* Module Name: rgngdi.cxx * * GDI Region calls * * Created: 30-Aug-1990 10:21:11 * Author: Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
extern PBRUSH gpbrNull;
#if DBG
extern ULONG dbgrgn; #endif
// Tracing defines for traces that should ignore class
#define GDITE_GreCreatePolyPolygonRgnInternal_return \
(GDITE_GreCreatePolyPolygonRgnInternal|GDITF_IGNORE_CLASS) #define GDITE_GreCreateRectRgn_return \
(GDITE_GreCreateRectRgn|GDITF_IGNORE_CLASS) #define GDITE_GreCreateRectRgnIndirect_return \
(GDITE_GreCreateRectRgnIndirect|GDITF_IGNORE_CLASS) #define GDITE_GreExtCreateRegion_return \
(GDITE_GreExtCreateRegion|GDITF_IGNORE_CLASS) #define GDITE_NtGdiCreateEllipticRgn_return \
(GDITE_NtGdiCreateEllipticRgn|GDITF_IGNORE_CLASS) #define GDITE_NtGdiCreateRectRgn_return \
(GDITE_NtGdiCreateRectRgn|GDITF_IGNORE_CLASS) #define GDITE_NtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn_return \
* BOOL bDeleteRegion(HRGN) * * Delete the specified region * * History: * 17-Sep-1990 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bDeleteRegion(HRGN hrgn) {
RGNLOG rl(hrgn,NULL,"bDeleteRegion",0,0,0);
return(ro.bValid() && (ro.cGet_cRefs() == 0) && ro.bDeleteRGNOBJAPI()); }
* BOOL GreSetRegionOwner(hrgn,lPid) * * Assigns a new owner to the given region. This function should be as * fast as possible so that the USER component can call it often without * concern for performance! * \***********************************************************************/
BOOL GreSetRegionOwner( HRGN hrgn, W32PID lPid) {
RGNLOG rl(hrgn,NULL,"GreSetRegionOwner",W32GetCurrentPID(),0,0);
// Setting a region to public, the region must not have
// a user mode component
#if DBG
RGNOBJAPI ro(hrgn,TRUE); if (ro.bValid()) { if (PENTRY_FROM_POBJ(ro.prgn)->pUser != NULL) { RIP("Error: setting region public that has user component"); } }
// Get the current PID.
if (lPid == OBJECT_OWNER_CURRENT) { lPid = W32GetCurrentPID(); }
return HmgSetOwner((HOBJ)hrgn, lPid, RGN_TYPE); }
* CLIPOBJ *EngCreateClip() * * Create a long live clipping object for a driver * * History: * 22-Sep-1992 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
CLIPOBJ *EngCreateClip() {
// Note that we intentionally zero this memory on allocation. Even though
// we're going to set some of these fields to non-zero values right away,
// this is not a performance-critical function (a driver typically calls
// this only once), and we save a lot of instruction bytes by not having to
// zero a number of fields explicitly.
if (pv != NULL) { //
// Make this a CLIPOBJ that doesn't clip anything.
((ECLIPOBJ *) pv)->iDComplexity = DC_TRIVIAL; ((ECLIPOBJ *) pv)->iFComplexity = FC_RECT; ((ECLIPOBJ *) pv)->iMode = TC_RECTANGLES;
REGION *prgn = (REGION*)((PBYTE)pv + sizeof(ECLIPOBJ)); ((ECLIPOBJ *) pv)->prgn = prgn;
RGNOBJ ro(prgn); RECTL r;
r.left = r.top = MIN_REGION_COORD; r.right = r.bottom = MAX_REGION_COORD;
ro.vSet(&r); }
return((CLIPOBJ *)pv); }
* VOID EngDeleteClip() * * Delete a long live clipping object for a driver * * History: * 22-Sep-1992 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EngDeleteClip(CLIPOBJ *pco) { if (pco == NULL) { WARNING("Driver calling to free NULL clipobj"); } else { ASSERTGDI(pco->iUniq == 0, "Non-zero iUniq\n"); }
// We call EngFreeMem since some drivers like to free non-existant
// Clip Objects.
* ASSERTDEVLOCK() * * This validates that the thread using the DC has the devlock as well. * * History: * 24-Jan-1995 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
#if DBG
if (pdc->fs() & DC_SYNCHRONIZEACCESS) { ASSERTGDI(GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(pdc->hsemDcDevLock_), "ASSERTDEVLOCK: wrong id\n"); } } #endif
* LONG GreCombineRgn(hrgnTrg,hrgnSrc1,hrgnSrc2,iMode) * * Combine the two source regions by the given mode. The result is placed * in the target. Note that either (or both sources) may be the same as * the target. * \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY GreCombineRgn( HRGN hrgnTrg, HRGN hrgnSrc1, HRGN hrgnSrc2, int iMode) { GDITraceHandle3(GreCombineRgn, "(%X, %X, %X, %d)\n", (va_list)&hrgnTrg, hrgnTrg, hrgnSrc1, hrgnSrc2);
RGNLOG rl(hrgnTrg,NULL,"GreCombineRgn",(ULONG_PTR)hrgnSrc1,(ULONG_PTR)hrgnSrc2,iMode);
LONG Status;
// Check if a simple copy is to be performed.
if (iMode == RGN_COPY) {
RGNOBJAPI roTrg(hrgnTrg,FALSE); RGNOBJAPI roSrc1(hrgnSrc1,TRUE);
// if either of these regions have a client rectangle, then set the
// km region
if (!roTrg.bValid() || !roSrc1.bValid() || !roTrg.bCopy(roSrc1)) { if (!roSrc1.bValid() || !roTrg.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); }
Status = ERROR; } else { Status = roTrg.iComplexity(); }
} else if (SAMEHANDLE(hrgnTrg, hrgnSrc1) || SAMEHANDLE(hrgnTrg, hrgnSrc2)) {
// Two of the handles are the same. Check to determine if all three
// handles are the same.
if (SAMEHANDLE(hrgnSrc1, hrgnSrc2)) { RGNOBJAPI roTrg(hrgnTrg,FALSE);
if (!roTrg.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); Status = ERROR; } else { if ((iMode == RGN_DIFF) || (iMode == RGN_XOR)) { roTrg.vSet(); }
Status = roTrg.iComplexity(); }
} else {
// All three handles are not the same.
// Also, Src1 or Src2 could be the actual
// destination so don't use TRUE on the
// RGNOBJAPI contructor
if (!rmo.bValid() || !roSrc1.bValid() || !roSrc2.bValid() || (rmo.iCombine(roSrc1, roSrc2, iMode) == ERROR)) { if (!roSrc1.bValid() || !roSrc2.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); }
Status = ERROR;
} else if (SAMEHANDLE(hrgnTrg, hrgnSrc1)) { if (!roSrc1.bSwap(&rmo)) { Status = ERROR;
} else { Status = roSrc1.iComplexity(); }
} else { if (!roSrc2.bSwap(&rmo)) { Status = ERROR;
} else { Status = roSrc2.iComplexity(); } } }
} else {
// Handle the general case.
