCandListObj.cx; rcCandListObj.bottom = rcCandListObj.top + sizeCandListObj.cy; py = rcCandListObj.bottom;
// extra candidate list
rcExtCandListBdr.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcExtCandListBdr.top = py; rcExtCandListBdr.right = rcExtCandListBdr.left + sizeExtCandListBdr.cx; rcExtCandListBdr.bottom = rcExtCandListBdr.top + sizeExtCandListBdr.cy; py = rcExtCandListBdr.bottom;
rcExtCandListObj.left = rcCandListArea.left; rcExtCandListObj.top = py; rcExtCandListObj.right = rcExtCandListObj.left + sizeExtCandListObj.cx; rcExtCandListObj.bottom = rcExtCandListObj.top + sizeExtCandListObj.cy; py = rcExtCandListObj.bottom;
break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: { int px = rcCandListArea.right;
// extra candidate list
rcExtCandListObj.left = px - sizeExtCandListObj.cx; rcExtCandListObj.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcExtCandListObj.right = rcExtCandListObj.left + sizeExtCandListObj.cx; rcExtCandListObj.bottom = rcExtCandListObj.top + sizeExtCandListObj.cy; px = rcExtCandListObj.left;
rcExtCandListBdr.left = px - sizeExtCandListBdr.cx; rcExtCandListBdr.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcExtCandListBdr.right = rcExtCandListBdr.left + sizeExtCandListBdr.cx; rcExtCandListBdr.bottom = rcExtCandListBdr.top + sizeExtCandListBdr.cy; px = rcExtCandListBdr.left;
// candidate list
rcCandListObj.left = px - sizeCandListObj.cx; rcCandListObj.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcCandListObj.right = rcCandListObj.left + sizeCandListObj.cx; rcCandListObj.bottom = rcCandListObj.top + sizeCandListObj.cy; px = rcCandListObj.left;
// rawdata
rcRawDataBdr.left = px - sizeRawDataBdr.cx; rcRawDataBdr.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcRawDataBdr.right = rcRawDataBdr.left + sizeRawDataBdr.cx; rcRawDataBdr.bottom = rcRawDataBdr.top + sizeRawDataBdr.cy; px = rcRawDataBdr.left;
rcRawDataObj.left = px - sizeRawDataObj.cx; rcRawDataObj.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcRawDataObj.right = rcRawDataObj.left + sizeRawDataObj.cx; rcRawDataObj.bottom = rcRawDataObj.top + sizeRawDataObj.cy; px = rcRawDataObj.left;
// options candidate list
rcOptionsListBdr.left = px - sizeOptionsListBdr.cx; rcOptionsListBdr.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcOptionsListBdr.right = rcOptionsListBdr.left + sizeOptionsListBdr.cx; rcOptionsListBdr.bottom = rcOptionsListBdr.top + sizeOptionsListBdr.cy; px = rcOptionsListBdr.left;
rcOptionsListObj.left = px - sizeOptionsListObj.cx; rcOptionsListObj.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcOptionsListObj.right = rcOptionsListObj.left + sizeOptionsListObj.cx; rcOptionsListObj.bottom = rcOptionsListObj.top + sizeOptionsListObj.cy; px = rcOptionsListObj.left;
break; }
case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { int px = rcCandListArea.left;
// extra candidate list
rcExtCandListObj.left = px; rcExtCandListObj.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcExtCandListObj.right = rcExtCandListObj.left + sizeExtCandListObj.cx; rcExtCandListObj.bottom = rcExtCandListObj.top + sizeExtCandListObj.cy; px = rcExtCandListObj.right;
rcExtCandListBdr.left = px; rcExtCandListBdr.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcExtCandListBdr.right = rcExtCandListBdr.left + sizeExtCandListBdr.cx; rcExtCandListBdr.bottom = rcExtCandListBdr.top + sizeExtCandListBdr.cy; px = rcExtCandListBdr.right;
// candidate list
rcCandListObj.left = px; rcCandListObj.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcCandListObj.right = rcCandListObj.left + sizeCandListObj.cx; rcCandListObj.bottom = rcCandListObj.top + sizeCandListObj.cy; px = rcCandListObj.right;
// rawdata
rcRawDataBdr.left = px; rcRawDataBdr.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcRawDataBdr.right = rcRawDataBdr.left + sizeRawDataBdr.cx; rcRawDataBdr.bottom = rcRawDataBdr.top + sizeRawDataBdr.cy; px = rcRawDataBdr.right;
rcRawDataObj.left = px; rcRawDataObj.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcRawDataObj.right = rcRawDataObj.left + sizeRawDataObj.cx; rcRawDataObj.bottom = rcRawDataObj.top + sizeRawDataObj.cy; px = rcRawDataObj.right;
// options candidate list
rcOptionsListBdr.left = px; rcOptionsListBdr.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcOptionsListBdr.right = rcOptionsListBdr.left + sizeOptionsListBdr.cx; rcOptionsListBdr.bottom = rcOptionsListBdr.top + sizeOptionsListBdr.cy; px = rcOptionsListBdr.right;
rcOptionsListObj.left = px; rcOptionsListObj.top = rcCandListArea.top; rcOptionsListObj.right = rcOptionsListObj.left + sizeOptionsListObj.cx; rcOptionsListObj.bottom = rcOptionsListObj.top + sizeOptionsListObj.cy; px = rcOptionsListObj.right;
break; } }
// change window position and size
// window position
SIZE sizeTotal = sizeWindow; if (IsShadowEnabled() && m_pWndShadow) { SIZE sizeShadow;
m_pWndShadow->GetShift( &sizeShadow ); sizeTotal.cx += sizeShadow.cx; sizeTotal.cy += sizeShadow.cy; }
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { CalcWindowRect( &rcWindow, &m_rcTarget, sizeTotal.cx, sizeTotal.cy, m_cxWndOffset, m_cyWndOffset, ALIGN_LEFT, LOCATE_BELLOW ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { CalcWindowRect( &rcWindow, &m_rcTarget, sizeTotal.cx, sizeTotal.cy, m_cxWndOffset, m_cyWndOffset, ALIGN_RIGHT, LOCATE_ABOVE ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: { CalcWindowRect( &rcWindow, &m_rcTarget, sizeTotal.cx, sizeTotal.cy, m_cxWndOffset, m_cyWndOffset, LOCATE_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { CalcWindowRect( &rcWindow, &m_rcTarget, sizeTotal.cx, sizeTotal.cy, m_cxWndOffset, m_cyWndOffset, LOCATE_RIGHT, ALIGN_BOTTOM ); break; } }
// rcWindow now include the shadow size. restore to original size
rcWindow.right = rcWindow.left + sizeWindow.cx; rcWindow.bottom = rcWindow.top + sizeWindow.cy;
Move( rcWindow.left, rcWindow.top, rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left, rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top );
// layout window frame
if (m_pWndFrame != NULL) { RECT rc;
rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left; rc.bottom = rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top; m_pWndFrame->SetRect( &rc ); m_pWndFrame->Show( TRUE ); }
// misc
// list/border style
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { dwListStyle = UILIST_HORZTB; dwBdrStyle = UIBORDER_HORZ; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { dwListStyle = UILIST_VERTLR; dwBdrStyle = UIBORDER_VERT; break; } }
// layout objects
// caption
if (m_pCaptionObj != NULL) { m_pCaptionObj->SetRect( &rcCaptionObj ); m_pCaptionObj->Show( fShowCaption ); m_pCaptionObj->SetText( GetPropertyMgr()->GetWindowCaptionProp()->GetText() ); }
// extra candidate list object
if (m_pExtListUIObj != NULL) { m_pExtListUIObj->SetStyle( dwListStyle ); m_pExtListUIObj->SetLineHeight( sizeMetCandItem.cy ); m_pExtListUIObj->SetInlineCommentPos( cxInlineCommentPos ); m_pExtListUIObj->SetRect( &rcExtCandListObj ); m_pExtListUIObj->Show( fShowExtCandList ); }
// extra candidate list border
pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_BORDEREXTRACAND ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->SetStyle( dwBdrStyle ); pUIObj->SetRect( &rcExtCandListBdr ); pUIObj->Show( fShowExtCandList ); }
// candidate menu button
if (m_pCandMenuBtn != NULL) { RECT rc; BOOL fExtraSpace = GetPropertyMgr()->GetMenuButtonProp()->IsVisible();
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { rc.left = rcCandListObj.right - sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.top = rcCandListObj.bottom - sizeMetSmButton.cy; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetSmButton.cy;
cxyExtraBottomSpace = (fExtraSpace ? sizeMetSmButton.cy : 0); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { rc.left = rcCandListObj.right - sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.top = rcCandListObj.top; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetSmButton.cy;
cxyExtraTopSpace = (fExtraSpace ? sizeMetSmButton.cy : 0); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: { rc.left = rcCandListObj.left; rc.top = rcCandListObj.bottom - sizeMetSmButton.cy; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetSmButton.cy;
cxyExtraBottomSpace = (fExtraSpace ? sizeMetSmButton.cx : 0); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { rc.left = rcCandListObj.right - sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.top = rcCandListObj.bottom - sizeMetSmButton.cy; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetSmButton.cy;
cxyExtraTopSpace = (fExtraSpace ? sizeMetSmButton.cx : 0); break; } }
m_pCandMenuBtn->SetRect( &rc ); m_pCandMenuBtn->Show( GetPropertyMgr()->GetMenuButtonProp()->IsVisible() ); m_pCandMenuBtn->Enable( GetPropertyMgr()->GetMenuButtonProp()->IsEnabled() ); m_pCandMenuBtn->SetToolTip( GetPropertyMgr()->GetMenuButtonProp()->GetToolTipString() ); }
// layout candidate tip button
if (m_pCandTipBtn != NULL) { RECT rc; BOOL fExtraSpace = FALSE;
if (m_pExtListUIObj && m_pExtListUIObj->IsVisible()) { m_pExtListUIObj->GetRect( &rc ); } else { rc = rcCandListObj; fExtraSpace = fShowCandTip; }
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { rc.left = rc.right - sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.top = rc.top; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetSmButton.cy;
cxyExtraTopSpace = (fExtraSpace ? sizeMetSmButton.cy : 0); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { rc.left = rc.right - sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.top = rc.bottom - sizeMetSmButton.cy; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetSmButton.cy;
cxyExtraBottomSpace = (fExtraSpace ? sizeMetSmButton.cy : 0); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: { rc.left = rc.right - sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.top = rc.bottom - sizeMetSmButton.cy; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetSmButton.cy;
cxyExtraTopSpace = (fExtraSpace ? sizeMetSmButton.cy : 0); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { rc.left = rc.left; rc.top = rc.bottom - sizeMetSmButton.cy; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetSmButton.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetSmButton.cy;
cxyExtraBottomSpace = (fExtraSpace ? sizeMetSmButton.cy : 0); break; } }
m_pCandTipBtn->SetRect( &rc ); m_pCandTipBtn->SetIcon( m_fCandTipWndOpen ? m_hIconCandTipOn : m_hIconCandTipOff ); m_pCandTipBtn->Show( fShowCandTip ); m_pCandTipBtn->Enable( TRUE ); // m_pCandTipBtn->SetToolTip( GetPropertyMgr()->GetMenuButtonProp()->GetToolTipString() );
// candidate list
if (m_pListUIObj != NULL) { m_pListUIObj->SetStyle( dwListStyle ); m_pListUIObj->SetLineHeight( sizeMetCandItem.cy ); m_pListUIObj->SetInlineCommentPos( cxInlineCommentPos ); m_pListUIObj->SetRect( &rcCandListObj );
m_pListUIObj->SetExtraTopSpace( cxyExtraTopSpace ); m_pListUIObj->SetExtraBottomSpace( cxyExtraBottomSpace ); }
// rawdata object
if (m_pCandRawData != NULL) { DWORD dwStyle; RECT rc;
rc = rcRawDataObj; switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { dwStyle = UICANDRAWDATA_HORZTB; InflateRect( &rc, -1, 0 ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { dwStyle = UICANDRAWDATA_HORZBT; InflateRect( &rc, -1, 0 ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: { dwStyle = UICANDRAWDATA_VERTRL; InflateRect( &rc, 0, -1 ); break; }
case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { dwStyle = UICANDRAWDATA_VERTLR; InflateRect( &rc, 0, -1 ); break; } }
m_pCandRawData->SetStyle( dwStyle ); m_pCandRawData->SetRect( &rc ); m_pCandRawData->Show( m_fHasRawData ); }
// rawdata border
pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_BORDERRAWDATA ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->SetStyle( dwBdrStyle ); pUIObj->SetRect( &rcRawDataBdr ); pUIObj->Show( m_fHasRawData ); }
// options candidate list border
pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_BORDEROPTIONSCAND ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->SetStyle( dwBdrStyle ); pUIObj->SetRect( &rcOptionsListBdr ); pUIObj->Show( fShowOptionsCandList ); }
// options candidate list
