// readrng.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "rngsink.h"
#include "immxutil.h"
#include "catmgr.h"
#include "rprop.h"
#include "proputil.h"
/* f66ee5c0-fe8c-11d2-8ded-00105a2799b5 */ static const IID IID_CGeneralPropStore = { 0xf66ee5c0, 0xfe8c, 0x11d2, {0x8d, 0xed, 0x00, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x27, 0x99, 0xb5} };
DBG_ID_INSTANCE(CGeneralPropStore); DBG_ID_INSTANCE(CStaticPropStore);
// CGeneralPropStore
// _Init
BOOL CGeneralPropStore::_Init(TfGuidAtom guidatom, const VARIANT *pvarValue, DWORD dwPropFlags) { _guidatom = guidatom;
_dwPropFlags = dwPropFlags;
return (VariantToTfProp(&_prop, pvarValue, ADDREF, (dwPropFlags & PROPF_VTI4TOGUIDATOM)) == S_OK); }
BOOL CGeneralPropStore::_Init(TfGuidAtom guidatom, TFPROPERTY *ptfp, DWORD dwPropFlags) { _guidatom = guidatom; _dwPropFlags = dwPropFlags;
_prop = *ptfp;
switch (_prop.type) { case TF_PT_UNKNOWN: _prop.punk->AddRef(); break;
case TF_PT_BSTR: if ((_prop.bstr = SysAllocString(ptfp->bstr)) == NULL) return FALSE; break;
case TF_PT_PROXY: if ((_prop.blob = PROXY_BLOB::Clone(ptfp->blob)) == NULL) return FALSE; break; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CGeneralPropStore::_Init(TfGuidAtom guidatom, int iDataSize, TfPropertyType proptype, IStream *pStream, DWORD dwPropFlags) { GUID guid; TfGuidAtom gaTmp; BOOL fRet;
_guidatom = guidatom; _dwPropFlags = dwPropFlags; _prop.type = proptype;
fRet = FALSE; // failure
switch (proptype) { case TF_PT_DWORD: if (iDataSize != sizeof(DWORD)) break;
fRet = SUCCEEDED(pStream->Read((void *)&_prop.dw, iDataSize, NULL)); break;
case TF_PT_GUID: if (iDataSize != sizeof(GUID)) break;
if (FAILED(pStream->Read((void *)&guid, iDataSize, NULL))) break;
CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterGUID(guid, &gaTmp); _prop.guidatom = gaTmp;
fRet = TRUE; break;
case TF_PT_BSTR: _prop.bstr = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, iDataSize / sizeof(WCHAR));
if (_prop.bstr == NULL) break;
if (FAILED(pStream->Read((void *)_prop.bstr, iDataSize, NULL))) { SysFreeString(_prop.bstr); _prop.bstr = NULL; break; }
fRet = TRUE; break;
case TF_PT_PROXY: // just copy the bytes blindly, we won't do anything with them
if ((_prop.blob = PROXY_BLOB::Alloc(iDataSize)) == NULL) break;
if (FAILED(pStream->Read(_prop.blob->rgBytes, iDataSize, NULL))) { cicMemFree(_prop.blob); _prop.blob = NULL; }
_prop.blob->cb = iDataSize;
fRet = TRUE; break;
case TF_PT_NONE: Assert(0); break; }
return fRet; }
// dtor
CGeneralPropStore::~CGeneralPropStore() { switch (_prop.type) { case TF_PT_UNKNOWN: SafeRelease(_prop.punk); break;
case TF_PT_BSTR: SysFreeString(_prop.bstr); break;
case TF_PT_PROXY: PROXY_BLOB::Free(_prop.blob); break; } }
// GetType
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::GetType(GUID *pguid) { return MyGetGUID(_guidatom, pguid); }
// GetDataType
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::GetDataType(DWORD *pdwReserved) { if (pdwReserved == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pdwReserved = _prop.type; return S_OK; }
// GetData
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::GetData(VARIANT *pvarValue) { if (pvarValue == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
return TfPropToVariant(pvarValue, &_prop, ADDREF); }
// OnTextUpdated
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::OnTextUpdated(DWORD dwFlags, ITfRange *pRange, BOOL *pfAccept) { // This PropStore does not support TextUpdate.
// leave the ink alone if it's a correction
if (_dwPropFlags & PROPF_ACCEPTCORRECTION) *pfAccept = (dwFlags & TF_TU_CORRECTION); else *pfAccept = FALSE; return S_OK; }
// Shrink
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::Shrink(ITfRange *pRange, BOOL *pfFree) { // This PropStore does not support Shrink.
*pfFree = TRUE; return S_OK; }
// Divide
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::Divide(ITfRange *pRangeThis, ITfRange *pRangeNew, ITfPropertyStore **ppPropStore) { //
// This PropStore does not support Divide.