RGNOBJAPI roSrc1(hrgnSrc1,TRUE); RGNOBJAPI roSrc2(hrgnSrc2,TRUE); RGNOBJAPI roTrg(hrgnTrg,FALSE);
if (!roSrc1.bValid() || !roSrc2.bValid() || !roTrg.bValid() || (roTrg.iCombine(roSrc1, roSrc2, iMode) == ERROR)) { if (!roSrc1.bValid() || !roSrc2.bValid() || !roTrg.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); }
Status = ERROR;
} else { Status = roTrg.iComplexity(); } }
return (int)Status; }
* HRGN NtGdiCreateEllipticRgn(xLeft,yTop,xRight,yBottom) * * Create an elliptical region. * \**************************************************************************/
HRGN APIENTRY NtGdiCreateEllipticRgn( int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom) { GDITrace(NtGdiCreateEllipticRgn, "(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&xLeft);
HRGN hrgn;
if (!pmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return((HRGN) 0); }
ERECTL ercl(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom);
// Handle the PS_INSIDEFRAME pen attribute and lower-right exclusion
// by adjusting the box now. And set the flag that this will be an
// ellipse, to fill it nice:
EBOX ebox(ercl, TRUE);
if (ebox.bEmpty()) { RGNMEMOBJ rmoEmpty;
if (rmoEmpty.bValid()) { hrgn = rmoEmpty.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == (HRGN)0) { rmoEmpty.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); } } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); hrgn = (HRGN) 0; } } else if (!bEllipse(pmo, ebox) || !pmo.bFlatten()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); hrgn = (HRGN)0; } else { RGNMEMOBJ rmo(pmo); // convert path to region (ALTERNATE)
if (rmo.bValid()) { rmo.vTighten();
hrgn = rmo.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == (HRGN)0) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); } } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); hrgn = (HRGN) 0; } }
GDITrace(NtGdiCreateEllipticRgn_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); }
* HRGN GreCreatePolyPolygonRgn(aptl,acptl,cPoly,iFill) * * Create a polygonal region with multiple, disjoint polygons. * \**************************************************************************/
HRGN APIENTRY GreCreatePolyPolygonRgnInternal( CONST POINT *aptl, CONST INT *acptl, int cPoly, int iFill, UINT cMaxPoints) { GDITrace(GreCreatePolyPolygonRgnInternal, "(%p, %p, %d, %d, %u)\n", (va_list)&aptl);
HRGN hrgn = NULL;
if ((iFill == ALTERNATE) || (iFill == WINDING)) { PATHMEMOBJ pmo;
if (pmo.bValid()) { EXFORMOBJ exfo(IDENTITY);
ASSERTGDI(exfo.bValid(), "Can\'t make IDENTITY matrix!\n");
if (bPolyPolygon(pmo, exfo, (PPOINTL) aptl, (PLONG) acptl, cPoly, cMaxPoints)) { RGNMEMOBJ rmo(pmo, iFill); // convert path to region
if (rmo.bValid()) { hrgn = rmo.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == (HRGN)0) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); } } } } }
GDITrace(GreCreatePolyPolygonRgnInternal_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); }
* HRGN GreCreateRectRgn(xLeft,yTop,xRight,yBottom) * * Create a rectangular region. * * Called only from user * \**************************************************************************/
HRGN APIENTRY GreCreateRectRgn( int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom) { GDITrace(GreCreateRectRgn, "(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&xLeft);
RGNLOG rl((PREGION)NULL,"GreCreateRectRgn");
ERECTL ercl(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom);
if (!rmo.bValid()) { hrgn = (HRGN) 0; SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } else {
// reduce region if coordinates are not well ordered
if ((xLeft > xRigth) || (yTop > yBottom)) { WARNING("GreCreateRectRgn: region not well ordered");
xLeft = 0; yTop = 0; xRight = 0; yBottom = 0; }
// Make the rectangle well ordered.
rmo.vSet((RECTL *) &ercl);
hrgn = (HRGN)HmgInsertObject(rmo.prgnGet(),HMGR_MAKE_PUBLIC,RGN_TYPE);
if (hrgn == (HRGN)0) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); } }
GDITrace(GreCreateRectRgn_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); }
* * NtGdiCreateRectRgn is the same as GreCreateRectRgn except an additional * argument is passed in, a shared RECTREGION pointer. This pointer must be * put into the shared pointer filed of the handle table for the RGN * created. This allows fast user-mode access to RECT regions. * * Arguments: * * xLeft - left edge of region * yTop - top edge of region * xRight - right edge of region * yBottom - bottom edge of region * pRectRegion - pointer to user-mode data * * Return Value: * * new HRGN or NULL * * History: * * 20-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
HRGN APIENTRY NtGdiCreateRectRgn( int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom ) { GDITrace(NtGdiCreateRectRgn, "(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&xLeft);
RGNLOG rl((PREGION)NULL,"GreCreateRectRgn");
ERECTL ercl(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom);
PVOID pRgnattr = (PRGNATTR)HmgAllocateObjectAttr(); HRGN hrgn;
if (pRgnattr == NULL) { //
// memory alloc error
if (!rmo.bValid()) { hrgn = (HRGN) 0; SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } else { //
// Make the rectangle well ordered.
rmo.vSet((RECTL *) &ercl);
// allocate an object for this region, set
// the shared pointer if needed
#if DBG
RGNLOG rl(rmo.prgn,"RGNOBJ::hrgnAssociate"); hrgn = (HRGN)HmgInsertObject(rmo.prgn,HMGR_ALLOC_LOCK,RGN_TYPE); rl.vRet((ULONG_PTR)hrgn);
hrgn = (HRGN)HmgInsertObject(rmo.prgn,HMGR_ALLOC_LOCK,RGN_TYPE);
if (hrgn == (HRGN)0) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); HmgFreeObjectAttr((POBJECTATTR)pRgnattr); } else { //
// set shared rect region pointer and unlock
PENTRY_FROM_POBJ(rmo.prgn)->pUser = (PDC_ATTR)pRgnattr; DEC_EXCLUSIVE_REF_CNT(rmo.prgn); } } }
GDITrace(NtGdiCreateRectRgn_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); }
* HRGN GreCreateRectRgnIndirect(prcl) * * Create a rectangular region. * \**************************************************************************/
HRGN APIENTRY GreCreateRectRgnIndirect(LPRECT prcl) { GDITrace(GreCreateRectRgnIndirect, "(%p)\n", (va_list)&prcl);
RGNLOG rl((PREGION)NULL,"GreCreateRectRgnIndirect",prcl->left,prcl->top,prcl->right);
if (!rmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); hrgn = (HRGN) 0; } else { ((ERECTL *) prcl)->vOrder(); // Make the rectangle well ordered.
rmo.vSet((RECTL *) prcl);
hrgn = rmo.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == (HRGN)0) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); } } rl.vRet((ULONG_PTR)hrgn);
GDITrace(GreCreateRectRgnIndirect_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); }
HRGN APIENTRY NtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn( int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom, int xWidth, int yHeight ) { GDITrace(NtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn, "(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&xLeft);
if (!pmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return((HRGN) 0); }
ERECTL ercl(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom);
// Handle the PS_INSIDEFRAME pen attribute and lower-right exclusion
// by adjusting the box now. And set the flag that this will be an
// ellipse, to fill it nice:
EBOX ebox(ercl, TRUE); HRGN hrgn;
if (ebox.bEmpty()) { RGNMEMOBJ rmoEmpty;
if (rmoEmpty.bValid()) { hrgn = rmoEmpty.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == (HRGN)0) { rmoEmpty.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); } } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); hrgn = (HRGN)0; } } else if (!bRoundRect(pmo, ebox, xWidth, yHeight) || !pmo.bFlatten()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); hrgn = (HRGN)0; } else { RGNMEMOBJ rmo(pmo); // convert path to region (ALTERNATE)
if (rmo.bValid()) { rmo.vTighten(); hrgn = rmo.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == (HRGN)0) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); } } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); hrgn = (HRGN)0; } }
GDITrace(NtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\
* NtGdiEqualRgn() * * Check if the two regions are equal. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiEqualRgn( HRGN hrgn1, HRGN hrgn2 ) { GDITraceHandle2(NtGdiEqualRgn, "(%X, %X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn1, hrgn1, hrgn2);
RGNOBJAPI roSrc1(hrgn1,TRUE); RGNOBJAPI roSrc2(hrgn2,TRUE);
if (roSrc1.bValid() && roSrc2.bValid()) { bRet = roSrc1.bEqual(roSrc2); }
return (bRet); }
* BOOL GreFillRgn (hdc,hrgn,hbrush,pac) * * Paint the region with the specified brush. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL NtGdiFillRgn( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, HBRUSH hbrush ) { GDITraceHandle3(NtGdiFillRgn, "(%X, %X, %X)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc, hrgn, hbrush);
DCOBJ dco(hdc); BOOL bXform; PREGION prgnOrg;
if (dco.bValid()) { EXFORMOBJ exo(dco, WORLD_TO_DEVICE);
// We may have to scale/rotate the incoming region.
