* Module Name: pathobj.cxx * * Non inline PATHOBJ methods * * Created: 28-Sep-1990 12:36:30 * Author: Paul Butzi [paulb] * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
extern PBRUSH gpbrBackground; extern PPEN gpPenNull; extern PBRUSH gpbrNull; extern LINEATTRS glaNominalGeometric;
// Default LINEATTRS for bSimpleStroke:
LA glaSimpleStroke = { 0, // fl
0, // iJoin
0, // iEndCap
{1L}, // elWidth
IEEE_0_0F, // eMiterLimit
0, // cstyle
(LONG_FLOAT*) NULL, // pstyle
{0L} // elStyleState
// The following declarations are required by the native c8 compiler.
HSEMAPHORE PATHALLOC::hsemFreelist; // Semaphore for freelist
PATHALLOC *PATHALLOC::freelist; // Free-list of pathallocs
COUNT PATHALLOC::cFree; // Count of free pathallocs
COUNT PATHALLOC::cAllocated; // Count of pathallocs allocated
* XEPATHOBJ::XEPATHOBJ(hpath) * * Path user object constructor * * History: * 28-Sep-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
if (ppath != (PATH*) NULL) {
// Load up accelerator values:
cCurves = ppath->cCurves; fl = ppath->fl; }
return; }
* XEPATHOBJ::XEPATHOBJ(dco) * * Path user object constructor to get at the DC's path. * * History: * 22-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
XEPATHOBJ::XEPATHOBJ(XDCOBJ& dco) { ASSERTGDI(dco.hpath() != HPATH_INVALID, "Invalid path");
// If a SaveDC was done, we may have to copy the path before mucking
// with it:
if (dco.pdc->bLazySave()) { dco.pdc->vClearLazySave();
XEPATHOBJ epath(dco.hpath());
ASSERTGDI (epath.bValid(),"hpath invalid when bLazySave is set");
if (pmo.bValid() && epath.bValid() && pmo.bClone(epath)) { pmo.vKeepIt(); dco.pdc->hpath(pmo.hpath()); } else { // Error case simply deletes the path if we managed to allocate
// one, and marks the DC path as invalid:
pmo.vDelete(); dco.pdc->hpath(HPATH_INVALID); } }
ppath = (PPATH)HmgShareLock((HOBJ) dco.hpath(), PATH_TYPE); if (ppath != (PATH*) NULL) {
// Load up accelerator values:
cCurves = ppath->cCurves; fl = ppath->fl; }
return; }
* EPATHFONTOBJ::vInit(ULONG) * * Initialize a chunk of memory to be a font pathobj * * History: * 22-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EPATHFONTOBJ::vInit(ULONGSIZE_T size) { ppath = &path;
path.ppachain = &pa; path.ptfxSubPathStart.x = 0; path.ptfxSubPathStart.y = 0; path.flags = PD_BEGINSUBPATH; path.pprfirst = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; path.pprlast = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; path.rcfxBoundBox.xLeft = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.xRight = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.yTop = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.yBottom = 0; path.flType = PATHTYPE_STACK;
pa.ppanext = (PATHALLOC*) NULL; pa.pprfreestart = pa.apr; pa.siztPathAlloc = size - offsetof(EPATHFONTOBJ,pa);
fl = 0; cCurves = 0; }
* XEPATHOBJ::~XEPATHOBJ() * * Path user object destructor * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
XEPATHOBJ::~XEPATHOBJ() { if (ppath != (PPATH) NULL) {
// Since we're keeping the object, save the accelerator values
// away and unlock the object:
ppath->cCurves = cCurves; ppath->fl = fl; DEC_SHARE_REF_CNT(ppath); }
return; }
* PATHMEMOBJ::PATHMEMOBJ() * * Create a new path object. * * Note: Using this constructor, the path will not inherit the current * point from the DC! * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
ppath = ppathTemp = (PPATH)HmgAlloc(sizeof(PATH) ,PATH_TYPE, HMGR_ALLOC_ALT_LOCK);
if (ppathTemp != (PATH*) NULL) { // Private debug code to catch invalid hpath handle in DC
// 6/24/98 - davidx
ASSERTGDI(HmgObjtype(ppath->hGet()) == PATH_TYPE, "Private debug breakpoint. Please contact ntgdi.");
// Since we 0 init in the Alloc we don't need to do most of this.
// pPathTemp->ppachain = (PATHALLOC*) NULL;
// pPathTemp->pprfirst = (PATHRECORD*) NULL;
// pPathTemp->pprlast = (PATHRECORD*) NULL;
// pPathTemp->rcfxBoundBox.xLeft = 0;
// pPathTemp->rcfxBoundBox.xRight = 0;
// pPathTemp->rcfxBoundBox.yTop = 0;
// pPathTemp->rcfxBoundBox.yBottom = 0;
// pPathTemp->ptfxSubPathStart.x = 0;
// pPathTemp->ptfxSubPathStart.y = 0;
// pPathTemp->flType = 0;
// pPathTemp->fl = 0;
// pPathTemp->cCurves = 0;
ppathTemp->flags = PD_BEGINSUBPATH | PD_ENDSUBPATH; fl = 0; cCurves = 0; }
return; }
* PATHMEMOBJ::~PATHMEMOBJ() * * Release a path object unless made permanent. * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
PATHMEMOBJ::~PATHMEMOBJ() { // ppath may have been made NULL by vDelete(), or by a failed PATH
// allocation in the constructor:
if (ppath != (PATH*) NULL) { if (!(ppath->flType & PATHTYPE_KEEPMEM)) { // Free all the blocks in the path:
// Free the handle too:
HmgFree((HOBJ) ppath->hGet()); } else { // Since we're keeping the object, save the accelerator values away
// and unlock the object:
ppath->cCurves = cCurves; ppath->fl = fl; DEC_SHARE_REF_CNT(ppath); } } }
* PATHSTACKOBJ::PATHSTACKOBJ() * * Create a new path object on the stack. The path can hold only a small * number of points on the stack, and will overflow onto the heap if * necessary. * * History: * 22-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
path.ppachain = &paBuf.pa; path.ptfxSubPathStart.x = 0; path.ptfxSubPathStart.y = 0; path.flags = PD_BEGINSUBPATH; path.pprfirst = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; path.pprlast = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; path.rcfxBoundBox.xLeft = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.xRight = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.yTop = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.yBottom = 0; path.flType = PATHTYPE_STACK;
paBuf.pa.ppanext = (PATHALLOC*) NULL; paBuf.pa.pprfreestart = paBuf.pa.apr; paBuf.pa.siztPathAlloc = PATHSTACKALLOCSIZE;
cCurves = 0; fl = 0; }
* PATHSTACKOBJ::PATHSTACKOBJ(dco, bUseCP) * * Create a new path object on the stack or locate an old one. If the DC * is currently in a path bracket, we use the active path (which will NOT * be on the path). Otherwise, we create a new path on the stack (it will * overflow onto the heap if necessary). If we create a new path, we use * some of the state from the DC to initialize the path, most notably the * current position (ptfxSubPathStart). * * If bUseCP is set, the current position in the DC will be used to set the * current position in the path. Calls that don't use the current position * (i.e., immediately do a bMoveTo) shouldn't set bUseCP because it may * require a transform call to set it (we need the value in device space). * * SaveDC's do lazy saves of paths. If a lazy save is pending, we have * to copy the path and update the DC's path handle before we can modify * it. * * History: * 22-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
PATHSTACKOBJ::PATHSTACKOBJ(XDCOBJ& dco, BOOL bUseCP) { if (!dco.pdc->bActive()) { cCurves = 0; fl = 0;
// There's no active path in the DC, so we create a temporary
// path on the stack to hold our points:
ppath = &path;
path.ppachain = &paBuf.pa; path.flags = PD_BEGINSUBPATH; path.pprfirst = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; path.pprlast = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; path.rcfxBoundBox.xLeft = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.xRight = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.yTop = 0; path.rcfxBoundBox.yBottom = 0; path.flType = PATHTYPE_STACK;
paBuf.pa.ppanext = (PATHALLOC*) NULL; paBuf.pa.pprfreestart = paBuf.pa.apr; paBuf.pa.siztPathAlloc = PATHSTACKALLOCSIZE;
if (bUseCP) { if (!dco.pdc->bValidPtfxCurrent()) { ASSERTGDI(dco.pdc->bValidPtlCurrent(), "Both CPs invalid?");
exo.bXformRound(&dco.ptlCurrent(), &dco.ptfxCurrent(), 1); dco.pdc->vValidatePtfxCurrent(); }
path.ptfxSubPathStart = dco.ptfxCurrent();
// If we're not in a path, and a previous call to MoveToEx means
// that the style state should be reset, we do it now:
if (dco.ulDirty() & DIRTY_STYLESTATE) { dco.ulDirtySub(DIRTY_STYLESTATE);
LINEATTRS* pla = dco.plaRealized();
