// marshal.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "marshal.h"
#include "thdutil.h"
#include "cicmutex.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "mstub.h"
#include "mproxy.h"
#include "ithdmshl.h"
#include "transmit.h"
#include "smblock.h"
#include "utb.h"
#include "nuimgr.h"
#include "timlist.h"
#define WIN9X_SRCTHREADID 0x0001
#ifdef DEBUG
// CSendReceiveEvent
class CSendReceiveEvent : public CCicEvent { public: CSendReceiveEvent(DWORD dwThreadId, ULONG ulBlockId) : CCicEvent() { if (SetName2(sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz), SZRPCSENDRECEIVEEVENT, dwThreadId, ulBlockId)) _psz = sz; } private: char sz[MAX_PATH]; };
// CSendReceiveConnectionEvent
class CSendReceiveConnectionEvent : public CCicEvent { public: CSendReceiveConnectionEvent(DWORD dwThreadId, ULONG ulBlockId) : CCicEvent() { if (SetName2(sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz), SZRPCSENDRECEIVECONNECTIONEVENT, dwThreadId, ulBlockId)) _psz = sz; } private: char sz[MAX_PATH]; };
// CCheckThreadInputIdle
#define SZCHECKTHREADINPUTIDLE __TEXT("MSCTF.CheckThreadInptIdle.Event.")
class CCheckThreadInputIdle : public CCicEvent { public: CCheckThreadInputIdle(DWORD dwThreadId, DWORD dw) : CCicEvent() { if (SetName2(sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz), SZCHECKTHREADINPUTIDLE, dwThreadId, dw)) _psz = sz; }
private: char sz[MAX_PATH]; };
// GetOleMainThreadWindow
BOOL IsOleMainThreadWindow(HWND hwnd) { char szClassName[32];
if (!GetClassName(hwnd, szClassName, ARRAYSIZE(szClassName))) return FALSE;
if (!lstrcmp(szClassName, TEXT("OleMainThreadWndClass"))) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
HWND FindOleMainThredWindow(DWORD dwThreadId) { HWND hwnd = FindWindowEx(IsOnNT5() ? HWND_MESSAGE : NULL, NULL, TEXT("OleMainThreadWndClass"), NULL);
while (hwnd) { if (dwThreadId == GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, NULL)) { if (IsOleMainThreadWindow(hwnd)) return hwnd; }
hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); }
return NULL; }
HWND GetOleMainThreadWindow(SYSTHREAD *psfn) { HWND hwndOle = NULL;
if (psfn->hwndOleMainThread) { if (IsWindow(psfn->hwndOleMainThread) && IsOleMainThreadWindow(psfn->hwndOleMainThread)) return psfn->hwndOleMainThread;
psfn->hwndOleMainThread = NULL; }
hwndOle = FindOleMainThredWindow(GetCurrentThreadId()); psfn->hwndOleMainThread = hwndOle;
return hwndOle; }
// FindStub
int FindStub(CPtrArray<CStub> *prgStub, ULONG ulStubId) { int nMin = 0; int nMax = prgStub->Count(); int nMid = -1;
while (nMin < nMax) { ULONG ulMidStubId; nMid = (nMin + nMax) / 2; ulMidStubId = prgStub->Get(nMid)->_ulStubId;
if (ulMidStubId > ulStubId) nMax = nMid; else if (ulMidStubId < ulStubId) nMin = nMid + 1; else return nMid; }
return -1; }
// FindStubId
BOOL FindStubId(SYSTHREAD *psfn, ULONG *pulStubId, ULONG *pulInsert) { Assert(psfn->prgStub); int i; int nCnt = psfn->prgStub->Count(); BOOL fFound;
if (nCnt >= 0x7fffffff) { Assert(0); return FALSE; } *pulStubId = 0; *pulInsert = 0;
if (!nCnt) return TRUE;
// max is 0x7ffffffff....
*pulStubId = 0x7fffffff; fFound = FALSE;
for (i = nCnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CStub *pStub = psfn->prgStub->Get(i); if (*pulStubId > pStub->_ulStubId) { i++; *pulStubId = pStub->_ulStubId + 1; fFound = TRUE; break; } *pulStubId = pStub->_ulStubId - 1; } //
// we should be able to find any number in 32bit value.
Assert(fFound); Assert(*pulStubId <= 0x7fffffff);
#ifdef DEBUG
Assert(FindStub(psfn->prgStub, *pulStubId) == -1); #endif
*pulInsert = i; return fFound; }
#ifdef DEBUG
void dbg_CheckStubIds(SYSTHREAD *psfn) { Assert(psfn->prgStub);
int i; int nCnt = psfn->prgStub->Count();
CStub *pStubPrev = psfn->prgStub->Get(0); for (i = 1; i < nCnt; i++) { CStub *pStub = psfn->prgStub->Get(i); Assert(pStubPrev->_ulStubId < pStub->_ulStubId); pStubPrev = pStub; } } #else
#define dbg_CheckStubIds(psfn)
// CicCoMarshalInterface
HRESULT CicCoMarshalInterface(REFIID riid, IUnknown *punk, ULONG *pulStubId, DWORD *pdwStubTime, DWORD dwSrcThreadId) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); CStub *pStub = NULL; DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); MARSHALINTERFACE *pmi = NULL; ULONG ulStubId; ULONG ulInsert; DWORD dwStubTime; CCicSecAttr sa; if (!psfn) return E_FAIL;
if (!psfn->prgStub) { psfn->prgStub = new CPtrArray<CStub>; if (!psfn->prgStub) { goto Exit; } }
if (!FindStubId(psfn, &ulStubId, &ulInsert)) { Assert(0); hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
dwStubTime = GetTickCount(); pStub = StubCreator(riid, punk, ulStubId, dwStubTime, psfn->dwThreadId, psfn->dwProcessId, dwSrcThreadId); if (!pStub) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (!psfn->prgStub->Insert(ulInsert, 1)) { goto Exit; }
psfn->prgStub->Set(ulInsert, pStub); dbg_CheckStubIds(psfn);
pStub->_pfm = new CMarshalInterfaceFileMapping(dwThreadId, ulStubId, dwStubTime);
if (pStub->_pfm == NULL) { goto Exit; }
pmi = (MARSHALINTERFACE *)pStub->_pfm->Create(sa, sizeof(MARSHALINTERFACE), NULL); if (!pmi) { goto Exit; }
pmi->iid = riid; pmi->dwStubTime = dwStubTime;
*pulStubId = ulStubId; *pdwStubTime = dwStubTime;
hr = S_OK;
Exit: if (hr != S_OK && pStub != NULL) { // pStub dtor will remove stub from psfn->prgStub
pStub->_Release(); }
return hr; }
// CicCoUnmarshalInterface
HRESULT CicCoUnmarshalInterface(REFIID riid, DWORD dwStubThreadId, ULONG ulStubId, DWORD dwStubTime, void **ppv) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); IUnknown *punkProxy = NULL; MARSHALINTERFACE *pmi; CMarshalInterfaceFileMapping fm(dwStubThreadId, ulStubId, dwStubTime);
*ppv = NULL;
if (!psfn) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
pmi = (MARSHALINTERFACE *)fm.Open(); if (!pmi) { // Assert(0);
