// normal.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "normal.h"
#include "txtcache.h"
// GetTextComplete
// Wrapper for GetText that keeps asking until the input buffers are full.
HRESULT GetTextComplete(ITextStoreACP *ptsi, LONG acpStart, LONG acpEnd, WCHAR *pchPlain, ULONG cchPlainReq, ULONG *pcchPlainOut, TS_RUNINFO *prgRunInfo, ULONG ulRunInfoReq, ULONG *pulRunInfoOut, LONG *pacpNext) { ULONG cchPlainOut; ULONG ulRunInfoOut; BOOL fNoMoreSpace; HRESULT hr;
fNoMoreSpace = FALSE;
*pcchPlainOut = 0; *pulRunInfoOut = 0;
hr = CProcessTextCache::GetText(ptsi, acpStart, acpEnd, pchPlain, cchPlainReq, &cchPlainOut, prgRunInfo, ulRunInfoReq, &ulRunInfoOut, pacpNext);
if (hr != S_OK) break;
if (cchPlainOut == 0 && ulRunInfoOut == 0) break; // eod
if (cchPlainReq > 0 && cchPlainOut > 0) { cchPlainReq -= cchPlainOut; *pcchPlainOut += cchPlainOut;
if (cchPlainReq == 0) { fNoMoreSpace = TRUE; } else { pchPlain += cchPlainOut; } } if (ulRunInfoReq > 0) { Assert(ulRunInfoOut > 0 && prgRunInfo->uCount > 0); // app bug?
if (ulRunInfoOut == 0) break; // woah, app bug, avoid infinite loop
ulRunInfoReq -= ulRunInfoOut; *pulRunInfoOut += ulRunInfoOut;
if (ulRunInfoReq == 0) { fNoMoreSpace = TRUE; } else { prgRunInfo += ulRunInfoOut; } }
if (fNoMoreSpace) break; // buffers full
if (*pacpNext == acpEnd) break; // got it all
acpStart = *pacpNext; Assert(acpStart < acpEnd); }
return hr; }
// PlainTextOffset
// NB: current implementation always skips hidden text.
HRESULT PlainTextOffset(ITextStoreACP *ptsi, LONG ichAppBase, LONG iAppOffset, LONG *piPlainOffset) { BOOL fNeg; HRESULT hr; ULONG uRunInfoLen; ULONG cch; ULONG cchPlain; TS_RUNINFO *pri; TS_RUNINFO *priStop; TS_RUNINFO rgRunInfo[32];
*piPlainOffset = 0;
if (iAppOffset == 0) return S_OK;
fNeg = FALSE;
if (iAppOffset < 0) { fNeg = TRUE; ichAppBase += iAppOffset; iAppOffset = -iAppOffset; }
cchPlain = 0;
do { Perf_IncCounter(PERF_PTO_GETTEXT);
hr = CProcessTextCache::GetText(ptsi, ichAppBase, ichAppBase + iAppOffset, NULL, 0, &cch, rgRunInfo, ARRAYSIZE(rgRunInfo), &uRunInfoLen, &ichAppBase);
if (hr != S_OK) goto Exit;
if (uRunInfoLen == 0 || rgRunInfo[0].uCount == 0) { Assert(0); // this should never happen, it means cicero is referencing a position past end-of-doc
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Exit; }
cch = 0; pri = rgRunInfo; priStop = rgRunInfo + uRunInfoLen;
while (pri < priStop) { if (pri->type == TS_RT_PLAIN) { cchPlain += pri->uCount; } iAppOffset -= pri->uCount; pri++; }
} while (iAppOffset > 0);
*piPlainOffset = fNeg ? -(LONG)cchPlain : cchPlain;
hr = S_OK;
Exit: return hr; }
// AppTextOffsetForward
// piAppOffset, on return, points just past the iPlainOffset plain char or eod.
// Use AppTextOffsetNorm for a normalized return value!
