#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "internat.h"
#include "strary.h"
#include "xstring.h"
#include "immxutil.h"
#include "cregkey.h"
#include "cmydc.h"
#include "assembly.h"
CStructArray<MLNGINFO> *g_pMlngInfo = NULL;
const TCHAR c_szDefaultUserPreload[] = TEXT(".DEFAULT\\Keyboard Layout\\Preload"); const TCHAR c_szPreload[] = TEXT("Keyboard Layout\\Preload"); const TCHAR c_szSubst[] = TEXT("Keyboard Layout\\Substitutes");
// CStaticIconList
class CStaticIconList { public: void Init(int cx, int cy); void RemoveAll(BOOL fInUninit);
BOOL IsInited() { return _cx != 0; }
int AddIcon(HICON hicon); HICON ExtractIcon(int i); void GetIconSize(int *cx, int *cy); int GetImageCount();
private: static int _cx; static int _cy; static CStructArray<HICON> *_prgIcons; };
CStaticIconList g_IconList; int CStaticIconList::_cx = 0; int CStaticIconList::_cy = 0; CStructArray<HICON> *CStaticIconList::_prgIcons = NULL;
// Init
inline void CStaticIconList::Init(int cx, int cy) { CicEnterCriticalSection(g_cs); _cx = cx; _cy = cy; CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); }
// RemoveAll
void CStaticIconList::RemoveAll(BOOL fInUninit) { int i;
// don't have to enter g_cs if we're in DllMain(PROCESS_DETATCH).
if (!fInUninit) CicEnterCriticalSection(g_cs);
if (_prgIcons == NULL) goto Exit;
for (i=0; i<_prgIcons->Count(); i++) { DestroyIcon(*_prgIcons->GetPtr(i)); }
delete _prgIcons; _prgIcons = NULL;
Exit: if (!fInUninit) CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); }
// AddIcon
inline int CStaticIconList::AddIcon(HICON hicon) { HICON hIconCopy; HICON *pIconDst; int nRet = -1;
if (!_prgIcons) _prgIcons = new CStructArray<HICON>;
if (!_prgIcons) goto Exit;
if ((pIconDst = _prgIcons->Append(1)) == NULL) goto Exit;
if ((hIconCopy = CopyIcon(hicon)) == 0) { _prgIcons->Remove(_prgIcons->Count()-1, 1); goto Exit; }
*pIconDst = hIconCopy;
nRet = _prgIcons->Count()-1;
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs);
return nRet; }
// ExtractIcon
inline HICON CStaticIconList::ExtractIcon(int i) { HICON hIcon = NULL;
if (!_prgIcons) goto Exit;
if (i >= _prgIcons->Count() || i < 0) goto Exit;
hIcon = CopyIcon(*_prgIcons->GetPtr(i)); Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs);
return hIcon; }
// GetIconSize
inline void CStaticIconList::GetIconSize(int *cx, int *cy) { CicEnterCriticalSection(g_cs); *cx = _cx; *cy = _cy; CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); }
// GetImageCount
inline int CStaticIconList::GetImageCount() { int nRet = 0;
if (_prgIcons == NULL) goto Exit;
nRet = _prgIcons->Count();
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs);
return nRet; }
// UninitINAT
void UninitINAT() { g_IconList.RemoveAll(TRUE);
if (g_pMlngInfo) { delete g_pMlngInfo; g_pMlngInfo = NULL; } }
// InterNAT icon APIs
#if 0
// ISO 639:1988 Code.
// Under NT, we use GetLocaleInfoNTString(). It returns ISO 3166.
