// //
// Module Name : LPK_GDI.c //
// //
// Entry points (formal interfaces) for GDI32 to call //
// and route their APIs, so that we can implement our language-specific //
// features. //
// //
// Created : Oct 24, 1996 //
// Author : Mohamed AbdEl Hamid [mhamid] //
// //
// Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //
#include "precomp.hxx"
//// FontHasWesternScript
// Detect if the current selected font in the hdc has Western script or not by using
// the cached data g_FontIDCache. and also add the selected font to the cache it it is
// not cached before.
// All calles used inside this function is Client-mode calls except if the font will be
// cached then calling GetGlyphIndices (Kernel-mode call) will take place.
// This function used in the optimization checking for ExtTextOut and GetTextExtent.
// entry hdc - Device context
// return value: TRUE if font has western script. FALSE otherwise.
BOOL FontHasWesternScript(HDC hdc) { REALIZATION_INFO ri; int i; WORD Glyphs[4]; BOOL fRet;
if (!GdiRealizationInfo(hdc, &ri)) { return FALSE; }
if (g_cCachedFontsID > 0) { for (i=0 ; i<g_cCachedFontsID ; i++) { if (ri.uFontFileID == g_FontIDCache[i].uFontFileID) { fRet = g_FontIDCache[i].bHasWestern; LeaveCriticalSection(&csFontIdCache); return (fRet); } } }
if ((GetGlyphIndicesW(hdc , L"dMr\"" , 4 , Glyphs , GGI_MARK_NONEXISTING_GLYPHS) == 4) && (Glyphs[0] != 0xFFFF && Glyphs[1] != 0xFFFF && Glyphs[2] != 0xFFFF && Glyphs[3] != 0xFFFF)) {
g_FontIDCache[g_pCurrentAvailablePos].bHasWestern = fRet = TRUE; } else { g_FontIDCache[g_pCurrentAvailablePos].bHasWestern = fRet = FALSE; } g_FontIDCache[g_pCurrentAvailablePos].uFontFileID = ri.uFontFileID ;
g_pCurrentAvailablePos++; if (g_pCurrentAvailablePos >= MAX_FONT_ID_CACHE) { g_pCurrentAvailablePos = 0; } if (g_cCachedFontsID < MAX_FONT_ID_CACHE) { g_cCachedFontsID++; } LeaveCriticalSection(&csFontIdCache); return (fRet); }
//// InternalTextOut
// Display text with possible font association
// entry hdc - Device context
// x,y - Starting coords (Unless TA_UPDATECP)
// uOptions - Flags (see below)
// prc - Pointer to clipping rectangle
// pString - Unicode string
// cbCount - String length in unicode characters
// pdx - Overriding logical dx array
// iCharset - Original ANSI iCharset, or -1 if unicode
// exit TRUE if string drawn OK
// options ETO_CLIPPED - Clip to clipping rectangle
// ETO_OPAQUE - Extend background colour to bounds of clipping rectangle
// ETO_RTLREADING - Render text with right to left reading order
// ETO_PDY - lpdx array contains DX,DY pairs - causes LPK to be bypassed
// note LpkExtTextOut also obeys options set by SetTextAlign:
// TA_LEFT - x,y is position of left edge of displayed glyphs
// TA_CENTRE - x,y is position at centre of diplayed glyphs
// TA_RIGHT - x,y is position at right edge of displayed glyphs
// TA_RTLREADING - Render text with right to left reading order
// TA_UPDATECP - Get x,y from current position, ignoring x,y parameters,
// update current position following textout.
// history Oct 22, 1996 -by- Samer Arafeh [samera]
// Oct 24, 1996 -by- Mohamed AbdEl Hamid [mhamid]
// Feb 18, 1887 dbrown - Support font association
///// InternalTextOut
BOOL InternalTextOut( HDC hdc, int x, int y, UINT uOptions, const RECT *prc, const WCHAR *pStr, UINT cbCount, const int *piDX, int iCharset, int *piWidth, int iRequiredWidth) {
BOOL fRTLreading; int iDigitSubstitute; int iTextAlign; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwObjType; DWORD dwSicFlags; // Flags for ScriptIsComplex
int iCurrentCharSet; STRING_ANALYSIS *psa;
if (!cbCount || !pStr) {
// Empty string - no glyph processing required. Optimise ...
return ExtTextOutW(hdc, x, y, uOptions|ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, prc, pStr, cbCount, piDX); }
// ETO_PDY is not relevant for complex script strings. Let GDI
// handle it. (APps wanting to adjust the y coordinate of glyphs in
// complex script strings should use Uniscribe and manipulate the
// pGoffset parameter to ScriptTextOut.
if (uOptions & ETO_PDY) { return ExtTextOutW(hdc, x, y, uOptions | ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE, prc, pStr, cbCount, piDX); }
// Establish Bidi reading order.
