// anchor.cpp
// CACPWrap
#include "private.h"
#include "anchor.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "normal.h"
#include "anchoref.h"
#include "txtcache.h"
// _NormalizeAnchor
void CACPWrap::_NormalizeAnchor(CAnchor *pa) { int iNew; int iCurrent; LONG acpNew; CAnchor *paInto;
AssertPrivate(!pa->_fNormalized); // perf: we shouldn't normalize more than once
acpNew = Normalize(_ptsi, pa->GetIch());
pa->_fNormalized = TRUE;
if (acpNew == pa->GetIch()) return;
_Find(pa->GetIch(), &iCurrent); paInto = _Find(acpNew, &iNew); _Update(pa, acpNew, iCurrent, paInto, iNew);
if (paInto == NULL) { // the target anchor didn't get merged, pretend it did
paInto = pa; } else { // the target anchor got merged
// need to set the norm bit for the anchor it got merged into
paInto->_fNormalized = TRUE; }
// we may have just skipped over anchors to the right of this one
// handle those guys now
while ((pa = _rgAnchors.Get(iCurrent)) != paInto) { Assert(pa->GetIch() < acpNew);
_Merge(paInto, pa); }
_Dbg_AssertAnchors(); }
// _DragAnchors
void CACPWrap::_DragAnchors(LONG acpFrom, LONG acpTo) { CAnchor *paFrom; CAnchor *paTo; int iFrom; int iTo; int i;
Assert(acpFrom > acpTo); // this method only handles dragging to the left
_Find(acpFrom, &iFrom); if (iFrom < 0) return; // nothing to drag
if (!_Find(acpTo, &iTo)) { // if acpTo isn't occupied, drag to the next highest anchor
iTo++; }
if (iTo > iFrom) return; // nothing to drag, iTo and iFrom ref anchors to the left of acpTo
// merge all the anchors into the left most
paTo = _rgAnchors.Get(iTo);
for (i=iFrom; i>iTo; i--) { paFrom = _rgAnchors.Get(i); Assert(paFrom->GetIch() > paTo->GetIch());
_Merge(paTo, paFrom); }
// if the left most anchor isn't already positioned, do that now
_Dbg_AssertAnchors(); }
// _Insert
HRESULT CACPWrap::_Insert(CAnchorRef *par, LONG ich) { int i; CAnchor *pa;
if ((pa = _Find(ich, &i)) == NULL) { // this ich isn't in the array, allocate a new anchor
if ((pa = new CAnchor) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// and insert it into the array
if (!_rgAnchors.Insert(i+1, 1)) { delete pa; return E_FAIL; }
// update _lPendingDeltaIndex
if (i+1 <= _lPendingDeltaIndex) { _lPendingDeltaIndex++; } else { // new anchor is covered by a pending delta, so account for it
ich -= _lPendingDelta; }
pa->_paw = this; pa->_ich = ich;
_rgAnchors.Set(i+1, pa); }
return _Insert(par, pa); }
// _Insert
HRESULT CACPWrap::_Insert(CAnchorRef *par, CAnchor *pa) { par->_pa = pa; par->_prev = NULL; par->_next = pa->_parFirst; if (pa->_parFirst) { Assert(pa->_parFirst->_prev == NULL); pa->_parFirst->_prev = par; } pa->_parFirst = par;
return S_OK; }
// Remove
void CACPWrap::_Remove(CAnchorRef *parIn) { CAnchor *pa = parIn->_pa;
if (parIn->_prev != NULL) { // make the previous guy point past parIn
parIn->_prev->_next = parIn->_next; } else { // this par is at the head of the list
pa->_parFirst = parIn->_next; } if (parIn->_next != NULL) { parIn->_next->_prev = parIn->_prev; }
if (pa->_parFirst == NULL) { // no more refs, delete the anchor
_Delete(pa); } }
// Remove
void CACPWrap::_Delete(CAnchor *pa) { int i;
if (_Find(pa->GetIch(), &i) == pa) { _rgAnchors.Remove(i, 1);
// update _lPendingDeltaIndex
if (i < _lPendingDeltaIndex) { _lPendingDeltaIndex--; } }
delete pa; }
// Update
// Normalization is handled by the caller who needs to use Renormalize after
// calling this method.
