Source File: AppUI.CPP
This file implements the Application UI. This consists of two (ANSI/UNICODE) functions that allow an application to specify profiles to be used, and so forth.
Copyright (c) 1996 by Microsoft Corporation
A Pretty Penny Enterprises Production
Change History: 12-11-96 a-robkj@microsoft.com Created it
#include "ICMUI.H"
CONST DWORD ApplicationUIHelpIds[] = { ApplyButton, IDH_ICMUI_APPLY, EnableICM, IDH_APPUI_ICM, EnableBasic, IDH_APPUI_BASIC, EnableProofing, IDH_APPUI_PROOF, MonitorProfile, IDH_APPUI_MONITOR, MonitorProfileLabel, IDH_APPUI_MONITOR, PrinterProfile, IDH_APPUI_PRINTER, PrinterProfileLabel, IDH_APPUI_PRINTER, RenderingIntent, IDH_APPUI_INTENT, RenderingIntentLabel, IDH_APPUI_INTENT, TargetProfile, IDH_APPUI_EMULATE, TargetProfileLabel, IDH_APPUI_EMULATE, TargetIntent, IDH_APPUI_INTENT, TargetIntentLabel, IDH_APPUI_INTENT, #if !defined(_WIN95_) // context-sentitive help
// SourceProfile, IDH_APPUI_SOURCE,
SourceProfileLabel, IDH_APPUI_SOURCE, #endif
0, 0 };
class CColorMatchDialog : public CDialog {
BOOL m_bSuccess, m_bEnableICM, m_bEnableProofing, m_bColorPrinter;
CString m_csSource, m_csMonitor, m_csPrinter, m_csMonitorProfile, m_csPrinterProfile, m_csTargetProfile;
CString m_csMonitorDisplayName; // since displayName != deviceName for monitor.
CStringArray m_csaMonitor, m_csaPrinter, m_csaTarget; CStringArray m_csaMonitorDesc, m_csaPrinterDesc, m_csaTargetDesc;
// For handy reference (from Setup structure)
DWORD m_dwRenderIntent, m_dwProofIntent;
// To reduce stack usage and code size
HWND m_hwndRenderIntent, m_hwndTargetIntent, m_hwndMonitorList, m_hwndPrinterList, m_hwndTargetList, m_hwndIntentText1, m_hwndIntentLabel, m_hwndTargetProfileLabel, m_hwndTargetIntentLabel, m_hwndMonitorProfileLabel, m_hwndPrinterProfileLabel;
// For Apply callback
PCMSCALLBACK m_dpApplyCallback; LPARAM m_lpApplyCallback;
// To identify callee
BOOL m_bAnsiCall;
// Display profile description or filename
BOOL m_bUseProfileDescription;
// Intent control
BOOL m_bDisableIntent, m_bDisableRenderIntent;
void Fail(DWORD dwError); BOOL GoodParms(PCOLORMATCHSETUP pcms); void CompleteInitialization(); void UpdateControls(BOOL bChanged = FALSE);
void FillStructure(COLORMATCHSETUPA *pcms); void FillStructure(COLORMATCHSETUPW *pcms);
void EnableApplyButton(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
CColorMatchDialog(COLORMATCHSETUPA *pcms); CColorMatchDialog(COLORMATCHSETUPW *pcms);
~CColorMatchDialog() { m_csaMonitor.Empty(); m_csaPrinter.Empty(); m_csaTarget.Empty(); m_csaMonitorDesc.Empty(); m_csaPrinterDesc.Empty(); m_csaTargetDesc.Empty(); m_csSource.Empty(); m_csMonitor.Empty(); m_csPrinter.Empty(); m_csMonitorProfile.Empty(); m_csPrinterProfile.Empty(); m_csTargetProfile.Empty(); m_csMonitorDisplayName.Empty(); }
BOOL Results() const { return m_bSuccess; }
virtual BOOL OnInit();
virtual BOOL OnCommand(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wid, HWND hwndCtl);
virtual BOOL OnHelp(LPHELPINFO pHelp); virtual BOOL OnContextMenu(HWND hwnd); };
// Record a failure
void CColorMatchDialog::Fail(DWORD dwError) { SetLastError(dwError); m_bSuccess = FALSE; }
// Report input parameter validity
BOOL CColorMatchDialog::GoodParms(PCOLORMATCHSETUP pcms) {
m_bSuccess = TRUE;
if (!pcms || pcms -> dwVersion != COLOR_MATCH_VERSION || pcms -> dwSize != sizeof *pcms || !pcms -> pMonitorProfile || !pcms -> pPrinterProfile || !pcms -> pTargetProfile || !pcms -> ccMonitorProfile || !pcms -> ccPrinterProfile || !pcms -> ccTargetProfile) { Fail(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_USEHOOK && !pcms -> lpfnHook) Fail(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_USEAPPLYCALLBACK && !pcms -> lpfnApplyCallback) Fail(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// Setup the hooking, if needed
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_USEHOOK) { m_dpHook = pcms -> lpfnHook; m_lpHook = pcms -> lParam; }
// Setup the callback for apply, if needed
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_USEAPPLYCALLBACK) { m_dpApplyCallback = pcms -> lpfnApplyCallback; m_lpApplyCallback = pcms -> lParamApplyCallback; } else { m_dpApplyCallback = NULL; m_lpApplyCallback = 0L; }
// Cache the flags...