// Note, it is possible for us to be passed an hdc that does not
// support GetTextAlign, in which case GetTextAlign will return -1.
// Treat this as left to right reading order.
fRTLreading = ((uOptions & ETO_RTLREADING) || (((iTextAlign = GetTextAlign(hdc)) & TA_RTLREADING) && (iTextAlign != -1))) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Interpret ETO_NUMERICS* flags:
// If both bits are set, the digit substitute = context. This is a win95
// compatability issue and is used mainly by Access.
// Check for plain text that can bypass the LPK entirely
dwSicFlags = SIC_COMPLEX;
if ( iDigitSubstitute == SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_CONTEXT || iDigitSubstitute == SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_TRADITIONAL || g_DigitSubstitute.DigitSubstitute != SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NONE) { dwSicFlags |= SIC_ASCIIDIGIT; }
if (fRTLreading != !!(GetLayout(hdc) & LAYOUT_RTL)) { dwSicFlags |= SIC_NEUTRAL; }
if (( ScriptIsComplex(pStr,cbCount,dwSicFlags) == S_FALSE && FontHasWesternScript(hdc)) || GetTextCharacterExtra(hdc) != 0) { // No complex script processing required
return ExtTextOutW(hdc, x, y, uOptions | ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE, prc, pStr, cbCount, piDX); }
dwObjType = GetObjectType(hdc);
// Analyse the string
hr = LpkStringAnalyse( hdc, pStr, cbCount, 0, -1, SSA_GLYPHS | (dwObjType == OBJ_METADC || dwObjType == OBJ_ENHMETADC ? SSA_DONTGLYPH : 0) | (iCharset==-1 || GdiIsPlayMetafileDC(hdc) ? SSA_FALLBACK : SSA_LPKANSIFALLBACK) | (fRTLreading ? SSA_RTL : 0), iDigitSubstitute, iRequiredWidth, NULL, NULL, piDX, NULL, NULL, &psa); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERTHR(hr, ("InternalTextOut - LpkStringAnalyse")); return FALSE; }
// Return string width if required (for DrawText)
if (piWidth) { *piWidth = psa->size.cx; }
hr = ScriptStringOut(psa, x, y, uOptions, prc, 0, 0, FALSE);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return TRUE; } else { ASSERTHR(hr, ("InternalTextOut - ScriptStringOut")); return FALSE; } }
BOOL LpkExtTextOut( HDC hdc, int x, int y, UINT uOptions, CONST RECT *prc, PCWSTR pStr, UINT cbCount, CONST INT *pDx, int iCharset) {
return InternalTextOut(hdc, x, y, uOptions, prc, pStr, cbCount, pDx, iCharset, NULL, -1); }
// GDI32 GetTextExtentExPoint will call this function for supporting //
// Multilingual Text handling. //
// //
// LpkGetTextExtentExPoint( HDC hdc, PWSTR pStr, int cchString, //
// int nMaxExtent, PINT pnFit, PINT pDx, PSIZE pSize, int iCharset) //
// //
// hDC Identifies the device context //
// pStr Points to string for which extents are to be retrieved. //
// cchString Count of characters in input string //
// nMaxExtent Specifies the maximum allowable width, in logical units, //
// of the formatted string. //
// pnFit Maximum characters that fit in the formatted string //
// When the pnFit parameter is NULL, the nMaxExtent parameter //
// is ignored. //
// //
// pDx address of array for partial string widths //
// pSize Address for string dimension //
// fl ???? //
// iCharset Indicates character set of codes. to optimizing the work. ??//
// //
// Return //
// If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. //
// If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. //
// And we seted the error by call SetLastError. //
// To get extended error information, call GetLastError. //
// //
// History //
// Oct 22, 1996 -by- Samer Arafeh [samera] //
// Oct 25, 1996 -by- MOhammed Abdul Hammed [mhamid] //
BOOL LpkGetTextExtentExPoint( HDC hdc, PCWSTR pStr, int cchString, int nMaxExtent, PINT pnFit, PINT pDx, PSIZE pSize, FLONG fl, int iCharset) { int iTextAlign; BOOL fRTLreading; int i; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwObjType; DWORD dwSicFlags; // Flags for ScriptIsComplex
