Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// icpriv.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "korimx.h"
#include "gdata.h"
#include "icpriv.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "funcprv.h"
#include "editcb.h"
// IUnknown
STDAPI CICPriv::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { *ppvObj = NULL;
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppvObj = SAFECAST(this, IUnknown *); }
if (*ppvObj) { AddRef(); return S_OK; }
STDAPI_(ULONG) CICPriv::AddRef() { return ++m_cRef; }
STDAPI_(ULONG) CICPriv::Release() { long cr;
cr = --m_cRef; Assert(cr >= 0);
if (cr == 0) { delete this; }
return cr; }
// ctor
CICPriv::CICPriv() { m_fInitialized = fFalse; m_pimx = NULL; m_pic = NULL; m_pActiveCompositon = NULL; #if 0
m_pActiveRange = NULL; m_pBackupRange = NULL; #endif
m_pCompartmentSink = NULL; m_guidMBias = NULL; m_fTransaction = fFalse; m_pMouseSink = NULL; m_pIP = NULL; m_fInitializedIPoint = fFalse; m_cRef = 1;
// initialize Shared memory. If this is only IME in the system
// Shared memory will be created as file mapping object.
m_pCIMEData = new CIMEData; Assert(m_pCIMEData != 0); if (m_pCIMEData) { m_pCIMEData->InitImeData(); }
// Create All three IME Automata instances
m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_2BEOLSIK] = new CHangulAutomata2; Assert(m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_2BEOLSIK] != NULL); m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_3BEOLSIK_390] = new CHangulAutomata3; Assert(m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_3BEOLSIK_390] != NULL); m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_3BEOLSIK_FINAL] = new CHangulAutomata3Final; Assert(m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_3BEOLSIK_FINAL] != NULL); }
// dtor
CICPriv::~CICPriv() { if (m_pCIMEData) { delete m_pCIMEData; m_pCIMEData = NULL; }
// Delete Automata array
for (INT i=0; i<NUM_OF_IME_KL; i++) { if (m_rgpHangulAutomata[i]) delete m_rgpHangulAutomata[i]; } }
#if 0
CKorIMX::_TextEventCallback ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CICPriv::_TextEventCallback(UINT uCode, VOID *pv, VOID *pvData) { CICPriv *picp = (CICPriv*)pv; CKorIMX *pKorIMX; CEditSession2 *pes; ESSTRUCT ess; ITfContext *pic; BOOL fInWriteSession; TESENDEDIT *pTESEndEdit = (TESENDEDIT*)pvData; IEnumTfRanges *pEnumText = NULL; HRESULT hr; static const GUID *rgProperties[] = { &GUID_PROP_TEXTOWNER, &GUID_PROP_LANGID, &GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE, /* &GUID_PROP_READING,*/ &GUID_PROP_MODEBIAS };
if (picp == NULL) return S_OK;
pKorIMX = picp->GetIMX(); if (pKorIMX == NULL) return S_OK;
if (uCode != ICF_TEXTDELTA) return S_OK;
pic = picp->GetIC();
pic->InWriteSession(pKorIMX->GetTID(), &fInWriteSession); if (fInWriteSession) return S_OK; // own change.
hr = pTESEndEdit->pEditRecord->GetTextAndPropertyUpdates(0 /*TF_GTP_INCL_TEXT*/, rgProperties, ARRAYSIZE(rgProperties), &pEnumText );
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (pEnumText == NULL) return S_OK;
ESStructInit(&ess, ESCB_TEXTEVENT); ess.pEnumRange = pEnumText;
if (pes = new CEditSession2(pic, pKorIMX, &ess, CKorIMX::_EditSessionCallback2)) { pes->Invoke(ES2_READWRITE | ES2_ASYNC, &hr); pes->Release(); }
return S_OK; } #endif