* Module Name: gdiexts.cxx * * Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
// TODO: Break this file up grouping close knit extensions together.
// This function is used for writing DIB images to disk in BMP format
// from a debugger extension.
#define DIBDBG
int WriteDIBToFile(void *pBits, DWORD w, DWORD h, LONG byte_width, int colordepth, void *pPal, DWORD palentries, char *filename) { FILE *fp; VOID *pvTmpBits=NULL; VOID *pvTmpPal=NULL; int r;
#ifdef DIBDBG
dprintf("input:\n"); dprintf("pBits: %p\n", pBits); dprintf("width: %ld\n", w); dprintf("height: %ld\n", h); dprintf("byte width: %ld\n", byte_width); dprintf("color depth: %ld\n", colordepth); dprintf("pPal: %p\n", pPal); dprintf("palette entries: %ld\n", palentries); dprintf("filename: %s\n", filename); #endif
dprintf("starting\n"); if((fp = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL) { dprintf("Error opening %s\n", filename); dprintf("If you're using a share, make sure the share is writeable by the machine running the debugger\n"); return 1; }
if((pPal==NULL)&&(palentries!=0)) { dprintf("Palette pointer is NULL, but palentries is %ld (should be 0)\n", palentries); fclose(fp); return 2; }
if(byte_width<0) { dprintf("Upside down DIB, inverting...\n"); byte_width = -byte_width; }
//write the file header
BITMAPFILEHEADER bfh; bfh.bfType='MB'; //backwords 'BM'
bfh.bfSize = (DWORD)byte_width*h+sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bfh.bfReserved1=0; bfh.bfReserved2=0; bfh.bfOffBits=sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+sizeof(DWORD)*palentries; r = fwrite(&bfh, sizeof(bfh), 1, fp); if(!r) { dprintf("Error writing file header\n"); fclose(fp); return 5; } dprintf("header\n");
BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; bih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bih.biWidth = (LONG)w; bih.biHeight = (LONG)h; bih.biPlanes = 1; bih.biBitCount = (WORD)colordepth; bih.biCompression = 0; bih.biSizeImage = 0; bih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bih.biClrUsed = 0; bih.biClrImportant = 0; r = fwrite(&bih, sizeof(bih), 1, fp); if(!r) { dprintf("Error writing header\n"); fclose(fp); return 4; } dprintf("header\n");
//write out the palette - if one exists
if( (pPal!=NULL)&&(palentries>0) ) { dprintf("writing the palette\n"); pvTmpPal = (void *)malloc(sizeof(DWORD)*palentries); if(pvTmpPal==NULL) { fclose(fp); return 7; } move2(pvTmpPal, pPal, sizeof(DWORD)*palentries); r = fwrite(pvTmpPal, sizeof(DWORD)*palentries, 1, fp); if(!r) { dprintf("Error writing palette\n"); fclose(fp); return 3; } } dprintf("palette\n");
//write out the bits
pvTmpBits = (VOID *)malloc(byte_width*h); if(pvTmpBits==NULL) { if(pvTmpPal) free(pvTmpPal); fclose(fp); return 8; } move2(pvTmpBits, pBits, byte_width*h);
r = fwrite(pvTmpBits, byte_width*h, 1, fp); if(!r) { dprintf("Error writing bits\n"); fclose(fp); return 6; } dprintf("write\n");
fclose(fp); if(pvTmpPal) free(pvTmpPal); if(pvTmpBits) free(pvTmpBits);
dprintf("Wrote DIB to %s\n", filename); return 0; } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* DECLARE_API( ddib ) * * History: * 11/12/98 -by- Adrian Secchia [asecchia] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ DECLARE_API( ddib ) { PARSE_ARGUMENTS(ddib_help); if(ntok<1) { goto ddib_help; }
int w_sw, h_sw, b_sw, f_sw, y_sw, p_sw, i_sw; //find valid tokens - ignore the rest
w_sw = parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'w'); h_sw = parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'h'); b_sw = parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'b'); f_sw = parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'f'); y_sw = parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'y'); p_sw = parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'p'); i_sw = parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'i');
// i must be present unless all of w, h and b are present.
// conversely w, h and b must be present unless i is present.
// f must always be present
if( ((i_sw<0) && ((w_sw<0) || (h_sw<0) || (b_sw<0)) ) || (f_sw<0)) { dprintf("required parameter missing\n"); goto ddib_help; }
if( (w_sw>ntok-3) || (h_sw>ntok-3) || (b_sw>ntok-3) || (f_sw>ntok-3) || (y_sw>ntok-3) || (p_sw>ntok-4) || (i_sw>ntok-3) ) { dprintf("invalid parameter format\n"); goto ddib_help; }
ddib_help: dprintf("Usage: ddib [-?] [-i LPBITMAPINFO] [-w Width] [-h Height] [-f filename] [-b Bits] [-y Byte_Width] [-p palbits palsize] pbits\n"); dprintf("\t-i required parameter specifies LPBITMAPINFO structure (hex)\n"); dprintf("\t-w required parameter specifies width in pixels (hex)\n"); dprintf("\t-h required parameter specifies height in pixels (hex)\n"); dprintf("\t-b required parameter specifies number of bits per pixel (hex)\n"); dprintf("\t-y optional parameter specifies byte width of dib (hex)\n" "\t if omitted this parameter is computed from w and b parameters\n"); dprintf("\t-p optonal parameter specifies the palette pointer and the number of palette entries (hex)\n"); dprintf("\t-f required parameter specifies the filename to store the dib - usually a public share\n"); dprintf("\tpBits required parameter specifies pointer to the bit data - must be last.\n"); dprintf("If the -i option is supplied then the -w, -h and -b become optional.\n"); dprintf("If the -i is omitted, then -w, -h and -b are required.\n");
int r; PVOID pvBits; PVOID pvPal=NULL; DWORD palsize = 0;
LONG w, h, b, bw;
if(i_sw>=0) { pbmi = (LPBITMAPINFO)GetExpression(tokens[i_sw+1]); move2(&bmiSize, pbmi, sizeof(DWORD)); //Get the size of the BITMAPINFOHEADER
if(bmiSize>sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) { dprintf("Invalid bmiSize\n"); bmiSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); } move2(&bmi, pbmi, bmiSize); //I wonder if this could run off the end of the bitmapinfoheader while reading (it is a variable length structure - both the BITMAPINFOHEADER and the RGBQUAD)
// Set the parameters - they are possibly overwritten later
// if other parameters are specified.
w = bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth; h = bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight; b = bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount;
// Get the palette from the LPBITMAPINFO structure providing that
// the user hasn't specified a manual palette address
if(p_sw<0) { pvPal = (PVOID) ( (PBYTE)pbmi+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) ); //point to the start of the rgbquad array
switch(b) { case 0: break; case 1: palsize = 2; break; case 4: palsize = 16; break; case 8: palsize = 256; break; case 16: if(bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression==BI_BITFIELDS) { palsize = 3; break; } case 24: case 32: palsize = 0; pvPal = NULL; break; default: palsize = 0; pvPal = NULL; dprintf("WARNING: you're trying to dump a DIB with an unusual bit depth %d\n", b); dprintf("bit depth should be specified in hex!\n"); break; } }
if( (bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed<palsize) && (bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed>0) ) { palsize = bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed; }
if(w_sw>=0) { w = (LONG)GetExpression(tokens[w_sw+1]); } if(h_sw>=0) { h = (LONG)GetExpression(tokens[h_sw+1]); } if(b_sw>=0) { b = (LONG)GetExpression(tokens[b_sw+1]); }
if(p_sw>=0) { pvPal = (PVOID)GetExpression(tokens[p_sw+1]); palsize = (LONG)GetExpression(tokens[p_sw+2]); }
if(y_sw>=0) { bw = (LONG)GetExpression(tokens[y_sw+1]); } else { switch(b) { case 32: bw = w*4; break; case 24: bw = w*3; break; case 16: bw = w*2; break; case 8: bw = w; break; case 1: bw = w/8 + (int)((w%8) != 0); break; default: bw = w; } }
pvBits = (PVOID)GetExpression(tokens[ntok-1]);
if( (r=WriteDIBToFile(pvBits, w, h, bw, b, pvPal, palsize, tokens[f_sw+1])) !=0 ) { dprintf("Error %d writing to file\n", r); goto ddib_help; } return;
* VOID vPrintBLTRECORD * * Dump the contents of BLTRECORD structure * * History: * 13-Apr-1993 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
dprintf("SURFOBJ *psoTrg 0x%08lx\n", pblt->pSurfTrg()->pSurfobj()); dprintf("SURFOBJ *psoSrc 0x%08lx\n", pblt->pSurfSrc()->pSurfobj()); dprintf("SURFOBJ *psoMsk 0x%08lx\n", pblt->pSurfMsk()->pSurfobj());
dprintf("POINTFIX aptfx[0] = (0x%07lx.%1lx, 0x%07lx.%1lx)\n", pblt->pptfx()[0].x >> 4, pblt->pptfx()[0].x & 15, pblt->pptfx()[0].y >> 4, pblt->pptfx()[0].y & 15); dprintf("POINTFIX aptfx[1] = (0x%07lx.%1lx, 0x%07lx.%1lx)\n", pblt->pptfx()[1].x >> 4, pblt->pptfx()[1].x & 15, pblt->pptfx()[1].y >> 4, pblt->pptfx()[1].y & 15); dprintf("POINTFIX aptfx[2] = (0x%07lx.%1lx, 0x%07lx.%1lx)\n", pblt->pptfx()[2].x >> 4, pblt->pptfx()[2].x & 15, pblt->pptfx()[2].y >> 4, pblt->pptfx()[2].y & 15); dprintf("POINTFIX aptfx[3] = (0x%07lx.%1lx, 0x%07lx.%1lx)\n", pblt->pptfx()[3].x >> 4, pblt->pptfx()[3].x & 15, pblt->pptfx()[3].y >> 4, pblt->pptfx()[3].y & 15);
dprintf("POINTL aptlTrg[0] = (0x%08lx, 0x%08lx)\n", pblt->pptlTrg()[0].x, pblt->pptlTrg()[0].y); dprintf("POINTL aptlTrg[1] = (0x%08lx, 0x%08lx)\n", pblt->pptlTrg()[1].x, pblt->pptlTrg()[1].y); dprintf("POINTL aptlTrg[2] = (0x%08lx, 0x%08lx)\n", pblt->pptlTrg()[2].x, pblt->pptlTrg()[2].y);
dprintf("POINTL aptlSrc[0] = (0x%08lx, 0x%08lx)\n", pblt->pptlSrc()[0].x, pblt->pptlSrc()[0].y); dprintf("POINTL aptlSrc[1] = (0x%08lx, 0x%08lx)\n", pblt->pptlSrc()[1].x, pblt->pptlSrc()[1].y);
dprintf("POINTL aptlMask[0] = (0x%08lx, 0x%08lx)\n", pblt->pptlMask()[0].x, pblt->pptlMask()[0].y);
dprintf("POINTL aptlBrush[0] = (0x%08lx, 0x%08lx)\n", pblt->pptlBrush()[0].x, pblt->pptlBrush()[0].y);
dprintf("ROP4 rop4 = 0x%08lx, FLONG flState = 0x%08lx\n", pblt->rop(), pblt->flGet()); } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* DECLARE_API( dblt ) * * History: * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ DECLARE_API( dblt ) { dprintf("Use 'dt win32k!BLTRECORD -r <Address>'\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
DWORD blt[1024]; PARSE_POINTER(dblt_help); dprintf("BLTRECORD structure at 0x%p:\n", (PVOID)arg); move2(blt, (BLTRECORD *)arg, sizeof(BLTRECORD)); vPrintBLTRECORD(blt); return;
dblt_help: dprintf("Usage: dblt [-?] BLTRECORD_PTR\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* xlate * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( xlate ) { return ExtDumpType(Client, "xlate", "XLATE", args); }
* bltinfo * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( bltinfo ) { return ExtDumpType(Client, "bltinfo", "BLTINFO", args); }
* stats * * 27-Feb-1995 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
PSZ apszSetDCPoint[] = { "VPEXT ", "WNDEXT ", "VPORG ", "WNDORG ", "OFFVPORG ", "OFFWNDORG ", "MAX " };
DECLARE_API( stats ) { dprintf("Extension 'stats' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
#if DBG
DWORD adw[100]; PDWORD pdw; int i;
// Get DCDword
GetAddress(pdw, "win32k!acGetDCDword"); move2(adw, pdw, sizeof(DWORD) * DDW_MAX);
dprintf("\nGetDCDword %lx:\n",pdw);
for (i = 0; i < DDW_MAX; ++i) { if (adw[i]) dprintf("\t%2ld: %s, %4d\n",i,apszGetDCDword[i],adw[i]); }
// Set DCDword
GetAddress(pdw, "win32k!acSetDCDword"); move2(adw, pdw, sizeof(DWORD) * GASDDW_MAX);
for (i = 0; i < GASDDW_MAX; ++i) { if (adw[i]) dprintf("\t%2ld: %s, %4d\n",i,apszSetDCDword[i],adw[i]); }
// Get DCPoint
GetAddress(pdw, "win32k!acGetDCPoint"); move2(adw, pdw, sizeof(DWORD) * DCPT_MAX);
for (i = 0; i < DCPT_MAX; ++i) { if (adw[i]) dprintf("\t%2ld: %s, %4d\n",i,apszGetDCPoint[i],adw[i]); }
// Set DCPoint
GetAddress(pdw, "win32k!acSetDCPoint"); move2(adw, pdw, sizeof(DWORD) * GASDCPT_MAX);
for (i = 0; i < GASDCPT_MAX; ++i) { if (adw[i]) dprintf("\t%2ld: %s, %4d\n",i,apszSetDCPoint[i],adw[i]); }
goto stats_help; #endif