INATSYMBOL symInatSymbols[] = { {0x0436, "AF"}, // Afrikaans
{0x041c, "SQ"}, // Albanian
{0x0401, "AR"}, // Arabic
{0x042d, "EU"}, // Basque
{0x0423, "BE"}, // Byelorus
{0x0402, "BG"}, // Bulgaria
{0x0403, "CA"}, // Catalan
{0x0404, "CH"}, // China #1
{0x0804, "CH"}, // China #2
//#ifdef WINDOWS_PE
#if 1
{0x041a, "HR"}, // Croatian
{0x041a, "SH"}, // Croatian
{0x0405, "CZ"}, // Czech
{0x0406, "DA"}, // Danish
{0x0413, "NL"}, // Dutch
{0x0813, "NL"}, // Dutch
{0x0409, "EN"}, // English
{0x0809, "EN"}, // English
{0x0c09, "EN"}, // English
{0x1009, "EN"}, // English
{0x1409, "EN"}, // English
{0x1809, "EN"}, // English
{0x0425, "ET"}, // Estonian
{0x0429, "FA"}, // Farsi
{0x040b, "FI"}, // Finnish
{0x040c, "FR"}, // French
{0x080c, "FR"}, // French
{0x0c0c, "FR"}, // French
{0x0407, "DE"}, // German
{0x0807, "DE"}, // German
{0x0c07, "DE"}, // German
{0x1007, "DE"}, // German
{0x1407, "DE"}, // German
{0x0408, "GR"}, // Greek
{0x040d, "HE"}, // Hebrew
{0x040e, "HU"}, // Hungary
{0x040f, "IS"}, // Iceland
{0x0421, "BA"}, // Indonesia
{0x0410, "IT"}, // Italy
{0x0810, "IT"}, // Italy
{0x0411, "JA"}, // Japan
{0x0412, "KO"}, // Korea
{0x0426, "LV"}, // Latvian
{0x0427, "LT"}, // Lithuanian
{0x042f, "MK"}, // Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
{0x0414, "NO"}, // Norway
{0x0814, "NO"}, // Norway
{0x0415, "PL"}, // Poland
{0x0416, "PT"}, // Portugal
{0x0816, "PT"}, // Portugal
{0x0417, "RM"}, // Rhaeto
{0x0418, "RO"}, // Romanian
{0x0818, "RO"}, // Romanian
{0x0419, "RU"}, // Russian
{0x0819, "RU"}, // Russian
{0x081a, "SR"}, // Serbian
//#ifdef WINDOWS_PE
#if 1
{0x0c1a, "SR"}, // Serbian
{0x041b, "SK"}, // Slovakian
{0x0424, "SL"}, // Slovenian
{0x042e, "SB"}, // Sorbian
{0x040a, "ES"}, // Spanish
{0x080a, "ES"}, // Spanish
{0x0c0a, "ES"}, // Spanish
{0x041d, "SV"}, // Swedish
{0x041e, "TH"}, // Thai
{0x041f, "TR"}, // Turkish
{0x0422, "UK"}, // Ukranian
{0x0420, "UR"}, // Urdu
{0x0033, "VE"}, // Venda
{0x042a, "VN"}, // Vietnamese
{0x0034, "XH"}, // Xhosa
{0x0035, "ZU"}, // Zulu
{0x002b, "ST"}, // Sutu
{0x002e, "TS"}, // Tsona
{0x002f, "TN"}, // Tswana
{0x0000, "??"} } ;
#define NSYMBOLS ((sizeof(symInatSymbols) / sizeof(INATSYMBOL))-1)
static const TCHAR c_szLayoutPath[] = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts"); static const TCHAR c_szLayoutText[] = TEXT("layout text"); static const TCHAR c_szLayoutID[] = TEXT("layout id");
static const WCHAR c_szMUILayoutTextW[] = L"Layout Display Name"; static const WCHAR c_szLayoutTextW[] = L"layout text";
static const char c_szNamesPath[] = "system\\currentcontrolset\\control\\nls\\Locale";
// GetLocaleInfoString
// this is not a general wrapper for GetLocaleInfo!
int GetLocaleInfoString(LCID lcid, LCTYPE lcType, char *psz, int cch) { WCHAR achW[64];
if (IsOnNT()) { if (GetLocaleInfoW(lcid, lcType, achW, ARRAYSIZE(achW))) { return WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, achW, -1, psz, cch, NULL, NULL); } } else { return GetLocaleInfo(lcid, lcType, psz, cch); }
return 0; }
// InatCreateIcon
HICON InatCreateIcon(WORD langID) { LOGFONT lf; UINT cxSmIcon; UINT cySmIcon;
cxSmIcon = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSMICON ); cySmIcon = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSMICON );
if( !SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf, 0)) return NULL;
if (cySmIcon < GetPhysicalFontHeight(lf)) { lf.lfHeight = 0 - ((int)cySmIcon * 7 / 10); lf.lfWidth = 0; }
return InatCreateIconBySize(langID, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, &lf); }
// InatCreateIconBySize
HICON InatCreateIconBySize(WORD langID, int cxSmIcon, int cySmIcon, LOGFONT *plf) { HBITMAP hbmColour; HBITMAP hbmMono; HBITMAP hbmOld; HICON hicon = NULL; ICONINFO ii; RECT rc; DWORD rgbText; DWORD rgbBk = 0; HDC hdc; HDC hdcScreen; HFONT hfont; HFONT hfontOld; TCHAR szData[20];
// Get the indicator by using the first 2 characters of the
// abbreviated language name.
