// compose.cpp
// Composition code.
#include "globals.h"
#include "mark.h"
#include "editsess.h"
class CCompositionEditSession : public CEditSessionBase { public: CCompositionEditSession(ITfContext *pContext, CMarkTextService *pMark) : CEditSessionBase(pContext) { _pMark = pMark; _pMark->AddRef(); } ~CCompositionEditSession() { _pMark->Release(); }
// ITfEditSession
STDMETHODIMP DoEditSession(TfEditCookie ec);
private: CMarkTextService *_pMark; };
class CTerminateCompositionEditSession : public CEditSessionBase { public: CTerminateCompositionEditSession(CMarkTextService *pMark, ITfContext *pContext) : CEditSessionBase(pContext) { _pMark = pMark; _pMark->AddRef(); } ~CTerminateCompositionEditSession() { _pMark->Release(); }
// ITfEditSession
STDMETHODIMP DoEditSession(TfEditCookie ec) { _pMark->_TerminateComposition(ec); return S_OK; }
private: CMarkTextService *_pMark; };
// _TerminateCompositionInContext
void CMarkTextService::_TerminateCompositionInContext(ITfContext *pContext) { CTerminateCompositionEditSession *pEditSession; HRESULT hr;
if (pEditSession = new CTerminateCompositionEditSession(this, pContext)) { pContext->RequestEditSession(_tfClientId, pEditSession, TF_ES_ASYNCDONTCARE | TF_ES_READWRITE, &hr); pEditSession->Release(); } }
// _Menu_OnComposition
// Callback for the "Start/End Composition" menu item.
// If we have a composition, end it. Otherwise start a new composition over
// the selection of the current focus context.
/* static */ void CMarkTextService::_Menu_OnComposition(CMarkTextService *_this) { ITfDocumentMgr *pFocusDoc; ITfContext *pContext; CCompositionEditSession *pCompositionEditSession; HRESULT hr;
// get the focus document
if (_this->_pThreadMgr->GetFocus(&pFocusDoc) != S_OK) return;
// we want the topmost context, since the main doc context could be
// superceded by a modal tip context
if (pFocusDoc->GetTop(&pContext) != S_OK) { pContext = NULL; goto Exit; }
if (pCompositionEditSession = new CCompositionEditSession(pContext, _this)) { // we need a document write lock
// the CCompositionEditSession will do all the work when the
// CCompositionEditSession::DoEditSession method is called by the context
pContext->RequestEditSession(_this->_tfClientId, pCompositionEditSession, TF_ES_READWRITE | TF_ES_ASYNCDONTCARE, &hr);
pCompositionEditSession->Release(); }
Exit: SafeRelease(pContext); pFocusDoc->Release(); }
// DoEditSession
STDAPI CCompositionEditSession::DoEditSession(TfEditCookie ec) { ITfInsertAtSelection *pInsertAtSelection; ITfContextComposition *pContextComposition; ITfComposition *pComposition; ITfRange *pRangeComposition; ITfRange *pRangeInsert; ITfContext *pCompositionContext; HRESULT hr; BOOL fEqualContexts;
// get an interface on the context we can use to deal with compositions
if (_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_ITfContextComposition, (void **)&pContextComposition) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
hr = E_FAIL;
pInsertAtSelection = NULL;
if (_pMark->_IsComposing()) { // we have a composition, let's terminate it
// it's possible our current composition is in another context...let's find out
fEqualContexts = TRUE; if (_pMark->_GetComposition()->GetRange(&pRangeComposition) == S_OK) { if (pRangeComposition->GetContext(&pCompositionContext) == S_OK) { fEqualContexts = IsEqualUnknown(pCompositionContext, _pContext); if (!fEqualContexts) { // need an edit session in the composition context
_pMark->_TerminateCompositionInContext(pCompositionContext); } pCompositionContext->Release(); } pRangeComposition->Release(); }
// if the composition is in pContext, we already have an edit cookie
if (fEqualContexts) { _pMark->_TerminateComposition(ec); } } else { // let's start a new composition over the current selection
// this is totally contrived, a real text service would have