return; stats_help: dprintf("Usage: stats [-?]\n"); dprintf("-? displays this help.\n"); dprintf("stats only works in checked builds.\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* PALETTE * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( palette ) { BEGIN_API( palette );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; OutputControl OutCtl(Client); ULONG64 PaletteAddr; DEBUG_VALUE Arg; DEBUG_VALUE Offset;
while (isspace(*args)) args++;
if (*args == '-' || (hr = Evaluate(Client, args, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, 0, &Arg, NULL)) != S_OK) { OutCtl.Output("Usage: palette [-?] <HPALETTE | PALETTE Addr>\n"); } else { hr = GetObjectAddress(Client,Arg.I64,&PaletteAddr,PAL_TYPE,TRUE,TRUE);
if (hr != S_OK || PaletteAddr == 0) { DEBUG_VALUE ObjHandle; TypeOutputParser TypeParser(Client); OutputState OutState(Client); ULONG64 PaletteAddrFromHmgr;
PaletteAddr = Arg.I64;
// Try to read hHmgr from PALETTE type, but if that
// fails use the BASEOBJECT type, which is public.
if ((hr = OutState.Setup(0, &TypeParser)) != S_OK || (hr = OutState.OutputTypeVirtual(PaletteAddr, GDIType(PALETTE), 0)) != S_OK || (hr = TypeParser.Get(&ObjHandle, "hHmgr", DEBUG_VALUE_INT64)) != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr("Unable to get contents of PALETTE's handle\n"); OutCtl.OutErr(" (Type Read returned %s)\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); OutCtl.OutErr(" 0x%p is neither an HPALETTE nor valid PALETTE address\n", Arg.I64); } else { if (GetObjectAddress(Client,ObjHandle.I64,&PaletteAddrFromHmgr, PAL_TYPE,TRUE,FALSE) == S_OK && PaletteAddr != PaletteAddrFromHmgr) { OutCtl.OutWarn("\tNote: PALETTE may not be valid.\n" "\t It does not have a valid handle manager entry.\n"); } } }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = DumpType(Client, "PALETTE", PaletteAddr);
if (hr != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr("Type Dump for PALETTE returned %s.\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); } } }
return hr; }
DECLARE_API( dppal ) { INIT_API(); ExtOut("Obsolete: Use 'palette poi(<EPALOBJ Addr>)'.\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
* DECLARE_API( sprite ) * \**************************************************************************/
PCSTR SpriteFields[] = { "dwShape", "fl", "BlendFunction", "pState", "pNextZ", "pNextY", "pPreviousY", "pNextActive", "rclSprite", "rclSrc", "psoShape", "psoUnderlay", "prgnClip", "ppalShape", NULL };
DECLARE_API( sprite ) { BEGIN_API( sprite );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL DumpAll = FALSE; DEBUG_VALUE Offset; ULONG64 Module; ULONG TypeId; OutputControl OutCtl(Client);
while (isspace(*args)) args++;
if (args[0] == '-' && tolower(args[1]) == 'a' && isspace(args[2])) { DumpAll = TRUE; args+=3; }
if (*args == '-' || (hr = Evaluate(Client, args, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, 0, &Offset, NULL)) != S_OK || Offset.I64 == 0) { OutCtl.Output("Usage: sprite [-?a] <SPRITE Addr>\n" " -a - dump entire structure\n"); } else { if ((hr = GetTypeId(Client, "SPRITE", &TypeId, &Module)) == S_OK) { TypeOutputDumper TypeReader(Client, &OutCtl);
if (!DumpAll) { TypeReader.MarkFields(SpriteFields); }
OutCtl.Output(" SPRITE @ 0x%p:\n", Offset.I64);
hr = TypeReader.OutputVirtual(Module, TypeId, Offset.I64); }
if (hr != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr("Type Dump for SPRITE returned %s.\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); } }
return hr; }
* DECLARE_API( spritestate ) * \**************************************************************************/
PCSTR SpriteStateFields[] = { "hdev", "cVisible", "pListZ", "pListY", "psoScreen", "cVisible", "pRange", "pRangeLimit", "psoComposite", "prgnUnlocked", NULL };
PCSTR SpriteStateCursorFields[] = { "pSpriteCursor", "xHotCursor", "yHotCursor", "ulNumCursors", "pTopCursor", "pBottomCursor", "ulTrailTimeStamp", "ulTrailPeriod", NULL };
PCSTR SpriteStateHookFields[] = { "bHooked", "bInsideDriverCall", "flOriginalSurfFlags", "iOriginalType", "flSpriteSurfFlags", "iSpriteType", NULL };
PCSTR SpriteStateMetaFields[] = { "cMultiMon", "ahdevMultiMon", "pListMeta", NULL };
PCSTR SpriteStateLargeFields[] = { "coTmp", "coRectangular", NULL };
DECLARE_API( spritestate ) { BEGIN_API( spritestate );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL BadSwitch = FALSE; BOOL DumpAll = FALSE; BOOL DumpCursor = FALSE; BOOL DumpHook = FALSE; BOOL DumpMeta = FALSE; DEBUG_VALUE Offset; ULONG64 Module; ULONG TypeId; OutputControl OutCtl(Client);
while (!BadSwitch) { while (isspace(*args)) args++;
if (*args != '-') break;
args++; BadSwitch = (*args == '\0' || isspace(*args));
while (*args != '\0' && !isspace(*args)) { switch (*args) { case 'a': DumpAll = TRUE; break; case 'c': DumpCursor = TRUE; break; case 'h': DumpHook = TRUE; break; case 'm': DumpMeta = TRUE; break; default: BadSwitch = TRUE; break; }
if (BadSwitch) break; args++; } }
if (BadSwitch || (hr = Evaluate(Client, args, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, 0, &Offset, NULL)) != S_OK || Offset.I64 == 0) { OutCtl.Output("Usage: spritestate [-?chma] <SPRITESTATE Addr>\n" " -c - dump cursor fields\n" " -h - dump hook fields\n" " -m - dump meta fields\n" " -a - dump entire structure\n"); } else { if ((hr = GetTypeId(Client, "SPRITESTATE", &TypeId, &Module)) == S_OK) { TypeOutputDumper TypeReader(Client, &OutCtl);
if (DumpAll) { TypeReader.ExcludeMarked();
TypeReader.MarkFields(SpriteStateLargeFields); } else { TypeReader.IncludeMarked();
if (DumpCursor) { TypeReader.MarkFields(SpriteStateCursorFields); }
if (DumpHook) { TypeReader.MarkFields(SpriteStateHookFields); }