if (GetLocaleInfoString( MAKELCID(langID, SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME | LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, szData, sizeof(szData) / sizeof(TCHAR) )) { //
// Make Uppercase
if (!IsOnNT()) { szData[0] -= 0x20; szData[1] -= 0x20; } //
// Only use the first two characters.
szData[2] = TEXT('\0'); } else { //
// Id wasn't found. Use question marks.
szData[0] = TEXT('?'); szData[1] = TEXT('?'); szData[2] = TEXT('\0'); }
if( (hfont = CreateFontIndirect(plf)) ) { hdcScreen = GetDC(NULL); hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen); hbmColour = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcScreen, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon); ReleaseDC( NULL, hdcScreen); if (hbmColour && hdc) { hbmMono = CreateBitmap(cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, 1, 1, NULL); if (hbmMono) { hbmOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject( hdc, hbmColour); rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = cxSmIcon; rc.bottom = cySmIcon; rgbBk = SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); rgbText = SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
ExtTextOut( hdc, rc.left, rc.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, "", 0, NULL);
hfontOld = (HFONT)SelectObject( hdc, hfont); DrawText(hdc, szData, 2, &rc, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
SelectObject( hdc, hbmMono); PatBlt(hdc, 0, 0, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, BLACKNESS);
ii.fIcon = TRUE; ii.xHotspot = 0; ii.yHotspot = 0; ii.hbmColor = hbmColour; ii.hbmMask = hbmMono; hicon = CreateIconIndirect(&ii);
SelectObject(hdc, hbmOld); DeleteObject(hbmMono); SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld); } } DeleteObject(hbmColour); DeleteDC(hdc); DeleteObject(hfont); }
return hicon; }
// GetIconFromFile
HICON GetIconFromFile(int cx, int cy, WCHAR *lpszFileName, UINT uIconIndex) { return GetIconFromFileA(cx, cy, WtoA(lpszFileName), uIconIndex); }
// GetIconFromFileA
HICON GetIconFromFileA(int cx, int cy, char *lpszFileName, UINT uIconIndex) { HICON hicon = NULL;
if (cx > GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON)) { ExtractIconEx(lpszFileName, uIconIndex, &hicon, NULL, 1); } else { ExtractIconEx(lpszFileName, uIconIndex, NULL, &hicon, 1); }
return hicon; }
// CLayoutsSharedMem
extern CCicMutex g_mutexLayouts; extern char g_szLayoutsCache[];
class CLayoutsSharedMem : public CCicFileMappingStatic { public: void Init() { CCicFileMappingStatic::Init(g_szLayoutsCache, &g_mutexLayouts); }
BOOL Start(UINT nNum) { BOOL fAlreadyExists;
CCicSecAttr sa; if (Create(sa, sizeof(LAYOUT) * nNum, &fAlreadyExists) == NULL) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
LAYOUT *GetPtr() { return (LAYOUT *)_pv; } };
CLayoutsSharedMem g_smLayouts;
// UninitLayoutMappedFile();
void UninitLayoutMappedFile() { g_smLayouts.Uninit(); }
// LoadKeyboardLayouts
BOOL LoadKeyboardLayouts() { CMyRegKey key; DWORD dwIndex; BOOL bRet = FALSE; TCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH]; // language id (number)
WCHAR szValueW[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; // language name
CStructArray<LAYOUT> *pLayouts = NULL; LAYOUT *pLayout; BOOL bLoadedLayout;
pLayouts = new CStructArray<LAYOUT>; if (!pLayouts) return FALSE;
// Now read all the locales from the registry.
if (key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szLayoutPath, KEY_READ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; }
dwIndex = 0; szValue[0] = TEXT('\0'); while (key.EnumKey(dwIndex, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CRegKeyMUI key1;
pLayout = pLayouts->Append(1); if (!pLayout) goto Exit;
pLayout->dwID = AsciiToNum(szValue);
if (StringCchPrintf(szData, ARRAYSIZE(szData), "%s\\%s", c_szLayoutPath, szValue) != S_OK) goto Next;
if (key1.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szData, KEY_READ) == S_OK) { //
// Get the layout name.