if (m_pOptionsListUIObj != NULL) { m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetStyle( dwListStyle | UILIST_ICONSNOTNUMBERS ); m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetLineHeight( sizeMetCandItem.cy ); m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetInlineCommentPos( cxInlineCommentPos ); m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetRect( &rcOptionsListObj );
m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetExtraTopSpace( cxyExtraTopSpace ); m_pOptionsListUIObj->SetExtraBottomSpace( cxyExtraBottomSpace ); }
// extension area border
pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_BORDERBOTTOM ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { RECT rc;
rc.left = rcExtensionArea.left; rc.top = rcExtensionArea.top; rc.right = rcExtensionArea.right; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetBorder.cy;
pUIObj->SetRect( &rc ); pUIObj->Show( fHasExtension ); }
// extension objects
if (fHasExtension) { SIZE size; LONG nExtension; LONG iExtension; POINT pt; RECT rc;
pt.x = rcExtensionArea.left + 1; pt.y = rcExtensionArea.top + sizeMetBorder.cy;
nExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum(); for (iExtension = 0; iExtension < nExtension; iExtension++) { CCandUIExtension *pExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtension( iExtension ); CUIFObject *pUIObjExt;
pExtension->GetSize( &size ); rc.left = pt.x; rc.top = pt.y; rc.right = rc.left + size.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + size.cy;
pUIObjExt = FindUIObject( IDUIF_EXTENDED + iExtension ); if (pUIObjExt != NULL) { pUIObjExt->SetRect( &rc ); }
pt.x += size.cx; } }
#ifdef NEVER
// layout candidate num buttons and border
if (fShowNumber) { RECT rc; DWORD dwStyle;
// buttons
for (i = 0; i < NUM_CANDSTR_MAX; i++) { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { /* NOTE: KOJIW: unconfirmed */ rc.left = rcCandListArea.left; rc.top = rcCandListArea.top + sizeMetCandNum.cy * i; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetCandNum.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetCandNum.cy; break; } case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { /* NOTE: KOJIW: unconfirmed */ rc.left = rcCandListArea.right - sizeMetCandNum.cy * (i+1); rc.top = rcCandListArea.top; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetCandNum.cx; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetCandNum.cy; break; } }
pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_CANDNUMBUTTON + i ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->Show( (i < m_nItemShow) ); pUIObj->SetRect( &rc ); } }
// border
switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { /* NOTE: KOJIW: unconfirmed */ rc.left = rcCandListArea.left + sizeMetCandNum.cx + sizeMetMargin.cx; rc.top = rcCandListArea.top; rc.right = rc.left + sizeMetBorder.cx; rc.bottom = rcCandListArea.bottom; dwStyle = UIBORDER_VERT; break; } case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { /* NOTE: KOJIW: unconfirmed */ rc.left = rcCandListArea.left; rc.top = rcCandListArea.top + sizeMetCandNum.cy + sizeMetMargin.cy; rc.right = rcCandListArea.right; rc.bottom = rc.top + sizeMetBorder.cy; dwStyle = UIBORDER_HORZ; break; } } pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_BORDERLEFT ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->Show( TRUE ); pUIObj->SetStyle( dwStyle ); pUIObj->SetRect( &rc ); } } else { // buttons
for (i = 0; i < NUM_CANDSTR_MAX; i++) { pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_CANDNUMBUTTON + i ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->Show( FALSE ); } }
// border
pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_BORDERLEFT ); if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->Show( FALSE ); } } #endif
// Notify UI object update
if (m_pCandTipWnd != NULL) { MoveCandTipWindow(); }
ReleaseDC( m_hWnd, hDC ); }
/* S E L E C T I T E M N E X T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SelectItemNext( void ) { int iCurSel = m_pListUIObj->GetSelection(); int iVisTop = m_pListUIObj->GetTop(); int iVisBtm = m_pListUIObj->GetBottom(); int iSelMax = m_pListUIObj->GetCount() - 1;
int iSelNew = iCurSel + 1; if (iSelMax < iSelNew) { ScrollToTop(); iSelNew = 0; } else if (iVisBtm < iSelNew) { ScrollPageNext(); }
SelectItemProc( iSelNew ); }
/* S E L E C T I T E M P R E V */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SelectItemPrev( void ) { int iCurSel = m_pListUIObj->GetSelection(); int iVisTop = m_pListUIObj->GetTop(); int iVisBtm = m_pListUIObj->GetBottom(); int iSelMax = m_pListUIObj->GetItemCount() - 1;
int iSelNew = iCurSel - 1; if (iSelNew < 0) { ScrollToEnd(); iSelNew = iSelMax; } else if (iSelNew < iVisTop) { ScrollPagePrev(); }
SelectItemProc( iSelNew ); }
/* S E L E C T P A G E N E X T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SelectPageNext( void ) { int iCurSel = m_pListUIObj->GetSelection(); int iVisTop = m_pListUIObj->GetTop(); int iVisBtm = m_pListUIObj->GetBottom(); int iSelMax = m_pListUIObj->GetItemCount() - 1; int iItemPage = m_pListUIObj->GetVisibleCount();
if (iCurSel == iSelMax) { SelectItemTop(); } else { int iSelNew; if (iCurSel == iVisBtm) { iSelNew = min( iCurSel + iItemPage, iSelMax ); } else { iSelNew = iVisBtm; } SelectItemProc( iSelNew ); } }
/* S E L E C T P A G E P R E V */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SelectPagePrev( void ) { int iCurSel = m_pListUIObj->GetSelection(); int iVisTop = m_pListUIObj->GetTop(); int iVisBtm = m_pListUIObj->GetBottom(); int iSelMax = m_pListUIObj->GetItemCount() - 1; int iItemPage = m_pListUIObj->GetVisibleCount();
if (iCurSel == 0) { SelectItemEnd(); } else { int iSelNew; if (iCurSel == iVisTop) { iSelNew = max( 0, iCurSel - iItemPage ); } else { iSelNew = iVisTop; } SelectItemProc( iSelNew ); } }
/* M A P C O M M A N D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Map directional command to undirectional command (CUIFWindowBase method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CANDUICOMMAND CCandWindow::MapCommand( CANDUICOMMAND cmd ) { CANDUIUIDIRECTION uidir = GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection();
switch (cmd) { case CANDUICMD_MOVESELUP: { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { cmd = CANDUICMD_MOVESELPREV; break; }
