// File: globals.h
// Contents: Global variable declarations.
#ifndef GLOBALS_H
#define GLOBALS_H
#include "private.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "ptrary.h"
#include "strary.h"
#include "cicmutex.h"
#include "tfpriv.h"
#include "ctflbui.h"
#include "csecattr.h"
void CheckAnchorStores(); extern BOOL g_fNoITextStoreAnchor;
inline size_t Align(size_t a) { //
// Alignment width should be 8 BYTES for IA64 wow64 platform
// even x86 build enviroment.
return (size_t) ((a + 7) & ~7); }
#ifndef StringCopyArray
#define StringCopyArray(Dstr, Sstr) StringCchCopy((Dstr), ARRAYSIZE(Dstr), (Sstr))
#ifndef StringCopyArrayA
#define StringCopyArrayA(Dstr, Sstr) StringCchCopyA((Dstr), ARRAYSIZE(Dstr), (Sstr))
#ifndef StringCopyArrayW
#define StringCopyArrayW(Dstr, Sstr) StringCchCopyW((Dstr), ARRAYSIZE(Dstr), (Sstr))
#ifndef StringCatArray
#define StringCatArray(Dstr, Sstr) StringCchCat((Dstr), ARRAYSIZE(Dstr), (Sstr))
#ifndef StringCatArrayA
#define StringCatArrayA(Dstr, Sstr) StringCchCatA((Dstr), ARRAYSIZE(Dstr), (Sstr))
#ifndef StringCatArrayW
#define StringCatArrayW(Dstr, Sstr) StringCchCatW((Dstr), ARRAYSIZE(Dstr), (Sstr))
#define LANGIDFROMHKL(x) LANGID(LOWORD(HandleToLong(x)))
#define EC_MIN (BACKDOOR_EDIT_COOKIE + 1) // minimum value to avoid collisions with reserved values
// timer ids for marshaling window
// alignment for platforms.
extern TfGuidAtom g_gaApp; extern TfGuidAtom g_gaSystem;
extern BOOL g_fCTFMONProcess; extern BOOL g_fCUAS; extern TCHAR g_szCUASImeFile[];
extern DWORD g_dwThreadDllMain; #define ISINDLLMAIN() ((g_dwThreadDllMain == GetCurrentThreadId()) ? TRUE : FALSE)
extern CCicCriticalSectionStatic g_cs; extern CCicCriticalSectionStatic g_csInDllMain;
#ifndef DEBUG
#define CicEnterCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection) EnterCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection)
#else // DEBUG
extern const TCHAR *g_szMutexEnterFile; extern int g_iMutexEnterLine;
// In debug, you can see the file/line number where g_cs was last entered
// by checking g_szMutexEnterFile and g_iMutexEnterLine.
#define CicEnterCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection) \
{ \ Assert((g_dwThreadDllMain != GetCurrentThreadId()) || \ (lpCriticalSection == (CRITICAL_SECTION *)g_csInDllMain)); \ \ EnterCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection); \ \ if (lpCriticalSection == (CRITICAL_SECTION *)g_cs) \ { \ g_szMutexEnterFile = __FILE__; \ g_iMutexEnterLine = __LINE__; \ /* need the InterlockedXXX to keep retail from optimizing away the assignment */ \ InterlockedIncrement((long *)&g_szMutexEnterFile); \ InterlockedDecrement((long *)&g_szMutexEnterFile); \ InterlockedIncrement((long *)&g_iMutexEnterLine); \ InterlockedDecrement((long *)&g_iMutexEnterLine); \ } \ }
#endif // DEBUG
inline void CicLeaveCriticalSection(LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection) { Assert((g_dwThreadDllMain != GetCurrentThreadId()) || (lpCriticalSection == (CRITICAL_SECTION *)g_csInDllMain));
LeaveCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection); }
extern HKL g_hklDefault;
extern const GUID GUID_APPLICATION; extern const GUID GUID_SYSTEM;
// application compatibility flag