szValue[0] = TEXT('\0'); bLoadedLayout = FALSE;
if (IsOnNT()) { szValueW[0] = 0;
if (key1.QueryValueCchW(szValueW, c_szMUILayoutTextW, ARRAYSIZE(szValueW)) == S_OK) { bLoadedLayout = TRUE; } else if (key1.QueryValueCchW(szValueW, c_szLayoutTextW, ARRAYSIZE(szValueW)) == S_OK) { bLoadedLayout = TRUE; }
if (bLoadedLayout) { wcsncpy(pLayout->wszText, szValueW, ARRAYSIZE(pLayout->wszText)); } } else { if (key1.QueryValueCch(szValue, c_szLayoutText, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) == S_OK) { wcsncpy(pLayout->wszText, AtoW(szValue), ARRAYSIZE(pLayout->wszText));
bLoadedLayout = TRUE; } }
if (bLoadedLayout) { szValue[0] = TEXT('\0'); pLayout->iSpecialID = 0;
if (key1.QueryValueCch(szValue, c_szLayoutID, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) == S_OK)
{ //
// This may not exist!
pLayout->iSpecialID = (UINT)AsciiToNum(szValue); } } } Next: dwIndex++; szValue[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
pLayout = pLayouts->Append(1); if (!pLayout) goto Exit;
memset(pLayout, 0, sizeof(LAYOUT));
if (!g_smLayouts.Enter()) goto Exit;
if (g_smLayouts.Start(pLayouts->Count())) { if (g_smLayouts.GetPtr()) { memcpy(g_smLayouts.GetPtr(), pLayouts->GetPtr(0), pLayouts->Count() * sizeof(LAYOUT)); bRet = TRUE; } } g_smLayouts.Leave();
if (pLayouts) delete pLayouts;
return bRet; }
// FindLayoutEntry
// Gets the name of the given layout.
UINT FindLayoutEntry( LAYOUT *pLayout, DWORD dwLayout ) { UINT ctr = 0; UINT id; WORD wLayout = HIWORD(dwLayout); BOOL bIsIME = ((HIWORD(dwLayout) & 0xf000) == 0xe000) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Find the layout in the global structure.
if ((wLayout & 0xf000) == 0xf000) { //
// Layout is special, need to search for the ID
// number.
id = wLayout & 0x0fff; ctr = 0; while (pLayout[ctr].dwID) { if (id == pLayout[ctr].iSpecialID) { break; } ctr++; } } else { ctr = 0; while (pLayout[ctr].dwID) { //
// If it is IME, needs to be DWORD comparison.
if (IsOnFE() && bIsIME && (dwLayout == pLayout[ctr].dwID)) { break; } else if (wLayout == LOWORD(pLayout[ctr].dwID)) { break; } ctr++; } }
return ctr; }
// GetKbdLayoutName
// Gets the name of the given layout.
void GetKbdLayoutName( DWORD dwLayout, WCHAR *pBuffer, int nBufSize) { UINT ctr; LAYOUT *pLayout;
*pBuffer = L'\0';
if (!g_smLayouts.Enter()) return;
g_smLayouts.Close(); g_smLayouts.Init(); if (!g_smLayouts.Open()) { if (!LoadKeyboardLayouts()) { Assert(0); } }
pLayout = g_smLayouts.GetPtr(); if (!pLayout) goto Exit;
ctr = FindLayoutEntry( pLayout, dwLayout );
// Make sure there is a match. If not, then simply return without
// copying anything.
if (pLayout[ctr].dwID) { //
// Separate the Input Locale name and the Layout name with " - ".
pBuffer[0] = L' '; pBuffer[1] = L'-'; pBuffer[2] = L' ';
wcsncpy(pBuffer + 3, pLayout[ctr].wszText, nBufSize - 3); #else
wcsncpy(pBuffer, pLayout[ctr].wszText, nBufSize); #endif
Exit: g_smLayouts.Leave(); }
// GetKbdLayoutId
// Gets the name of the given layout.
DWORD GetKbdLayoutId( DWORD dwLayout) { UINT ctr; DWORD dwId = 0; LAYOUT *pLayout;
if (!g_smLayouts.Enter()) return 0;
g_smLayouts.Close(); g_smLayouts.Init(); if (!g_smLayouts.Open()) LoadKeyboardLayouts();
pLayout = g_smLayouts.GetPtr(); if (!pLayout) goto Exit;
ctr = FindLayoutEntry( pLayout, dwLayout );
// Make sure there is a match. If not, then simply return without
// copying anything.
dwId = pLayout[ctr].dwID;
Exit: g_smLayouts.Leave();
return dwId; }
// GetLocaleInfoString
// this is not a general wrapper for GetLocaleInfo!