case CANDUICMD_MOVESELDOWN: { switch (uidir) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { cmd = CANDUICMD_MOVESELNEXT; break; }
return cmd; }
/* U P D A T E A L L W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::UpdateAllWindow( void ) { CCandWindowBase::UpdateAllWindow();
if (m_pCommentWnd != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->UpdateWindow(); } }
/* G E T C A N D W I N D O W O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandWindowBase *CCandWindow::GetCandWindowObj( void ) { return this; }
/* G E T P O P U P C O M M E N T W I N D O W O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CPopupCommentWindow *CCandWindow::GetPopupCommentWindowObj( void ) { return m_pCommentWnd; }
/* G E T O P T I O N S L I S T B O X O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFCandListBase *CCandWindow::GetOptionsListBoxObj( void ) { return m_pOptionsListUIObj; }
/* G E T C A N D L I S T B O X O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFCandListBase *CCandWindow::GetCandListBoxObj( void ) { return m_pListUIObj; }
/* G E T C A P T I O N O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFWndCaption *CCandWindow::GetCaptionObj( void ) { return m_pCaptionObj; }
/* G E T M E N U B U T T O N O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFButton *CCandWindow::GetMenuButtonObj( void ) { return m_pCandMenuBtn; }
/* G E T E X T R A C A N D I D A T E O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFCandListBase *CCandWindow::GetExtraCandidateObj( void ) { return m_pExtListUIObj; }
/* G E T C A N D R A W D A T A O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFCandRawData *CCandWindow::GetCandRawDataObj( void ) { return m_pCandRawData; }
/* G E T C A N D T I P W I N D O W O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFBalloonWindow *CCandWindow::GetCandTipWindowObj( void ) { return m_pCandTipWnd; }
/* G E T C A N D T I P B U T T O N O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFButton *CCandWindow::GetCandTipButtonObj( void ) { return m_pCandTipBtn; }
/* S C R O L L P A G E N E X T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::ScrollPageNext( void ) { int iCurSel = m_pListUIObj->GetSelection(); int iVisTop = m_pListUIObj->GetTop(); int iVisBtm = m_pListUIObj->GetBottom(); int iSelMax = m_pListUIObj->GetItemCount() - 1; int iItemPage = m_pListUIObj->GetVisibleCount();
int iTopNew = iVisTop + iItemPage; if (iSelMax - iItemPage < iTopNew) { ScrollToEnd(); } else { m_pListUIObj->SetTop( iTopNew, TRUE ); } }
/* S C R O L L P A G E P R E V */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::ScrollPagePrev( void ) { int iCurSel = m_pListUIObj->GetSelection(); int iVisTop = m_pListUIObj->GetTop(); int iVisBtm = m_pListUIObj->GetBottom(); int iSelMax = m_pListUIObj->GetItemCount() - 1; int iItemPage = m_pListUIObj->GetVisibleCount();
int iTopNew = iVisTop - iItemPage; if (iTopNew < 0) { ScrollToTop(); } else { m_pListUIObj->SetTop( iTopNew, TRUE ); } }
/* S C R O L L T O T O P */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::ScrollToTop( void ) { m_pListUIObj->SetTop( 0, TRUE ); }
/* S C R O L L T O E N D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::ScrollToEnd( void ) { int iSelMax = m_pListUIObj->GetItemCount() - 1; int iItemPage = m_pListUIObj->GetVisibleCount();
m_pListUIObj->SetTop( iSelMax - iItemPage + 1, TRUE ); }
/* O N C O M M E N T W I N D O W M O V E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OnCommentWindowMoved( void ) { NotifyUIObjectEvent( CANDUIOBJ_POPUPCOMMENTWINDOW, CANDUIOBJEV_UPDATED ); }
/* O N C O M M E N T S E L E C T E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OnCommentSelected( int iCandItem ) { m_pCandUI->NotifyCompleteCand( iCandItem ); }
/* O N C O M M E N T C L O S E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OnCommentClose( void ) { CloseCommentWindow(); }
/* O N M E N U O P E N E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OnMenuOpened( void ) { if (m_pCommentWnd != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->OnCandWindowMove( FALSE ); } }
/* O N M E N U C L O S E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OnMenuClosed( void ) { if (m_pCommentWnd != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->OnCandWindowMove( FALSE ); } }
/* S E T C A N D I D A T E L I S T P R O C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set candidate list
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SetCandidateListProc( void ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; CCandidateItem *pCandItem;
pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); Assert( pCandList != NULL );
// reset list item
if (m_pExtListUIObj) { m_pExtListUIObj->DelAllCandItem();
pCandItem = pCandList->GetExtraCandItem(); if (pCandItem != NULL) { if (pCandItem->IsVisible()) { CCandListItem *pCandListItem = new CCandListItem( m_pExtListUIObj->GetItemCount(), ICANDITEM_EXTRA, pCandItem ); m_pExtListUIObj->AddCandItem( pCandListItem ); }
m_pExtListUIObj->ClearSelection( FALSE ); m_pExtListUIObj->SetStartIndex( 0 ); } }
CCandWindowBase::SetCandidateListProc(); }
/* C L E A R C A N D I D A T E L I S T P R O C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clear candidte list
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::ClearCandidateListProc( void ) { if (m_pExtListUIObj) { m_pExtListUIObj->DelAllCandItem(); } CCandWindowBase::ClearCandidateListProc(); }
/* S E T A T T E N S I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SetAttensionBySelect( int iItem ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; CCandidateItem *pCandItem; BOOL fHasPopupComment;
// Satori#3928
// do nothing when candidate list is already cleared
if (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() == NULL) { m_iItemAttensionSelect = -1; m_iItemAttensionHover = -1; KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_SELECT ); KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER ); return; }
m_iItemAttensionSelect = iItem;
// check if item has popup comment
pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); Assert( pCandList != NULL );