if (DumpMeta) { TypeReader.MarkFields(SpriteStateMetaFields); } }
OutCtl.Output(" SPRITESTATE @ 0x%p:\n", Offset.I64);
hr = TypeReader.OutputVirtual(Module, TypeId, Offset.I64); }
if (hr != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr("Type Dump for SPRITESTATE returned %s.\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); } }
return hr; }
* PDEV Fields * \**************************************************************************/
PCSTR GeneralPDEVFields[] = { "ppdevNext", "fl", "cPdevRefs", "cPdevOpenRefs", "pldev", "dhpdev", "hSpooler", "pSurface", "ppalSurf", "eDirectDrawGlobal.", "SpriteState.", "pDesktopId", "pGraphicsDevice", "ppdevParent", "hsemDevLock", "ptlOrigin", "apfn.", "daDirectDrawContext.", NULL };
PCSTR PDEVPointerFields[] = { "ptlPointer", "pfnDrvSetPointerShape", "pfnDrvMovePointer", "pfnMovePointer", "pfnSync", "hsemPointer", NULL };
PCSTR PDEVFontFields[] = { "hlfntDefault", "hlfntAnsiVariable", "hlfntAnsiFixed", "prfntActive", "prfntInactive", "cInactive", NULL };
PCSTR PDEVDevInfoFields[] = { "devinfo.flGraphicsCaps", "devinfo.cFonts", "devinfo.iDitherFormat", "devinfo.cxDither", "devinfo.cyDither", "devinfo.hpalDefault", "devinfo.flGraphicsCaps2", NULL };
PCSTR PDEVPatternFields[] = { "ahsurf", // To Do: make sure array gets dumped
"pDevHTInfo", NULL };
PCSTR PDEVGDIInfoFields[] = { "GdiInfo", "flAccelerated", NULL };
PCSTR PDEVSpriteStateFields[] = { "SpriteState.bHooked", "SpriteState.pListZ", "SpriteState.psoScreen", "SpriteState.cVisible", "SpriteState.cMultiMon", "SpriteState.bInsideDriverCall", "SpriteState.iOriginalType", "SpriteState.iSpriteType", "SpriteState.pBottomCursor", "SpriteState.ulNumCursors", NULL };
* PDEV * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( pdev ) { BEGIN_API( pdev ); INIT_API();
HRESULT hr = S_OK; DEBUG_VALUE Offset; ULONG64 Module; ULONG TypeId; OutputControl OutCtl(Client);
BOOL BadSwitch = FALSE; BOOL DumpAll = FALSE; BOOL DumpDEVINFO = FALSE; BOOL DumpFont = FALSE; BOOL DumpGDIINFO = FALSE; BOOL DumpPattern = FALSE; BOOL DumpPointer = FALSE; BOOL DumpSpriteState = FALSE; BOOL Recurse = FALSE; BOOL DisplaysOnly = FALSE;
while (!BadSwitch) { while (isspace(*args)) args++;
if (*args != '-') break;
args++; BadSwitch = (*args == '\0' || isspace(*args));
while (*args != '\0' && !isspace(*args)) { switch (*args) { case 'a': DumpAll = TRUE; break; case 'd': DumpDEVINFO = TRUE; break; case 'f': DumpFont = TRUE; break; case 'g': DumpGDIINFO = TRUE; break; case 'n': DumpPattern = TRUE; break; case 'p': DumpPointer = TRUE; break; case 's': DumpSpriteState = TRUE; break; case 'r': case 'R': Recurse = TRUE; break; case 'D': DisplaysOnly = TRUE; break; default: BadSwitch = TRUE; break; }
if (BadSwitch) break; args++; } }
if (BadSwitch) { OutCtl.Output("Usage: pdev [-?adfgnpsRD] [PDEV Addr]\n" "\n" " PDEV Addr - address of PDEV otherwise win32k!gppdevList is used\n" "\n" " a - All info (dump everything)\n" " d - DEVINFO struct\n" " f - Font info\n" " g - GDIINFO struct\n" " m - DEVMODE\n" " n - Default patterns\n" " p - Pointer info\n" " s - SpriteState\n" "\n" " R - Recurse\n" " D - Display devices only\n"); } else if (*args != '\0' && ((hr = Evaluate(Client, args, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, 0, &Offset, NULL)) != S_OK || Offset.I64 == 0)) { if (hr == S_OK) { OutCtl.Output("Expression %s evalated to zero.\n", args); } else { OutCtl.OutErr("Evaluate(%s) returned %s.\n", args, pszHRESULT(hr)); } } else { // If no address was given use win32k!gppdevList
if (*args == '\0') { DEBUG_VALUE ppdevList;
hr = g_pExtControl->Evaluate(GDISymbol(gppdevList), DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, &ppdevList, NULL);
if (hr == S_OK) { if (SessionId == CURRENT_SESSION) { hr = g_pExtData->ReadPointersVirtual(1, ppdevList.I64, &Offset.I64); } else { ULONG64 ppdevListPhys;
if ((hr = GetPhysicalAddress(Client, SessionId, ppdevList.I64, &ppdevListPhys)) == S_OK) { hr = ReadPointerPhysical(Client, ppdevListPhys, &Offset.I64);
if (hr == S_OK) { OutCtl.Output("First PDEV in session %lu located at 0x%p.\n", SessionId, Offset.I64); } } }
if (hr == S_OK) { if (Offset.I64 == 0) { OutCtl.OutErr(" Displays are not initialized or symbols are incorrect.\n" " %s @ %#p is NULL.\n", GDISymbol(gppdevList), ppdevList.I64); hr = S_FALSE; } } else { OutCtl.OutErr("Unable to get the contents of %s @ %#p\n", GDISymbol(gppdevList), ppdevList.I64); } } else { OutCtl.OutErr("Unable to locate %s\n", GDISymbol(gppdevList)); } }
OutputFilter OutFilter(Client); OutputState OutState(Client);
if (hr == S_OK && (hr = OutState.Setup(0, &OutFilter)) == S_OK && (hr = GetTypeId(Client, "PDEV", &TypeId, &Module)) == S_OK) { TypeOutputDumper TypeReader(OutState.Client, &OutCtl);
do { if (OutCtl.GetInterrupt() == S_OK) break;
OutCtl.Output("PDEV @ 0x%p:\n", Offset.I64);
// Read two fields to OutFilter: 'ppdevNext' and 'fl'
TypeReader.IncludeMarked(); TypeReader.ClearMarks(); TypeReader.MarkField("ppdevNext"); TypeReader.MarkField("fl");
if ((hr = OutCtl.SetControl(DEBUG_OUTCTL_THIS_CLIENT | DEBUG_OUTCTL_NOT_LOGGED | DEBUG_OUTCTL_OVERRIDE_MASK, OutState.Client)) == S_OK && (hr = TypeReader.OutputVirtual(Module, TypeId, Offset.I64)) == S_OK && (hr = OutCtl.SetControl(DEBUG_OUTCTL_AMBIENT, Client)) == S_OK) { // If we only want displays, check for PDEV_DISPLAY
// in OutFilter (
if (!DisplaysOnly || OutFilter.Query("PDEV_DISPLAY") == S_OK) { TypeReader.ClearMarks();
if (DumpAll) { TypeReader.ExcludeMarked();
// Don't recurse for big sub structures
TypeReader.MarkField("SpriteState.*"); TypeReader.MarkField("devinfo.*"); TypeReader.MarkField("GdiInfo.*"); } else { TypeReader.IncludeMarked();
