Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /******************************Module*Header*******************************\
  2. * Module Name: metarec.h
  3. *
  4. * Metafile recording functions.
  5. *
  6. * Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Microsoft Corporation
  7. \**************************************************************************/
  8. BOOL MF_GdiComment(HDC hdc, UINT nSize, CONST BYTE *lpData);
  9. BOOL MF_GdiCommentWindowsMetaFile(HDC hdc, UINT nSize, CONST BYTE *lpData);
  10. BOOL MF_GdiCommentBeginGroupEMF(HDC hdc, PENHMETAHEADER pemfHeader);
  11. BOOL MF_GdiCommentEndGroupEMF(HDC hdc);
  12. // SaveDC
  13. // BeginPath
  14. // EndPath
  15. // CloseFigure
  16. // FlattenPath
  17. // WidenPath
  18. // AbortPath
  19. BOOL MF_Record(HDC hdc,DWORD mrType);
  20. // FillPath
  21. // StrokeAndFillPath
  22. // StrokePath
  23. BOOL MF_BoundRecord(HDC hdc,DWORD mrType);
  24. // PolyBezier
  25. // Polygon
  26. // Polyline
  27. // PolyBezierTo
  28. // PolylineTo
  29. BOOL MF_Poly(HDC hdc, CONST POINT *pptl, DWORD cptl, DWORD mrType);
  30. // PolyPolygon
  31. // PolyPolyline
  32. BOOL MF_PolyPoly(HDC hdc, CONST POINT *pptl, CONST DWORD *pc, DWORD cPoly, DWORD mrType);
  33. BOOL MF_PolyDraw(HDC hdc, CONST POINT *pptl, CONST BYTE *pb, DWORD cptl);
  34. // SetMapperFlags
  35. // SetMapMode
  36. // SetBkMode
  37. // SetPolyFillMode
  38. // SetROP2
  39. // SetStretchBltMode
  40. // SetTextAlign
  41. // SetTextColor
  42. // SetBkColor
  43. // RestoreDC
  44. // SetArcDirection
  45. // SetMiterLimit
  46. BOOL MF_SetD(HDC hdc,DWORD d1,DWORD mrType);
  47. // OffsetWindowOrgEx
  48. // OffsetViewportOrgEx
  49. // SetWindowExtEx
  50. // SetWindowOrgEx
  51. // SetViewportExtEx
  52. // SetViewportOrgEx
  53. // SetBrushOrgEx
  54. // MoveToEx
  55. // LineTo
  56. BOOL MF_SetDD(HDC hdc,DWORD d1,DWORD d2,DWORD mrType);
  57. // ScaleViewportExtEx
  58. // ScaleWindowExtEx
  59. BOOL MF_SetDDDD(HDC hdc,DWORD d1,DWORD d2,DWORD d3,DWORD d4,DWORD mrType);
  60. BOOL MF_RestoreDC(HDC hdc,int iLevel);
  61. BOOL MF_SetViewportExtEx(HDC hdc,int x,int y);
  62. BOOL MF_SetViewportOrgEx(HDC hdc,int x,int y);
  63. BOOL MF_SetWindowExtEx(HDC hdc,int x,int y);
  64. BOOL MF_SetWindowOrgEx(HDC hdc,int x,int y);
  65. BOOL MF_OffsetViewportOrgEx(HDC hdc,int x,int y);
  66. BOOL MF_OffsetWindowOrgEx(HDC hdc,int x,int y);
  67. BOOL MF_SetBrushOrgEx(HDC hdc,int x,int y);
  68. // ExcludeClipRect
  69. // IntersectClipRect
  70. BOOL MF_AnyClipRect(HDC hdc,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,DWORD mrType);
  71. // SetMetaRgn
  72. BOOL MF_SetMetaRgn(HDC hdc);
  73. // SelectClipPath
  74. BOOL MF_SelectClipPath(HDC hdc,int iMode);
  75. // OffsetClipRgn
  76. BOOL MF_OffsetClipRgn(HDC hdc,int x1,int y1);
  77. // SetPixel
  78. // SetPixelV
  79. BOOL MF_SetPixelV(HDC hdc,int x,int y,COLORREF color);
  80. // CloseEnhMetaFile
  81. BOOL MF_EOF(HDC hdc, ULONG cEntries, PPALETTEENTRY pPalEntries);
  82. BOOL MF_SetWorldTransform(HDC hdc, CONST XFORM *pxform);
  83. BOOL MF_ModifyWorldTransform(HDC hdc, CONST XFORM *pxform, DWORD iMode);
  84. // SelectObject
  85. // SelectPalette
  86. BOOL MF_SelectAnyObject(HDC hdc,HANDLE h,DWORD mrType);
  87. BOOL MF_DeleteObject(HANDLE h);
  88. DWORD MF_InternalCreateObject(HDC hdc,HANDLE h);
  89. BOOL MF_AngleArc(HDC hdc,int x,int y,DWORD r,FLOAT eA,FLOAT eB);
