Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This DLL fixes a problem with Internet Explorer's IE5DOM.EXE package. If the command line contains /n:v, the package will replace the 128-bit encryption modules that shipped with Win2K, which can cause serious harm - no one can log on to the machine.
This shim simply removes /n:v from the command line so that the package does not replace the encryption DLLs.
02/01/2000 jarbats Created
#include "precomp.h"
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(IE5DOMSetup) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
VOID StartSecondProcess(LPWSTR lpCommandLine) { PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo; LPWSTR FileName; LPWSTR CurrentDir; DWORD Size; Size=GetCurrentDirectoryW(0,NULL);
if(NULL == CurrentDir) { //it is better to fail now then go on and bomb the system
ExitProcess(0); }
if(NULL == FileName) { ExitProcess(0); }
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, FileName, MAX_PATH+2);
StartupInfo.cb=sizeof(STARTUPINFO); StartupInfo.lpReserved=NULL; StartupInfo.lpDesktop=NULL; StartupInfo.lpTitle=NULL; StartupInfo.dwFlags=0; StartupInfo.cbReserved2=0; StartupInfo.lpReserved2=NULL;
CreateProcessW( FileName, lpCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, CurrentDir, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo );
ExitProcess(0); }
VOID CheckCommandLine() { LPWSTR lpCommandLine,lpNewCommandLine; LPWSTR *lpArgV; LPWSTR lpSwitch={L"/n:v"}; BOOL b; INT nArgC=0; INT i, cch;
lpCommandLine=GetCommandLineW(); if(NULL == lpCommandLine) { //without arguments this exe is harmless
return; } cch = lstrlenW(lpCommandLine)+2;
lpNewCommandLine=(LPWSTR)ShimMalloc( cch*sizeof(WCHAR) );
if(NULL == lpNewCommandLine) { ExitProcess(0); }
lpArgV = _CommandLineToArgvW(lpCommandLine,&nArgC);
if(NULL == lpArgV) { //better to fail now
ExitProcess(0); } else { if( nArgC < 2) { //there isn't any chance for /n:v
ShimFree(lpNewCommandLine); GlobalFree(lpArgV); return; } } b = FALSE; for ( i=1; i<nArgC; i++ ) { if(lstrcmpiW(lpArgV[i],lpSwitch)) { StringCchCatW(lpNewCommandLine, cch, lpArgV[i]); } else { b = TRUE; } } if (TRUE == b) { StartSecondProcess(lpNewCommandLine); } //never gets here because startsecondprocess doesn't return
Handle DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH and DLL_PROCESS_DETACH in your notify function to do initialization and uninitialization.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you ONLY call NTDLL, KERNEL32 and MSVCRT APIs during DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH notification. No other DLLs are initialized at that point. If your shim cannot initialize properly, return FALSE and none of the APIs specified will be hooked. --*/
BOOL NOTIFY_FUNCTION( DWORD fdwReason) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { CheckCommandLine(); }
return TRUE; }
Register hooked functions