DWORD dwFlags = pcms -> dwFlags;
// Init the intents
m_dwRenderIntent = (dwFlags & CMS_SETRENDERINTENT) ? pcms -> dwRenderIntent : INTENT_PERCEPTUAL;
m_dwProofIntent = (dwFlags & CMS_SETPROOFINTENT) && (dwFlags & CMS_ENABLEPROOFING) ? pcms -> dwProofingIntent : m_dwRenderIntent;
// Init the flags
m_bEnableICM = !(dwFlags & CMS_DISABLEICM); m_bEnableProofing = !!(dwFlags & CMS_ENABLEPROOFING);
m_bUseProfileDescription = !!(dwFlags & CMS_USEDESCRIPTION);
m_bDisableIntent = !!(dwFlags & CMS_DISABLEINTENT); m_bDisableRenderIntent = !!(dwFlags & CMS_DISABLERENDERINTENT);
// Init the pointer to buffer
m_pvCMS = (PVOID) pcms;
return m_bSuccess; }
// Encoding-independent construction actions
void CColorMatchDialog::CompleteInitialization() {
// Determine the appropriate source, monitor and printer names
if (m_csSource.IsEmpty()) m_csSource.Load(DefaultSourceString);
// Check the validation for monitor name.
CMonitorList cml; cml.Enumerate();
if (!cml.IsValidDeviceName(m_csMonitor)) {
// Get primary device.
m_csMonitor = cml.PrimaryDeviceName(); }
// Map display name from device name
m_csMonitorDisplayName = cml.DeviceNameToDisplayName(m_csMonitor);
// Check the validation for printer name.
HANDLE hPrinter;
if (!m_csPrinter.IsEmpty() && OpenPrinter(m_csPrinter,&hPrinter,NULL)) {
// The specified printer has been found.
} else {
// The specified printer has not been found,
// Get the default printer name- do it the old, slimy way...
GetProfileString(_TEXT("Windows"), _TEXT("Device"), _TEXT(""), acBuffer, MAX_PATH);
// The buffer will contains "PrinterName,DriverName,Port".
// What we need is only printer name.
TCHAR *pTmp = acBuffer;
while (*pTmp) { if (*pTmp == __TEXT(',')) { *pTmp = NULL; break; } pTmp++; }
m_csPrinter = acBuffer; }
if (CGlobals::ThisIsAColorPrinter(m_csPrinter)) m_bColorPrinter = TRUE; else m_bColorPrinter = FALSE;
// Now, we collect the names
// Enumrate monitor.
et.pDeviceName = m_csMonitor; et.dwDeviceClass = CLASS_MONITOR; CProfile::Enumerate(et, m_csaMonitor, m_csaMonitorDesc);
// Enumrate only for Color Printer.
