* Module Name: brushapi.cxx * * * * Contains all the various GDI versions of Brush creation. * * * * Created: 06-Nov-1990 14:46:03 * * Author: Walt Moore [waltm] * * * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "engline.hxx"
// Default wide-line style arrays:
ULONG gaulGeometricDot[] = { 1, 1 }; ULONG gaulGeometricDash[] = { 3, 1 }; ULONG gaulGeometricDashDot[] = { 3, 1, 1, 1 }; ULONG gaulGeometricDashDotDot[] = { 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
// Default cosmetic style arrays (must all sum to 8):
LONG_FLOAT galeCosmeticDot[] = { {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1} }; LONG_FLOAT galeCosmeticDash[] = { {6}, {2} }; LONG_FLOAT galeCosmeticDashDot[] = { {3}, {2}, {1}, {2} }; LONG_FLOAT galeCosmeticDashDotDot[] = { {3}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1}, {1} };
* hCreateSolidBrushInternal(clrr, bPen) * * Creates a solid brush. Whether or not the brush is solid or dithered * will depend on what mode the DC is in at realization time. * \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH hCreateSolidBrushInternal( COLORREF clrr, BOOL bPen, HBRUSH hbr, BOOL bSharedMem) { HBRUSH hbrReturn = NULL;
if (hbr) { //
// If an already created brush is passed, just try to set it.
if (GreSetSolidBrushInternal(hbr,clrr,bPen,FALSE)) { hbrReturn = hbr; } } else { BRUSHMEMOBJ brmo(clrr, HS_DITHEREDCLR, bPen, bSharedMem);
if (brmo.bValid()) { brmo.vKeepIt(); brmo.vEnableDither();
hbrReturn = brmo.hbrush(); } }
return hbrReturn; }
* GreCreateSolidBrush() * \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH GreCreateSolidBrush( COLORREF clrr) { return(hCreateSolidBrushInternal(clrr,FALSE,NULL,FALSE)); }
* NtGdiCreateSolidBrush() * \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH APIENTRY NtGdiCreateSolidBrush( COLORREF cr, HBRUSH hbr ) { HBRUSH hbrush;
hbrush = hCreateSolidBrushInternal(cr, FALSE, hbr, TRUE);
return (hbrush); }
* hCreateHatchBrushInternal(ulStyle, clrr, bPen) * * Creates a hatch brush. * * History: * 07-Jun-1995 -by- Andre Vachon [andreva] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH hCreateHatchBrushInternal( ULONG ulStyle, COLORREF clrr, BOOL bPen) { HBRUSH hbr = NULL;
if (ulStyle <= HS_API_MAX-1) { BRUSHMEMOBJ brmo(clrr, ulStyle, bPen, FALSE);
if (brmo.bValid()) { brmo.vKeepIt(); hbr = brmo.hbrush(); } }
return hbr; }
* NtGdiCreateHatchBrushInternal(ulStyle, clrr, bPen) * \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH APIENTRY NtGdiCreateHatchBrushInternal( ULONG ulStyle, COLORREF cr, BOOL bPen ) { HBRUSH hbrush;
hbrush = hCreateHatchBrushInternal (ulStyle, cr, bPen);
return (hbrush);
* NtGdiCreatePatternBrushInternal() * * History: * 01-Nov-1994 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH APIENTRY NtGdiCreatePatternBrushInternal( HBITMAP hbm, BOOL bPen, BOOL b8X8 ) { HBRUSH hbrush;
hbrush = GreCreatePatternBrushInternal(hbm,bPen,b8X8);
return (hbrush); }
* NtGdiCreateDIBBrush() * * History: * 01-Nov-1994 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH APIENTRY NtGdiCreateDIBBrush( PVOID pv, FLONG fl, UINT cj, BOOL b8X8, BOOL bPen, PVOID pClient ) { HBRUSH hbrRet; PVOID pvTmp;
pvTmp = AllocFreeTmpBuffer(cj);
if (pvTmp) { hbrRet = (HBRUSH)1;
__try { ProbeForRead(pv,cj, sizeof(BYTE)); RtlCopyMemory(pvTmp,pv,cj); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // SetLastError(GetExceptionCode());
hbrRet = (HBRUSH)0; }
if (hbrRet) { hbrRet = GreCreateDIBBrush(pvTmp,fl,cj,b8X8,bPen,pClient); } FreeTmpBuffer(pvTmp); } else { // SetLastError();