void CACPWrap::_Update(const TS_TEXTCHANGE *pdctc) { int iStart; int ichEndOrg; int iEndOrg; int iEndNew; CAnchorRef *par; CAnchorRef **ppar; CAnchor *paStart; CAnchor *paEnd; CAnchor *paInto; BOOL fExactEndMatch; int dSize; int iDeltaStart; int ichStart = pdctc->acpStart; int ichEndOld = pdctc->acpOldEnd; int ichEndNew = pdctc->acpNewEnd;
// always invalidate our text cache
Assert(ichStart >= 0); Assert(ichEndOld >= ichStart); Assert(ichEndNew >= ichStart);
if (_rgAnchors.Count() == 0) // any anchors?
dSize = ichEndNew - ichEndOld;
if (dSize == 0) return;
paStart = _Find(ichStart, &iStart); if (paStart == NULL) { iStart++; // return value was anchor closest to but less than ichStart
if (iStart >= _rgAnchors.Count()) { // there aren't any anchors >= iStart, so bail, nothing to do
return; }
paStart = _rgAnchors.Get(iStart); if (iStart == 0 && paStart->GetIch() > ichEndOld) { // the delta is to the left of all the ranges
_AdjustIchs(0, dSize); _Dbg_AssertAnchors(); return; } } paEnd = _Find(ichEndOld, &iEndOrg); if (paEnd == NULL) { Assert(iEndOrg >= 0); // there should be at least one anchor <= ichEndOld
// if we made it this far
fExactEndMatch = FALSE; paEnd = _rgAnchors.Get(iEndOrg); } else { fExactEndMatch = TRUE; }
if (dSize < 0) { // if dSize < 0, then gotta merge all the anchors between old, new pos
if (paEnd->GetIch() > ichEndNew) // are there any anchors between old, new pos?
{ // track change history
// drag the paEnd to its new position
ichEndOrg = paEnd->GetIch(); paInto = _Find(ichEndNew, &iEndNew);
_TrackDelHistory(iEndOrg, fExactEndMatch, iEndNew, paInto != NULL);
iEndNew = _Update(paEnd, ichEndNew, iEndOrg, paInto, iEndNew); _Find(ichEndOrg, &iEndOrg); // might be a prev anchor if paEnd got deleted in Update!
while (iEndOrg > iEndNew) { // don't try to cache pointers, _rgAnchors might get realloc'd
// during the _Merge!
_Merge(_rgAnchors.Get(iEndNew), _rgAnchors.Get(iEndOrg)); iEndOrg--; }
iEndOrg = iEndNew; // for below
} // iEndOrg was updated so let's start from next.
iDeltaStart = iEndOrg + 1; } else // dSize > 0
{ // iEndOrg will be < iStart when the delta fits entirely between two existing anchors
Assert(iEndOrg >= iStart || (iEndOrg == iStart - 1)); iDeltaStart = (iEndOrg <= iStart) ? iEndOrg + 1 : iEndOrg; }
// update all the following anchors
_AdjustIchs(iDeltaStart, dSize);
if (dSize > 0 && paStart == paEnd) { // Need to account for gravity in the case of an insert to a single anchor pos.
// In practice, this means that we have to handle the anchor refs at the insertion
// anchor individually -- some will want to shift left, others right.
ppar = &paStart->_parFirst; while (par = *ppar) { if (par->_fForwardGravity) { // remove the ref from this anchor
*ppar = par->_next; if (par->_next != NULL) { par->_next->_prev = par->_prev; }
// shove the ref over, it needs to be moved. Insert adds to the head of the list
// so this call is fast and in constant time.
_Insert(par, paStart->GetIch() + dSize); } else { ppar = &par->_next; } }
if (paStart->_parFirst == NULL) { // we cleaned this guy out!
