// reconv.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "tim.h"
#include "ic.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "fnrecon.h"
#include "funcprv.h"
#include "ptrary.h"
#include "immxutil.h"
#include "proputil.h"
#include "rprop.h"
#include "range.h"
// ::GrowEmptyRangeByOne
// Helper to enlarge empty ranges by shifting the end anchor + 1.
HRESULT GrowEmptyRangeByOne(CInputContext *pic, ITfRange *range) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (pic->_DoPseudoSyncEditSession(TF_ES_READ, PSEUDO_ESCB_GROWRANGE, range, &hr) != S_OK || hr != S_OK) { Assert(0); }
return hr; }
HRESULT GrowEmptyRangeByOneCallback(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *range) { BOOL fEmpty; LONG l; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check the length of the given range.
// If the given range is 0 length, we try to find the owner of
// the next char.
range->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty); if (fEmpty) { hr = range->ShiftEnd(ec, +1, &l, NULL); }
return hr; }
// CFunction
// ctor
CFunction::CFunction(CFunctionProvider *pFuncPrv) { _pFuncPrv = pFuncPrv; _pFuncPrv->AddRef(); }
// dtor
CFunction::~CFunction() { SafeRelease(_pFuncPrv); CleanUpOwnerRange(); }
// CleanUpOwnerRange
void CFunction::CleanUpOwnerRange() { CRangeOwnerList *pRangeOwner; while (pRangeOwner = _listRangeOwner.GetFirst()) { _listRangeOwner.Remove(pRangeOwner); delete pRangeOwner; } }
// BuildOwnerRangeList
BOOL CFunction::BuildOwnerRangeList(CInputContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BUILDOWNERRANGELISTQUEUEINFO qInfo; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
qInfo.pFunc = this; qInfo.pRange = pRange;
if (pic->_DoPseudoSyncEditSession(TF_ES_READ, PSEUDO_ESCB_BUILDOWNERRANGELIST, &qInfo, &hr) != S_OK || hr != S_OK) { Assert(0); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// BuildOwnerRangeListCallback
HRESULT CFunction::BuildOwnerRangeListCallback(TfEditCookie ec, CInputContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange) { CProperty *pProp; IEnumTfRanges *pEnumPropRange; CRange *pRangeP = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (pic->_pPropTextOwner == NULL) goto ExitOk;
pProp = pic->_pPropTextOwner; CleanUpOwnerRange();
// if pRange is NULL, we build owner list for entire dcoument.
// we will enumerate all property ranges.
if (pRange) { if ((pRangeP = GetCRange_NA(pRange)) == NULL) goto Exit; }
if (SUCCEEDED(pProp->EnumRanges(ec, &pEnumPropRange, pRange))) { ITfRange *pPropRange; while (pEnumPropRange->Next(1, &pPropRange, NULL) == S_OK) { TfGuidAtom guidOwner; CRangeOwnerList *pRangeOwner; ITfRange *pRangeTmp; CRange *pRangeTmpP; BOOL bKnownOwner = FALSE;
GetGUIDPropertyData(ec, pProp, pPropRange, &guidOwner);
// check if this guidOwner already appeared in the range.
pRangeOwner = _listRangeOwner.GetFirst(); while(pRangeOwner) { if (guidOwner == pRangeOwner->_guidOwner) { bKnownOwner = TRUE; } pRangeOwner = pRangeOwner->GetNext(); }
// get CRange.
if ((pRangeTmpP = GetCRange_NA(pRangeTmp)) == NULL) goto NoCRange;
// if pRangeP is NULL, we build owner list for entire document.
// So we don't have to adjust pRangeTmp.