if (pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC) pla->elStyleState.e = IEEE_0_0F; else pla->elStyleState.l = 0L; } } } else { // If a SaveDC was done, we may have to copy the path before we can
// muck with it:
if (dco.pdc->bLazySave()) { dco.pdc->vClearLazySave();
XEPATHOBJ epath(dco.hpath());
ASSERTGDI (epath.bValid(),"hpath invalid when bLazySave is set");
if (pmo.bValid() && epath.bValid() && pmo.bClone(epath)) { pmo.vKeepIt(); dco.pdc->hpath(pmo.hpath()); } else { pmo.vDelete(); dco.pdc->hpath(HPATH_INVALID); } }
// There is an active path bracket, so just add to it:
ppath = (PPATH)HmgShareLock((HOBJ) dco.hpath(), PATH_TYPE); if (ppath == (PATH*) NULL) return;
ASSERTGDI(ppath->flType & PATHTYPE_KEEPMEM, "Path not kept?");
// Load up accelerator values:
cCurves = ppath->cCurves; fl = ppath->fl;
if (bUseCP) { if (!dco.pdc->bValidPtfxCurrent()) { // If the device space current position has been invalidated
// (meaning that it's moved), always do a bMoveTo to the new
// device space point:
ASSERTGDI(dco.pdc->bValidPtlCurrent(), "Both CPs invalid?");
exo.bXformRound(&dco.ptlCurrent(), &dco.ptfxCurrent(), 1); dco.pdc->vValidatePtfxCurrent();
bMoveTo(&dco.ptfxCurrent()); } else { // See if what we think is the current position matches the DC's
// value (this code will be used when there is a path bracket
// and the path is being added to for the first time):
POINTFIX ptfx = ptfxGetCurrent();
if (dco.ptfxCurrent().x != ptfx.x || dco.ptfxCurrent().y != ptfx.y) bMoveTo(&dco.ptfxCurrent()); } } } }
* PATHSTACKOBJ::~PATHSTACKOBJ() * * Deletes the path if it isn't the DC path. * * History: * 22-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
PATHSTACKOBJ::~PATHSTACKOBJ() { // If we ran out of memory allocating blocks, we would have deleted the path,
// in which case ppath may be NULL:
if (ppath != (PATH*) NULL) { ASSERTGDI(ppath->flType == PATHTYPE_KEEPMEM || ppath->flType == PATHTYPE_STACK, "Unexpected path type");
if (ppath->flType & PATHTYPE_STACK) { // Path was only temporary; free any additional blocks if there
// are any:
if (ppath->ppachain != (PATHALLOC*) NULL) vFreeBlocks(); } else { // Path is a permanent path, so unlock object and save some
// accelerator values:
ppath->cCurves = cCurves; ppath->fl = fl; DEC_SHARE_REF_CNT(ppath); } } }
* RECTANGLEPATHOBJ::vInit(prcfx, bClockwise) * * Initializes the path with a single rectangle. Should probably only ever * be called from Rectangle. * * History: * 13-Dec-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID RECTANGLEPATHOBJ::vInit( RECTL* prcl, // Must be well-ordered
BOOL bClockwise) // Direction rectangle is to be drawn
{ prRect.pr.pprnext = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; prRect.pr.pprprev = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; prRect.pr.flags = (PD_BEGINSUBPATH | PD_ENDSUBPATH | PD_RESETSTYLE | PD_CLOSEFIGURE); prRect.pr.count = 4;
path.pprfirst = &prRect.pr; path.pprlast = &prRect.pr; path.flags = 0;
ppath = &path; cCurves = 4; fl = 0;
// Initialize PATHRECORD variables. When drawing in the counter-
// clockwise direction, we draw the vertices in the following order
// (this must match the EBOX constructor):
// 1 ___ 0
// | |
// |___|
// 2 3
path.rcfxBoundBox.xLeft = LTOFX(prcl->left); prRect.pr.aptfx[1].x = path.rcfxBoundBox.xLeft; prRect.pr.aptfx[2].x = path.rcfxBoundBox.xLeft;
path.rcfxBoundBox.xRight = LTOFX(prcl->right); prRect.pr.aptfx[0].x = path.rcfxBoundBox.xRight; prRect.pr.aptfx[3].x = path.rcfxBoundBox.xRight;
path.rcfxBoundBox.yTop = LTOFX(prcl->top); path.rcfxBoundBox.yBottom = LTOFX(prcl->bottom);
if (!bClockwise) { prRect.pr.aptfx[0].y = path.rcfxBoundBox.yTop; prRect.pr.aptfx[1].y = path.rcfxBoundBox.yTop; prRect.pr.aptfx[2].y = path.rcfxBoundBox.yBottom; prRect.pr.aptfx[3].y = path.rcfxBoundBox.yBottom; } else { prRect.pr.aptfx[2].y = path.rcfxBoundBox.yTop; prRect.pr.aptfx[3].y = path.rcfxBoundBox.yTop; prRect.pr.aptfx[0].y = path.rcfxBoundBox.yBottom; prRect.pr.aptfx[1].y = path.rcfxBoundBox.yBottom; } }
* EngCreatePath() * * DDI entry point to create a temporary path. * * History: * 17-Feb-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
PATHOBJ* EngCreatePath() { PATHMEMOBJ pmo;
if (!pmo.bValid()) return((PATHOBJ*) NULL);
if (pepo == (EPATHOBJ*) NULL) return((PATHOBJ*) NULL);
return(pepo); }
* EngDeletePath() * * DDI entry point to delete a path allocated by EngCreatePath(). * * History: * 17-Feb-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EngDeletePath(PATHOBJ* ppo) { if (ppo != (PATHOBJ*) NULL) { ((EPATHOBJ*) ppo)->vDelete(); VFREEMEM((PVOID) ppo); } else WARNING("ERROR: EngDeletePath given NULL pointer"); }
* EPATHOBJ::vFreeBlocks() * * Frees all the heap blocks in a path. * * History: * 13-Sep-1991 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EPATHOBJ::vFreeBlocks() { ASSERTGDI(ppath != (PATH*) NULL, "Trying to free freed path!");
// Free all the blocks in the path:
PATHALLOC* ppa = ppath->ppachain;
while (ppa != (PATHALLOC*) NULL) { PATHALLOC* ppasave = ppa->ppanext;
// Don't free blocks that aren't PATHALLOCSIZE in size because
// those were created on the stack:
if (ppa->siztPathAlloc == PATHALLOCSIZE) { ASSERTGDI(ppa->siztPathAlloc != PATHSTACKALLOCSIZE, "PATHALLOCSIZE and PATHSTACKALLOCSIZE can't be the same!");
freepathalloc(ppa); }
ppa = ppasave; } }
* EPATHOBJ::vDelete() * * Delete the path and free the handle if there is one. It's polymorphic * and can handle path type EPATHOBJ or PATHMEMOBJ. * * It can't handle PATHSTACKOBJ's or journal paths. * * History: * 13-Sep-1991 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EPATHOBJ::vDelete() { if (ppath != (PATH*) NULL) { ASSERTGDI(!(ppath->flags & PATH_JOURNAL), "Can't delete journal path");
// Free all the blocks in the path:
if (ppath->flType != PATHTYPE_STACK) { // Free the handle too (stack paths don't have handles):
HmgFree((HOBJ) ppath->hGet()); ppath = (PATH*) NULL; // Prevent destructors from doing anything
} } }
* EPATHOBJ::bClone(epo) * * Copy the specified path. * * History: * 22-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bClone(EPATHOBJ& epo) { // First, copy path information:
fl = epo.fl; cCurves = epo.cCurves;
ppath->pprfirst = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; ppath->pprlast = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; ppath->rcfxBoundBox = epo.ppath->rcfxBoundBox; ppath->ptfxSubPathStart = epo.ppath->ptfxSubPathStart; ppath->flags = epo.ppath->flags;
// Copy rest of path on a PATHRECORD by PATHRECORD basis:
PATHRECORD* ppr = epo.ppath->pprfirst; PATHRECORD* pprPrev = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; PATHRECORD* pprNew;
while (ppr != (PATHRECORD*) NULL) { FLONG fl = ppr->flags; POINTFIX* pptfx = ppr->aptfx; COUNT cpt = ppr->count; COUNT cptMax;
while (cpt > 0) { if (!newpathrec(&pprNew,&cptMax,cpt)) return(FALSE);
pprNew->flags = fl; pprNew->pprprev = pprPrev; pprNew->pprnext = (PATHRECORD*) NULL;
if (cpt <= cptMax) pprNew->count = cpt; else { // Have to copy this PATHRECORD into two separate PATHRECORDs,
// so adjust the count and clean up the flags:
// Adjust cptMax for Beziers.
if (fl & PD_BEZIERS) { if (fl & PD_BEGINSUBPATH) cptMax -= (cptMax-1) % 3; else cptMax -= cptMax % 3; }
pprNew->count = cptMax; pprNew->flags &= ~(PD_ENDSUBPATH | PD_CLOSEFIGURE); fl &= ~(PD_BEGINSUBPATH | PD_RESETSTYLE); }
ppath->pprlast = pprNew; if (pprPrev == (PATHRECORD*) NULL) ppath->pprfirst = pprNew; else pprPrev->pprnext = pprNew;
RtlCopyMemory(pprNew->aptfx, pptfx, (SIZE_T) pprNew->count * sizeof(POINTFIX)); pptfx += pprNew->count; cpt -= pprNew->count;
// Adjust the PATHALLOC record:
ppath->ppachain->pprfreestart = NEXTPATHREC(pprNew); pprPrev = pprNew; }
ppr = ppr->pprnext; }
return(TRUE); }
* EPATHOBJ::cjSize(epo) * * Compute the size needed if a single PATHALLOC was to hold the entire * path. * * History: * 20-May-1992 -by- Paul Butzi * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
// Run down the path, adding up the sizes of the pathrecords.