ULONG GetLocaleInfoString(HKL hKL, WCHAR *pszRegText, int nSize) { ULONG cb = 0; DWORD dwRegValue = (DWORD)((LONG_PTR)(hKL) & 0x0000FFFF);
*pszRegText = L'\0';
if (IsOnNT()) { if (!GetLocaleInfoW(dwRegValue, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, pszRegText, nSize)) { *pszRegText = L'\0'; }
// Attach the Layout name if it's not the default.
WCHAR *pszRT = pszRegText + wcslen(pszRegText); //
// Pass DWORD value for IME.
GetKbdLayoutName((DWORD)(LONG_PTR)hKL, pszRT, nSize - (DWORD)(pszRT - pszRegText)); #else
GetKbdLayoutName((DWORD)(LONG_PTR)hKL, pszRegText, nSize); #endif
} else { CMyRegKey key; char szRegKey[128]; char szRegText[128]; StringCchPrintf(szRegKey, ARRAYSIZE(szRegKey),"%8.8lx", (DWORD)dwRegValue);
*pszRegText = '\0'; if(key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,c_szNamesPath, KEY_READ)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(key.QueryValueCch(szRegText, szRegKey, ARRAYSIZE(szRegText)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, szRegText, lstrlen(szRegText), pszRegText, nSize-1); pszRegText[dwLen] = L'\0'; } }
return wcslen(pszRegText); }
// GetHKLDescription
int GetHKLDesctription(HKL hKL, WCHAR *pszDesc, int cchDesc, WCHAR *pszIMEFile, int cchIMEFile) { DWORD dwIMEDesc = 0;
if (IsIMEHKL(hKL)) { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwIMELayout; TCHAR szIMELayout[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szIMELayoutPath[MAX_PATH];
dwIMELayout = GetSubstitute(hKL); StringCchPrintf(szIMELayout, ARRAYSIZE(szIMELayout), "%8.8lx", dwIMELayout);
StringCopyArray(szIMELayoutPath, c_szLayoutPath); StringCatArray(szIMELayoutPath, TEXT("\\")); StringCatArray(szIMELayoutPath, szIMELayout);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szIMELayoutPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (SHLoadRegUIStringW(hkey, c_szMUILayoutTextW, pszDesc, cchDesc) == S_OK) { dwIMEDesc = wcslen(pszDesc); } RegCloseKey(hkey); }
if (!dwIMEDesc) { dwIMEDesc = ImmGetDescriptionW(hKL,pszDesc,cchDesc); if (!dwIMEDesc) pszDesc[0] = L'\0'; } }
if (dwIMEDesc == 0) { GetLocaleInfoString(hKL, pszDesc, cchDesc); pszIMEFile[0] = L'\0'; } else { if (!ImmGetIMEFileNameW(hKL, pszIMEFile, cchIMEFile)) pszIMEFile[0] = L'\0'; }
return wcslen(pszDesc); }
// MlngInfoCount()
int WINAPI TF_MlngInfoCount() { if (!g_pMlngInfo) return 0;
return g_pMlngInfo->Count(); }
// GetMlngInfo()
BOOL GetMlngInfo(int n, MLNGINFO *pmlInfo) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; MLNGINFO *pml;
if (!g_pMlngInfo) return FALSE;
if (n >= g_pMlngInfo->Count()) goto Exit;
pml = g_pMlngInfo->GetPtr(n); if (!pml) goto Exit;
*pmlInfo = *pml; bRet = TRUE;
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return bRet; }
// GetMlngInfoByhKL()
int GetMlngInfoByhKL(HKL hKL, MLNGINFO *pmlInfo) { int nRet = -1; MLNGINFO *pml;
if (!g_pMlngInfo) return 0;
int nCnt = g_pMlngInfo->Count(); int i;
for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { pml = g_pMlngInfo->GetPtr(i); if (pml->hKL == hKL) { *pmlInfo = *pml; nRet = i; break; } }
CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return nRet; }
// CheckMlngInfo
// return TRUE, if MlangInfo needs to be updated.
