enum NodeType { DataNode = 0, AndNode = 1, OrNode = 2, XorNode = 3 };
// shape flags for temporary editing
#define ShapeDisabled 0x00000001
template <class Data> class TreeNode { public: friend class TestShapeRegion;
TreeNode(NodeType type = DataNode, Data* data = NULL, BOOL notNode = FALSE) { this->type = type; this->data = data; this->notNode = notNode; nodeName = NULL;
if (data) { // !! violates we are a template class.. Yipes!! hacky!!
path = new GraphicsPath(); data->AddToPath(path); } else path = NULL;
nextSibling = NULL; prevSibling = NULL; parent = NULL; firstChild = NULL;
hItem = (HTREEITEM)-1; } ~TreeNode() { if (nodeName) free(nodeName);
TreeNode* next = firstChild; while (next) { TreeNode* nextnext = next->nextSibling; delete next; next = nextnext; }
if (nextSibling) nextSibling->prevSibling = prevSibling;
if (prevSibling) prevSibling->nextSibling = nextSibling;
if (parent && parent->firstChild == this) parent->firstChild = nextSibling;
if (path) delete path; }; TreeNode* GetRoot() { TreeNode* next = parent;
while (next && next->parent) next = next->parent;
return next ? next : this; }
BOOL HasChildren() { return (firstChild) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
TreeNode* GetParent() { return parent; }
TreeNode* GetNextSibling() { return nextSibling; }
TreeNode* GetPrevSibling() { return prevSibling; }
TreeNode* GetFirstChild() { return firstChild; }
VOID MoveChildrenToParent() { ASSERT(parent);
TreeNode* lastSibling = parent->firstChild; while (lastSibling->nextSibling) lastSibling = lastSibling->nextSibling;
lastSibling->nextSibling = firstChild; if (firstChild) firstChild->prevSibling = lastSibling;
lastSibling = firstChild; while (lastSibling) { lastSibling->parent = parent; lastSibling = lastSibling->nextSibling; }
firstChild = NULL; }
HTREEITEM CreateTreeView(HWND hwndTV) { HTREEITEM hTreeItem = AddToTreeView(hwndTV);
if (nextSibling) nextSibling->CreateTreeView(hwndTV);
if (firstChild) firstChild->CreateTreeView(hwndTV);
return hTreeItem; }
HTREEITEM AddToTreeView(HWND hwndTV) { nodeName = GetNodeName(type, notNode, data);
TVINSERTSTRUCT insertStruct = { parent ? (HTREEITEM)parent->GetHTREEITEM() : TVI_ROOT, prevSibling ? (HTREEITEM)prevSibling->GetHTREEITEM() : TVI_FIRST, }; TVITEMEX itemex = { TVIF_CHILDREN| TVIF_PARAM| TVIF_STATE| TVIF_TEXT, // mask
(HTREEITEM)(NULL), // identifies TV item
0, // state
0, // stateMask
nodeName, // text to display
0, // cchTextMax
0, // iImage
0, // iSelectedImage
(firstChild ? 1 : 0), // cChildren
(LPARAM)(this), // lParam
1 // iIntegral
// !! wasn't able to compile into one assignment !?!?
insertStruct.itemex = itemex;
hItem = TreeView_InsertItem(hwndTV, &insertStruct);
return hItem; };
VOID AddChild(TreeNode* node) { if (!firstChild) { firstChild = node;
node->parent = this; node->prevSibling = NULL; node->nextSibling = NULL; node->firstChild = NULL; } else { TreeNode* next = firstChild;
while (next->nextSibling) next = next->nextSibling;
next->nextSibling = node; node->parent = this; node->prevSibling = next;
node->nextSibling = NULL; node->firstChild = NULL; } };
VOID AddSibling(TreeNode* node) { TreeNode* next = this;
while (next->nextSibling) next = next->nextSibling;
if (next) { next->nextSibling = node; node->parent = this->parent; node->prevSibling = next;
node->nextSibling = NULL; node->firstChild = NULL; } else ASSERT(FALSE); };
VOID AddAsParent(TreeNode* newParent) { newParent->parent = parent; newParent->prevSibling = prevSibling; newParent->nextSibling = nextSibling; newParent->firstChild = this;
if (parent && parent->firstChild == this) parent->firstChild = newParent;
if (prevSibling) prevSibling->nextSibling = newParent; if (nextSibling) nextSibling->prevSibling = newParent;
nextSibling = NULL; prevSibling = NULL; parent = newParent; }
BOOL IsEmpty() { return (type == DataNode) && (notNode) && (data == NULL); }
BOOL IsInfinite() { return (type == DataNode) && (!notNode) && (data == NULL); }
HTREEITEM GetHTREEITEM() { return hItem; }
static LPTSTR GetNodeName(NodeType type, BOOL notNode, Data* data) { TCHAR tmpName[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR name;
switch(type) { case DataNode: // !! won't work on other template class types.
