// icclean.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "tim.h"
#include "ic.h"
#include "compose.h"
#include "assembly.h"
class CCleanupShared { public: CCleanupShared(POSTCLEANUPCALLBACK pfnPostCleanup, LONG_PTR lPrivate) { _cRef = 1; _pfnPostCleanup = pfnPostCleanup; _lPrivate = lPrivate; }
~CCleanupShared() { SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); if (psfn == NULL) return;
if (psfn->ptim != NULL) { psfn->ptim->_SendEndCleanupNotifications(); }
if (_pfnPostCleanup != NULL) { _pfnPostCleanup(FALSE, _lPrivate); }
if (psfn->ptim != NULL) { psfn->ptim->_HandlePendingCleanupContext(); } }
void _AddRef() { _cRef++; }
LONG _Release() { LONG cRef = --_cRef;
if (_cRef == 0) { delete this; }
return cRef; }
private: LONG _cRef; POSTCLEANUPCALLBACK _pfnPostCleanup; LONG_PTR _lPrivate; };
class CCleanupQueueItem : public CAsyncQueueItem { public: CCleanupQueueItem(BOOL fSync, CCleanupShared *pcs, CStructArray<TfClientId> *prgClientIds) : CAsyncQueueItem(fSync) { _prgClientIds = prgClientIds; if (!fSync) { _pcs = pcs; _pcs->_AddRef(); } }
~CCleanupQueueItem() { delete _prgClientIds; _CheckCleanupShared(); }
HRESULT DoDispatch(CInputContext *pic);
private: void _CheckCleanupShared() { // last queue item?
if (_pcs != NULL) { _pcs->_Release(); _pcs = NULL; } }
CStructArray<TfClientId> *_prgClientIds; CCleanupShared *_pcs; };
// DoDispatch
HRESULT CCleanupQueueItem::DoDispatch(CInputContext *pic) { pic->_CleanupContext(_prgClientIds);
// if this was the last pending lock, let the caller know
return S_OK; }
// _CleanupContext
void CInputContext::_CleanupContext(CStructArray<TfClientId> *prgClientIds) { int i; int j; CLEANUPSINK *pSink;
Assert(!(_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INEDITSESSION)); // shouldn't get this far
Assert(_tidInEditSession == TF_CLIENTID_NULL); // there should never be another session in progress -- this is not a reentrant func
// call any tips that want to cleanup
for (i=0; i<_rgCleanupSinks.Count(); i++) { pSink = _rgCleanupSinks.GetPtr(i);
if (prgClientIds != NULL) { // we only want to call sinks with client ids on this list...
for (j=0; j<prgClientIds->Count(); j++) { if (*prgClientIds->GetPtr(j) == pSink->tid) break; } // if we didn't find the sink's tid, skip it
if (j == prgClientIds->Count()) continue; }
_tidInEditSession = pSink->tid;
pSink->pSink->OnCleanupContext(_ec, this);
_NotifyEndEdit(); _IncEditCookie(); // next edit cookie value
_dwEditSessionFlags = 0; _tidInEditSession = TF_CLIENTID_NULL;
// wipe any left over compositions
TerminateComposition(NULL); Assert(_pCompositionList == NULL); }
// _GetCleanupListIndex
int CInputContext::_GetCleanupListIndex(TfClientId tid) { int i;
for (i=0; i<_rgCleanupSinks.Count(); i++) { if (_rgCleanupSinks.GetPtr(i)->tid == tid) return i; }
return -1; }
// _ContextNeedsCleanup
BOOL CInputContext::_ContextNeedsCleanup(const GUID *pCatId, LANGID langid, CStructArray<TfClientId> **pprgClientIds) { int i; int j; CLEANUPSINK *pSink; SYSTHREAD *psfn; CAssemblyList *pAsmList; CAssembly *pAsm; ASSEMBLYITEM *pAsmItem; TfGuidAtom gaAsmItem; TfClientId *ptid;
*pprgClientIds = NULL; // NULL means "all"
// any cleanup sinks?