Assert(_rgAnchors.Get(iEndOrg) == paStart); _rgAnchors.Remove(iEndOrg, 1); delete paStart; // update _lPendingDeltaIndex
if (iEndOrg < _lPendingDeltaIndex) { _lPendingDeltaIndex--; } } }
_Dbg_AssertAnchors(); }
// _TrackDelHistory
void CACPWrap::_TrackDelHistory(int iEndOrg, BOOL fExactEndOrgMatch, int iEndNew, BOOL fExactEndNewMatch) { CAnchorRef *par; int i;
Assert(iEndOrg >= iEndNew);
if (fExactEndOrgMatch) { // all the anchoref's at iEndOrg get a preceding del
for (par = _rgAnchors.Get(iEndOrg)->_parFirst; par != NULL; par = par->_next) { par->_dwHistory |= TS_CH_PRECEDING_DEL; }
// if iEndOrg == iEndNew on entry, that's everything
if (iEndOrg == iEndNew) return;
iEndOrg--; // exclude this anchor from loop below
if (fExactEndNewMatch) { // all the anchoref's at iEndNew get a following del
for (par = _rgAnchors.Get(iEndNew)->_parFirst; par != NULL; par = par->_next) { par->_dwHistory |= TS_CH_FOLLOWING_DEL; } } // exclude leftmost anchor from loop below
// either we just handled it in the loop above or !fExactEndNewMatch
// in which case it lies to the left of the affected anchors
// the the anchoref's in between get both dels
for (i=iEndNew; i<=iEndOrg; i++) { for (par = _rgAnchors.Get(i)->_parFirst; par != NULL; par = par->_next) { par->_dwHistory = (TS_CH_PRECEDING_DEL | TS_CH_FOLLOWING_DEL); } } }
// _Update
// piInto gets loaded with the index of the anchor after the update. If the
// index changed, pa is now bogus and a new pointer should be grabbed using
// the index.
int CACPWrap::_Update(CAnchor *pa, int ichNew, int iOrg, CAnchor *paInto, int iInto) { int i;
Assert(pa->GetIch() != ichNew); // we are so hosed if this happens
i = iInto;
if (paInto != NULL) { // gotta do a merge
_Merge(paInto, pa); } else { if (iInto != iOrg) { // move the entry in the array to the new position
i = _rgAnchors.Move(iInto+1, iOrg); }
// did we cross _lPendingDeltaIndex?
if (i > _lPendingDeltaIndex) { // new position is in the pending range, adjust ich
ichNew -= _lPendingDelta; } else if (iOrg >= _lPendingDeltaIndex && i <= _lPendingDeltaIndex) // shifting an anchor out of the pending range
{ // one less anchor in the pending range
_lPendingDeltaIndex++; }
// change the ich
_rgAnchors.Get(i)->_ich = ichNew; }
return i; }
// Renormalize
void CACPWrap::_Renormalize(int ichStart, int ichEnd) { CAnchor *pa; int iCurrent; int iEnd; BOOL fExactEndMatch;
if (_rgAnchors.Count() == 0) return;
fExactEndMatch = (_Find(ichEnd, &iEnd) != NULL); if (iEnd < 0) return;
if (ichStart == ichEnd) { if (!fExactEndMatch) return; // this can happen on deletions
iCurrent = iEnd; } else if (_Find(ichStart, &iCurrent) == NULL) { iCurrent++; // we don't care about anchors < ichStart
} Assert(iCurrent >= 0);
for (;iCurrent <= iEnd; iCurrent++) { pa = _rgAnchors.Get(iCurrent);
Assert(pa->GetIch() >= 0); Assert(pa->GetIch() >= ichStart); Assert(pa->GetIch() <= ichEnd);
// we'll do the real work only when we have too...
pa->_fNormalized = FALSE; }
_Dbg_AssertAnchors(); }
// _Find
// If piOut != NULL then it is set to the index where ich was found, or the
// index of the next lower ich if ich isn't in the array.
// If there is no element in the array with a lower ich, returns offset -1.