hbrRet = (HBRUSH)0; }
return(hbrRet); }
* GreCreatePatternBrushInternal(hbm, bPen) * * Creates a pattern brush from the bitmap passed in. * * History: * Mon 24-Jun-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH GreCreatePatternBrushInternal( HBITMAP hbm, BOOL bPen, BOOL b8X8) { HBRUSH hbrReturn = (HBRUSH) 0; SURFREF SurfBmo((HSURF)hbm);
if (SurfBmo.bValid()) { if (SurfBmo.ps->bApiBitmap()) { HBITMAP hbmClone;
if (b8X8) hbmClone = hbmCreateClone(SurfBmo.ps,8,8); else hbmClone = hbmCreateClone(SurfBmo.ps,0,0);
if (hbmClone != (HBITMAP) 0) { XEPALOBJ pal(SurfBmo.ps->ppal());
BRUSHMEMOBJ brmo(hbmClone, hbm, pal.bIsMonochrome(), DIB_RGB_COLORS, BR_IS_BITMAP, bPen);
if (brmo.bValid()) { hbrReturn = brmo.hbrush(); brmo.vKeepIt(); } // hmgr logs error code
} // hmgr logs error code
} else { WARNING("GreCreatePatternBrushInternal: Invalid surface"); SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); }
return(hbrReturn); }
HBRUSH GreCreatePatternBrush(HBITMAP hbm) { return(GreCreatePatternBrushInternal(hbm,FALSE,FALSE)); }
* GreCreateDIBBrush * * Creates a DIB pattern brush. * * History: * 02-Jun-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HBRUSH GreCreateDIBBrush(PVOID pv, FLONG fl, UINT cjMax, BOOL b8X8, BOOL bPen, PVOID pClient) { // Validate your parameters.
if ((pv == (PVOID) 0) || (cjMax < sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) || (((BITMAPINFOHEADER *) pv)->biSize > cjMax) || ((fl != DIB_PAL_INDICES) && (fl != DIB_PAL_COLORS) && (fl != DIB_RGB_COLORS))) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return((HBRUSH) 0); }
// Compute offset to the bits
UINT cjHeader = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER *) pv)->biSize; PBYTE pjBits = ((PBYTE) pv) + cjHeader; PUSHORT pusIndices; UINT uiBits,cSize,uiCompression; UINT cPalEntriesTotal; LPBITMAPINFO pbmiTmp = NULL;
UINT cPalEntryMax;
uiBits = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER *) pv)->biBitCount;
pusIndices = (PUSHORT) pjBits;
cSize = sizeof(RGBQUAD);
cPalEntriesTotal = (UINT) ((BITMAPINFOHEADER *) pv)->biClrUsed;
uiCompression = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER *) pv)->biCompression;
// Check proper settings for compression.
if (uiCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) { cPalEntriesTotal = 3;
if ((uiBits != 16) && (uiBits != 32)) { WARNING("CreateDIBPatternBrush given invalid data for BI_BITFIELDS\n"); return((HBRUSH) 0); } } else if (uiCompression == BI_RGB) { switch(uiBits) { case 1: cPalEntryMax = 2; break; case 4: cPalEntryMax = 16; break; case 8: cPalEntryMax = 256; break; case 16: case 24: case 32: cPalEntryMax = cPalEntriesTotal = 0;
// Win3.1 ignores the DIB_PAL_COLORS flag when non-indexed passed in.
break; default: WARNING("GreCreateDIBPatternBrushPt failed because of invalid bit count BI_RGB"); return((HBRUSH) 0); }
if (cPalEntriesTotal == 0) { cPalEntriesTotal = cPalEntryMax; } else cPalEntriesTotal = MIN(cPalEntryMax, cPalEntriesTotal); } else if (uiCompression == BI_RLE4) { if (uiBits != 4) { WARNING("CreateDIBrush RLE4 invalid bpp\n"); return((HBRUSH) 0); }
if (cPalEntriesTotal == 0) { cPalEntriesTotal = 16; } } else if (uiCompression == BI_RLE8) { if (uiBits != 8) { WARNING("CreateDIBrush RLE8 invalid bpp\n"); return((HBRUSH) 0); }
if (cPalEntriesTotal == 0) { cPalEntriesTotal = 256; } } else { // We don't support any other compressions for creating a brush on NT.
