//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999 // // File: favui.cpp // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // favui.cpp - favorites tree configuration UI #include "stdafx.h" #include "amcdoc.h" #include "favorite.h" #include "favui.h" #include "amcmsgid.h" #include "amcview.h" #include "mmcres.h" void EnableButton(HWND hwndDialog, int iCtrlID, BOOL bEnable); BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAddFavDialog, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAddFavDialog) ON_COMMAND(IDC_ADDFAVFOLDER, OnAddFolder) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_FAVNAME, OnChangeName) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_MMC_CONTEXT_HELP() END_MESSAGE_MAP() CAddFavDialog::CAddFavDialog(LPCTSTR szName, CFavorites* pFavorites, CWnd* pParent) : CDialog(CAddFavDialog::IDD, pParent), m_pFavorites(pFavorites), m_lAdviseCookie(NULL) { m_strName = szName; ASSERT(pFavorites != NULL); } CAddFavDialog::~CAddFavDialog() { // disconnect fav view from source if (m_lAdviseCookie ) { ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); HRESULT hr = m_pFavorites->Unadvise(m_lAdviseCookie); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(NULL); } // detach classes from windows m_FavTree.Detach(); m_FavName.Detach(); } HRESULT CAddFavDialog::CreateFavorite(CFavObject** pfavRet) { m_pfavItem = NULL; if (DoModal() != IDOK) return S_FALSE; if (pfavRet != NULL) *pfavRet = m_pfavItem; return m_hr; } BOOL CAddFavDialog::OnInitDialog() { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CAddFavDialog::OnInitDialog")); CDialog::OnInitDialog(); ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP, SWP_NOSIZE); // Attach tree ctrl to favorites tree object BOOL bStat = m_FavTree.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_FAVTREE, this); ASSERT(bStat); bStat = m_FavName.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_FAVNAME)->GetSafeHwnd()); ASSERT(bStat); m_FavName.SetWindowText(m_strName); m_FavName.SetSel(0,lstrlen(m_strName)); m_FavName.SetFocus(); // Add extra space between items TreeView_SetItemHeight(m_FavTree, TreeView_GetItemHeight(m_FavTree) + FAVVIEW_ITEM_SPACING); // Show only folders m_FavTree.SetStyle(TOBSRV_FOLDERSONLY); /* * validate m_pFavorites */ sc = ScCheckPointers (m_pFavorites, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) { EndDialog (IDCANCEL); return (0); } // Attach favorites image list to tree control m_FavTree.SetImageList(m_pFavorites->GetImageList(), TVSIL_NORMAL); // attach view to source as observer HRESULT hr = m_pFavorites->Advise(static_cast(&m_FavTree), &m_lAdviseCookie); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_lAdviseCookie != 0); // hand tree data source to tree view m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(static_cast(m_pFavorites)); // Select the root m_FavTree.SetSelection(m_pFavorites->GetRootItem()); // return 0 so focus isn't changed return 0; } void CAddFavDialog::OnChangeName() { EnableButton(m_hWnd, IDOK, (m_FavName.LineLength() != 0)); } void CAddFavDialog::OnOK( ) { // Get favorite name TCHAR strName[MAX_PATH]; m_hr = E_FAIL; m_pfavItem = NULL; int cChar = m_FavName.GetWindowText(strName, countof(strName)); ASSERT(cChar != 0); if (cChar == 0) return; // Get selected folder TREEITEMID tid = m_FavTree.GetSelection(); ASSERT(tid != NULL); if (tid == NULL) return; // Detach fav tree from source because it doesn't need updating ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); HRESULT hr = m_pFavorites->Unadvise(m_lAdviseCookie); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); m_lAdviseCookie = 0; // Inform source of disconnection m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(NULL); // Create a favorite ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); m_hr = m_pFavorites->AddFavorite(tid, strName, &m_pfavItem); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); CDialog::OnOK(); } void