//depot/private/Lab06_DEV/Windows/AppCompat/ShimDBC/mig.cpp#1 - branch change 8778 (text)
// File: mig.cpp
// History: ??-Jul-00 vadimb Added Migdb logic
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "mig.h"
#include "make.h"
#include "typeinfo.h"
#include "fileio.h"
// Max length of a migdb.inf string entry
// from read.cpp - converts module type to a string (which is static)
LPCTSTR ModuleTypeIndicatorToStr(DWORD ModuleType);
// Mig tags support -- translation table
TCHAR g_szArg[] = _T("ARG"); TCHAR g_szReqFile[] = _T("REQFILE");
// report MigDB exception
// this is our mechanism for passing errors around
void __cdecl MigThrowException( LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ... ) { va_list arglist; CString csError; int nSize = 1024; LPTSTR lpszBuffer;
va_start(arglist, lpszFormat);
try { lpszBuffer = csError.GetBuffer(nSize); StringCchVPrintf(lpszBuffer, nSize, lpszFormat, arglist); csError.ReleaseBuffer(); } catch(CMemoryException* pMemoryException) { SDBERROR(_T("Memory allocation error while trying to report an error\n")); pMemoryException->Delete(); }
// now we throw
throw new CMigDBException(csError);
// Given an XML attribute mask, produce equivalent Migdb attribute type
MIGATTRTYPE GetInfTagByXMLAttrType( IN DWORD dwXMLAttrType ) { MIGATTRTYPE MigAttrType = NONE; int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_rgMigDBAttributes)/sizeof(g_rgMigDBAttributes[0]); ++i) { if (g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].XMLAttrType == dwXMLAttrType) { MigAttrType = g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].MigAttrType; break; } }
return MigAttrType; }
// make string nice and flat, with no extra spaces in-between
LPCTSTR g_pszDelim = _T(" \t\n\r");
CString FlattenString(LPCTSTR lpszStr) { TCHAR* pchStart = (TCHAR*)lpszStr; TCHAR* pch; CString csResult; BOOL bSpace = FALSE;
while (*pchStart) { //
// skip leading spaces or other trash
pchStart += _tcsspn(pchStart, g_pszDelim); if (*pchStart == _T('\0')) { // tough bananas - we got what we've got, exit now
break; }
// search for the end-of-line
pch = _tcspbrk(pchStart, g_pszDelim); if (pch == NULL) { // we are done, no more nasty characters
// append and exit
if (bSpace) { csResult += _T(' '); } csResult += pchStart; break; }
// add everything -- up until this \n
if (bSpace) { csResult += _T(' '); } csResult += CString(pchStart, (int)(pch - pchStart)); bSpace = TRUE; // we have just removed a portion of the string containing \n
pchStart = pch; // point to the \n
// Make quotes (") into double quotes ("") so that
// it is legal INF
ReplaceStringNoCase(csResult, _T("\""), _T("\"\""));
return csResult; }
VOID FilterStringNonAlnum( CString& csTarget ) { TCHAR ch; INT i;
for (i = 0; i < csTarget.GetLength(); i++) { ch = csTarget.GetAt(i); if (!((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))) { csTarget.SetAt(i, _T('_')); } }
// Dumping .inf data support
CString MigApp::dump(void) { CString cs; BOOL bInline; INT i; MigAttribute* pAttr;
// we can't do "inline" sections if we also have "ARGS"
bInline = (0 == m_rgArgs.GetSize());
cs = m_pSection->dump(m_csDescription.IsEmpty() ? NULL : (LPCTSTR)m_csDescription, NULL, FALSE, bInline); if (m_csDescription.IsEmpty() && !bInline) { cs += _T(","); }
if (!bInline) { for (i = 0; i < m_rgArgs.GetSize(); ++i) { pAttr = (MigAttribute*)m_rgArgs.GetAt(i); cs += (cs.IsEmpty()? _T(""): _T(", ")) + pAttr->dump(); } } return cs; }
// we dump info into an array of strings, single-line entries are returned
// The first kind of return is "inline" --
// all the supplemental info is shoved into the rgOut
// for example, the return might be a reference to the section
// section's header and body are placed into rgOut
// ELIMINATE duplicate section names (reqfile!)