if (DumpDEVINFO) { TypeReader.MarkFields(PDEVDevInfoFields); }
if (DumpFont) { TypeReader.MarkFields(PDEVFontFields); }
if (DumpGDIINFO) { TypeReader.MarkFields(PDEVGDIInfoFields); }
if (DumpPattern) { TypeReader.MarkFields(PDEVPatternFields); }
if (DumpPointer) { TypeReader.MarkFields(PDEVPointerFields); }
if (DumpSpriteState) { TypeReader.MarkFields(PDEVSpriteStateFields); } }
hr = TypeReader.OutputVirtual(Module, TypeId, Offset.I64); } else { OutCtl.Output(" Not marked PDEV_DISPLAY.\n"); }
if (Recurse) { hr = OutFilter.Query("ppdevNext", &Offset, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64); if (hr == S_OK) { if (Offset.I64 != 0) { OutCtl.Output("-----------------------------------\n"); } else { Recurse = FALSE; } } } } } while (hr == S_OK && Recurse);
if (hr != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr("Type Dump for PDEV returned %s.\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); } } else { OutCtl.OutErr("Type Dump setup for PDEV returned %s.\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); } }
EXIT_API(hr); }
DECLARE_API( dpdev ) { return pdev(Client, args); }
* dldev * * Syntax: dldev [LDEV pointer] * * History: * Andre Vachon [andreva] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API (dldev) { dprintf("Extension 'dldev' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
BOOL recursive = TRUE; PWSZ psz; PLDEV pldevNext, pl_CD; LDEV ldev; WCHAR DriverName[MAX_PATH]; SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION GdiDriverInfo; BOOL invalid_type = false; BOOL force; int forcenum=0; BOOL forcecount; BOOL FirstLoop=FALSE;
GetValue(pldevNext, "win32k!gpldevDrivers");
PARSE_ARGUMENTS(dldev_help); if(ntok<1) { goto dldev_help; } tok_pos = parse_FindNonSwitch(tokens, ntok); if(tok_pos==-1) { goto dldev_help; } if(parse_IsSwitch(tokens, tok_pos-1, 'F')) { tok_pos = parse_FindNonSwitch(tokens, ntok, tok_pos+1); } if(tok_pos==-1) { goto dldev_help; }
pl_CD = pldevNext = (PLDEV)GetExpression(tokens[tok_pos]);
force = (parse_FindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'f')!=-1); forcecount = ((tok_pos = parse_FindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'F'))!=-1); if(tok_pos != -1) { if(((tok_pos+1)>=ntok)|| (sscanf(tokens[tok_pos+1], "%d", &forcenum)!=1)) { goto dldev_help; } }
do { if(forcecount) { if((--forcenum)<0) { break; } }
if(pl_CD) { ReadMemory((UINT_PTR)pl_CD, &ldev, sizeof(LDEV), NULL); pl_CD = ldev.pldevNext; if(pl_CD) { ReadMemory((UINT_PTR)pl_CD, &ldev, sizeof(LDEV), NULL); pl_CD = ldev.pldevNext; } } ReadMemory((UINT_PTR)pldevNext, &ldev, sizeof(LDEV), NULL);
dprintf("ldev = 0x%lx\n", pldevNext);
switch (ldev.ldevType) { case LDEV_DEVICE_DISPLAY: psz = L"LDEV_DEVICE_DISPLAY"; break; case LDEV_DEVICE_PRINTER: psz = L"LDEV_DEVICE_PRINTER"; break; case LDEV_FONT: psz = L"LDEV_FONT"; break; case LDEV_DEVICE_META: psz = L"LDEV_DEVICE_META"; break; case LDEV_DEVICE_MIRROR: psz = L"LDEV_DEVICE_MIRROR"; break; case LDEV_IMAGE: psz = L"LDEV_IMAGE"; break; default: invalid_type = true; psz = L"INVALID LDEV TYPE"; break; }
dprintf("next ldev = 0x%lx\n", ldev.pldevNext ); dprintf("previous ldev = 0x%lx\n", ldev.pldevPrev );
dprintf("levtype = %ws\n", psz ); dprintf("cRefs = %d\n", ldev.cldevRefs ); dprintf("ulDriverVersion = 0x%lx\n", ldev.ulDriverVersion); dprintf("pGdiDriverInfo = 0x%lx\n", ldev.pGdiDriverInfo );
dprintf("name = ");
if (ldev.pGdiDriverInfo == NULL) { dprintf("Linked-in driver\n");
} else { ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR) ldev.pGdiDriverInfo, &GdiDriverInfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION), NULL);
ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR) GdiDriverInfo.DriverName.Buffer, DriverName, GdiDriverInfo.DriverName.Length, NULL);
*(DriverName + GdiDriverInfo.DriverName.Length/2) = UNICODE_NULL;
dprintf("%ws\n", &DriverName); }
if(invalid_type) { dprintf("The ldev is invalid\n"); } dprintf("\n"); if(!FirstLoop&&(pl_CD==pldevNext)) { dprintf("ERROR: Cycle detected in linked list.\n"); break; } if(CheckControlC()) { dprintf("User Break\n"); return; } FirstLoop=FALSE; } while ( (!invalid_type||force||forcecount) && recursive && (pldevNext = ldev.pldevNext));
dprintf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); return; dldev_help: dprintf("Usage: dldev [-?] [-f] [-F #] ldev\n"); dprintf("-f forces the recursion even if the type is invalid\n"); dprintf("In an infinite loop, Ctrl-C will eventually break the recursion\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* dgdev * * Syntax: dgdev [GRAPHICS_DEVICE pointer] * * History: * Andre Vachon [andreva] * Wrote it. * Jason Hartman [jasonha] * Converted to new debugger API. \**************************************************************************/
char szCurrentDeviceList[] = GDISymbol(gpGraphicsDeviceList); char szLocalDeviceList[] = GDISymbol(gpLocalGraphicsDeviceList); char szRemoteDeviceList[] = GDISymbol(gpRemoteGraphicsDeviceList);
char szCurrentDeviceListLast[] = GDISymbol(gpGraphicsDeviceListLast); char szLocalDeviceListLast[] = GDISymbol(gpLocalGraphicsDeviceListLast); char szRemoteDeviceListLast[] = GDISymbol(gpRemoteGraphicsDeviceListLast);
char szGraphicsDeviceHeader[] = "--------------------------------------------------\n" "GRAPHICS_DEVICE @ ";
DECLARE_API( dgdev ) { INIT_API(); BEGIN_API( dgdev );
ULONG64 GDeviceAddr = 0; ULONG64 LastPointerAddr = 0; ULONG64 LastGDExpected = 0; BOOL recursive = FALSE; BOOL bDumpModes = FALSE; BOOL UseAddress = FALSE; char *pszDeviceList = NULL; char szPGDSymbolBuffer[128]; ULONG error;
OutputControl OutCtl(Client);