bXform = !dco.pdc->bWorldToDeviceIdentity();
if (ro.bValid()) { if (bXform) { PATHMEMOBJ pmo;
if (!pmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return(FALSE); }
if (!exo.bValid() || !ro.bCreate(pmo, &exo)) return(FALSE);
ASSERTGDI(pmo.bValid(),"GreFillRgn - pmo not valid\n");
RGNMEMOBJ rmo(pmo);
if (!rmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return(FALSE); }
// this replaces the prgn in ro with the new prgn. The ro destructor will
// unlock the handle for hrgn. We must first delete the prgn though.
prgnOrg = ro.prgnGet(); ro.vSetRgn(rmo.prgnGet()); }
// If region is null, return TRUE
if (ro.iComplexity() != NULLREGION) { // Accumulate bounds. We can do this before knowing if the operation is
// successful because bounds can be loose.
ERECTL ercl(0, 0, 0, 0);
ro.vGet_rcl((RECTL *) &ercl);
if (dco.fjAccum()) dco.vAccumulate(ercl);
if (dco.bHasSurface()) { dco.pdc->prgnAPI(ro.prgnGet()); // Dirties rgnRao
DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dco);
SURFACE *pSurf = dco.pSurface();
if (!dlo.bValid()) { bRet = dco.bFullScreen(); } else { ercl += dco.eptlOrigin(); // So we know where to draw
// Compute the clipping complexity and maybe reduce the exclusion rectangle.
ECLIPOBJ eco(dco.prgnEffRao(), ercl);
if (eco.erclExclude().bEmpty()) { bRet = TRUE; } else { XEPALOBJ epal(pSurf->ppal()); XEPALOBJ epalDC(dco.ppal()); PDEVOBJ pdo(pSurf->hdev()); EBRUSHOBJ ebo;
PBRUSH pbrush = (BRUSH *)HmgShareCheckLock((HOBJ)hbrush, BRUSH_TYPE);
bRet = FALSE; // assume we won't succeed
// Substitute the NULL brush if this brush handle
// couldn't be locked.
if (pbrush != NULL) { //
// in case the brush is cached and the color has changed
ebo.vInitBrush(dco.pdc, pbrush, epalDC, epal, pSurf);
if (!pbrush->bIsNull()) { // Exclude the pointer.
DEVEXCLUDEOBJ dxo(dco,&eco.erclExclude(),&eco);
// Get and compute the correct mix mode.
MIX mix = ebo.mixBest(dco.pdc->jROP2(), dco.pdc->jBkMode());
// Inc the target surface uniqueness
// Issue a call to Paint.
EngPaint( pSurf->pSurfobj(), &eco, &ebo, &dco.pdc->ptlFillOrigin(), mix);
bRet = TRUE; }
DEC_SHARE_REF_CNT_LAZY0(pbrush); } } }
dco.pdc->prgnAPI((PREGION) NULL); // Dirties rgnRao
} else { bRet = TRUE; } } else { bRet = TRUE; }
if (bXform) { // need to delete the temporary one and put the old one back in so
// the handle gets unlocked
ro.prgnGet()->vDeleteREGION(); ro.vSetRgn(prgnOrg); } } }
return(bRet); }
* BOOL GreFrameRgn (hdc,hrgn,hbrush,xWidth,yHeight,pac) * * Frame the region and fill with the specified brush. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiFrameRgn( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, HBRUSH hbrush, int xWidth, int yHeight ) { GDITraceHandle3(NtGdiFrameRgn, "(%X, %X, %X, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc, hrgn, hbrush);
DCOBJ dco(hdc); RGNOBJAPI ro(hrgn,TRUE); BOOL bRet = FALSE;
// Take the absolute value just like Win3 does:
xWidth = ABS(xWidth); yHeight = ABS(yHeight);
// do some validation
if (dco.bValid() && ro.bValid() && (xWidth > 0) && (yHeight > 0)) {
if (ro.iComplexity() == NULLREGION) { bRet = TRUE; } else { //
// Convert the region to a path, scaling/rotating it as we do so.
ASSERTGDI(exo.bValid(), "Non valid xform");
if (pmoSpine.bValid() && pmoWide.bValid()) { if (ro.bCreate(pmoSpine, &exo)) { EXFORMOBJ exoWiden; LINEATTRS la; MATRIX mx;
exoWiden.vInit(&mx, DONT_COMPUTE_FLAGS);
// Initialize line attributes and xform from DC's xform:
pmoSpine.vWidenSetupForFrameRgn(dco, xWidth, yHeight, &exoWiden, &la);
// Make sure we won't expand out of device space before we
// widen:
if (pmoWide.bComputeWidenedBounds(pmoSpine, (XFORMOBJ*) &exoWiden, &la) && pmoWide.bWiden(pmoSpine, (XFORMOBJ*) &exoWiden, &la)) { //
// Now convert the widened result back into a region:
if (rmoFill.bValid() && rmoFrame.bValid()) { if (dco.pdc->bWorldToDeviceIdentity()) { //
// We AND the original region and the widened region to get the
// frame region:
bRet = rmoFrame.bMerge(rmoFill, ro, gafjRgnOp[RGN_AND]); } else { //
// Ugh, we have to transform the original region according to the
// world transform before we merge it:
RGNMEMOBJTMP rmo(pmoSpine);
bRet = rmo.bValid() && rmoFrame.bMerge(rmoFill, rmo, gafjRgnOp[RGN_AND]); }
if (bRet) { //
// Accumulate bounds. We can do this before knowing if the operation is
// successful because bounds can be loose.
// NOTE - the default return value is now TRUE
ERECTL ercl(0, 0, 0, 0);
rmoFrame.vGet_rcl((RECTL *) &ercl);
if (dco.fjAccum()) { dco.vAccumulate(ercl); }
// in FULLSCREEN mode, exit with success.
if (!dco.bFullScreen() && dco.bHasSurface()) { dco.pdc->prgnAPI(rmoFrame.prgnGet()); // Dirties rgnRao
DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dco);
SURFACE *pSurf = dco.pSurface();
if (!dlo.bValid()) { dco.pdc->prgnAPI(NULL); // Dirties rgnRao
bRet = dco.bFullScreen(); } else { ercl += dco.eptlOrigin();
// Compute the clipping complexity and maybe reduce the exclusion rectangle.