// some meaningful logic to trigger this
// first, test where a keystroke would go in the document if we did an insert
// we need a special interface to insert text at the selection
if (_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_ITfInsertAtSelection, (void **)&pInsertAtSelection) != S_OK) { pInsertAtSelection = NULL; goto Exit; }
if (pInsertAtSelection->InsertTextAtSelection(ec, TF_IAS_QUERYONLY, NULL, 0, &pRangeInsert) != S_OK) goto Exit;
// start the composition
if (pContextComposition->StartComposition(ec, pRangeInsert, _pMark, &pComposition) != S_OK) { pComposition = NULL; }
// _pComposition may be NULL even if StartComposition return S_OK, this mean the application
// rejected the composition
if (pComposition != NULL) { _pMark->_SetComposition(pComposition); // underline the composition text to give the user some feedback UI
_pMark->_SetCompositionDisplayAttributes(ec); } }
// if we make it here, we've succeeded
hr = S_OK;
Exit: SafeRelease(pInsertAtSelection); pContextComposition->Release();
return hr; }
// OnCompositionTerminated
// Callback for ITfCompositionSink. The system calls this method whenever
// someone other than this service ends a composition.
STDAPI CMarkTextService::OnCompositionTerminated(TfEditCookie ecWrite, ITfComposition *pComposition) { // we already have the composition cached, so we can ignore pComposition...
// all this service wants to do is clear the display property
// releae our cached composition
return S_OK; }
// _ClearCompositionDisplayAttributes
void CMarkTextService::_ClearCompositionDisplayAttributes(TfEditCookie ec) { ITfRange *pRangeComposition; ITfContext *pContext; ITfProperty *pDisplayAttributeProperty;
// we need a range and the context it lives in
if (_pComposition->GetRange(&pRangeComposition) != S_OK) return;
if (pRangeComposition->GetContext(&pContext) != S_OK) { pContext = NULL; goto Exit; }
// get our the display attribute property
if (pContext->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE, &pDisplayAttributeProperty) != S_OK) goto Exit;
// clear the value over the range
pDisplayAttributeProperty->Clear(ec, pRangeComposition);
Exit: pRangeComposition->Release(); SafeRelease(pContext); }
// _SetCompositionDisplayAttributes
BOOL CMarkTextService::_SetCompositionDisplayAttributes(TfEditCookie ec) { ITfRange *pRangeComposition; ITfContext *pContext; ITfProperty *pDisplayAttributeProperty; VARIANT var; HRESULT hr;
// we need a range and the context it lives in
if (_pComposition->GetRange(&pRangeComposition) != S_OK) return FALSE;
hr = E_FAIL;
if (pRangeComposition->GetContext(&pContext) != S_OK) { pContext = NULL; goto Exit; }
// get our the display attribute property
if (pContext->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE, &pDisplayAttributeProperty) != S_OK) goto Exit;
// set the value over the range
// the application will use this guid atom to lookup the acutal rendering information
var.vt = VT_I4; // we're going to set a TfGuidAtom
var.lVal = _gaDisplayAttribute; // our cached guid atom for c_guidMarkDisplayAttribute
hr = pDisplayAttributeProperty->SetValue(ec, pRangeComposition, &var);
Exit: pRangeComposition->Release(); SafeRelease(pContext); return (hr == S_OK); }
// _InitDisplayAttributeGuidAtom
// Because it's expensive to map our display attribute GUID to a TSF
// TfGuidAtom, we do it once when Activate is called.
BOOL CMarkTextService::_InitDisplayAttributeGuidAtom() { ITfCategoryMgr *pCategoryMgr; HRESULT hr;
if (CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TF_CategoryMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITfCategoryMgr, (void**)&pCategoryMgr) != S_OK) { return FALSE; }
hr = pCategoryMgr->RegisterGUID(c_guidMarkDisplayAttribute, &_gaDisplayAttribute);
pCategoryMgr->Release(); return (hr == S_OK); }