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// tfprop.h
#ifndef TFPROP_H
#define TFPROP_H
#include "mem.h"
typedef struct _PROXY_BLOB { ULONG cb; BYTE rgBytes[1]; // 0 or more...
static struct _PROXY_BLOB *Alloc(ULONG cb) { return (struct _PROXY_BLOB *)cicMemAlloc(sizeof(ULONG)+cb); }
static struct _PROXY_BLOB *Clone(struct _PROXY_BLOB *blobOrg) { struct _PROXY_BLOB *blobNew;
if ((blobNew = Alloc(blobOrg->cb)) == NULL) return FALSE;
blobNew->cb = blobOrg->cb; memcpy(blobNew->rgBytes, blobOrg->rgBytes, blobOrg->cb);
return blobNew; }
static void Free(struct _PROXY_BLOB *blob) { cicMemFree(blob); }
typedef enum { TF_PT_NONE = 0, TF_PT_UNKNOWN = 1, TF_PT_DWORD = 2, TF_PT_GUID = 3, TF_PT_BSTR = 4 } TfPropertyType;
typedef struct tagTFPROPERTY { TfPropertyType type; union { IUnknown * punk; DWORD dw; TfGuidAtom guidatom; BSTR bstr; PROXY_BLOB * blob; }; } TFPROPERTY;
inline BOOL IsValidCiceroVarType(VARTYPE vt) { return (vt == VT_I4 || vt == VT_UNKNOWN || vt == VT_EMPTY || vt == VT_BSTR); }
typedef enum { ADDREF, NO_ADDREF } AddRefCmd;
inline HRESULT VariantToTfProp(TFPROPERTY *ptfp, const VARIANT *pvar, AddRefCmd arc, BOOL fVTI4ToGuidAtom) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (pvar->vt) { case VT_I4: if (fVTI4ToGuidAtom) ptfp->type = TF_PT_GUID; else ptfp->type = TF_PT_DWORD; ptfp->dw = pvar->lVal; break;
case VT_UNKNOWN: ptfp->type = TF_PT_UNKNOWN; ptfp->punk = pvar->punkVal; if (arc == ADDREF) { if (ptfp->punk) ptfp->punk->AddRef(); } break;
case VT_BSTR: ptfp->type = TF_PT_BSTR; ptfp->bstr = SysAllocString(pvar->bstrVal); if (ptfp->bstr == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } break;
default: Assert(pvar->vt == VT_EMPTY); // only valid value left
ptfp->type = TF_PT_NONE; ptfp->dw = 0; break; }
return hr; }
inline HRESULT TfPropToVariant(VARIANT *pvar, TFPROPERTY *ptfp, AddRefCmd arc) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (ptfp->type) { case TF_PT_DWORD: case TF_PT_GUID: pvar->vt = VT_I4; pvar->lVal = ptfp->dw; break;
case TF_PT_UNKNOWN: pvar->vt = VT_UNKNOWN; pvar->punkVal = ptfp->punk; if (arc == ADDREF) { if (pvar->punkVal) pvar->punkVal->AddRef(); } break;
case TF_PT_BSTR: pvar->vt = VT_BSTR; if (arc == ADDREF) { pvar->bstrVal = SysAllocString(ptfp->bstr); if (pvar->bstrVal == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else pvar->bstrVal = ptfp->bstr; break;
default: Assert(ptfp->type == TF_PT_NONE); pvar->lVal = 0; break; }
return hr; }
inline VARTYPE TfPropTypeToVarType(TfPropertyType tftype) { switch (tftype) { case TF_PT_DWORD: case TF_PT_GUID: return VT_I4;
case TF_PT_BSTR: return VT_BSTR;
default: Assert(tftype == TF_PT_NONE); return VT_EMPTY; } }
#endif // TFPROP_H