ECLIPOBJ eco(dco.prgnEffRao(), ercl);
if (eco.erclExclude().bEmpty()) { dco.pdc->prgnAPI(NULL); // Dirties rgnRao
} else {
XEPALOBJ epal(pSurf->ppal()); XEPALOBJ epalDC(dco.ppal()); PDEVOBJ pdo(pSurf->hdev()); EBRUSHOBJ ebo;
// NOTE - the default return value
// is now FALSE;
PBRUSH pbrush = (BRUSH *)HmgShareCheckLock((HOBJ)hbrush, BRUSH_TYPE);
bRet = FALSE;
if (pbrush == NULL) { dco.pdc->prgnAPI(NULL); // Dirties rgnRao
} else { //
// in case the brush is cached and the color has changed
bSyncBrushObj (pbrush);
ebo.vInitBrush(dco.pdc, pbrush, epalDC, epal, pSurf);
if (pbrush->bIsNull()) { dco.pdc->prgnAPI(NULL); // Dirties rgnRao
} else { //
// Exclude the pointer.
DEVEXCLUDEOBJ dxo(dco,&eco.erclExclude(),&eco);
// Get and compute the correct mix mode.
MIX mix = ebo.mixBest(dco.pdc->jROP2(), dco.pdc->jBkMode());
// Inc the target surface uniqueness
// Issue a call to Paint.
EngPaint( pSurf->pSurfobj(), // Destination surface.
&eco, // Clip object.
&ebo, // Realized brush.
&dco.pdc->ptlFillOrigin(), // Brush origin.
mix); // Mix mode.
dco.pdc->prgnAPI(NULL); // Dirties rgnRao
bRet = TRUE; }
DEC_SHARE_REF_CNT_LAZY0(pbrush); } } } } } } } } } } }
return(bRet); }
* LONG GreGetRgnBox(hrgn,prcl) * * Get the bounding box of the region. * \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY GreGetRgnBox( HRGN hrgn, LPRECT prcl) { GDITraceHandle(GreGetRgnBox, "(%X, %p)\n", (va_list)&hrgn, hrgn);
int iret = ERROR;
if ((prcl != NULL) && (ro.bValid())) { ro.vGet_rcl((RECTL *) prcl);
iret = (int)ro.iComplexity();
if (iret == NULLREGION) { //
// Be compatible with Win 3.1 [donalds] 02-Jun-1993
prcl->left = 0; prcl->top = 0; prcl->right = 0; prcl->bottom = 0; } }
return(iret); }
* BOOL GreInvertRgn(hdc,hrgn) * * Invert the colors in the given region. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL NtGdiInvertRgn( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn) { GDITraceHandle2(NtGdiInvertRgn, "(%X, %X)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc, hrgn);
DCOBJ dco(hdc); BOOL bXform; PREGION prgnOrg; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (dco.bValid()) { EXFORMOBJ exo(dco, WORLD_TO_DEVICE);
// We may have to scale/rotate the incoming region.
bXform = !dco.pdc->bWorldToDeviceIdentity();
if (ro.bValid()) { if (bXform) { PATHMEMOBJ pmo;
if (!pmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return(FALSE); } if (!exo.bValid() || !ro.bCreate(pmo, &exo)) return(FALSE);
RGNMEMOBJ rmo(pmo);
if (!rmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return(FALSE); }
prgnOrg = ro.prgnGet(); ro.vSetRgn(rmo.prgnGet()); }
// If region is null, return TRUE
if (ro.iComplexity() != NULLREGION) { // Accumulate bounds. We can do this before knowing if the operation is
// successful because bounds can be loose.
ERECTL ercl;
ro.vGet_rcl((RECTL *) &ercl);
if (dco.fjAccum()) dco.vAccumulate(ercl);
if (dco.bHasSurface()) { dco.pdc->prgnAPI(ro.prgnGet()); // Dirties rgnRao
DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dco);
SURFACE *pSurf = dco.pSurface();
if (!dlo.bValid()) { bRet = dco.bFullScreen(); } else { ercl += dco.eptlOrigin();
// Compute the clipping complexity and maybe reduce the exclusion rectangle.
ECLIPOBJ eco(dco.prgnEffRao(), ercl);
if (!eco.erclExclude().bEmpty()) { PDEVOBJ pdo(pSurf->hdev());
// Exclude the pointer.
DEVEXCLUDEOBJ dxo(dco,&eco.erclExclude(),&eco);
// Inc the target surface uniqueness
// Issue a call to Paint.
EngPaint( pSurf->pSurfobj(), // Destination surface.
&eco, // Clip object.
(BRUSHOBJ *) NULL, // Realized brush.
(POINTL *) NULL, // Brush origin.
0x00000606); // R2_NOT
bRet = TRUE; }
dco.pdc->prgnAPI((PREGION)NULL); // Dirties rgnRao
} else { bRet = TRUE; } } else { bRet = TRUE; }
if (bXform) { // need to delete the temporary one and put the old one back in so
// the handle gets unlocked
ro.prgnGet()->vDeleteREGION(); ro.vSetRgn(prgnOrg); } } }
return(bRet); }
* LONG GreOffsetRgn(hrgn,x,y) * * Offset the given region. * \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY GreOffsetRgn( HRGN hrgn, int x, int y) { GDITraceHandle(GreOffsetRgn, "(%X, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&hrgn, hrgn);
RGNOBJAPI ro(hrgn,FALSE); POINTL ptl; int iRet = ERROR;
ptl.x = x; ptl.y = y;
if (ro.bValid()) { if (ro.bOffset(&ptl)) { iRet = ro.iComplexity(); } }
return iRet; }
* BOOL GrePtInRegion(hrgn,x,y) * * Is the point in the region? * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY GrePtInRegion( HRGN hrgn, int x, int y) { GDITraceHandle(GrePtInRegion, "(%X, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&hrgn, hrgn);
if (!ro.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return((BOOL) ERROR); }
ptl.x = x; ptl.y = y;
return(ro.bInside(&ptl) == REGION_POINT_INSIDE); }
* BOOL GreRectInRegion(hrgn,prcl) * * Is any part of the rectangle in the region? * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY GreRectInRegion( HRGN hrgn, LPRECT prcl) { GDITraceHandle(GreRectInRegion, "(%X, %p)\n", (va_list)&hrgn, hrgn);
if (prcl && (ro.bValid())) { bRet = (ro.bInside((RECTL *) prcl) == REGION_RECT_INTERSECT); }
return (bRet); }
* VOID GreSetRectRgn(hrgn,xLeft,yTop,xRight,yBottom) * * Set the region to be the specified rectangle * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY GreSetRectRgn( HRGN hrgn, int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom) { GDITraceHandle(GreSetRectRgn, "(%X, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&hrgn, hrgn);
if (ro.bValid()) { ERECTL ercl(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom);
if (VALID_SCRPRC((RECTL *) &ercl)) { ercl.vOrder(); // Make the rectangle well ordered.
ro.vSet((RECTL *) &ercl);
bRet = TRUE; } }
return bRet; }
* LONG GreExcludeClipRect(hdc,xLeft,yTop,xRight,yBottom) * * Subtract the rectangle from the current clip region * \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY GreExcludeClipRect( HDC hdc, int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom) { GDITraceHandle(GreExcludeClipRect, "(%X, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc);
int iRet; DCOBJ dco(hdc);
if (dco.bValid()) { // For speed, test for rotation upfront.
