// dllmain.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "tim.h"
#include "imelist.h"
#include "utb.h"
#include "dam.h"
#include "catmgr.h"
#include "nuimgr.h"
#include "profiles.h"
#include "internat.h"
#include "acp2anch.h"
#include "cicmutex.h"
#include "strary.h"
#include "range.h"
#include "compart.h"
#include "marshal.h"
#include "timlist.h"
#include "gcompart.h"
#include "mui.h"
#include "anchoref.h"
#include "hotkey.h"
#include "lbaddin.h"
extern HINSTANCE g_hOle32;
extern CCicCriticalSectionStatic g_csDelayLoad;;
#ifdef DEBUG
void dbg_RangeDump(ITfRange *pRange); #endif
extern void UninitThread(void);
extern void RegisterMarshalWndClass();
CCicMutex g_mutexLBES; CCicMutex g_mutexCompart; CCicMutex g_mutexAsm; CCicMutex g_mutexLayouts; CCicMutex g_mutexTMD; extern void UninitLayoutMappedFile();
char g_szAsmListCache[MAX_PATH]; char g_szTimListCache[MAX_PATH]; char g_szLayoutsCache[MAX_PATH];
// Hack for Office10 BVT.
// MSACCESS 10 Debug version (CMallocSpy) shows MsgBox after DLL is detached
// from process.
// Showing MsgBox calls window Hook so Hook entry is called then.
// Need to check the DLL was already detached.
BOOL g_fDllProcessDetached = FALSE; DWORD g_dwThreadDllMain = 0; void InitStaticHooks();
BOOL g_bOnWow64;
BOOL gf_CRT_INIT = FALSE; BOOL gfSharedMemory = FALSE;
// ProcessAttach
BOOL ProcessAttach(HINSTANCE hInstance) { CcshellGetDebugFlags();
#ifdef DEBUG
// Do you know how to link non-used function??
dbg_RangeDump(NULL); #endif
#ifndef NOCLIB
gf_CRT_INIT = TRUE; #endif
if (!g_cs.Init()) return FALSE;
if (!g_csInDllMain.Init()) return FALSE;
if (!g_csDelayLoad.Init()) return FALSE;
g_bOnWow64 = RunningOnWow64();
Dbg_MemInit( ! g_bOnWow64 ? TEXT("MSCTF") : TEXT("MSCTF(wow64)"), g_rgPerfObjCounters);
g_hInst = hInstance; g_hklDefault = GetKeyboardLayout(0);
g_dwTLSIndex = TlsAlloc(); if (g_dwTLSIndex == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) return FALSE;
g_msgPrivate = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.Private")); if (!g_msgPrivate) return FALSE;
g_msgSetFocus = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.SetFocus")); if (!g_msgSetFocus) return FALSE;
g_msgThreadTerminate = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.ThreadTerminate")); if (!g_msgThreadTerminate) return FALSE;
g_msgThreadItemChange = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.ThreadItemChange")); if (!g_msgThreadItemChange) return FALSE;
g_msgLBarModal = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.LangBarModal")); if (!g_msgLBarModal) return FALSE;
g_msgRpcSendReceive = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.RpcSendReceive")); if (!g_msgRpcSendReceive) return FALSE;
g_msgThreadMarshal = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.ThreadMarshal")); if (!g_msgThreadMarshal) return FALSE;
g_msgCheckThreadInputIdel = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.CheckThreadInputIdel")); if (!g_msgCheckThreadInputIdel) return FALSE;
g_msgStubCleanUp = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.StubCleanUp")); if (!g_msgStubCleanUp) return FALSE;
g_msgShowFloating = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.ShowFloating")); if (!g_msgShowFloating) return FALSE;
g_msgLBUpdate = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.LBUpdate")); if (!g_msgLBUpdate) return FALSE;
g_msgNuiMgrDirtyUpdate = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("MSUIM.Msg.MuiMgrDirtyUpdate")); if (!g_msgNuiMgrDirtyUpdate) return FALSE;
// get imm32's hmodule.