pCandItem = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( m_iItemAttensionSelect ); fHasPopupComment = (pCandItem != NULL && pCandItem->GetPopupComment() != NULL);
if (m_fCommentWndOpen) { if (fHasPopupComment) { // update comment window contents
SetCommentStatus( iItem ); } else { // close comment window
CloseCommentWindow(); } } else { KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_SELECT ); KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER );
// make timer to wait to open comment
if (fHasPopupComment) { if (IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { SetTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_SELECT, GetPropertyMgr()->GetPopupCommentWindowProp()->GetDelayTime(), NULL ); } } } }
/* S E T A T T E N S I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SetOptionsAttensionByHover( int iItem ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; CCandidateItem *pCandItem; BOOL fHasPopupComment;
// Satori#3928
// do nothing when candidate list is already cleared
if (GetCandListMgr()->GetOptionsList() == NULL) { m_iItemAttensionSelect = -1; m_iItemAttensionHover = -1; KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_SELECT ); KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER ); return; }
m_iItemAttensionHover = iItem;
// check if item has popup comment
pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetOptionsList(); Assert( pCandList != NULL );
pCandItem = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( m_iItemAttensionHover ); fHasPopupComment = (pCandItem != NULL && pCandItem->GetPopupComment() != NULL);
if (m_fCommentWndOpen) { if (fHasPopupComment) { // update comment window contents
SetCommentStatus( iItem ); } } else { KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER );
// make timer to wait to open comment
if (fHasPopupComment) { if (IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { SetTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER, GetPropertyMgr()->GetPopupCommentWindowProp()->GetDelayTime(), NULL ); } } }
if (iItem != -1) { SetTimer(m_hWnd, IDTIMER_MENU_HOVER, 50, NULL); } else { KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_MENU_HOVER); }
GetUIOptionsListObj()->SetCurSel(iItem); }
/* S E T A T T E N S I O N */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SetAttensionByHover( int iItem ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; CCandidateItem *pCandItem; BOOL fHasPopupComment;
// Satori#3928
// do nothing when candidate list is already cleared
if (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() == NULL) { m_iItemAttensionSelect = -1; m_iItemAttensionHover = -1; KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_SELECT ); KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER ); return; }
m_iItemAttensionHover = iItem;
// check if item has popup comment
pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); Assert( pCandList != NULL );
pCandItem = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( m_iItemAttensionHover ); fHasPopupComment = (pCandItem != NULL && pCandItem->GetPopupComment() != NULL);
if (m_fCommentWndOpen) { if (fHasPopupComment) { // update comment window contents
SetCommentStatus( iItem ); } } else { KillTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER );
// make timer to wait to open comment
if (fHasPopupComment) { if (IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { SetTimer( m_hWnd, IDTIMER_POPUPCOMMENT_HOVER, GetPropertyMgr()->GetPopupCommentWindowProp()->GetDelayTime(), NULL ); } } } }
/* O P E N C O M M E N T W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OpenCommentWindow( int iItem ) { if (m_pCommentWnd->GetWnd() == NULL) { Assert( !m_fCommentWndOpen );
// create comment window
m_pCommentWnd->CreateWnd( m_hWnd ); m_pCommentWnd->Move( 0, 0, CX_COMMENTWINDOW, 0 ); m_pCommentWnd->OnCandWindowMove( TRUE );
SetCommentStatus( iItem );
if (!m_fCommentWndOpen) { m_pCommentWnd->Show( TRUE ); m_fCommentWndOpen = TRUE; } }
/* C L O S E C O M M E N T W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::CloseCommentWindow( void ) { if (m_fCommentWndOpen) { Assert( m_pCommentWnd->GetWnd() != NULL );
m_pCommentWnd->Show( FALSE ); ClearCommentStatus(); }
m_fCommentWndOpen = FALSE;
if (m_pCommentWnd->GetWnd() != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->DestroyWnd();
/* S E T C O M M E N T S T A T U S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::SetCommentStatus( int iItem ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; CCandidateItem *pCandItem; int i; int nItem; DWORD dwGroupID = 0;
// get comment group id
pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); Assert( pCandList != NULL );
pCandItem = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( iItem ); if (pCandItem == NULL) { Assert( FALSE ); ClearCommentStatus(); } else { dwGroupID = pCandItem->GetPopupCommentGroupID(); }
// show popup comment in same group
nItem = pCandList->GetItemCount(); for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { pCandItem = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( i );
if (pCandItem != NULL) { BOOL fMatch = ((pCandItem->GetPopupCommentGroupID() & dwGroupID) != 0);
pCandItem->SetPopupCommentState( fMatch ); } }
// repaint list box and notify
if (m_pListUIObj != NULL) { m_pListUIObj->CallOnPaint(); UpdateWindow(); }
GetCandListMgr()->NotifyCandItemUpdate( this ); }
/* C L E A R C O M M E N T S T A T U S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::ClearCommentStatus( void ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; CCandidateItem *pCandItem; int i; int nItem;
pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); Assert( pCandList != NULL );
// hide all popup comment
nItem = pCandList->GetItemCount(); for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { pCandItem = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( i );
if (pCandItem != NULL) { pCandItem->SetPopupCommentState( FALSE ); } }
// repaint list box and notify
if (m_pListUIObj != NULL) { m_pListUIObj->CallOnPaint(); UpdateWindow(); }
GetCandListMgr()->NotifyCandItemUpdate( this ); }