// optimize output - single "and" replaced with straight
// if a section is generated and placed as a single-line entry, promote the contents
// to upper level
CString MigSection::dump(LPCTSTR lpszDescription, int* pIndexContents, BOOL bNoHeader, BOOL bInline) { SdbArrayElement* p; MigEntry* pEntry; MigSection* pSection; int indexContents = -1; int nEntries;
const type_info& tiEntry = typeid(MigEntry); // cache type id info
const type_info& tiSection = typeid(MigSection); int i;
CString cs; // inline return
CString csContents; // contents of supplemental section information
CString csSect; CString csHeader; CString csDescription(lpszDescription);
// place inline name and description
// we may need to enclose this into quotes
cs = m_csName; if (!csDescription.IsEmpty()) { if (csDescription.Left(1) == _T("%") && csDescription.Right(1) == _T("%")) { cs += _T(", ") + csDescription; } else { cs += _T(", \"") + csDescription + _T("\""); } }
// if our section is a single-entry
// we dump this depending on the calling
// special case -- single file (and/or, matters not)
if (1 == m_rgEntries.GetSize() && m_bTopLevel && bInline) {
// this single line goes "inline" only if we are called from within
// other section
// dump the entry if it's an entry
p = (SdbArrayElement*)m_rgEntries.GetAt(0); if (typeid(*p) == tiEntry) { pEntry = (MigEntry*)p;
if (m_bTopLevel && csDescription.IsEmpty()) { // if the description was not added earlier and top-level...
cs += _T(","); } cs += _T(", ") + pEntry->dump(); return cs; } }
// first deal with sections...
switch(m_Operation) { case MIGOP_OR: // grab just one section in all if more than one entry
// IF we're the only entry -- but we need to have the right entry
if (!bNoHeader) { // ONLY valid for OR sections
csContents.Format(_T("[%s]\n"), (LPCTSTR)m_csName); }
for (i = 0; i < m_rgEntries.GetSize(); ++i) { p = (SdbArrayElement*)m_rgEntries.GetAt(i); const type_info& tiPtr = typeid(*p); if (tiPtr == tiEntry) { pEntry = (MigEntry*)p; csContents += pEntry->dump() + _T("\n"); } else if (tiPtr == tiSection) { pSection = (MigSection*)p; csContents += pSection->dump() + _T("\n"); } else { // if we are here -- something is seriously wrong
// _tprintf(_T("Error - bad class information\n"));
MigThrowException(_T("Bad Entry detected in section \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)m_csName); break; } } break;
case MIGOP_AND: // and for this entry ...
// optimization:
// if we're single-entry, retrieve the contents of the child section
// and put it right in
nEntries = m_rgEntries.GetSize(); for (i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) { p = (SdbArrayElement*)m_rgEntries.GetAt(i);
if (nEntries > 1) { ++m_nEntry; csSect.Format(_T("[%s.%d]\n"), (LPCTSTR)m_csName, m_nEntry); } else { csSect.Format(_T("[%s]\n"), (LPCTSTR)m_csName); } csContents += csSect;
const type_info& tiPtr = typeid(*p); if (tiPtr == tiEntry) { // this is an entry, dump it into the section body
pEntry = (MigEntry*)p;
// numbered entry please...