extern DWORD g_dwAppCompatibility; #define CicTestAppCompat(x) ((g_dwAppCompatibility & (x)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
extern BOOL InitAppCompatFlags(); extern void InitCUASFlag();
extern const TCHAR c_szCTFKey[]; extern const TCHAR c_szTIPKey[]; extern const TCHAR c_szCTFTIPKey[]; extern const TCHAR c_szLangBarKey[]; extern const WCHAR c_szDescriptionW[]; extern const WCHAR c_szMUIDescriptionW[]; extern const WCHAR c_szEnableW[]; extern const TCHAR c_szEnable[]; extern const TCHAR c_szDisabledOnTransitory[]; extern const TCHAR c_szAsmKey[]; extern const TCHAR c_szCompartKey[]; extern const TCHAR c_szGlobalCompartment[]; extern const TCHAR c_szNonInit[]; extern const TCHAR c_szDefault[]; extern const TCHAR c_szProfile[]; extern const WCHAR c_szProfileW[]; extern const TCHAR c_szDefaultAsmName[]; extern const TCHAR c_szUpdateProfile[]; extern const TCHAR c_szAssembly[]; extern const TCHAR c_szLanguageProfileKey[]; extern const TCHAR c_szSubstitutehKL[]; extern const TCHAR c_szKeybaordLayout[]; extern const WCHAR c_szIconFileW[]; extern const TCHAR c_szIconIndex[]; extern const WCHAR c_szIconIndexW[]; extern const TCHAR c_szShowStatus[]; extern const TCHAR c_szLabel[]; extern const TCHAR c_szTransparency[]; extern const TCHAR c_szExtraIconsOnMinimized[]; extern const TCHAR c_szLocaleInfo[]; extern const TCHAR c_szLocaleInfoNT4[]; extern const TCHAR c_szKeyboardLayout[]; extern const TCHAR c_szKeyboardLayoutKey[]; extern const TCHAR c_szKbdUSNameNT[]; extern const TCHAR c_szKbdUSName[]; extern const TCHAR c_szLayoutFile[]; extern const TCHAR c_szIMEFile[]; extern const TCHAR c_szRunInputCPLCmdLine[]; extern const TCHAR c_szRunInputCPL[]; extern const TCHAR c_szRunInputCPLOnWin9x[]; extern const TCHAR c_szRunInputCPLOnNT51[]; extern const TCHAR c_szCicMarshalClass[]; extern const TCHAR c_szCicMarshalWnd[]; extern const TCHAR c_szHHEXELANGBARCHM[]; extern const TCHAR c_szHHEXE[]; extern const TCHAR c_szAppCompat[]; extern const TCHAR c_szCompatibility[]; extern const TCHAR c_szCtfShared[]; extern const TCHAR c_szCUAS[]; extern const TCHAR c_szIMMKey[]; extern const TCHAR c_szCUASIMEFile[];
extern HINSTANCE g_hInst; extern DWORD g_dwTLSIndex;
class CThreadInputMgr; class CLangBarItemMgr; class CLangBarMgr; class CLBarItemCtrl; class CLBarItemHelp; class CLBarItemReconv; class CLBarItemWin32IME; class CLBarItemDeviceType; class CDisplayAttributeMgr; class CInputProcessorProfiles; class CAssemblyList; class CStub; class CSharedHeap; class CSharedBlock; class CInputContext; class CGlobalCompartmentMgr;
typedef struct tag_LANGBARADDIN { GUID _guid; CLSID _clsid; ITfLangBarAddIn *_plbai; HINSTANCE _hInst; BOOL _fStarted : 1; BOOL _fEnabled : 1; WCHAR _wszFilePath[MAX_PATH]; } LANGBARADDIN;
typedef enum { COPY_ANCHORS, OWN_ANCHORS } AnchorOwnership;
typedef struct tag_TL_THREADINFO { DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD dwProcessId; DWORD dwFlags;
// handle of marshal worker window.
CAlignWinHandle<HWND> hwndMarshal;
// now this thread is being called by Stub.
ULONG ulInMarshal;
// now this thread is waiting for marshaling reply from the thread.
DWORD dwMarshalWaitingThread;
DWORD dwTickTime;
// Store the keyboard layout of console app here.