CAddFavDialog::OnAddFolder() { ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); // Get selected group TREEITEMID tidParent = m_FavTree.GetSelection(); ASSERT(tidParent != NULL); // Put up dialog to get folder name CAddFavGroupDialog dlgAdd(this); if (dlgAdd.DoModal() != IDOK) return; LPCTSTR strName = dlgAdd.GetGroupName(); ASSERT(strName[0] != 0); CFavObject* pfavGroup = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pFavorites->AddGroup(tidParent, strName, &pfavGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(pfavGroup != NULL); m_FavTree.SetSelection(reinterpret_cast(pfavGroup)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAddFavGroup dialog BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAddFavGroupDialog, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAddFavGroupDialog) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_FAVFOLDER, OnChangeName) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_MMC_CONTEXT_HELP() END_MESSAGE_MAP() CAddFavGroupDialog::CAddFavGroupDialog(CWnd* pParent) : CDialog(CAddFavGroupDialog::IDD, pParent) { } CAddFavGroupDialog::~CAddFavGroupDialog() { // detach classes from windows m_GrpName.Detach(); } CAddFavGroupDialog::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP, SWP_NOSIZE); BOOL bStat = m_GrpName.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_FAVFOLDER)->GetSafeHwnd()); ASSERT(bStat); // Set default favorite name and select it CString strDefault; LoadString(strDefault, IDS_NEWFOLDER); m_GrpName.SetWindowText(strDefault); m_GrpName.SetSel(0,lstrlen(strDefault)); m_GrpName.SetFocus(); // return 0 so focus isn't changed return 0; } void CAddFavGroupDialog::OnChangeName() { EnableButton(m_hWnd, IDOK, (m_GrpName.LineLength() != 0)); } void CAddFavGroupDialog::OnOK( ) { // Get group name int cChar = GetDlgItemText(IDC_FAVFOLDER, m_strName, sizeof(m_strName)/sizeof(TCHAR)); ASSERT(cChar != 0); CDialog::OnOK(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COrganizeFavDialog, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(COrganizeFavDialog) ON_COMMAND(IDC_ADDFAVFOLDER, OnAddFolder) ON_COMMAND(IDC_FAVRENAME, OnRename) ON_COMMAND(IDC_FAVDELETE, OnDelete) ON_COMMAND(IDC_FAVMOVETO, OnMoveTo) ON_NOTIFY(TVN_SELCHANGED, IDC_FAVTREE, OnSelChanged) ON_NOTIFY(TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT, IDC_FAVTREE, OnBeginLabelEdit) ON_NOTIFY(TVN_ENDLABELEDIT, IDC_FAVTREE, OnEndLabelEdit) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_MMC_CONTEXT_HELP() END_MESSAGE_MAP() COrganizeFavDialog::COrganizeFavDialog(CFavorites* pFavorites, CWnd* pParent) : CDialog(COrganizeFavDialog::IDD, pParent), m_pFavorites(pFavorites), m_lAdviseCookie(NULL), m_tidRenameItem(0), m_bRenameMode(FALSE) { ASSERT(pFavorites != NULL); } COrganizeFavDialog::~COrganizeFavDialog() { // disconnect fav view from source if (m_lAdviseCookie) { ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); m_pFavorites->Unadvise(m_lAdviseCookie); m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(NULL); } // detach classes from windows m_FavTree.Detach(); m_FavName.Detach(); m_FavInfo.Detach(); } BOOL COrganizeFavDialog::OnInitDialog() { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("COrganizeFavDialog::OnInitDialog")); ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); CDialog::OnInitDialog(); ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP, SWP_NOSIZE); // Attach tree ctrl to favorites tree object BOOL bStat = m_FavTree.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_FAVTREE, this); ASSERT(bStat); bStat = m_FavName.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_FAVNAME)->GetSafeHwnd()); ASSERT(bStat); bStat = m_FavInfo.