// tom.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "range.h"
#include "tim.h"
#include "ic.h"
#include "immxutil.h"
#include "dim.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "tsi.h"
#include "compose.h"
#include "profiles.h"
#include "fnrecon.h"
#include "acp2anch.h"
// GetSelection
STDAPI CInputContext::GetSelection(TfEditCookie ec, ULONG ulIndex, ULONG ulCount, TF_SELECTION *pSelection, ULONG *pcFetched) { HRESULT hr; TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR sel; TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR *pSelAnchor; ULONG i; ULONG j; CRange *range;
if (pcFetched == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pcFetched = 0;
if (pSelection == NULL && ulCount > 0) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!_IsConnected()) return TF_E_DISCONNECTED;
if (!_IsValidEditCookie(ec, TF_ES_READ)) { Assert(0); return TF_E_NOLOCK; }
if (ulCount == 1) { pSelAnchor = &sel; } else if ((pSelAnchor = (TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR *)cicMemAlloc(ulCount*sizeof(TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR))) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if ((hr = _ptsi->GetSelection(ulIndex, ulCount, pSelAnchor, pcFetched)) != S_OK) goto Exit;
// verify the anchors
for (i=0; i<*pcFetched; i++) { if (pSelAnchor[i].paStart == NULL || pSelAnchor[i].paEnd == NULL || CompareAnchors(pSelAnchor[i].paStart, pSelAnchor[i].paEnd) > 0) { // free up all the anchors
for (j=0; j<*pcFetched; j++) { SafeRelease(pSelAnchor[i].paStart); SafeRelease(pSelAnchor[i].paEnd); } hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } }
// anchors -> ranges
for (i=0; i<*pcFetched; i++) { range = new CRange; pSelection[i].range = (ITfRangeAnchor *)range;
if (range == NULL || !range->_InitWithDefaultGravity(this, OWN_ANCHORS, pSelAnchor[i].paStart, pSelAnchor[i].paEnd)) { SafeRelease(range); SafeRelease(pSelAnchor[i].paStart); SafeRelease(pSelAnchor[i].paEnd); while (i>0) // need to free up all the ranges already allocated
{ pSelection[--i].range->Release(); } hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } pSelection[i].style.ase = (TfActiveSelEnd)pSelAnchor[i].style.ase; pSelection[i].style.fInterimChar = pSelAnchor[i].style.fInterimChar; }
Exit: if (hr != S_OK) { *pcFetched = 0; } if (pSelAnchor != &sel) { cicMemFree(pSelAnchor); }
return hr; }
// SetSelection
STDAPI CInputContext::SetSelection(TfEditCookie ec, ULONG ulCount, const TF_SELECTION *pSelection) { CRange *pRangeP; HRESULT hr; TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR sel; TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR *pSelAnchor; ULONG i; BOOL fPrevInterimChar; BOOL fEqual; IAnchor *paTest; LONG cchShift;
if (ulCount == 0) return E_INVALIDARG; if (pSelection == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!_IsConnected()) return TF_E_DISCONNECTED;
if (!_IsValidEditCookie(ec, TF_ES_READWRITE)) { Assert(0); return TF_E_NOLOCK; }
if (ulCount == 1) { pSelAnchor = &sel; } else if ((pSelAnchor = (TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR *)cicMemAlloc(ulCount*sizeof(TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR))) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
fPrevInterimChar = FALSE;
for (i=0; i<ulCount; i++) { hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if (pSelection[i].range == NULL) goto Exit;
if ((pRangeP = GetCRange_NA(pSelection[i].range)) == NULL) goto Exit;
pSelAnchor[i].paStart = pRangeP->_GetStart(); // no AddRef here
pSelAnchor[i].paEnd = pRangeP->_GetEnd();
if (pSelection[i].style.fInterimChar) { // verify this really has length 1, and there's only one in the array
if (fPrevInterimChar) goto Exit;
if (pSelection[i].style.ase != TS_AE_NONE) goto Exit;
if (pSelAnchor[i].paStart->Clone(&paTest) == S_OK) { if (paTest->Shift(0, 1, &cchShift, NULL) != S_OK) goto EndTest;
if (cchShift != 1) goto EndTest;
if (paTest->IsEqual(pSelAnchor[i].paEnd, &fEqual) != S_OK || !fEqual) goto EndTest;
hr = S_OK; EndTest: paTest->Release(); if (hr != S_OK) goto Exit; }
fPrevInterimChar = TRUE; }
pSelAnchor[i].style.ase = (TsActiveSelEnd)pSelection[i].style.ase; pSelAnchor[i].style.fInterimChar = pSelection[i].style.fInterimChar; }
hr = _ptsi->SetSelection(ulCount, pSelAnchor);
if (hr != S_OK) goto Exit;
// app won't notify us about sel changes we cause, so do that manually