// Returns S_FALSE if clipped due to bod or eod.
inline IsPlainRun(TS_RUNINFO *pri, BOOL fSkipHidden) { return (pri->type == TS_RT_PLAIN || (!fSkipHidden && pri->type == TS_RT_HIDDEN)); }
HRESULT AppTextOffsetForward(ITextStoreACP *ptsi, LONG ichAppBase, LONG iPlainOffset, LONG *piAppOffset, DWORD dwFlags) { LONG acpStart; LONG acpEnd; HRESULT hr; ULONG uRunInfoLen; ULONG cch; ULONG cchRead; ULONG cchACP; TS_RUNINFO *pri; TS_RUNINFO *priStop; ULONG i; WCHAR *pch; TS_RUNINFO rgRunInfo[32]; WCHAR ach[256]; BOOL fIgnoreRegions = (dwFlags & ATO_IGNORE_REGIONS); BOOL fSkipHidden = (dwFlags & ATO_SKIP_HIDDEN);
Assert(iPlainOffset > 0); Assert(*piAppOffset == 0);
cchACP = 0; // Issue: use TsSF_REGIONS
cchRead = (ULONG)(fIgnoreRegions ? 0 : ARRAYSIZE(ach)); // we only need text if looking for regions
do { acpStart = ichAppBase; acpEnd = (ichAppBase + iPlainOffset) < 0 ? LONG_MAX : ichAppBase + iPlainOffset; Assert(acpEnd >= acpStart);
hr = CProcessTextCache::GetText(ptsi, acpStart, acpEnd, ach, cchRead, &cch, rgRunInfo, ARRAYSIZE(rgRunInfo), &uRunInfoLen, &acpEnd);
if (hr != S_OK) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (uRunInfoLen == 0) // hit eod?
{ hr = S_FALSE; break; }
pri = rgRunInfo; priStop = rgRunInfo + uRunInfoLen; pch = &ach[0];
while (pri != priStop) { Assert(pri->uCount > 0); // runs should always be at least one char long
// scan for region boundary if necessary
if (!fIgnoreRegions && pri->type != TS_RT_OPAQUE) { if (IsPlainRun(pri, fSkipHidden)) { // run is plain or hidden text (and we want to count hidden text)
for (i=0; i<pri->uCount; i++) { if (*pch == TS_CHAR_REGION) { // we hit a region boundary, pull out!
cchACP += i; hr = S_FALSE; // for normalization
goto ExitOK; } pch++; } } else { // run is hidden text, which we want to skip over
pch += pri->uCount; } }
cchACP += pri->uCount; if (IsPlainRun(pri, fSkipHidden)) { iPlainOffset -= pri->uCount; } ichAppBase += pri->uCount; pri++; } } while (iPlainOffset != 0);
ExitOK: *piAppOffset = cchACP;
Exit: return hr; }
// AppTextOffsetBackward
// piAppOffset, on return, points just past the iPlainOffset plain char or eod.
// Use AppTextOffsetNorm for a normalized return value!
// Returns S_FALSE if clipped due to bod or eod.
HRESULT AppTextOffsetBackward(ITextStoreACP *ptsi, LONG ichAppBase, LONG iPlainOffset, LONG *piAppOffset, DWORD dwFlags) { LONG acpStart; LONG acpEnd; LONG acpEndOut; HRESULT hr; ULONG uRunInfoLen; ULONG cch; ULONG cchRead; ULONG cchACP; TS_RUNINFO *pri; TS_RUNINFO *priStop; ULONG i; TS_RUNINFO rgRunInfo[32]; WCHAR *pch; WCHAR ach[256]; BOOL fIgnoreRegions = (dwFlags & ATO_IGNORE_REGIONS); BOOL fSkipHidden = (dwFlags & ATO_SKIP_HIDDEN);
Assert(iPlainOffset < 0); Assert(*piAppOffset == 0);
cchACP = 0; // Issue: use TsSF_REGIONS
cchRead = (ULONG)(fIgnoreRegions ? 0 : ARRAYSIZE(ach)); // we only need text if looking for regions
do { Assert(iPlainOffset < 0); // if this is >= 0, we or the app messed up the formatting run count
acpStart = ichAppBase + (fIgnoreRegions ? iPlainOffset : max(iPlainOffset, -(LONG)ARRAYSIZE(ach))); acpStart = max(acpStart, 0); // handle top-of-doc collisions
acpEnd = ichAppBase; Assert(acpEnd >= acpStart);
hr = GetTextComplete(ptsi, acpStart, acpEnd, ach, cchRead, &cch, rgRunInfo, ARRAYSIZE(rgRunInfo), &uRunInfoLen, &acpEndOut);
if (hr != S_OK) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (uRunInfoLen == 0) // hit eod?