*ppPropStore = NULL; return S_OK; }
// Clone
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::Clone(ITfPropertyStore **ppPropStore) { CGeneralPropStore *pStore;
if (ppPropStore == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppPropStore = NULL;
// we can't clone a Unknown prop.
if (_prop.type == TF_PT_UNKNOWN) return E_FAIL;
if ((pStore = new CGeneralPropStore) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (!pStore->_Init(_guidatom, &_prop, _dwPropFlags)) return E_FAIL;
*ppPropStore = pStore; return S_OK; }
// GetpropertyRangeCreator
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::GetPropertyRangeCreator(CLSID *pclsid) { memset(pclsid, 0, sizeof(*pclsid)); return TF_S_GENERALPROPSTORE; }
// Serialize
STDAPI CGeneralPropStore::Serialize(IStream *pStream, ULONG *pcb) { GUID guid; ULONG ulSize; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (!pcb) return E_INVALIDARG; *pcb = 0;
if (!pStream) return E_INVALIDARG;
switch (_prop.type) { case TF_PT_DWORD: if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pStream->Write(&_prop.dw, sizeof(DWORD), NULL))) *pcb = sizeof(DWORD); break;
case TF_PT_GUID: if (SUCCEEDED(MyGetGUID(_prop.guidatom, &guid)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pStream->Write(&guid, sizeof(GUID), NULL))) { *pcb = sizeof(GUID); } break;
case TF_PT_BSTR: ulSize = SysStringLen(_prop.bstr) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (SUCCEEDED(pStream->Write(_prop.bstr, ulSize, NULL))) { *pcb = ulSize; } hr = *pcb ? S_OK : S_FALSE; break;
case TF_PT_PROXY: if (SUCCEEDED(pStream->Write(_prop.blob->rgBytes, _prop.blob->cb, pcb))) { hr = (*pcb == _prop.blob->cb) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } break;
case TF_PT_UNKNOWN: hr = S_FALSE; break; }
return hr; }
// CPropStoreProxy
// CPropStore is for keeping the persistent data when the owner TFE
// is not available.
// GetPropertyRangeCreator() returns the real owner TFE of this data.
// So next time the application may be able to find the real owner if it is
// available.
// _Init
BOOL CPropStoreProxy::_Init(const CLSID *pclsidTIP, TfGuidAtom guidatom, int iDataSize, IStream *pStream, DWORD dwPropFlags) { if (!CGeneralPropStore::_Init(guidatom, iDataSize, TF_PT_PROXY, pStream, dwPropFlags)) return FALSE;
_clsidTIP = *pclsidTIP;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPropStoreProxy::_Init(const CLSID *pclsidTIP, TfGuidAtom guidatom, TFPROPERTY *ptfp, DWORD dwPropFlags) { if (!CGeneralPropStore::_Init(guidatom, ptfp, dwPropFlags)) return FALSE;
_clsidTIP = *pclsidTIP;
return TRUE; }
// GetpropertyRangeCreator
STDAPI CPropStoreProxy::GetPropertyRangeCreator(CLSID *pclsid) { *pclsid = _clsidTIP; return TF_S_PROPSTOREPROXY; }
// Clone
STDAPI CPropStoreProxy::Clone(ITfPropertyStore **ppPropStore) { CPropStoreProxy *pStore;
if (ppPropStore == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppPropStore = NULL;
// we can't clone a Unknown prop.
if (_prop.type == TF_PT_UNKNOWN) return E_FAIL;
if ((pStore = new CPropStoreProxy) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (!pStore->_Init(&_clsidTIP, _guidatom, &_prop, _dwPropFlags)) return E_FAIL;
*ppPropStore = pStore; return S_OK; }
// CStaticPropStore
// CStaticPropStore works like character property. We keep same raw data
// even if the range is devided or changed.
// So the range data should not contain the information that is associated
// with cch.
// Shrink
STDAPI CStaticPropStore::Shrink(ITfRange *pRange, BOOL *pfFree) { // we don't change any raw data.
*pfFree = FALSE; return S_OK; }
// Divide
STDAPI CStaticPropStore::Divide(ITfRange *pRangeThis, ITfRange *pRangeNew, ITfPropertyStore **ppPropStore) { CStaticPropStore *pss;
*ppPropStore = NULL;
if ((pss = new CStaticPropStore) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (!pss->_Init(_guidatom, &_prop, _dwPropFlags)) return E_FAIL;
*ppPropStore = pss; return S_OK; }
// Clone
STDAPI CStaticPropStore::Clone(ITfPropertyStore **ppPropStore) { CStaticPropStore *pStore;
if (ppPropStore == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppPropStore = NULL;
// we can't clone a Unknown prop.
if (_prop.type == TF_PT_UNKNOWN) return E_FAIL;
if ((pStore = new CStaticPropStore) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (!pStore->_Init(_guidatom, &_prop, _dwPropFlags)) return E_FAIL;
*ppPropStore = pStore; return S_OK; }