Exit: if (pSelAnchor != &sel) { cicMemFree(pSelAnchor); }
return hr; }
// RequestEditSession
STDAPI CInputContext::RequestEditSession(TfClientId tid, ITfEditSession *pes, DWORD dwFlags, HRESULT *phrSession) { BOOL fForceAsync; TS_QUEUE_ITEM item; DWORD dwEditSessionFlagsOrg;
if (phrSession == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*phrSession = E_FAIL;
if (!_IsConnected()) return TF_E_DISCONNECTED;
if (pes == NULL || (dwFlags & TF_ES_READ) == 0 || (dwFlags & ~(TF_ES_SYNC | TF_ES_ASYNC | TF_ES_ALL_ACCESS_BITS)) != 0 || ((dwFlags & TF_ES_SYNC) && (dwFlags & TF_ES_ASYNC))) { Assert(0); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (dwFlags & TF_ES_WRITE) { // TS_ES_WRITE implies TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE, so set it here to make life easier
// for binary compat with cicero 1.0, we couldn't redefine TF_ES_READWRITE to include the third bit
fForceAsync = (dwFlags & TF_ES_ASYNC);
if ((dwFlags & (TF_ES_WRITE | TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE)) && (_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INNOTIFY)) { // we're in _NotifyEndEdit or OnLayoutChange -- we only allow read locks here
if (!(dwFlags & TF_ES_SYNC)) { fForceAsync = TRUE; } else { Assert(0); // we can't do a synchronous write during a notification callback
*phrSession = TF_E_SYNCHRONOUS; return S_OK; } } else if (!fForceAsync && (_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INEDITSESSION)) { *phrSession = TF_E_LOCKED; // edit sessions are generally not re-entrant
// no reentrancy if caller wants a write lock but current lock is read-only
// nb: this explicitly disallows call stacks like: write-read-write, the
// inner write would confuse the preceding reader, who doesn't expect changes
if ((dwFlags & TF_ES_WRITE) && !(_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_WRITE) || (dwFlags & TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE) && !(_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE)) { if (!(dwFlags & TF_ES_SYNC)) { // request is TS_ES_ASYNCDONTCARE, so we'll make it async to recover
fForceAsync = TRUE; goto QueueItem; }
Assert(0); return TF_E_LOCKED; }
// only allow reentrant write locks for the same tip
if ((dwFlags & (TF_ES_WRITE | TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE)) && _tidInEditSession != tid) { Assert(0); return TF_E_LOCKED; }
dwEditSessionFlagsOrg = _dwEditSessionFlags; // adjust read/write access for inner es
_dwEditSessionFlags = (_dwEditSessionFlags & ~TF_ES_ALL_ACCESS_BITS) | (dwFlags & TF_ES_ALL_ACCESS_BITS);
// ok, do it
*phrSession = pes->DoEditSession(_ec);
_dwEditSessionFlags = dwEditSessionFlagsOrg;
return S_OK; }
QueueItem: //
// Don't queue the write lock item when the doc is read only.
if (dwFlags & TF_ES_WRITE) { TS_STATUS dcs; if (SUCCEEDED(GetStatus(&dcs))) { if (dcs.dwDynamicFlags & TF_SD_READONLY) { *phrSession = TS_E_READONLY; return S_OK; } } }
item.pfnCallback = _EditSessionQiCallback; item.dwFlags = dwFlags; item.state.es.tid = tid; item.state.es.pes = pes;
return _QueueItem(&item, fForceAsync, phrSession); }
// _EditSessionQiCallback
/* static */ HRESULT CInputContext::_EditSessionQiCallback(CInputContext *pic, TS_QUEUE_ITEM *pItem, QiCallbackCode qiCode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// #489905
// we can not call sink anymore after DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.
if (DllShutdownInProgress()) return hr;
// #507366
// Random AV happens with SPTIP's edit session.
// #507366 might be fixed by #371798 (sptip). However it is nice to
// have a pointer checking and protect the call by an exception handler.
if (!pItem->state.es.pes) return E_FAIL;
switch (qiCode) { case QI_ADDREF: //
// #507366
// Random AV happens with SPTIP's edit session.
// #507366 might be fixed by #371798 (sptip). However it is nice to
// have a pointer checking and protect the call by an exception
// handler.
_try { pItem->state.es.pes->AddRef(); } _except(1) { Assert(0); } break;
case QI_DISPATCH: hr = pic->_DoEditSession(pItem->state.es.tid, pItem->state.es.pes, pItem->dwFlags); break;
case QI_FREE: //
// #507366
// Random AV happens with SPTIP's edit session.
// #507366 might be fixed by #371798 (sptip). However it is nice to
// have a pointer checking and protect the call by an exception
// handler.
