// msaa.cpp
// AA stuff.
#include "private.h"
#include "ic.h"
#include "tim.h"
#include "dim.h"
#include "msaa.h"
#include "tlapi.h"
extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI TF_PostAllThreadMsg(WPARAM wParam, DWORD dwFlags);
// SystemEnableMSAA
// Called by msaa to kick cicero msaa support on the desktop.
STDAPI CMSAAControl::SystemEnableMSAA() { if (InterlockedIncrement(&GetSharedMemory()->cMSAARef) == 0) { TF_PostAllThreadMsg(TFPRIV_ENABLE_MSAA, TLF_TIMACTIVE); } return S_OK; }
// SystemDisableMSAA
// Called by msaa to halt cicero msaa support on the desktop.
STDAPI CMSAAControl::SystemDisableMSAA() { if (InterlockedDecrement(&GetSharedMemory()->cMSAARef) == -1) { TF_PostAllThreadMsg(TFPRIV_DISABLE_MSAA, TLF_TIMACTIVE); } return S_OK; }
// _InitMSAAHook
void CInputContext::_InitMSAAHook(IAccServerDocMgr *pAAAdaptor) { IDocWrap *pAADocWrapper;
if (_pMSAAState != NULL) return; // already inited
Assert(_ptsi != NULL);
// try to allocate some space for the state we'll need to save
// since we rarely use msaa, it's stored separately from the ic
if ((_pMSAAState = (MSAA_STATE *)cicMemAlloc(sizeof(MSAA_STATE))) == NULL) return;
// back up the original ptsi
_pMSAAState->ptsiOrg = _ptsi; _ptsi = NULL;
if (CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DocWrap, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDocWrap, (void **)&pAADocWrapper) != S_OK) { goto ExitError; }
if (pAADocWrapper->SetDoc(IID_ITextStoreAnchor, _pMSAAState->ptsiOrg) != S_OK) goto ExitError;
if (pAADocWrapper->GetWrappedDoc(IID_ITextStoreAnchor, (IUnknown **)&_pMSAAState->pAADoc) != S_OK) goto ExitError;
if (pAADocWrapper->GetWrappedDoc(IID_ITextStoreAnchor, (IUnknown **)&_ptsi) != S_OK) goto ExitError;
if (pAAAdaptor->NewDocument(IID_ITextStoreAnchor, _pMSAAState->pAADoc) != S_OK) goto ExitError;
pAADocWrapper->Release(); return;
ExitError: pAADocWrapper->Release(); _UninitMSAAHook(pAAAdaptor); }
// _UninitMSAAHook
void CInputContext::_UninitMSAAHook(IAccServerDocMgr *pAAAdaptor) { if (_pMSAAState == NULL) return; // not inited
pAAAdaptor->RevokeDocument(_pMSAAState->pAADoc); SafeRelease(_pMSAAState->pAADoc); SafeRelease(_ptsi); // restore orig unwrapped doc
_ptsi = _pMSAAState->ptsiOrg; // free msaa struct
cicMemFree(_pMSAAState); _pMSAAState = NULL; }
// _InitMSAA
void CThreadInputMgr::_InitMSAA() { CDocumentInputManager *dim; CInputContext *pic; int iDim; int iContext; HRESULT hr;
if (_pAAAdaptor != NULL) return; // already inited
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AccServerDocMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IAccServerDocMgr, (void **)&_pAAAdaptor);
if (hr != S_OK || _pAAAdaptor == NULL) { _pAAAdaptor = NULL; return; }
// now wrap all existing ic's
for (iDim = 0; iDim < _rgdim.Count(); iDim++) { dim = _rgdim.Get(iDim);
for (iContext = 0; iContext <= dim->_GetCurrentStack(); iContext++) { pic = dim->_GetIC(iContext); // we need to reset our sinks, so msaa can wrap them
// first, disconnect the sink
pic->_GetTSI()->UnadviseSink(SAFECAST(pic, ITextStoreAnchorSink *));
// now announce the ic
// now reset the sink on the wrapped _ptsi
pic->_GetTSI()->AdviseSink(IID_ITextStoreAnchorSink, SAFECAST(pic, ITextStoreAnchorSink *), TS_AS_ALL_SINKS); } } }
// _UninitMSAA
void CThreadInputMgr::_UninitMSAA() { CDocumentInputManager *dim; CInputContext *pic; int iDim; int iContext;
if (_pAAAdaptor == NULL) return; // already uninited
// unwrap all existing ic's
for (iDim = 0; iDim < _rgdim.Count(); iDim++) { dim = _rgdim.Get(iDim);
for (iContext = 0; iContext <= dim->_GetCurrentStack(); iContext++) { pic = dim->_GetIC(iContext); // we need to reset our sinks
// first, unadvise the wrapped sinks
pic->_GetTSI()->UnadviseSink(SAFECAST(pic, ITextStoreAnchorSink *));
// unwrap the ptsi
// now reset the sink on the original _ptsi
pic->_GetTSI()->AdviseSink(IID_ITextStoreAnchorSink, SAFECAST(pic, ITextStoreAnchorSink *), TS_AS_ALL_SINKS); } }
_pAAAdaptor->Release(); _pAAAdaptor = NULL; }