* Module Name: pal.c * * * * C/S support for palette routines. * * * * Created: 29-May-1991 14:24:06 * * Author: Eric Kutter [erick] * * * * Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
* gajFakeHalftone * * Copy of the pal666 hardcoded halftone palette from Win9x source code * (win\core\gdi\palette.asm). Actually, we're hacking a little so * we'll only use the top and bottom 10 entries. * \**************************************************************************/
static const ULONG gaulFakeHalftone[] = { 0x00000000, // 0 Sys Black gray 0
0x00000080, // 1 Sys Dk Red
0x00008000, // 2 Sys Dk Green
0x00008080, // 3 Sys Dk Yellow
0x00800000, // 4 Sys Dk Blue
0x00800080, // 5 Sys Dk Violet
0x00808000, // 6 Sys Dk Cyan
0x00c0c0c0, // 7 Sys Lt Grey gray 192
0x00c0dcc0, // 8 Sys 8
0x00f0caa6, // 9 Sys 9 (the first 10 are fixed by Windows)
0x00f0fbff, // 246 Sys Reserved
0x00a4a0a0, // 247 Sys Reserved
0x00808080, // 248 Sys Lt Gray gray 128
0x000000ff, // 249 Sys Red
0x0000ff00, // 250 Sys Green
0x0000ffff, // 251 Sys Yellow
0x00ff0000, // 252 Sys Blue
0x00ff00ff, // 253 Sys Violet
0x00ffff00, // 254 Sys Cyan
0x00ffffff // 255 Sys White gray 255
* AnimatePalette * * SetPaletteEntries * * GetPaletteEntries * * GetSystemPaletteEntries * * SetDIBColorTable * * GetDIBColorTable * * * * These entry points just pass the call on to DoPalette. * * * * Warning: * * The pv field of a palette's LHE is used to determine if a palette * * has been modified since it was last realized. SetPaletteEntries * * and ResizePalette will increment this field after they have * * modified the palette. It is only updated for metafiled palettes * * * * * * History: * * Thu 20-Jun-1991 00:46:15 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Added handle translation. (And filled in the comment block.) * * * * 29-May-1991 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI AnimatePalette ( HPALETTE hpal, UINT iStart, UINT cEntries, CONST PALETTEENTRY *pPalEntries ) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hpal);
// Inform the 16-bit metafile if it knows this object.
// This is not recorded by the 32-bit metafiles.
if (pmetalink16Get(hpal)) if (!MF16_AnimatePalette(hpal, iStart, cEntries, pPalEntries)) return(FALSE);
return !!NtGdiDoPalette ( hpal, (WORD)iStart, (WORD)cEntries, (PALETTEENTRY*)pPalEntries, I_ANIMATEPALETTE, TRUE );
UINT WINAPI SetPaletteEntries ( HPALETTE hpal, UINT iStart, UINT cEntries, CONST PALETTEENTRY *pPalEntries ) { PMETALINK16 pml16;
// Inform the metafile if it knows this object.
if (pml16 = pmetalink16Get(hpal)) { if (!MF_SetPaletteEntries(hpal, iStart, cEntries, pPalEntries)) return(0);
// Mark the palette as changed (for 16-bit metafile tracking)
pml16->pv = (PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)pml16->pv)++); }
return NtGdiDoPalette ( hpal, (WORD)iStart, (WORD)cEntries, (PALETTEENTRY*)pPalEntries, I_SETPALETTEENTRIES, TRUE );
UINT WINAPI GetPaletteEntries ( HPALETTE hpal, UINT iStart, UINT cEntries, LPPALETTEENTRY pPalEntries ) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hpal);
return NtGdiDoPalette ( hpal, (WORD)iStart, (WORD)cEntries, pPalEntries, I_GETPALETTEENTRIES, FALSE );
UINT WINAPI GetSystemPaletteEntries ( HDC hdc, UINT iStart, UINT cEntries, LPPALETTEENTRY pPalEntries ) { LONG lRet = 0;
// There's an app out there that sometimes calls us with a -1
// and then whines that we overwrote some of its memory. Win9x clamps
// this value, so we can too.
if ((LONG)cEntries < 0) return (UINT) lRet;
// GreGetSystemPaletteEntries will only succeed on palettized devices.
if (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) { lRet = NtGdiDoPalette ( (HPALETTE) hdc, (WORD)iStart, (WORD)cEntries, pPalEntries, I_GETSYSTEMPALETTEENTRIES, FALSE ); } else { //
// Win9x compatibility: Unlike NT, GetSystemPaletteEntries does
// not fail on non-palettized devices, it returns the halftone
// palette (hardcoded in win\core\gdi\palette.asm in the
// Win9x source code).
// However, Macromedia Directory (which is used by Encarta 99)
// relies on GetSystemPaletteEntries failing on NT. Luckily, the
// only apps found so far that rely on GetSystemPaletteEntries
// returning the halftone palette on non-palettized devices
// also ignore the return value. This makes sense in that any
// app that *did* check the return value also would likely have
// code to handle the failure in the first place.
// So, attemp to satisfy both camps by filling in the return
// buffer *and* returning failure for this case.
if (pPalEntries != NULL) { ULONG aulFake[256]; UINT uiNumCopy;
// More cheating: to avoid having to have the whole fake
// halftone palette taking up space in our binary (even if
// it is const data), we can get away with just returning
// the first and last 10 since the apps that use this on
// non-palettized displays really just want the 20 system
// colors and will fill in the middle 236 with their own data.
// Also, it's less code to waste 40 bytes in const data than
// to fetch the default palette and split it into into the top
// and bottom halves (not to mention that we don't want the
// real magic colors in 8, 9, 246, and 247). This is also
// the same motivation for creating the aulFake array then
// copying it into the return buffer. Not worth the extra code
// to handle copying directly into return buffer.
RtlCopyMemory(&aulFake[0], &gaulFakeHalftone[0], 10*sizeof(ULONG)); RtlCopyMemory(&aulFake[246], &gaulFakeHalftone[10], 10*sizeof(ULONG)); RtlZeroMemory(&aulFake[10], 236*sizeof(ULONG));
// Copy requested portion of palette.
if (iStart < 256) { uiNumCopy = min((256 - iStart), cEntries); RtlCopyMemory(pPalEntries, &aulFake[iStart], uiNumCopy * sizeof(ULONG)); }
// Want to return failure, so *do not* set lRet to non-zero.
} }
return (UINT) lRet; }
* GetDIBColorTable * * Get the color table of the DIB section currently selected into the * given hdc. If the surface is not a DIB section, this function * will fail. * * History: * * 03-Sep-1993 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
UINT WINAPI GetDIBColorTable ( HDC hdc, UINT iStart, UINT cEntries, RGBQUAD *prgbq ) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc);
if (cEntries == 0) return(0);
return NtGdiDoPalette ( (HPALETTE) hdc, (WORD)iStart, (WORD)cEntries, (PALETTEENTRY *)prgbq, I_GETDIBCOLORTABLE, FALSE ); }
* SetDIBColorTable * * Set the color table of the DIB section currently selected into the * given hdc. If the surface is not a DIB section, this function * will fail. * * History: * * 03-Sep-1993 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
UINT WINAPI SetDIBColorTable ( HDC hdc, UINT iStart, UINT cEntries, CONST RGBQUAD *prgbq ) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc);
if (cEntries == 0) return(0);
return( NtGdiDoPalette( (HPALETTE) hdc, (WORD)iStart, (WORD)cEntries, (PALETTEENTRY *)prgbq, I_SETDIBCOLORTABLE, TRUE)); }