BOOL CheckMlngInfo() { int iLangs; BOOL bRet = FALSE; HKL *pLanguages = NULL;
if (!g_pMlngInfo) return TRUE;
iLangs = GetKeyboardLayoutList((UINT)0, (HKL FAR *)NULL);
if (iLangs != TF_MlngInfoCount()) return TRUE;
if (iLangs) { int i; pLanguages = (HKL *)cicMemAlloc(iLangs * sizeof(HKL)); if (!pLanguages) goto Exit;
GetKeyboardLayoutList(iLangs, (HKL FAR *)pLanguages); for (i = 0; i < iLangs; i++) { MLNGINFO *pMlngInfo = g_pMlngInfo->GetPtr(i); if (pMlngInfo->hKL != pLanguages[i]) { bRet = TRUE; goto Exit; } } } Exit: if (pLanguages) cicMemFree(pLanguages); return bRet; }
// void DestroyMlngInfo()
void DestroyMlngInfo() { if (g_pMlngInfo) { while (g_pMlngInfo->Count()) { g_pMlngInfo->Remove(0, 1); } delete g_pMlngInfo; g_pMlngInfo = NULL; } }
// void CreateMLlngInfo()
void CreateMlngInfo() { HKL *pLanguages; UINT uCount; UINT uLangs; MLNGINFO *pMlngInfo; BOOL fNeedInd = FALSE;
uLangs = GetKeyboardLayoutList((UINT)0, (HKL FAR *)NULL);
if (!g_pMlngInfo) g_pMlngInfo = new CStructArray<MLNGINFO>;
if (!g_pMlngInfo) return;
if (!EnsureIconImageList()) { return; }
pLanguages = (HKL *)cicMemAllocClear(uLangs * sizeof(HKL)); if (!pLanguages) return;
GetKeyboardLayoutList(uLangs, (HKL FAR *)pLanguages);
// pLanguages contains all the HKLs in the system
// Put everything together in the DPA and Image List
for (uCount = 0; uCount < uLangs; uCount++) { pMlngInfo = g_pMlngInfo->Append(1); if (pMlngInfo) { pMlngInfo->hKL = pLanguages[uCount]; pMlngInfo->fInitIcon = FALSE; pMlngInfo->fInitDesc = FALSE; }
cicMemFree(pLanguages); }
// void InitDesc
void MLNGINFO::InitDesc() { MLNGINFO *pml;
if (fInitDesc) return;
WCHAR szRegText[256]; WCHAR szIMEFile[256];
GetHKLDesctription(hKL, szRegText, ARRAYSIZE(szRegText), szIMEFile, ARRAYSIZE(szIMEFile));
fInitDesc = TRUE; SetDesc(szRegText);
int nCnt = g_pMlngInfo->Count(); int i;
for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { pml = g_pMlngInfo->GetPtr(i); if (pml->hKL == hKL) { pml->fInitDesc = TRUE; pml->SetDesc(szRegText); break; } }
CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return; }
// void InitIcon
void MLNGINFO::InitIcon() { HICON hIcon;
if (fInitIcon) return;
WCHAR szRegText[256]; WCHAR szIMEFile[256];
GetHKLDesctription(hKL, szRegText, ARRAYSIZE(szRegText), szIMEFile, ARRAYSIZE(szIMEFile));
fInitDesc = TRUE; SetDesc(szRegText);
if (wcslen(szIMEFile)) { int cx, cy;
InatGetIconSize(&cx, &cy); if ((hIcon = GetIconFromFile(cx, cy, szIMEFile, 0)) == 0) { goto GetLangIcon; } } else // for non-ime layout
{ GetLangIcon: hIcon = InatCreateIcon(LOWORD((DWORD)(UINT_PTR)hKL)); }
if (hIcon) { nIconIndex = InatAddIcon(hIcon); DestroyIcon(hIcon); }
int nCnt = g_pMlngInfo->Count(); int i;
for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { pml = g_pMlngInfo->GetPtr(i); if (pml->hKL == hKL) { pml->fInitDesc = TRUE; pml->fInitIcon = TRUE; pml->nIconIndex = nIconIndex; pml->SetDesc(szRegText); break; } }
CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return; }
// void TF_InitMLlngInfo()
void WINAPI TF_InitMlngInfo() { CicEnterCriticalSection(g_cs);
if (CheckMlngInfo()) { DestroyMlngInfo(); CreateMlngInfo(); }
CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); }
// void TF_InitMLlngHKL()
BOOL TF_GetMlngHKL(int nId, HKL *phkl, WCHAR *psz, UINT cch) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; MLNGINFO *pml;
if (nId >= g_pMlngInfo->Count()) goto Exit;
pml = g_pMlngInfo->GetPtr(nId); if (!pml) goto Exit;
if (phkl) *phkl = pml->hKL;
if (psz) wcsncpy(psz, pml->GetDesc(), cch);
bRet = TRUE;
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return bRet; }
// void TF_GetMlngIconIndex()
UINT WINAPI TF_GetMlngIconIndex(int nId) { UINT uIconIndex = (UINT)-1; MLNGINFO *pml;
if (nId >= g_pMlngInfo->Count()) goto Exit;
pml = g_pMlngInfo->GetPtr(nId); if (!pml) goto Exit;
uIconIndex = pml->GetIconIndex();
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return uIconIndex; }
// void ClearMlngIconIndex()
void ClearMlngIconIndex() { int i; CicEnterCriticalSection(g_cs);
for (i = 0; i < g_pMlngInfo->Count(); i++) { MLNGINFO *pml; pml = g_pMlngInfo->GetPtr(i); if (!pml) goto Exit;
pml->ClearIconIndex(); }
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return; }
// IconImageList
// EnsureIconImageList
