Copyright (c) 1989-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Various utility functions Author:
kinshu created July 2, 2001 Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "uxtheme.h" // needed for tab control theme support
extern "C" { BOOL ShimdbcExecute(LPCWSTR lpszCmdLine); }
//////////////////////// Extern variables /////////////////////////////////////
extern TAG g_Attributes[]; extern HANDLE g_arrhEventNotify[]; extern HANDLE g_hThreadWait; extern HKEY g_hKeyNotify[]; extern HWND g_hDlg; extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance; extern TCHAR g_szAppPath[MAX_PATH]; extern BOOL g_bDeletingEntryTree;
///////////////////////// Defines And Typedefs ////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////// Function Declarations //////////////////////////////
BOOL WriteXML( CSTRING& szFilename, CSTRINGLIST* pString );
///////////////////////// Global variables ////////////////////////////////////
// Process handle of the running exe. Set in InvokeExe
HANDLE g_hTestRunExec;
// The name of the program file that is to be executed
CSTRING g_strTestFile;
// Commandline for the program file that has to be executed
CSTRING g_strCommandLine;
INT_PTR CALLBACK TestRunWait( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
TestRunWait Desc: Handler for the Test Run Wait Dialog. This is the dialog that says "Waiting for Application to Finish" Params: Standard dialog handler parameters IN HWND hDlg IN UINT uMsg IN WPARAM wParam IN LPARAM lParam: 0 we do not want to show the wait dialog Return: Standard dialog handler return --*/ { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: if (lParam == 0) {
// We do not wish to show the wait dialog
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_USER_TESTRUN_NODIALOG, 0, 0); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_HIDE);
} else {
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetTimer(hWnd, 0, 50, NULL); }
return TRUE;
case WM_TIMER: { //
// Check if the app being test-run has terminated, if yes close the dialog
DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(g_hTestRunExec, 10);
if (dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { KillTimer(hWnd, 0); EndDialog(hWnd, 0); }
break; }
// Wait till the app being test run is running and then close the dialog
WaitForSingleObject(g_hTestRunExec, INFINITE); EndDialog(hWnd, 0); }
break; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL InvokeEXE( IN PCTSTR szEXE, IN PCTSTR szCommandLine, IN BOOL bWait, IN BOOL bDialog, IN BOOL bConsole, IN HWND hwndParent = NULL ) /*++
Desc: Creates the process and shows the wait dialog box
Params: IN PCTSTR szEXE: Name of the program that is being executed IN PCTSTR szCommandLine: Exe name and the command-line for the exe IN BOOL bWait: Should we wait till the app finishes? IN BOOL bDialog: Should we show the wait dialog? IN BOOL bConsole: If true, then we do not show any window IN HWND hwndParent (NULL): The parent of the wait window, if it is created If this is NULL, then we set the main app window as the parent
Return: TRUE: ShellExecuteEx was successful FALSE: Otherewise Notes: If bWait is FALSE, then this function will return immediately, otherwise it will return when the new process has terminated --*/ { BOOL bCreate; SHELLEXECUTEINFO shEx;
ZeroMemory(&shEx, sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO));
if (hwndParent == NULL) { hwndParent = g_hDlg; }
// We need to disable the main window. After CreateProcess() the wizard that was
// modal till now starts behaving like a modeless wizard. We do not want the user to change
// selections on the main dialog or start up some other wizard.
shEx.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); shEx.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; shEx.hwnd = hwndParent; shEx.lpVerb = TEXT("open"); shEx.lpFile = szEXE; shEx.lpParameters = szCommandLine; shEx.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
bCreate = ShellExecuteEx(&shEx); if (bCreate && bWait) { //
// We need to wait till the process has terminated
g_hTestRunExec = shEx.hProcess;
// If we have to show the wait dialog, bDialog should be TRUE
DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_WAIT), hwndParent, TestRunWait, (LPARAM)bDialog); //
// Now the app has terminated
if (shEx.hProcess) { CloseHandle(shEx.hProcess); } }
// Since the process has terminated let us now Enable the main window again
return bCreate ? TRUE : FALSE; }
BOOL InvokeCompiler( IN CSTRING& szInCommandLine ) /*++
Desc: Runs the database compiler: shimdbc. Shimdbc.dll is statically linked into CompatAdmin.exe
Params: IN CSTRING& szInCommandLine: Commandline to the compiler
Return: TRUE: The compiler was executed successfully FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { CSTRING szCommandLine = szInCommandLine; szCommandLine.Sprintf(TEXT("shimdbc.exe %s"), (LPCTSTR)szInCommandLine); if (!ShimdbcExecute(szCommandLine)) { MessageBox(NULL, CSTRING(IDS_COMPILER_ERROR), g_szAppName, MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK TestRunDlg( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
TestRunWait Desc: Dialog proc for the test run dialog box. This dialog box, takes the name of the program to execute and the commandlines Params: Standard dialog handler parameters IN HWND hDlg IN UINT uMsg IN WPARAM wParam IN LPARAM lParam: The PDBENTRY for then entry being test run Return: TRUE: Pressed OK FALSE: Pressed Cancel --*/ { static CSTRING s_strExeName;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
