Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Fix Shrinker library problem. This library is hacking some ntdll and kernel32 opcode with unreliable way to do it.
First, they try to search the matching opcode within 32 bytes from the hacked function (the function address retrieved from GetProcAddress and the opcode bytes retrieved via ReadProcessMemory). If they found it, then they replaced it with their opcode to redirect the call into their own routine.
Unfortunately, opcode in Whistler has changed. So, the result will be unpredictable. They could be ended up with unexpected behavior from misreplacement of opcode or the app decided to terminated itself since the matching opcode can't be found.
We fixed this by providing an exact matching opcode.
Addition: Shrinker also checks against ExitProcess for exact opcodes, these values have recently changed and no longer match against their hard coded values. We now provide matching opcodes for ExitProcess also. Notes:
Hooking ntdll!LdrAccessResource to emulate Win2K's version of it. Hooking Kernel32!ExitProcess to emulate Win2K's version of it.
11/17/2000 andyseti Created 04/30/2001 mnikkel Added ExitProcess 05/01/2001 mnikkel Corrected calls to ldraccessresource and exitprocess 02/20/2002 mnikkel Corrected exitprocess parameter to remove w4 warning
#include "precomp.h"
#include <nt.h>
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(Shrinker) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
__declspec(naked) NTSTATUS APIHOOK(LdrAccessResource)( IN PVOID /*DllHandle*/, IN const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY* /*ResourceDataEntry*/, OUT PVOID * /*Address*/ OPTIONAL, OUT PULONG /*Size*/ OPTIONAL) { _asm { push [esp+0x10] // shrinker lib needs these opcode signature (found in Win2K), -
push [esp+0x10] // but the actual LdrAccessResource doesn't have them
push [esp+0x10] push [esp+0x10]
call dword ptr [LdrAccessResource]
ret 0x10 // when exit, pop 16 bytes from stack.
} }
__declspec(naked) VOID APIHOOK(ExitProcess)( UINT /*uExitCode*/ ) { _asm { push ebp // shrinker is looking for these exact op codes in
mov ebp,esp // ExitProcess, but the routine has changed.
push 0xFFFFFFFF push 0x77e8f3b0
push [ebp+4] call dword ptr [ExitProcess]
pop ebp ret 4 } }
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