* * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * * Abstract: * * Contains ClearType scan operations * * Revision History: * * 07/19/2000 mleonov * Created it. * 01/11/2001 mleonov * Reengineered ClearType architecture to allow variable length scan records * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hpp"
static inline VOID SetupGammaTables(ULONG ulGamma, const BYTE ** gamma, const BYTE ** gammaInv) { static BYTE const * const gammaTables[] = { Globals::TextContrastTableIdentity, Globals::TextContrastTableIdentity, Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[0], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[0], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[1], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[1], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[2], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[2], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[3], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[3], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[4], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[4], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[5], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[5], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[6], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[6], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[7], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[7], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[8], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[8], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[9], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[9], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[10], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[10], Globals::TextContrastTablesDir[11], Globals::TextContrastTablesInv[11] };
if (ulGamma > 12) { ASSERT(FALSE); ulGamma = 12; } *gamma = gammaTables[2 * ulGamma]; *gammaInv = gammaTables[2 * ulGamma + 1]; } // SetupGammaTables
static __forceinline BYTE BlendOneChannel(BYTE alphaCT, BYTE alphaBrush, BYTE foreground, BYTE background, const BYTE * gamma, const BYTE * gammaInv) { ASSERT(0 <= alphaCT && alphaCT <= CT_SAMPLE_F); if (alphaCT == 0) return background; foreground = gamma[foreground]; background = gamma[background]; ULONG ulongRet = ULONG(0.5 + background + ((double)alphaBrush * (foreground - background) * alphaCT) / (255 * CT_SAMPLE_F)); ASSERT(ulongRet <= 255); BYTE ret = (BYTE)ulongRet; ret = gammaInv[ret]; return ret; } // BlendOneChannel
namespace {
class ClearTypeSolidBlend { const ARGB ArgbF; const BYTE * ClearTypeBits;
public: ClearTypeSolidBlend(const ScanOperation::OtherParams * otherParams) : ClearTypeBits(otherParams->CTBuffer), ArgbF(otherParams->SolidColor) {}
// always call IsCompletelyTransparent in the beginning of RMW operation
bool IsCompletelyTransparent() const { return GetAlpha() == 0; } BYTE GetCT() const { return *ClearTypeBits; } ARGB GetARGB() const { return ArgbF; } BYTE GetAlpha() const { return (BYTE)GpColor::GetAlphaARGB(ArgbF); } BYTE GetRed() const { return (BYTE)GpColor::GetRedARGB(ArgbF); } BYTE GetGreen() const { return (BYTE)GpColor::GetGreenARGB(ArgbF); } BYTE GetBlue() const { return (BYTE)GpColor::GetBlueARGB(ArgbF); } bool IsOpaque() const { return GetCT() == CT_LOOKUP - 1 && GetAlpha() == 255; } bool IsTransparent() const { // we took care of zero GetAlpha() in IsCompletelyTransparent()
return GetCT() == 0; } bool IsTranslucent() const { return !IsTransparent() && !IsOpaque(); } void operator++() { ++ClearTypeBits; } }; // class ClearTypeSolidBlend
class ClearTypeCARGBBlend { const ARGB * ArgbBrushBits; const BYTE * ClearTypeBits; public: ClearTypeCARGBBlend(const ScanOperation::OtherParams * otherParams) : ClearTypeBits(otherParams->CTBuffer), ArgbBrushBits(static_cast<const ARGB*>(otherParams->BlendingScan)) {}
bool IsCompletelyTransparent() const { return false; } BYTE GetCT() const { return *ClearTypeBits; } ARGB GetARGB() const { return *ArgbBrushBits; } BYTE GetAlpha() const { return (BYTE)GpColor::GetAlphaARGB(*ArgbBrushBits); } BYTE GetRed() const { return (BYTE)GpColor::GetRedARGB(*ArgbBrushBits); } BYTE GetGreen() const { return (BYTE)GpColor::GetGreenARGB(*ArgbBrushBits); } BYTE GetBlue() const { return (BYTE)GpColor::GetBlueARGB(*ArgbBrushBits); } bool IsOpaque() const { return GetCT() == CT_LOOKUP - 1 && GetAlpha() == 255; } bool IsTransparent() const { return GetCT() == 0 || GetAlpha() == 0; } bool IsTranslucent() const { return !IsTransparent() && !IsOpaque(); } void operator++() { ++ClearTypeBits; ++ArgbBrushBits; } }; // class ClearTypeCARGBBlend