_try { pItem->state.es.pes->Release(); } _except(1) { Assert(0); } break;
default: Assert(0); }
return hr; }
// _PseudoSyncEditSessionQiCallback
/* static */ HRESULT CInputContext::_PseudoSyncEditSessionQiCallback(CInputContext *_this, TS_QUEUE_ITEM *pItem, QiCallbackCode qiCode) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwEditSessionFlags; TfClientId tidInEditSession;
if (qiCode != QI_DISPATCH) return S_OK; // we can skip QI_ADDREF, QI_FREE since everything is synchronous/on the stack
hr = S_OK;
// hook up fake ec here!
// NB: this code is very similar to _DoEditSession
// make sure the logic stays consistent
if (_this->_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INEDITSESSION) { Assert((TF_ES_WRITE & _this->_dwEditSessionFlags) || !(TF_ES_WRITE & pItem->dwFlags));
dwEditSessionFlags = _this->_dwEditSessionFlags; tidInEditSession = _this->_tidInEditSession; } else { dwEditSessionFlags = _this->_dwEditSessionFlags & ~TF_ES_ALL_ACCESS_BITS; tidInEditSession = TF_CLIENTID_NULL; }
_this->_dwEditSessionFlags |= (TF_ES_INEDITSESSION | (pItem->dwFlags & TF_ES_ALL_ACCESS_BITS)); _this->_tidInEditSession = g_gaSystem;
// dispatch
switch (pItem->state.pes.uCode) { case PSEUDO_ESCB_TERMCOMPOSITION: _this->_TerminateCompositionWithLock((ITfCompositionView *)pItem->state.pes.pvState, _this->_ec); break;
case PSEUDO_ESCB_UPDATEKEYEVENTFILTER: _this->_UpdateKeyEventFilterCallback(_this->_ec); break;
case PSEUDO_ESCB_GROWRANGE: GrowEmptyRangeByOneCallback(_this->_ec, (ITfRange *)pItem->state.pes.pvState); break;
case PSEUDO_ESCB_BUILDOWNERRANGELIST: { BUILDOWNERRANGELISTQUEUEINFO *pbirl; pbirl = (BUILDOWNERRANGELISTQUEUEINFO *)(pItem->state.pes.pvState); pbirl->pFunc->BuildOwnerRangeListCallback(_this->_ec, _this, pbirl->pRange); } break;
case PSEUDO_ESCB_SHIFTENDTORANGE: { SHIFTENDTORANGEQUEUEITEM *pqItemSER; pqItemSER = (SHIFTENDTORANGEQUEUEITEM*)(pItem->state.pes.pvState); pqItemSER->pRange->ShiftEndToRange(_this->_ec, pqItemSER->pRangeTo, pqItemSER->aPos); } break;
case PSEUDO_ESCB_GETSELECTION: { GETSELECTIONQUEUEITEM *pqItemGS; pqItemGS = (GETSELECTIONQUEUEITEM *)(pItem->state.pes.pvState); GetSelectionSimple(_this->_ec, _this, pqItemGS->ppRange); break; } break;
hr = pParams->pWrap->_Serialize(pParams->pProp, pParams->pRange, pParams->pHdr, pParams->pStream);
break; }
hr = pParams->pProp->_Serialize(pParams->pRange, pParams->pHdr, pParams->pStream);
break; }
hr = pParams->pWrap->_Unserialize(pParams->pProp, pParams->pHdr, pParams->pStream, pParams->pLoaderACP);
break; }
hr = pParams->pProp->_Unserialize(pParams->pHdr, pParams->pStream, pParams->pLoader);
break; }
case PSEUDO_ESCB_GETWHOLEDOCRANGE: { GETWHOLEDOCRANGE *pqItemGWDR; pqItemGWDR = (GETWHOLEDOCRANGE *)(pItem->state.pes.pvState); GetRangeForWholeDoc(_this->_ec, _this, pqItemGWDR->ppRange); } break; }
// notify/cleanup
if (pItem->dwFlags & (TF_ES_WRITE | TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE)) // don't bother if it was read-only
{ _this->_NotifyEndEdit(); }
if (tidInEditSession == TF_CLIENTID_NULL) _this->_IncEditCookie(); // next edit cookie value
_this->_dwEditSessionFlags = dwEditSessionFlags; _this->_tidInEditSession = tidInEditSession;
return hr; }
// InWriteSession
STDAPI CInputContext::InWriteSession(TfClientId tid, BOOL *pfWriteSession) { if (pfWriteSession == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pfWriteSession = (_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INEDITSESSION) && (_tidInEditSession == tid) && (_dwEditSessionFlags & (TF_ES_WRITE | TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE));
Assert(!*pfWriteSession || tid != TF_CLIENTID_NULL); // should never return TRUE for TFCLIENTID_NULL
// _tidInEditSession shouldn't be NULL if _dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INEDITSESSION
return S_OK; }
// _DoEditSession
HRESULT CInputContext::_DoEditSession(TfClientId tid, ITfEditSession *pes, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr;
// NB: this code is very similar to _PseudoSyncEditSessionQiCallback
// make sure the logic stays consistent
Assert(!(_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INEDITSESSION)); // shouldn't get this far
Assert(_tidInEditSession == TF_CLIENTID_NULL || _tidInEditSession == g_gaApp); // there should never be another session in progress -- this is not a reentrant func
_dwEditSessionFlags |= (TF_ES_INEDITSESSION | (dwFlags & TF_ES_ALL_ACCESS_BITS));
_tidInEditSession = tid;
// #507366
// Random AV happens with SPTIP's edit session.