// Check required parameters
if (!hdc || !pSize) {
ASSERTS(hdc, ("LpkGetTextExtentPoint - required parameter hdc is NULL")); ASSERTS(pSize, ("LpkGetTextExtentPoint - required parameter pSize is NULL")); return FALSE; }
//Do we have a string
if (!cchString || !pStr) { //no then go away
pSize->cx = 0; pSize->cy = 0; if (pnFit) { *pnFit = 0; } return TRUE; }
iTextAlign = GetTextAlign(hdc); fRTLreading = (iTextAlign & TA_RTLREADING) && (iTextAlign != -1);
// Check for plain text that can bypass the LPK entirely
dwSicFlags = SIC_COMPLEX;
if (g_DigitSubstitute.DigitSubstitute != SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NONE) { dwSicFlags |= SIC_ASCIIDIGIT; }
if (fRTLreading != !!(GetLayout(hdc) & LAYOUT_RTL)) { dwSicFlags |= SIC_NEUTRAL; }
if (( ScriptIsComplex(pStr, cchString, dwSicFlags) == S_FALSE && FontHasWesternScript(hdc)) || GetTextCharacterExtra(hdc) != 0) { // No complex script processing required
return GetTextExtentExPointWPri(hdc, pStr, cchString, nMaxExtent, pnFit, pDx, pSize); }
dwObjType = GetObjectType(hdc);
// Analyse the string
hr = LpkStringAnalyse( hdc, pStr, cchString, 0, -1, SSA_GLYPHS // if the DC is Meta-File DC, we should enable the FallBack because it is enabled for ETOA while playing any Meta-File.
| (iCharset==-1 || dwObjType == OBJ_METADC || dwObjType == OBJ_ENHMETADC ? SSA_FALLBACK : SSA_LPKANSIFALLBACK) | (fRTLreading ? SSA_RTL : 0) | (pnFit ? SSA_FULLMEASURE : 0), -1, nMaxExtent, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &psa); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERTHR(hr, ("LpkGetTextExtentExPoint - LpkStringAnalyse")); return FALSE; }
if (pDx) {
// if we have pnFit and psa->cOutChars>=cchString so we should fill lpDx.
if (!pnFit || psa->cOutChars>=cchString) { ScriptStringGetLogicalWidths(psa, pDx); }
// we need to update the width of last fit glyph.
if (pnFit && psa->cOutChars<cchString && psa->cOutChars>0) { hr = LpkStringAnalyse( hdc, pStr, psa->cOutChars, 0, -1, SSA_GLYPHS // if the DC is Meta-File DC, we should enable the FallBack because it is enabled for ETOA while playing any Meta-File.
| (iCharset==-1 || dwObjType == OBJ_METADC || dwObjType == OBJ_ENHMETADC ? SSA_FALLBACK : SSA_LPKANSIFALLBACK) | (fRTLreading ? SSA_RTL : 0), -1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &psaFit);
if (FAILED(hr)) { ScriptStringFree((void**)&psa); ASSERTHR(hr, ("LpkGetTextExtentExPoint - LpkStringAnalyse")); return FALSE; } ScriptStringGetLogicalWidths(psaFit, pDx); ScriptStringFree((void**)&psaFit); }
// Accumulate extents
for (i=1; i<(pnFit==NULL?cchString:psa->cOutChars); i++) { pDx[i] += pDx[i-1]; } }
if (pnFit) { *pnFit = psa->cOutChars; }
*pSize = psa->size;
return TRUE; }
//// GetCharacterPlacement support
//// GCPgenerateOutString
// Creates a reordered copy of the input string
void GCPgenerateOutString( STRING_ANALYSIS *psa, WCHAR *pwOutString) {
int i,j; int iItem; int iStart; int iLen; WCHAR *pwch;
// Copy items one by one in visual order
for (i=0; i<psa->cItems; i++) {
iItem = psa->piVisToLog[i]; iStart = psa->pItems[iItem].iCharPos; iLen = psa->pItems[iItem+1].iCharPos - iStart;
if (psa->pItems[iItem].a.fRTL) {
// Right to left item
pwch = psa->pwInChars + iStart + iLen - 1; for (j=0; j<iLen; j++) { *pwOutString++ = *pwch--; }
} else {
// Left to right item
memcpy(pwOutString, psa->pwInChars+iStart, sizeof(WCHAR) * iLen); pwOutString += iLen; } } }
//// GCPgenerateClass
// Creates an array of character classifications using
// GetCharacterPlacement legacy definitons
void GCPgenerateClass( STRING_ANALYSIS *psa, BYTE *pbClass) {