if (pRangeP) { if (CompareAnchors(pRangeTmpP->_GetStart(), pRangeP->_GetStart()) < 0) { // move pRangeTmp's start to match pRange
pRangeTmpP->_GetStart()->ShiftTo(pRangeP->_GetStart()); // insure pRangeTmp's end is no greater than pRange's end
if (CompareAnchors(pRangeTmpP->_GetEnd(), pRangeP->_GetEnd()) > 0) { pRangeTmpP->_GetEnd()->ShiftTo(pRangeP->_GetEnd()); } } else if (CompareAnchors(pRangeTmpP->_GetEnd(), pRangeP->_GetEnd()) > 0) { pRangeTmpP->_GetEnd()->ShiftTo(pRangeP->_GetEnd()); } }
pRangeOwner = new CRangeOwnerList(guidOwner, pRangeTmp, bKnownOwner); _listRangeOwner.Add(pRangeOwner);
NoCRange: pPropRange->Release(); pRangeTmp->Release(); } pEnumPropRange->Release(); }
ExitOk: hr = S_OK;
Exit: return hr; }
// CFnReconversion
// ctor
CFnReconversion::CFnReconversion(CFunctionProvider *pFuncPrv) :CFunction(pFuncPrv) { _pReconvCache = NULL; }
// dtor
CFnReconversion::~CFnReconversion() { SafeRelease(_pReconvCache); }
// GetDisplayName
STDAPI CFnReconversion::GetDisplayName(BSTR *pbstrName) { *pbstrName = SysAllocString(L"Reconversion"); return *pbstrName != NULL ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// CFnReconversion::GetReconversion
STDAPI CFnReconversion::GetReconversion(ITfRange *pRange, ITfCandidateList **ppCandList) { if (ppCandList == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppCandList = NULL;
if (pRange == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
return Internal_GetReconversion(pRange, ppCandList, NULL, RF_GETRECONVERSION, NULL); }
// CFnReconversion::QueryRange
STDAPI CFnReconversion::QueryRange(ITfRange *pRange, ITfRange **ppNewRange, BOOL *pfConvertable) { if (ppNewRange != NULL) { *ppNewRange = NULL; } if (pfConvertable != NULL) { *pfConvertable = FALSE; } if (pRange == NULL || ppNewRange == NULL || pfConvertable == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
return Internal_GetReconversion(pRange, NULL, ppNewRange, RF_QUERYRECONVERT, pfConvertable); }
// CFnReconversion::Reconvert
STDAPI CFnReconversion::Reconvert(ITfRange *pRange) { if (pRange == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
return Internal_GetReconversion(pRange, NULL, NULL, RF_RECONVERT, NULL); }
// CFnReconversion::Internal_GetReconversion
HRESULT CFnReconversion::Internal_GetReconversion(ITfRange *pRange, ITfCandidateList **ppCandList, ITfRange **ppNewRange, RECONVFUNC rf, BOOL *pfConvertable) { BOOL bReleaseCache = FALSE; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; ITfRange *pRangeTmp = NULL; ITfRange *pNewRange = NULL; ITfContext *pic = NULL;
if (FAILED(pRange->Clone(&pRangeTmp))) goto Exit;
if (FAILED(pRangeTmp->GetContext(&pic))) goto Exit;
// when RF_QUERYRECONVERT, we alwasy create new Reconv cache.
// we will keep using this chace unless another RF_QUERYRECONVERT comes.
if (rf == RF_QUERYRECONVERT) SafeReleaseClear(_pReconvCache);
if (!_pReconvCache) { CInputContext *pcic = GetCInputContext(pic); if (pcic) { QueryAndGetFunction(pcic, pRangeTmp, &_pReconvCache, &pNewRange); pcic->Release(); }
// when it's not RF_QUERYRECONVERT and there was no cache,
// we don't hold the reconv cache.
if (rf != RF_QUERYRECONVERT) bReleaseCache = TRUE; }
if (!_pReconvCache) { hr = S_OK; goto Exit; }
switch (rf) { case RF_GETRECONVERSION: if ((hr = _pReconvCache->GetReconversion(pRangeTmp, ppCandList)) != S_OK) { *ppCandList = NULL; } break;
case RF_RECONVERT: hr = _pReconvCache->Reconvert(pRangeTmp); break;
case RF_QUERYRECONVERT: if (!pNewRange) { if ((hr = _pReconvCache->QueryRange(pRangeTmp, ppNewRange, pfConvertable)) != S_OK) { *ppNewRange = NULL; *pfConvertable = FALSE; } } else { *ppNewRange = pNewRange; (*ppNewRange)->AddRef(); *pfConvertable = TRUE; hr = S_OK; } break; }
Assert(hr == S_OK);
Exit: if (bReleaseCache || FAILED(hr)) SafeReleaseClear(_pReconvCache);
SafeRelease(pRangeTmp); SafeRelease(pNewRange); SafeRelease(pic); return hr; }
// ctor
HRESULT CFnReconversion::QueryAndGetFunction(CInputContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, ITfFnReconversion **ppFunc, ITfRange **ppRange) { IEnumTfFunctionProviders *pEnumFuncPrv; ITfFunctionProvider *pFuncPrv; CRangeOwnerList *pRangeOwner; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; ITfRange *pRangeTmp = NULL; CThreadInputMgr *ptim;
*ppFunc = NULL;
if ((ptim = CThreadInputMgr::_GetThis()) == NULL) goto Exit;
if (pRange) { //
// To find the properr function provider, we use pRangeTmp.