if (pCatId == NULL) return (_pCompositionList != NULL || _rgCleanupSinks.Count() > 0);
if ((psfn = GetSYSTHREAD()) == NULL) goto Exit;
if ((pAsmList = EnsureAssemblyList(psfn)) == NULL) goto Exit;
if ((pAsm = pAsmList->FindAssemblyByLangId(langid)) == NULL) goto Exit;
// need to lookup each sink in the assembly list
// if we can find a tip in the list with a matching
// catid, then we need to lock this ic
for (i=0; i<_rgCleanupSinks.Count(); i++) { pSink = _rgCleanupSinks.GetPtr(i);
for (j=0; j<pAsm->Count(); j++) { pAsmItem = pAsm->GetItem(j);
if ((MyRegisterGUID(pAsmItem->clsid, &gaAsmItem) == S_OK && gaAsmItem == pSink->tid) || (g_gaApp == pSink->tid)) { if (*pprgClientIds == NULL) { // need to alloc the [out] array of client ids
if ((*pprgClientIds = new CStructArray<TfClientId>) == NULL) return FALSE; }
ptid = (*pprgClientIds)->Append(1);
if (ptid != NULL) { *ptid = pSink->tid; }
break; } } }
Exit: return (_pCompositionList != NULL || *pprgClientIds != NULL); }
// _HandlePendingCleanupContext
void CThreadInputMgr::_HandlePendingCleanupContext() { Assert(_fPendingCleanupContext); _fPendingCleanupContext = FALSE;
if (_pPendingCleanupContext == NULL) return;
CLEANUPCONTEXT *pcc = _pPendingCleanupContext;
_pPendingCleanupContext = NULL; _CleanupContextsWorker(pcc);
cicMemFree(pcc); }
// _CleanupContexts
void CThreadInputMgr::_CleanupContexts(CLEANUPCONTEXT *pcc) { if (pcc->fSync && _fPendingCleanupContext) { // this can happen from Deactivate
// can't interrupt another cleanup synchronously, abort the request
if (pcc->pfnPostCleanup != NULL) { pcc->pfnPostCleanup(TRUE, pcc->lPrivate); } return; }
if (_pPendingCleanupContext != NULL) { // abort the callback and free the pending cleanup
if (_pPendingCleanupContext->pfnPostCleanup != NULL) { _pPendingCleanupContext->pfnPostCleanup(TRUE, _pPendingCleanupContext->lPrivate); } cicMemFree(_pPendingCleanupContext); _pPendingCleanupContext = NULL; }
if (!_fPendingCleanupContext) { _CleanupContextsWorker(pcc); return; }
// we've interrupted a cleanup in progress
// allocate some space for the params
if ((_pPendingCleanupContext = (CLEANUPCONTEXT *)cicMemAlloc(sizeof(CLEANUPCONTEXT))) == NULL) { if (pcc->pfnPostCleanup != NULL) { // abort the cleanup
pcc->pfnPostCleanup(TRUE, pcc->lPrivate); } return; }
*_pPendingCleanupContext = *pcc; }
// _CleanupContexts
void CThreadInputMgr::_CleanupContextsWorker(CLEANUPCONTEXT *pcc) { int iDim; int iContext; CDocumentInputManager *dim; CInputContext *pic; CCleanupQueueItem *pItem; HRESULT hr; CCleanupShared *pcs; CStructArray<TfClientId> *prgClientIds;
_fPendingCleanupContext = TRUE; pcs = NULL;
// enum all the ic's on this thread
for (iDim = 0; iDim < _rgdim.Count(); iDim++) { dim = _rgdim.Get(iDim);
for (iContext = 0; iContext <= dim->_GetCurrentStack(); iContext++) { pic = dim->_GetIC(iContext);
if (!pic->_ContextNeedsCleanup(pcc->pCatId, pcc->langid, &prgClientIds)) continue;
if (!pcc->fSync && pcs == NULL) { // allocate a shared counter
if ((pcs = new CCleanupShared(pcc->pfnPostCleanup, pcc->lPrivate)) == NULL) { delete prgClientIds; return; } }
// queue an async callback
if (pItem = new CCleanupQueueItem(pcc->fSync, pcs, prgClientIds)) { pItem->_CheckReadOnly(pic);
if (pic->_QueueItem(pItem->GetItem(), FALSE, &hr) != S_OK) { Assert(0); // couldn't get app lock
pItem->_Release(); } } }
if (pcs == NULL) { // we didn't need to allocate any shared ref (either no ic's, or lock reqs were sync only)
if (pcc->pfnPostCleanup != NULL) { pcc->pfnPostCleanup(FALSE, pcc->lPrivate); } _HandlePendingCleanupContext(); } else { // release our ref
pcs->_Release(); } }
// _CalcAndSendBeginCleanupNotifications
void CThreadInputMgr::_CalcAndSendBeginCleanupNotifications(CLEANUPCONTEXT *pcc) { UINT i; int j; int iDim; int iContext; CDocumentInputManager *dim; CInputContext *pic; CTip *tip; CStructArray<TfClientId> *prgClientIds;
// first clear the _fNeedCleanupCall for all tips
for (i=0; i<_GetTIPCount(); i++) { _rgTip.Get(i)->_fNeedCleanupCall = FALSE; }
// now set the flag where appropriate
// enum all the ic's on this thread
for (iDim = 0; iDim < _rgdim.Count(); iDim++) { dim = _rgdim.Get(iDim);
for (iContext = 0; iContext <= dim->_GetCurrentStack(); iContext++) { pic = dim->_GetIC(iContext);
if (!pic->_ContextNeedsCleanup(pcc->pCatId, pcc->langid, &prgClientIds)) continue;
for (i=0; i<_GetTIPCount(); i++) { tip = _rgTip.Get(i);
if (tip->_pCleanupDurationSink == NULL) continue; // no sink, no notification
if (prgClientIds == NULL) { // all sinks on this ic need callbacks
for (j=0; j<pic->_GetCleanupSinks()->Count(); j++) { if (pic->_GetCleanupSinks()->GetPtr(j)->tid == tip->_guidatom) { tip->_fNeedCleanupCall = TRUE; break; } } } else { // just the tips in prgClientIds need callbacks
for (j=0; j<prgClientIds->Count(); j++) { if (*prgClientIds->GetPtr(j) == tip->_guidatom) { tip->_fNeedCleanupCall = TRUE; break; } } } }
delete prgClientIds; } }
// now send the notifications
for (i=0; i<_GetTIPCount(); i++) { tip = _rgTip.Get(i);
if (tip->_fNeedCleanupCall) { Assert(tip->_pCleanupDurationSink != NULL); tip->_pCleanupDurationSink->OnStartCleanupContext(); } } }
// _SendEndCleanupNotifications
void CThreadInputMgr::_SendEndCleanupNotifications() { CTip *tip; UINT i;
for (i=0; i<_GetTIPCount(); i++) { tip = _rgTip.Get(i);
if (tip->_fNeedCleanupCall) { if (tip->_pCleanupDurationSink != NULL) { tip->_pCleanupDurationSink->OnEndCleanupContext(); } tip->_fNeedCleanupCall = FALSE; } } }