if (m_bColorPrinter) { et.pDeviceName = m_csPrinter; et.dwDeviceClass = CLASS_PRINTER; CProfile::Enumerate(et, m_csaPrinter, m_csaPrinterDesc); } else { m_csaPrinter.Empty(); m_csaPrinterDesc.Empty(); }
et.dwFields = 0;
CProfile::Enumerate(et, m_csaTarget, m_csaTargetDesc);
// Fix up the default names for the profiles
if (m_csaPrinter.Map(m_csPrinterProfile) == m_csaPrinter.Count()) { _RPTF2(_CRT_WARN, "Printer Profile %s isn't associated with " "the monitor (%s)", (LPCTSTR) m_csPrinterProfile, (LPCTSTR) m_csPrinter); if (m_csaPrinter.Count()) { m_csPrinterProfile = m_csaPrinter[0]; } else { m_csPrinterProfile = (LPCTSTR) NULL; } }
if (m_csaMonitor.Map(m_csMonitorProfile) == m_csaMonitor.Count()) { _RPTF2(_CRT_WARN, "Monitor Profile %s isn't associated with " "the monitor (%s)", (LPCTSTR) m_csMonitorProfile, (LPCTSTR) m_csMonitor); if (m_csaMonitor.Count()) { m_csMonitorProfile = m_csaMonitor[0]; } else { m_csMonitorProfile = (LPCTSTR) NULL; } }
// If the target profile name is invalid, use the printer profile
if (m_csaTarget.Map(m_csTargetProfile) == m_csaTarget.Count()) { _RPTF1(_CRT_WARN, "Target Profile %s isn't installed", (LPCTSTR) m_csTargetProfile); if (m_csaPrinter.Count()) { m_csTargetProfile = m_csaPrinter[0]; } else { // And then, there is no printer profile, it will
// be Windows color space profile.
TCHAR TargetProfileName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH;
if (GetStandardColorSpaceProfile(NULL,LCS_WINDOWS_COLOR_SPACE,TargetProfileName,&dwSize)) { m_csTargetProfile = (LPCTSTR) TargetProfileName; m_csTargetProfile = (LPCTSTR) m_csTargetProfile.NameAndExtension(); } else { m_csTargetProfile = (LPCTSTR) NULL; } } } }
// Update the controls
void CColorMatchDialog::UpdateControls(BOOL bChanged) {
// Switch Proofing Controls based on setting
ShowWindow(m_hwndIntentText1, m_bEnableProofing && m_bEnableICM ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : SW_HIDE);
EnableWindow(m_hwndTargetProfileLabel, m_bEnableProofing && m_bEnableICM); EnableWindow(m_hwndTargetList, m_bEnableProofing && m_bEnableICM);
EnableWindow(m_hwndTargetIntentLabel, m_bEnableProofing && m_bEnableICM && !m_bDisableIntent); EnableWindow(m_hwndTargetIntent, m_bEnableProofing && m_bEnableICM && !m_bDisableIntent);
// Switch the other Controls, as well...
EnableWindow(m_hwndMonitorProfileLabel, m_bEnableICM); EnableWindow(m_hwndMonitorList, m_bEnableICM);
EnableWindow(m_hwndPrinterProfileLabel, m_bEnableICM && !m_csPrinter.IsEmpty()); EnableWindow(m_hwndPrinterList, m_bEnableICM && m_bColorPrinter && !m_csPrinter.IsEmpty());
if (m_bEnableProofing) { EnableWindow(m_hwndIntentLabel, m_bEnableICM && !m_bDisableIntent && !m_bDisableRenderIntent); EnableWindow(m_hwndRenderIntent, m_bEnableICM && !m_bDisableIntent && !m_bDisableRenderIntent); } else { EnableWindow(m_hwndIntentLabel, m_bEnableICM && !m_bDisableIntent); EnableWindow(m_hwndRenderIntent, m_bEnableICM && !m_bDisableIntent); }
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, EnableBasic), m_bEnableICM); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, EnableProofing), m_bEnableICM);
EnableApplyButton(bChanged); }
// Update the Apply buttom
void CColorMatchDialog::EnableApplyButton(BOOL bEnable) {
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, ApplyButton), bEnable);
// Flags for buffer overflow (combined)
// By moving the ANSI / Unicode issues into the CString class
// it becomes feasible to code these two versions so they look
// encoding-independent. In other words, the code for both
// of these versions is written identically, and the compiler
// does all the work, just like it ought to...
void CColorMatchDialog::FillStructure(COLORMATCHSETUPA *pcms) {
if (m_bEnableICM) {
pcms -> dwRenderIntent = m_dwRenderIntent;
// 03-20-1997 [email protected] RAID 21091 (Memphis)
// Don't fail if there is no monitor or printer profile. Set
// them to an empty string and succeed, instead.
