Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Delete the redirected copies in every user's directory.
02/12/2001 maonis
--*/ #ifndef _LUA_UTILS_H_
#define _LUA_UTILS_H_
// Preserve the last error of the original API call.
// Long file names need this prefix.
#define FILE_NAME_PREFIX L"\\\\?\\"
// length doesn't include the terminating NULL.
#define FILE_NAME_PREFIX_LEN (sizeof(FILE_NAME_PREFIX) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1)
// Dynamic array.
template <typename TYPE> class CLUAArray { public: CLUAArray(); ~CLUAArray();
bool IsEmpty() const; DWORD GetSize() const; DWORD GetAllocSize() const; VOID SetSize(DWORD iNewSize);
// Potentially growing the array
VOID SetAtGrow(DWORD iIndex, TYPE newElement); // return the index of the new element.
DWORD Add(TYPE newElement); DWORD Append(const CLUAArray& src); VOID RemoveAt(DWORD iIndex, DWORD nCount = 1); VOID Copy(const CLUAArray& src);
const TYPE& operator[](DWORD iIndex) const; TYPE& operator[](DWORD iIndex);
const TYPE& GetAt(DWORD iIndex) const; TYPE& GetAt(DWORD iIndex);
private: VOID DestructElements(TYPE* pElements, DWORD nCount); VOID ConstructElements(TYPE* pElements, DWORD nCount); VOID CopyElements(TYPE* pDest, const TYPE* pSrc, DWORD nCount);
TYPE* m_pData;
DWORD m_cElements; DWORD m_cMax; // the max allocated.
#include "utils.inl"
// If the file is already in the user's directory, we don't
// redirect or track it.
extern WCHAR g_wszUserProfile[MAX_PATH]; extern DWORD g_cUserProfile;
// The PrivateProfile APIs look into the windows directory if
// the filename doesn't contain a path.
extern WCHAR g_wszSystemRoot[MAX_PATH]; extern DWORD g_cSystemRoot;
BOOL IsUserDirectory(LPCWSTR pwszPath);
DWORD GetSystemRootDirW();
BOOL MakeFileNameForProfileAPIsW(LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPWSTR pwszFullPath);
// Unicode/ANSI conversion routines.
struct STRINGA2W { STRINGA2W(LPCSTR psz, BOOL fCopy = TRUE) { m_pwsz = NULL; m_fIsOutOfMemory = FALSE;
if (psz) { // I realize I am using strlen here but this would only allocate enough or more
// spaces than we need. And a STRINGA2W object only lives for a very short time.
UINT cLen = strlen(psz) + 1;
m_pwsz = new WCHAR [cLen]; if (m_pwsz) { if (fCopy) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, m_pwsz, cLen); } } else { m_fIsOutOfMemory = TRUE; } } }
~STRINGA2W() { delete [] m_pwsz; }
operator LPWSTR() const { return m_pwsz; }
BOOL m_fIsOutOfMemory;
LPWSTR m_pwsz; };
// If we need to allocate buffer for the ansi string.
inline LPSTR UnicodeToAnsi(LPCWSTR pwsz) { LPSTR psz = NULL;
if (pwsz) { // Taking DBCS into consideration.
UINT cLen = wcslen(pwsz) * 2 + 1;
psz = new CHAR [cLen];
if (psz) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwsz, -1, psz, cLen, 0, 0); } }
return psz; }
// If we need to allocate buffer for the unicode string.
inline LPWSTR AnsiToUnicode(LPCSTR psz) { LPWSTR pwsz = NULL;
if (psz) { UINT cLen = strlen(psz) + 1;
pwsz = new WCHAR [cLen];
if (pwsz) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pwsz, cLen); } }
return pwsz; }
// If we already have buffer allocated for the ansi string.
inline VOID UnicodeToAnsi(LPCWSTR pwsz, LPSTR psz) { if (pwsz && psz) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwsz, -1, psz, wcslen(pwsz) * 2 + 1, 0, 0); } }
// If we already have buffer allocated for the ansi string.
inline VOID AnsiToUnicode(LPCSTR psz, LPWSTR pwsz) { if (pwsz && psz) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pwsz, strlen(psz) + 1); } }
// File utilities.
inline VOID FindDataW2A(WIN32_FIND_DATAW* pfdw, WIN32_FIND_DATAA* pfda) { memcpy(pfda, pfdw, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAA) - (MAX_PATH + 14) * sizeof(CHAR)); UnicodeToAnsi(pfdw->cFileName, pfda->cFileName); UnicodeToAnsi(pfdw->cAlternateFileName, pfda->cAlternateFileName); }
inline BOOL IsErrorNotFound() { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); return (dwLastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || dwLastError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); }
// Each RITEM represents a file or a directory that the user wants to redirect.
struct RITEM { WCHAR wszName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cLen; BOOL fHasWC; // Does this item have wildcards in it?
BOOL fAllUser; // Should this item be redirected to the All User dir?
// Registry utilities.
// This is where we store all the redirected registry keys.
#define LUA_REG_REDIRECT_KEY L"Software\\Redirected"
#define LUA_REG_REDIRECT_KEY_LEN (sizeof("Software\\Redirected") / sizeof(CHAR) - 1)
#define LUA_SOFTWARE_CLASSES L"Software\\Classes"
#define LUA_SOFTWARE_CLASSES_LEN (sizeof("Software\\Classes") / sizeof(CHAR) - 1)
extern HKEY g_hkRedirectRoot; extern HKEY g_hkCurrentUserClasses;
LONG GetRegRedirectKeys();
BOOL IsPredefinedKey( IN HKEY hKey );
// Name matching utilities.
BOOL DoNamesMatch( IN LPCWSTR pwszNameL, IN LPCWSTR pwszName );
BOOL DoNamesMatchWC( IN LPCWSTR pwszNameWC, IN LPCWSTR pwszName );
BOOL DoesItemMatchRedirect( LPCWSTR pwszItem, const RITEM* pItem, BOOL fIsDirectory );
// Commandline utilities.
// We only deal with file/dir names so we don't need to consider anything that
// has invalid characters for filenames.
LPWSTR GetNextToken(LPWSTR pwsz);
VOID TrimTrailingSpaces(LPWSTR pwsz);
BOOL CreateDirectoryOnDemand( LPWSTR pwszDir );
LPWSTR ExpandItem( LPCWSTR pwszItem, DWORD* pcItemExpand, BOOL fEnsureTrailingSlash, BOOL fCreateDirectory, BOOL fAddPrefix );
DWORD GetItemsCount( LPCWSTR pwsz, WCHAR chDelimiter );
BOOL LuaShouldApplyShim();
// Cleanup utilities.
// Get the users on the local machine. So we can delete all the redirected stuff.
struct USER_HIVE_KEY { HKEY hkUser; HKEY hkUserClasses; };
BOOL GetUsersFS(REDIRECTED_USER_PATH** ppRedirectUserPaths, DWORD* pcUsers); VOID FreeUsersFS(REDIRECTED_USER_PATH* pRedirectUserPaths);
BOOL GetUsersReg(USER_HIVE_KEY** pphkUsers, DWORD* pcUsers); VOID FreeUsersReg(USER_HIVE_KEY* phkUsers, DWORD cUsers);
#endif // _LUA_UTILS_H_