if ((PDBENTRY)lParam) { s_strExeName = ((PDBENTRY)lParam)->strExeName; }
// Set the file name of the program. g_strTestFile is set in TestRun()
SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_EXE), g_strTestFile);
// Change the OK button status properly
SHAutoComplete(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_EXE), AUTOCOMPLETE);
// Limit the length of the exe path
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_EXE), EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)MAX_PATH - 1, (LPARAM)0);
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_EXE: { if (EN_CHANGE == HIWORD(wParam)) {
HWND hwndOkButton = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDOK); INT iLength = 0; TCHAR szExeName[MAX_PATH];
*szExeName = 0;
// Disable the OK button if we do not have the complete path
GetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_EXE, szExeName, ARRAYSIZE(szExeName)); iLength = CSTRING::Trim(szExeName);
if (iLength < 3) { //
// Cannot be a proper path
ENABLEWINDOW(hwndOkButton , FALSE); } else { //
// Ok button should be enabled if we have a
// Local path or network path
if (NotCompletePath(szExeName)) { ENABLEWINDOW(hwndOkButton, FALSE); } else { ENABLEWINDOW(hwndOkButton, TRUE); } } } }
case IDC_BROWSE: { HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus(); CSTRING szFilename; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");
GetString(IDS_EXEFILTER, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer));
if (GetFileName(hWnd, CSTRING(IDS_FINDEXECUTABLE), szBuffer, g_strTestFile, TEXT(""), OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, TRUE, szFilename)) {
g_strTestFile = szFilename;
SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_EXE), g_strTestFile); } SetFocus(hwndFocus); break; }
case IDOK: { TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];
*szBuffer = 0;
GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_EXE), szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer));
// Check if we are test running the correct file
if (s_strExeName != PathFindFileName(szBuffer)) { //
// User did not give the complete path of the program being fixed.
MessageBox(hWnd, GetString(IDS_DOESNOTMATCH), g_szAppName, MB_ICONWARNING); break; }
g_strTestFile = szBuffer;
*szBuffer = 0; GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COMMANDLINE), szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer));
g_strCommandLine = szBuffer;
EndDialog(hWnd, 1); break; } case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hWnd, 0); break; } }
return FALSE; }
void FlushCache( void ) /*++
Desc: Calls FlushCache from apphelp.dll to flush the shim cache. We should flush the cache before doing a test run
--*/ { PFN_SHIMFLUSHCACHE pShimFlushCache; TCHAR szLibPath[MAX_PATH * 2]; HMODULE hAppHelp = NULL; UINT uResult = 0; K_SIZE k_size = MAX_PATH;
*szLibPath = 0;
uResult = GetSystemDirectory(szLibPath, k_size);
if (uResult == 0 || uResult >= k_size) {
Dbg(dlError, "%s - Failed to Execute GetSystemDirectory. Result was %d", __FUNCTION__, uResult);
return; }
StringCchCat(szLibPath, ARRAYSIZE(szLibPath), TEXT("apphelp.dll"));
hAppHelp = LoadLibrary(szLibPath);
if (hAppHelp) { pShimFlushCache = (PFN_SHIMFLUSHCACHE)GetProcAddress(hAppHelp, "ShimFlushCache");
if (pShimFlushCache) { pShimFlushCache(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); }
FreeLibrary(hAppHelp); } }
BOOL TestRun( IN PDBENTRY pEntry, IN OUT CSTRING* pszFile, IN CSTRING* pszCommandLine, IN HWND hwndParent, IN CSTRINGLIST* pstrlXML //(NULL)
) /*++
Desc: Pops up the test run dialog that lets users to test run programs. This is interface for test running programs
Params: IN PDBENTRY pEntry: The entry that has to be test-run. We need this variable because we need to call GetXML which takes this as a param. If pszFile is NULL, then we get the name of the program file from pEntry->strExeName IN OUT CSTRING* pszFile: The file name of the program that has to be test-run IN CSTRING* pszCommandLine: The command line for the program that has to be test-run IN HWND hwndParent: The intended parent for the actual test-run dialog IN CSTRINGLIST* pstrlXML (NULL): LUA wizard likes to give the XML generated using LuapGenerateTrackXML
Return: TRUE: Success FALSE: There was some error or the user pressed CANCEL in the test run dialog Notes: pEntry will be NULL if we have to run an app from the disk search window, but we no longer allow that. --*/ { CSTRING strCommandLine, strFile, strSdbPath; CSTRINGLIST strlXMLTemp; TCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH * 2]; TCHAR szLogPath[MAX_PATH * 2]; HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus(); BOOL bResult = FALSE; UINT uResult = 0; g_strTestFile.Release(); g_strCommandLine.Release();
*szSystemDir = 0;
if (pszFile && pszFile->Length()) {
// Set the name of the program that has to be executed. This will be used by the test-run dialog
g_strTestFile = *pszFile;
} else { //
// We have not been given the complete path, so we should get the name of the exe
// from pEntry
if (pEntry == NULL) { goto End; } //
// Set the name of the program that has to be executed. This will be used by the test-run dialog
g_strTestFile = pEntry->strExeName; }
if (pszCommandLine && pszCommandLine->Length()) { //
// Set the name of the command line for the program that has to be executed.