csContents += pEntry->dump() + _T("\n");
} else if (tiPtr == tiSection) { // this is a section, dump it, get the ref into the section body
pSection = (MigSection*)p;
// optimization:
if (pSection->m_Operation == MIGOP_OR) { // sub is an "OR" -- we need not have a ref
int index; CString csSingle;
// dump all the entries right here
csSingle = pSection->dump(NULL, &index, TRUE); if (index >= 0) { csContents += m_pMigDB->m_rgOut.GetAt(index) + _T("\n"); m_pMigDB->m_rgOut.RemoveAt(index); } else { csContents += csSingle; }
} else { csContents += pSection->dump(NULL) + _T("\n"); } } else { MigThrowException(_T("Internal Error: bad migration object\n")); break; } } break;
if (!csContents.IsEmpty()) { indexContents = m_pMigDB->m_rgOut.Add(csContents); } if (NULL != pIndexContents) { *pIndexContents = indexContents; }
return cs; }
CString MigEntry::FormatName( VOID ) { INT i; TCHAR ch; BOOL bQuoteStr = FALSE; CString csName;
bQuoteStr = (m_csName.GetLength() > 12); // 8.3 outright
for (i = 0; i < m_csName.GetLength() && !bQuoteStr; ++i) { ch = m_csName.GetAt(i); bQuoteStr = _istspace(ch) || (!_istalnum(ch) && _T('.') != ch); }
if (!bQuoteStr) { // hmmm check filename and ext part
i = m_csName.Find(_T('.')); if (i < 0) { bQuoteStr = (m_csName.GetLength() > 8); } else { // check for the second dot
bQuoteStr = (m_csName.Find(_T('.'), i+1) >= 0); if (!bQuoteStr) { // check for the ext length
bQuoteStr = (m_csName.Mid(i).GetLength() > 4); // with .abc
} } }
if (!bQuoteStr) { return m_csName; }
// else
csName.Format(_T("\"%s\""), m_csName); return csName; }
CString MigEntry::dump(void) { INT i; MigAttribute* pAttr; CString cs; CString csName; ULONG ulResult;
// _tprintf(_T("Entry: name=\"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)m_csName);
// check whether we need to enclose this into quotes
// to do such a check we need to:
// check for non-ascii stuff...
// parser has put all the ARG attributes in the beginning of the array
// put any "arg" attributes before the exe name
for (i = 0; i < m_rgAttrs.GetSize(); ++i) { pAttr = (MigAttribute*)m_rgAttrs.GetAt(i); if (ARG != pAttr->m_type) { break; }
cs += (cs.IsEmpty()? _T(""): _T(", ")) + pAttr->dump(); }
cs += (cs.IsEmpty()? _T(""): _T(", ")) + FormatName();
for (;i < m_rgAttrs.GetSize(); ++i) { pAttr = (MigAttribute*)m_rgAttrs.GetAt(i); cs += (cs.IsEmpty()? _T(""): _T(", ")) + pAttr->dump(); }
return cs; }
CString MigAttribute::dump(void) {
CString cs; CString csTemp;
switch(m_type) { // note -- none of the attributes below are supported
case ISMSBINARY: case ISWIN9XBINARY: case INWINDIR: case INCATDIR: case INHLPDIR: case INSYSDIR: case INPROGRAMFILES: case ISNOTSYSROOT: case INROOTDIR: case ISWIN98: case HASVERSION: case ATLEASTWIN98: cs.Format(_T("%s%s"), m_bNot ? _T("!") : _T(""), (LPCTSTR)m_csName); break;
case CHECKSUM: case FILESIZE: // under old code the following two values had been strings
case FILEDATEHI: case FILEDATELO: cs.Format(_T("%s%s(0x%.8lX)"), m_bNot?_T("!"):_T(""), (LPCTSTR)m_csName, m_dwValue); break;
VersionQwordToString(csTemp, m_ullValue); cs.Format(_T("%s%s(%s)"), m_bNot? _T("!"):_T(""), (LPCTSTR)m_csName, (LPCTSTR)csTemp); break;
case EXETYPE: // this is dword-encoded format that really is a string, convert
cs.Format(_T("%s%s(\"%s\")"), m_bNot ? _T("!") : _T(""), (LPCTSTR)m_csName, ModuleTypeIndicatorToStr(m_dwValue)); break;
// these two attributes are not supported either