// We can always do this, because 0 counts and empty pointers
// have already been screened out.
if (m_csMonitorProfile.IsEmpty()) pcms -> pMonitorProfile[0] = '\0'; else { lstrcpynA(pcms -> pMonitorProfile, m_csMonitorProfile, pcms -> ccMonitorProfile); if (lstrcmpA(pcms -> pMonitorProfile, m_csMonitorProfile)) pcms -> dwFlags |= CMS_MONITOROVERFLOW; }
if (m_csPrinterProfile.IsEmpty() || !m_bColorPrinter) pcms -> pPrinterProfile[0] = '\0'; else { lstrcpynA(pcms -> pPrinterProfile, m_csPrinterProfile, pcms -> ccPrinterProfile);
if (lstrcmpA(pcms -> pPrinterProfile, m_csPrinterProfile)) pcms -> dwFlags |= CMS_PRINTEROVERFLOW; }
if (m_bEnableProofing) { pcms -> dwFlags |= CMS_ENABLEPROOFING | CMS_SETTARGETPROFILE; pcms -> dwProofingIntent = m_dwProofIntent; lstrcpynA(pcms -> pTargetProfile, m_csTargetProfile, pcms -> ccTargetProfile); if (lstrcmpA(pcms -> pTargetProfile, m_csTargetProfile)) pcms -> dwFlags |= CMS_TARGETOVERFLOW; } else { pcms -> pTargetProfile[0] = '\0'; }
if (pcms -> dwFlags & BAD_BUFFER_FLAGS) Fail(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } else { pcms -> dwFlags = CMS_DISABLEICM; // No other flags are valid!
pcms -> pMonitorProfile[0] = '\0'; // No color profiles are choosed
pcms -> pPrinterProfile[0] = '\0'; pcms -> pTargetProfile[0] = '\0'; } }
void CColorMatchDialog::FillStructure(COLORMATCHSETUPW *pcms) {
if (m_bEnableICM) {
pcms -> dwRenderIntent = m_dwRenderIntent;
// 03-20-1997 [email protected] RAID 21091 (Memphis)
// Don't fail if there is no monitor or printer profile. Set
// them to an empty string and succeed, instead.
// We can always do this, because 0 counts and empty pointers
// have already been screened out.
if (m_csMonitorProfile.IsEmpty()) pcms -> pMonitorProfile[0] = '\0'; else { lstrcpynW(pcms -> pMonitorProfile, m_csMonitorProfile, pcms -> ccMonitorProfile); if (lstrcmpW(pcms -> pMonitorProfile, m_csMonitorProfile)) pcms -> dwFlags |= CMS_MONITOROVERFLOW; }
if (m_csPrinterProfile.IsEmpty() || !m_bColorPrinter) pcms -> pPrinterProfile[0] = '\0'; else { lstrcpynW(pcms -> pPrinterProfile, m_csPrinterProfile, pcms -> ccPrinterProfile);
if (lstrcmpW(pcms -> pPrinterProfile, m_csPrinterProfile)) pcms -> dwFlags |= CMS_PRINTEROVERFLOW; }
if (m_bEnableProofing) { pcms -> dwFlags |= CMS_ENABLEPROOFING | CMS_SETTARGETPROFILE | CMS_SETPROOFINTENT; pcms -> dwProofingIntent = m_dwProofIntent; lstrcpynW(pcms -> pTargetProfile, m_csTargetProfile, pcms -> ccTargetProfile); if (lstrcmpW(pcms -> pTargetProfile, m_csTargetProfile)) pcms -> dwFlags |= CMS_TARGETOVERFLOW; } else { pcms -> pTargetProfile[0] = '\0'; }
if (pcms -> dwFlags & BAD_BUFFER_FLAGS) Fail(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } else { pcms -> dwFlags = CMS_DISABLEICM; // No other flags are valid!
pcms -> pMonitorProfile[0] = '\0'; // No color profiles are choosed
pcms -> pPrinterProfile[0] = '\0'; pcms -> pTargetProfile[0] = '\0'; } }
CColorMatchDialog::CColorMatchDialog(COLORMATCHSETUPA *pcms) : CDialog(CGlobals::Instance(), ApplicationUI, pcms -> hwndOwner) {
if (!GoodParms((PCOLORMATCHSETUP) pcms)) return;
// Make sure we've initialized these, if we have to.