if (!IsEqualIID(pmi->iid, riid)) { // Assert(0);
hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
punkProxy = ProxyCreator(psfn, pmi->iid, ulStubId, dwStubTime, dwStubThreadId, psfn->dwThreadId, psfn->dwProcessId);
if (!punkProxy) { Assert(0); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
*ppv = punkProxy; hr = S_OK; Exit: fm.Close(); return hr; }
// HandleSendReceive
void HandleSendReceiveMsg(DWORD dwSrcThreadId, ULONG ulBlockId) { MARSHALMSG *pMsg = NULL; SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); int nTarget; CStub *pStub = NULL; HRESULT hr; CSharedBlock *psb;
if (!psfn) { Assert(0); return; }
Assert(IsOnNT() || (dwSrcThreadId == WIN9X_SRCTHREADID));
CSendReceiveEvent event(dwSrcThreadId, ulBlockId); CSendReceiveConnectionEvent eventc(dwSrcThreadId, ulBlockId);
if (eventc.Open()) eventc.Set();
if (psfn->pti && (psfn->dwThreadId == psfn->pti->dwThreadId)) psfn->pti->ulInMarshal++; else Assert(0);
psb = EnsureSharedBlockForThread(psfn, dwSrcThreadId); if (!psb) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "HandleSendReceive no Shared Block Ptr"); goto Exit; }
pMsg = (MARSHALMSG *)psb->GetPtrFromBlockId(ulBlockId); if (!pMsg) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "HandleSendReceive no Msg Ptr"); goto Exit; }
if (!psfn->prgStub) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "HandleSendReceive no more sink"); goto Exit; }
nTarget = FindStub(psfn->prgStub, pMsg->ulStubId); if (nTarget == -1) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "HandleSendReceive no Stub"); goto Exit; }
pStub = psfn->prgStub->Get(nTarget); if (!pStub) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "HandleSendReceive no Stub Ptr"); goto Exit; }
if (pStub->_dwStubTime != pMsg->dwStubTime) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "HandleSendReceive old proxy was used"); goto Exit; }
Assert(IsEqualIID(pStub->_iid, pMsg->iid));
#ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR _szModule[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, _szModule, sizeof(_szModule)/sizeof(TCHAR)); TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s HandleSendReceive Invoke", _szModule); #endif
// we check the file map handle to marshal this interface itself.
_try { hr = pStub->Invoke(pMsg, psb); } _except(1) { #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s HandleSendReceive Except", _szModule); #endif
Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s HandleSendReceive Error", _szModule); #endif
Assert(0); goto Exit; }
#ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s HandleSendReceive OK", _szModule); #endif
#if 0
if (IsOnNT5()) { //
// for Office10 beta.
// we want to allow SetForegroundWindow always when marshalling
// call happens. Thus we may have non-necessary calls here.
// Needs to find a good place to call this.
ALLOWSETFOREGROUNDWINDOW fnAllowSetForeground; fnAllowSetForeground = EnsureAllowSetForeground(); if (fnAllowSetForeground) fnAllowSetForeground(pMsg->dwSrcProcessId); } #endif
Exit: if (psfn->pti && (psfn->dwThreadId == psfn->pti->dwThreadId)) psfn->pti->ulInMarshal--; else Assert(0);
if (event.Open()) event.Set();
// CModalLoop
// ctor
CModalLoop::CModalLoop(SYSTHREAD *psfn) : CSysThreadRef(psfn) { _wQuitCode = 0; _fQuitReceived = FALSE; }
// dtor
CModalLoop::~CModalLoop() { if (_fQuitReceived) PostQuitMessage(_wQuitCode); }
// WaitHandleWndMessage
#define WRM_MARSHALWND 0x0001
#define WRM_DISPATCH 0x0002
#define WRM_OLEWINDOW 0x0004
void CModalLoop::WaitHandleWndMessages(DWORD dwQueueFlags) {
// Try to clear the queue as best we can of any messages that
// might be holding off some other modal loop from executing.
// So we eat all mouse and key events.
if (dwQueueFlags & QS_KEY) { WaitRemoveMessage(WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, 0); }
// Clear mouse releated messages if there are any
if (dwQueueFlags & QS_MOUSE) { WaitRemoveMessage(WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0); WaitRemoveMessage(WM_NCMOUSEFIRST, WM_NCMOUSELAST, 0); WaitRemoveMessage(WM_QUEUESYNC, WM_QUEUESYNC, 0); }
if (dwQueueFlags & QS_POSTMESSAGE) { WaitRemoveMessage(WM_DDE_FIRST, WM_DDE_LAST, WRM_DISPATCH); WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgThreadMarshal, g_msgThreadMarshal, WRM_MARSHALWNDDISPATCH); WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgCheckThreadInputIdel, g_msgCheckThreadInputIdel, WRM_MARSHALWNDDISPATCH); #ifdef POINTER_MARSHAL
WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgPointerMarshal, g_msgPointerMarshal, WRM_MARSHALWNDDISPATCH); #endif
#ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR _szModule[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, _szModule, sizeof(_szModule)/sizeof(TCHAR)); TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CModalLoop::WaitHandleWndMessage:: MSUIM.Msg.RpcSendReceive", _szModule); #endif
WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgRpcSendReceive, g_msgRpcSendReceive, WRM_MARSHALWNDDISPATCH); // WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgPrivate, g_msgPrivate, WRM_DISPATCH);
WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgPrivate, g_msgPrivate, 0); if (!_psfn->fInmsgSetFocus) WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgSetFocus, g_msgSetFocus, 0); if (!_psfn->fInmsgThreadItemChange) WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgThreadItemChange, g_msgThreadItemChange, 0); if (!_psfn->fInmsgThreadTerminate) WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgThreadTerminate, g_msgThreadTerminate, 0); WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgLBarModal, g_msgLBarModal, 0);
// Get rid of paint message if we can as well -- this makes
// the screen look so much better.