PATHRECORD* ppr = ppath->pprfirst;
while (ppr != (PATHRECORD*) NULL) { cjRV += offsetof(PATHRECORD, aptfx) + (ULONGSIZE_T)ppr->count * sizeof(POINTFIX);
ppr = ppr->pprnext; }
return(cjRV); }
* ULONG EPATHOBJ::cTotalCurves() * * Figure out the number of curves in the path for the path's cCurves * field. * * History: * 6-Apr-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
ULONG EPATHOBJ::cTotalCurves() { ULONG count = 0;
for (PATHRECORD *ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr != (PPATHREC) NULL; ppr = ppr->pprnext) { if (ppr->flags & PD_CLOSEFIGURE) count++;
if (ppr->flags & PD_BEZIERS) count += ppr->count / 3; else { count += ppr->count; if (ppr->flags & PD_BEGINSUBPATH) count--; } }
return(count); }
* ULONG EPATHOBJ::cTotalPts() * * Figure out the number of control points in a path. * * History: * 20-Feb-1991 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
ULONG EPATHOBJ::cTotalPts() { ULONG count = 0;
for (PATHRECORD *ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr != (PPATHREC) NULL; ppr = ppr->pprnext) { count += ppr->count; }
return(count); }
* EPATHOBJ::bAppend (ppoNew,pptfxDelta) * * * * Appends an offset version of the given path (ppoNew) to the target path. * * * * Wed 17-Jun-1992 00:21:57 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bAppend(EPATHOBJ *ppoNew,POINTFIX *pptfxDelta) { PATHDATAL pd; // Needed to call growlastrec and createrec.
PATHRECORD *ppr; // For enumeration.
for ( ppr = ppoNew->ppath->pprfirst; ppr != (PPATHREC) NULL; ppr = ppr->pprnext ) { pd.count = ppr->count; pd.flags = ppr->flags & PD_BEZIERS; pd.pptl = (POINTL *) &(ppr->aptfx[0]);
// Call bMoveTo if we are starting a new subpath.
if (ppr->flags & PD_BEGINSUBPATH) { ptfx.x = ppr->aptfx[0].x + pptfxDelta->x; ptfx.y = ppr->aptfx[0].y + pptfxDelta->y;
bMoveTo(XFORMNULL,(POINTL *) &ptfx); pd.count--; pd.pptl++; }
// Copy all the control points.
while (pd.count > 0) { if (!createrec(XFORMNULL,&pd,pptfxDelta)) return(FALSE); }
// Set the CloseFigure flag to close it.
if (ppr->flags & PD_CLOSEFIGURE) { ppath->pprlast->flags |= PD_CLOSEFIGURE;
// Indicate that we are starting a new subpath:
ppath->flags |= PD_BEGINSUBPATH; } }
// Always reset the PO_ELLIPSE flag (the Ellipse call will set it
// appropriately) and turn on the PO_BEZIERS flag if we added Beziers:
fl &= ~PO_ELLIPSE; if (ppoNew->fl & PO_BEZIERS) fl |= PO_BEZIERS;
// Add in the count of curves.
cCurves += ppoNew->cCurves;
return(TRUE); }
* vOffsetPoints (pptfxDest,pptfxSrc,c,dx,dy) * * * * A simple routine that moves points while offsetting them. This is much * * faster than calling the transform code! * * * * Wed 17-Jun-1992 00:54:32 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vOffsetPoints ( POINTFIX *pptfxDest, POINTFIX *pptfxSrc, UINT c, LONG dx, LONG dy ) { while (c--) { pptfxDest->x = pptfxSrc->x + dx; pptfxDest->y = pptfxSrc->y + dy; pptfxDest++; pptfxSrc++; } }
* EPATHOBJ::addpts() * * We add the specified points to the path. If possible, we tack the * points onto the last record ('grow the last record') otherwise we * create one or more records and stash the points in them. * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::addpoints(EXFORMOBJ *pxfo, PATHDATAL *ppd) { // No points always succeeds!
if (ppd->count == 0) return(TRUE);
// Try to add to end of last record. Can't do it if:
// - beginsubpath flag set in ppath (must be new record)
// growlastrec may do nothing, in which case we just
// fall thru and add records.
if ((ppath->flags & PD_BEGINSUBPATH) == 0) growlastrec(pxfo,ppd,(POINTFIX *) NULL);
// Now add new records until we're done. Note that if BEGINSUBPATH is
// set in the path, it means that we must add in the current position
// before the points in the ppd; this is handled by createrec.
while (ppd->count > 0) { if (!createrec(pxfo,ppd,(POINTFIX *) NULL)) // Adds a new pathalloc
return(FALSE); // when needed.
// Always reset the PO_ELLIPSE flag (the Ellipse call will set it
// appropriately) and turn on the PO_BEZIERS flag if we added Beziers:
fl &= ~PO_ELLIPSE; if (ppd->flags & PD_BEZIERS) fl |= PO_BEZIERS;
return(TRUE); }
* EPATHOBJ::growlastrec() * * * * growlastrec - add data to the already existing last record in path. * * * * Note: * * If the PD_BEGINSUBPATH flag is set in the path header, then * * it means that the current position has *not* been put in the path, * * and it must be added to the path before we begin adding more * * control points. Note that this cannot happen in this routine, * * since we cannot both start a new path and extend an existing * * record at the same time. * * * * History: * * Wed 17-Jun-1992 00:15:06 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Added the pptfxDelta parameter. * * * * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
void EPATHOBJ::growlastrec(EXFORMOBJ *pxfo,PATHDATAL *ppd,POINTFIX *pptfxDelta) { PATHALLOC *ppa = ppath->ppachain; PATHRECORD *ppr = ppath->pprlast;
// Check conditions for adding to last record
// 1. there must be a last record
// 2. there must be an existing pathalloc
// 3. the path data to be added must not start a new
// sub-path
// 4. the other flags must match (bezier, etc.)
if ( ppr == (PPATHREC) NULL ) return;
if ( ppa == (PATHALLOC*) NULL ) return;
if (ppd->flags != (ppr->flags & ~(PD_BEGINSUBPATH | PD_ENDSUBPATH))) { return; }
// Figure out how much we can expand the current last record.
// NOTE: pointer casts are below are safe, since both the
// start and end of a pathalloc block are aligned on
// the most restrictive boundary. These alignment points
// are the *only* safe points to cast between types, since
// only there are we guaranteed to be safely aligned.
POINTFIX *oldend = &(ppr->aptfx[ppr->count]); POINTFIX *newend = (POINTFIX *)((char *)ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc);
ULONGSIZE_T maxadd = 0; if ( newend > oldend ) { //Sundown truncation
ASSERT4GB((ULONGLONG)(newend - oldend)); maxadd = (ULONG)(newend - oldend); }
// Don't add more than we need!
if ( maxadd > ppd->count ) maxadd = (ULONGSIZE_T)ppd->count;
// We must add a multiple of 3 points for Beziers.
if (ppd->flags & PD_BEZIERS) maxadd -= maxadd % 3;
if (maxadd == 0) return;
// Copy the points:
if (pptfxDelta != (POINTFIX *) NULL) { vOffsetPoints( &(ppr->aptfx[ppr->count]), (POINTFIX *) ppd->pptl, maxadd, pptfxDelta->x, pptfxDelta->y ); } else if (pxfo == XFORMNULL) RtlCopyMemory(&(ppr->aptfx[ppr->count]), ppd->pptl, (SIZE_T) maxadd * sizeof(POINTFIX)); else pxfo->bXformRound(ppd->pptl, &(ppr->aptfx[ppr->count]), maxadd);
ASSERTGDI((CHAR*) &ppr->aptfx[ppr->count + maxadd] <= (CHAR*) ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc, "Overwrote bounds!"); ASSERTGDI((CHAR*) &(ppr->aptfx[ppr->count]) > (CHAR*) ppa, "Bad bound");
// Adjust the bounding box:
register POINTFIX *pptfx = &ppr->aptfx[ppr->count]; for ( register ULONG i = 0; i < maxadd; i += 1, pptfx += 1 ) { ((ERECTFX*) &ppath->rcfxBoundBox)->vInclude(*pptfx); }
// adjust the path record
ppr->count += maxadd;
// adjust the pathalloc record
ppa->pprfreestart = NEXTPATHREC(ppr);
ASSERTGDI((CHAR*) ppa->pprfreestart <= (CHAR*) ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc, "Weird freestart");
// adjust the pathdata record
ppd->count -= maxadd; ppd->pptl += maxadd; }
* EPATHOBJ::reinit() * * Reinitialize an existing path so that it becomes an empty path. * * This is useful in error cases when the path cannot be restored, * * but also cannot be deleted (because the handle is in a DC). See * * bug 177612 for details. * * * * History: * * * * 11-Aug-1998 -by- Ori Gershony [orig] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/ VOID EPATHOBJ::reinit() { if (ppath != (PATH *) NULL) { ASSERTGDI(!(ppath->flags & PATH_JOURNAL), "Can't delete journal path"); // Free all the blocks in the path:
// And reinitialize the path data
ppath->ppachain = (PATHALLOC*) NULL; ppath->pprfirst = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; ppath->pprlast = (PATHRECORD*) NULL; ppath->rcfxBoundBox.xLeft = 0; ppath->rcfxBoundBox.xRight = 0; ppath->rcfxBoundBox.yTop = 0; ppath->rcfxBoundBox.yBottom = 0; ppath->ptfxSubPathStart.x = 0; ppath->ptfxSubPathStart.y = 0; ppath->flags = PD_BEGINSUBPATH | PD_ENDSUBPATH; ppath->pprEnum = (PATHRECORD *) NULL; // Don't clear flType - it's used by the destructor to determine
// how we allocated the memory and hence how to dispose of it correctly.