int iItem; int iStart; int iLen; int iClass; int iChar;
// Map LogClust entries item by item in logical order
for (iItem=0; iItem<psa->cItems; iItem++) {
iStart = psa->pItems[iItem].iCharPos; iLen = psa->pItems[iItem+1].iCharPos - iStart;
if (g_ppScriptProperties[psa->pItems[iItem].a.eScript]->fNumeric) {
if (psa->pItems[iItem].a.fLayoutRTL) { iClass = GCPCLASS_LOCALNUMBER; } else { iClass = GCPCLASS_LATINNUMBER; }
} else {
if (psa->pItems[iItem].a.fLayoutRTL) { iClass = GCPCLASS_ARABIC; // (Same constant as GCPCLASS_HEBREW)
} else { iClass = GCPCLASS_LATIN; } }
memset(pbClass, iClass, iLen); pbClass += iLen; } }
* GCPJustification * * Justifies text according to piJustify and returns proper pwgi and piDx * arrays. * * IMPORTANT : Caller should free (USPFREE(*ppwgi)) allocated buffer if * the fn succeeds (SUCCEEDED(hr)) and return code isn't S_FALSE. * S_FALSE means no justification is to be applied here since the piJustify and * piDx are either identical or the total width to justify for is less than the * min kashida width. * * All param are DWORD aligned. * * History : * * Mar 23, 1998 -by- Samer Arafeh [samera] * wrote it \**************************************************************************/ #define BlankPriority 10
HRESULT GCPJustification( WORD **ppwgi, // Out Output buffer width justified glyphs
int **ppiJustifyDx, // Out Newly generated piDx buffer
WORD *pwgi, // In Incoming GIs
const int *piAdvWidth, // In Advance wdiths
const SCRIPT_VISATTR *pVisAttr, // In Visual attributes
int *piJustify, // In Justification advanced widths
int cGlyphs, // In number of glyphs
int iKashidaWidth, // In Minimum width of kashida
int *pcJustifiedGlyphs, // Out Receives the total # of glyphs in output buf
DWORD dwgKashida, // In Kashida GI
DWORD dwgSpace) // In Space GI
{ DWORD dwSize; int iInsert=0L, iGlyph, iAmount, iJustDx; int cNewGlyphs = cGlyphs; WORD *pwNewGlyph; int *piNewAdvWidth; int cMaxGlyphs = *pcJustifiedGlyphs; int cNonArabicGlyph; int cNonBlank; int iDelta; HRESULT hr; INT iPartialKashida;
// Point to caller's data initially
*ppwgi = pwgi; *ppiJustifyDx = (INT *)piJustify; *pcJustifiedGlyphs = cGlyphs;
// If Kashida width is less than or equal 0, then justify with spaces only.
if(iKashidaWidth <= 0L) { iKashidaWidth = -1; }
// 1- Analyze input buffer to see how many kashida to insert, If Kashida is used.
if (iKashidaWidth != -1 ) { cNonArabicGlyph = 0; cNonBlank = 0; iDelta = 0;
for( iGlyph=cGlyphs-1 ; iGlyph >= 0L ; iGlyph-- ) { if( (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification == SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE) || (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification >= SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_NORMAL)) {
iAmount = piJustify[iGlyph]-piAdvWidth[iGlyph]; if (iAmount > 0 && cNewGlyphs < cMaxGlyphs){ iPartialKashida = iAmount % iKashidaWidth; iAmount /= iKashidaWidth; if (iPartialKashida > 0 && iAmount>0) { iAmount++; } if (cNewGlyphs + iAmount > cMaxGlyphs) { iAmount = (cMaxGlyphs - cNewGlyphs) * iKashidaWidth; cNewGlyphs = cMaxGlyphs; iDelta += piJustify[iGlyph] - piAdvWidth[iGlyph] - iAmount; piJustify[iGlyph] = piAdvWidth[iGlyph] + iAmount; } else { cNewGlyphs += iAmount; } } else { iDelta += iAmount; piJustify[iGlyph] = piAdvWidth[iGlyph]; } } else {
if( (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification == SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BLANK) || (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification == SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_BLANK)) { cNonBlank++; } else { cNonArabicGlyph++; } } }
if (iDelta > 0 && cNonArabicGlyph+cNonBlank>0) { // The Space has 10-times higher priority than Latin characters.