WARNING("Unknown Compression passed in - failed CreateDIBPatternBrush\n"); return((HBRUSH) 0); }
// Check for the DIB_PAL_COLORS case.
if (fl == DIB_PAL_COLORS) cSize = sizeof(USHORT); else if (fl == DIB_PAL_INDICES) cSize = 0;
// Validate that buffer is large enough to include color table. Guarantees
// that pjBits is within the bounds of the pv buffer passed in.
UINT cjColorTable = (((cSize * cPalEntriesTotal) + 3) & ~3);
if (cjColorTable > (cjMax - cjHeader)) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return(0); }
pjBits += cjColorTable; // now, pjBits = pv + cjHeader + cjColorTable
// Sundown: safe to truncate to INT since pjBits - pv will not exceed 4GB
// (validation above ensures that difference is <= cjMax)
INT cjBits = cjMax - (INT)(pjBits - (PBYTE)pv);
// Store the handle to bitmap just like a pattern brush, only mark
// it as a DIB.
if (fl != DIB_RGB_COLORS) { flCreate = DIB_PAL_NONE; }
hbmDIB = GreCreateDIBitmapReal( (HDC) 0, CBM_INIT | CBM_CREATEDIB, pjBits, (BITMAPINFO *)pv, flCreate, cjMax, cjBits, NULL, 0, NULL, CDBI_INTERNAL, 0, NULL);
if (hbmDIB == (HBITMAP) 0) { WARNING("GreCreateDIBPatternBrush failed because GreCreateDIBitmap failed"); return((HBRUSH) 0); }
if (b8X8) { SURFREF so((HSURF)hbmDIB); ASSERTGDI(so.bValid(), "ERROR just created and already dead");
SIZEL sizlNew = so.ps->sizl();
if (so.ps->sizl().cx > 8) { sizlNew.cx = 8; }
if (so.ps->sizl().cy > 8) { sizlNew.cy = 8; }
so.ps->sizl(sizlNew); }
// Now if we are creating a DIB_PAL_COLORS DIB brush we need to save the
// indices in the palette, so at runtime we can do the right thing.
if (fl == DIB_PAL_COLORS) { SURFREF so((HSURF)hbmDIB); ASSERTGDI(so.bValid(), "ERROR GreCreateDIBBrush surface\n");
XEPALOBJ pal(so.ps->ppal());
ASSERTGDI(pal.bValid(), "ERROR GreCreateDIBBrush pal.bValid\n"); ASSERTGDI(!pal.bIsPalDefault(), "ERROR GreCreateDIBBrush pal.bIsPal\n");
RtlCopyMemory((PUSHORT) pal.apalColorGet(), pusIndices, cPalEntriesTotal << 1);
// Remember how big the color table is
pal.cColorTableLength(cPalEntriesTotal); }
BRUSHMEMOBJ brmo(hbmDIB, (HBITMAP)pClient, FALSE, fl, BR_IS_DIB, bPen);
HBRUSH hbrRet;
if (brmo.bValid()) { brmo.vKeepIt(); brmo.iUsage(fl); hbrRet = brmo.hbrush(); } else { bDeleteSurface((HSURF)hbmDIB); hbrRet = (HBRUSH) 0; }
return(hbrRet); }
* GreMarkUndeletableBrush * * Private API for USER. * * Mark a Brush as undeletable. This must be called before the Brush is ever * passed out to an application. * * History: * 13-Sep-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID GreMarkUndeletableBrush(HBRUSH hbr) { if(hbr == NULL) { WARNING("GreMarkUndeletableBrush called with NULL handle"); } else if(!HmgMarkUndeletable((HOBJ)hbr, BRUSH_TYPE)) { RIP("GreMarkUndeletableBrush failed to mark handle undeletable"); } }
* GreMarkDeletableBrush * * Private API for USER. * * This can be called anytime by USER to make the Brush deletable. We need * to check they don't do this on our global objects. * * History: * 13-Sep-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID GreMarkDeletableBrush(HBRUSH hbr) { BRUSHSELOBJ bro(hbr);
if (bro.bValid()) { if(!bro.bIsGlobal()) { if (hbr == NULL) { WARNING("GreMarkDeletableBrush called with NULL handle"); } else if (!HmgMarkDeletable((HOBJ)hbr,BRUSH_TYPE)) { RIP("GreMarkDeletableBrush failed to mark handle deletable"); } } } else { WARNING("ERROR User gives Gdi invalid Brush"); } }