if (dwQueueFlags & QS_PAINT) { WaitRemoveMessage(WM_PAINT, WM_PAINT, WRM_DISPATCH); }
// MyPeekMessage
BOOL CModalLoop::MyPeekMessage(MSG *pMsg, HWND hwnd, UINT min, UINT max, WORD wFlag) { BOOL fRet = PeekMessage(pMsg, hwnd, min, max, wFlag);
while (fRet) { if (pMsg->message != WM_QUIT) { break; }
_wQuitCode = (ULONG)(pMsg->wParam); _fQuitReceived = TRUE;
if (!(wFlag & PM_REMOVE)) { // quit message is still on queue so pull it off
PeekMessage(pMsg, hwnd, WM_QUIT, WM_QUIT, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD); }
// peek again to see if there is another message
fRet = PeekMessage(pMsg, hwnd, min, max, wFlag); }
return fRet; }
// WaitRemoveMessage
BOOL CModalLoop::WaitRemoveMessage(UINT uMsgFirst, UINT uMsgLast, DWORD dwFlags) { MSG msg; HWND hwnd = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (dwFlags & WRM_MARSHALWND) { hwnd = _psfn->hwndMarshal; } if (dwFlags & WRM_OLEWINDOW) { hwnd = GetOleMainThreadWindow(_psfn); if (!hwnd) return FALSE; }
while (MyPeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, uMsgFirst, uMsgLast, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) { if (dwFlags & WRM_DISPATCH) DispatchMessage(&msg);
fRet = TRUE; } return fRet; }
// BlockFn
HRESULT CModalLoop::BlockFn(CCicEvent *pevent, DWORD dwWaitingThreadId, DWORD &dwWaitFlags) { DWORD dwReason; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
// if the event is already set, we don't need to wait.
dwReason = pevent->EventCheck(); if (dwReason == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return S_OK;
if (dwReason == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { //
// we just check the our target send marshaling message to
// our thread. If so, just handle it.
DWORD dwStatus = GetQueueStatus(QS_POSTMESSAGE); WORD wNew = (WORD)dwStatus | HIWORD(dwStatus);
if (wNew & QS_POSTMESSAGE) { //
// handle ThreadMarshaling.
if (WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgThreadMarshal, g_msgThreadMarshal, WRM_MARSHALWNDDISPATCH)) return S_FALSE;
// handle another rpc cal.
#ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR _szModule[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, _szModule, sizeof(_szModule)/sizeof(TCHAR)); TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CModalLoop::BlockFn:: MSUIM.Msg.RpcSendReceive", _szModule); #endif
if (WaitRemoveMessage(g_msgRpcSendReceive, g_msgRpcSendReceive, WRM_MARSHALWNDDISPATCH)) return S_FALSE;
dwReason = pevent->MsgWait(500, dwWaitFlags); }
if (dwReason == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { return S_OK; } else if (dwReason == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { //
// now we handle only new messages.
DWORD dwStatus = GetQueueStatus(dwWaitFlags); WORD wNew = (WORD)dwStatus | HIWORD(dwStatus);
// need to review this later.
// we want to check the thread was terminated or not.
goto CheckThread; } else { //
// Cic#4516
// The target thread seems to be busy. Check the current queue to
// see if we have a message sent. The target thread may be in
// SendMessage() and waiting for the reply of this thread.
DWORD dwStatus = GetQueueStatus(QS_SENDMESSAGE); WORD wNew = HIWORD(dwStatus); if (wNew & QS_SENDMESSAGE) { MSG msg; //
// Maybe PeekMessage is better than ReplyMessage().
PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, ((IsOnNT5() || IsOn98()) ? PM_QS_SENDMESSAGE : 0) | PM_NOREMOVE); }
CheckThread: if (!g_timlist.IsThreadId(dwWaitingThreadId)) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "CProxy::SendReceive No Thread"); hr = MAKE_WIN32(RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE); goto Exit; } } Exit: return hr; }
// FreeStubs
void FreeMarshaledStubs(SYSTHREAD *psfn) { if (psfn->prgStub) { int nCnt = psfn->prgStub->Count(); int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { CStub *pStub = psfn->prgStub->Get(i); pStub->_fNoRemoveInDtor = TRUE; delete pStub; } psfn->prgStub->Clear(); delete psfn->prgStub; psfn->prgStub = NULL; } }
// FreeStubsForThread
void FreeMarshaledStubsForThread(SYSTHREAD *psfn, DWORD dwThread) { if (psfn->prgStub) { int nCnt = psfn->prgStub->Count(); int i = 0;
for (i = nCnt; i > 0; i--) { CStub *pStub = psfn->prgStub->Get(i - 1);
if (!pStub) continue;
if (pStub->_dwSrcThreadId == dwThread) delete pStub; } } }
// StubCleanUp
void StubCleanUp(DWORD dwStubTime, ULONG ulStubId) { SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); CStub *pStub; int nRemove;
if (psfn == NULL) return;
// Assert(psfn->prgStub);
if (!psfn->prgStub) return;
nRemove = FindStub(psfn->prgStub, ulStubId); if (nRemove == -1) return;
pStub = psfn->prgStub->Get(nRemove);
// check stub created time.
// Requested Stub ID seems to be destroyed long time ago and
// newer stub is using same ID.
if (pStub->_dwStubTime != dwStubTime) return; psfn->prgStub->Remove(nRemove, 1); delete pStub; }
// CicMarshalWndProc
LRESULT CALLBACK CicMarshalWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SYSTHREAD *psfn;
if (uMsg == WM_DESTROY) { g_timlist.SetMarshalWnd(GetCurrentThreadId(), NULL); if (psfn = GetSYSTHREAD()) { Assert(!psfn->hwndMarshal || (psfn->hwndMarshal == hWnd)); psfn->hwndMarshal = NULL;
// #507248
// need to reset the dirty flag.