case ARG: case REQFILE:
if (m_pSection) { m_pSection->dump(); } // fall through
default: cs.Format(_T("%s%s(\"%s\")"), m_bNot ? _T("!") : _T(""), (LPCTSTR)m_csName, (LPCTSTR)m_csValue); break; }
return cs; }
Used to be a nice statistics-spewing function
VOID DumpMigDBStats(ShimDatabase* pDatabase) { POSITION pos = pDatabase->m_mapMigApp.GetStartPosition(); ShimArray* prgApp; CString csSection; DWORD dwApps = 0; INT i;
Print( _T("Sections compiled: %d\n\n"), pDatabase->m_mapMigApp.GetCount()); while (pos) { pDatabase->m_mapMigApp.GetNextAssoc(pos, csSection, (LPVOID&)prgApp);
Print(_T("Section [%36s]: %8ld apps\n"), (LPCTSTR)csSection, prgApp->GetSize()); dwApps += prgApp->GetSize(); } Print( _T("--------\n")); Print( _T("Total %38s: %8ld entries\n"), "", dwApps); Print( _T("\n")); if (gfVerbose) { Print(_T("APPS\n"));
pos = pDatabase->m_mapMigApp.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { pDatabase->m_mapMigApp.GetNextAssoc(pos, csSection, (LPVOID&)prgApp);
Print(_T("Section [%36s]: %8ld apps\n"), (LPCTSTR)csSection, prgApp->GetSize()); Print(_T("-------------------------------------------------------------\n")); for (i = 0; i < prgApp->GetSize(); ++i) { MigApp* pApp = (MigApp*)prgApp->GetAt(i); Print(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR)pApp->m_csName); } Print(_T("\n")); }
BOOL MigDatabase::DumpMigDBStrings( LPCTSTR lpszFilename ) { CString csOut; POSITION pos; CANSITextFile OutFile( lpszFilename, m_pAppHelpDatabase->m_pCurrentMakefile->GetLangMap(m_pAppHelpDatabase->m_pCurrentOutputFile->m_csLangID)->m_dwCodePage, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::shareDenyWrite); CString csStringID; CString csStringContent; CString csCompoundString, csCompoundStringPart; long nCursor = 0;
// write header (needed for postbuild!)
OutFile.WriteString(_T(";\n; AppCompat additions start here\n;\n; ___APPCOMPAT_MIG_ENTRIES___\n;\n"));
// write out the strings section
pos = m_mapStringsOut.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { m_mapStringsOut.GetNextAssoc(pos, csStringID, csStringContent);
if (csStringContent.GetLength() > MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH) { nCursor = 0; csCompoundString.Empty(); while (nCursor * MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH < csStringContent.GetLength()) { csOut.Format(_T("%s.%d = \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)csStringID, nCursor + 1, (LPCTSTR)csStringContent.Mid(nCursor * MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH, MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH));
csCompoundStringPart.Format(_T(" %%%s.%d%%"), csStringID, nCursor + 1); csCompoundString += csCompoundStringPart; nCursor++; } } else { csOut.Format(_T("%s = \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)csStringID, (LPCTSTR)csStringContent); OutFile.WriteString(csOut); } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL MigDatabase::DumpMigDBInf( LPCTSTR lpszFilename ) { CString csSection; CString csOut; SdbArray<SdbArrayElement>* prgApp; INT i; MigApp* pApp; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; POSITION pos;
CStringArray rgShowInSimplifiedView;
// clear out help array
CANSITextFile OutFile( lpszFilename, m_pAppHelpDatabase->m_pCurrentMakefile->GetLangMap(m_pAppHelpDatabase->m_pCurrentOutputFile->m_csLangID)->m_dwCodePage, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::shareDenyWrite);
// traverse sections...