// #507366 might be fixed by #371798 (sptip). However it is nice to
// have a pointer checking and protect the call by an exception
// handler.
_try { hr = pes->DoEditSession(_ec); } _except(1) { hr = E_FAIL; }
// app won't notify us about our own lock release, so do it manually
if (dwFlags & (TF_ES_WRITE | TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE)) // don't bother if it was read-only
{ _NotifyEndEdit(); }
_IncEditCookie(); // next edit cookie value
_dwEditSessionFlags &= ~(TF_ES_INEDITSESSION | TF_ES_ALL_ACCESS_BITS); _tidInEditSession = TF_CLIENTID_NULL;
return hr; }
// _NotifyEndEdit
// Returns TRUE iff there were changes.
BOOL CInputContext::_NotifyEndEdit(void) { CRange *pRange; CProperty *prop; int i; int cTextSpans; SPAN *pSpan; CSpanSet *pssText; CSpanSet *pssProperty; DWORD dwOld; CStructArray<GENERICSINK> *prgSinks; BOOL fChanges = FALSE;
if (!_IsConnected()) return FALSE; // we've been disconnected, nothing to notify
if (!EnsureEditRecord()) return FALSE; // low mem.
if (_pEditRecord->_GetSelectionStatus()) { // we let keystroke manager to update _gaKeyEventFilterTIP
// since selection was changed.
_fInvalidKeyEventFilterTIP = TRUE; }
// only allow read locks during the notification
// if we're in an edit session, keep using the same lock
_dwEditSessionFlags |= TF_ES_INNOTIFY;
pssText = _pEditRecord->_GetTextSpanSet(); cTextSpans = pssText->GetCount();
// if we are not in the edit session, we need to make
// _PropertyTextUpdate. The app has clobbered some text.
if (!(_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INEDITSESSION)) { pSpan = pssText->GetSpans();
for (i = 0; i < cTextSpans; i++) { _PropertyTextUpdate(pSpan->dwFlags, pSpan->paStart, pSpan->paEnd); pSpan++; } }
// do the ITfRangeChangeSink::OnChange notifications
if (cTextSpans > 0) { fChanges = TRUE;
for (pRange = _pOnChangeRanges; pRange != NULL; pRange = pRange->_GetNextOnChangeRangeInIcsub()) { if (!pRange->_IsDirty()) continue;
prgSinks = pRange->_GetChangeSinks(); Assert(prgSinks); // shouldn't be on the list if this is NULL
Assert(prgSinks->Count() > 0); // shouldn't be on the list if this is 0
for (i=0; i<prgSinks->Count(); i++) { ((ITfRangeChangeSink *)prgSinks->GetPtr(i)->pSink)->OnChange((ITfRangeAnchor *)pRange); } } }
// accumulate the property span sets into _pEditRecord
for (prop = _pPropList; prop != NULL; prop = prop->_pNext) { if ((pssProperty = prop->_GetSpanSet()) == NULL || pssProperty->GetCount() == 0) { continue; // no delta
fChanges = TRUE; _pEditRecord->_AddProperty(prop->GetPropGuidAtom(), pssProperty); }
if (!_pEditRecord->_IsEmpty()) // just a perf thing
{ // do the OnEndEdit notifications
prgSinks = _GetTextEditSinks(); dwOld = _dwEditSessionFlags; _dwEditSessionFlags = (TF_ES_READWRITE | TF_ES_PROPERTY_WRITE | TF_ES_INNOTIFY | TF_ES_INEDITSESSION);
for (i=0; i<prgSinks->Count(); i++) { ((ITfTextEditSink *)prgSinks->GetPtr(i)->pSink)->OnEndEdit(this, _ec, _pEditRecord); }
_dwEditSessionFlags = dwOld;
// properties need to either stop referencing their span sets, or reset them
for (prop = _pPropList; prop != NULL; prop = prop->_pNext) { prop->_Dbg_AssertNoChangeHistory();
if ((pssProperty = prop->_GetSpanSet()) == NULL || pssProperty->GetCount() == 0) { continue; // no delta
if (_pEditRecord->_SecondRef()) { prop->_ClearSpanSet(); } else { prop->_ResetSpanSet(); } }
if (!_pEditRecord->_SecondRef()) { _pEditRecord->_Reset(); } else { // someone still holds a ref, so need a new edit record
_pEditRecord->Release(); _pEditRecord = new CEditRecord(this); // Issue: delay load! Issue: handle out of mem
} }
// status change sinks
if (_fStatusChanged) { _fStatusChanged = FALSE; _OnStatusChangeInternal(); }
// layout change sinks
if (_fLayoutChanged) { _fLayoutChanged = FALSE;
// for cicero 1, we only support one view
// eventually we'll need a list of all affected views...not just the default view..and also create/destroy
TsViewCookie vcActiveView;
if (_ptsi->GetActiveView(&vcActiveView) == S_OK) { _OnLayoutChangeInternal(TS_LC_CHANGE, vcActiveView); } else { Assert(0); // how did GetActiveView fail?