* GreCreatePen * * API creates a logical pen. * * History: * 08-May-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HPEN GreCreatePen(int iPenStyle, int ulWidth, COLORREF clrr, HBRUSH hbr) { HPEN hRet = 0;
PW32THREAD pthread = W32GetCurrentThread();
ASSERTGDI(!hbr,"GreCreatePen - hbr\n");
switch(iPenStyle) { case PS_NULL: case PS_SOLID: case PS_DASH: case PS_DOT: case PS_DASHDOT: case PS_DASHDOTDOT: case PS_INSIDEFRAME: break;
hRet = GreExtCreatePen(iPenStyle, ulWidth, BS_SOLID, clrr, 0, 0, 0, (PULONG) NULL, 0, TRUE, hbr);
return (hRet); }
* GreExtCreatePen * * API creates an old-style or extended logical pen. * * History: * 23-Jan-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HPEN GreExtCreatePen( ULONG flPenStyle, ULONG ulWidth, ULONG iBrushStyle, ULONG ulColor, ULONG_PTR lClientHatch, ULONG_PTR lHatch, ULONG cstyle, PULONG pulStyle, ULONG cjDIB, BOOL bOldStylePen, HBRUSH hbrush) { BOOL bInvalidParm = FALSE; BOOL bDefaultStyle = FALSE; PFLOAT_LONG pstyle = (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL;
ULONG iType = flPenStyle & PS_TYPE_MASK; ULONG ulStyle = flPenStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK; ULONG iJoin; ULONG iEndCap;
// We take the absoluate value of the integer width, like Win3 does:
LONG lWidthPen = ABS((LONG) ulWidth);
// Make sure no weird bits are set where none of our fields are:
if ((flPenStyle & ~(PS_TYPE_MASK | PS_STYLE_MASK | PS_ENDCAP_MASK | PS_JOIN_MASK)) != 0) { bInvalidParm = TRUE; }
// Don't do any more parameter checking for NULL pens:
if (ulStyle == PS_NULL) return(STOCKOBJ_NULLPEN);
// Do some more parameter checking.
switch(iType) { case PS_GEOMETRIC: break; case PS_COSMETIC: if ((iBrushStyle == BS_SOLID) || ((iBrushStyle == BS_HATCHED) && ((lHatch == HS_SOLIDTEXTCLR) || (lHatch == HS_SOLIDBKCLR)))) { break; } default: bInvalidParm = TRUE; }
if (lWidthPen != 1 && iType == PS_COSMETIC && !bOldStylePen) { bInvalidParm = TRUE; }
switch(flPenStyle & PS_JOIN_MASK) { case PS_JOIN_ROUND: iJoin = JOIN_ROUND; break; case PS_JOIN_BEVEL: iJoin = JOIN_BEVEL; break; case PS_JOIN_MITER: iJoin = JOIN_MITER; break; default: bInvalidParm = TRUE; }
switch(flPenStyle & PS_ENDCAP_MASK) { case PS_ENDCAP_ROUND: iEndCap = ENDCAP_ROUND; break; case PS_ENDCAP_FLAT: iEndCap = ENDCAP_BUTT; break; case PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE: iEndCap = ENDCAP_SQUARE; break; default: bInvalidParm = TRUE; }
// Zero length array allowed iff not doing a user-supplied style,
// and aribtrarily limit the style array size:
if ((ulStyle == PS_USERSTYLE && cstyle == 0) || (ulStyle != PS_USERSTYLE && cstyle != 0) || cstyle > STYLE_MAX_COUNT) { bInvalidParm = TRUE; }