pos = m_mapSections.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { m_mapSections.GetNextAssoc(pos, csSection, (LPVOID&)prgApp); csOut.Format(_T("[%s]\n"), (LPCTSTR)csSection); OutFile.WriteString(csOut);
for (i = 0; i < prgApp->GetSize(); ++i) { pApp = (MigApp*)prgApp->GetAt(i); csOut.Format(_T("%s\n"), pApp->dump());
if (pApp->m_bShowInSimplifiedView) { rgShowInSimplifiedView.Add(csOut); }
OutFile.WriteString(csOut); }
csOut.Format(_T("\n")); OutFile.WriteString(csOut); }
// Dump ShowInSimplifiedView section
OutFile.WriteString(_T("[ShowInSimplifiedView]\n")); for (i = 0; i < rgShowInSimplifiedView.GetSize(); i++) { OutFile.WriteString(rgShowInSimplifiedView[i]); }
for (i = 0; i < m_rgOut.GetSize(); ++i) { OutFile.WriteString(m_rgOut.GetAt(i)); }
bSuccess = TRUE;
return bSuccess; }
MigSection& MigSection::operator=(SdbMatchOperation& rMatchOp) { MigEntry* pEntry; MigSection* pSection; int i;
if (rMatchOp.m_Type == SDB_MATCH_ALL) { m_Operation = MIGOP_AND; } else if (rMatchOp.m_Type == SDB_MATCH_ANY) { m_Operation = MIGOP_OR; } else { MigThrowException(_T("Bad matching operation\n")); }
// now translate the content
for (i = 0; i < rMatchOp.m_rgMatchingFiles.GetSize(); ++i) { SdbMatchingFile* pMatchingFile = (SdbMatchingFile*)rMatchOp.m_rgMatchingFiles.GetAt(i);
pEntry = new MigEntry(m_pMigDB); if (pEntry == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
*pEntry = *pMatchingFile;
// add the entry in
m_rgEntries.Add(pEntry, m_pDB); }
for (i = 0; i < rMatchOp.m_rgSubMatchOps.GetSize(); ++i) { SdbMatchOperation* pMatchOp = (SdbMatchOperation*)rMatchOp.m_rgSubMatchOps.GetAt(i);
pSection = new MigSection(m_pMigDB);
if (pSection == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
// format section's name
pSection->m_csName.Format(_T("%s_%lx"), (LPCTSTR)m_csName, i);
*pSection = *pMatchOp;
// patch the name of the section
m_rgEntries.Add(pSection, m_pDB); }
return *this; }
// Conversion code
MigApp& MigApp::operator=( SdbWin9xMigration& rMig ) { INT i; SdbMatchingFile* pMatchingFile; MigEntry* pMigEntry; CString csSectionName; CString csID; BOOL bSuccess; CString csName;
if (rMig.m_pApp == NULL) { MigThrowException(_T("Internal Compiler Error: Migration object should contain reference to the application")); }
// name please
csName = m_pMigDB->GetAppTitle(&rMig);
m_csName = csName;
// step one -- translate the general stuff
// we will probably need
m_pSection = new MigSection(m_pMigDB); //
if (m_pSection == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
// our matching method is always AND (meaning all the files have to be present to produce a match
// it is set when constructing the section object
// m_csSection -- set here the section where this exe will go
// should the function below fail -- it will throw an exception
m_csSection = rMig.m_csSection; // copy the section over
// check whether we will have description
m_csDescription = m_pMigDB->FormatDescriptionStringID(&rMig);
// Set the section's level
m_pSection->m_bTopLevel = TRUE;
// the name of the section is the name of the app
m_pSection->m_csName = csName;
m_bShowInSimplifiedView = rMig.m_bShowInSimplifiedView;
// on to the assignment operation
*m_pSection = rMig.m_MatchOp; // simple assignment
return *this; }
MigEntry& MigEntry::operator=( SdbMatchingFile& rMatchingFile ) { INT i; MigAttribute* pAttr;
// this name may be '*' denoting the main exe -- in this case the name will be corrected
// on the upper level, after this assignment operation completes
m_csName = rMatchingFile.m_csName;
// inherit the database ptr
m_pDB = rMatchingFile.m_pDB;
// roll through the attributes now
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_rgMigDBAttributes)/sizeof(g_rgMigDBAttributes[0]); ++i) { if (!g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].XMLAttrType) { continue; }
// now check whether this attribute is present in matching file
if (!(rMatchingFile.m_dwMask & g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].XMLAttrType)) { // attribute not present, keep on
continue; }