iAmount = iDelta / (cNonArabicGlyph + (cNonBlank * BlankPriority));
for( iGlyph=0 ; iGlyph < cGlyphs ; iGlyph++ ) { if( (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification != SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE) && (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification < SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_NORMAL)) {
if( (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification == SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BLANK) || (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification == SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_BLANK)) {
piJustify[iGlyph] += BlankPriority * iAmount; iDelta -= BlankPriority * iAmount; } else { piJustify[iGlyph] += iAmount; iDelta -= iAmount; } cNonArabicGlyph = iGlyph; }
} if (iDelta > 0) { piJustify[cNonArabicGlyph] += iDelta; } } }
// 2- Allocate for new glyphs and piDx
dwSize = (cNewGlyphs * (sizeof(INT)+sizeof(WORD))); hr = USPALLOCTEMP( dwSize , (void **)&pwNewGlyph ); if(FAILED(hr)) { ASSERTHR(hr, ("Not ennough memory for JustifiyArabicStringWithKashida()")); return hr; } piNewAdvWidth = (INT *)(pwNewGlyph+cNewGlyphs);
// 3- Begin inserting and formulating the justified buffer
int iJustReminder = 0;
for( iGlyph=cGlyphs-1, iInsert=cNewGlyphs-1; iGlyph >= 0L && iInsert>=0; iGlyph-- ) { iJustDx = (piJustify[iGlyph] - piAdvWidth[iGlyph]) + iJustReminder;
iJustReminder = 0;
if( iJustDx > 0) { if( (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification == SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE) || (pVisAttr[iGlyph].uJustification >= SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_NORMAL)) { //Arabic glyph then justify with kashida
if(( iJustDx >= iKashidaWidth ) && (iKashidaWidth != -1)) {
pwNewGlyph[iInsert] = pwgi[iGlyph]; piNewAdvWidth[iInsert] = piAdvWidth[iGlyph]; iInsert--;
while( (iJustDx >= iKashidaWidth) && (iInsert >= 0L) ) { pwNewGlyph[iInsert] = (WORD)dwgKashida; piNewAdvWidth[iInsert] = iKashidaWidth; iInsert--;
iJustDx -= iKashidaWidth; }
if(( iJustDx > 0L ) && (iInsert >= 0L)) { pwNewGlyph[iInsert] = (WORD)dwgKashida; piNewAdvWidth[iInsert] = iJustDx; iInsert--; iJustDx = 0L; } } else { pwNewGlyph[iInsert] = pwgi[iGlyph]; piNewAdvWidth[iInsert] = piAdvWidth[iGlyph]; iJustReminder = iJustDx; iInsert--; } } else { pwNewGlyph[iInsert] = pwgi[iGlyph]; piNewAdvWidth[iInsert] = piAdvWidth[iGlyph] + iJustDx; iInsert--; } } else { pwNewGlyph[iInsert] = pwgi[iGlyph]; piNewAdvWidth[iInsert] = piJustify[iGlyph]; iInsert--; } }
// In case there is a space glyph, it will be expanded in locatio rather
// than inserting kashida GIs
while( iInsert >= 0L ) { piNewAdvWidth[iInsert] = 0L; pwNewGlyph[iInsert] = (WORD)dwgSpace; iInsert--; }
// 4- Update results
*ppwgi = pwNewGlyph; *ppiJustifyDx = piNewAdvWidth; *pcJustifiedGlyphs = cNewGlyphs;
return S_OK; }
// GDI32 GetCharacterPlacement will call this function for //
// supporting Multilingual Text handling. //
// //
// LpkGetCharacterPlacement( HDC hdc, PWSTR pStr, int nCount, //
// int nMaxExtent, LPGCP_RESULTSW pResults, DWORD dwFlags, //
// int iCharset) //
// //
// hDC : Handle to device context //
// pStr : Input string //
// nCount : Count of characters in input string //
// nMaxExtent : Maximum width for formatting string //
// pResults : Pointer to GCP_RESULTS strucutre for output //
// dwFlags : GCP Processing Flags //
// iCharset : Origianl character set of pStr //
// //
// Return //
// If the function succeeds, the return value is Width an the Height //
// of the string //
// If the function fails, the return value is 0. //
// And we seted the error by call SetLastError. //