FIELD_INFO GraphicsDeviceFields[] = { { DbgStr("cbdevmodeInfo"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("devmodeInfo"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("szNtDeviceName"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_WCHAR_STRING, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("szWinDeviceName"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_WCHAR_STRING, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("pNextGraphicsDevice"),NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("pVgaDevice"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("pDeviceHandle"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("pPhysDeviceHandle"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("hkClassDriverConfig"),NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("stateFlags"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, FlagCallback}, { DbgStr("numRawModes"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("devmodeMarks"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("DiplayDriverNames"), DbgStr("Di(s)playDriverNames :"), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_MULTI_STRING | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_WCHAR_STRING, 0, NULL}, #if 1
{ DbgStr("DeviceDescription"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_WCHAR_STRING, 0, NULL}, #else
{ DbgStr("DeviceDescription"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, WStringCallback}, #endif
{ DbgStr("numMonitorDevice"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("MonitorDevices"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("pFileObject"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}, };
FIELD_INFO GraphicsDeviceLink = { DbgStr("pNextGraphicsDevice"), DbgStr(""), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NextItemCallback};
SYM_DUMP_PARAM GraphicsDeviceSym = { sizeof(SYM_DUMP_PARAM), DbgStr(GDIType(tagGRAPHICS_DEVICE)), 0, 0/*GDeviceAddr*/, NULL, afdGRAPHICS_DEVICE_stateFlags, NULL, sizeof(GraphicsDeviceFields)/sizeof(GraphicsDeviceFields[0]), GraphicsDeviceFields }; PrepareCallbacks(FALSE);
// Interpret command line
if (parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'm')!=-1) { GraphicsDeviceFields[GRAPHICS_DEVICE_CBDEVMODEINFO].fieldCallBack = SizeDEVMODEListCallback; GraphicsDeviceFields[GRAPHICS_DEVICE_DEVMODEINFO].fieldCallBack = DEVMODEListCallback; } if (parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'R')!=-1) { recursive = TRUE; }
// Determine where to start looking: global or commnad line arg?
// -c means current/last device list
if (parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'c')!=-1) { pszDeviceList = szCurrentDeviceList;
LastPointerAddr = GetExpression(szCurrentDeviceListLast); } // -l means local device list
if (parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'l')!=-1) { if (pszDeviceList != NULL) goto dgdev_help;
pszDeviceList = szLocalDeviceList;
LastPointerAddr = GetExpression(szLocalDeviceListLast); } // -r means remote device list
if (parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'r')!=-1) { if (pszDeviceList != NULL) goto dgdev_help;
pszDeviceList = szRemoteDeviceList;
LastPointerAddr = GetExpression(szRemoteDeviceListLast); } // -p may not be used with -c, -l, or -r
if (parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'p')!=-1) { if (pszDeviceList != NULL) goto dgdev_help; }
tok_pos = parse_FindNonSwitch(tokens, ntok);
// Evaluate expression
if (tok_pos != -1) { ULONG64 Displacement;
if (pszDeviceList != NULL) { dprintf(" No expression maybe used with -c, -l, or -r.\n"); goto dgdev_help; }
GDeviceAddr = GetExpression(tokens[tok_pos]);
if (GDeviceAddr == 0) { dprintf(" Expression \"%s\" evaluated to NULL.\n", tokens[tok_pos]); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
// Look up symbol for address if we can
Displacement = -1; szPGDSymbolBuffer[0] = 0; GetSymbol(GDeviceAddr, szPGDSymbolBuffer, &Displacement);
if (Displacement == 0 && szPGDSymbolBuffer[0] != 0) { pszDeviceList = szPGDSymbolBuffer; } else { UseAddress = TRUE; } }
// -p means the expression is a list pointer
if (parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'p')!=-1) { if (tok_pos == -1) { dprintf(" Missing expression with -p.\n"); goto dgdev_help; }
// Use list show method
GDeviceAddr = 0; if (pszDeviceList == NULL) { pszDeviceList = tokens[tok_pos]; } }
// User either specified a list or a pointer to a list
if (GDeviceAddr == 0) { // TRUE if no -R, FALSE otherwise
recursive = !recursive;
if (pszDeviceList == NULL) { pszDeviceList = szCurrentDeviceList; } dprintf("Using Graphics Device List from %s\n", pszDeviceList);
DEBUG_VALUE pgdevList;
hr = g_pExtControl->Evaluate(pszDeviceList, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, &pgdevList, NULL);
if (hr == S_OK && pgdevList.I64 != 0) { if (SessionId == CURRENT_SESSION) { hr = g_pExtData->ReadPointersVirtual(1, pgdevList.I64, &GDeviceAddr);
if (hr != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr(" ReadPointer for %s failed at 0x%p.\n", pszDeviceList, pgdevList.I64); } } else { ULONG64 pgdevListPhys;
UseAddress = TRUE;
if ((hr = GetPhysicalAddress(Client, SessionId, pgdevList.I64, &pgdevListPhys)) == S_OK) { hr = ReadPointerPhysical(Client, pgdevListPhys, &GDeviceAddr);
if (hr == S_OK) { OutCtl.Output("First GRAPHICS_DEVICE in session %lu located at 0x%p.\n", SessionId, GDeviceAddr); } else { OutCtl.OutErr(" ReadPointerPhysical for %s failed at # 0x%p.\n", pszDeviceList, pgdevListPhys); } } else { OutCtl.OutErr(" Failed Virtual to Physical conversion for %s (0x%p) in session %ld.\n", pszDeviceList, pgdevList.I64, SessionId); } }
if (hr != S_OK) EXIT_API(S_OK);
// If a list last pointer exists, look it up.