} // namespace
template <class BLENDTYPE> static VOID ClearTypeBlend( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const ScanOperation::OtherParams *otherParams, BLENDTYPE & bl ) { if (bl.IsCompletelyTransparent()) return;
ASSERT(count > 0);
ULONG gammaValue = otherParams->TextContrast;
const BYTE * gamma, * gammaInv; SetupGammaTables(gammaValue, &gamma, &gammaInv);
do { if (bl.IsTransparent()) ; // fully transparent case, nothing to do
else if (bl.IsOpaque()) { // fully opaque case, copy the foreground color
*d = bl.GetARGB(); } else { const BYTE blendIndex = bl.GetCT(); ASSERT(0 <= blendIndex && blendIndex <= CT_LOOKUP - 1);
const Globals::F_RGB blend = Globals::gaOutTable[blendIndex]; const ARGB source = *s; const BYTE alphaBrush = bl.GetAlpha();
const BYTE dstRed = BlendOneChannel( blend.kR, alphaBrush, bl.GetRed(), (BYTE)GpColor::GetRedARGB(source), gamma, gammaInv);
const BYTE dstGre = BlendOneChannel( blend.kG, alphaBrush, bl.GetGreen(), (BYTE)GpColor::GetGreenARGB(source), gamma, gammaInv);
const BYTE dstBlu = BlendOneChannel( blend.kB, alphaBrush, bl.GetBlue(), (BYTE)GpColor::GetBlueARGB(source), gamma, gammaInv);
*d = GpColor::MakeARGB(255, dstRed, dstGre, dstBlu); } ++bl; ++s; ++d; } while (--count); } // ClearTypeBlend
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::CTBlendCARGB( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeCARGBBlend bl(otherParams); ClearTypeBlend(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::CTBlendCARGB
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::CTBlendSolid( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeSolidBlend bl(otherParams); ClearTypeBlend(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::CTBlendSolid
template <class BLENDTYPE> static VOID CTReadRMW16( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const ScanOperation::OtherParams *otherParams, BLENDTYPE & bl ) { if (bl.IsCompletelyTransparent()) return;
DEFINE_POINTERS(UINT16, UINT16) // We want to get dword alignment for our copies, so handle the
// initial partial dword, if there is one:
if (((ULONG_PTR) s) & 0x2) { if (bl.IsTranslucent()) { *(d) = *(s); } d++; s++; ++bl; count--; }
// Now go through the aligned dword loop:
while ((count -= 2) >= 0) { if (bl.IsTranslucent()) { ++bl; if (bl.IsTranslucent()) { // Both pixels have partial alpha, so do a dword read:
*((UNALIGNED UINT32*) d) = *((UINT32*) s); } else { // Only the first pixel has partial alpha, so do a word read:
*(d) = *(s); } } else { ++bl; if (bl.IsTranslucent()) { // Only the second pixel has partial alpha, so do a word read:
*(d + 1) = *(s + 1); } }
d += 2; s += 2; ++bl; }
// Handle the end alignment:
if (count & 1) { if (bl.IsTranslucent()) { *(d) = *(s); } } } // CTReadRMW16
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::ReadRMW_16_CT_CARGB( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeCARGBBlend bl(otherParams); CTReadRMW16(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::ReadRMW_16_CT_CARGB
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::ReadRMW_16_CT_Solid( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeSolidBlend bl(otherParams); CTReadRMW16(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::ReadRMW_16_CT_Solid
template <class BLENDTYPE> static VOID CTReadRMW24( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const ScanOperation::OtherParams *otherParams, BLENDTYPE & bl ) { if (bl.IsCompletelyTransparent()) return;
// Handle the initial partial read:
INT initialAlignment = (INT) ((ULONG_PTR) s & 3); if (initialAlignment) { if (bl.IsTranslucent()) { UINT32 *alignedSrc = (UINT32*) ((ULONG_PTR) s & ~3); DWORD dwBuffer[2];
// Get pointer to start of pixel inside dwBuffer
BYTE *pByte = (BYTE*) dwBuffer + initialAlignment;
// Copy first aligned DWORDS from the source
dwBuffer[0] = *alignedSrc; // Copy next one only if pixel is split between 2 aligned DWORDS
if (initialAlignment >= 2) dwBuffer[1] = *(alignedSrc + 1);
// Copy 4 bytes to the destination
// This will cause an extra byte to have garbage in the
// destination buffer, but will be overwritten if next pixel
// is used.