} }
// clear the read-only block
_dwEditSessionFlags &= ~TF_ES_INNOTIFY;
return fChanges; }
// OnTextChange
// We only get here from ITextStoreAnchorSink. We don't have a lock!
STDAPI CInputContext::OnTextChange(DWORD dwFlags, IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paEnd) { HRESULT hr; SPAN *span;
Assert((dwFlags & ~TS_TC_CORRECTION) == 0);
if (_IsInEditSession()) { Assert(0); // someone other than cicero is editing the doc while cicero holds a lock
return TS_E_NOLOCK; }
// record this change
if ((span = _rgAppTextChanges.Append(1)) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (paStart->Clone(&span->paStart) != S_OK || span->paStart == NULL) goto ExitError; if (paEnd->Clone(&span->paEnd) != S_OK || span->paEnd == NULL) goto ExitError;
span->dwFlags = dwFlags;
// get a lock eventually so we can deal with the changes
SafeRequestLock(_ptsi, TS_LF_READ, &hr);
return S_OK;
ExitError: SafeRelease(span->paStart); SafeRelease(span->paEnd); Assert(_rgAppTextChanges.Count() > 0); _rgAppTextChanges.Remove(_rgAppTextChanges.Count()-1, 1);
return E_FAIL; }
// _OnTextChangeInternal
// Unlike OnTextChange, here we know it's safe to call IAnchor::Compare.
// We either got here from an ITfRange method, or from a wrapped ITextStoreACP.
HRESULT CInputContext::_OnTextChangeInternal(DWORD dwFlags, IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paEnd, AnchorOwnership ao) { Assert((dwFlags & ~TS_TC_CORRECTION) == 0);
if (!EnsureEditRecord()) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// track the delta
_pEditRecord->_GetTextSpanSet()->Add(dwFlags, paStart, paEnd, ao);
// mark any appropriate ranges dirty
// perf: do this after the edit session ends! fewer calls that way...
_MarkDirtyRanges(paStart, paEnd);
return S_OK; }
// OnSelectionChange
STDAPI CInputContext::OnSelectionChange() { if (_IsInEditSession()) { Assert(0); // someone other than cicero is editing the doc while cicero holds a lock
return TS_E_NOLOCK; }
return _OnSelectionChangeInternal(TRUE); }
// _OnSelectionChangeInternal
HRESULT CInputContext::_OnSelectionChangeInternal(BOOL fAppChange) { HRESULT hr;
if (!EnsureEditRecord()) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (fAppChange) // perf: could we use _fLockHeld and do away with the fAppChange param?
{ // get a lock eventually so we can deal with the changes
SafeRequestLock(_ptsi, TS_LF_READ, &hr); }
return S_OK; }
// OnLockGranted
STDAPI CInputContext::OnLockGranted(DWORD dwLockFlags) { BOOL fAppChangesSent; BOOL fAppCall; HRESULT hr;
if ((dwLockFlags & ~(TS_LF_SYNC | TS_LF_READWRITE)) != 0) { Assert(0); // bogus dwLockFlags param
return E_INVALIDARG; } if ((dwLockFlags & TS_LF_READWRITE) == 0) { Assert(0); // bogus dwLockFlags param
return E_INVALIDARG; }
#ifdef DEBUG
// we don't really need to check for reentrancy since
// the app is not supposed to call back into us, but
// why not be paranoid?