if (LastPointerAddr != 0) { if (SessionId == CURRENT_SESSION) { hr = g_pExtData->ReadPointersVirtual(1, LastPointerAddr, &LastGDExpected);
if (hr != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr(" ReadPointer 0x%p failed.\n", LastPointerAddr); } } else { ULONG64 pgdevLastPhys;
if ((hr = GetPhysicalAddress(Client, SessionId, LastPointerAddr, &pgdevLastPhys)) == S_OK) { hr = ReadPointerPhysical(Client, pgdevLastPhys, &LastGDExpected);
if (hr == S_OK) { OutCtl.Output("Last GRAPHICS_DEVICE in session %lu located at 0x%p.\n", SessionId, LastGDExpected); } else { OutCtl.OutErr(" ReadPointerPhysical for %s failed at # 0x%p.\n", pszDeviceList, pgdevLastPhys); } } else { OutCtl.OutErr(" Failed Virtual to Physical conversion for %s (0x%p) in session %ld.\n", pszDeviceList, LastPointerAddr, SessionId); } } }
if (GDeviceAddr == 0) { OutCtl.Output("Graphics Device address is NULL.\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); } } else { // We should only be here if a -clr look up failed.
if (hr != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr(" Evaluate(%s) returned %s\n", pszDeviceList, pszHRESULT(hr)); } else { OutCtl.OutErr(" Evaluate(%s) = NULL\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); } OutCtl.OutErr(" Please double check symbols for " GDIModule() ".\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); } }
if (recursive) { // Enable linked list resursion
GraphicsDeviceSym.Options |= DBG_DUMP_LIST; GraphicsDeviceSym.listLink = &GraphicsDeviceLink;
NextItemCallbackInit(szGraphicsDeviceHeader, LastGDExpected); } else { // Printer header since this is a single structure dump
dprintf(szGraphicsDeviceHeader); if (UseAddress) { dprintf("%#p\n", GDeviceAddr); } }
if (UseAddress) { // Dump from a type w/ an address
GraphicsDeviceSym.addr = GDeviceAddr; } else { // Dump from a symbol
GraphicsDeviceSym.sName = DbgStr(pszDeviceList); if (GetTypeSize(pszDeviceList) == 8) { GraphicsDeviceLink.fieldCallBack = PointerToNextItemCallback; } }
// Do the dumping
error = Ioctl( IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &GraphicsDeviceSym, GraphicsDeviceSym.size );
if (error) { dprintf("Unable to get contents of GRAPHICS_DEVICE\n"); dprintf(" (Ioctl returned %s)\n", pszWinDbgError(error)); }
// Did we find end of list as expected?
if (recursive && !LastCallbackItemFound()) { dprintf(" * Error: Last expected GRAPHICS_DEVICE @ %#p was not found.\n", LastGDExpected); }
dgdev_help: dprintf("Usage: dgdev [-?] [-mR] [-clr | [-p] expr ]\n" " ? - Show this help\n" " m - Dump modes\n" " R - Recurse for address; don't for list\n" " c - Recurse list from current list [default]\n" " l - Recurse list from local list\n" " r - Recurse list from remote list\n" " p - expr is address or symbol for pointer to list\n" " expr - Address or symbol for GRAPHICS_DEVICE to show\n" ); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
* BRUSH * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( brush ) { BEGIN_API( brush );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG64 BrushAddr; DEBUG_VALUE Arg; DEBUG_VALUE Offset; OutputControl OutCtl(Client);
while (isspace(*args)) args++;
if (*args == '-' || (hr = Evaluate(Client, args, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, 0, &Arg, NULL)) != S_OK) { OutCtl.Output("Usage: brush [-?] <HBRUSH | BRUSH Addr>\n"); } else { hr = GetObjectAddress(Client,Arg.I64,&BrushAddr,BRUSH_TYPE,TRUE,TRUE);
if (hr != S_OK || BrushAddr == 0) { DEBUG_VALUE ObjHandle; TypeOutputParser TypeParser(Client); OutputState OutState(Client); ULONG64 BrushAddrFromHmgr;
BrushAddr = Arg.I64;
// Try to read hHmgr from BRUSH type, but if that
// fails use the BASEOBJECT type, which is public.