BOOL EnsureIconImageList() { if (g_IconList.IsInited()) return TRUE;
g_IconList.Init(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON));
return TRUE; }
// InatAddIcon
UINT InatAddIcon(HICON hIcon) { if (!EnsureIconImageList()) return -1;
return g_IconList.AddIcon(hIcon); }
// InatExtractIcon
HICON WINAPI TF_InatExtractIcon(UINT uId) { return g_IconList.ExtractIcon(uId); }
// InatGetIconSize
BOOL InatGetIconSize(int *pcx, int *pcy) { g_IconList.GetIconSize(pcx, pcy); return TRUE; }
// InatGetImageCount
BOOL InatGetImageCount() { return g_IconList.GetImageCount(); }
// InatRemoveAll
void InatRemoveAll() { if (!g_IconList.IsInited()) return;
return; }
// CPreloadRegKey
class CPreloadRegKey : public CMyRegKey { public: HRESULT Open(BOOL fDefaultUser = FALSE) { if (fDefaultUser) return CMyRegKey::Open(HKEY_USERS, c_szDefaultUserPreload, KEY_ALL_ACCESS); else return CMyRegKey::Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szPreload, KEY_ALL_ACCESS); }
HKL Get(int n) { char szValue[16]; char szValueName[16]; StringCchPrintf(szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValueName), "%d", n);
if (IsOnNT()) { if (QueryValueCch(szValue, szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) != S_OK) return NULL; } else { CMyRegKey keySub; if (keySub.Open(m_hKey, szValueName, KEY_READ) != S_OK) return NULL;
if (keySub.QueryValueCch(szValue, NULL, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) != S_OK) return NULL; }
return (HKL)(LONG_PTR)AsciiToNum(szValue); }
void Set(int n, HKL hkl) { char szValue[16]; char szValueName[16]; StringCchPrintf(szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValueName), "%d", n); NumToA((DWORD)(LONG_PTR)hkl, szValue);
if (IsOnNT()) { SetValue(szValue, szValueName); } else { CMyRegKey keySub; if (keySub.Open(m_hKey, szValueName, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) == S_OK) keySub.SetValue(szValue, (LPSTR)NULL);
} return; }
void Delete(int n) { char szValueName[16]; StringCchPrintf(szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValueName), "%d", n);
if (IsOnNT()) { DeleteValue(szValueName); } else { DeleteSubKey(szValueName);
} return; } };
// GetSubstitute
DWORD GetSubstitute(HKL hKL) { CMyRegKey key; DWORD dwIndex = 0; TCHAR szValue[16]; TCHAR szValueName[64]; DWORD dwLayout = HandleToLong(hKL);
// it's IME.
if ((dwLayout & 0xf0000000) == 0xe0000000) return dwLayout;
// it's default layout.
if (HIWORD(dwLayout) == LOWORD(dwLayout)) dwLayout &= 0x0000FFFF; else if ((dwLayout & 0xf0000000) == 0xf0000000) dwLayout = GetKbdLayoutId(dwLayout);
if (key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szSubst, KEY_READ) != S_OK) return dwLayout;
if (IsOnNT()) { while (key.EnumValue(dwIndex, szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValueName)) == S_OK) { if (key.QueryValueCch(szValue, szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) == S_OK) { if ((dwLayout & 0x0FFFFFFF) == AsciiToNum(szValue)) { return AsciiToNum(szValueName); } } dwIndex++; } } else { while (key.EnumKey(dwIndex, szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValueName)) == S_OK) { CMyRegKey keySub; if (keySub.Open(key, szValueName, KEY_READ) == S_OK) { if (key.QueryValueCch(szValue, NULL, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) == S_OK) { if ((dwLayout & 0x0FFFFFFF) == AsciiToNum(szValue)) { return AsciiToNum(szValueName); } } } dwIndex++; } }
return dwLayout; }
// SetSystemDefaultHKL
BOOL SetSystemDefaultHKL(HKL hkl) { CPreloadRegKey key; int n; HKL hklFirst; BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwLayout;
if (key.Open() != S_OK) return bRet;
dwLayout = GetSubstitute(hkl);
n = 1; while(1) { HKL hklCur; hklCur = key.Get(n); if (!hklCur) break;
if (n == 1) hklFirst = hklCur;
if (hklCur == LongToHandle(dwLayout)) { bRet = TRUE; if (n != 1) { key.Set(n, hklFirst); key.Set(1, hklCur);
} bRet = SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETDEFAULTINPUTLANG, 0, (LPVOID)((LPDWORD)&hkl), 0 );
Assert(bRet); break; }
n++; } return bRet; }
// GetPreloadListForNT()
UINT GetPreloadListForNT(DWORD *pdw, UINT uBufSize) { CMyRegKey key; CMyRegKey key1; char szValue[16]; char szSubstValue[16]; char szName[16]; UINT uRet = 0;
// this function support only NT.