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_SETMONITORPROFILE) m_csMonitorProfile = pcms -> pMonitorProfile;
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_SETPRINTERPROFILE) m_csPrinterProfile = pcms -> pPrinterProfile;
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_SETTARGETPROFILE) m_csTargetProfile = pcms -> pTargetProfile;
m_csSource = pcms -> pSourceName; m_csMonitor = pcms -> pDisplayName; m_csPrinter = pcms -> pPrinterName;
// Ansi version call
m_bAnsiCall = TRUE;
// Display the UI, and watch what happens...
switch (DoModal()) {
case IDOK: if (!m_bSuccess) return;
// Fill up return buffer.
FillStructure(pcms); return;
case IDCANCEL: Fail(ERROR_SUCCESS); return;
default: Fail(GetLastError()); } }
CColorMatchDialog::CColorMatchDialog(COLORMATCHSETUPW *pcms) : CDialog(CGlobals::Instance(), ApplicationUI, pcms -> hwndOwner) {
if (!GoodParms((PCOLORMATCHSETUP) pcms)) return;
// Make sure we've initialized these, if we have to.
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_SETMONITORPROFILE) { m_csMonitorProfile = pcms -> pMonitorProfile; m_csMonitorProfile = m_csMonitorProfile.NameAndExtension(); }
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_SETPRINTERPROFILE) { m_csPrinterProfile = pcms -> pPrinterProfile; m_csPrinterProfile = m_csPrinterProfile.NameAndExtension(); }
if (pcms -> dwFlags & CMS_SETTARGETPROFILE) { m_csTargetProfile = pcms -> pTargetProfile; m_csTargetProfile = m_csTargetProfile.NameAndExtension(); }
m_csSource = pcms -> pSourceName; m_csMonitor = pcms -> pDisplayName; m_csPrinter = pcms -> pPrinterName;
// Unicode version call
m_bAnsiCall = FALSE;
// Display the UI, and watch what happens...
switch (DoModal()) {
case IDOK: if (!m_bSuccess) return;
// Fill up return buffer.
FillStructure(pcms); return;
case IDCANCEL: Fail(ERROR_SUCCESS); return;
default: Fail(GetLastError()); } }
// Dialog initialization function
BOOL CColorMatchDialog::OnInit() {
// Collect the common handles
m_hwndRenderIntent = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, RenderingIntent); m_hwndTargetIntent = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, TargetIntent); m_hwndPrinterList = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, PrinterProfile); m_hwndMonitorList = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, MonitorProfile); m_hwndTargetList = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, TargetProfile);
m_hwndMonitorProfileLabel = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, MonitorProfileLabel); m_hwndPrinterProfileLabel = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, PrinterProfileLabel); m_hwndIntentLabel = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, RenderingIntentLabel); m_hwndTargetProfileLabel = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, TargetProfileLabel); m_hwndTargetIntentLabel = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, TargetIntentLabel);
m_hwndIntentText1 = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, RenderingIntentText1);
// Fill in the source name
SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, SourceProfile, m_csSource);
// Set the Check Boxes
CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, EnableICM, m_bEnableICM ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, EnableBasic, m_bEnableProofing ? BST_UNCHECKED : BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, EnableProofing, m_bEnableProofing ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
// Fill in the list(s) of Rendering Intents
CString csWork; // There's plenty of it to do...
for (int i = INTENT_PERCEPTUAL; i <= INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC; i++) { csWork.Load(i + PerceptualString); SendMessage(m_hwndRenderIntent, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) csWork); SendMessage(m_hwndTargetIntent, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) csWork); }
// Init the rendering intents
SendMessage(m_hwndRenderIntent, CB_SETCURSEL, m_dwRenderIntent, 0); SendMessage(m_hwndTargetIntent, CB_SETCURSEL, m_dwProofIntent, 0);
// Init the profile lists
// 03-20-1997 [email protected] RAID Memphis:22213
// The algorithm used to determine which profile to select was incorrect.
// There's a much simpler and direct way, anyway.