g_SharedMemory.BaseInit(); if (!g_SharedMemory.Start()) return FALSE;
gfSharedMemory = TRUE;
InitAppCompatFlags(); InitCUASFlag();
g_rglbes = new CStructArray<LBAREVENTSINKLOCAL>; if (!g_rglbes) return FALSE;
GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(TEXT("CTF.AsmListCache.FMP"), g_szAsmListCache); GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(TEXT("CTF.TimListCache.FMP"), g_szTimListCache); GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(TEXT("CTF.LayoutsCache.FMP"), g_szLayoutsCache);
GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(TEXT("CTF.LBES.Mutex"), ach);
CCicSecAttr sa; if (!g_mutexLBES.Init(sa, ach)) return FALSE;
GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(TEXT("CTF.Compart.Mutex"), ach); if (!g_mutexCompart.Init(sa, ach)) return FALSE;
GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(TEXT("CTF.Asm.Mutex"), ach); if (!g_mutexAsm.Init(sa, ach)) return FALSE;
GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(TEXT("CTF.Layouts.Mutex"), ach); if (!g_mutexLayouts.Init(sa, ach)) return FALSE;
GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(TEXT("CTF.TMD.Mutex"), ach); if (!g_mutexTMD.Init(sa, ach)) return FALSE;
MuiLoadResource(hInstance, TEXT("msctf.dll"));
return TRUE; }
// ProcessDetach
void ProcessDetach(HINSTANCE hInstance) { #ifndef NOCLIB
if (gf_CRT_INIT) { #endif
if (gfSharedMemory) { //
// If _Module.m_nLockCnt != 0, then TFUninitLib() doesn't calls from DllUninit().
// So critical section of g_csIMLib never deleted.
if (DllRefCount() != 0) { TFUninitLib(); }
CRange::_UninitClass(); CAnchorRef::_UninitClass();
MuiClearResource(); }
UninitINAT(); CDispAttrGuidCache::StaticUnInit();
// clean up all marshal window in this thread.
UninitProcess(); if (g_dwTLSIndex != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) TlsFree(g_dwTLSIndex); g_dwTLSIndex = TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES;
if (g_rglbes) delete g_rglbes;
g_rglbes = NULL;
g_gcomplist.CleanUp(); g_timlist.CleanUp(); Dbg_MemUninit();
g_cs.Delete(); g_csInDllMain.Delete(); g_csDelayLoad.Delete();
if (gfSharedMemory) { g_mutexLBES.Uninit(); g_mutexCompart.Uninit(); g_mutexAsm.Uninit();
// call UninitLayoutMappedFile before uninitializing the mutex.
UninitLayoutMappedFile(); g_mutexLayouts.Uninit();
InitStaticHooks(); // must happen before we uninit shared memory
g_SharedMemory.Close(); } g_SharedMemory.Finalize();
#ifndef NOCLIB
if (g_fDllProcessDetached) { // why were we called twice?
Assert(0); } #endif
Assert(DllRefCount() == 0); // leaked something?
g_fDllProcessDetached = TRUE; }
// DllMain
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID pvReserved) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; g_dwThreadDllMain = GetCurrentThreadId();
switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: //
// Now real DllEntry point is _DllMainCRTStartup.
// _DllMainCRTStartup does not call our DllMain(DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
// if our DllMain(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) fails.
// So we have to clean this up.
if (!ProcessAttach(hInstance)) { ProcessDetach(hInstance); bRet = FALSE; break; }
// fall thru
// to call TF_InitThreadSystem(), make sure we have not initialized
// timlist yet.
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: TF_InitThreadSystem(); break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: UninitThread(); TF_UninitThreadSystem(); break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: ProcessDetach(hInstance); break; }
g_dwThreadDllMain = 0; return bRet; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// dbg_RangeDump
void dbg_RangeDump(ITfRange *pRange) { WCHAR ach[256]; ULONG cch; char ch[256]; ULONG cch1 = ARRAYSIZE(ch);
if (!pRange) return;
pRange->GetText(BACKDOOR_EDIT_COOKIE, 0, ach, ARRAYSIZE(ach), &cch); ach[cch] = L'\0'; TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "dbg_RangeDump"); TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "\tpRange: %x", (UINT_PTR)pRange); cch1 = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ach, -1, ch, sizeof(ch)-1, NULL, NULL); ch[cch1] = '\0'; TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "\t%s", ch);
char sz[512]; sz[0] = '\0'; for (UINT i = 0; i < cch; i++) { StringCchPrintf(sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz), "%s%04x ", sz, ach[i]); } TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "\t%s", sz); }