//ppath->flType = 0;
ppath->fl = 0; ppath->cCurves = 0; // don't need to initialize ppath->cle, because it will be initialized by vEnumPathStart
fl = 0; cCurves = 0; } }
* EPATHOBJ::createrec() * * * * Add a new path record to the path, taking control points and flags * * from the pathdata struct passed. We try to fit things in the * * last pathdata block if we can sensibly do it, but otherwise we * * allocate a new pathdata and tack it on the end. Note that a pathdata * * may not be filled completely if it isn't convenient. * * * * History: * * Wed 17-Jun-1992 00:15:06 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Added the pptfxDelta parameter. * * * * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::createrec(EXFORMOBJ *pxfo,PATHDATAL *ppd,POINTFIX *pptfxDelta) { PATHALLOC *ppa = ppath->ppachain; ULONGSIZE_T maxadd = 0; // # of pts we can fit into zero space
if ( ppa != (PATHALLOC*) NULL ) { // We have a current pathalloc, see how much will fit.
// Computation done into temps to avoid compiler assertion!
POINTFIX *start = &(ppa->pprfreestart->aptfx[0]); POINTFIX *end = (POINTFIX *)((char *)ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc);
if (end > start) //Sundown safe truncation
maxadd =(ULONG)(end - start); }
// Decide if we need to enter the current position before adding
// the points in the pathdata. cPoints gets the count of how many
// we add; either zero or one.
COUNT cPoints = (ppath->flags & PD_BEGINSUBPATH) ? 1 : 0;
// We must add a multiple of 3 points for Beziers.
if ((ppd->flags & PD_BEZIERS) && (maxadd > 0)) maxadd -= (maxadd - (ULONGSIZE_T)cPoints) % 3;
// At this point, 'maxadd' indicates how many points we could get
// into a record if we added it in the current pathalloc.
// Now we can decide if we need a new pathalloc
if ( (maxadd < (cPoints + ppd->count)) && (maxadd < PATHALLOCTHRESHOLD) ) { // allocate a new pathalloc, link it into path
ppa = newpathalloc(); if (ppa == (PATHALLOC*) NULL) {
// We're out of memory.
// At this point, our PATHALLOC chain is intact (so we can safely
// traverse the chain to free the blocks), but the rest of the path
// data can be corrupt (it's not worth trying to recover in this
// case), so we can't allow the path to be used anymore.
// But paths are persistent between API calls when there is an
// active path; we have to mark that the path is invalid, and not
// let any subsequent APIs try to do any operation on it other than
// to delete it.
// We free all blocks and re-initialize the path. We don't want to delete
// it here because the handle might be stored in a DC (see bug 177612)
return(FALSE); }
ppa->ppanext = ppath->ppachain; ppath->ppachain = ppa;
// adjust maxadd
ASSERTGDI((CHAR*) ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc > (CHAR*) ppa->pprfreestart, "Invalid pprfreeestart");
//Sundown truncation
ASSERT4GB((ULONGLONG)(((char *)ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc) - (char *)ppa->pprfreestart));
ULONGSIZE_T numbytes = (ULONG)(((char *)ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc) - (char *)ppa->pprfreestart); maxadd = (ULONGSIZE_T)(numbytes - offsetof(PATHRECORD, aptfx)) / sizeof(POINTFIX);
// We must add a multiple of 3 points for Beziers.
if (ppd->flags & PD_BEZIERS) maxadd -= (maxadd - (ULONGSIZE_T)cPoints) % 3; }
// Don't add more points than we need:
if ( maxadd > (ppd->count + cPoints) ) maxadd = (ULONGSIZE_T)(ppd->count + cPoints);
// Create new pathrec header:
PATHRECORD *ppr = ppa->pprfreestart;
ppr->flags = ppd->flags | PD_ENDSUBPATH; ppr->count = maxadd; ppr->pprnext = (PPATHREC)NULL; ppr->pprprev = ppath->pprlast;
if ( cPoints == 0 ) { // This new record is a continuation of the old one, so clear
// the previous record's end-subpath flag
if (ppath->pprlast != (PPATHREC) NULL) ppath->pprlast->flags &= ~PD_ENDSUBPATH; } else { // This is a new sub-path, so add in the current point
*(ppr->aptfx) = ppath->ptfxSubPathStart; maxadd -= 1; ppr->flags |= (ppath->flags & (PD_BEGINSUBPATH | PD_RESETSTYLE)); ppath->flags &= ~(PD_BEGINSUBPATH | PD_RESETSTYLE);; }
// Copy in the points:
if (pptfxDelta != (POINTFIX *) NULL) { vOffsetPoints( &(ppr->aptfx[cPoints]), (POINTFIX *) ppd->pptl, maxadd, pptfxDelta->x, pptfxDelta->y ); } else if (pxfo == XFORMNULL) RtlCopyMemory(&(ppr->aptfx[cPoints]), ppd->pptl, maxadd * sizeof(POINTFIX)); else pxfo->bXformRound(ppd->pptl, &(ppr->aptfx[cPoints]), maxadd);
ASSERTGDI((CHAR*) &ppr->aptfx[cPoints + maxadd] <= (CHAR*) ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc, "Overwrote bounds!");
// Adjust the bounding box:
register POINTFIX *pptfx = ppr->aptfx; if ( ppath->pprlast == (PPATHREC) NULL ) { // if path was empty, set the bound box to a single pt.
ppath->rcfxBoundBox.xLeft = ppath->rcfxBoundBox.xRight = pptfx->x; ppath->rcfxBoundBox.yTop = ppath->rcfxBoundBox.yBottom = pptfx->y; }
for ( register ULONG i = 0; i < maxadd + cPoints; i += 1, pptfx += 1 ) { ((ERECTFX*) &ppath->rcfxBoundBox)->vInclude(*pptfx); }
// Now that we know we have succeeded, add the pathrec to the path chain
// Prior to doing this, we can back out it's as if we hadn't changed anything.
if (ppath->pprlast == (PPATHREC) NULL ) { // first pathrec in path!
ppath->pprfirst = ppath->pprlast = ppr; } else { // add to pathrec chain
ppath->pprlast->pprnext = ppr; ppath->pprlast = ppr; }
// Adjust the pathalloc record:
ppa->pprfreestart = NEXTPATHREC(ppr);
ASSERTGDI((CHAR*) ppa->pprfreestart <= (CHAR*) ppa + ppa->siztPathAlloc, "Weird freestart");
// Adjust a bunch of state:
ppd->count -= maxadd; ppd->pptl += maxadd; ppd->flags &= ~(PD_BEGINSUBPATH | PD_RESETSTYLE);
return(TRUE); }
* PATHOBJ_vGetBounds(ppo, prcfx) * * Gets the path bounds. * * History: * 19-Aug-1991 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID PATHOBJ_vGetBounds(PATHOBJ* ppo, PRECTFX prcfx) { *prcfx = ((EPATHOBJ *) ppo)->rcfxBoundBox();
// Make the box lower-right exclusive if not empty (i.e., not {0,0,0,0}):
if (prcfx->yTop || prcfx->xLeft || prcfx->yBottom || prcfx->xRight) { prcfx->yBottom += 1; prcfx->xRight += 1; } }
VOID PATHOBJ_vEnumStart(PATHOBJ* ppo) { ((EPATHOBJ*) ppo)->vEnumStart(); }
* EPATHOBJ::bEnum() * * Enumerate the path * * History: * 19-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bEnum(PATHDATA *ppd) { return(PATHOBJ_bEnum(this, ppd)); }
ppath = ((EPATHOBJ*) ppo)->ppath;
// Detect case where he didn't call bStartEnum()
if (ppath->pprEnum == NULL) { if (ppath->pprfirst == NULL) { // It's an empty path:
ppd->count = 0; ppd->flags = 0; ppd->pptfx = (PPOINTFIX) NULL; return(FALSE); } else { // Start again at first record:
ppath->pprEnum = ppath->pprfirst; } }
ppr = ppath->pprEnum;
ppd->count = ppr->count; ppd->flags = ppr->flags; ppd->pptfx = ppr->aptfx;
ppath->pprEnum = ppr->pprnext;
// By setting PO_ENUM_AS_INTEGERS in the PATHOBJ before calling bEnum,
// the driver signals that it saw the PO_ALL_INTEGERS flag and wants
// the coordinates as integers instead of fixed point. That's great
// because if PO_ALL_INTEGERS was set, that means we recorded the path
// in integer coordinates.
if ((ppo->fl & (PO_ALL_INTEGERS | PO_ENUM_AS_INTEGERS)) == PO_ALL_INTEGERS) { // Uh oh, the driver didn't ask for integer coordinates. So we'll
// simply convert the path to fixed coordinates and remove the
ppo->fl &= ~PO_ALL_INTEGERS;
for (ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr != NULL; ppr = ppr->pprnext) { for (pptfx = ppr->aptfx, i = ppr->count; i != 0; pptfx++, i--) { pptfx->x <<= 4; pptfx->y <<= 4; } } }
// set. Tsk, tsk.