// This will be used by the test-run dialog
g_strCommandLine = *pszCommandLine; }
// Show the test run dialog
if (0 == DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TESTRUN), hwndParent, TestRunDlg, (LPARAM)pEntry)) { //
// Cancel pressed
goto End; }
*szLogPath = 0;
uResult = GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szLogPath, MAX_PATH);
if (uResult == 0 || uResult >= MAX_PATH) { assert(FALSE); Dbg(dlError, "TestRun", "GetSystemWindowsDirectory failed"); bResult = FALSE; goto End; } //
// Set the SHIM_FILE_LOG env. variable so that we can show the shim log
StringCchCat(szLogPath, ARRAYSIZE(szLogPath), TEXT("AppPatch\\") SHIM_FILE_LOG_NAME);
// Delete previous log file if any
SetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("SHIM_FILE_LOG"), SHIM_FILE_LOG_NAME);
// If this is a system database, we do not need to create/install an sdb
// OR If we are calling this TestRun from the disk search window also then we do not
// need to get any xml If we are calling TestRun from the disk search window,
// then we will already have the complete path (but not the pointer to the entry)
// and in that case pEtnry can be NULL
if ((g_pPresentDataBase && g_pPresentDataBase->type == DATABASE_TYPE_GLOBAL) || pEntry == NULL) { //
// Flush the shim cache, so that we do not get the previous fixes. We are flushing it here
// because we are not installing the test database as the entry resides in the system database
if (!InvokeEXE((LPCTSTR)g_strTestFile, (LPCTSTR)g_strCommandLine, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, hwndParent)) { MessageBox(g_hDlg, CSTRING(IDS_ERROREXECUTE), g_szAppName, MB_ICONERROR);
bResult = FALSE; goto EXIT; }
// We are done, now eject...
return TRUE; }
if (pstrlXML == NULL) { //
// LUA wizard will provides its own XML, for other cases we must get that
BOOL bReturn = GetXML(pEntry, FALSE, &strlXMLTemp, g_pPresentDataBase); if (!bReturn) { assert(FALSE); return FALSE; }
pstrlXML = &strlXMLTemp; }
uResult = GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH);
if (uResult == 0 || uResult >= MAX_PATH) { assert(FALSE); goto End; }
// Write the XML into AppPatch\\Test.XML
strFile.Sprintf(TEXT("%sAppPatch\\Test.XML"), szSystemDir);
if (!WriteXML(strFile, pstrlXML)) {
MessageBox(g_hDlg, CSTRING(IDS_UNABLETOSAVETEMP), g_szAppName, MB_OK);
goto End; }
strCommandLine.Sprintf(TEXT("custom \"%sAppPatch\\Test.XML\" \"%sAppPatch\\Test.SDB\""), szSystemDir, szSystemDir); if (!InvokeCompiler(strCommandLine)) {
MessageBox(g_hDlg, CSTRING(IDS_ERRORCOMPILE), g_szAppName, MB_ICONERROR); goto End; } //
// No need to flush the shim cache, it is done when we install a database,
// sdbinst.exe does it for us.
// Note the space after AppPatch\\Test.SDB
strSdbPath.Sprintf(TEXT("%sAppPatch\\Test.SDB "),(LPCTSTR)szSystemDir);
// Install the test database
if (!InstallDatabase(strSdbPath, TEXT("-q"), FALSE)) {
MessageBox(g_hDlg, CSTRING(IDS_ERRORINSTALL), g_szAppName, MB_ICONERROR); goto EXIT; }
// Now execute the app to be test run
if (!InvokeEXE((LPCTSTR)g_strTestFile, (LPCTSTR)g_strCommandLine, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, hwndParent)) { MessageBox(g_hDlg, CSTRING(IDS_ERROREXECUTE), g_szAppName, MB_ICONERROR);
goto EXIT; } //
// Uninstall the test database
if (!InstallDatabase(strSdbPath, TEXT("-q -u"), FALSE)) { MessageBox(g_hDlg, CSTRING(IDS_ERRORUNINSTALL), g_szAppName, MB_ICONERROR); goto EXIT; }
bResult = TRUE;
strCommandLine.Sprintf(TEXT("%sAppPatch\\Test.XML"), szSystemDir); DeleteFile(strCommandLine);
strCommandLine.Sprintf(TEXT("%sAppPatch\\Test.SDB"), szSystemDir); DeleteFile(strCommandLine);
// If caller wants it, then return the app path that we executed. Caller might need it
// because he was not having the compete path
if (bResult && pszFile) { *pszFile = g_strTestFile; }
End: return bResult; }
VOID FormatVersion( IN ULONGLONG ullBinVer, OUT PTSTR pszText, IN INT chBuffSize ) /*++
Desc: Formats a LARGE_INTEGER into a.b.c.d format
Params: IN LARGE_INTEGER liBinVer: The LARGE_INTEGER to format OUT LPTSTR pszText: The buffer that will store the complete formatted string IN INT chBuffSize: The size of the buffer in characters
Return: void --*/ { WORD dwWord = 0; TCHAR szTemp[10];
if (chBuffSize < 16) { assert(FALSE); return; }
*szTemp = 0;
dwWord = WORD(ullBinVer >> 48);
StringCchPrintf(szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp), TEXT("%d"), dwWord); StringCchCat(pszText, chBuffSize, szTemp);
dwWord = (WORD)(ullBinVer >> 32);
if (dwWord == 0xFFFF) { return; } StringCchPrintf(szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp), TEXT(".%d"), dwWord); StringCchCat(pszText, chBuffSize, szTemp);
dwWord = (WORD)(ullBinVer >> 16);
if (dwWord == 0xFFFF) { return; }
StringCchPrintf(szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp), TEXT(".%d"), dwWord); StringCchCat(pszText, chBuffSize, szTemp);
dwWord = (WORD)(ullBinVer);
if (dwWord == 0xFFFF) { return; }
StringCchPrintf(szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp), TEXT(".%d"), dwWord); StringCchCat(pszText, chBuffSize, szTemp); }
BOOL InstallDatabase( IN CSTRING& strPath, IN PCTSTR szOptions, IN BOOL bShowDialog ) /*++
Desc: Installs or Uninstalls a database using sdbinst.exe. This guy lives in the system32 dir.