CAlignWinHKL hklConsole;
typedef struct { CThreadInputMgr *ptim; CLangBarItemMgr *plbim; CDisplayAttributeMgr *pdam; CInputProcessorProfiles *pipp;
DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD dwProcessId;
UINT uMsgRemoved; DWORD dwMsgTime;
CAssemblyList *pAsmList; LANGID langidCurrent; LANGID langidPrev; BOOL bInImeNoImeToggle : 1;
BOOL bLangToggleReady : 1; // Lang hotkey toggle flag.
BOOL bKeyTipToggleReady : 1; // Lang hotkey toggle flag.
int nModalLangBarId; int dwModalLangBarFlags;
ULONG ulMshlCnt; HWND hwndMarshal;
CPtrArray<CStub> *prgStub;
CSharedHeap *psheap; CPtrArray<CSharedBlock> *prgThreadMem;
HKL hklDelayActive; HKL hklBeingActivated;
// delay focus DIM change.
// Cicero saves the last focused window here in CBT hook. And actual
// _SetFocus() will be done in TFPRIV_ONSETWIDOWFOCUS.
HWND hwndBeingFocused; BOOL fSetWindowFocusPosted : 1;
BOOL fCTFMON : 1; BOOL fInmsgSetFocus : 1; BOOL fInmsgThreadItemChange : 1; BOOL fInmsgThreadTerminate : 1; BOOL fInActivateAssembly : 1; BOOL fInitCapsKanaIndicator : 1; BOOL fRemovingInputLangChangeReq : 1; BOOL fInitGlobalCompartment : 1; BOOL fStopImm32HandlerInHook : 1; BOOL fStopLangHotkeyHandlerInHook : 1;
BOOL fCUASInCtfImmLastEnabledWndDestroy : 1; BOOL fCUASNoVisibleWindowChecked : 1; BOOL fCUASInCreateDummyWnd : 1; BOOL fCUASDllDetachInOtherOrMe : 1; BOOL fUninitThreadOnShuttingDown : 1; BOOL fDeactivatingTIP : 1;
ULONG uDestroyingMarshalWnd;
// Workaround for global keyboard hook
HHOOK hThreadKeyboardHook; HHOOK hThreadMouseHook;
// For CH IME-NonIME toggle hotkey
LANGID langidPrevForCHHotkey; GUID guidPrevProfileForCHHotkey; HKL hklPrevForCHHotkey;
DWORD _dwLockRequestICRef; DWORD _fLockRequestPosted;
CGlobalCompartmentMgr *_pGlobalCompMgr; CAlignWinHandle<HWND> hwndOleMainThread;
CPtrArray<LANGBARADDIN> *prgLBAddIn; BOOL fLBAddInLoaded;
ITfLangBarEventSink *_pLangBarEventSink; DWORD _dwLangBarEventCookie;
extern SYSTHREAD *GetSYSTHREAD(); extern SYSTHREAD *FindSYSTHREAD(); extern void FreeSYSTHREAD();
class CCatGUIDTbl; extern CCatGUIDTbl *g_pCatGUIDTbl;
class CTimList; extern CTimList g_timlist;
// registered messages
extern UINT g_msgPrivate; extern UINT g_msgSetFocus; extern UINT g_msgThreadTerminate; extern UINT g_msgThreadItemChange; extern UINT g_msgLBarModal; extern UINT g_msgRpcSendReceive; extern UINT g_msgThreadMarshal; extern UINT g_msgCheckThreadInputIdel; #ifdef POINTER_MARSHAL
extern UINT g_msgPointerMarshal; #endif
extern UINT g_msgStubCleanUp; extern UINT g_msgShowFloating; extern UINT g_msgLBUpdate; extern UINT g_msgNuiMgrDirtyUpdate;
extern HWND g_hwndLastForeground; extern DWORD g_dwThreadLastFocus;
// default.cpp
extern LONG WINAPI CicExceptionFilter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo); extern CAssemblyList *EnsureAssemblyList(SYSTHREAD *psfn, BOOL fUpdate = FALSE); extern LANGID GetCurrentAssemblyLangId(SYSTHREAD *psfn); extern void SetCurrentAssemblyLangId(SYSTHREAD *psfn, LANGID langid); extern BOOL TF_InitThreadSystem(void); extern BOOL TF_UninitThreadSystem(void); extern void UninitProcess(); extern BOOL OnForegroundChanged(HWND hwndFocus); extern void OnIMENotify(); extern void KanaCapsUpdate(SYSTHREAD *psfn); extern void StartKanaCapsUpdateTimer(SYSTHREAD *psfn); BOOL InitUniqueString(); void GetDesktopUniqueName(const TCHAR *pszPrefix, TCHAR *pch, ULONG cchPch); BOOL IsMsctfEnabledUser();