EXFORMOBJ exo(dco, WORLD_TO_DEVICE); ERECTL ercl(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom);
if (!exo.bRotation()) { exo.vOrder(*(RECTL *)&ercl); exo.bXform(ercl);
iRet = (int)dco.pdc->iCombine((RECTL *) &ercl,RGN_DIFF); } else if (!VALID_SCRPRC((RECTL *) &ercl)) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); iRet = ERROR; } else { iRet = (int) dco.pdc->iCombine(&exo, (RECTL *) &ercl,RGN_DIFF); }
return (iRet); }
* LONG GreGetAppClipBox(hdc,prcl) * * Get the bounding box of the clip region * \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY GreGetAppClipBox( HDC hdc, LPRECT prcl) { GDITraceHandle(GreGetAppClipBox, "(%X, %p)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc);
DCOBJ dor(hdc); int iRet; int iSaveLeft;
if (dor.bValid()) { DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dor);
if (!dlo.bValid()) { if (dor.bFullScreen()) { prcl->left = 0; // Make it a 'simple' empty rectangle
prcl->right = 0; prcl->top = 0; prcl->bottom = 0; return(COMPLEXREGION); } else { return(ERROR); } }
RGNOBJ ro(dor.prgnEffRao());
ro.vGet_rcl((RECTL *) prcl);
// return to logical coordinates
if ((prcl->left >= prcl->right) || (prcl->top >= prcl->bottom)) { prcl->left = 0; // Make it a 'simple' empty rectangle
prcl->right = 0; prcl->top = 0; prcl->bottom = 0;
if (xfoDtoW.bValid()) { *(ERECTL *)prcl -= dor.eptlOrigin();
if (!xfoDtoW.bRotation()) { if (xfoDtoW.bXform(*(ERECTL *)prcl)) { iRet = ro.iComplexity();
// Transforms with negative scale can give
// a prcl that is not in vOrder.
// This is the correct fix, but some apps require the
// previous bad behaviour.
//((ERECTL *)prcl)->vOrder();
} else { iRet = ERROR; } } else { POINTL aptl[4];
aptl[0].x = prcl->left; aptl[0].y = prcl->top; aptl[1].x = prcl->right; aptl[1].y = prcl->top; aptl[2].x = prcl->left; aptl[2].y = prcl->bottom; aptl[3].x = prcl->right; aptl[3].y = prcl->bottom;
xfoDtoW.bXform(aptl, 4);
prcl->left = MIN4(aptl[0].x, aptl[1].x, aptl[2].x, aptl[3].x); prcl->top = MIN4(aptl[0].y, aptl[1].y, aptl[2].y, aptl[3].y); prcl->right = MAX4(aptl[0].x, aptl[1].x, aptl[2].x, aptl[3].x); prcl->bottom = MAX4(aptl[0].y, aptl[1].y, aptl[2].y, aptl[3].y);
iRet = COMPLEXREGION; } } else { iRet = ERROR; } } if ((iRet != ERROR) && MIRRORED_DC(dor.pdc) && (prcl->left > prcl->right)) { iSaveLeft = prcl->left; prcl->left = prcl->right; prcl->right = iSaveLeft; } } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); iRet = ERROR; }
return(iRet); }
* int GreGetRandomRgn(hdc,hrgn,iNum) * * Copy the specified region into the handle provided * \**************************************************************************/
int GreGetRandomRgn( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, int iNum) { GDITraceHandle2(GreGetRandomRgn, "(%X, %X, %d)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc, hrgn);
DCOBJ dor(hdc); PREGION prgnSrc1, prgnSrc2; int iMode = RGN_COPY;
int iRet = -1;
if (!dor.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } else { DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dor);
switch(iNum) { case 1: prgnSrc1 = dor.pdc->prgnClip(); break;
case 2: prgnSrc1 = dor.pdc->prgnMeta(); break;
case 3: prgnSrc1 = dor.pdc->prgnClip(); prgnSrc2 = dor.pdc->prgnMeta();
if (prgnSrc1 == NULL) // prgnSrc1 == 0, prgnSrc2 != 0
{ prgnSrc1 = prgnSrc2; } else if (prgnSrc2 != NULL) // prgnSrc1 != 0, prgnSrc2 != 0
{ iMode = RGN_AND; } break;
case 4: ASSERTDEVLOCK(dor.pdc); prgnSrc1 = dor.pdc->prgnVis(); break;
default: prgnSrc1 = NULL; }
if (prgnSrc1 == NULL) { iRet = 0; } else { RGNOBJAPI ro(hrgn,FALSE);
if (ro.bValid()) { RGNOBJ ro1(prgnSrc1);
if (iMode == RGN_COPY) { if (ro.bCopy(ro1)) { // For a redirection DC, the surface originates at the
// redirected window origin. For compatibility reasons,
// we must return the visrgn in screen coordinates.
if (iNum == 4 && dor.pdc->bRedirection()) { POINTL ptl;
if (UserGetRedirectedWindowOrigin(hdc, (LPPOINT)&ptl) && ro.bOffset(&ptl)) { iRet = 1; } } else { iRet = 1; } } } else { RGNOBJ ro2(prgnSrc2);
if (ro.iCombine(ro1,ro2,iMode) != RGN_ERROR) iRet = 1; } } } } return(iRet); }
* LONG GreIntersectClipRect(hdc,xLeft,yTop,xRight,yBottom) * * AND the rectangle with the current clip region * \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY GreIntersectClipRect( HDC hdc, int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom) { GDITraceHandle(GreIntersectClipRect, "(%X, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc);
DCOBJ dco(hdc);
if (!dco.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return(ERROR); }
EXFORMOBJ exo(dco, WORLD_TO_DEVICE); ERECTL ercl(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom);
// For speed, test for rotation up front.
int iRet;
if (!exo.bRotation()) { exo.vOrder(*(RECTL *)&ercl); exo.bXform(ercl);
iRet = (int)dco.pdc->iCombine((RECTL *) &ercl,RGN_AND); } else if (!VALID_SCRPRC((RECTL *) &ercl)) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); iRet = ERROR; } else { iRet = (int)dco.pdc->iCombine(&exo, (RECTL *) &ercl,RGN_AND); }
return(iRet); }
* INT NtGdiOffsetClipRgn(hdc,x,y) * * Offset the current clip region * \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY NtGdiOffsetClipRgn( HDC hdc, int x, int y) { GDITraceHandle(NtGdiOffsetClipRgn, "(%X, %d, %d)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc);
DCOBJ dor(hdc);
if (!dor.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return(ERROR); }
PREGION prgn = dor.pdc->prgnClip();
if (prgn == NULL) return(SIMPLEREGION);
// if this region has multiple references (saved levels) we need to duplicate
// it and modify the copy.
if (prgn->cRefs > 1) { RGNOBJ ro(prgn);
RGNMEMOBJ rmo(ro.sizeRgn());
if (!rmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return(ERROR); }
rmo.vCopy(ro); prgn = rmo.prgnGet();
rmo.vSelect(hdc); ro.vUnselect();
RGNOBJ ro(prgn);
EPOINTL eptl(x, y);
// Transform the point from Logical to Device
if (!xfo.bXform(*((EVECTORL *) &eptl)) || !ro.bOffset((PPOINTL)&eptl)) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return(ERROR); }
return(ro.iComplexity()); }
* BOOL GrePtVisible(hdc,x,y) * * Is the point in the current clip region? * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiPtVisible( HDC hdc, int x, int y) { DCOBJ dor(hdc);
DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dor);
if (!dlo.bValid()) return(REGION_POINT_OUTSIDE);
RGNOBJ ro(dor.prgnEffRao());
EPOINTL eptl(x, y);
// Transform the point from Logical to Screen
EXFORMOBJ xfo(dor, WORLD_TO_DEVICE); xfo.bXform(eptl);
eptl += dor.eptlOrigin();
return(ro.bInside((PPOINTL)&eptl) == REGION_POINT_INSIDE); }
* BOOL GreRectVisible(hdc,prcl) * * Is the rectangle in the current clip region? * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY GreRectVisible( HDC hdc, LPRECT prcl) { DCOBJ dor(hdc);
DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dor);
if (!dlo.bValid()) return(REGION_RECT_OUTSIDE);
RGNOBJ ro(dor.prgnEffRao());
ERECTL ercl = *((ERECTL *) prcl);
// Transform the rectangle from Logical to Screen
// If there is no rotation in the transform, just call bInside().
if (!xfo.bRotation()) { xfo.vOrder(*(RECTL *)&ercl); xfo.bXform(ercl);
ercl += dor.eptlOrigin();
BOOL bIn = ro.bInside((RECTL *) &ercl);
// Convert the rectangle to a parallelogram and merge it with the Rao.