Params: IN CSTRING& strPath: The path of the database (.sdb) file IN PCTSTR szOptions: The options to be passed to sdbinst.exe IN BOOL bShowDialog: Should we show the dialog after the install/uninstall is over? We do not want to show that when we are doing a test run and we have to install the database
Return: TRUE: Success FALSE: There was some error --*/ { TCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH]; CSTRING strSdbInstCommandLine; CSTRING strSdbInstExe; UINT uResult = 0;
*szSystemDir = 0;
uResult = GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH);
if (uResult == 0 || uResult >= MAX_PATH) { assert(FALSE); return FALSE; }
strSdbInstExe.Sprintf(TEXT("%ssdbinst.exe"), szSystemDir);
strSdbInstCommandLine.Sprintf(TEXT("%s \"%s\" "), szOptions, strPath.pszString);
HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus();
// We do not want the installed database list and tree items to get refreshed
// when we are (un)installing
// a database because of Test Run. If user is actually (un)installing a database
// then we manually refresh the list in the handler for the corresonding WM_COMMAND
g_bUpdateInstalledRequired = FALSE; //
// Stall the thread that refreshes the installed databases list and tree items
while (SuspendThread(g_hThreadWait) == -1) { ; }
// Call sdbinst.exe
if (!InvokeEXE((LPCTSTR)strSdbInstExe, (LPCTSTR)strSdbInstCommandLine, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, g_hDlg)) {
bOk = FALSE;
} else {
// Show the Dialog only if quiet mode is off
if (bShowDialog) {
CSTRING strMessage;
if (_tcschr(szOptions, TEXT('u')) || _tcschr(szOptions, TEXT('g'))) { //
// Uninstalling database
strMessage.Sprintf(GetString(IDS_UINSTALL), g_pPresentDataBase->strName);
} else { //
// Installing database
strMessage.Sprintf(GetString(IDS_INSTALL), g_pPresentDataBase->strName); }
MessageBox(g_hDlg, strMessage.pszString, g_szAppName, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } }
// Listen for app compat regsitry changes
// Resume the thread that refreshes the installed databases list and tree items
return bOk; }
void CenterWindow( IN HWND hParent, IN HWND hWnd ) /*++
Desc: Centers a dialog wrt to its parent
Params: IN HWND hParent: The parent of the dialog to center IN HWND hWnd: The dialog to center
Return: void --*/ {
RECT rRect; RECT rParentRect; GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rRect); GetWindowRect(hParent, &rParentRect); //
// Compute actual width and height
rRect.right -= rRect.left; rRect.bottom -= rRect.top; rParentRect.right -= rParentRect.left; rParentRect.bottom -= rParentRect.top; int nX; int nY; //
// Resolve X, Y location required to center whole window.
nX = (rParentRect.right - rRect.right) / 2; nY = (rParentRect.bottom - rRect.bottom) / 2; //
// Move the window to the center location.