// Issue: for robustness, do something in retail
Assert(!_dbg_fInOnLockGranted) // no reentrancy
_dbg_fInOnLockGranted = TRUE; #endif // DEBUG
fAppChangesSent = FALSE; fAppCall = FALSE;
if (_fLockHeld == FALSE) { fAppCall = TRUE; _fLockHeld = TRUE; _dwlt = dwLockFlags;
fAppChangesSent = _SynchAppChanges(dwLockFlags); }
// hr will hold result of any synch queue item, need to return this!
hr = _EmptyLockQueue(dwLockFlags, fAppChangesSent);
if (fAppCall) { _fLockHeld = FALSE; }
#ifdef DEBUG
_dbg_fInOnLockGranted = FALSE; #endif // DEBUG
return hr; }
// _SynchAppChanges
BOOL CInputContext::_SynchAppChanges(DWORD dwLockFlags) { TfClientId tidInEditSessionOrg; int i; SPAN *span; BOOL fAppChangesSent;
if (!EnsureEditRecord()) return FALSE;
// check for cached app text changes
for (i=0; i<_rgAppTextChanges.Count(); i++) { span = _rgAppTextChanges.GetPtr(i);
// track the delta
// NB: Add takes ownership of anchors here! So we don't release them...
_pEditRecord->_GetTextSpanSet()->Add(span->dwFlags, span->paStart, span->paEnd, OWN_ANCHORS);
// mark any appropriate ranges dirty
_MarkDirtyRanges(span->paStart, span->paEnd); } // all done with the app changes!
// at this point ranges with TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD could
// have crossed anchors (this can only happen in response to app changes,
// so we check here instead of in _NotifyEndEdit, which can be called after
// a SetText, etc.). We track this with a lazy test in the range obj
// based on an id.
if (++_dwLastLockReleaseID == 0xffffffff) { Assert(0); // Issue: need code here to handle wrap-around, prob. need to notify all range objects
// deal with any app changes, need to send notifications
// theoretically, we only need to make this call when _tidInEditSession == TF_CLIENTID_NULL
// (not inside _DoEditSession, a call from the app) but we'll make it anyways to deal with app bugs
// App bug: if the app has pending changes but grants a synchronous lock, we'll announce the changes
// here even though we're in an edit session, then return error below...
tidInEditSessionOrg = _tidInEditSession; _tidInEditSession = g_gaApp;
fAppChangesSent = _NotifyEndEdit();
_tidInEditSession = tidInEditSessionOrg;
return fAppChangesSent; }
// ITfContextOwnerServices::OnLayoutChange
STDAPI CInputContext::OnLayoutChange() { // the default impl always has just one view,
// so specify it directly
// IDocCommonSinkAnchor::OnLayoutChange
STDAPI CInputContext::OnLayoutChange(TsLayoutCode lcode, TsViewCookie vcView) { HRESULT hr;
_fLayoutChanged = TRUE;
// for now (cicero 1), ignoring views other than the default!
// todo: need to keep a list of all affected views
if (!_fLockHeld) // might hold lock if ic owner is making modifications
{ // get a lock eventually so we can deal with the changes
SafeRequestLock(_ptsi, TS_LF_READ, &hr); }
return S_OK; }
// OnStatusChange
STDAPI CInputContext::OnStatusChange(DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr;
_fStatusChanged = TRUE; _dwStatusChangedFlags |= dwFlags;
if (!_fLockHeld) // might hold lock if ic owner is making modifications
{ // get a lock eventually so we can deal with the changes
SafeRequestLock(_ptsi, TS_LF_READ, &hr); }
return S_OK; }
// OnAttrsChange
STDAPI CInputContext::OnAttrsChange(IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paEnd, ULONG cAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *paAttrs) { CSpanSet *pss; ULONG i; TfGuidAtom gaType; HRESULT hr;
// Issue: need to delay any work until we have a lock!, just like text deltas
// paStart, paEnd can be NULL if both are NULL -> whole doc
if ((paStart == NULL && paEnd != NULL) || (paStart != NULL && paEnd == NULL)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (cAttrs == 0) return S_OK;
if (paAttrs == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!EnsureEditRecord()) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// record the change
for (i=0; i<cAttrs; i++) { if (MyRegisterGUID(paAttrs[i], &gaType) != S_OK) continue;
if (pss = _pEditRecord->_FindCreateAppAttr(gaType)) { pss->Add(0, paStart, paEnd, COPY_ANCHORS); } }
if (!_fLockHeld) // might hold lock if ic owner is making modifications
{ // get a lock eventually so we can deal with the changes
SafeRequestLock(_ptsi, TS_LF_READ, &hr); }
return S_OK; }
// OnAttributeChange
// Called when sys attr changes for cicero default tsi.