if (psfn->plbim) psfn->plbim->ResetDirtyUpdate(); } } else if ((uMsg == WM_CLOSE) || (uMsg == WM_QUERYENDSESSION)) { if (psfn = GetSYSTHREAD()) { Assert(!psfn->hwndMarshal || (psfn->hwndMarshal == hWnd)); DestroyWindow(hWnd); psfn->hwndMarshal = NULL; } } else if (uMsg == g_msgNuiMgrDirtyUpdate) { goto CallOnUpdateHandler; } else if (uMsg == WM_TIMER) { if (wParam == MARSHALWND_TIMER_UPDATEKANACAPS) { KillTimer(hWnd, MARSHALWND_TIMER_UPDATEKANACAPS);
if (psfn = GetSYSTHREAD()) { KanaCapsUpdate(psfn); } } else if (wParam == MARSHALWND_TIMER_NUIMGRDIRTYUPDATE) { KillTimer(hWnd, MARSHALWND_TIMER_NUIMGRDIRTYUPDATE);
CallOnUpdateHandler: if (IsCTFMONBusy() || IsInPopupMenuMode()) { TryOnUpdatehandlerAgain: SetTimer(hWnd, MARSHALWND_TIMER_NUIMGRDIRTYUPDATE, 100, NULL); } else { if (psfn = GetSYSTHREAD()) { if (psfn->plbim) { if (psfn->plbim->IsInOnUpdateHandler()) goto TryOnUpdatehandlerAgain;
psfn->plbim->OnUpdateHandler(); } } } } else if (wParam == MARSHALWND_TIMER_WAITFORINPUTIDLEFORSETFOCUS) { KillTimer(hWnd, MARSHALWND_TIMER_WAITFORINPUTIDLEFORSETFOCUS); PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), g_msgSetFocus, 0, 0); } } else if (uMsg == g_msgRpcSendReceive) { HandleSendReceiveMsg((ULONG)wParam, (ULONG)lParam); } #ifdef POINTER_MARSHAL
else if (uMsg == g_msgPointerMarshal) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case MP_MARSHALINTERFACE: PointerMarshalInterfaceHandler(lParam); break;
case MP_UNMARSHALINTERFACEERROR: PointerUnMarshalInterfaceErrorHandler(lParam); break; } } #endif
else if (uMsg == g_msgThreadMarshal) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case MP_MARSHALINTERFACE: ThreadMarshalInterfaceHandler((int)lParam); break;
case MP_UNMARSHALINTERFACEERROR: ThreadUnMarshalInterfaceErrorHandler((int)lParam); break; } } else if (uMsg == g_msgStubCleanUp) { StubCleanUp((DWORD)wParam, (ULONG)lParam); } else if (uMsg == g_msgCheckThreadInputIdel) { DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); CCheckThreadInputIdle event(dwThreadId, (DWORD)lParam);
if (event.Open()) event.Set(); }
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
ATOM g_atomMarshalClass = 0;
// EnsureMarshalWnd
HWND EnsureMarshalWnd() { SYSTHREAD *psfn;
if ((psfn = GetSYSTHREAD()) == NULL) return NULL;
if (!EnsureTIMList(psfn)) return NULL; if (IsWindow(psfn->hwndMarshal)) { if (psfn->hwndMarshal != g_timlist.GetMarshalWnd(psfn->dwThreadId)) { g_timlist.SetMarshalWnd(psfn->dwThreadId, psfn->hwndMarshal); } return psfn->hwndMarshal; }
// we can not support marshaling after process detach.
if (g_fDllProcessDetached) return NULL;
// Win98 has a bug in FindWindow() with HWND_MESSAGE, so we need to have
// unique windiw text for each thread.
char sz[MAX_PATH]; if (!SetName(sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz), c_szCicMarshalWnd, GetCurrentThreadId())) return NULL;
// We want to hide this window from EnumWindow() API.
// So we use HWND_MESSAGE for Win98 and NT5.
// For Beta.
// Under NT4, we destroy every time the popup window is destroyed in
// WndProcHook. However we should
psfn->hwndMarshal = CreateWindowEx(0, c_szCicMarshalClass, sz, WS_DISABLED | WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, IsOn98orNT5() ? HWND_MESSAGE : NULL, 0, g_hInst, 0);
g_timlist.SetMarshalWnd(psfn->dwThreadId, psfn->hwndMarshal);
return psfn->hwndMarshal; }
// RegisterMarshalWndClass
void RegisterMarshalWndClass() { WNDCLASSEX wndclass;
memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass)); wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass); wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW ; wndclass.hInstance = g_hInst; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wndclass.lpfnWndProc = CicMarshalWndProc; wndclass.lpszClassName = c_szCicMarshalClass; g_atomMarshalClass = RegisterClassEx(&wndclass); }
// CThreadMarshalWnd
// ctor
CThreadMarshalWnd::CThreadMarshalWnd() { _dwThreadId = 0; _hwnd = 0; }
// dtor
CThreadMarshalWnd::~CThreadMarshalWnd() { }
// Init
BOOL CThreadMarshalWnd::Init(DWORD dwThreadId) { HWND hwndTemp = NULL;
_dwThreadId = dwThreadId;
// clear _hwnd out first.
_hwnd = NULL;
if (hwndTemp = GetThreadMarshalWnd(dwThreadId)) { if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndTemp, NULL) == dwThreadId) { _hwnd = hwndTemp; } }
return _hwnd ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// PostMarshalThreadMessage
BOOL CThreadMarshalWnd::PostMarshalThreadMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { Assert(g_atomMarshalClass); if (!_hwnd || !IsWindow()) { //
// Was the window destroyed?
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "CThreadmarshalWnd::PostMarshalThreadMessage marshal window could not be found"); return FALSE; }
#ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR _szModule[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, _szModule, sizeof(_szModule)/sizeof(TCHAR)); TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CThreadMarshalWnd::PostMarshalThreadMessage hWnd - %x uMsg - %x wParam - %x lParam - %x", _szModule, _hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); #endif
return PostMessage(_hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
// DestroyAll
BOOL CThreadMarshalWnd::DestroyAll() { ULONG ulNum; SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); if (!psfn) return FALSE;
ulNum = g_timlist.GetNum();
if (ulNum) { DWORD *pdw = new DWORD[ulNum + 1]; if (pdw) { if (g_timlist.GetList(pdw, ulNum+1, &ulNum, 0, 0, FALSE)) { ULONG ul; for (ul = 0; ul < ulNum; ul++) { if (pdw[ul]) DestroyThreadMarshalWnd(pdw[ul]); } } delete [] pdw; } }
return TRUE; }
// DestroyThreadMarshalWnd
BOOL CThreadMarshalWnd::DestroyThreadMarshalWnd(DWORD dwThread) { HWND hwndTemp;
if (hwndTemp = GetThreadMarshalWnd(dwThread)) { //
// #425375.
// SendMessageTimeout() makes shut-down slower.
// instead, we use SendNotifyMessage() and this is safer since
// the queue of the thread does not miss WM_CLOSE message for the
// window.
SendNotifyMessage(hwndTemp, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
} return TRUE; }
// ClearMarshalWndProc
void CThreadMarshalWnd::ClearMarshalWndProc(DWORD dwProcessId) { ULONG ulNum;
if (!g_timlist.IsInitialized()) return;
ulNum = g_timlist.GetNum();
// MSCTF.DLL will be unloaded so we may need to make all existing marshal
// windows in the current process a ghost. We wanted to destroy them
// but we missed a chance to destroy them.