// Target Profiles
for (unsigned u = 0; u < m_csaTarget.Count(); u++) { if (m_bUseProfileDescription) { id = SendMessage(m_hwndTargetList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)((LPTSTR) m_csaTargetDesc[u])); } else { id = SendMessage(m_hwndTargetList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, m_csaTarget[u].NameOnly()); } SendMessage(m_hwndTargetList, CB_SETITEMDATA, id, u);
if (m_csaTarget[u].IsEqualString(m_csTargetProfile)) { SendMessage(m_hwndTargetList, CB_SETCURSEL, id, 0); } }
// Set Target profile if specified, otherwise the default
if (!m_csaTarget.Count()) { CString csWork; csWork.Load(NoProfileString);
SendMessage(m_hwndTargetList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, csWork); SendMessage(m_hwndTargetList, CB_SETITEMDATA, 0, -1); SendMessage(m_hwndTargetList, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); }
// Monitor Profiles
// 03-20-1997 [email protected] Memphis RAID #22289
csWork.Load(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, MonitorProfileLabel)); csWork = csWork + m_csMonitorDisplayName + _TEXT(")"); SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, MonitorProfileLabel, csWork);
for (u = 0; u < m_csaMonitor.Count(); u++) { if (m_bUseProfileDescription) { id = SendMessage(m_hwndMonitorList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)((LPTSTR) m_csaMonitorDesc[u])); } else { id = SendMessage(m_hwndMonitorList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, m_csaMonitor[u].NameOnly()); } SendMessage(m_hwndMonitorList, CB_SETITEMDATA, id, u);
if (m_csaMonitor[u].IsEqualString(m_csMonitorProfile)) { SendMessage(m_hwndMonitorList, CB_SETCURSEL, id, 0); } }
// Set Monitor profile if specified
if (!m_csaMonitor.Count()) { CString csWork; csWork.Load(NoProfileString);
SendMessage(m_hwndMonitorList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, csWork); SendMessage(m_hwndMonitorList, CB_SETITEMDATA, 0, -1); SendMessage(m_hwndMonitorList, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); }
// Printer Profiles
// 03-20-1997 [email protected] RAID Memphis:22290
// If there's no printer, then we should disable all of the related
// controls.
if (m_csPrinter.IsEmpty()) { csWork.Load(NoPrintersInstalled); } else { csWork.Load(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, PrinterProfileLabel)); csWork = csWork + m_csPrinter + _TEXT(")"); }
SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, PrinterProfileLabel, csWork);
for (u = 0; u < m_csaPrinter.Count(); u++) { if (m_bUseProfileDescription) { id = SendMessage(m_hwndPrinterList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)((LPTSTR) m_csaPrinterDesc[u])); } else { id = SendMessage(m_hwndPrinterList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, m_csaPrinter[u].NameOnly()); } SendMessage(m_hwndPrinterList, CB_SETITEMDATA, id, u);
if (m_csaPrinter[u].IsEqualString(m_csPrinterProfile)) { SendMessage(m_hwndPrinterList, CB_SETCURSEL, id, 0); } }
// Set Printer profile if specified
if (!m_csaPrinter.Count()) { CString csWork;
if (!m_csPrinter.IsEmpty() && !m_bColorPrinter) { // Printer are specified, but it is not color printer.
csWork.Load(NotColorPrinter); } else { csWork.Load(NoProfileString); }
SendMessage(m_hwndPrinterList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, csWork); SendMessage(m_hwndPrinterList, CB_SETITEMDATA, 0, -1); SendMessage(m_hwndPrinterList, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); }
// End RAID Memphis:22213, 22289, 22290 03-20-1997
// If Apply callback does not provided, disable apply button.
if (m_dpApplyCallback == NULL) { RECT rcApply, rcCancel; POINT ptApply, ptCancel;
// Get current "Apply" and "Cancel" buttom position
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, ApplyButton), &rcApply); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDCANCEL), &rcCancel);
// Convert the buttom coordinate to parent dialog coord from screen coord.
ptApply.x = rcApply.left; ptApply.y = rcApply.top; ptCancel.x = rcCancel.left; ptCancel.y = rcCancel.top;
ScreenToClient(m_hwnd,&ptApply); ScreenToClient(m_hwnd,&ptCancel);
// Move "Apply" button away... and shift "Cancel" and "OK"
MoveWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, ApplyButton),0,0,0,0,TRUE); MoveWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDCANCEL), ptApply.x,ptApply.y, rcApply.right - rcApply.left, rcApply.bottom - rcApply.top,TRUE); MoveWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDOK), ptCancel.x,ptCancel.y, rcCancel.right - rcCancel.left, rcCancel.bottom - rcCancel.top,TRUE); }
// Enable/Disable controls based upon settings
return FALSE; // Because we've probably moved it...