if (iType == PS_GEOMETRIC) { switch(ulStyle) { case PS_DOT: cstyle = sizeof(gaulGeometricDot) / sizeof(ULONG); pulStyle = gaulGeometricDot; break; case PS_DASH: cstyle = sizeof(gaulGeometricDash) / sizeof(ULONG); pulStyle = gaulGeometricDash; break; case PS_DASHDOT: cstyle = sizeof(gaulGeometricDashDot) / sizeof(ULONG); pulStyle = gaulGeometricDashDot; break; case PS_DASHDOTDOT: cstyle = sizeof(gaulGeometricDashDotDot) / sizeof(ULONG); pulStyle = gaulGeometricDashDotDot; break; case PS_USERSTYLE: case PS_SOLID: break; case PS_INSIDEFRAME: break; case PS_ALTERNATE: default: bInvalidParm = TRUE; } } else { switch(ulStyle) { case PS_DOT: cstyle = sizeof(galeCosmeticDot) / sizeof(LONG_FLOAT); pstyle = &galeCosmeticDot[0].el; bDefaultStyle = TRUE; break; case PS_DASH: cstyle = sizeof(galeCosmeticDash) / sizeof(LONG_FLOAT); pstyle = &galeCosmeticDash[0].el; bDefaultStyle = TRUE; break; case PS_DASHDOT: cstyle = sizeof(galeCosmeticDashDot) / sizeof(LONG_FLOAT); pstyle = &galeCosmeticDashDot[0].el; bDefaultStyle = TRUE; break; case PS_DASHDOTDOT: cstyle = sizeof(galeCosmeticDashDotDot) / sizeof(LONG_FLOAT); pstyle = &galeCosmeticDashDotDot[0].el; bDefaultStyle = TRUE; break; case PS_USERSTYLE: case PS_SOLID: break; case PS_ALTERNATE: break; case PS_INSIDEFRAME:
// Don't allow PS_INSIDEFRAME with new style cosmetic pens:
if (!bOldStylePen) bInvalidParm = TRUE; break; default: bInvalidParm = TRUE; } }
if (bInvalidParm) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return((HPEN) 0); }
if (cstyle > 0 && pstyle == (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL) { pstyle = (PFLOAT_LONG) PALLOCNOZ(cstyle * sizeof(FLOAT_LONG),'ytsG'); if (pstyle == (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return((HPEN) 0); }
PFLOAT_LONG ple = pstyle; PFLOAT_LONG pleEnd = ple + cstyle;
if (iType == PS_COSMETIC || bOldStylePen) { // Handle cosmetic styles:
LONG lMin = 1; LONG lMax = 1; LONG lSum = 0;
while (ple < pleEnd) { ple->l = (LONG) *pulStyle; lMin = MIN(lMin, ple->l); lMax = MAX(lMax, ple->l); lSum += ple->l;
pulStyle++; ple++; }
if (lMin <= 0 || lMax > STYLE_MAX_VALUE || lSum > STYLE_MAX_VALUE) bInvalidParm = TRUE; } else { // Handle geometric styles:
LONG lSum = 0; LONG lMin = 0; while (ple < pleEnd) { LONG lLength = (LONG) *pulStyle;
// Default styles are based on multiples of the pen width:
if (ulStyle != PS_USERSTYLE) { // For round and square caps, shorten dashes and lengthen
// the gaps:
if (iEndCap != ENDCAP_BUTT) lLength += ((ple - pstyle) & 1) ? 1 : -1;
// Don't really care about overflow on this multiplication:
lLength *= lWidthPen; }
lMin = MIN(lMin, lLength); lSum += lLength;
EFLOATEXT efLength(lLength); efLength.vEfToF(ple->e);
pulStyle++; ple++; }
if (lMin < 0 || lSum <= 0) bInvalidParm = TRUE; }
if (bInvalidParm) { // At least one entry in the style array has to be non-zero:
HBRUSH hbr = 0;
switch(iBrushStyle) { case BS_HOLLOW: if (pstyle != (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL && !bDefaultStyle) VFREEMEM(pstyle);
case BS_SOLID: hbr = hCreateSolidBrushInternal(ulColor, TRUE, hbrush, (lWidthPen == 0) && (ulStyle == PS_SOLID)); break;
case BS_HATCHED: hbr = hCreateHatchBrushInternal((ULONG) lHatch, ulColor, TRUE); break;
case BS_PATTERN: hbr = GreCreatePatternBrushInternal((HBITMAP) lHatch, TRUE,FALSE); break;
case BS_DIBPATTERNPT: hbr = GreCreateDIBBrush((PVOID) lHatch, ulColor, (UINT) cjDIB, FALSE, TRUE, (PVOID)lClientHatch); break;
case BS_DIBPATTERN: RIP("BS_DIBPATTERN not supported in server");
if (hbr == (HBRUSH) 0) { if (pstyle != (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL && !bDefaultStyle) VFREEMEM(pstyle);
return((HPEN) 0); }
// we had better validate this since it is just a handle, it could already
// have been deleted.