// It may be ok to call DestroyWindow() in process detach since
// it is known window. But making them a ghost seems to be safer.
if (ulNum) { DWORD *pdw = new DWORD[ulNum + 1]; if (pdw) { if (g_timlist.GetListInProcess(pdw, &ulNum, dwProcessId)) { ULONG ul; for (ul = 0; ul < ulNum; ul++) { if (pdw[ul]) { HWND hwnd = GetThreadMarshalWnd(pdw[ul]); if (hwnd) { SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)DefWindowProc); } } } } delete [] pdw; } } }
// GetThreadMarshalWnd
HWND CThreadMarshalWnd::GetThreadMarshalWnd(DWORD dwThread) { HWND hwnd = g_timlist.GetMarshalWnd(dwThread);
if (::IsWindow(hwnd)) { if (dwThread == GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, NULL)) { ATOM atomClass = (ATOM)GetClassLongPtr(hwnd, GCW_ATOM); if (g_atomMarshalClass == atomClass) return hwnd; } g_timlist.SetMarshalWnd(dwThread, NULL); } return NULL; }
// EnumThreadWndProc
BOOL CThreadMarshalWnd::EnumThreadWndProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { *(BOOL *)lParam = TRUE; return FALSE; }
// IsThreadWindow
BOOL CThreadMarshalWnd::IsThreadWindow() { BOOL fFound = FALSE;
EnumThreadWindows(_dwThreadId, EnumThreadWndProc, (LPARAM)&fFound);
return fFound; }
// CProxy
// ctor
CProxy::CProxy(SYSTHREAD *psfn) : CSysThreadRef(psfn) { _ulProxyId = 0; _ulStubId = (ULONG)(-1); _dwStubThreadId = 0; _dwSrcThreadId = 0; _dwSrcProcessId = 0; _cRef = 1; #ifdef DEBUG
_fInLoop = FALSE; #endif
// dtor
CProxy::~CProxy() { #ifdef DEBUG
Assert(!_fInLoop); #endif
if (g_timlist.IsThreadId(_dwStubThreadId)) _tmw.PostMarshalThreadMessage(g_msgStubCleanUp, _dwStubTime, _ulStubId); }
ULONG CProxy::InternalAddRef() { _cRef++; return _cRef; }
ULONG CProxy::InternalRelease() { _cRef--; if (!_cRef) { delete this; return 0; } return _cRef; }
// Init
void CProxy::Init(REFIID riid, ULONG ulProxyId, ULONG ulStubId, DWORD dwStubTime, DWORD dwStubThreadId, DWORD dwCurThreadId, DWORD dwCurProcessId) { _iid = riid; _ulProxyId = ulProxyId; _ulStubId = ulStubId; _dwStubTime = dwStubTime; _dwStubThreadId = dwStubThreadId; _dwSrcThreadId = dwCurThreadId; _dwSrcProcessId = dwCurProcessId; _tmw.Init(_dwStubThreadId); }
// SendReceive
HRESULT CProxy::SendReceive(MARSHALMSG *pMsg, ULONG ulBlockId) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CCicTimer timer(MARSHALTIMEOUT, FALSE); DWORD dwWaitFlags; DWORD dwThreadId = _dwStubThreadId; CModalLoop modalloop(_psfn); DWORD dwSrcThreadId; TL_THREADINFO *pti; DWORD dwPrevWaitingThread; CCicSecAttr sa;
#ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR _szModule[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, _szModule, sizeof(_szModule)/sizeof(TCHAR)); TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CProxy::SendReceive Start _ThreadId - %x _uStubId - %x, msg size - %x", _szModule, _dwStubThreadId, _ulStubId, pMsg->cbSize); #endif
pti = g_timlist.IsThreadId(_dwStubThreadId); if (!pti) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "CProxy::SendReceive Invalid ThreadId %x", _dwStubThreadId); return E_FAIL; }
Assert(pti->dwThreadId == _dwStubThreadId); if (pti->dwFlags & TLF_INSFW) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "CProxy::SendReceive Thread is in SetForegroundWindow %08x", _dwStubThreadId); return E_FAIL; }
// for Win9x, we can identify the event and shared block by ulBlockId.
if (IsOnNT()) dwSrcThreadId = pMsg->dwSrcThreadId; else dwSrcThreadId = WIN9X_SRCTHREADID;
// Event for marshaling
CSendReceiveEvent event(dwSrcThreadId, ulBlockId); if (!event.Create(sa)) return E_FAIL;
CSendReceiveConnectionEvent eventc(dwSrcThreadId, ulBlockId); BOOL fSendReceiveConnection = FALSE;
if (!eventc.Create(sa)) return E_FAIL;
// Win98 QS_EVENT hack.
// Win98's Event QueueItem could cause inter thread sendmessage
// We want to clean up Event QueueItem before Marshaling happens.
// because CTFMON.EXE may call AttatchThreadInput() and this event
// could be handled in CTFMON's thread and this make the event queue item
// to do inter thread SendMessage.
if (!IsOnNT()) { MSG msg; PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD); }
// save previous waiting thread.
if (_psfn->pti) { dwPrevWaitingThread = _psfn->pti->dwMarshalWaitingThread; _psfn->pti->dwMarshalWaitingThread = _dwStubThreadId; }
// update marshal window handle from PTI.
// the window handle in _tmw may be destroyed on NT4.
if (!_tmw.PostMarshalThreadMessage(g_msgRpcSendReceive, dwSrcThreadId, ulBlockId)) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "CProxy::SendReceive PostThreadMessage failed"); goto Exit; }
#ifdef DEBUG
_fInLoop = TRUE; #endif
timer.Start(); dwWaitFlags = QS_DEFAULTWAITFLAG; while (!timer.IsTimerAtZero()) { if (!fSendReceiveConnection && timer.IsTimerPass(DEFAULTMARSHALCONNECTIONTIMEOUT)) { DWORD dwReason = eventc.EventCheck(); if (dwReason != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { hr = E_FAIL; break; } fSendReceiveConnection = TRUE; }
hr = modalloop.BlockFn(&event, dwThreadId, dwWaitFlags); if (hr == S_OK) goto EventOK;
if (FAILED(hr)) break;
if (!_tmw.IsWindow()) { hr = E_FAIL; break; }
if (!_tmw.IsThreadWindow()) { CThreadMarshalWnd::DestroyThreadMarshalWnd(_dwStubThreadId); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
#ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CProxy::SendReceive Time Out", _szModule); #endif
goto Exit;
EventOK: #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CProxy::SendReceive OK", _szModule); #endif
hr = S_OK;
Exit: #ifdef DEBUG
_fInLoop = FALSE; #endif
// restore previous waiting thread.