#define GetDesktopUniqueNameArray(prefix, buf) \
GetDesktopUniqueName((prefix), buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf));
// ithdmshl.cpp and focusnfy.cpp
void SetFocusNotifyHandler(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void MakeSetFocusNotify(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void SetModalLBarSink(DWORD dwTargetThreadId, BOOL fSet, DWORD dwFlags); void SetModalLBarId(int nId, DWORD dwFlags); BOOL HandleModalLBar(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL DispatchModalLBar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); HRESULT ThreadGetItemFloatingRect(DWORD dwThreadId, REFGUID rguid, RECT *prc); BOOL InitSharedHeap(); BOOL DestroySharedHeap(); BOOL IsCTFMONBusy(); BOOL IsInPopupMenuMode();
// nuihkl.cpp
BOOL GetFontSig(HWND hwnd, HKL hKL); void PostInputLangRequest(SYSTHREAD *psfn, HKL hkl, BOOL fUsePost); void FlushIconIndex(SYSTHREAD *psfn);
// imelist.h
BOOL InitProfileRegKeyStr(char *psz, ULONG cchMax, REFCLSID rclsid, LANGID langid, REFGUID guidProfile);
#include "catmgr.h"
inline BOOL MyIsEqualTfGuidAtom(TfGuidAtom guidatom, REFGUID rguid) { BOOL fEqual;
CCategoryMgr::s_IsEqualTfGuidAtom(guidatom, rguid, &fEqual);
return fEqual; }
inline HRESULT MyGetGUID(TfGuidAtom guidatom, GUID *pguid) { return CCategoryMgr::s_GetGUID(guidatom, pguid); }
inline HRESULT MyRegisterCategory(REFGUID rcatid, REFGUID rguid) { return CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterCategory(GUID_SYSTEM, rcatid, rguid); }
inline HRESULT MyUnregisterCategory(REFGUID rcatid, REFGUID rguid) { return CCategoryMgr::s_UnregisterCategory(GUID_SYSTEM, rcatid, rguid); }
inline HRESULT MyRegisterGUID(REFGUID rguid, TfGuidAtom *pguidatom) { return CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterGUID(rguid, pguidatom); }
inline HRESULT MyRegisterGUIDDescription(REFGUID rguid, WCHAR *psz) { return CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterGUIDDescription(GUID_SYSTEM, rguid, psz); }
inline HRESULT MyUnregisterGUIDDescription(REFGUID rguid) { return CCategoryMgr::s_UnregisterGUIDDescription(GUID_SYSTEM, rguid); }
inline HRESULT MyGetGUIDDescription(REFGUID rguid, BSTR *pbstr) { return CCategoryMgr::s_GetGUIDDescription(rguid, pbstr); }
inline HRESULT MyGetGUIDValue(REFGUID rguid, const WCHAR *psz, BSTR *pbstr) { return CCategoryMgr::s_GetGUIDValue(rguid, psz, pbstr); }
inline HRESULT MyRegisterGUIDDWORD(REFGUID rguid, DWORD dw) { return CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterGUIDDWORD(GUID_SYSTEM, rguid, dw); }
inline HRESULT MyUnregisterGUIDDWORD(REFGUID rguid) { return CCategoryMgr::s_UnregisterGUIDDWORD(GUID_SYSTEM, rguid); }
inline HRESULT MyGetGUIDDWORD(REFGUID rguid, DWORD *pdw) { return CCategoryMgr::s_GetGUIDDWORD(rguid, pdw); }
inline BOOL MyIsValidGUIDATOM(TfGuidAtom guidatom) { return CCategoryMgr::s_IsValidGUIDATOM(guidatom); }
inline HRESULT MyEnumItemsInCategory(REFGUID rcatid, IEnumGUID **ppEnum) { return CCategoryMgr::s_EnumItemsInCategory(rcatid, ppEnum); }
typedef struct tag_LBESLASTMSG { UINT uMsg; CAlignPointer<WPARAM> wParam; CAlignPointer<LPARAM> lParam; } LBESLASTMSG;
typedef struct tag_LBAREVENTSINK { DWORD m_dwProcessId; DWORD m_dwThreadId; DWORD m_dwCookie; DWORD m_dwLangBarFlags; DWORD m_dwFlags; CAlignWinHandle<HWND> m_hWnd; // window handle to avoid notification.