HRESULT CInputContext::OnAttributeChange(REFGUID rguidAttr) { return OnAttrsChange(NULL, NULL, 1, &rguidAttr); }
// OnStartEditTransaction
STDAPI CInputContext::OnStartEditTransaction() { int i; CStructArray<GENERICSINK> *prgSinks;
if (_cRefEditTransaction++ > 0) return S_OK;
prgSinks = _GetEditTransactionSink();
for (i=0; i<prgSinks->Count(); i++) { ((ITfEditTransactionSink *)prgSinks->GetPtr(i)->pSink)->OnStartEditTransaction(this); }
return S_OK; }
// OnEndEditTransaction
STDAPI CInputContext::OnEndEditTransaction() { int i; CStructArray<GENERICSINK> *prgSinks;
if (_cRefEditTransaction <= 0) { Assert(0); // bogus ref count
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
if (_cRefEditTransaction > 1) goto Exit;
prgSinks = _GetEditTransactionSink();
for (i=0; i<prgSinks->Count(); i++) { ((ITfEditTransactionSink *)prgSinks->GetPtr(i)->pSink)->OnEndEditTransaction(this); }
Exit: // dec the ref to 0 last, to prevent reentrancy
return S_OK; }
// _OnLayoutChangeInternal
HRESULT CInputContext::_OnLayoutChangeInternal(TsLayoutCode lcode, TsViewCookie vcView) { DWORD dwOld; CStructArray<GENERICSINK> *prgSinks; int i; ITfContextView *pView = NULL; // compiler "uninitialized var" warning
// xlate the view
GetActiveView(&pView); // when we support multiple views, need to actually use vcView
if (pView == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// only allow read locks during the notification
// we might have the read-only bit set already, so save the
// old value
dwOld = _dwEditSessionFlags; _dwEditSessionFlags |= TF_ES_INNOTIFY;
prgSinks = _GetTextLayoutSinks();
for (i=0; i<prgSinks->Count(); i++) { ((ITfTextLayoutSink *)prgSinks->GetPtr(i)->pSink)->OnLayoutChange(this, (TfLayoutCode)lcode, pView); }
// clear the read-only block
_dwEditSessionFlags = dwOld;
return S_OK; }
// _OnStatusChangeInternal
HRESULT CInputContext::_OnStatusChangeInternal() { DWORD dwOld; CStructArray<GENERICSINK> *prgSinks; int i;
Assert((_dwEditSessionFlags & TF_ES_INEDITSESSION) == 0); // we must never hold a lock when we do the callbacks
// only allow read locks during the notification
// we might have the read-only bit set already, so save the
// old value
dwOld = _dwEditSessionFlags; _dwEditSessionFlags |= TF_ES_INNOTIFY;
prgSinks = _GetStatusSinks();
for (i=0; i<prgSinks->Count(); i++) { ((ITfStatusSink *)prgSinks->GetPtr(i)->pSink)->OnStatusChange(this, _dwStatusChangedFlags); }
_dwStatusChangedFlags = 0;
// clear the read-only block
_dwEditSessionFlags = dwOld;
return S_OK; }
// Serialize
STDAPI CInputContext::Serialize(ITfProperty *pProp, ITfRange *pRange, TF_PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_HEADER_ANCHOR *pHdr, IStream *pStream) { SERIALIZE_ANCHOR_PARAMS params; HRESULT hr; CProperty *pPropP; CRange *pCRange;
if ((pCRange = GetCRange_NA(pRange)) == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!VerifySameContext(this, pCRange)) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ((pPropP = GetCProperty(pProp)) == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
params.pProp = pPropP; params.pRange = pCRange; params.pHdr = pHdr; params.pStream = pStream;
hr = S_OK;
// need a sync read lock to do our work
if (_DoPseudoSyncEditSession(TF_ES_READ, PSEUDO_ESCB_SERIALIZE_ANCHOR, ¶ms, &hr) != S_OK) { Assert(0); // app won't give us a sync read lock
hr = E_FAIL; }
SafeRelease(pPropP); return hr; }
// Unserialize
STDAPI CInputContext::Unserialize(ITfProperty *pProp, const TF_PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_HEADER_ANCHOR *pHdr, IStream *pStream, ITfPersistentPropertyLoaderAnchor *pLoader) { CProperty *pPropP; UNSERIALIZE_ANCHOR_PARAMS params; HRESULT hr;
if ((pPropP = GetCProperty(pProp)) == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
params.pProp = pPropP; params.pHdr = pHdr; params.pStream = pStream; params.pLoader = pLoader;
// need a sync read lock to do our work
if (_DoPseudoSyncEditSession(TF_ES_READ, PSEUDO_ESCB_UNSERIALIZE_ANCHOR, ¶ms, &hr) != S_OK) { Assert(0); // app won't give us a sync read lock
return E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
// ForceLoadProperty
STDAPI CInputContext::ForceLoadProperty(ITfProperty *pProp) { CProperty *pPropP; HRESULT hr;
if ((pPropP = GetCProperty(pProp)) == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = pPropP->ForceLoad();
return hr; }
// _MarkDirtyRanges
void CInputContext::_MarkDirtyRanges(IAnchor *paStart, IAnchor *paEnd) { CRange *range; IAnchor *paRangeStart; IAnchor *paRangeEnd; DWORD dwHistory; BOOL fDirty;
// we're only interested in ranges that have notification sinks
// perf: it would be cool avoid checking ranges based on some ordering scheme....