MoveWindow(hWnd, rRect.left + nX, rRect.top + nY, rRect.right, rRect.bottom, TRUE);
int CDECL MSGF( IN HWND hwndParent, IN PCTSTR pszCaption, IN UINT uType, IN PCTSTR pszFormat, ... ) /*++
MSGF Desc: Variable argument MessageBox
Params: IN HWND hwndParent: The parent for the message box IN PCTSTR pszCaption: The caption for the message box IN UINT uType: The messagebox type param IN PCTSTR pszFormat: The format string
Return: Whatever MessageBox() returns --*/ { TCHAR szBuffer[1024];
*szBuffer = 0;
va_list pArgList; va_start(pArgList, pszFormat);
StringCchVPrintf(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), pszFormat, pArgList);
return MessageBox(hwndParent, szBuffer, pszCaption, uType);
void EnableTabBackground( IN HWND hDlg ) /*++
Desc: Makes the back ground of a dialog blend with the tab background. Enables the texture
Params: IN HWND hDlg: The dialog box to whose back ground we want to change
Return: void --*/ { PFNEnableThemeDialogTexture pFnEnableThemeDialogTexture; HMODULE hUxTheme; TCHAR szThemeManager[MAX_PATH * 2]; UINT uResult = 0;
*szThemeManager = 0;
uResult = GetSystemDirectory(szThemeManager, MAX_PATH);
if (uResult == 0 || uResult >= MAX_PATH) { assert(FALSE); return; }
ADD_PATH_SEPARATOR(szThemeManager, ARRAYSIZE(szThemeManager));
StringCchCat(szThemeManager, ARRAYSIZE(szThemeManager), _T("uxtheme.dll")); hUxTheme = (HMODULE)LoadLibrary(szThemeManager);
if (hUxTheme) { pFnEnableThemeDialogTexture = (PFNEnableThemeDialogTexture) GetProcAddress(hUxTheme, "EnableThemeDialogTexture"); if (pFnEnableThemeDialogTexture) { pFnEnableThemeDialogTexture(hDlg, 4 /*ETDT_USETABTEXTURE*/); } FreeLibrary(hUxTheme); } }
int TagToIndex( IN TAG tag ) /*++
TagToIndex Desc: Gets the The index in the attribute info array (g_rgAttributeTags) Return: The index in the attribute info array (g_rgAttributeTags), if found. -1: Otherwise Note: --*/ { int i; int iAttrCount = (int)ATTRIBUTE_COUNT;
for (i = 0; i < iAttrCount; i++) { if (tag == g_Attributes[i]) { return i; } }
return -1; }
PTSTR GetString( IN UINT iResource, OUT PTSTR pszStr, //(NULL)
IN INT nLength //(0) bytes
) /*++
Desc: Wrapper for LoadString. If pszStr == NULL, then loads the resouce string in a static TCHAR[1024] and returns the pointer to that.
Params: IN UINT iResource: The string resource ID OUT PTSTR pszStr (NULL): The buffer in which we might need to read in the string resource IN INT nLength (0) bytes: If pszStr is not NULL then this will contain the size of the buffer in bytes. Return: The pointer to the string read. --*/ { static TCHAR s_szString[1024];
if (NULL == pszStr) {
*s_szString = 0; LoadString(g_hInstance, iResource, s_szString, ARRAYSIZE(s_szString)); return s_szString; }
*pszStr = 0; LoadString(g_hInstance, iResource, pszStr, nLength);
return pszStr; }
DWORD WIN_MSG( void ) /*++
Desc: Shows up the message for the last Windows error
{ LPVOID lpMsgBuf = NULL; DWORD returnVal;
(PTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
// Prefix :-(
if (lpMsgBuf) { MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); }
if (lpMsgBuf) { LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); lpMsgBuf = NULL; }
return returnVal;
} INT Atoi( IN PCTSTR pszStr, OUT BOOL* pbValid ) /*++
Desc: Converts a string into a integer.
Params: IN PCTSTR pszStr: The string to convert into a integer OUT BOOL* pbValid: Will be FALSE, if the string was not an integer e.g. "foo", otherwise this will be TRUE
Return: The integer representation of the string --*/ { BOOL bNegative = FALSE; INT result = 0, iIndex = 0;
if (pszStr == NULL) {
if (pbValid) { *pbValid = FALSE; }
return 0; } if (pbValid) { *pbValid = TRUE; }
while (isspace(*pszStr)) { pszStr++; }
if (*pszStr == TEXT('-')) { bNegative = TRUE; ++pszStr; }
while (isspace(*pszStr)) { pszStr++; }
while (*pszStr) {
if (*pszStr >= TEXT('0') && *pszStr <= TEXT('9')) { result = 10 * result + (*pszStr) - TEXT('0'); } else {
if (pbValid) { *pbValid = FALSE; }
return 0; }
++pszStr; }
if (bNegative) { return 0 - result; }
return result; }
BOOL NotCompletePath( IN PCTSTR pszFileName ) /*++
NotCompletePath Desc: Checks if we have the complete path or just the file name
Params: IN PCTSTR pszFileName: The file-name to check
Return: TRUE: pszFileName is not a complete path FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { if (!pszFileName) { assert(FALSE); return TRUE; }
if (lstrlen(pszFileName) < 3) { assert(FALSE); return FALSE; } if ((isalpha(pszFileName[0]) && pszFileName[1] == TEXT(':')) || (pszFileName[0] == TEXT('\\') && pszFileName[1] == TEXT('\\'))) {
return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
void TreeDeleteAll( IN HWND hwndTree ) /*++
Desc: Deletes all the items from this tree
Params: IN HWND hwndTree: The handle to the tree view
Return: void --*/ { SendMessage(hwndTree, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