// this attribute is present, encode it
pAttr = new MigAttribute(m_pMigDB); if (pAttr == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
pAttr->m_type = g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].MigAttrType; pAttr->m_csName = g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].szOutputName ? g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].szOutputName : g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].szAttributeName;
switch(g_rgMigDBAttributes[i].XMLAttrType) { case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_SIZE: pAttr->m_dwValue = rMatchingFile.m_dwSize; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_CHECKSUM: pAttr->m_dwValue = rMatchingFile.m_dwChecksum; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_COMPANY_NAME: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csCompanyName; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_PRODUCT_NAME: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csProductName; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_PRODUCT_VERSION: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csProductVersion; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_FILE_DESCRIPTION: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csFileDescription; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_BIN_FILE_VERSION: pAttr->m_ullValue = rMatchingFile.m_ullBinFileVersion; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION: pAttr->m_ullValue = rMatchingFile.m_ullBinProductVersion; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_MODULE_TYPE: pAttr->m_dwValue = rMatchingFile.m_dwModuleType; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_VERFILEDATEHI: pAttr->m_dwValue = rMatchingFile.m_dwFileDateMS; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_VERFILEDATELO: pAttr->m_dwValue = rMatchingFile.m_dwFileDateLS; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_VERFILEOS: pAttr->m_dwValue = rMatchingFile.m_dwFileOS; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_VERFILETYPE: pAttr->m_dwValue = rMatchingFile.m_dwFileType; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_PE_CHECKSUM: pAttr->m_ulValue = rMatchingFile.m_ulPECheckSum; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_FILE_VERSION: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csFileVersion; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_ORIGINAL_FILENAME: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csOriginalFileName; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_INTERNAL_NAME: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csInternalName; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_LEGAL_COPYRIGHT: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csLegalCopyright; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION: pAttr->m_ullValue = rMatchingFile.m_ullUpToBinProductVersion; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION: pAttr->m_ullValue = rMatchingFile.m_ullUpToBinFileVersion; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_16BIT_DESCRIPTION: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_cs16BitDescription; break;
case SDB_MATCHINGINFO_REGISTRY_ENTRY: pAttr->m_csValue = rMatchingFile.m_csRegistryEntry; break;
// there is no such attribute. it will simply be ignored
m_rgAttrs.Add(pAttr, NULL);
return *this; }
TCHAR g_szIncompatible[] = _T("Incompatible"); TCHAR g_szReinstall[] = _T("Reinstall");
CString MigDatabase::GetAppTitle( SdbWin9xMigration* pAppMig ) { // part one -- get the application's title
BOOL bSuccess; CString csID; CString csAppTitle; LPTSTR pBuffer = csID.GetBuffer(64); // a little more than you need for guid
if (pBuffer == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
bSuccess = StringFromGUID(pBuffer, &pAppMig->m_ID); csID.ReleaseBuffer(); if (!bSuccess) { MigThrowException(_T("Failed trying to convert GUID to string for entry \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)pAppMig->m_pApp->m_csName); }
// name of this particular exe (we don't care for it -- it won't be reflected anywhere)