// To get extended error information, call GetLastError. //
// //
// History : //
// Oct 22, 1996 -by- Samer Arafeh [samera] //
// Oct 29, 1996 -by- MOhammed Abdul Hammed [mhamid] //
// Jan 13, 1997 -by- David C Brown (dbrown) //
// New justification widths buffer //
// ANALYSE field name changes //
DWORD LpkGetCharacterPlacement( HDC hdc, const WCHAR *pwcInChars, int cInChars, int nMaxExtent, GCP_RESULTSW *pResults, DWORD dwFlags, int iCharset) {
UINT uBufferOptions; int iDigitSubstitute, i, cMaxGlyphs; int *pLocalDX; DWORD dwRet = 0; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwSSAflags; SCRIPT_CONTROL scriptControl = {0}; // Analysis control
SCRIPT_STATE scriptState = {0}; // Initial state
TRACE(GDI, ("LpkGetCharacterPlacement begins"));
// 1-Check parameters //
// Check required parameters
ASSERTS(hdc, ("LpkGetCharacterPlacement - required parameter hdc is NULL"));
//GCP_MAXEXTENT and no nMaxExtent
if ((dwFlags & GCP_MAXEXTENT) && (nMaxExtent < 0)) { TRACEMSG(("LpkGetCharacterPlacement: Invalid parameter - GCP_MAXEXTENT and no nMaxExtent")); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
//GCP_CLASSIN set and no pClass
if ((dwFlags & GCP_CLASSIN) && !(pResults->lpClass)) { TRACEMSG(("LpkGetCharacterPlacement: Invalid parameter - GCP_CLASSIN set and no pClass")); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
// 2 - Interpret control flags //
default: iDigitSubstitute = -1; }
dwSSAflags = 0;
if (dwFlags & GCP_REORDER) { if (GetTextAlign(hdc) & TA_RTLREADING ? 1 : 0) { dwSSAflags |= SSA_RTL; } } else { scriptState.fOverrideDirection = TRUE; }
if (dwFlags & GCP_DISPLAYZWG) scriptState.fDisplayZWG = TRUE; if (!(dwFlags & GCP_LIGATE)) scriptState.fInhibitLigate = TRUE; if (dwFlags & GCP_SYMSWAPOFF) scriptState.fInhibitSymSwap = TRUE; if (dwFlags & GCP_NEUTRALOVERRIDE) scriptControl.fNeutralOverride = TRUE; if (dwFlags & GCP_NUMERICOVERRIDE) scriptControl.fNumericOverride = TRUE;
if (pResults->lpGlyphs) { scriptControl.fLinkStringBefore = pResults->lpGlyphs[0] & GCPGLYPH_LINKBEFORE ? TRUE : FALSE; scriptControl.fLinkStringAfter = pResults->lpGlyphs[0] & GCPGLYPH_LINKAFTER ? TRUE : FALSE; }
if (dwFlags & GCP_MAXEXTENT) { dwSSAflags |= SSA_CLIP; if (dwFlags & GCP_JUSTIFY) { dwSSAflags |= SSA_FIT; if (!(dwFlags & GCP_KASHIDA) || !(dwFlags & (GCP_GLYPHSHAPE | GCP_LIGATE))) { dwSSAflags |= SSA_NOKASHIDA; } } }
if (dwFlags & GCP_CLASSIN) { if (((const BYTE *)pResults->lpClass)[0] & (GCPCLASS_PREBOUNDLTR | GCPCLASS_PREBOUNDRTL)) { scriptControl.fInvertPreBoundDir = (((const BYTE *)pResults->lpClass)[0] & GCPCLASS_PREBOUNDRTL ? 1 : 0) ^ (dwSSAflags & SSA_RTL ? 1 : 0); }
if (((const BYTE *)pResults->lpClass)[0] & (GCPCLASS_POSTBOUNDLTR | GCPCLASS_POSTBOUNDRTL)) { scriptControl.fInvertPostBoundDir = (((const BYTE *)pResults->lpClass)[0] & GCPCLASS_POSTBOUNDRTL ? 1 : 0) ^ (dwSSAflags & SSA_RTL ? 1 : 0); } }
// 3-Call LPK_ANA to do Layout and Shaping //
if (dwFlags & GCP_CLASSIN) { hr = LpkStringAnalyse( hdc, pwcInChars, cInChars, pResults->nGlyphs, -1, dwSSAflags | SSA_GLYPHS | SSA_GCP, iDigitSubstitute, nMaxExtent, &scriptControl, &scriptState, NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)pResults->lpClass, &psa); } else { hr = LpkStringAnalyse( hdc, pwcInChars, cInChars, pResults->nGlyphs, -1, dwSSAflags | SSA_GLYPHS | SSA_GCP, iDigitSubstitute, nMaxExtent, &scriptControl, &scriptState, NULL, NULL, NULL, &psa); } if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERTHR(hr, ("LpkGetTextExtentExPoint - LpkStringAnalyse")); return FALSE; }
// If the user's suppled buffer isn't sufficient to hold the
// output, then let's truncate it.