if (_psfn->pti) _psfn->pti->dwMarshalWaitingThread = dwPrevWaitingThread;
return hr; }
// proxy_Param
HRESULT CProxy::proxy_Param(ULONG ulMethodId, ULONG ulParamNum, CPROXY_PARAM *pProxyParam) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; ULONG i; MARSHALMSG *pMsgMap = NULL; ULONG cbBufSize; CMarshalParamCreator cparam; ULONG ulBlockId; HRESULT hrMarshalOutParam = S_OK; ULONG cbPadMemSize = 0;
CSharedHeap *psheap = EnsureSharedHeap(_psfn); if (!psheap) return hr;
TryAgain: cbBufSize = sizeof(MARSHALMSG) + ulParamNum * sizeof(MARSHALPARAM); LENGTH_ALIGN(cbBufSize, CIC_ALIGNMENT); cbBufSize += cbPadMemSize; LENGTH_ALIGN(cbBufSize, CIC_ALIGNMENT);
for (i = 0; i < ulParamNum; i++) { ULONG cbUnitSize = sizeof(ULONG_PTR); LENGTH_ALIGN(cbUnitSize, CIC_ALIGNMENT);
if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_INTERFACE) cbUnitSize += sizeof(MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM); else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_HICON) { if (!(pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_IN)) { cbUnitSize += 0x2000; } else { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); HICON *picon = (HICON *)pProxyParam[i].pv; cbUnitSize += Cic_HICON_UserSize(picon); } } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_HBITMAP) { if (!(pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_IN)) { cbUnitSize += 0x1000; } else { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); HBITMAP *pbmp = (HBITMAP *)pProxyParam[i].pv; cbUnitSize += Cic_HBITMAP_UserSize(pbmp); } } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_BSTR) cbUnitSize += 0x1000; // else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_POINTER)
// cbUnitSize += 0x1000;
else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_TF_LBBALLOONINFO) cbUnitSize += 0x1000; else cbUnitSize += pProxyParam[i].cbUnitSize;
LENGTH_ALIGN(cbUnitSize, CIC_ALIGNMENT); cbBufSize += (cbUnitSize * pProxyParam[i].ulCount); LENGTH_ALIGN(cbBufSize, CIC_ALIGNMENT); }
if (!psheap->GetBlock()->GetMutex()->Enter()) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
pMsgMap = (MARSHALMSG *)psheap->Alloc(cbBufSize);
if (!pMsgMap) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto FinishParamCreation; }
ulBlockId = psheap->GetBlockId(pMsgMap);
cparam.Set(pMsgMap, cbBufSize); cparam.Init(_dwSrcThreadId, _dwSrcProcessId, _iid, ulMethodId, ulParamNum, _ulStubId, _dwStubTime);
hr = S_OK;
for (i = 0; i < ulParamNum; i++) { if (!(pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_IN)) { hr = cparam.Add(pProxyParam[i].GetBufSize(), pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto FinishParamCreation;
continue; }
if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_INTERFACE) { if (pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1) { MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM miparam; if ((IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv && (*(IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv)) { CicCoMarshalInterface(*pProxyParam[i].piid, *(IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv, &miparam.ulStubId, &miparam.dwStubTime, _dwStubThreadId); miparam.fNULLPointer = FALSE; miparam.fNULLStack = FALSE; } else { miparam.ulStubId = 0; miparam.fNULLPointer = TRUE; if (!(IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv) miparam.fNULLStack = TRUE; else miparam.fNULLStack = FALSE; } hr = cparam.Add(sizeof(miparam), pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, &miparam); } else { MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM *pmiparam; pmiparam = new MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM[pProxyParam[i].ulCount]; if (pmiparam) { ULONG ul; for (ul = 0; ul < pProxyParam[i].ulCount; ul++) { IUnknown **ppunk = (IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv; if (ppunk && ppunk[ul]) { CicCoMarshalInterface(*pProxyParam[i].piid, ppunk[ul], &pmiparam[ul].ulStubId, &pmiparam[ul].dwStubTime, _dwStubThreadId); pmiparam[ul].fNULLPointer = FALSE; pmiparam[ul].fNULLStack = FALSE; } else { pmiparam[ul].ulStubId = 0; pmiparam[ul].fNULLPointer = TRUE; if (!ppunk) pmiparam[ul].fNULLStack = TRUE; else pmiparam[ul].fNULLStack = FALSE; } }
hr = cparam.Add(sizeof(*pmiparam) * pProxyParam[i].ulCount, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pmiparam); delete [] pmiparam; } } } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_POINTER) { hr = cparam.Add(pProxyParam[i].GetBufSize(), pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pProxyParam[i].pv); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_ULONG) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); hr = cparam.Add(pProxyParam[i].cbUnitSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, &pProxyParam[i].ul); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_BSTR) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); hr = cparam.Add(pProxyParam[i].cbUnitSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pProxyParam[i].pv); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_STRUCT) { hr = cparam.Add(pProxyParam[i].GetBufSize(), pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pProxyParam[i].pv); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_HICON) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); HICON *picon = (HICON *)pProxyParam[i].pv; ULONG cbSize = Cic_HICON_UserSize(picon); BYTE *pBufOrg = NULL; BYTE *pBuf = NULL; BYTE *pBufEnd = NULL;
if (cbSize) { pBufOrg = (BYTE *)cicMemAlloc(cbSize + CIC_ALIGNMENT + 1); pBuf = pBufOrg; POINTER_ALIGN( pBuf, CIC_ALIGNMENT); pBufEnd = pBuf + cbSize; }