for (range = _pOnChangeRanges; range != NULL; range = range->_GetNextOnChangeRangeInIcsub()) { if (range->_IsDirty()) continue;
fDirty = FALSE; paRangeStart = range->_GetStart(); paRangeEnd = range->_GetEnd();
// check BOTH anchors for deletions -- need to clear both
// no matter what
if (paRangeStart->GetChangeHistory(&dwHistory) == S_OK && (dwHistory & TS_CH_FOLLOWING_DEL)) { paRangeStart->ClearChangeHistory(); fDirty = TRUE; } if (paRangeEnd->GetChangeHistory(&dwHistory) == S_OK && (dwHistory & TS_CH_PRECEDING_DEL)) { paRangeEnd->ClearChangeHistory(); fDirty = TRUE; }
// even if no anchors collapsed, the range may overlap a delta
if (!fDirty) { if (CompareAnchors(paRangeEnd, paStart) > 0 && CompareAnchors(paRangeStart, paEnd) < 0) { fDirty = TRUE; } }
if (fDirty) { range->_SetDirty(); } } }
// UpdateKeyEventFilter
void CInputContext::_UpdateKeyEventFilter() { HRESULT hr;
// Our cache _gaKeyEventFilterTTIP is valid so just return TRUE.
if (!_fInvalidKeyEventFilterTIP) return;
_gaKeyEventFilterTIP[0] = TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM; _gaKeyEventFilterTIP[1] = TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM;
if (_DoPseudoSyncEditSession(TF_ES_READ, PSEUDO_ESCB_UPDATEKEYEVENTFILTER, NULL, &hr) != S_OK || hr != S_OK) { //
// Isn't application ready to give lock?
Assert(0); } }
// _UpdateKeyEventFilterCallback
HRESULT CInputContext::_UpdateKeyEventFilterCallback(TfEditCookie ec) { TF_SELECTION sel; ULONG cFetched; BOOL fEmpty;
// perf: we don't really need to create a range here, we just want the anchors
if (GetSelection(ec, TF_DEFAULT_SELECTION, 1, &sel, &cFetched) == S_OK && cFetched == 1) { HRESULT hr; BOOL bRightSide= TRUE; BOOL bLeftSide= TRUE;
// If the current selection is not empty, we just interested in
// the caret position.
hr = sel.range->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty); if ((hr == S_OK) && !fEmpty) { if (sel.style.ase == TF_AE_START) { hr = sel.range->ShiftEndToRange(ec, sel.range, TF_ANCHOR_START); bRightSide = FALSE; } else if (sel.style.ase == TF_AE_END) { hr = sel.range->ShiftStartToRange(ec, sel.range, TF_ANCHOR_END); bLeftSide = FALSE; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (_pPropTextOwner) { CRange *pPropRange; CRange *pSelRange = GetCRange_NA(sel.range); Assert(pSelRange != NULL); // we just created this guy
if (bRightSide) { //
// Find the right side owner of sel.
// try the start edge of the property so fEnd is FALSE.
if (_pPropTextOwner->_InternalFindRange(pSelRange, &pPropRange, TF_ANCHOR_END, FALSE) == S_OK) { VARIANT var;
if (_pPropTextOwner->GetValue(ec, (ITfRangeAnchor *)pPropRange, &var) == S_OK) { IAnchor *paEnd; CRange *pCRangeSel;
Assert(var.vt == VT_I4);
_gaKeyEventFilterTIP[LEFT_FILTERTIP] = (TfGuidAtom)var.lVal; // don't need to VariantClear because it's VT_I4
// If the end of this proprange is left side of
// the caret, the left side owner will be same.
// so we don't have to find left proprange then.
paEnd = pPropRange->_GetEnd(); if (paEnd && (pCRangeSel = GetCRange_NA(sel.range))) { if (CompareAnchors(paEnd, pCRangeSel->_GetStart()) > 0) bLeftSide = FALSE; } } pPropRange->Release(); } }
if (bLeftSide) { //
// Find the left side owner of sel.
// try the end edge of the property so fEnd is TRUE.
if (_pPropTextOwner->_InternalFindRange(pSelRange, &pPropRange, TF_ANCHOR_START, TRUE) == S_OK) { VARIANT var;
if (_pPropTextOwner->GetValue(ec, (ITfRangeAnchor *)pPropRange, &var) == S_OK) { Assert(var.vt == VT_I4);
if (_gaKeyEventFilterTIP[LEFT_FILTERTIP] != (TfGuidAtom)var.lVal) { _gaKeyEventFilterTIP[RIGHT_FILTERTIP] = (TfGuidAtom)var.lVal; } // don't need to VariantClear because it's VT_I4
} pPropRange->Release(); } } } } sel.range->Release(); }
_fInvalidKeyEventFilterTIP = FALSE;
return S_OK; }