if (pResults->nGlyphs < (UINT) psa->cOutGlyphs) { psa->cOutGlyphs = (UINT) pResults->nGlyphs; }
if (pResults->lpOutString) { GCPgenerateOutString(psa, pResults->lpOutString); }
if (pResults->lpOrder) { ScriptStringGetOrder(psa, pResults->lpOrder); }
if (pResults->lpClass) { GCPgenerateClass(psa, (PBYTE) pResults->lpClass); }
BOOL bGlyphsCopied = FALSE;
if (pResults->lpDx) { if (psa->piJustify && (dwFlags & GCP_JUSTIFY)) { sfp.cBytes = sizeof(SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES); hr = ScriptGetFontProperties(hdc, &psa->sc[0], &sfp); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!(dwFlags & GCP_KASHIDA) || !(dwFlags & (GCP_GLYPHSHAPE | GCP_LIGATE))) sfp.iKashidaWidth = -1; else { ASSERTS(sfp.wgKashida, ("LpkGetCharacterPlacement - ther is no Kashida glyph")); }
cMaxGlyphs = pResults->nGlyphs;
hr = GCPJustification( (WORD **)&pwLocalGlyphs, (int **)&pLocalDX, (WORD *)psa->pwGlyphs, (int *)psa->piAdvance, psa->pVisAttr, psa->piJustify, psa->cOutGlyphs, sfp.iKashidaWidth, &cMaxGlyphs, sfp.wgKashida, sfp.wgBlank); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { int iOffset = 0; if (cMaxGlyphs > (int)pResults->nGlyphs) { iOffset = cMaxGlyphs - pResults->nGlyphs; cMaxGlyphs = pResults->nGlyphs; }
psa->cOutGlyphs = cMaxGlyphs;
if (pResults->lpGlyphs) { memcpy (pResults->lpGlyphs, (LPVOID)(pwLocalGlyphs+iOffset), sizeof(WORD) * cMaxGlyphs); bGlyphsCopied = TRUE; }
psa->size.cx = 0; for (i=0; i<cMaxGlyphs; i++) { pResults->lpDx[i] = pLocalDX[i+iOffset]; psa->size.cx += pLocalDX[i+iOffset]; } USPFREE((LPVOID)pwLocalGlyphs); } }
} else { memcpy(pResults->lpDx, psa->piAdvance, sizeof(int) * psa->cOutGlyphs); } }
if (!bGlyphsCopied && pResults->lpGlyphs) { memcpy(pResults->lpGlyphs, psa->pwGlyphs, sizeof(WORD) * psa->cOutGlyphs); }
if (dwFlags & (GCP_GLYPHSHAPE | GCP_LIGATE)) pResults->nGlyphs = psa->cOutGlyphs; else pResults->nGlyphs = cInChars;
pResults->nMaxFit = psa->cOutChars;
// If there was justification we may have zero glyphs
if (!psa->cOutGlyphs) {
pResults->nGlyphs = 0;
// Weird Middle East Win95 compatability rules
if ( (dwFlags & GCP_MAXEXTENT) || !(dwFlags & GCP_GLYPHSHAPE) || !pResults->lpGlyphs) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0; } }
// 4-Generate lpCaretPos //
if (pResults->lpCaretPos) { char *pbClass = NULL; INT *piAdvance = pResults->lpDx ? pResults->lpDx : psa->piAdvance; UINT *puiOrder = NULL; INT *pCaretCalc; INT iWidth = 0; UINT j, uOrder;
hr = USPALLOC(sizeof(INT)*pResults->nGlyphs, (void **)&pCaretCalc);
if(FAILED(hr)) { ScriptStringFree((void**)&psa); return 0; }
// Allocate for pbClass if pResults->lpClass is NULL otherwise us it.