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_FAVINFO)->GetSafeHwnd()); ASSERT(bStat); // Add extra space between items TreeView_SetItemHeight(m_FavTree, TreeView_GetItemHeight(m_FavTree) + FAVVIEW_ITEM_SPACING); /* * validate m_pFavorites */ sc = ScCheckPointers (m_pFavorites, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) { EndDialog (IDCANCEL); return (0); } // Attach favorites image list to tree control m_FavTree.SetImageList(m_pFavorites->GetImageList(), TVSIL_NORMAL); // Attach view to source as observer HRESULT hr = m_pFavorites->Advise(static_cast(&m_FavTree), &m_lAdviseCookie); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_lAdviseCookie != 0); // Hand tree data source to tree view m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(static_cast(m_pFavorites)); // Select the root item and give it focus m_FavTree.SetSelection(m_pFavorites->GetRootItem()); m_FavTree.SetFocus(); // Create bold font for favorite name control LOGFONT logfont; m_FavName.GetFont()->GetLogFont(&logfont); logfont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; if (m_FontBold.CreateFontIndirect(&logfont)) m_FavName.SetFont(&m_FontBold); // return 0 so focus isn't changed return 0; } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnOK( ) { // if in rename mode, end it with success if (m_bRenameMode) { m_FavTree.SendMessage(TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW, FALSE); return; } CDialog::OnOK(); } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnCancel( ) { // if in rename mode, cancel it if (m_bRenameMode) { m_FavTree.SendMessage(TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW, FALSE); return; } CDialog::OnOK(); } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnSelChanged(NMHDR* pMNHDR, LRESULT* plResult) { ASSERT(pMNHDR != NULL); NM_TREEVIEW* pnmtv = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pMNHDR; TREEITEMID tid = pnmtv->itemNew.lParam; TCHAR name[100]; m_pFavorites->GetItemName(tid, name, countof(name)); m_FavName.SetWindowText(name); if (m_pFavorites->IsFolderItem(tid)) { CString strPath; LoadString(strPath, IDS_FAVFOLDER); m_FavInfo.SetWindowText(strPath); } else { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; m_pFavorites->GetItemPath(tid, szPath, countof(szPath)); m_FavInfo.SetWindowText(szPath); } // Disable some operation for the root item BOOL bRoot = (tid == m_pFavorites->GetRootItem()); EnableButton(m_hWnd, IDC_FAVRENAME, !bRoot); EnableButton(m_hWnd, IDC_FAVDELETE, !bRoot); EnableButton(m_hWnd, IDC_FAVMOVETO, !bRoot); } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnBeginLabelEdit(NMHDR* pMNHDR, LRESULT* plResult) { // Only allow renaming if an item has been selected // This is to prevent an edit starting from an item click because // that is confusing when used with the single-click expand style. // (returning TRUE disables it) if (m_tidRenameItem != 0) { m_bRenameMode = TRUE; *plResult = FALSE; } else { *plResult = TRUE; } } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnEndLabelEdit(NMHDR* pMNHDR, LRESULT* plResult) { ASSERT(m_bRenameMode && m_tidRenameItem != 0); *plResult = FALSE; if (m_tidRenameItem != 0) { NMTVDISPINFO* pnmtvd = (NMTVDISPINFO*)pMNHDR; // Is this for the expected item? ASSERT(pnmtvd->item.lParam == m_tidRenameItem); if (pnmtvd->item.pszText != NULL && pnmtvd->item.pszText[0] != 0) { m_pFavorites->SetItemName(m_tidRenameItem, pnmtvd->item.pszText); *plResult = TRUE; // update displayed name in info window m_FavName.SetWindowText(pnmtvd->item.pszText); } m_tidRenameItem = 0; } m_bRenameMode = FALSE; } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnAddFolder() { ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); // Get selected group TREEITEMID tidParent = m_FavTree.GetSelection(); ASSERT(tidParent != NULL); // if selected item is not a group then // add the new group as a sibling if (!m_pFavorites->IsFolderItem(tidParent)) tidParent = m_pFavorites->GetParentItem(tidParent); // Put up dialog to get folder name CAddFavGroupDialog dlgAdd(this); if (dlgAdd.DoModal() != IDOK) return; LPCTSTR strName = dlgAdd.GetGroupName(); ASSERT(strName[0] != 0); CFavObject* pfavGroup = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pFavorites->AddGroup(tidParent, strName, &pfavGroup); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_FavTree.ExpandItem(tidParent); } } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnDelete() { TREEITEMID tid = m_FavTree.GetSelection(); if (tid != 0 && tid != m_pFavorites->GetRootItem()) m_pFavorites->DeleteItem(tid); } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnRename() { ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); // Get selected item TREEITEMID tid = m_FavTree.GetSelection(); if (tid != 0 && tid != m_pFavorites->GetRootItem()) { HTREEITEM hti = m_FavTree.FindHTI(tid, TRUE); ASSERT(hti != NULL); m_tidRenameItem = tid; m_FavTree.SetFocus(); m_FavTree.EditLabel(hti); } } void COrganizeFavDialog::OnMoveTo() { ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); // Put up dialog to get destination folder ID CFavFolderDialog dlgAdd(m_pFavorites, this); if (dlgAdd.DoModal() != IDOK) return; TREEITEMID tidNewParent = dlgAdd.GetFolderID(); // Get selected object TREEITEMID tid = m_FavTree.GetSelection(); ASSERT(tid != NULL); HRESULT hr = m_pFavorites->MoveItem(tid, tidNewParent, TREEID_LAST); // on failure tell user selected destination is invalid } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CFavFolderDialog dialog BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFavFolderDialog, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CFavFolderDialog) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_MMC_CONTEXT_HELP() END_MESSAGE_MAP() CFavFolderDialog::CFavFolderDialog(CFavorites* pFavorites, CWnd* pParent) : CDialog(CFavFolderDialog::IDD, pParent), m_pFavorites(pFavorites), m_lAdviseCookie(NULL) { ASSERT(pFavorites != NULL); } CFavFolderDialog::~CFavFolderDialog() { // disconnect fav view from source if (m_lAdviseCookie ) { ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); m_pFavorites->Unadvise(m_lAdviseCookie); m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(NULL); } // detach classes from windows m_FavTree.Detach(); } CFavFolderDialog::OnInitDialog() { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CFavFolderDialog::OnInitDialog")); ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); CDialog::OnInitDialog(); ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP, SWP_NOSIZE); // Attach tree ctrl to favorites tree object BOOL bStat = m_FavTree.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_FAVTREE, this); ASSERT(bStat); // Add extra space between items TreeView_SetItemHeight(m_FavTree, TreeView_GetItemHeight(m_FavTree) + FAVVIEW_ITEM_SPACING); // Show only folders m_FavTree.SetStyle(TOBSRV_FOLDERSONLY); /* * validate m_pFavorites */ sc = ScCheckPointers (m_pFavorites, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) { EndDialog (IDCANCEL); return (0); } // Attach favorites image list to tree control m_FavTree.SetImageList(m_pFavorites->GetImageList(), TVSIL_NORMAL); // attach view to source as observer HRESULT hr = m_pFavorites->Advise(static_cast(&m_FavTree), &m_lAdviseCookie); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_lAdviseCookie != 0); // hand tree data source to tree view m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(static_cast(m_pFavorites)); // Select the root and give it focus m_FavTree.SetSelection(m_pFavorites->GetRootItem()); m_FavTree.SetFocus(); // return 0 so focus isn't changed return 0; } void CFavFolderDialog::OnOK() { // Get group name m_tidFolder = m_FavTree.GetSelection(); // disconnect fav view from source before window goes away if (m_lAdviseCookie) { ASSERT(m_pFavorites != NULL); m_pFavorites->Unadvise(m_lAdviseCookie); m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(NULL); m_lAdviseCookie = 0; } CDialog::OnOK(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CFavTreeCtrl SC CFavTreeCtrl::ScInitialize(CFavorites* pFavorites, DWORD dwStyles) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CFavTreeCtrl::Initialize")); /* * validate