  90. // SetArcDirection
  91. BOOL MF_ValidateArcDirection(HDC hdc);
  92. // Ellipse
  93. // Rectangle
  94. BOOL MF_EllipseRect(HDC hdc,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,DWORD mrType);
  95. BOOL MF_RoundRect(HDC hdc,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3);
  96. // Arc
  97. // ArcTo
  98. // Chord
  99. // Pie
  100. BOOL MF_ArcChordPie(HDC hdc,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3,int x4,int y4,DWORD mrType);
  101. BOOL MF_ResizePalette(HPALETTE hpal,UINT c);
  102. BOOL MF_RealizePalette(HPALETTE hpal);
  103. BOOL MF_SetPaletteEntries(HPALETTE hpal, UINT iStart, UINT cEntries, CONST PALETTEENTRY *pPalEntries);
  104. BOOL MF_ColorCorrectPalette(HDC hdc,HPALETTE hpal,ULONG FirstEntry,ULONG NumberOfEntries);
  105. // InvertRgn
  106. // PaintRgn
  107. BOOL MF_InvertPaintRgn(HDC hdc,HRGN hrgn,DWORD mrType);
  108. BOOL MF_FillRgn(HDC hdc,HRGN hrgn,HBRUSH hbrush);
  109. BOOL MF_FrameRgn(HDC hdc,HRGN hrgn,HBRUSH hbrush,int cx,int cy);
  110. // SelectClipRgn
  111. // ExtSelectClipRgn
  112. // SelectObject(hdc,hrgn)
  113. BOOL MF_ExtSelectClipRgn(HDC hdc,HRGN hrgn,int iMode);
  114. // BitBlt
  115. // PatBlt
  116. // StretchBlt
  117. // MaskBlt
  118. // PlgBlt
  119. BOOL MF_AnyBitBlt(HDC hdcDst,int xDst,int yDst,int cxDst,int cyDst,
  120. CONST POINT *pptDst, HDC hdcSrc,int xSrc,int ySrc,int cxSrc,int cySrc,
  121. HBITMAP hbmMask,int xMask,int yMask,DWORD rop,DWORD mrType);
  122. // SetDIBitsToDevice
  123. // StretchDIBits
  124. BOOL MF_AnyDIBits(HDC hdcDst,int xDst,int yDst,int cxDst,int cyDst,
  125. int xDib,int yDib,int cxDib,int cyDib,DWORD iStartScan,DWORD cScans,
  126. CONST VOID * pBitsDib, CONST BITMAPINFO *pBitsInfoDib,DWORD iUsageDib,DWORD rop,DWORD mrType);
  127. // TextOutA
  128. // TextOutW
  129. // ExtTextOutA
  130. // ExtTextOutW
  131. BOOL MF_ExtTextOut(HDC hdc,int x,int y,UINT fl,CONST RECT *prcl,LPCSTR psz,int c, CONST INT *pdx,DWORD mrType);
  132. // PolyTextOutA
  133. // PolyTextOutW
  134. BOOL MF_PolyTextOut(HDC hdc,CONST POLYTEXTA *ppta,int c,DWORD mrType);
  135. // ExtFloodFill
  136. // FloodFill
  137. BOOL MF_ExtFloodFill(HDC hdc,int x,int y,COLORREF color,DWORD iMode);
  138. // SetColorAdjustment
  139. BOOL MF_SetColorAdjustment(HDC hdc, CONST COLORADJUSTMENT *pca);
  140. // SetFontXform
  141. BOOL MF_SetFontXform(HDC hdc,FLOAT exScale,FLOAT eyScale);
  142. // EMF Spooling Stuff
  143. BOOL MF_StartDoc(HDC hdc, CONST DOCINFOW *pDocInfo );
  144. BOOL MF_EndPage(HDC hdc);
  145. BOOL MF_StartPage(HDC hdc);
  146. BOOL MF_WriteEscape(HDC hdc, int nEscape, int nCount, LPCSTR lpInData, int type );
  147. BOOL MF_ForceUFIMapping(HDC hdc, PUNIVERSAL_FONT_ID pufi );
  148. BOOL MF_SetLinkedUFIs(HDC hdc, PUNIVERSAL_FONT_ID pufi, UINT uNumLinkedUFIs );
  149. // SetPixelFormat
  150. BOOL MF_SetPixelFormat(HDC hdc,
  151. int iPixelFormat,
  153. BOOL MF_WriteNamedEscape(HDC hdc, LPWSTR pwszDriver, int nEscape, int nCount,
  154. LPCSTR lpInData);
  155. // SetICMProfile
  156. BOOL MF_SetICMProfile(HDC hdc,LPBYTE lpData,PVOID pColorSpace,DWORD dwRecord);
  157. // ColorMatchToTarget
  158. BOOL MF_ColorMatchToTarget(HDC hdc, DWORD uiAction, PVOID pColorSpace, DWORD dwRecord);
  159. // CreateColorSpace
  160. BOOL MF_InternalCreateColorSpace(HDC hdc,HGDIOBJ h,DWORD imhe);
  161. // Image APIs