// win9x has different formation for Preload registry. Each layout is key.
if (!IsOnNT()) return 0; if (key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szPreload, KEY_READ) != S_OK) return uRet;
key1.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szSubst, KEY_READ);
if (!pdw) uBufSize = 1000;
while (uRet < uBufSize) { BOOL fUseSubst = FALSE; StringCchPrintf(szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName), "%d", uRet + 1); if (key.QueryValueCch(szValue, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) != S_OK) return uRet;
if ((HKEY)key1) { if (key1.QueryValueCch(szSubstValue, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szSubstValue)) == S_OK) fUseSubst = TRUE;
if (pdw) { *pdw = AsciiToNum(fUseSubst ? szSubstValue : szValue); pdw++; }
uRet++; }
return uRet; }
// RemoveFEDummyHKLFromPreloadReg()
void RemoveFEDummyHKLFromPreloadReg(HKL hkl, BOOL fDefaultUser) { CPreloadRegKey key; BOOL fReset = FALSE; UINT uCount; UINT uMatch = 0;
if (key.Open(fDefaultUser) != S_OK) return;
uCount = 1;
while(uCount < 1000) { HKL hklCur; hklCur = key.Get(uCount); if (!hklCur) break;
if (hklCur == hkl) { uMatch++; uCount++; fReset = TRUE; continue; }
if (fReset && uMatch) { if (uCount <= uMatch) { Assert(0); return; }
// reset the hkl orders from preload section
key.Set(uCount-uMatch, hklCur); }
uCount++; }
while (fReset && uMatch && uCount) { if (uCount <= uMatch || (uCount - uMatch) <= 1) { Assert(0); return; }
// remove the dummy hkl from preload section
key.Delete(uCount - uMatch);
uMatch--; }
return; }
// RemoveFEDummyHKLs
// This function cleans up the FE Dummy HKLs that were added on Win9x.
// This is called during update setup to Whistler.
void RemoveFEDummyHKLs() { CMyRegKey key; DWORD dwIndex; TCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH];
// Now read all the locales from the registry.
if (key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szLayoutPath) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; }
dwIndex = 0; szValue[0] = TEXT('\0'); while (key.EnumKey(dwIndex, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BOOL fDelete = FALSE; CRegKeyMUI key1;
if ((szValue[0] != 'e') && (szValue[0] != 'E')) goto Next;
if (key1.Open(key, szValue) == S_OK) { TCHAR szValueLayoutText[MAX_PATH];
// Get the layout text.
szValueLayoutText[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (key1.QueryValueCch(szValueLayoutText, c_szLayoutText, ARRAYSIZE(szValueLayoutText)) == S_OK) { char szDummyProfile[256]; DWORD dw = AsciiToNum(szValue); StringCchPrintf(szDummyProfile, ARRAYSIZE(szDummyProfile), "hkl%04x", LOWORD(dw)); if (!lstrcmpi(szDummyProfile, szValueLayoutText)) { fDelete = TRUE;
// Remove dummy HKL from Preload of HKCU and HKU\.DEFAULT.
// We may need to enum all users in HKU\.DEFAULT.
RemoveFEDummyHKLFromPreloadReg((HKL)LongToHandle(dw), TRUE); RemoveFEDummyHKLFromPreloadReg((HKL)LongToHandle(dw), FALSE); } }
key1.Close(); }
if (fDelete) { key.RecurseDeleteKey(szValue); } else { Next: dwIndex++; }
szValue[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
return; }