// If there is anything left, the call succeeded.
POINTL aptl[4];
aptl[0].x = prcl->left; aptl[0].y = prcl->top; aptl[1].x = prcl->right; aptl[1].y = prcl->top; aptl[2].x = prcl->right; aptl[2].y = prcl->bottom; aptl[3].x = prcl->left; aptl[3].y = prcl->bottom;
// Create a path, and draw the parallelogram.
if (!pmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); bRes = ERROR_BOOL; } else if (!pmo.bMoveTo(&xfo, &aptl[0]) || !pmo.bPolyLineTo(&xfo, &aptl[1], 3) || !pmo.bCloseFigure()) { bRes = ERROR_BOOL; } else { // Now, convert it back into a region.
if (!rmoPlg.bValid() || !rmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); bRes = ERROR_BOOL; } else { if (!rmo.bMerge(ro, rmoPlg, gafjRgnOp[RGN_AND]) || (rmo.iComplexity() == NULLREGION)) { bRes = (BOOL)REGION_RECT_OUTSIDE; } else { bRes = (BOOL)REGION_RECT_INTERSECT; } } }
return(bRes); }
* int GreExtSelectClipRgn(hdc,hrgn,iMode) * * Merge the region into current clip region * \**************************************************************************/
int GreExtSelectClipRgn( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, int iMode) { GDITraceHandle2(GreExtSelectClipRgn, "(%X, %X, %d)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc, hrgn);
int iRet = RGN_ERROR; BOOL bSame = FALSE;
if (((iMode < RGN_MIN) || (iMode > RGN_MAX))) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { DCOBJ dco(hdc); if (!dco.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } else { if (hrgn != (HRGN)0) { RGNOBJAPI ro(hrgn,TRUE);
if (ro.bValid()) { iRet = dco.pdc->iSelect(ro.prgnGet(),iMode);
if (iRet != RGN_ERROR) { DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dco); RGNOBJ ro(dco.prgnEffRao()); iRet = ro.iComplexity(); } }
} else { if (iMode == RGN_COPY) { iRet = dco.pdc->iSelect((PREGION)NULL,iMode);
if (iRet != RGN_ERROR) { DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dco); RGNOBJ roVis(dco.pdc->prgnVis()); iRet = roVis.iComplexity(); } } } } }
return(iRet); }
* SelectClip from bathcing * * Arguments: * * * * Return Value: * * * * History: * * 26-Oct-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
GreExtSelectClipRgnLocked( XDCOBJ &dco, PRECTL prcl, int iMode) { int iRet = RGN_ERROR; BOOL bNullHrgn = iMode & REGION_NULL_HRGN;
if (((iMode < RGN_MIN) || (iMode > RGN_MAX))) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { if (!dco.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } else { //
// iFlag specifies a null hrgn
if (!bNullHrgn) { //
// check if current region is the same as new
// hrgn
RGNOBJ roClipOld(dco.pdc->prgnClip());
if (roClipOld.bValid()) { if (roClipOld.bRectl()) { RECTL rclOld; roClipOld.vGet_rcl(&rclOld);
if ( (prcl->left == rclOld.left) && (prcl->top == rclOld.top) && (prcl->right == rclOld.right) && (prcl->bottom == rclOld.bottom) ) { RGNOBJ ro(dco.prgnEffRao()); iRet = ro.iComplexity(); bSame = TRUE; } } }
// regions don't match, must select new region into DC
if (!bSame) { RGNMEMOBJTMP ro(FALSE);
if (ro.bValid()) { ro.vSet(prcl);
iRet = dco.pdc->iSelect(ro.prgnGet(),iMode);
// need to update RAO
if (dco.pdc->bDirtyRao()) { if (!dco.pdc->bCompute()) { WARNING("bCompute fails in GreExtSelectClipRgnLocked"); } }
if (iRet != RGN_ERROR) { RGNOBJ ro(dco.prgnEffRao()); iRet = ro.iComplexity(); } } } } else { if (iMode == RGN_COPY) { iRet = dco.pdc->iSelect((PREGION)NULL,iMode);
// need to update RAO
if (dco.pdc->bDirtyRao()) { if (!dco.pdc->bCompute()) { WARNING("bCompute fails in GreExtSelectClipRgnLocked"); } }
if (iRet != RGN_ERROR) { RGNOBJ roVis(dco.pdc->prgnVis()); iRet = roVis.iComplexity(); } } } } } return(iRet); }
* int GreStMetaRgn(hdc,hrgn,iMode) * * Merge the region into current meta region * \**************************************************************************/
int GreSetMetaRgn( HDC hdc) { DCOBJ dco(hdc);
return(dco.pdc->iSetMetaRgn()); }
* GreGetRegionData * * Retreives the region data * * History: * 5-Dec-1997 -by- Samer Arafeh [samera] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ DWORD GreGetRegionData( HRGN hrgn, DWORD nCount, LPRGNDATA lpRgnData) { GDITraceHandle(GreGetRegionData, "(%X, %u, %p)\n", (va_list)&hrgn, hrgn);
DWORD nSize; DWORD nRectangles; DWORD nRgnSize; // size of buffer of rectangles
if (ro.bValid()) { //
// just return size if buffer is NULL
nRgnSize = ro.sizeSave(); nSize = nRgnSize + sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER);
if (lpRgnData != (LPRGNDATA) NULL) { if (nSize > nCount) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); nSize = ERROR; } else { nRectangles = (nSize - sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)) / sizeof(RECTL);
lpRgnData->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER); lpRgnData->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; lpRgnData->rdh.nCount = nRectangles; lpRgnData->rdh.nRgnSize = nRgnSize; if (nRectangles != 0) { ro.vGet_rcl((RECTL *) &lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound); } else { lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.left = 0; lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.top = 0; lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.right = 0; lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.bottom = 0; } ro.vDownload((PVOID) &lpRgnData->Buffer); } } } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); nSize = ERROR; }
return(nSize); }
* DWORD NtGdiGetRegionData(hrgn, nCount, lpRgnData) * * Compute size of buffer/copy region data to buffer * \**************************************************************************/ DWORD NtGdiGetRegionData( HRGN hrgn, DWORD nCount, LPRGNDATA lpRgnData) { GDITraceHandle(NtGdiGetRegionData, "(%X, %u, %p)\n", (va_list)&hrgn, hrgn);
// If it is valid user pointer, let's copy into
// into kernel memory (we don't know what the user might do with this memory)
if (lpRgnData) { if (nCount <= sizeof(ulTemp)) prgnTemp = (PRGNDATA) ulTemp; else prgnTemp = (PRGNDATA)AllocFreeTmpBuffer(nCount);
// Check if allocation (if happened) is ok ?