if ((hr = OutState.Setup(0, &TypeParser)) != S_OK || (hr = OutState.OutputTypeVirtual(BrushAddr, GDIType(BRUSH), 0)) != S_OK || (hr = TypeParser.Get(&ObjHandle, "hHmgr", DEBUG_VALUE_INT64)) != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr("Unable to get contents of BRUSH's handle\n"); OutCtl.OutErr(" (Type Read returned %s)\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); OutCtl.OutErr(" 0x%p is neither an HBRUSH nor valid BRUSH address\n", Arg.I64); } else { if (GetObjectAddress(Client,ObjHandle.I64,&BrushAddrFromHmgr, BRUSH_TYPE,TRUE,FALSE) == S_OK && BrushAddrFromHmgr != BrushAddr) { OutCtl.OutWarn("\tNote: BRUSH may not be valid.\n" "\t It does not have a valid handle manager entry.\n"); } } }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = DumpType(Client, "BRUSH", BrushAddr);
if (hr != S_OK) { OutCtl.OutErr("Type Dump for BRUSH returned %s.\n", pszHRESULT(hr)); } } }
return hr; }
* DECLARE_API( dpbrush ) - OBSOLETE * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( dpbrush ) { INIT_API(); ExtOut("Obsolete: Use '!gdikdx.brush <Handle | Address>'.\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
* DECLARE_API( ebrush ) * * Dumps an EBRUSHOBJ * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( ebrush ) { return ExtDumpType(Client, "ebrush", "EBRUSHOBJ", args); }
* DECLARE_API( semorder ) * \**************************************************************************/
ULONG gSemAcquireLocArrayLength = 0;
ULONG SemAcquireLocCountCallback( PFIELD_INFO pField, PULONG pSemAcquireLocArrayLength ) { ULONG Count = (ULONG)pField->address;
*pSemAcquireLocArrayLength = (Count < gSemAcquireLocArrayLength) ? Count : 0;
return ULONGCallback(pField, pSemAcquireLocArrayLength); }
DECLARE_API( semorder ) { ULONG64 ThreadAddress = CURRENT_THREAD_ADDRESS; ULONG64 Tcb_Header_Type; DEBUG_VALUE W32ThreadAddress; ULONG64 SemTableAddress; BOOL bShowALocs = TRUE; ULONG error;
static char szHeader[] = " hSem x hold count\tOrder\tParent"; static char szHeaderALoc[] = " hSem x hold count\tOrder\tParent \n\t Acquisitions: name and location";
ULONG dwProcessor=0; HANDLE hCurrentThread=NULL;
if (parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'n')!=-1) { bShowALocs = FALSE; }
if (!GetExpressionEx(args, &ThreadAddress, &args)) { while (*args && isspace(*args)) args++; if (*args) { if (args[0] == '-' && args[1]=='n' && (args[2] == 0 || isspace(args[2]))) { args += 2; while (*args && isspace(*args)) args++;
if (*args && !GetExpressionEx(args, &ThreadAddress, &args)) { dprintf("Error: invalid arguments: %s\n", args); goto semorder_help; } } else { dprintf("Error: invalid arguments: %s\n", args); goto semorder_help; } } }
if (S_OK != GetThreadField(Client, &ThreadAddress, "Tcb.Win32Thread", &W32ThreadAddress, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64)) { EXIT_API(S_OK); }
ExtVerb(" W32Thread = 0x%p\n", W32ThreadAddress.I64);
if (error = GetFieldValue(W32ThreadAddress.I64, GDIType(W32THREAD), "pSemTable", SemTableAddress)) { dprintf("Unable to get pSemTable from W32THREAD 0x%p\n", W32ThreadAddress.I64 ); dprintf(" (GetFieldValue returned %s)\n", pszWinDbgError(error)); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
ExtVerb(" pSemTable = %p\n", SemTableAddress);
if (SemTableAddress == 0) { dprintf(" No semaphores have been tracked for validation.\n"); } else { FIELD_INFO SemEntryList = { NULL, DbgStr(szHeaderALoc), 0 /*pSemTable->numEntries*/, 0, 0, ArrayCallback }; FIELD_INFO SemEntryFields[] = { { DbgStr("Acquired"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME | DBG_DUMP_FIELD_ARRAY, 0, NULL}, { DbgStr("Acquired.name"), DbgStr("\n\t"), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, AStringCallback}, { DbgStr("Acquired.func"), DbgStr(" in"), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, AStringCallback}, { DbgStr("Acquired.file"), DbgStr(" @"), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, AStringCallback}, { DbgStr("Acquired.line"), DbgStr(":"), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, LONGCallback}, { DbgStr("hsem"), DbgStr(" "), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, DWORDCallback}, { DbgStr("count"), DbgStr(" x "), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, SemAcquireLocCountCallback}, { DbgStr("order"), DbgStr("\t"), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, ULONGCallback}, { DbgStr("parent"), DbgStr("\t"), 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, DWORDCallback}, }; SYM_DUMP_PARAM SemEntrySym = { sizeof (SYM_DUMP_PARAM), DbgStr(GDIType(SemEntry)), DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT | DBG_DUMP_ARRAY, 0 /*pSemTable->entries*/, &SemEntryList, &SemEntryFields[0].size, NULL, sizeof(SemEntryFields)/sizeof(SemEntryFields[0]), SemEntryFields }; PrepareCallbacks(FALSE, 0);
if (error = (ULONG)InitTypeRead(SemTableAddress, win32k!SemTable)) { dprintf("Error: InitTypeRead for SemTable returned %s\n", pszWinDbgError(error)); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
SemEntryList.size = (ULONG)ReadField(numEntries);
if (SemEntryList.size == 0) { dprintf(" No entries are currently held.\n"); } else { SemEntrySym.addr = ReadField(entries);
gSemAcquireLocArrayLength = 0;
if (bShowALocs) { FIELD_INFO SemEntryLocEntrySizeField = { DbgStr("Acquired[0]"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}; FIELD_INFO SemEntryLocArraySizeField = { DbgStr("Acquired"), NULL, 0, DBG_DUMP_FIELD_FULL_NAME, 0, NULL}; SYM_DUMP_PARAM SemEntryLocSizeSym = { sizeof (SYM_DUMP_PARAM), DbgStr(GDIType(SemEntry)), DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, &SemEntryLocEntrySizeField };
// Get size of one entry
error = Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &SemEntryLocSizeSym, SemEntryLocSizeSym.size);
if (!error && SemEntryLocEntrySizeField.size != 0) { SemEntryLocSizeSym.Fields = &SemEntryLocArraySizeField;
// Get size of entire array
error = Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &SemEntryLocSizeSym, SemEntryLocSizeSym.size);
if (!error) { gSemAcquireLocArrayLength = SemEntryLocArraySizeField.size / SemEntryLocEntrySizeField.size; } } }
if (gSemAcquireLocArrayLength == 0) { // Setup dump to ignore acquisition location info
SemEntryList.printName = DbgStr(szHeader);
SemEntrySym.nFields -= NUM_ALOC_FIELDS; SemEntrySym.Fields += NUM_ALOC_FIELDS;
SemEntryFields[NUM_ALOC_FIELDS+1].fieldCallBack = ULONGCallback; }
error = Ioctl(IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO, &SemEntrySym, SemEntrySym.size);
if (error) { dprintf("Error: Ioctl returned %s\n", pszWinDbgError(error)); } } }
semorder_help: dprintf("Usage: semorder [-n] [thread]\n" "\n" " -n Don't display acquisition location details\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); }