if (pBuf && Cic_HICON_UserMarshal(pBuf, pBufEnd, picon)) { hr = cparam.Add(cbSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pBuf); Cic_HICON_UserFree(picon); } else { hr = cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); }
if (pBufOrg) cicMemFree(pBufOrg); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_HBITMAP) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); HBITMAP *pbmp = (HBITMAP *)pProxyParam[i].pv; ULONG cbSize = Cic_HBITMAP_UserSize(pbmp); BYTE *pBufOrg = NULL; BYTE *pBuf = NULL; BYTE *pBufEnd = NULL;
if (cbSize) { pBufOrg = (BYTE *)cicMemAlloc(cbSize + CIC_ALIGNMENT + 1); pBuf = pBufOrg; POINTER_ALIGN( pBuf, CIC_ALIGNMENT); pBufEnd = pBuf + cbSize; }
if (pBuf && Cic_HBITMAP_UserMarshal(pBuf, pBufEnd, pbmp)) { hr = cparam.Add(cbSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pBuf); Cic_HBITMAP_UserFree(pbmp); } else { hr = cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); } if (pBufOrg) cicMemFree(pBufOrg); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_TF_LBBALLOONINFO) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); TF_LBBALLOONINFO *pInfo = (TF_LBBALLOONINFO *)pProxyParam[i].pv; BYTE *pBufOrg = NULL; BYTE *pBuf = NULL; ULONG cbSize = Cic_TF_LBBALLOONINFO_UserSize(pInfo);
if (cbSize) { pBufOrg = (BYTE *)cicMemAlloc(cbSize + CIC_ALIGNMENT + 1); pBuf = pBufOrg; POINTER_ALIGN( pBuf, CIC_ALIGNMENT); }
if (pBuf && Cic_TF_LBBALLOONINFO_UserMarshal(pBuf, pInfo)) { hr = cparam.Add(cbSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pBuf); Cic_TF_LBBALLOONINFO_UserFree(pInfo); } else { hr = cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); } if (pBufOrg) cicMemFree(pBufOrg); } else { Assert(0); hr = E_FAIL; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { Assert(0); goto FinishParamCreation; } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
hr = cparam.SendReceive(this, ulBlockId); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hrMarshalOutParam = pMsgMap->hrMarshalOutParam; if (hrMarshalOutParam != S_OK) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
if (!psheap->GetBlock()->GetMutex()->Enter()) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
for (i = 0; i < ulParamNum; i++) { MARSHALPARAM *pParam;
if (!(pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_OUT)) continue;
if (!pProxyParam[i].pv) continue;
pParam = cparam.GetMarshalParam(i); hr = S_OK;
if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_POINTER) { if (pParam->cbBufSize) { memcpy(pProxyParam[i].pv, ParamToBufferPointer(pParam), pProxyParam[i].GetBufSize()); } else { memset(pProxyParam[i].pv, 0, pProxyParam[i].GetBufSize()); } } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_INTERFACE) { MARSHALMSG *pMsg = cparam.Get(); MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM *pmiparam = (MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM *)ParamToBufferPointer(pParam); ULONG ul; IUnknown **ppunk = (IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv; if (ppunk) { for (ul = 0; ul < pProxyParam[i].ulCount; ul++) { if (pmiparam->fNULLPointer) { *ppunk = NULL;
} else { hr = CicCoUnmarshalInterface(*pProxyParam[i].piid, pMsg->dwSrcThreadId, pmiparam->ulStubId, pmiparam->dwStubTime, (void **)ppunk); } ppunk++; pmiparam++; } } } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_BSTR) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); if (pParam->cbBufSize) { void *pv = ParamToBufferPointer(pParam); if ((*(BSTR *)pProxyParam[i].pv = SysAllocString((BSTR)pv)) == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { *(BSTR *)pProxyParam[i].pv = NULL; } } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_STRUCT) { if (pParam->cbBufSize) { memcpy(pProxyParam[i].pv, ParamToBufferPointer(pParam), pProxyParam[i].GetBufSize()); } else { memset(pProxyParam[i].pv, 0, pProxyParam[i].GetBufSize()); } } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_HICON) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); HICON hicon = NULL; if (pParam->cbBufSize) { BYTE *pBuf = (BYTE *)ParamToBufferPointer(pParam); Cic_HICON_UserUnmarshal(pBuf, &hicon); } *(HICON *)pProxyParam[i].pv = hicon; } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_HBITMAP) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); HBITMAP hbmp = NULL; if (pParam->cbBufSize) { BYTE *pBuf = (BYTE *)ParamToBufferPointer(pParam); Cic_HBITMAP_UserUnmarshal(pBuf, &hbmp); } *(HBITMAP *)pProxyParam[i].pv = hbmp; } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_TF_LBBALLOONINFO) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); if (pParam->cbBufSize) { BYTE *pBuf = (BYTE *)ParamToBufferPointer(pParam); hr = Cic_TF_LBBALLOONINFO_UserUnmarshal(pBuf, (TF_LBBALLOONINFO *)pProxyParam[i].pv); } } else { Assert(0); hr = E_FAIL; }
if (FAILED(hr)) break; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = cparam.GetHresult();
Exit: if (pMsgMap) psheap->Free(pMsgMap);
if ((cbPadMemSize == 0) && (hrMarshalOutParam == E_OUTOFMEMORY)) { cbPadMemSize = cbBufSize * 2; cparam.Clear(); goto TryAgain; }
InternalRelease(); return hr; }
// CStub
// ctor
CStub::CStub() { _pfm = NULL; _fNoRemoveInDtor = FALSE; _cRef = 1; }
// dtor
CStub::~CStub() { //
// #489905
// we can not call sink anymore after DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.
if (!DllShutdownInProgress()) { if (_punk && !IsBadReadPtr(_punk, 1)) { _try { _punk->Release(); _punk = NULL; } _except(1) { //
// Tips may not do DllAddRef() for LangBarItems so
// _punk could be bad pointer. We need to have a
// way to clean up CStub.
; // TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "CStub punk is gone.");
} } }
if (_fNoRemoveInDtor) { //
// we're in FreeMarshaledStubs() so we don't have to
// remove itself. GetSYSTEMTHREAD() may not work when it is called
// in UninitProcess().