RIP("Driver mustn't set PO_ENUM_AS_INTEGERS unless PO_ALL_INTEGERS was set by GDI"); }
return(ppath->pprEnum != (PPATHREC) NULL); }
* EPATHOBJ::vOffset() * * Enumerate the path * * History: * 29-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EPATHOBJ::vOffset(EPOINTL &eptl) { LONG xOffset = LTOFX(eptl.x); LONG yOffset = LTOFX(eptl.y);
RECTFX *prcfxBoundBox = &ppath->rcfxBoundBox;
prcfxBoundBox->xLeft += xOffset; prcfxBoundBox->xRight += xOffset; prcfxBoundBox->yTop += yOffset; prcfxBoundBox->yBottom += yOffset;
if (fl & PO_ALL_INTEGERS) { // If 'PO_ALL_INTEGERS' is set, the path has been recorded as integers
// instead of 28.4 fixed point. So convert the offsets back to integers
// again:
xOffset = FXTOL(xOffset); yOffset = FXTOL(yOffset); }
register PATHRECORD* ppr; for (ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr != (PPATHREC) NULL; ppr = ppr->pprnext) { for (register EPOINTFIX *peptfx = (EPOINTFIX *)ppr->aptfx; peptfx < (EPOINTFIX *)&ppr->aptfx[ppr->count]; peptfx += 1) { peptfx->x += xOffset; peptfx->y += yOffset; } } }
* EPATHOBJ::bMoveTo() * * Set the current position in the path. Note that the following effects * also occur: * - last existing record in path is marked as ending the subpath * - flag is set indicating that next path record will start a new * subpath. * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bMoveTo(EXFORMOBJ *pxfo, PPOINTL pptl) { // we can fail if the driver got a previous out of memory error
if (!bValid()) return(FALSE);
if (pxfo == XFORMNULL) ppath->ptfxSubPathStart = *((PPOINTFIX) pptl); else { pxfo->bXformRound(pptl, &ppath->ptfxSubPathStart, 1); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL PATHOBJ_bMoveTo(PATHOBJ* ppo, POINTFIX ptfx) { return(((EPATHOBJ*) ppo)->bMoveTo(XFORMNULL, (PPOINTL) &ptfx)); }
* EPATHOBJ::bCloseFigure() * * close the current subpath in the path. * * History: * 8-Nov-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bCloseFigure() { // we can fail if the driver got a previous out of memory error
if (!bValid()) return(FALSE);
if (ppath->pprlast != (PATHRECORD*) NULL) { if (!(ppath->pprlast->flags & PD_CLOSEFIGURE)) { ppath->pprlast->flags |= PD_CLOSEFIGURE; cCurves++; } }
// Indicate that we are starting a new subpath:
ppath->flags |= PD_BEGINSUBPATH;
// We don't have to update ptfxSubPathStart because the current position
// after a CloseFigure is set to the sub-path start point.
return(TRUE); }
BOOL PATHOBJ_bCloseFigure(PATHOBJ* ppo) { return(((EPATHOBJ*) ppo)->bCloseFigure()); }
* EPATHOBJ::vCloseAllFigures() * * Closes any open figures in the path. Used for FillPath and * StrokeAndFillPath. * * History: * 17-Sep-1991 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EPATHOBJ::vCloseAllFigures() { PPATHREC ppr = ppath->pprfirst; while (ppr != (PPATHREC) NULL) { if (ppr->flags & PD_ENDSUBPATH) { if (!(ppr->flags & PD_CLOSEFIGURE)) { ppr->flags |= PD_CLOSEFIGURE; cCurves++; } } ppr = ppr->pprnext; } }
* EPATHOBJ::bPolyLineTo() * * Draw lines from the current position in the path thru the specified * points. Sets the current position to the last specified point. * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bPolyLineTo(EXFORMOBJ *pxfo, PPOINTL pptl, ULONG cPts) { // we can fail if the driver got a previous out of memory error
if (!bValid()) return(FALSE);
pd.flags = 0; pd.pptl = pptl; pd.count = cPts;
bRet = addpoints(pxfo, &pd); if (bRet) cCurves += cPts;
return(bRet); }
BOOL PATHOBJ_bPolyLineTo(PATHOBJ* ppo, PPOINTFIX pptfx, ULONG cptfx) { // NULL transform indicates that the points are already in device space:
return(((EPATHOBJ*) ppo)->bPolyLineTo(XFORMNULL, (PPOINTL) pptfx, cptfx)); }
* EPATHOBJ::bPolyBezierTo() * * Draw curves from the current position in the path thru the specified * points. Sets the current position to the last specified point. * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bPolyBezierTo(EXFORMOBJ *pxfo, PPOINTL pptl, ULONG cPts) { // we can fail if the driver got a previous out of memory error
if (!bValid()) return(FALSE);
ASSERTGDI(cPts % 3 == 0, "Weird number of Bezier points"); pd.flags = PD_BEZIERS; pd.pptl = pptl; pd.count = cPts;
bRet = addpoints(pxfo, &pd); if (bRet) cCurves += cPts / 3;
return(bRet); }
BOOL PATHOBJ_bPolyBezierTo(PATHOBJ* ppo, PPOINTFIX pptfx, ULONG cptfx) { // NULL transform indicates that the points are already in device space:
return(((EPATHOBJ*) ppo)->bPolyBezierTo(XFORMNULL, (PPOINTL) pptfx, cptfx)); }
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bTextOutSimpleFill( XDCOBJ& dco, RFONTOBJ& rfo, PDEVOBJ* pdo, SURFACE* pSurf, CLIPOBJ* pco, BRUSHOBJ* pbo, POINTL* pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix, FLONG flOptions) { BOOL bSem = FALSE, bRet; ULONG fl = 0, numLinks = 0; BOOL aFaceLink[UMPD_MAX_FONTFACELINK], *pFaceLink = aFaceLink;
// Release rfont semaphores, otherwise holding rfont semaphores can
// disable APC queue while calling to the user mode.
// WINBUG #214225 tessiew 10-27-2000 Blackcomb: re-visit the RFONT.hsemCace acquiring/releasing issue
// Need to revisit the font semaphore problem in Blackcomb
// It seems that a thread doesn't need to hold the font caching semaphore
// during the whole GreExtTextOutWLocked call.
if (dco.bPrinter() && dco.bUMPD() && rfo.bValid()) { bSem = UMPDReleaseRFONTSem(rfo, NULL, &fl, &numLinks, &pFaceLink); }
bRet = bSimpleFill(dco.flGraphicsCaps(), pdo, pSurf, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions); if (bSem) { UMPDAcquireRFONTSem(rfo, NULL, fl, numLinks, pFaceLink);
if (pFaceLink && pFaceLink != aFaceLink) { VFREEMEM(pFaceLink); } }
return bRet; }
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bTextOutSimpleStroke1( XDCOBJ& dco, RFONTOBJ& rfo, PDEVOBJ* plo, SURFACE* pSurface, CLIPOBJ* pco, BRUSHOBJ* pbo, POINTL* pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix) { BOOL bSem = FALSE, bRet; ULONG fl = 0, numLinks = 0; BOOL aFaceLink[UMPD_MAX_FONTFACELINK], *pFaceLink = aFaceLink;
// Release rfont semaphores, otherwise holding rfont semaphores can
// disable APC queue while calling to the user mode.