{ hr = S_FALSE; break; }
// it's possible the GetText above didn't return everything we asked for....
// this happens when our format buffer isn't large enough
if (acpEndOut != acpEnd) { // so let's be conservative and ask for something we know should succeed
acpStart = ichAppBase - ARRAYSIZE(rgRunInfo);
Assert(acpStart >= 0); // the prev GetText should have succeeded if there were fewer chars than we're asking for now....
Assert(acpEnd - acpStart < -iPlainOffset); // again, we shouldn't get this far if we already asked for fewer chars
Assert(ARRAYSIZE(rgRunInfo) < ARRAYSIZE(ach)); // want to ask for the max we can handle in the worst case
Assert(acpEnd == ichAppBase);
hr = GetTextComplete(ptsi, acpStart, acpEnd, ach, cchRead, &cch, rgRunInfo, ARRAYSIZE(rgRunInfo), &uRunInfoLen, &acpEndOut);
if (hr != S_OK) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
if (uRunInfoLen == 0) // hit eod?
{ Assert(0); // this should never happen, because the original call for more chars returned non-zero!
goto Exit; }
Assert(acpEnd == acpEndOut); }
pri = rgRunInfo + uRunInfoLen - 1; priStop = rgRunInfo - 1; pch = &ach[cch-1];
while (pri != priStop) { Assert(pri->uCount > 0); // runs should always be at least one char long
// scan for region boundary if necessary
if (!fIgnoreRegions && pri->type != TS_RT_OPAQUE) { if (IsPlainRun(pri, fSkipHidden)) { // run is plain or hidden text (and we want to count hidden text)
for (i=0; i<pri->uCount; i++) { if (*pch == TS_CHAR_REGION) { // we hit a region boundary, pull out!
cchACP += i; hr = S_FALSE; // for normalization
goto ExitOK; } pch--; } } else { // run is hidden text, which we want to skip over
pch -= pri->uCount; } }
cchACP += pri->uCount; if (IsPlainRun(pri, fSkipHidden)) { iPlainOffset += (LONG)pri->uCount; } ichAppBase -= (LONG)pri->uCount; pri--; }
// also check for top-of-doc
if (ichAppBase == 0) { hr = S_FALSE; break; }
} while (iPlainOffset != 0);
ExitOK: *piAppOffset = -(LONG)cchACP;
Exit: return hr; }
#ifdef UNUSED
// AppTextOffsetNorm
// Returns a normalized acp offset that spans the specificed number of plain chars --
// so the return offset is just short of (lPlainOffset + 1), or at eod. Returns
// S_FALSE if the initial call to AppTextOffset gets clipped because of eod.
HRESULT AppTextOffsetNorm(ITextStoreACP *ptsi, LONG acpAppBase, LONG lPlainOffset, LONG *plAppOffset) { HRESULT hr;
// if caller wants a neg offset, return value is already
// guarenteed normalized -- just before a plain text char.
// Otherwise, ask for the offset of the next char, then
// step back one char.
if ((lPlainOffset < LONG_MAX) && (lPlainOffset >= 0)) { lPlainOffset++; }
hr = AppTextOffset(ptsi, acpAppBase, lPlainOffset, plAppOffset, FALSE);
if (*plAppOffset > 0) { if ((lPlainOffset < LONG_MAX) && (hr == S_OK)) // could be S_FALSE if hit eod
{ // step back, and we're normalized
(*plAppOffset)--; } } else if (*plAppOffset < 0) { // if we moved backwards there's only one case to
// worry about: if we hit a region boundary. Then
// we need to normalize.
if (hr == S_FALSE) { *plAppOffset = Normalize(ptsi, acpAppBase + *plAppOffset) - acpAppBase; } }
#ifndef PERF_DUMP
Assert(*plAppOffset == Normalize(ptsi, acpAppBase + *plAppOffset) - acpAppBase); #endif
return hr; } #endif // UNUSED