#define LBESF_INUSE 0x00000001
#define LBESF_SETFOCUSINQUEUE 0x00000002
extern CStructArray<LBAREVENTSINKLOCAL> *g_rglbes;
extern BOOL g_fDllProcessDetached; extern BOOL g_bOnWow64;
typedef struct { BOOL m_fInUse; DWORD m_dwThreadId; DWORD m_dwSrcThreadId; GUID m_iid; CAlignPointer<LRESULT> m_ref; union { DWORD m_dwType; struct { //
// IUnknown pointer used only own process.
// Other process distingush exists interface.
CNativeOrWow64_Pointer<IUnknown*> m_punk;
ULONG m_ulStubId; DWORD m_dwStubTime; }; }; TCHAR m_szName[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR m_szNameConnection[_MAX_PATH]; } THREADMARSHALINTERFACEDATA;
#define CBBUFFERSIZE 0x80 // 0x80 is enough for NUI manager
typedef struct { BOOL m_fInUse; DWORD m_dwSize; BYTE m_bBuffer[CBBUFFERSIZE]; } BUFFER, *PBUFFER;
// All shared memory for msctf.dll must live in this struct, it will
// be stored in a filemapping.
// Use GetSharedMemory()->myData to access shared memory.
typedef struct { //
// Issue:
// max number of the threads that can initialize marshaled interface same time.
// 5 is enough??
#define NUM_TMD 5
// The current focus thread, proccess and foreground window.
DWORD dwFocusThread; DWORD dwFocusProcess; CAlignWinHandle<HWND> hwndForeground;
// The previous focus thread, proccess and foreground window.
DWORD dwFocusThreadPrev; CAlignWinHandle<HWND> hwndForegroundPrev;
// The last thread of ITfThreadFocusSink
DWORD dwLastFocusSinkThread;
// Native/WOW6432 system hook
CNativeOrWow64_WinHandle<HHOOK> hSysShellHook;
CNativeOrWow64_WinHandle<HHOOK> hSysGetMsgHook; CNativeOrWow64_WinHandle<HHOOK> hSysCBTHook;
// track shell hook WINDOWACTIVATE
BOOL fInFullScreen;
// Issue:
// we must take care of more Sinks.
#define MAX_LPES_NUM 5
LONG cProcessesMinus1; CAlignWinHandle<HANDLE> hheapShared; // Only use on Windows95/98 platform
// MSAA activation ref count
LONG cMSAARef; // inited to -1 for win95 InterlockedIncrement compat
DWORD dwPrevShowFloatingStatus; } SHAREMEM;
class CCiceroSharedMem : public CCicFileMappingStatic { public: BOOL Start() { BOOL fAlreadyExists; TCHAR ach[MAX_PATH];
GetDesktopUniqueName(TEXT("CiceroSharedMem"), ach, ARRAYSIZE(ach));
Init(ach, NULL); // Init(TEXT("CiceroSharedMem"), NULL);
CCicSecAttr sa;
if (Create(sa, sizeof(SHAREMEM), &fAlreadyExists) == NULL) return FALSE;
if (!fAlreadyExists) { // by default, every member initialize to 0
// initialize other members here
((SHAREMEM *)_pv)->cProcessesMinus1 = -1; ((SHAREMEM *)_pv)->cMSAARef = -1; }
return TRUE; }
SHAREMEM *GetPtr() { return (SHAREMEM *)_pv; }
private: };
extern CCiceroSharedMem g_SharedMemory;
inline SHAREMEM *GetSharedMemory() { return g_SharedMemory.GetPtr(); } inline BOOL IsSharedMemoryCreated() { return g_SharedMemory.IsCreated(); }
inline BOOL IsChinesePlatform() { if (g_uACP == 936) return TRUE;
if (g_uACP == 950) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
#endif // GLOBALS_H