if (hwndTree == g_hwndEntryTree) { g_bDeletingEntryTree = TRUE; }
if (hwndTree == g_hwndEntryTree) { g_bDeletingEntryTree = FALSE; }
SendMessage(hwndTree, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); SendMessage(hwndTree, WM_NCPAINT, 1, 0); }
BOOL FormatDate( IN PSYSTEMTIME pSysTime, OUT PTSTR pszDate, IN UINT cchDate ) /*++
FormatDate Desc: Formats a PSYSTEMTIME to a format that can be displayed. The format is the form of day , month date, year, hr:minutes:seconds AM/PM Params: IN PSYSTEMTIME pSysTime: The time that we want to format OUT PTSTR pszDate: The buffer that will hold the formatted string IN UINT cchDate: The size of the buffer in characters --*/ { TCHAR szDay[128], szMonth[128]; if (pSysTime == NULL || pszDate == NULL) {
assert(FALSE); return FALSE; }
*szDay = *pszDate = *szMonth = 0;
GetString(IDS_DAYS + pSysTime->wDayOfWeek, szDay, ARRAYSIZE(szDay)); GetString(IDS_MONTHS + pSysTime->wMonth - 1, szMonth, ARRAYSIZE(szMonth));
StringCchPrintf(pszDate, cchDate - 3, TEXT("%s, %s %02d, %02d, %02d:%02d:%02d "), szDay, szMonth, pSysTime->wDay, pSysTime->wYear, (pSysTime->wHour % 12) == 0 ? 12 : pSysTime->wHour % 12, pSysTime->wMinute, pSysTime->wSecond);
if (pSysTime->wHour >= 12) { StringCchCat(pszDate, cchDate, GetString(IDS_PM)); } else { StringCchCat(pszDate, cchDate, GetString(IDS_AM)); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetFileContents( IN PCTSTR pszFileName, OUT PWSTR* ppwszFileContents ) /*++
GetFileContents Desc: Given a file name, this function gets the contents in a unicode buffer. Params: IN PCTSTR pszFileName: The name of the file OUT PWSTR* ppwszFileContents: The buffer in which to store the contents
Return: TRUE: If we successfully copied the concents into a unicode buffer. FALSE: Otherwise. --*/ { BOOL bIsSuccess = FALSE; LPSTR pszFileContents = NULL; LPWSTR pwszFileContents = NULL;
if (ppwszFileContents) { *ppwszFileContents = 0; }
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(pszFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; }
DWORD cSize = 0;
// The file is small so we don't care about the high-order
// word of the file.
if ((cSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL)) == -1) { Dbg(dlError, "[GetFileContents] Opening file %S failed: %d", pszFileName, GetLastError()); goto EXIT; } else { DWORD cNumberOfBytesRead = 0; pszFileContents = new CHAR [cSize]; if (pszFileContents) { if (ReadFile(hFile, pszFileContents, cSize, &cNumberOfBytesRead, NULL)) { // Convert to unicode.
DWORD cSizeUnicode = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszFileContents, cNumberOfBytesRead, 0, 0);
pwszFileContents = new WCHAR [cSizeUnicode + 1];
if (pwszFileContents) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszFileContents, cNumberOfBytesRead, pwszFileContents, cSizeUnicode);
pwszFileContents[cSizeUnicode] = L'\0';
if (ppwszFileContents) { *ppwszFileContents = pwszFileContents; } else { Dbg(dlError, "[GetFileContents] ppwszFileContents is NULL"); } bIsSuccess = TRUE; } else { Dbg(dlError, "[GetFileContents] Error allocating memory");
goto EXIT; } } else { Dbg(dlError, "[GetFileContents] Error reading the file contents: %d", GetLastError());
goto EXIT; } } else { Dbg(dlError, "[GetFileContents] Error allocating memory");
goto EXIT; } }
CloseHandle(hFile); if (pszFileContents) { delete [] pszFileContents; }
if (bIsSuccess == FALSE) {
if (pwszFileContents) {
delete[] pwszFileContents; pwszFileContents = NULL;
if (ppwszFileContents) { *ppwszFileContents = NULL; } } }
return bIsSuccess; }
void TrimLeadingSpaces( IN OUT LPCWSTR& pwsz ) /*++
TrimLeadingSpaces Desc: Removes the leading tabs and spaces
Params: IN OUT LPCWSTR& pwsz: The string to be trimmed
Return: void --*/
{ if (pwsz) { pwsz += wcsspn(pwsz, L" \t"); } }
void TrimTrailingSpaces( IN OUT LPWSTR pwsz ) /*++
TrimTrailingSpaces Desc: Removes the trailing tabs and spaces
Params: IN OUT LPWSTR pwsz: The string to be trimmed
Return: void --*/ { if (pwsz) { DWORD cLen = wcslen(pwsz); LPWSTR pwszEnd = pwsz + cLen - 1;
while (pwszEnd >= pwsz && (*pwszEnd == L' ' || *pwszEnd == L'\t')) { --pwszEnd; }
*(++pwszEnd) = L'\0'; } }
LPWSTR GetNextLine( IN LPWSTR pwszBuffer ) /*++
GetNextLine Desc: Given a buffer, get the contents up until "\r\n" or EOF. Usage is the same as strtok.
Params: IN LPWSTR pwszBuffer: Buffer to get next line from.
Return: Pointer to beginning of next line. --*/ { static LPWSTR pwsz; LPWSTR pwszNextLineStart;
if (pwszBuffer) { pwsz = pwszNextLineStart = pwszBuffer; }
while (TRUE) { // If we are at the end of the line, go to the next line
// if there's any.
if (*pwsz == L'\r') { pwsz = pwsz + 2; continue; } if (*pwsz == L'\0') { return NULL; }
pwszNextLineStart = pwsz;
while (*pwsz != L'\r' && *pwsz != L'\0') { ++pwsz; } if (*pwsz) { // Set the end of the line.