if (nSize != ERROR) { nSize = GreGetRegionData( hrgn , nCount , prgnTemp );
// Copy retreived data to user-buffer
if (lpRgnData && (nSize != ERROR)) { __try { ProbeForWrite(lpRgnData,nSize, sizeof(DWORD)); RtlCopyMemory( lpRgnData , prgnTemp , nSize ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); nSize = ERROR; } } }
// And free the kernel memory, if allocated
if (prgnTemp && (prgnTemp != (PRGNDATA)&ulTemp[0])) { FreeTmpBuffer(prgnTemp); }
return(nSize); }
* HRGN GreExtCreateRegion(lpXform, nCount, lpRgnData) * * Create a region from a region data buffer * \**************************************************************************/
HRGN GreExtCreateRegion( XFORML *lpXform, DWORD nCount, LPRGNDATA lpRgnData) { GDITrace(GreExtCreateRegion, "(%p, %u, %p)\n", (va_list)&lpXform);
ASSERTGDI(nCount >= sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER), "GreExtCreateRegion: passed invalid count");
DWORD nSize = lpRgnData->rdh.dwSize; ULONG cRect = lpRgnData->rdh.nCount;
if (nSize != sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)) { WARNING("GreExtCreateRegion: bad nSize"); return((HRGN) 0); }
if (cRect > ((MAXULONG - sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)) / sizeof (RECTL))) { // cRect is too large, which will cause the computation for nSize below to overflow.
return ((HRGN) 0); }
nSize += (cRect * sizeof(RECTL));
if (nSize > nCount) return((HRGN) 0);
// At this point we have what looks like a valid header, and a buffer that
// is at least big enough to contain all the data for a region. Create a
// region to contain it and then attempt to upload the data into the region.
if(!rmo.bValid()) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return((HRGN) 0); }
RECTL *prcl = (RECTL *)lpRgnData->Buffer;
if(!rmo.bSet(cRect, prcl)) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return((HRGN) 0); }
HRGN hrgn;
if ((lpXform == NULL) || (rmo.iComplexity() == NULLREGION)) { //
// Create the proper bounding box and make it long lived
hrgn = rmo.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == NULL) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); }
GDITrace(GreExtCreateRegion_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); }
// Convert the XFORM to a MATRIX
vConvertXformToMatrix(lpXform, &mx);
// Scale it to FIXED notation.
mx.efM11.vTimes16(); mx.efM12.vTimes16(); mx.efM21.vTimes16(); mx.efM22.vTimes16(); mx.efDx.vTimes16(); mx.efDy.vTimes16(); mx.fxDx *= 16; mx.fxDy *= 16;
if (!exo.bValid()) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); return((HRGN) 0); }
// If the xform is the identity, we don't have to do anything.
if (exo.bIdentity()) { //
// Create the proper bounding box and make it long lived
rmo.vTighten(); hrgn = rmo.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == NULL) { rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); }
GDITrace(GreExtCreateRegion_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); }
// Create a path from the region
if (!pmo.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); rmo.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); return((HRGN) 0); }
BOOL bSuccess = rmo.bCreate(pmo, &exo);
// done with the region, delete it now.
if (!bSuccess) { return((HRGN) 0); }
// Create a region from the path
RGNMEMOBJTMP rmoPath(pmo);
if (!rmoPath.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return((HRGN) 0); }
if (!rmoFinal.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return((HRGN) 0); }
// coelece the region
// Create the proper bounding box and make it long lived
hrgn = rmoFinal.hrgnAssociate();
if (hrgn == NULL) { rmoFinal.bDeleteRGNOBJ(); }
GDITrace(GreExtCreateRegion_return, "(%X)\n", (va_list)&hrgn);
return(hrgn); }
* BOOL GreIntersectVisRect(hdc, xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom) * * Intersect (AND) the rectangle with the vis region * * Warnings: * This is a PRIVATE USER API. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL GreIntersectVisRect( HDC hdc, int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom) { BOOL bRes = FALSE;
// fail bad ordered rectangles
if ((xLeft>=xRight) || (yTop>=yBottom)) { return(FALSE); }
// fail bad coordinates
if ((xLeft<MIN_REGION_COORD) || (xRight>MAX_REGION_COORD) || (yTop<MIN_REGION_COORD) || (yBottom>MAX_REGION_COORD)) { return(FALSE); }
DCOBJA dov(hdc); // Use ALTLOCK
if (dov.bValid()) // don't trust them the DC to be valid
{ // We invoke the 'dlo(po)' devlock form instead of 'dlo(dco)'
// to avoid the bCompute that the latter does:
PDEVOBJ po(dov.hdev()); DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(po);
if (dlo.bValid()) { RGNOBJ ro(dov.pdc->prgnVis());
ERECTL ercl(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom);
RGNMEMOBJTMP rmo; RGNMEMOBJTMP rmo2(ro.sizeRgn());
if (!rmo.bValid() || !rmo2.bValid()) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } else { rmo.vSet((RECTL *) &ercl); rmo2.vCopy(ro);
if (ro.iCombine(rmo, rmo2, RGN_AND) != ERROR) { dov.pdc->prgnVis(ro.prgnGet()); ro.prgnGet()->vStamp(); dov.pdc->vReleaseRao();
bRes = TRUE; } } }
RGNLOG rl((HRGN) dov.pdc->prgnVis(),0,"GreIntersectVisRect",(ULONG_PTR)hdc); rl.vRet((ULONG_PTR)bRes); } #if DBG
else { //
// USER may send a NULL hdc in low memory situations.
// Just print a warning for those situations, but rip
// for other bad handles (i.e., USER should figure out
// why they passed us a bad handle).
if (hdc) { RIP("GDISRV!GreSelectVisRgn: Bad hdc\n"); } else { WARNING("GDISRV!GreSelectVisRgn: hdc NULL\n"); } } #endif
return(bRes); }
#if DBG || defined(PRERELEASE)
* GreValidateVisrgn() * * History: * 10-Dec-1998 -by- Vadim Gorokhovsky [vadimg] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID GreValidateVisrgn( HDC hdc, BOOL bValidateVisrgn ) { DCOBJA dco(hdc);
if (dco.bValid()) { dco.pdc->vValidateVisrgn(bValidateVisrgn);
if (bValidateVisrgn) { PDEVOBJ pdo(dco.hdev()); SURFACE *pSurf = dco.pSurface(); REGION *prgn = dco.pdc->prgnVis();
if (pdo.bValid() && !pdo.bMetaDriver() && pSurf && prgn) { BOOL bIsOK = ((pSurf->sizl().cx >= prgn->rcl.right) && (pSurf->sizl().cy >= prgn->rcl.bottom)&& (prgn->rcl.left >= 0) && (prgn->rcl.top >= 0));
FREASSERTGDI(bIsOK, "Rgn size is bigger than surface size"); } } } }
* GreIsValidRegion() * * History: * 08-Dec-2001 -by- Mohamed Sadek [msadek] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ BOOL GreIsValidRegion( HRGN hrgn) { RGNOBJAPI ro(hrgn, TRUE);
return ro.bValid(); }
* HRGN GreSelectVisRgn(hdc,hrgn,fl) * * Select the region as the new vis region * * flags - only one of these may be passed in * * SVR_COPYNEW - make a copy of region passed in, deletes the old one * SVR_DELETEOLD - use the select rgn, delete the old one * SVR_SWAP - swaps the contents of the hrgn and the visrgn * * Warnings: * This is a PRIVATE USER API. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL GreSelectVisRgn( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, VIS_REGION_SELECT fl) { RGNLOG rl(hrgn,NULL,"GreSelectVisRgn",(ULONG_PTR)hdc,(ULONG_PTR)fl);
ASSERTGDI((fl == SVR_COPYNEW ) || (fl == SVR_DELETEOLD) || (fl == SVR_SWAP ), "GreSelectVisRgn - invalid fl\n");
BOOL bRet;
// Share Lock DC
DCOBJA dco(hdc); PREGION prgnOld; PREGION prgn;
// Always validate input hdc
if (!dco.bValid()) { #if DBG
// USER may send a NULL hdc in low memory situations.