csAppTitle.Format(_T("%s_%s"), (LPCTSTR)pAppMig->m_pApp->m_csName, (LPCTSTR)csID); csAppTitle.Remove(_T('{')); csAppTitle.Remove(_T('}'));
// weed out the rest of non-alnum characters
return csAppTitle;
CString MigDatabase::GetDescriptionStringID( SdbWin9xMigration* pAppMig ) { CString csDescriptionID;
// part one -- get the application's title
BOOL bSuccess; CString csID; CString csAppTitle;
if (pAppMig->m_csMessage.IsEmpty()) { return csID; // empty string
LPTSTR pBuffer = csID.GetBuffer(64); // a little more than you need for guid
if (pBuffer == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
bSuccess = StringFromGUID(pBuffer, &pAppMig->m_ID); csID.ReleaseBuffer(); if (!bSuccess) { MigThrowException(_T("Failed trying to convert GUID to string for entry \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)pAppMig->m_pApp->m_csName); }
// name of this particular exe (we don't care for it -- it won't be reflected anywhere)
csDescriptionID.Format(_T("__Message_%s_%s"), (LPCTSTR)pAppMig->m_csMessage, (LPCTSTR)csID); csDescriptionID.Remove(_T('{')); csDescriptionID.Remove(_T('}'));
// weed out the rest of non-alnum characters
return csDescriptionID;
CString MigDatabase::FormatDescriptionStringID( SdbWin9xMigration* pMigApp ) { CString csDescriptionID; CString csRet; CString csCompoundStringPart; CString csStringContent; long nCursor;
// get the string
// basis is the application's name
csDescriptionID = GetDescriptionStringID(pMigApp); if (csDescriptionID.IsEmpty()) { return csDescriptionID; }
csStringContent = GetDescriptionString(pMigApp);
if (csStringContent.GetLength() > MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH) { nCursor = 0; while (nCursor * MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH < csStringContent.GetLength()) { csCompoundStringPart.Format(_T("%%%s.%d%%"), csDescriptionID, nCursor + 1); csRet += csCompoundStringPart; nCursor++; } } else { csRet.Format(_T("%%%s%%"), csDescriptionID); }
// return id
return csRet;
CString MigDatabase::GetDescriptionString( SdbWin9xMigration* pMigApp ) { CString csDescription;
SdbMessage* pMessage; SdbDatabase* pMessageDB;
CString csDetails;
BOOL bSuccess;
// get apphelp database
pMessageDB = m_pMessageDatabase; if (pMessageDB == NULL) { MigThrowException(_T("Internal error: cannot produce description without apphelp database\n")); }
if (pMigApp->m_csMessage.IsEmpty()) { return csDescription; }
// lookup this app in the apphelp db
pMessage = (SdbMessage *)pMessageDB->m_rgMessages.LookupName(pMigApp->m_csMessage, pMessageDB->m_pCurrentMakefile->m_csLangID); if (pMessage == NULL) { MigThrowException(_T("Exe \"%s\" has bad apphelp reference object\n"), (LPCTSTR)pMigApp->m_csMessage); }
bSuccess = pMessageDB->ConstructMigrationMessage(pMigApp, pMessage, &csDetails); if (!bSuccess) { MigThrowException(_T("Failed to construct Migration message %s for \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)pMigApp->m_pApp->m_csName, pMigApp->m_csMessage); }
// 2. now that we have csDetails, flatten it
csDescription = FlattenString(csDetails);
return csDescription; }
BOOL MigDatabase::AddApp( MigApp* pApp ) { SdbArray<MigApp>* prgApp; CString csSection;
csSection = pApp->m_csSection;
if (m_mapSections.Lookup(csSection, (LPVOID&)prgApp)) { if (g_bStrict && NULL != prgApp->LookupName(pApp->m_csName)) {
// can't do that -- duplicate name
MigThrowException(_T("Duplicate application name found for app \"%s\"\n"), (LPCTSTR)pApp->m_csName); }
prgApp->Add(pApp, m_pFixDatabase, FALSE); } else { prgApp = new SdbArray<MigApp>; if (prgApp == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
prgApp->Add(pApp, m_pFixDatabase, FALSE); m_mapSections.SetAt(csSection, (LPVOID&)prgApp); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL MigDatabase::Populate( VOID ) { //
// roll through all the outer objects (exes and generate migdb objects)
int i, iMig; SdbExe* pExe; MigApp* pMigApp; SdbDatabase* pFixDatabase = m_pFixDatabase; SdbApp* pApp; SdbWin9xMigration* pMigration;