*pwsz = L'\0'; pwsz = pwsz + 2; }
return pwszNextLineStart; }
return NULL; }
LPWSTR GetNextToken( IN OUT LPWSTR pwsz ) /*++
Desc: Parse the commandline argument for the LUA shims using ' ' as the delimiter. If a token has spaces, use double quotes around it. Use this function the same way you use strtok except you don't have to specify the delimiter.
Params: IN OUT LPWSTR pwsz: The string to parse.
Return Value: Pointer to the next token.
--*/ { static LPWSTR pwszToken; static LPWSTR pwszEndOfLastToken;
if (!pwsz) { pwsz = pwszEndOfLastToken; }
// Skip the white space.
while (*pwsz && *pwsz == ' ') { ++pwsz; }
pwszToken = pwsz;
BOOL fInsideQuotes = 0;
while (*pwsz) { switch(*pwsz) { case L'"': fInsideQuotes ^= 1;
if (fInsideQuotes) { ++pwszToken; }
case L' ': if (!fInsideQuotes) { goto EXIT; }
default: ++pwsz; } }
EXIT: if (*pwsz) { *pwsz = L'\0'; pwszEndOfLastToken = ++pwsz; } else { pwszEndOfLastToken = pwsz; } return pwszToken; }
int CALLBACK CompareItemsEx( IN LPARAM lParam1, IN LPARAM lParam2, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Desc: Used to sort items in the list view for a column
Params: IN LPARAM lParam1: Index of the first item IN LPARAM lParam2: Index of the second item IN LPARAM lParam: ListView_SortItemEx's lParamSort parameter. This is a COLSORT*
Return: Return a negative value if the first item should precede the second, a positive value if the first item should follow the second, or zero if the two items are equivalent. Notes: Our comparison is case-INsensitive. The COLSORT contains the handle of the list view, the index of the column for which we are doing the sort and a bit array. The bit arrays helps us to determine, which columns are sorted in which way and this function should reverse the sort order. Initially we will assume that the cols are sorted in ascending order (they might not be actually) and when we click on the column for the first time, we will sort them in descending order. --*/ { COLSORT* pColSort = (COLSORT*)lParam; TCHAR szBufferOne[512], szBufferTwo[512]; LVITEM lvi; HWND hwndList = pColSort->hwndList; CSTRING strExeNameOne, strExeNameTwo; INT nVal = 0;
*szBufferOne = *szBufferTwo = 0;
ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(lvi));
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvi.iItem = (INT)lParam1; lvi.iSubItem = pColSort->iCol; lvi.pszText = szBufferOne; lvi.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szBufferOne);
if (!ListView_GetItem(hwndList, &lvi)) {
assert(FALSE); return -1; } lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvi.iItem = (INT)lParam2; lvi.iSubItem = pColSort->iCol; lvi.pszText = szBufferTwo; lvi.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szBufferTwo);
if (!ListView_GetItem(hwndList, &lvi)) {
assert(FALSE); return -1; }
nVal = lstrcmpi(szBufferOne, szBufferTwo);
if (nVal == 0) { return 0; }
if ((pColSort->lSortColMask & (1L << pColSort->iCol)) == 0) { // This is in ascending order right now, sort in descending order
nVal == -1 ? nVal = 1 : nVal = -1; }
return nVal; }
BOOL SaveListViewToFile( IN HWND hwndList, IN INT iCols, IN PCTSTR pszFile, IN PCTSTR pszHeader ) /*++
SaveListViewToFile Desc: Saves the contents of list view to a file in tab separated form. Also prints the header before writing the contents Params: IN HWND hwndList: The handle to the list view IN INT iCols: Number of columns in the list view IN PCTSTR pszFile: The path of the file in which we want to save the contents IN PTSTR pszHeader: Any header to be written in the file before writing the contents Return: TRUE: Success FALSE: Error --*/ { FILE* fp = _tfopen(pszFile, TEXT("w")); TCHAR szBuffer[256]; LVCOLUMN lvCol; LVITEM lvi;
*szBuffer = 0;
if (fp == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (pszHeader) { fwprintf(fp, TEXT("%s\n\r"), pszHeader); }
// Print the column names first
ZeroMemory(&lvCol, sizeof(lvCol));
lvCol.mask = LVCF_TEXT; lvCol.pszText = szBuffer; lvCol.cchTextMax = sizeof(szBuffer)/sizeof(szBuffer[0]);
for (INT iIndex = 0; iIndex < iCols; ++iIndex) {
*szBuffer = 0; ListView_GetColumn(hwndList, iIndex, &lvCol); fwprintf(fp, TEXT("%s\t"), lvCol.pszText); }
fwprintf(fp, TEXT("\n\n"));
INT iRowCount = ListView_GetItemCount(hwndList);
ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(lvi));
for (INT iRowIndex = 0; iRowIndex < iRowCount; ++ iRowIndex) { for (INT iColIndex = 0; iColIndex < iCols; ++iColIndex) { *szBuffer = 0;
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvi.pszText = szBuffer; lvi.cchTextMax = sizeof(szBuffer)/sizeof(szBuffer[0]); lvi.iItem = iRowIndex; lvi.iSubItem = iColIndex;
if (!ListView_GetItem(hwndList, &lvi)) { assert(FALSE); }
fwprintf(fp, TEXT("%s\t"), szBuffer); }
fwprintf(fp, TEXT("\n")); } fclose(fp); return TRUE; }
BOOL ReplaceChar( IN OUT PTSTR pszString, IN TCHAR chCharToFind, IN TCHAR chReplaceBy ) /*++
ReplaceChar Desc: Replaces all occurences of chCharToFind in pszString by chReplaceBy
Params: IN OUT PTSTR pszString: The string in which the replace has to be made IN TCHAR chCharToFind: The char to look for IN TCHAR chReplaceBy: All occurences of chCharToFind will be replaced by this
Return: TRUE: At least one replacement was done. FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { BOOL bChanged = FALSE; // Did the string change?