*((DWORD*) d) = *((UNALIGNED DWORD*) pByte); }
++bl; s += 3; if (--count == 0) return; }
while (TRUE) { // Find the first pixel to copy
while (!bl.IsTranslucent()) { ++bl; s += 3; if (--count == 0) { return; } }
UINT32 *startSrc = (UINT32*) ((ULONG_PTR) (s) & ~3); // Now find the first "don't copy" pixel after that:
while (bl.IsTranslucent()) { ++bl; s += 3; if (--count == 0) { break; } }
// 'endSrc' is inclusive of the last pixel's last byte:
UINT32 *endSrc = (UINT32*) ((ULONG_PTR) (s + 2) & ~3); UNALIGNED UINT32 *dstPtr = (UNALIGNED UINT32*) ((ULONG_PTR) startSrc + srcToDstDelta); while (startSrc <= endSrc) { *dstPtr++ = *startSrc++; }
if (count == 0) return; } } // CTReadRMW24
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::ReadRMW_24_CT_CARGB( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeCARGBBlend bl(otherParams); CTReadRMW24(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::ReadRMW_24_CT_CARGB
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::ReadRMW_24_CT_Solid( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeSolidBlend bl(otherParams); CTReadRMW24(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::ReadRMW_24_CT_Solid
template <class BLENDTYPE> static VOID CTWriteRMW16( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const ScanOperation::OtherParams *otherParams, BLENDTYPE & bl ) { if (bl.IsCompletelyTransparent()) return;
// We want to get dword alignment for our copies, so handle the
// initial partial dword, if there is one:
if (((ULONG_PTR) d) & 0x2) { if (!bl.IsTransparent()) { *(d) = *(s); }
d++; s++; ++bl; count--; }
// Now go through the aligned dword loop:
while ((count -= 2) >= 0) { if (!bl.IsTransparent()) { ++bl; if (!bl.IsTransparent()) { // Both pixels have partial bl, so do a dword read:
*((UINT32*) d) = *((UNALIGNED UINT32*) s); } else { // Only the first pixel has partial bl, so do a word read:
*(d) = *(s); } } else { ++bl; if (!bl.IsTransparent()) { // Only the second pixel has partial bl, so do a word read:
*(d + 1) = *(s + 1); } }
d += 2; s += 2; ++bl; }
// Handle the end alignment:
if (count & 1) { if (!bl.IsTransparent()) { *(d) = *(s); } } } // CTWriteRMW16
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::WriteRMW_16_CT_CARGB( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeCARGBBlend bl(otherParams); CTWriteRMW16(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::WriteRMW_16_CT_CARGB
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::WriteRMW_16_CT_Solid( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeSolidBlend bl(otherParams); CTWriteRMW16(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::WriteRMW_16_CT_Solid
template <class BLENDTYPE> static VOID CTWriteRMW24( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const ScanOperation::OtherParams *otherParams, BLENDTYPE & bl ) { DEFINE_POINTERS(BYTE, BYTE) ASSERT(count>0);
do { if (!bl.IsTransparent()) { // Doing byte per byte writes are much faster than finding
// runs and doing DWORD copies.
*(d) = *(s); *(d + 1) = *(s + 1); *(d + 2) = *(s + 2); } d += 3; s += 3; ++bl; } while (--count != 0); } // CTWriteRMW24
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::WriteRMW_24_CT_CARGB( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeCARGBBlend bl(otherParams); CTWriteRMW24(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::WriteRMW_24_CT_CARGB
VOID FASTCALL ScanOperation::WriteRMW_24_CT_Solid( VOID *dst, const VOID *src, INT count, const OtherParams *otherParams ) { ClearTypeSolidBlend bl(otherParams); CTWriteRMW24(dst, src, count, otherParams, bl); } // ScanOperation::WriteRMW_24_CT_CARGB