/* O P E N C A N D T I P W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::OpenCandTipWindow( void ) { if (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() == NULL) { return; }
if (m_pCandTipWnd->GetWnd() == NULL) { m_pCandTipWnd->CreateWnd( m_hWnd );
m_pCandTipWnd->SetText( GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetTipString() ); ShowCandTipWindow( TRUE );
if (m_pCommentWnd != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->OnCandWindowMove( FALSE ); } }
/* C L O S E C A N D T I P W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::CloseCandTipWindow( void ) { if (m_pCandTipWnd->GetWnd() != NULL) { DestroyWindow( m_pCandTipWnd->GetWnd() );
if (m_pCommentWnd != NULL) { m_pCommentWnd->OnCandWindowMove( FALSE ); } }
/* M O V E C A N D T I P W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::MoveCandTipWindow( void ) { RECT rcWnd; RECT rcBtn; POINT pt; BALLOONWNDPOS pos; BALLOONWNDALIGN align;
if (m_pCandTipWnd->GetWnd() == NULL) { return; }
GetWindowRect( GetWnd(), &rcWnd );
m_pCandTipBtn->GetRect( &rcBtn ); pt.x = rcWnd.left + (rcBtn.left + rcBtn.right) / 2; pt.y = rcWnd.top + (rcBtn.top + rcBtn.bottom) / 2;
switch (GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection()) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: { pos = BALLOONPOS_RIGHT; align = BALLOONALIGN_TOP; break; }
m_pCandTipWnd->SetBalloonPos( pos ); m_pCandTipWnd->SetBalloonAlign( align );
m_pCandTipWnd->SetExcludeRect( &rcWnd ); m_pCandTipWnd->SetTargetPos( pt );
/* S H O W C A N D T I P W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandWindow::ShowCandTipWindow( BOOL fShow ) { if (m_pCandTipWnd->GetWnd() == NULL) { return; }
if (fShow) { MoveCandTipWindow(); m_pCandTipWnd->Show( TRUE ); } else { m_pCandTipWnd->Show( FALSE ); } }
/*============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C C H S C A N D W I N D O W */ /* */ /*============================================================================*/
/* C C H S C A N D W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constructor of CChsCandWindow
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CChsCandWindow::CChsCandWindow( CCandidateUI *pCandUIEx, DWORD dwStyle ) : CCandWindowBase( pCandUIEx, dwStyle | UIWINDOW_TOPMOST | UIWINDOW_TOOLWINDOW | UIWINDOW_OFC10MENU ) { m_pListUIObj = NULL; }
/* ~ C C H S C A N D W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Destructor of CChsCandWindow
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CChsCandWindow::~CChsCandWindow() { //
// Notify UI object destroy
/* I N I T U I O B J E C T S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create UI objects
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFObject *CChsCandWindow::Initialize( void ) { RECT rc = {0}; CUIFBorder *pBorder;
// create border
pBorder = new CUIFBorder( this, IDUIF_BORDER, &rc, UIBORDER_VERT ); if(pBorder) { pBorder->Initialize(); AddUIObj( pBorder ); } //
// create candidate list
m_pListUIObj = new CUIFRowList( this, IDUIF_CANDIDATELIST, &rc, UILIST_HORZTB ); if (m_pListUIObj) { m_pListUIObj->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pListUIObj ); }
// create candidate menu button
m_pCandMenuBtn = new CUIFSmartMenuButton( this, IDUIF_CANDIDATEMENU, &rc, UIBUTTON_TOGGLE ); if (m_pCandMenuBtn) { m_pCandMenuBtn->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pCandMenuBtn );
m_pCandMenuBtn->SetIcon( m_hIconMenu ); }
// create raw data statics
m_pCandRawData = new CUIFCandRawData( this, IDUIF_RAWDATA, &rc, UICANDRAWDATA_HORZTB ); if (m_pCandRawData) { m_pCandRawData->Initialize(); AddUIObj( m_pCandRawData ); }
// add extensions
// Notify UI object creation
return CCandWindowBase::Initialize(); }
/* L A Y O U T W I N D O W */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Layout window
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CChsCandWindow::LayoutWindow( void ) { HDC hDC = GetDC( m_hWnd ); RECT rc; DWORD dwStyle; CUIFObject *pUIObj; SIZE size; LONG nExtension;
HFONT hFontUI = GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandIndexProp()->GetFont(); HFONT hFontCandidateList = GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandStringProp()->GetFont(); BOOL fHorizontal = ((GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection() == CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT) || (GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection() == CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
// calc metrics
int cyText; int cxObjectMargin = 1; int cyObjectMargin = 1; int cxBorder = 2; // border width of vertical border
int cyBorder = 2; // border height of horizontal border
int cxCandRow; int cyCandRow; int cxMenuBtn; int cyMenuBtn; int cxStatus = 0; int cyStatus = 0; int cxWindow = 0; int cyWindow = 0;
GetTextExtent( hFontCandidateList, L"1", 1, &size, fHorizontal ); cyText = max(size.cx, size.cy);
cxMenuBtn = cyText / 2; cyMenuBtn = cyText / 2;
// font settings
int nChild = m_ChildList.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nChild; i++) { CUIFObject *pUIObjTmp = m_ChildList.Get( i );
Assert( pUIObjTmp != NULL ); if (pUIObjTmp != m_pListUIObj) { pUIObjTmp->SetFont( hFontUI ); } else { m_pListUIObj->SetFont( hFontCandidateList ); m_pListUIObj->SetInlineCommentFont( GetPropertyMgr()->GetInlineCommentProp()->GetFont() ); m_pListUIObj->SetIndexFont( GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandIndexProp()->GetFont() ); } }
// calculate the size of candidate row
if (fHorizontal) { cyCandRow = cyBorder + cyText; cxCandRow = ( cxBorder + cyText + cyText + HCAND_ITEM_MARGIN ) * NUM_CANDSTR_MAX + cyCandRow * 2; } else { cxCandRow = cxBorder + cyText; cyCandRow = ( cyBorder + cyText + cyText + HCAND_ITEM_MARGIN ) * NUM_CANDSTR_MAX + cxCandRow * 2; }
// calculate the size of status area
// extension items
nExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtensionNum(); if (0 < nExtension) { LONG i;
for (i = 0; i < nExtension; i++) { CCandUIExtension *pExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtension( i );
pExtension->GetSize( &size );