// WINBUG #214225 tessiew 10-27-2000 Blackcomb: re-visit the RFONT.hsemCace acquiring/releasing issue
// Need to revisit the font semaphore problem in Blackcomb
// It seems that a thread doesn't need to hold the font caching semaphore
// during the whole GreExtTextOutWLocked call.
if (dco.bPrinter() && dco.bUMPD() && rfo.bValid()) { bSem = UMPDReleaseRFONTSem(rfo, NULL, &fl, &numLinks, &pFaceLink); }
LINEATTRS laTmp = glaSimpleStroke.la;
bRet = bSimpleStroke(dco.flGraphicsCaps(), plo, pSurface, pco, (XFORMOBJ*) NULL, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, &laTmp, mix);
if (bSem) { UMPDAcquireRFONTSem(rfo, NULL, fl, numLinks, pFaceLink);
if (pFaceLink && pFaceLink != aFaceLink) { VFREEMEM(pFaceLink); } }
return bRet; }
* EPATHOBJ::bSimpleFill(flCaps, plo, pSurf, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, * mix, flOptions) * * Fill the path, accounting for smart devices. * * History: * 7-Apr-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bSimpleFill( FLONG flCaps, // For device graphics caps
PDEVOBJ* pdo, SURFACE* pSurf, CLIPOBJ* pco, BRUSHOBJ* pbo, POINTL* pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix, FLONG flOptions) { BOOL bRet;
#if DBG
ASSERTGDI(bAllClosed(), "A sub-path in the filled path wasn't closed."); #endif
ASSERTGDI(cTotalCurves() == cCurves, "Messed up curve count somewhere."); ASSERTGDI(mix & 0xff00, "Background mix uninitialized");
// The DDI restricts all paths to a 2^27 by 2^27 pixel space to allow
// device drivers to compute deltas using 32-bit integers without
// overflowing.
if (((rcfxBoundBox().xRight - rcfxBoundBox().xLeft) < 0) || ((rcfxBoundBox().yBottom - rcfxBoundBox().yTop) < 0)) { return(FALSE); }
if (cCurves == 0) { return(TRUE); }
if (pSurf->flags() & HOOK_FillPath) { if (((flOptions & WINDING) && (flCaps & GCAPS_WINDINGFILL)) || (!(flOptions & WINDING) && (flCaps & GCAPS_ALTERNATEFILL))) { if (bBeziers()) { if (flCaps & GCAPS_BEZIERS) { // The driver says it can handle Beziers, so try giving it
// the path, Beziers and all:
ASSERTGDI(PPFNVALID(*pdo,FillPath), "Driver hooked FillPath but didn't supply routine");
bRet = (*PPFNDRV(*pdo,FillPath)) ( pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions);
if (bRet == TRUE) return(TRUE); else if (bRet == DDI_ERROR) return(FALSE); }
// If there's complex clipping, the driver might not want to
// render Beziers itself, so we'll flatten it and try again
// (or maybe the driver doesn't handle Beziers at all):
if (!bFlatten()) return(FALSE); }
ASSERTGDI(PPFNVALID(*pdo,FillPath), "Driver hooked FillPath but didn't supply routine");
bRet = (*PPFNDRV(*pdo,FillPath)) ( pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions);
if (bRet == TRUE) return(TRUE); else if (bRet == DDI_ERROR) return(FALSE); } }
return(EngFillPath(pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions)); }
* EPATHOBJ::bSimpleStroke(flCaps, pdo, pSurf, pco, pxo, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, * pla, mix) * * Stroke the path, accounting for smart devices. * * History: * 7-Apr-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bSimpleStroke( FLONG flCaps, // For device graphics caps
PDEVOBJ* pdo, SURFACE* pSurf, CLIPOBJ* pco, XFORMOBJ* pxo, BRUSHOBJ* pbo, POINTL* pptlBrushOrg, LINEATTRS* pla, MIX mix) { BOOL bRet;
// The DDI restricts all paths to a 2^27 by 2^27 pixel space to allow
// device drivers to compute deltas using 32-bit integers without
// overflowing.
if (((rcfxBoundBox().xRight - rcfxBoundBox().xLeft) < 0) || ((rcfxBoundBox().yBottom - rcfxBoundBox().yTop) < 0)) { return(FALSE); }
if (cCurves == 0) { return(TRUE); }
// the real thing
ASSERTGDI(cTotalCurves() == cCurves, "Messed up curve count somewhere."); ASSERTGDI(mix & 0xff00, "Background mix uninitialized");
if (pSurf->flags() & HOOK_StrokePath) { // Pass the path to the driver if it's not a wide line, or if the driver
// says it can take wide lines:
if (!(pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC) || (flCaps & GCAPS_GEOMETRICWIDE)) { if (bBeziers()) { if (flCaps & GCAPS_BEZIERS) { // The driver says it can handle Beziers, so try giving it
// the path, Beziers and all:
ASSERTGDI(PPFNVALID(*pdo,StrokePath), "Driver hooked StrokePath but didn't supply routine");
bRet = (*PPFNDRV(*pdo,StrokePath)) ( pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pxo, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, pla, mix);
if (bRet == TRUE) return(TRUE); else if (bRet == DDI_ERROR) return(FALSE); }
// If there's complex clipping, the driver might not want to
// render Beziers itself, so we'll flatten it and try again
// (or maybe the driver doesn't handle Beziers at all):
if (!bFlatten()) return(FALSE); }
ASSERTGDI(PPFNVALID(*pdo,StrokePath), "Driver hooked StrokePath but didn't supply routine");
bRet = (*PPFNDRV(*pdo,StrokePath)) ( pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pxo, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, pla, mix);
if (bRet == TRUE) return(TRUE); else if (bRet == DDI_ERROR) return(FALSE); } }
if (pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC) { //
// Handle wide lines, remembering that the widened bounds have
// already been computed:
if (!bWiden(pxo, pla)) return(FALSE);
return(bSimpleFill(flCaps, pdo, pSurf, pco, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, mix, WINDING)); }
// Pass it off to the engine:
return(EngStrokePath(pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pxo, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, pla, mix)); }
* EPATHOBJ::bSimpleStrokeAndFill(flCaps, pdo, pSurf, pco, pxo, pboStroke, * pla, pboFill, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions) * * Stroke and fill the path, accounting for smart devices. * * History: * 7-Apr-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bSimpleStrokeAndFill( FLONG flCaps, // For device graphics caps
PDEVOBJ* pdo, SURFACE* pSurf, CLIPOBJ* pco, XFORMOBJ* pxo, BRUSHOBJ* pboStroke, LINEATTRS* pla, BRUSHOBJ* pboFill, POINTL* pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix, FLONG flOptions) { BOOL bRet;
#if DBG
ASSERTGDI(bAllClosed(), "A sub-path in the filled path wasn't closed."); #endif
ASSERTGDI(cTotalCurves() == cCurves, "Messed up curve count somewhere."); ASSERTGDI(mix & 0xff00, "Background mix uninitialized");
// The DDI restricts all paths to a 2^27 by 2^27 pixel space to allow
// device drivers to compute deltas using 32-bit integers without
// overflowing.
if (((rcfxBoundBox().xRight - rcfxBoundBox().xLeft) < 0) || ((rcfxBoundBox().yBottom - rcfxBoundBox().yTop) < 0)) { return(FALSE); }
if (cCurves == 0) { return(TRUE); }
if (pSurf->flags() & HOOK_StrokeAndFillPath) { // Pass the path to the driver if either it's not a wide line, or
// if the driver says it can take wide lines:
if (!(pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC) || (flCaps & GCAPS_GEOMETRICWIDE)) { if (bBeziers()) { if (flCaps & GCAPS_BEZIERS) { // The driver says it can handle Beziers, so try giving it
// the path, Beziers and all:
ASSERTGDI(PPFNVALID(*pdo,StrokeAndFillPath), "Driver hooked StrokeAndFillPath but didn't supply routine");
bRet = (*PPFNDRV(*pdo,StrokeAndFillPath)) ( pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pxo, pboStroke, pla, pboFill, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions);
if (bRet == TRUE) return(TRUE); else if (bRet == DDI_ERROR) return(FALSE); }
// If there's complex clipping, the driver might not want to
// render Beziers itself, so we'll flatten it and try again
// (or maybe the driver doesn't handle Beziers at all):
if (!bFlatten()) return(FALSE); }
ASSERTGDI(PPFNVALID(*pdo,StrokeAndFillPath), "Driver hooked StrokeAndFillPath but didn't supply routine");
bRet = (*PPFNDRV(*pdo,StrokeAndFillPath)) ( pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pxo, pboStroke, pla, pboFill, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions);
if (bRet == TRUE) return(TRUE); else if (bRet == DDI_ERROR) return(FALSE); } }
BOOL bDemote = FALSE;
// Can demote into separate Fill and Stroke calls if we're not doing a
// wide-line, or if we're doing a SRCCOPY and the display is raster, we
// can also demote (because in that case, we don't mind if we re-light
// pixels):
if (!(pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC)) bDemote = TRUE; else if ((mix & 0xFF) == R2_COPYPEN) { PDEVOBJ po(pSurf->hdev()); if (po.ulTechnology() == DT_RASDISPLAY || po.ulTechnology() == DT_RASPRINTER) bDemote = TRUE; }
if (bDemote) { MIX mixFill, mixStroke;
mixFill = mixStroke = mix;
if (!((EBRUSHOBJ *)pboFill)->bIsMasking()) { mixFill = (mix & 0xff) | ((mix & 0xff) << 8); }
if (!((EBRUSHOBJ *)pboStroke)->bIsMasking()) { mixStroke = (mix & 0xff) | ((mix & 0xff) << 8); }
return(bSimpleFill(flCaps, pdo, pSurf, pco, pboFill, pptlBrushOrg, mixFill, flOptions) && bSimpleStroke(flCaps, pdo, pSurf, pco, pxo, pboStroke, pptlBrushOrg, pla, mixStroke)); }
// Hand off to the engine simulation, which will nicely subtract the regions
// if necessary:
return(EngStrokeAndFillPath(pSurf->pSurfobj(), (PATHOBJ*) this, pco, pxo, pboStroke, pla, pboFill, pptlBrushOrg, mix, flOptions)); }
* EPATHOBJ::bStrokeAndOrFill(dco, pla, pexo, flType) * * Stroke and/or fills the path, depending on flType and the current pen * and brush. * * Note that unless the only output operations you're doing is with the * path, you probably want to do your own locking, pointer exclusion, etc. * and call bSimpleStroke, bSimpleFill or bSimpleStrokeAndFill. * * History: * 7-Apr-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bStrokeAndOrFill( XDCOBJ& dco, LINEATTRS* pla, EXFORMOBJ* pexo, FLONG flType) { ASSERTGDI(bValid(), "Invalid Path"); ASSERTGDI(dco.bValid(), "Invalid DC");
BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL bOpaqueStyle = FALSE; LONG lOldStyleState; MIX mix; BOOL bCanDither; FLONG flOriginal;
// If there aren't any points (as may happen with consecutive calls to
// BeginPath and EndPath), we're all done -- don't let this get down to
// the driver, which won't expect it.