while (*pszString) {
if (*pszString == chCharToFind) { *pszString = chReplaceBy; bChanged = TRUE; }
++pszString; }
return bChanged; }
INT Tokenize( IN PCTSTR szString, IN INT cchLength, IN PCTSTR szDelims, OUT CSTRINGLIST& strlTokens ) /*++
Tokenize Desc: Tokenizes the string szString based on delimiters szDelims and puts the individual tokens in strlTokens Params: IN PCTSTR szString: The string to tokenize IN INT cchLength: The length of szString. Note that this is the length obtained using lstrlen IN PCTSTR szDelims: The delimiter string OUT CSTRINGLIST& strlTokens: Will contain the tokens Return: The count of tokens produced Note: Please note that the tokens are always trimmed, so we cannot have a token that begins or ends with a tab or a space --*/ { TCHAR* pszCopyBeg = NULL; // Pointer to the pszCopy so that we can free it
TCHAR* pszCopy = NULL; // Will contain the copy of szString
TCHAR* pszEnd = NULL; // Pointer to end of token
INT iCount = 0; // Total tokens found
BOOL bNullFound = FALSE; CSTRING strTemp; K_SIZE k_pszCopy = (cchLength + 1);
pszCopy = new TCHAR[k_pszCopy];
if (pszCopy == NULL) { MEM_ERR; goto End; }
SafeCpyN(pszCopy, szString, k_pszCopy); pszCopyBeg = pszCopy;
// Search for tokens
while (TRUE) {
// Ignore leading delimiters
while (*pszCopy && _tcschr(szDelims, *pszCopy)) { pszCopy++; }
if (*pszCopy == NULL) { break; }
// Find the end of the token
pszEnd = pszCopy + _tcscspn(pszCopy, szDelims);
if (*pszEnd == 0) { //
// No more tokens will be found, we have found the last token
bNullFound = TRUE; }
*pszEnd = 0;
strTemp = pszCopy; strTemp.Trim();
if (bNullFound == FALSE) { //
// There might be still some tokens that we will get
pszCopy = pszEnd + 1; } else { break; } }
if (pszCopyBeg) { delete[] pszCopyBeg; pszCopyBeg = NULL; }
return iCount; }
void ShowInlineHelp( IN LPCTSTR pszInlineHelpHtmlFile ) /*++
ShowInlineHelp Desc: Shows in line help by loading the specified html file Params: IN LPCTSTR pszInlineHelpHtmlFile: The html file that contained the help Return: void --*/ { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH * 2], szDir[MAX_PATH], szDrive[MAX_PATH * 2]; INT iType = 0;
if (pszInlineHelpHtmlFile == NULL) { return; }
*szDir = *szDrive = 0;
_tsplitpath(g_szAppPath, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL);
StringCchPrintf(szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath), TEXT("%s%sCompatAdmin.chm::/%s"), szDrive, szDir, pszInlineHelpHtmlFile);
HtmlHelp(GetDesktopWindow(), szPath, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 0); }
PTSTR GetSpace( IN OUT PTSTR pszSpace, IN INT iSpaces, IN INT iBuffSize ) /*++
GetSpace Desc: Fills in pszSpace with iSpaces number of spaces Params: IN OUT PTSTR pszSpace: The buffer that will be filled with spaces IN INT iSpaces: The number of spaces to fill IN INT iBuffSize: Size of buffer in TCHARS Return: The modified buffer --*/ { if (pszSpace == NULL) { //
// Error..
goto End; }
// Fill the buffer with spaces
for (INT iLoop = 0; iLoop < min(iSpaces, iBuffSize - 1); ++iLoop) {
*(pszSpace + iLoop) = TEXT(' '); }
// Put the terminating NULL
*(pszSpace + min(iSpaces, iBuffSize - 1)) = 0;
End: return pszSpace;
BOOL ValidInput( IN PCTSTR pszStr ) /*++
ValidInput Desc: Checks if the input contains chars other than space, tab, new line and carriage return Params: IN PCTSTR pszStr: The input that we want to check for validity Return: TRUE: Valid input FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { BOOL bOk = FALSE;
if (pszStr == NULL) { bOk = FALSE; goto End; }
while (*pszStr) { if (*pszStr != TEXT(' ') && *pszStr != TEXT('\t') && *pszStr != TEXT('\n') && *pszStr != TEXT('\r')) { bOk = TRUE; goto End; }
++pszStr; }
End: return bOk; }