if (fHorizontal) { cxStatus += size.cx + cxBorder; cyStatus = max( cyStatus, size.cy + cxBorder ); } else { cxStatus = max( cxStatus, size.cx + cxBorder ); cyStatus += size.cy + cxBorder; } }
if (fHorizontal) { cyStatus += cyObjectMargin + cyBorder + cyObjectMargin; } else { cxStatus += cxObjectMargin + cxBorder + cxObjectMargin; } } else if (m_fHasRawData) { if (fHorizontal) { cxStatus = cxCandRow; cyStatus = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXHSCROLL ) + cyObjectMargin + cyBorder + cyObjectMargin; } else { cxStatus = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXHSCROLL ) + cxObjectMargin + cxBorder + cxObjectMargin; cyStatus = cyCandRow; } } else { }
// calculate window size, considering margins/border size
if (fHorizontal) { cxWindow = max( cxBorder + cxMenuBtn + cxCandRow, cxStatus ); cyWindow = cyCandRow + cyStatus;
rc.left = m_rcTarget.left; rc.top = m_rcTarget.bottom; } else { cxWindow = cxCandRow + cxStatus; cyWindow = max( cxBorder + cyMenuBtn + cyCandRow, cyStatus );
rc.left = m_rcTarget.left - cxWindow; rc.top = m_rcTarget.top; } //
// change window position and size
rc.right = rc.left + cxWindow + cxBorder; rc.bottom = rc.top + cyWindow + cyBorder; Move( rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top );
// layout candidate menu button
// (uses rc of window. do this after layouting window)
if (fHorizontal) { rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = cxMenuBtn + cxBorder; rc.bottom = cyCandRow; } else { rc.right = cxWindow; rc.top = 0; rc.left = rc.right - cxCandRow; rc.bottom = cyMenuBtn + cyBorder; }
if (m_pCandMenuBtn != NULL) { m_pCandMenuBtn->SetRect( &rc ); m_pCandMenuBtn->Show( TRUE ); m_pCandMenuBtn->Enable( GetPropertyMgr()->GetMenuButtonProp()->IsEnabled() ); m_pCandMenuBtn->SetToolTip( GetPropertyMgr()->GetMenuButtonProp()->GetToolTipString() ); }
// layout candidate row
// (uses rc of window. do this after layouting candidate menu button )
if (fHorizontal) { rc.left = rc.right; rc.right = rc.left + cxCandRow;
dwStyle = UILIST_HORZTB; } else { rc.top = rc.bottom; rc.bottom = rc.top + cyCandRow;
dwStyle = UILIST_VERTRL; }
if (m_pListUIObj != NULL) { m_pListUIObj->SetRect( &rc ); m_pListUIObj->SetStyle( dwStyle ); m_pListUIObj->Show( TRUE ); }
// layout extensions
pUIObj = FindUIObject( IDUIF_BORDER ); if ((0 < nExtension) || m_fHasRawData) { //
// layout border
if (fHorizontal) { rc.left = 0; rc.top = cyCandRow + cyObjectMargin; rc.right = cxWindow; rc.bottom = rc.top + cyBorder;
dwStyle = UIBORDER_HORZ; } else { rc.right = cxStatus - cyObjectMargin; rc.left = rc.right - cxBorder; rc.top = 0; rc.bottom = cyWindow;
dwStyle = UIBORDER_VERT; }
if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->SetStyle( dwStyle ); pUIObj->SetRect( &rc ); pUIObj->Show( TRUE ); } } else { if (pUIObj != NULL) { pUIObj->Show( FALSE ); } }
if (0 < nExtension) { LONG i;
// layout rawdata object
if (m_fHasRawData) { if (fHorizontal) { rc.left = 0; rc.top = cyCandRow + cyObjectMargin + cyBorder + cyObjectMargin; rc.right = cxWindow - cxStatus; rc.bottom = cyWindow; dwStyle = UICANDRAWDATA_HORZTB; } else { rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = cxStatus - cyObjectMargin - cyBorder - cyObjectMargin; rc.bottom = cyWindow - cyStatus;
Assert(m_pCandRawData != NULL); m_pCandRawData->SetStyle( dwStyle ); m_pCandRawData->SetRect( &rc ); m_pCandRawData->Show( TRUE ); } else { m_pCandRawData->Show( FALSE ); }
// layout extension items
if (fHorizontal) { rc.left = cxWindow - cxStatus; rc.top = cyCandRow + cyObjectMargin + cyBorder + cyObjectMargin; rc.right = rc.left; rc.bottom = cyWindow; } else { rc.left = 0; rc.top = cyWindow - cyStatus; rc.right = cxStatus - cyObjectMargin - cyBorder - cyObjectMargin; rc.bottom = rc.top; }
for (i = 0; i < nExtension; i++) { CCandUIExtension *pExtension = GetExtensionMgr()->GetExtension( i ); CUIFObject *pUIObjExt = FindUIObject( IDUIF_EXTENDED + i );
pExtension->GetSize( &size ); if (fHorizontal) { rc.left = rc.right; rc.top = rc.top; rc.right = rc.right + size.cx + cxBorder; rc.bottom = rc.top + size.cy + cyBorder; } else { rc.left = rc.left; rc.top = rc.bottom; rc.right = rc.left + size.cx + cxBorder; rc.bottom = rc.bottom + size.cy + cxBorder; }
if (pUIObjExt != NULL) { pUIObjExt->SetRect( &rc ); } } } else { // layout rawdata object
if (m_fHasRawData) { if (fHorizontal) { rc.left = 0; rc.top = cyCandRow + cyObjectMargin + cyBorder + cyObjectMargin; rc.right = cxWindow; rc.bottom = cyWindow; dwStyle = UICANDRAWDATA_HORZTB; } else { rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = cxStatus - cyObjectMargin - cyBorder - cyObjectMargin; rc.bottom = cyWindow;
Assert(m_pCandRawData != NULL); m_pCandRawData->SetStyle( dwStyle ); m_pCandRawData->SetRect( &rc ); m_pCandRawData->Show( TRUE ); } else { m_pCandRawData->Show( FALSE ); } }
// Notify UI object update
ReleaseDC( m_hWnd, hDC ); }
/* S E L E C T I T E M N E X T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CChsCandWindow::SelectItemNext( void ) { ((CUIFRowList*)m_pListUIObj)->ShiftItem( 1 ); }
/* S E L E C T I T E M P R E V */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CChsCandWindow::SelectItemPrev( void ) { ((CUIFRowList*)m_pListUIObj)->ShiftItem( -1 ); }
/* S E L E C T P A G E N E X T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CChsCandWindow::SelectPageNext( void ) { ((CUIFRowList*)m_pListUIObj)->ShiftPage( 1 ); }
/* S E L E C T P A G E P R E V */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CChsCandWindow::SelectPagePrev( void ) { ((CUIFRowList*)m_pListUIObj)->ShiftPage( -1 ); }
/* M A P C O M M A N D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Map directional command to undirectional command (CUIFWindowBase method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CANDUICOMMAND CChsCandWindow::MapCommand( CANDUICOMMAND cmd ) { BOOL fVertical = (GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection() == CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT) || (GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection() == CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT);
switch (cmd) { case CANDUICMD_MOVESELUP: { cmd = (fVertical ? CANDUICMD_MOVESELPREV : CANDUICMD_NONE); break; }
return cmd; }