if (cCurves == 0) { return(TRUE); }
flOriginal = flType;
// Simplify if NULL pen or NULL brush:
if (dco.pdc->pbrushLine() == gpPenNull) { flType &= ~PATH_STROKE; }
if (dco.pdc->pbrushFill() == gpbrNull) { flType &= ~PATH_FILL; }
// If doing a wide line, have to adjust bounds:
if (flType & PATH_STROKE) { if (pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC) { if (!bComputeWidenedBounds((XFORMOBJ*) pexo, pla)) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); return(bRet); }
// We don't support preserving the style state accross DrvStrokePaths
// in Product One for geometric lines, so make sure we always reset
// the style state value:
if (pla->pstyle != (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL) pla->elStyleState.e = IEEE_0_0F; } }
// Compute bound box and make it lower-right exclusive:
ERECTL erclBoundsDevice(ppath->rcfxBoundBox); erclBoundsDevice.bottom++; erclBoundsDevice.right++;
if (dco.fjAccum()) dco.vAccumulate(erclBoundsDevice);
// If we're in FULLSCREEN mode, exit with success.
if (dco.bFullScreen()) // If in FULLSCREEN mode, exit.
// Lock Rao region, VisRgn. We would really like to do all the flattening,
// widening and converting to regions before we grab this, because they
// are time intensive and the DEVLOCK prevents any other screen updating.
// This might have to change if it becomes a performance issue.
DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dco); if (!dlo.bValid()) { return(dco.bFullScreen()); }
if (dco.bDisplay() && !dco.bRedirection() && !UserScreenAccessCheck()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); return(FALSE); }
ERECTL erclBoundsScreen = erclBoundsDevice; erclBoundsScreen += dco.eptlOrigin(); vOffset(dco.eptlOrigin());
ECLIPOBJ eco(dco.prgnEffRao(), erclBoundsScreen);
// Might be able to do a quick-out:
if ((dco.dctp() == DCTYPE_INFO) || eco.erclExclude().bEmpty()) { if (flType & PATH_STROKE) { if ((pla->pstyle != (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL && !(pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC)) || pla->fl & LA_ALTERNATE) { vUpdateCosmeticStyleState(dco.pSurface(), pla); } }
bRet = TRUE; return(bRet); }
// Lock the destination surface and the ldev:
SURFACE *pSurfDest = dco.pSurface(); PDEVOBJ po(dco.hdev()); XEPALOBJ epalDest(pSurfDest->ppal()); XEPALOBJ epalDestDC(dco.ppal());
// Realize the brushes:
EBRUSHOBJ *peboPen = dco.peboLine(); EBRUSHOBJ *peboBrush = dco.peboFill(); EBRUSHOBJ *peboStroke = peboPen;
if (flType & PATH_STROKE) { ASSERTGDI(pla != (LINEATTRS*) NULL, "Invalid LineAttrs for stroke"); ASSERTGDI(!(pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC) || pexo != (EXFORMOBJ*) NULL, "Invalid xform on geometric line");
if (pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC) { // The bCanDither flag actually means 'bCanDitherIfBrushSaysSo' --
// the brush has to be marked as ditherable AND bCanDither has to be
// set before the brush is dithered:
bCanDither = TRUE;
// Because of Win3.1 compatibility, when the PS_INSIDEFRAME pen
// is treated as a wideline, we can dither the brush. But the
// dither/can't dither decision depends on the transform,
// and the last time we used this brush we may have realized
// it as non-ditherable.
// PS_INSIDEFRAME pens are reasonably rare, and realizing a brush
// is relatively quick (particularly compared to the wide-line
// rendering time), so if the cached brush is a solid color, we
// simply mark the brush so that it will be re-realized (but only
// for PS_INSIDEFRAME pens):
// if the driver says dither (mainly for 8 color printer devices) we
// can dither even if it is not InsideFrame.
// Note: If the pen is dirty, we'll actually be looking at
// uninitialized fields! But that's okay, because we'd only be
// marking the pen dirty again:
if ((peboPen->iSolidColor != (ULONG) -1) && (peboPen->bIsInsideFrame() || po.bCapsForceDither())) { dco.ulDirty(dco.ulDirty() | DIRTY_LINE); } } else { // Here we've got the opposite case. When the transform is such
// that a PS_INSIDEFRAME pen is treated as a cosmetic pen,
// the brush has to be solid colored:
bCanDither = FALSE; if (peboPen->iSolidColor == (ULONG) -1) { dco.ulDirty(dco.ulDirty() | DIRTY_LINE); } }
if (dco.bDirtyBrush(DIRTY_LINE)) { dco.vCleanBrush(DIRTY_LINE);
peboPen->vInitBrush(dco.pdc, dco.pdc->pbrushLine(), epalDestDC, epalDest, pSurfDest, bCanDither); }
if (pla->pstyle != (PFLOAT_LONG) NULL && peboPen->bIsOldStylePen() && dco.pdc->jBkMode() == OPAQUE && !(pla->fl & LA_GEOMETRIC)) // Don't style wide Win3 pens
{ // If the background mode is OPAQUE, and we're styling with an
// old Win3-style pen, we have to note it. We do this styling in
// two passes. On the first pass, we use the opaque pen.
bOpaqueStyle = TRUE; ASSERTGDI(peboPen->bIsDefaultStyle(), "Expect only default style");
// Change the sense of the first element in the style array:
pla->fl ^= LA_STARTGAP; lOldStyleState = pla->elStyleState.l; peboStroke = dco.peboBackground();
// Initialize the opaque pen:
// The opaquing brush must be solid colored. If the cached version
// isn't solid colored, mark the cached entry as invalid so that
// we'll re-realize. I don't expect this to ever happen (we merely
// implmement this for completeness), so it's hardly a performance
// hit.
if (!(dco.ulDirty() & DIRTY_BACKGROUND)) { if (peboStroke->iSolidColor == (ULONG) -1) { dco.ulDirty(dco.ulDirty() | DIRTY_BACKGROUND); } }
if (dco.bDirtyBrush(DIRTY_BACKGROUND)) { if((dco.flGraphicsCaps() & GCAPS_ARBRUSHOPAQUE) == 0) { // BUGFIX #27335 2-18-2000 bhouse
// We can clear the DIRTY_BACKGROUND bit only if
// we would have otherwise realized it without
// dithering enabled.
dco.vCleanBrush(DIRTY_BACKGROUND); }
peboStroke->vInitBrush( dco.pdc, (PBRUSH)gpbrBackground, epalDestDC, epalDest, pSurfDest, FALSE); // False means can't dither
} }
mix = peboPen->mixBest(dco.pdc->jROP2(), dco.pdc->jBkMode()); }
if (flType & PATH_FILL) { if (dco.bDirtyBrush(DIRTY_FILL)) { dco.vCleanBrush(DIRTY_FILL);
peboBrush->vInitBrush(dco.pdc, dco.pdc->pbrushFill(), epalDestDC, epalDest, pSurfDest); }
// For StrokeAndFill, we can pass down only a single 'mix' that applies
// to both brushes (normally, we don't want to pass down a transparent
// mix when the brush is not a hatch because the mix is what the display/
// printer driver cues off of to know if it has to do a transparent fill,
// which it typically does very slowly).