pFavorites */ sc = ScCheckPointers (pFavorites); if (sc) return (sc); // Attach favorites image list to tree control m_FavTree.SetImageList(pFavorites->GetImageList(), TVSIL_NORMAL); m_FavTree.SetStyle(dwStyles); // Attach favorites data source m_FavTree.SetTreeSource(static_cast(pFavorites)); return (sc); } int CFavTreeCtrl::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); m_FavTree.Create(WS_VISIBLE | TVS_SINGLEEXPAND | TVS_TRACKSELECT | TVS_FULLROWSELECT, rect, this, IDC_FAVTREECTRL); // Add extra space between items TreeView_SetItemHeight(m_FavTree, TreeView_GetItemHeight(m_FavTree) + FAVVIEW_ITEM_SPACING); // Dont' show the "Favorites" root item m_FavTree.SetStyle(TOBSRV_HIDEROOT); return 0; } void CFavTreeCtrl::PostNcDestroy() { /* * Commit suicide. See the comment for this class's ctor for reasoning * why this is safe. */ delete this; } void CFavTreeCtrl::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { // size tree control to parent m_FavTree.MoveWindow(0, 0, cx, cy); } void CFavTreeCtrl::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) { // pass focus to tree control m_FavTree.SetFocus(); } void CFavTreeCtrl::OnSelChanged(NMHDR* pMNHDR, LRESULT* plResult) { ASSERT(pMNHDR != NULL); NM_TREEVIEW* pnmtv = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pMNHDR; TREEITEMID tid = pnmtv->itemNew.lParam; CFavObject* pFav = (CFavObject*)tid; WPARAM wParam = pFav->IsGroup() ? NULL : reinterpret_cast(pFav->GetMemento()); GetParent()->SendMessage(MMC_MSG_FAVORITE_SELECTION, wParam, 0); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFavTreeCtrl, CWnd) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_SETFOCUS() ON_NOTIFY(TVN_SELCHANGED, IDC_FAVTREECTRL, OnSelChanged) END_MESSAGE_MAP() //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EnableButton // // Enables or disables a dialog control. If the control has the focus when // it is disabled, the focus is moved to the next control //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EnableButton(HWND hwndDialog, int iCtrlID, BOOL bEnable) { HWND hWndCtrl = ::GetDlgItem(hwndDialog, iCtrlID); ASSERT(::IsWindow(hWndCtrl)); if (!bEnable && ::GetFocus() == hWndCtrl) { HWND hWndNextCtrl = ::GetNextDlgTabItem(hwndDialog, hWndCtrl, FALSE); if (hWndNextCtrl != NULL && hWndNextCtrl != hWndCtrl) { ::SetFocus(hWndNextCtrl); } } ::EnableWindow(hWndCtrl, bEnable); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member : OnFavoritesMenu // // Synopsis : Display the favorites menu. // // Arguments : [point] - x,y co-ordinates for menu. // // Returns : None. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAMCView::OnFavoritesMenu(CPoint point, LPCRECT prcExclude) { DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CAMCView::OnFavoritesMenu")); TRACE_METHOD(CAMCView, OnFavoritesMenu); CMenu menu; VERIFY( menu.CreatePopupMenu() ); // Default items available only in Author mode. if (AMCGetApp()->GetMode() == eMode_Author) { CString strItem; // Menu Command Ids for below items are string resource // IDs. The real favorites use the TREEITEMID as ID, // which are pointers and wont clash with below resource // IDs which are less than 0xFFFF LoadString(strItem, IDS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES); int iSeparator = strItem.Find(_T('\n')); if (iSeparator > 0) strItem = strItem.Left(iSeparator); VERIFY(menu.AppendMenu(MF_DEFAULT, IDS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES, (LPCTSTR)strItem)); LoadString(strItem, IDS_ORGANIZEFAVORITES); iSeparator = strItem.Find(_T('\n')); if (iSeparator > 0) strItem = strItem.Left(iSeparator); VERIFY(menu.AppendMenu(MF_DEFAULT, IDS_ORGANIZEFAVORITES, (LPCTSTR)strItem)); } CAMCDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT(pDoc); CFavorites* pFavorites = pDoc->GetFavorites(); /* * Index 0 of the vector is unused (a 0 return from TrackPopupMenu * means nothing was selected). Put