// fnrecon.h
#ifndef FNRECON_H
#define FNRECON_H
#include "private.h"
#include "candlstx.h"
class CFunctionProvider;
// CFunction
class CFunction { public: CFunction(CFunctionProvider *pFuncPrv); ~CFunction();
protected: HRESULT GetTarget(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, BOOL bAdjust, ITfRange **ppRangeTmp, WCHAR **ppszText, ULONG *pcch); BOOL GetFocusedTarget(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, BOOL bAdjust, ITfRange **ppRangeTmp);
friend CKorIMX; CFunctionProvider *_pFuncPrv; };
// CFnRecovnersion
// !!! WARNING !!!
// This is temp code should be removed in the future
#define MAXREADING 256
class CFnReconversion : public ITfFnReconversion, public CFunction { public: CFnReconversion(CKorIMX* pKorImx, CFunctionProvider *pFuncPrv); ~CFnReconversion();
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
// ITfFunction
STDMETHODIMP GetDisplayName(BSTR *pbstrCand); STDMETHODIMP IsEnabled(BOOL *pfEnable);
// ITfFnReconversion
STDMETHODIMP QueryRange(ITfRange *pRange, ITfRange **ppNewRange, BOOL *pfConvertable); STDMETHODIMP GetReconversion(ITfRange *pRange, ITfCandidateList **ppCandList); STDMETHODIMP Reconvert(ITfRange *pRange);
static HRESULT SetResult(ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, CCandidateListEx *pCandList, CCandidateStringEx *pCand, TfCandidateResult imcr);
HRESULT _QueryRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, ITfRange **ppNewRange); HRESULT _GetReconversion(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, CCandidateListEx **ppCandList, BOOL fSelection);
private: HRESULT GetReconversionProc( ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, CCandidateListEx **ppCandList, BOOL fSelection); HRESULT ShowCandidateList(ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, CCandidateListEx *pCandList); // static HRESULT _EditSessionCallback2(TfEditCookie ec, CEditSession2 *pes);
WCHAR _szReading[MAXREADING]; CKorIMX* m_pKorImx; long _cRef; };
#endif // FNRECON_H