// If either brush is a hatched brush, and the BkMode is TRANSPARENT,
// then 'mix' must indicate a transparent mix. The way it works here
// is that if a transparent mix was already initialized for the pen, we
// don't recompute the mix:
if (!(flType & PATH_STROKE) || ((mix >> 8) == (mix & 0xff))) { mix = peboBrush->mixBest(dco.pdc->jROP2(), dco.pdc->jBkMode()); } }
// Reset the path for enumeration:
ppath->pprEnum = (PATHRECORD*) NULL;
// Exclude the pointer:
DEVEXCLUDEOBJ dxo(dco,&eco.erclExclude(),&eco);
if ((flType == 0) && (po.ulTechnology() != DT_RASDISPLAY)) { // Microsoft Publisher and Adobe Persuasion draw colored pattern
// and gradient fills on Postscript by doing the following sequence:
// 1. Send BEGIN_PATH printer escape;
// 2. Draw a path using a hollow brush and a NULL pen;
// 3. Send END_PATH escape;
// 4. Send CLIP_TO_PATH.
// The problem is that we used to detect these path cases and
// optimize out the calls to the driver, so the clipping path
// would never get down to Postscript.
// To fix this, we now detect this case and subsitute R2_NOP for
// the mix instead, and in this manner the path will still get down
// to the driver. If the driver is not currently accumulating a
// path, the right thing will still be printed: that is, nothing.
flType = flOriginal; mix = ((R2_NOP << 8) | R2_NOP); pla = &glaSimpleStroke.la; // Give them something to look at
// Finally, make the necessary calls:
switch(flType) { case 0: bRet = TRUE; break;
case PATH_FILL: bRet = bSimpleFill(dco.flGraphicsCaps(), &po, pSurfDest, &eco, peboBrush, &dco.pdc->ptlFillOrigin(), mix, dco.pdc->jFillMode()); break;
case PATH_STROKE: bRet = bSimpleStroke(dco.flGraphicsCaps(), &po, pSurfDest, &eco, (XFORMOBJ *) pexo, peboStroke, &dco.pdc->ptlFillOrigin(), pla, mix); break;
case PATH_STROKE | PATH_FILL: bRet = bSimpleStrokeAndFill(dco.flGraphicsCaps(), &po, pSurfDest, &eco, (XFORMOBJ *) pexo, peboStroke, pla, peboBrush, &dco.pdc->ptlFillOrigin(), mix, dco.pdc->jFillMode()); break;
default: RIP("Woah Nellie!"); }
// Do a second pass to draw the dashes for opaque styled lines:
if (bOpaqueStyle) { pla->fl ^= LA_STARTGAP; pla->elStyleState.l = lOldStyleState; ppath->pprEnum = (PATHRECORD*) NULL;
bRet &= bSimpleStroke(dco.flGraphicsCaps(), &po, pSurfDest, &eco, (XFORMOBJ *) pexo, peboPen, &dco.pdc->ptlFillOrigin(), pla, mix); }
return(bRet); }
// Pathalloc structure
// We allocate the space for paths in blocks that are essentially
// independent of the chain used to order the pathdata records. Typically
// we will have several ( or many ) pathdata records packed into each
// pathalloc block. The pathalloc blocks for a path are all chained together
// using the ppanext pointers; the end of the chain is marked with a NULL
// pointer.
// Each pathalloc structure has two fields which describe the space available
// in the block; the 'start' field is the pointer to the start of the
// available space, and the 'end' field is the pointer to the address
// *following* the last valid address in the pathalloc. Thus, the space
// remaining in the pathalloc can be computed as end - start.
// Routines to allocate and free pathalloc structures
* friend BOOL bInitPathAlloc() * * Initialize the freelist for pathallocs. Get a semaphore, set the * freelist to empty. * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bInitPathAlloc() { if ((PATHALLOC::hsemFreelist = GreCreateSemaphore()) == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
PATHALLOC::freelist = (PATHALLOC*) NULL; PATHALLOC::cFree = 0; PATHALLOC::cAllocated = 0;
return(TRUE); }
* friend void freepathalloc() * * Deallocate a pathalloc. * * History: * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID freepathalloc(PATHALLOC *ppa) { ASSERTGDI(ppa->siztPathAlloc == PATHALLOCSIZE, "Not a heap PATHALLOC");
SEMOBJ so(PATHALLOC::hsemFreelist);
if (PATHALLOC::cFree >= FREELIST_MAX) { // Free the memory if we've already got enough blocks on the freelist.
VFREEMEM(ppa); PATHALLOC::cAllocated--; } else { // Keep around a couple of blocks on the freelist for fast access.
ppa->ppanext = PATHALLOC::freelist; PATHALLOC::freelist = ppa; PATHALLOC::cFree++; } }
* friend PATHALLOC *newpathalloc() * * Allocate a new pathalloc, taking it off the freelist unless the * freelist is empty. In that case, just allocate a new one * * 1-Oct-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
PPATHALLOC newpathalloc() { SEMOBJ so(PATHALLOC::hsemFreelist);
register PPATHALLOC ppaNew = PATHALLOC::freelist;
if ( ppaNew != (PPATHALLOC) NULL ) { PATHALLOC::freelist = ppaNew->ppanext; PATHALLOC::cFree--; } else { ppaNew = (PPATHALLOC) PALLOCMEM(PATHALLOCSIZE, 'tapG');
if (ppaNew == (PPATHALLOC) NULL) return((PPATHALLOC) NULL);
PATHALLOC::cAllocated++; }
// Initialize the pathalloc structure:
ppaNew->pprfreestart = &(ppaNew->apr[0]); ppaNew->ppanext = (PATHALLOC*) NULL; ppaNew->siztPathAlloc = PATHALLOCSIZE;
return(ppaNew); }
* BOOL bSavePath(dco, lSave) * * Lazily save the DC's active or inactive path. We only actually copy * the path when the user starts mucking around with it. * * History: * 21-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bSavePath(XDCOBJ& dco, LONG lSave) { DONTUSE(lSave);
// If there's a path in the DC (either active or inactive), make a note
// to save it when it's about to be modified:
if (dco.hpath() != HPATH_INVALID) dco.pdc->vSetLazySave();
return(TRUE); }
* VOID vRestorePath(dco, lSave) * * Restore the active path. * * History: * 21-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vRestorePath(XDCOBJ& dco, LONG lSave) { DONTUSE(lSave);
// If there's a path in the DC, and the bLazySave flag isn't set, it means
// that it's a new path created at this level, so we have to nuke it:
if (dco.hpath() != HPATH_INVALID && !dco.pdc->bLazySave()) { XEPATHOBJ epath(dco.hpath()); ASSERTGDI(epath.bValid(), "Invalid DC path");
epath.vDelete(); dco.pdc->vDestroy(); } }
* BOOL EPATHOBJ::bAllClosed() * * If a fill is to be done on the path, every subpath must be have been * explicitly marked as closed. This routine returns TRUE if all subpaths * have be closed. * * Note: This is needed in checked builds only! * * History: * 77-Nov-1993 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EPATHOBJ::bAllClosed() { ULONG count = 0;
for (PATHRECORD *ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr != (PPATHREC) NULL; ppr = ppr->pprnext) { if (ppr->flags & PD_ENDSUBPATH) { if (!(ppr->flags & PD_CLOSEFIGURE)) return(FALSE); } else { ASSERTGDI(!(ppr->flags & PD_CLOSEFIGURE), "Shouldn't be a close figure when not end of subpath"); } }
return(TRUE); }
* VOID EPATHOBJ::vPrint() * * Prints the path points, for debugging purposes. * * History: * 21-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EPATHOBJ::vPrint() { DbgPrint("cCurves: %li fl: %lx\n", cCurves, fl);
PPATHREC ppr; for (ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr != NULL; ppr = ppr->pprnext) { DbgPrint("\n%li: ", ppr->flags); COUNT ii; for (ii = 0; ii < ppr->count; ii++) DbgPrint("(%li, %li) ", ppr->aptfx[ii].x, ppr->aptfx[ii].y); } DbgPrint("\n"); }
* VOID EPATHOBJ::vPrint() * * Prints the path structure, for debugging purposes. * * History: * 21-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EPATHOBJ::vDiag() { DbgPrint("flType: %lx\n", ppath->flType);
DbgPrint("Chain: %p PprFirst: %p PprLast: %p\n", ppath->ppachain, ppath->pprfirst, ppath->pprlast);
for (PPATHALLOC ppa = ppath->ppachain; ppa != NULL; ppa = ppa->ppanext) DbgPrint(" ppa: %p ppaNext: %p pprFreeStart: %p sizt: %li\n", ppa, ppa->ppanext, ppa->pprfreestart, ppa->siztPathAlloc);
for (PPATHREC ppr = ppath->pprfirst; ppr != NULL; ppr = ppr->pprnext) DbgPrint(" ppr: %p pprNext: %p pprPrev: %p count: %li flags: %li\n", ppr, ppr->pprnext, ppr->pprprev, ppr->count, ppr->flags); }
* VOID vPathDebug() * * Prints the number of currently allocated PATHALLOCs, and the number of * PATHALLOCs available on the free list, for debugging purposes. * * History: * 21-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vPathDebug() { SEMOBJ so(PATHALLOC::hsemFreelist);
DbgPrint("F: %li A: %li\n", PATHALLOC::cFree, PATHALLOC::cAllocated); }