if (pResults->lpClass == NULL) { hr = USPALLOC(sizeof(char)*cInChars, (void **)&pbClass); if(FAILED(hr)) { USPFREE(pCaretCalc); ScriptStringFree((void**)&psa); return 0; } GCPgenerateClass(psa, (PBYTE) pbClass); } else { pbClass = pResults->lpClass; }
// Allocate for puiOrder if pResults->lpOrder is NULL otherwise us it.
if (pResults->lpOrder == NULL) { hr = USPALLOC(sizeof(UINT)*cInChars, (void **)&puiOrder); if(FAILED(hr)) { if (pResults->lpClass == NULL) { USPFREE(pbClass); } USPFREE(pCaretCalc); ScriptStringFree((void**)&psa); return 0; } ScriptStringGetOrder(psa, puiOrder); } else { puiOrder = pResults->lpOrder; }
// simple-minded loop used to generate glyph-offsets
// as the same code used in NT4/MET.
UINT caretPosCount = min(pResults->nGlyphs, (UINT)cInChars);
for( j=0 ; j<caretPosCount ; j++ ) { if (pbClass[j] == GCPCLASS_ARABIC) { iWidth += piAdvance[j]; pCaretCalc[j] = iWidth - 1; if (iWidth == 0) { pCaretCalc[j] = 0; } } else { pCaretCalc[j] = iWidth; iWidth += piAdvance[j]; } }
if (pResults->nGlyphs > (UINT)cInChars) { for( j=cInChars ; j<pResults->nGlyphs ; j++) { pCaretCalc[j] = iWidth; iWidth += piAdvance[j]; } }
// Convert to char-indexing. We need to take care if the
// user supplied in sufficient visual buffers
for( j=0 ; j<(UINT)cInChars ; j++ ) { uOrder = puiOrder[j]; if ((uOrder+1) > (UINT)psa->cOutGlyphs) { uOrder = 0; } pResults->lpCaretPos[j] = pCaretCalc[uOrder]; }
if (pResults->lpOrder == NULL) { USPFREE(puiOrder); } if (pResults->lpClass == NULL) { USPFREE(pbClass); } USPFREE(pCaretCalc); }
// 5 - Return width and height //
dwRet = (psa->size.cx & 0xffff) + (psa->size.cy << 16);
// 6 - Free allocated memory and exit //
return dwRet; }
* * BOOL LpkUseGDIWidthCache( HDC hDC , LPCSTR psz , int count , * LONG fl , BOOL fUnicode) * * Checks whether the LPK can use GDI cached widths for the ASCII (0<=x<=127) * by inspecting the following variables : * - System numeric shape setting * - DC Align state * - The selected font has Western script * - The string code points in range 0<=x<=127 with Ansi calls * * Returns TRUE if it is OK to use GDI width cache, otherwise FALSE * * History: * 28-Aug-1997 -by- Samer Arafeh [SamerA] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ BOOL LpkUseGDIWidthCache( HDC hDC , LPCSTR psz , int count , LONG fl , BOOL fUnicode) { BOOL bRet; int i; BYTE cTest; LPSTR pstr;
// Let's make sure that :
// 1- Text is LTR Reading
// 2- Digits shape setting is Arabic
// 3- if Unicode call, make sure the font has Western script
// if Ansi call check if all code points less than 0x80 and font has Wetern script.
bRet = (!!(fl & TA_RTLREADING) == !!(GetLayout(hDC) & LAYOUT_RTL)) && g_DigitSubstitute.DigitSubstitute == SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NONE;
TRACE( GDI, ("LpkUseGDIWidthCache: g_DigitSubstitute.DigitSubstitute=%x, bRet=%x", g_DigitSubstitute.DigitSubstitute, bRet));
if (bRet) {
// We don't need this check for Unicdoe calls because it is done in GDI.
if (!fUnicode) { cTest = 0; i = count; pstr = (LPSTR) psz;
unroll_here: switch(i) { default: cTest |= pstr[9]; case 9: cTest |= pstr[8]; case 8: cTest |= pstr[7]; case 7: cTest |= pstr[6]; case 6: cTest |= pstr[5]; case 5: cTest |= pstr[4]; case 4: cTest |= pstr[3]; case 3: cTest |= pstr[2]; case 2: cTest |= pstr[1]; case 1: cTest |= pstr[0]; }
if ((i > 10) && !(cTest & 0x80)) { i -= 10; pstr += 10; goto unroll_here; }
bRet = !(cTest & 0x80); }
return (bRet && FontHasWesternScript(hDC)); }
return bRet ; }