if (pFixDatabase == NULL) { MigThrowException(_T("Cannot produce migdb entries without fix db\n")); }
for (i = 0; i < pFixDatabase->m_rgApps.GetSize(); i++) { //
// for each app check whether it has migration info
pApp = (SdbApp*)pFixDatabase->m_rgApps.GetAt(i);
for (iMig = 0; iMig < pApp->m_rgWin9xMigEntries.GetSize(); ++iMig) { pMigration = (SdbWin9xMigration*)pApp->m_rgWin9xMigEntries.GetAt(iMig);
pMigApp = new MigApp(this); if (pMigApp == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
// we have a brand new migration object, assign it
*pMigApp = *pMigration;
// once that is done, pMigApp->m_csSection has the destination of it
// this function will throw an exception if an error occurs
return TRUE;
BOOL MigDatabase::PopulateStrings( VOID ) { SdbWin9xMigration* pMigration; SdbApp* pApp; CString csDescriptionID; CString csDescription; CString csAppTitleID; CString csAppTitle; CString csTemp; int i, iMig;
// get all the strings
for (i = 0; i < m_pAppHelpDatabase->m_rgApps.GetSize(); i++) { //
// for each app check whether it has migration info
pApp = (SdbApp*)m_pAppHelpDatabase->m_rgApps.GetAt(i);
for (iMig = 0; iMig < pApp->m_rgWin9xMigEntries.GetSize(); ++iMig) { pMigration = (SdbWin9xMigration*)pApp->m_rgWin9xMigEntries.GetAt(iMig);
// Set up title strings
csAppTitleID = GetAppTitle(pMigration); csAppTitle = pMigration->m_pApp->GetLocalizedAppName();
if (m_mapStringsOut.Lookup(csAppTitleID, csTemp)) { MigThrowException(_T("Duplicate String ID \"%s\" found for entry \"%s\"\n"), csAppTitleID, pMigration->m_pApp->m_csName); }
m_mapStringsOut.SetAt(csAppTitleID, csAppTitle);
csDescription = GetDescriptionString(pMigration); csDescriptionID = GetDescriptionStringID(pMigration);
if (csDescriptionID.IsEmpty()) { // we allow description to be empty
continue; }
if (m_mapStringsOut.Lookup(csDescriptionID, csTemp)) { MigThrowException(_T("Duplicate String ID \"%s\" found for entry \"%s\"\n"), csDescriptionID, pMigration->m_pApp->m_csName); }
m_mapStringsOut.SetAt(csDescriptionID, csDescription);
} }
return TRUE; }
// Top-level function
// if supplied: pAppHelpDatabase and pFixDatabase ->> migapp.inx is produced
// pAppHelpDatabase and pMessageDatabas ->> migapp.txt is produced
BOOL WriteMigDBFile( SdbDatabase* pFixDatabase, // may be NULL
SdbDatabase* pAppHelpDatabase, // always supplied
SdbDatabase* pMessageDatabase, // may be NULL
LPCTSTR lpszFileName // always supplied
) { MigDatabase* pMigDatabase = NULL; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
// construct migdatabase object and populate it
try {
// construct
pMigDatabase = new MigDatabase; if (pMigDatabase == NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
// init MigDatabase object
// [markder] Make them all the same so that
// we can process messages/fixes at the same
// time.
pMigDatabase->m_pFixDatabase = pAppHelpDatabase; pMigDatabase->m_pAppHelpDatabase = pAppHelpDatabase; pMigDatabase->m_pMessageDatabase = pAppHelpDatabase;
bSuccess = pMigDatabase->Populate(); if (!bSuccess) { throw new CMigDBException(_T("Unknown error populating MIGDB additions.")); }
bSuccess = pMigDatabase->PopulateStrings(); if (!bSuccess) { throw new CMigDBException(_T("Unknown error populating MIGDB additions.")); }
if (pFixDatabase != NULL) {
// produce migdb.inf
bSuccess = pMigDatabase->DumpMigDBInf(lpszFileName);
} else { // dumping the strings
bSuccess = pMigDatabase->DumpMigDBStrings(lpszFileName);
delete pMigDatabase;
// can only get here if we don't catch any exceptions
return bSuccess;
} catch(CMigDBException* pMigdbException) {
SDBERROR((LPCTSTR)pMigdbException->m_csError); pMigdbException->Delete();
} catch(CFileException* pFileException) { //
// a little more tricky
CString csError; int nSize = 1024; BOOL bError; bError = pFileException->GetErrorMessage(csError.GetBuffer(nSize), nSize); csError.ReleaseBuffer(); if (bError) { SDBERROR((LPCTSTR)csError); }
} catch(CMemoryException* pMemoryException) {
SDBERROR(_T("Memory Allocation Failure\n")); pMemoryException->Delete(); }
return FALSE;