return; }
SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); Assert(psfn != NULL && psfn->prgStub != NULL); if (psfn == NULL || psfn->prgStub == NULL) return;
int i; int nCnt = psfn->prgStub->Count(); for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { if (this == psfn->prgStub->Get(i)) { psfn->prgStub->Remove(i, 1); break; } } }
// _AddRef
ULONG CStub::_AddRef() { _cRef++; return _cRef; }
// _Release
ULONG CStub::_Release() { _cRef--; if (!_cRef) { delete this; return 0; } return _cRef; }
// stub_OutParam
HRESULT CStub::stub_OutParam(CStub *_this, MARSHALMSG *pMsg, ULONG ulMethodId, ULONG ulParamNum, CPROXY_PARAM *pProxyParam, CSharedBlock *psb) { ULONG i; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
CMarshalParamCreator cparam;
if (!psb->GetMutex()->Enter()) { Assert(0); return E_FAIL; }
if (!CSharedHeap::IsValidBlock(psb, pMsg)) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (!IsEqualIID(pMsg->iid, _this->_iid)) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (pMsg->ulMethodId != ulMethodId) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (pMsg->ulParamNum != ulParamNum) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (pMsg->ulStubId != _this->_ulStubId) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (pMsg->dwStubTime != _this->_dwStubTime) { Assert(0); goto Exit; } hr = S_OK;
cparam.Set(pMsg, pMsg->cbBufSize); cparam.Init(_this->_dwStubThreadId, _this->_dwStubProcessId, _this->_iid, ulMethodId, ulParamNum, _this->_ulStubId, _this->_dwStubTime);
for (i = 0; i < ulParamNum; i++) { if (!(pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_OUT)) { cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); continue; }
if (!pProxyParam[i].pv && !(pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_INTERFACE)) { cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); continue; }
if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_INTERFACE) { #if 0
if (pProxyParam[i].pv) { CicCoMarshalInterface(*pProxyParam[i].piid, *(IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv, &miparam.ulStubId, &miparam.dwStubTime, _this->_dwSrcThreadId); miparam.fNULLPointer = FALSE; } else { miparam.ulStubId = 0; miparam.fNULLPointer = TRUE; } hr = cparam.Add(sizeof(miparam), pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, &miparam);
if (pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1) { MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM miparam; if ((IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv && (*(IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv)) { CicCoMarshalInterface(*pProxyParam[i].piid, *(IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv, &miparam.ulStubId, &miparam.dwStubTime, _this->_dwSrcThreadId); miparam.fNULLPointer = FALSE; miparam.fNULLStack = FALSE; } else { miparam.ulStubId = 0; miparam.fNULLPointer = TRUE; if (!(IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv) miparam.fNULLStack = TRUE; else miparam.fNULLStack = FALSE; } hr = cparam.Add(sizeof(miparam), pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, &miparam); } else { MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM *pmiparam; pmiparam = new MARSHALINTERFACEPARAM[pProxyParam[i].ulCount]; if (pmiparam) { ULONG ul; for (ul = 0; ul < pProxyParam[i].ulCount; ul++) { IUnknown **ppunk = (IUnknown **)pProxyParam[i].pv; if (ppunk && ppunk[ul]) { CicCoMarshalInterface(*pProxyParam[i].piid, ppunk[ul], &pmiparam[ul].ulStubId, &pmiparam[ul].dwStubTime, _this->_dwSrcThreadId); pmiparam[ul].fNULLPointer = FALSE; pmiparam[ul].fNULLStack = FALSE; } else { pmiparam[ul].ulStubId = 0; pmiparam[ul].fNULLPointer = TRUE; if (!ppunk) pmiparam[ul].fNULLStack = TRUE; else pmiparam[ul].fNULLStack = FALSE; } }
hr = cparam.Add(sizeof(*pmiparam) * pProxyParam[i].ulCount, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pmiparam); delete [] pmiparam; } } #endif
} else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_POINTER) { hr = cparam.Add(pProxyParam[i].GetBufSize(), pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pProxyParam[i].pv); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_ULONG) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); hr = cparam.Add(pProxyParam[i].cbUnitSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, &pProxyParam[i].ul); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_BSTR) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); if (pProxyParam[i].pv) { hr = cparam.Add(SysStringByteLen((BSTR)pProxyParam[i].pv) + 2, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pProxyParam[i].pv); SysFreeString((BSTR)pProxyParam[i].pv); } else { hr = cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); } } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_HICON) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); HICON *picon = (HICON *)pProxyParam[i].pv; ULONG cbSize = Cic_HICON_UserSize(picon); BYTE *pBuf = NULL; BYTE *pBufOrg = NULL; BYTE *pBufEnd = NULL;
if (cbSize) { pBufOrg = (BYTE *)cicMemAlloc(cbSize + CIC_ALIGNMENT + 1); pBuf = pBufOrg; POINTER_ALIGN( pBuf, CIC_ALIGNMENT); pBufEnd = pBuf + cbSize; }
if (pBuf && Cic_HICON_UserMarshal(pBuf, pBufEnd, picon)) { hr = cparam.Add(cbSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pBuf); Cic_HICON_UserFree(picon); } else { hr = cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); } if (pBufOrg) cicMemFree(pBufOrg); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_HBITMAP) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); HBITMAP *pbmp = (HBITMAP *)pProxyParam[i].pv; ULONG cbSize = Cic_HBITMAP_UserSize(pbmp); BYTE *pBuf = NULL; BYTE *pBufOrg = NULL; BYTE *pBufEnd = NULL;
if (cbSize) { pBufOrg = (BYTE *)cicMemAlloc(cbSize + CIC_ALIGNMENT + 1); pBuf = pBufOrg; POINTER_ALIGN( pBuf, CIC_ALIGNMENT); pBufEnd = pBuf + cbSize; }
if (pBuf && Cic_HBITMAP_UserMarshal(pBuf, pBufEnd, pbmp)) { hr = cparam.Add(cbSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pBuf); Cic_HBITMAP_UserFree(pbmp); } else { hr = cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); } if (pBufOrg) cicMemFree(pBufOrg); } else if (pProxyParam[i].dwFlags & MPARAM_TF_LBBALLOONINFO) { Assert(pProxyParam[i].ulCount == 1); TF_LBBALLOONINFO *pInfo = (TF_LBBALLOONINFO *)pProxyParam[i].pv; ULONG cbSize = Cic_TF_LBBALLOONINFO_UserSize(pInfo); BYTE *pBuf = NULL; BYTE *pBufOrg = NULL;
if (cbSize) { pBufOrg = (BYTE *)cicMemAlloc(cbSize + CIC_ALIGNMENT + 1); pBuf = pBufOrg; POINTER_ALIGN( pBuf, CIC_ALIGNMENT); }
if (pBuf && Cic_TF_LBBALLOONINFO_UserMarshal(pBuf, pInfo)) { hr = cparam.Add(cbSize, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, pBuf); Cic_TF_LBBALLOONINFO_UserFree(pInfo); } else { hr = cparam.Add(0, pProxyParam[i].dwFlags, NULL); } if (pBufOrg) cicMemFree(pBufOrg); } else Assert(0);
if (hr != S_OK) { break; } } Exit: pMsg->hrMarshalOutParam = hr;
return hr; }
// TF_CCheckThreadInputIdle
extern "C" DWORD WINAPI TF_CheckThreadInputIdle(DWORD dwThreadId, DWORD dwTimeOut) { if (dwThreadId == GetCurrentThreadId()) return 0;
HWND hwndTemp = CThreadMarshalWnd::GetThreadMarshalWnd(dwThreadId); if (!hwndTemp) { return WAIT_FAILED; }
DWORD dwTime = GetTickCount(); CCheckThreadInputIdle event(dwThreadId, dwTime); CCicSecAttr sa;
if (!event.Create(sa)) { Assert(0); return WAIT_FAILED; }
PostMessage(hwndTemp, g_msgCheckThreadInputIdel, 0, (LPARAM)dwTime); DWORD dwReason = event.EventCheck(); if (dwReason == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return 0;
if (event.Wait(dwTimeOut)) return 0;
return WAIT_TIMEOUT; }