// Just print a warning for those situations, but rip
// for other bad handles (i.e., USER should figure out
// why they passed us a bad handle).
if (hdc) { RIP("GDISRV!GreSelectVisRgn: Bad hdc\n"); } else { WARNING("GDISRV!GreSelectVisRgn: hdc NULL\n"); } #endif
bRet = FALSE; } else { bRet = TRUE;
// Always nuke the Rao
BOOL bDeleteOld = TRUE;
if (hrgn != (HRGN) NULL) { //
// The incoming region may be some random thing, make it lockable
GreSetRegionOwner(hrgn, OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC);
if (ro.bValid()) { #if DBG || defined(PRERELEASE)
// Make Sure USER is not going to give us a RGN bigger than the surface
// Note: USER may select a bogus rgn in during ReleaseDC time, we don't want
// to assert there.
// To make things easy, we only check for single monitors
PDEVOBJ pdo(dco.hdev());
if (pdo.bValid() && !pdo.bMetaDriver()) { UINT uiIndex = (UINT) HmgIfromH((HOBJ)hdc);
PENTRY pentTmp = &gpentHmgr[uiIndex];
SURFACE *pSurf = dco.pSurface();
if (pSurf && dco.pdc->bValidateVisrgn() && (OBJECTOWNER_PID(pentTmp->ObjectOwner) != OBJECT_OWNER_NONE)) { BOOL bIsOK = ((pSurf->sizl().cx >= ro.prgn->rcl.right) && (pSurf->sizl().cy >= ro.prgn->rcl.bottom)&& (ro.prgn->rcl.left >= 0) && (ro.prgn->rcl.top >= 0));
FREASSERTGDI(bIsOK, "Rgn size is bigger than surface size"); } }
switch (fl) { case SVR_COPYNEW: { //
// We need to make a copy of the new one and delete the old one
RGNMEMOBJ rmo(ro.sizeRgn());
if (!rmo.bValid()) { prgn = prgnDefault; } else { rmo.vCopy(ro); prgn = rmo.prgnGet(); } } break;
case SVR_SWAP: { //
// we need to just swap handles. No deletion.
prgn = dco.pdc->prgnVis();
if (prgn == NULL) { prgn = prgnDefault; }
// don't swap out prgnDefault
if (prgn != prgnDefault) { RGNOBJ roVis(prgn); ro.bSwap(&roVis);
// roVis now contains the new vis rgn and the old visrgn
// is associated with hrgn.
prgn = roVis.prgnGet();
bDeleteOld = FALSE; } else { bRet = FALSE; } } break;
// delete the old handle but keep the region
prgn = ro.prgnGet();
if (ro.bDeleteHandle()) ro.vSetRgn(NULL);
break; } } else { RIP("Bad hrgn"); prgn = prgnDefault; }
// see if we need to delete the old one
if (bDeleteOld) { dco.pdc->vReleaseVis(); }
// set the new one in.
dco.pdc->prgnVis(prgn); prgn->vStamp();
} else {
// User called GreSelectVisRgn after CreateRectRgn without
// checking return value, so may have NULL hrgn here.
#if DBG
if (fl != SVR_DELETEOLD) { WARNING("GreSelectVisRgn - fl != SVR_DELETEOLD"); }
dco.pdc->vReleaseVis(); dco.pdc->bSetDefaultRegion(); } }
rl.vRet((ULONG_PTR)bRet); return(bRet); }
* GreCopyVisVisRgn() * * History: * 11-Jan-1995 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int GreCopyVisRgn( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn) { RGNLOG rl(hrgn,NULL,"GreCopyVisRgn",(ULONG_PTR)hdc,0);
int iRet = ERROR;
DCOBJA dco(hdc); // Use ALT_LOCK on DC
if (dco.bValid() && ro.bValid()) { RGNOBJ roVis(dco.pdc->prgnVis()); if (roVis.bValid() && ro.bCopy(roVis)) iRet = ro.iComplexity(); }
return(iRet); }
* LONG GreGetClipBox(hdc,prcl,fXForm) * * Get the bounding box of the clip region * \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY GreGetClipBox( HDC hdc, LPRECT prcl, BOOL fXForm) { GDITraceHandle(GreGetClipBox, "(%X, %p, %X)\n", (va_list)&hdc, hdc);
int iRet = ERROR; int iSaveLeft;
DCOBJ dor(hdc);
if (dor.bValid()) { DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(dor);
if (!dlo.bValid()) { prcl->left = 0; // Make it a 'simple' empty rectangle
prcl->right = 0; prcl->top = 0; prcl->bottom = 0;
if (dor.bFullScreen()) iRet = NULLREGION; } else { RGNOBJ ro(dor.prgnEffRao());
ro.vGet_rcl((RECTL *) prcl);
// First convert from screen to device coordinates
if ((prcl->left >= prcl->right) || (prcl->top >= prcl->bottom)) { prcl->left = 0; // Make it a 'simple' empty rectangle
prcl->right = 0; prcl->top = 0; prcl->bottom = 0; } else { *(ERECTL *)prcl -= dor.eptlOrigin();
// If requested, convert from device to logical coordinates.
if (fXForm) { EXFORMOBJ xfoDtoW(dor, DEVICE_TO_WORLD);
if (xfoDtoW.bValid()) { xfoDtoW.bXform(*(ERECTL *)prcl); } } if (MIRRORED_DC(dor.pdc) && (prcl->left > prcl->right)) { iSaveLeft = prcl->left; prcl->left = prcl->right; prcl->right = iSaveLeft; } }
iRet = ro.iComplexity(); }
GDITrace(GreGetClipBox, " returns (%d, %d) - (%d %d)\n", (va_list)prcl); } return(iRet); }
* int GreSubtractRgnRectList(hrgn, prcl, arcl, crcl) * * Quickly subtract the list of rectangles from the first rectangle to * produce a region. * \**************************************************************************/
int GreSubtractRgnRectList( HRGN hrgn, LPRECT prcl, LPRECT arcl, int crcl) { GDITraceHandle(GreSubtractRgnRectList, "(%X, %p, %p, %d)\n", (va_list)&hrgn, hrgn);
RGNLOG rl(hrgn,NULL,"GreSubtractRgnRectList",crcl);
RGNOBJAPI ro(hrgn,FALSE); int iRet;
if (!ro.bValid() || !ro.bSubtract((RECTL *) prcl, (RECTL *) arcl, crcl)) { // If bSubtract fails, clean up the target region for USER.
if (ro.bValid()) ro.vSet();
iRet = ERROR; } else { iRet = ro.iComplexity(); }
rl.vRet(iRet); return(iRet); }