/* G E T C A N D W I N D O W O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandWindowBase *CChsCandWindow::GetCandWindowObj( void ) { return this; }
/* G E T P O P U P C O M M E N T W I N D O W O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CPopupCommentWindow *CChsCandWindow::GetPopupCommentWindowObj( void ) { return NULL; }
/* G E T O P T I O N S L I S T B O X O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFCandListBase *CChsCandWindow::GetOptionsListBoxObj( void ) { return NULL; }
/* G E T C A N D L I S T B O X O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFCandListBase *CChsCandWindow::GetCandListBoxObj( void ) { return m_pListUIObj; }
/* G E T C A P T I O N O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFWndCaption *CChsCandWindow::GetCaptionObj( void ) { return NULL; }
/* G E T M E N U B U T T O N O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFButton *CChsCandWindow::GetMenuButtonObj( void ) { return m_pCandMenuBtn; }
/* G E T E X T R A C A N D I D A T E O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFCandListBase *CChsCandWindow::GetExtraCandidateObj( void ) { return NULL; }
/* G E T C A N D R A W D A T A O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFCandRawData *CChsCandWindow::GetCandRawDataObj( void ) { return m_pCandRawData; }
/* G E T C A N D T I P W I N D O W O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFBalloonWindow *CChsCandWindow::GetCandTipWindowObj( void ) { return NULL; }
/* G E T C A N D T I P B U T T O N O B J */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CCandUIObjectParent method)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUIFButton *CChsCandWindow::GetCandTipButtonObj( void ) { return NULL; }
/* S E T T A R G E T R E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CChsCandWindow::SetTargetRect( RECT *prc, BOOL fClipped ) { m_rcTarget = *prc; m_fTargetClipped = fClipped;
if (m_hWnd != NULL) { int nLeft; int nTop;
// move window here...
switch (GetPropertyMgr()->GetCandWindowProp()->GetUIDirection()) { default: case CANDUIDIR_TOPTOBOTTOM: case CANDUIDIR_BOTTOMTOTOP: { nLeft = m_rcTarget.left; nTop = m_rcTarget.bottom; break; }
case CANDUIDIR_RIGHTTOLEFT: case CANDUIDIR_LEFTTORIGHT: { nLeft = m_rcTarget.left - _nWidth; nTop = m_rcTarget.top; break; } }
Move( nLeft, nTop, -1, -1 ); } }
/* S E T W I N D O W P O S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CChsCandWindow::SetWindowPos( POINT pt ) { if (m_hWnd != NULL) { Move( pt.x, pt.y, -1, -1 ); } }
/*============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C C A N D U I O B J E C T M G R */ /* */ /*============================================================================*/
/* C C A N D U I O B J E C T M G R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandUIObjectMgr::CCandUIObjectMgr( void ) { int i;
m_pCandUI = NULL; m_pUIObjectParent = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < CANDUIOBJSINK_MAX; i++) { m_rgSink[i] = NULL; } }
/* ~ C C A N D U I O B J E C T M G R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandUIObjectMgr::~CCandUIObjectMgr( void ) { Uninitialize(); }
/* I N I T I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIObjectMgr::Initialize( CCandidateUI *pCandUI ) { m_pCandUI = pCandUI; m_pUIObjectParent = NULL;
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
// check all reference object are unregistered
for (int i = 0; i < CANDUIOBJSINK_MAX; i++) { Assert( m_rgSink[i] == NULL ); } #endif
return S_OK; }
/* U N I N I T I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIObjectMgr::Uninitialize( void ) { m_pCandUI = NULL; m_pUIObjectParent = NULL;
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
// check all reference object are unregistered
for (int i = 0; i < CANDUIOBJSINK_MAX; i++) { Assert( m_rgSink[i] == NULL ); } #endif
return S_OK; }
/* A D V I S E E V E N T S I N K */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIObjectMgr::AdviseEventSink( CCandUIObjectEventSink *pSink ) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < CANDUIOBJSINK_MAX; i++) { if (m_rgSink[i] == NULL) { m_rgSink[i] = pSink; return S_OK; } }
Assert( FALSE ); return E_FAIL; }
/* U N A D V I S E E V E N T S I N K */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIObjectMgr::UnadviseEventSink( CCandUIObjectEventSink *pSink ) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < CANDUIOBJSINK_MAX; i++) { if (m_rgSink[i] == pSink) { m_rgSink[i] = NULL; return S_OK; } }
Assert( FALSE ); return E_FAIL; }
/* N O T I F Y U I O B J E C T E V E N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandUIObjectMgr::NotifyUIObjectEvent( CANDUIOBJECT obj, CANDUIOBJECTEVENT event ) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < CANDUIOBJSINK_MAX; i++) { if (m_rgSink[i] != NULL) { m_rgSink[i]->OnObjectEvent( obj, event ); } } }
/*============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C C A N D U I P R O P E R T Y E V E N T S I N K */ /* */ /*============================================================================*/
/* C C A N D U I O B J E C T E V E N T S I N K */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandUIObjectEventSink::CCandUIObjectEventSink( void ) { m_pObjectMgr = NULL; }
/* ~ C C A N D U I O B J E C T E V E N T S I N K */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandUIObjectEventSink::~CCandUIObjectEventSink( void ) { Assert( m_pObjectMgr == NULL ); if (m_pObjectMgr != NULL) { DoneEventSink(); } }
/* I N I T E V E N T S I N K */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIObjectEventSink::InitEventSink( CCandUIObjectMgr *pObjectMgr ) { Assert( pObjectMgr != NULL ); Assert( m_pObjectMgr == NULL );
if (pObjectMgr == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
m_pObjectMgr = pObjectMgr; return m_pObjectMgr->AdviseEventSink( this ); }
/* D O N E E V E N T S I N K */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIObjectEventSink::DoneEventSink( void ) { HRESULT hr;
Assert( m_pObjectMgr != NULL ); if (m_pObjectMgr == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
hr = m_pObjectMgr->UnadviseEventSink( this ); m_pObjectMgr = NULL;
return hr; }