CAnchor *CACPWrap::_Find(int ich, int *piOut) { CAnchor *paMatch; int iMin; int iMax; int iMid; LONG lPendingDeltaIch;
iMin = 0; iMax = _rgAnchors.Count();
// adjust search for pending delta range
// values aren't consistent across the range boundary
if (_lPendingDelta != 0 && _lPendingDeltaIndex < _rgAnchors.Count()) { lPendingDeltaIch = _rgAnchors.Get(_lPendingDeltaIndex)->_ich;
if (ich < lPendingDeltaIch + _lPendingDelta) { iMax = _lPendingDeltaIndex; } else if (ich > lPendingDeltaIch + _lPendingDelta) { iMin = _lPendingDeltaIndex+1; ich -= _lPendingDelta; // make the search below work
} else { iMid = _lPendingDeltaIndex; paMatch = _rgAnchors.Get(_lPendingDeltaIndex); goto Exit; } }
paMatch = _FindInnerLoop(ich, iMin, iMax, &iMid);
Exit: if (piOut != NULL) { if (paMatch == NULL && iMid >= 0) { // couldn't find a match, return the next lowest ich
Assert(iMid == 0 || iMid == _lPendingDeltaIndex || _rgAnchors.Get(iMid-1)->_ich < ich); if (_rgAnchors.Get(iMid)->_ich > ich) { iMid--; } } *piOut = iMid; }
return paMatch; }
// _FindInnerLoop
CAnchor *CACPWrap::_FindInnerLoop(LONG acp, int iMin, int iMax, int *piIndex) { CAnchor *pa; CAnchor *paMatch; int iMid;
paMatch = NULL; iMid = iMin - 1;
while (iMin < iMax) { iMid = (iMin + iMax) / 2; pa = _rgAnchors.Get(iMid); Assert(pa != NULL);
if (acp < pa->_ich) { iMax = iMid; } else if (acp > pa->_ich) { iMin = iMid + 1; } else // acp == pa->_ich
{ paMatch = pa; break; } }
*piIndex = iMid;
return paMatch; }
// _Merge
void CACPWrap::_Merge(CAnchor *paInto, CAnchor *paFrom) { CAnchorRef *par;
Assert(paInto != paFrom); // very bad!
Assert(paInto->_parFirst != NULL); // should never have an anchor w/o any refs
if (par = paFrom->_parFirst) { // update the anchor for the paFrom refs
while (TRUE) { par->_pa = paInto;
if (par->_next == NULL) break;
par = par->_next; }
// now par is the last ref in paFrom
// shove all the refs in paFrom into paInto
if (par != NULL) { Assert(par->_next == NULL); par->_next = paInto->_parFirst; Assert(paInto->_parFirst->_prev == NULL); paInto->_parFirst->_prev = par; paInto->_parFirst = paFrom->_parFirst; } }
// and free the parFrom
_Delete(paFrom); }
// _Dbg_AssertAnchors
#ifdef DEBUG
void CACPWrap::_Dbg_AssertAnchors() { int i; int ichLast; CAnchor *pa;
ichLast = -1;
// assert that the anchor array has ascending ich's
for (i=0; i<_rgAnchors.Count(); i++) { pa = _rgAnchors.Get(i); Assert(ichLast < pa->GetIch()); ichLast = pa->GetIch(); } }
#endif // DEBUG
// _AdjustIchs
void CACPWrap::_AdjustIchs(int iFirst, int dSize) { CAnchor **ppaFirst; CAnchor **ppaLast; LONG dSizeAdjust; int iLastAnchor;
Assert(dSize != 0);
iLastAnchor = _rgAnchors.Count()-1;
if (iFirst > iLastAnchor) return;
if (_lPendingDelta == 0 || // no delta pending
_lPendingDeltaIndex > iLastAnchor) // old pending anchors got deleted before update
{ // no pending delta, start a new one
_lPendingDeltaIndex = iFirst; _lPendingDelta = dSize; return; }
if (max(iFirst, _lPendingDeltaIndex) - min(iFirst, _lPendingDeltaIndex) > iLastAnchor / 2) { // adjust points are far apart, update the tail of the range
if (iFirst > _lPendingDeltaIndex) { ppaFirst = _rgAnchors.GetPtr(iFirst); dSizeAdjust = dSize; } else { ppaFirst = _rgAnchors.GetPtr(_lPendingDeltaIndex); _lPendingDeltaIndex = iFirst; dSizeAdjust = _lPendingDelta; _lPendingDelta = dSize; } ppaLast = _rgAnchors.GetPtr(iLastAnchor); } else { // adjust points are close, update the head of the range
if (iFirst > _lPendingDeltaIndex) { ppaFirst = _rgAnchors.GetPtr(_lPendingDeltaIndex); _lPendingDeltaIndex = iFirst; ppaLast = _rgAnchors.GetPtr(iFirst - 1); dSizeAdjust = _lPendingDelta; } else { ppaFirst = _rgAnchors.GetPtr(iFirst); ppaLast = _rgAnchors.GetPtr(_lPendingDeltaIndex-1); dSizeAdjust = dSize; } _lPendingDelta += dSize; }
// do the real work
while (ppaFirst <= ppaLast) { (*ppaFirst++)->_ich += dSizeAdjust; } }