if (!bso.bValid()) { WARNING("Created invalid pen\n");
if (pstyle != (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL && !bDefaultStyle) VFREEMEM(pstyle);
return((HPEN)0); }
bso.vSetPen(); bso.flStylePen(flPenStyle); bso.iEndCap(iEndCap); bso.iJoin(iJoin); bso.pstyle(pstyle); bso.cstyle(cstyle); bso.lWidthPen(lWidthPen); if (bDefaultStyle) bso.vSetDefaultStyle(); bso.lBrushStyle (iBrushStyle); bso.lHatch (lClientHatch);
if (iType == PS_GEOMETRIC || bOldStylePen) { // Geometric line widths are FLOATs in the LINEATTRS structure, so
// we have to keep a FLOAT version of its width around too:
EFLOATEXT efWidth(lWidthPen); FLOATL l_eWidth;
efWidth.vEfToF(l_eWidth); bso.l_eWidthPen(l_eWidth); }
// we need to add the pen/extpen bits to handle type for the client
if (bOldStylePen) { bso.vSetOldStylePen(); bso.vDisableDither(); if (ulStyle == PS_INSIDEFRAME) { bso.vEnableDither(); bso.vSetInsideFrame(); } hbrPen = (HBRUSH) MODIFY_HMGR_TYPE(hbr,LO_PEN_TYPE); } else if (iType == PS_COSMETIC) { // For now, cosmetic lines must also be solid colored:
bso.vDisableDither(); } else { // We also support inside frame for geometric ExtCreatePen pens:
if (ulStyle == PS_INSIDEFRAME) { bso.vSetInsideFrame(); } }
// we now set the new pen handle type. This must be done while the pen is locked
ASSERTGDI(!bInvalidParm, "Invalid parm?"); return((HPEN) hbrPen); }
* GreCreatePenIndirect * * API creates a logical pen. * * History: * 08-May-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HPEN GreCreatePenIndirect(LPLOGPEN lpLogPen) { return(GreCreatePen((int)lpLogPen->lopnStyle, (int)lpLogPen->lopnWidth.x, lpLogPen->lopnColor,0)); }
* GreMonoBitmap * * Is the specified bitmap monochromatic? * * History: * 18-Mar-1992 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL NtGdiMonoBitmap(HBITMAP hbm) { SURFREF SurfBmo((HSURF)hbm);
if (!SurfBmo.bValid()) return(FALSE);
XEPALOBJ pal(SurfBmo.ps->ppal()); return(pal.bIsMonochrome()); }
* GreGetObjectBitmapHandle * * Gets the handle of the bitmap associated with this brush * * History: * 09-Mar-1992 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HBITMAP GreGetObjectBitmapHandle( HBRUSH hbr, UINT *piUsage) { BRUSHSELOBJ ebo(hbr);
if (!ebo.bValid()) { return((HBITMAP) 0); }
HBITMAP hbm = ebo.hbmPattern();
if (ebo.bPalColors()) { *piUsage = DIB_PAL_COLORS; } else if (ebo.bPalIndices()) { *piUsage = DIB_PAL_INDICES; } else { *piUsage = DIB_RGB_COLORS; }
return(hbm); }