// Command Processing override
BOOL CColorMatchDialog::OnCommand(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wid, HWND hwndCtl) {
switch (wNotifyCode) {
switch (wid) {
case EnableICM: m_bEnableICM = !m_bEnableICM; UpdateControls(TRUE); return TRUE;
case EnableBasic:
if (m_bEnableProofing) { m_bEnableProofing = FALSE;
// Copy proof intent to rendering intent
m_dwRenderIntent = m_dwProofIntent;
// Update UI
SendMessage(m_hwndTargetIntent, CB_SETCURSEL, m_dwProofIntent, 0); SendMessage(m_hwndRenderIntent, CB_SETCURSEL, m_dwRenderIntent, 0); UpdateControls(TRUE); } return TRUE;
case EnableProofing:
if (m_bEnableProofing == FALSE) { m_bEnableProofing = TRUE;
// Copy the original rendering intent to the proofing
// intent, and set original to Absolute Colorimetric
m_dwProofIntent = m_dwRenderIntent; m_dwRenderIntent = INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC;
// Update UI
SendMessage(m_hwndTargetIntent, CB_SETCURSEL, m_dwProofIntent, 0); SendMessage(m_hwndRenderIntent, CB_SETCURSEL, m_dwRenderIntent, 0); UpdateControls(TRUE); } return TRUE;
case ApplyButton: {
// Disable apply button
// Callback supplied function
if (m_dpApplyCallback) {
FillStructure(pcms); (*(PCMSCALLBACKA)m_dpApplyCallback)(pcms,m_lpApplyCallback); } else { PCOLORMATCHSETUPW pcms = (PCOLORMATCHSETUPW) m_pvCMS;
FillStructure(pcms); (*(PCMSCALLBACKW)m_dpApplyCallback)(pcms,m_lpApplyCallback); } }
return TRUE; } }
DWORD idItem = (DWORD)SendMessage(hwndCtl, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); unsigned uItem = (unsigned)SendMessage(hwndCtl, CB_GETITEMDATA, idItem, 0);
switch (wid) {
case RenderingIntent:
if (m_dwRenderIntent != idItem) { m_dwRenderIntent = idItem;
// If proofing is disabled, proof intent follows
// render intent
if (! m_bEnableProofing) { m_dwProofIntent = idItem; SendMessage(m_hwndTargetIntent, CB_SETCURSEL, m_dwProofIntent, 0); }
EnableApplyButton(); }
return TRUE;
case TargetIntent:
if (m_dwProofIntent != idItem) { m_dwProofIntent = idItem;
EnableApplyButton(); }
return TRUE;
case TargetProfile:
// If there are no installed profiles, don't bother
if (!m_csaTarget.Count()) return TRUE;
if (m_csTargetProfile.IsEqualString(m_csaTarget[uItem]) == FALSE) { m_csTargetProfile = m_csaTarget[uItem];
EnableApplyButton(); }
return TRUE;
case MonitorProfile:
// If there are no installed profiles, don't bother
if (!m_csaMonitor.Count()) return TRUE;
if (m_csMonitorProfile.IsEqualString(m_csaMonitor[uItem]) == FALSE) { m_csMonitorProfile = m_csaMonitor[uItem];
EnableApplyButton(); }
return TRUE;
case PrinterProfile:
// If there are no installed profiles, don't bother
if (!m_csaPrinter.Count()) return TRUE;
if (m_csPrinterProfile.IsEqualString(m_csaPrinter[uItem]) == FALSE) { m_csPrinterProfile = m_csaPrinter[uItem];
EnableApplyButton(); }
return TRUE; }
// Pass anything we didn't handle above to the base class
return CDialog::OnCommand(wNotifyCode, wid, hwndCtl);
// Context-sensitive help handler
BOOL CColorMatchDialog::OnHelp(LPHELPINFO pHelp) {
if (pHelp->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { WinHelp((HWND) pHelp->hItemHandle, WINDOWS_HELP_FILE, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR) (LPSTR) ApplicationUIHelpIds); }
return (TRUE); }
BOOL CColorMatchDialog::OnContextMenu(HWND hwnd) {
return (TRUE); }
// This are the real honest-to-goodness API!
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI SetupColorMatchingA(PCOLORMATCHSETUPA pcms) {
CColorMatchDialog ccmd(pcms);
return ccmd.Results(); }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI SetupColorMatchingW(PCOLORMATCHSETUPW pcms) {
CColorMatchDialog ccmd(pcms);
return ccmd.Results(); }