if (data) { if (notNode) { name = &tmpName[0];
_stprintf(&tmpName[0], _T("NOT %s"), data->GetShapeName());
} else name = data->GetShapeName(); } else { if (notNode) name = _T("Empty"); else name = _T("Infinite"); } break; case AndNode: if (notNode) name = _T("NAND"); else name = _T("AND"); break;
case OrNode: if (notNode) name = _T("NOR"); else name = _T("OR"); break;
case XorNode: if (notNode) name = _T("NXOR"); else name = _T("XOR"); break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); return _T("Unknown!?!"); }; return _tcsdup(name); }
Region* GetRegion() { Region* newRegion = NULL;
switch(type) { case DataNode: { if (path) newRegion = new Region(path); else { newRegion = new Region(); newRegion->SetInfinite(); } break; }
case AndNode: case OrNode: case XorNode: { Region* curRegion; TreeNode* curNode = firstChild; newRegion = new Region(); if (type == AndNode) newRegion->SetInfinite(); else newRegion->SetEmpty();
while (curNode) { curRegion = curNode->GetRegion(); if (type == AndNode) newRegion->And(curRegion); else if (type == OrNode) newRegion->Or(curRegion); else { ASSERT(type == XorNode); newRegion->Xor(curRegion); }
curNode = curNode->nextSibling; delete curRegion; }
break; }
default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } // complement the current region
if (notNode) { Region *tmpRegion = new Region(); tmpRegion->SetInfinite(); newRegion->Complement(tmpRegion); delete tmpRegion; }
return newRegion; }
TreeNode* Clone() { TreeNode* newNode = new TreeNode(type, data, notNode); TreeNode* curNode = firstChild; TreeNode* newSibling = NULL;
// loop through all children, clone and add to 'newNode'
while (curNode) { TreeNode *newChild = curNode->Clone();
newChild->nodeName = GetNodeName(type, notNode, data);
if (!newSibling) newSibling = newNode->firstChild = newChild; else { newSibling->nextSibling = newChild; newChild->prevSibling = newSibling; newSibling = newChild; }
newChild->parent = newNode; curNode = curNode->nextSibling; } return newNode; }
private: NodeType type; BOOL notNode;
LPTSTR nodeName;
TreeNode* nextSibling; TreeNode* prevSibling; TreeNode* firstChild; TreeNode* parent;
GraphicsPath* path; // GDI+ path for shape
Data* data; };
typedef TreeNode<TestShape> ClipTree;
class TestShapeRegion : public TestConfigureInterface, public TestDialogInterface { public: TestShapeRegion() { clipTree = new ClipTree(AndNode, NULL, FALSE); origTree = NULL;
shapeStack = new ShapeStack(); origStack = NULL; }
~TestShapeRegion() { delete clipTree; delete shapeStack;
// do not delete 'origTree' or 'origStack'
// these are temporary references for saving under 'OK'
// configuration management
virtual BOOL ChangeSettings(HWND hwnd); virtual VOID Initialize(); virtual VOID Initialize(ShapeStack* stack, TestShape* current, BOOL useClip);
// dialog control interface methods
virtual VOID InitDialog(HWND hwnd); virtual BOOL SaveValues(HWND hwnd); virtual BOOL ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Region* GetClipRegion(); BOOL GetClipBool() { return origUseClip; }
protected: VOID AddClipNode(HWND hwnd, NodeType type = DataNode); VOID RemoveClipNode(HWND hwnd); VOID ToggleNotNode(HWND hwnd);
VOID ShiftCurrentShape(HWND hwnd, INT dir); VOID ToggleDisableShape(HWND hwnd);
VOID UpdateShapePicture(HWND hwnd); VOID CleanUpPictures(HWND hwnd);
private: // currently modified parameters
ShapeStack* shapeStack; ClipTree* clipTree;
// original saved parameters
ShapeStack* origStack; ClipTree* origTree; BOOL origUseClip; };