if (FAILED(pRange->Clone(&pRangeTmp))) goto Exit;
// Check the length of the given range.
// If the given range is 0 length, we try to find the owner of
// the next char.
if (GrowEmptyRangeByOne(pic, pRangeTmp) != S_OK) goto Exit; }
if (!BuildOwnerRangeList(pic, pRangeTmp)) goto Exit;
pRangeOwner = _listRangeOwner.GetFirst();
if (pRangeOwner) { GUID guid;
if (SUCCEEDED(MyGetGUID(pRangeOwner->_guidOwner, &guid))) { CTip *ptip;
// A way to get the TextOwner's reconversion function.
// - find a function provider of the ower.
// - Do QI the text owner TIP.
// - CoCreate the text onwer CLSID.
if (SUCCEEDED(ptim->GetFunctionProvider(guid, &pFuncPrv))) { hr = pFuncPrv->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnReconversion, (IUnknown **)ppFunc);
SafeReleaseClear(pFuncPrv); } else if (ptim->_GetCTipfromGUIDATOM(pRangeOwner->_guidOwner, &ptip) && ptip->_pTip) { hr = ptip->_pTip->QueryInterface(IID_ITfFnReconversion, (void **)ppFunc); } else { hr = CoCreateInstance(guid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITfFnReconversion, (void**)ppFunc); }
if (FAILED(hr)) *ppFunc = NULL; } }
// if there is no owner or the owner of the first range does not
// have ITfFunction, we may find someone who has
// ITfFunction.
if (!(*ppFunc) && SUCCEEDED(ptim->EnumFunctionProviders(&pEnumFuncPrv))) { while (!(*ppFunc) && pEnumFuncPrv->Next(1, &pFuncPrv, NULL) == S_OK) { GUID guid;
BOOL fSkip = TRUE; if (SUCCEEDED(pFuncPrv->GetType(&guid))) { if (!IsEqualGUID(guid, GUID_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONPROVIDER)) fSkip = FALSE; }
if(!fSkip) { hr = pFuncPrv->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnReconversion, (IUnknown **)ppFunc);
if ((SUCCEEDED(hr) && *ppFunc)) { BOOL fConvertable = FALSE; hr = (*ppFunc)->QueryRange(pRange, ppRange, &fConvertable); if (FAILED(hr) || !fConvertable) { (*ppFunc)->Release(); *ppFunc = NULL; } } } SafeReleaseClear(pFuncPrv); } pEnumFuncPrv->Release(); }
Exit: SafeRelease(pRangeTmp); return (*ppFunc) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
// CFnAbort
// ctor
CFnAbort::CFnAbort(CFunctionProvider *pFuncPrv) : CFunction(pFuncPrv) { }
// dtor
CFnAbort::~CFnAbort() { }
// GetDisplayName
STDAPI CFnAbort::GetDisplayName(BSTR *pbstrName) { *pbstrName = SysAllocString(L"Abort"); return *pbstrName != NULL ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// CFnAbort::Abort
STDAPI CFnAbort::Abort(ITfContext *pic) { CThreadInputMgr *ptim; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; int i; int nCnt;
if (!pic) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ((ptim = CThreadInputMgr::_GetThis()) == NULL) goto Exit;
// notify all tips with ITfFnAbort to abort any pending conversion.
nCnt = ptim->_GetTIPCount(); for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { ITfFnAbort *pAbort; const CTip *ptip = ptim->_GetCTip(i);
if (!ptip->_pFuncProvider) continue;
if (SUCCEEDED(ptip->_pFuncProvider->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnAbort, (IUnknown **)&pAbort))) { pAbort->Abort(pic); pAbort->Release(); } }
hr = S_OK; Exit: return hr; }