a placeholder there. */ TIDVector vItemIDs; vItemIDs.push_back (NULL); /* * make sure IDS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES and IDS_ORGANIZEFAVORITES * won't conflict with any indices in the TID vector, given a * reasonable upper bound on the number of favorites */ const int cMaxReasonableFavorites = 1024; ASSERT (vItemIDs.size () <= cMaxReasonableFavorites); COMPILETIME_ASSERT (IDS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES > cMaxReasonableFavorites); COMPILETIME_ASSERT (IDS_ORGANIZEFAVORITES > cMaxReasonableFavorites); // Add existing favorites. if ( (NULL != pFavorites) && (pFavorites->IsEmpty() == false)) { TREEITEMID tid = pFavorites->GetRootItem(); if (NULL != tid) { tid = pFavorites->GetChildItem(tid); if (NULL != tid) { // Add separator. if (AMCGetApp()->GetMode() == eMode_Author) VERIFY(menu.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, _T(""))); // Add child items. AddFavItemsToCMenu(menu, pFavorites, tid, vItemIDs); } } } // Display the context menu. TPMPARAMS* ptpm = NULL; TPMPARAMS tpm; /* * if given, initialize the rectangle not to obscure */ if (prcExclude != NULL) { tpm.cbSize = sizeof(tpm); tpm.rcExclude = *prcExclude; ptpm = &tpm; } LONG lSelected = TrackPopupMenuEx ( menu.GetSafeHmenu(), TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_VERTICAL, point.x, point.y, GetSafeHwnd(), ptpm ); // Handle the selection. switch (lSelected) { case 0: // Nothing is selected break; case IDS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES: // Bring the Add To Favorites dialog. OnAddToFavorites(); break; case IDS_ORGANIZEFAVORITES: // Bring the organize favorites dialog. { CAMCDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT(pDoc != NULL && pDoc->GetFavorites() != NULL); pDoc->GetFavorites()->OrganizeFavorites(this); } break; default: // This is a favorite item. Select it. { CFavorites* pFavs = GetDocument()->GetFavorites(); sc = ScCheckPointers (pFavs, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) break; sc = (lSelected < vItemIDs.size()) ? S_OK : E_UNEXPECTED; if (sc) break; TREEITEMID tid = vItemIDs[lSelected]; CFavObject* pFavObj = pFavs->FavObjFromTID(tid); sc = ScCheckPointers (pFavObj, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) break; sc = ScViewMemento(pFavObj->GetMemento()); if (sc == ScFromMMC(IDS_NODE_NOT_FOUND) ) { MMCMessageBox(sc, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); sc.Clear(); return; } if (sc) return; } break; } return; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member : AddFavItemsToCMenu. // // Synopsis : Enumerate the favorites tree and add them as menu items. // // Arguments : [menu] - Parent menu item. // [pFavs] - Favorites object. // [tid] - Tree Item ID. // // Returns : None. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAMCView::AddFavItemsToCMenu(CMenu& menu, CFavorites* pFavs, TREEITEMID tid, TIDVector& vItemIDs) { TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; while (NULL != tid) { UINT nFlags = MF_DEFAULT; UINT_PTR nCommandID; // If this is folder item then // create a popup menu. if (pFavs->IsFolderItem(tid)) { TREEITEMID tidChild = pFavs->GetChildItem(tid); CMenu submenu; VERIFY(submenu.CreatePopupMenu()); // Add the children. if (NULL != tidChild) { AddFavItemsToCMenu(submenu, pFavs, tidChild, vItemIDs); } else { // Add an empty item. CString strItem; LoadString(strItem, IDS_Empty); VERIFY(submenu.AppendMenu(MF_GRAYED, 0, (LPCTSTR)strItem)); } HMENU hSubmenu = submenu.Detach(); ASSERT( NULL != hSubmenu ); nFlags = MF_POPUP; nCommandID = (UINT_PTR)hSubmenu; } else { /* * The command ID will be used as an index into vItemIDs, * so the ID for this item is the size of the vector *before* * the item is added to the vector. */ nCommandID = vItemIDs.size(); vItemIDs.push_back (tid); } pFavs->GetItemName(tid, szName, countof(szName)); VERIFY(menu.AppendMenu(nFlags, nCommandID, szName)); // Get the next sibling. tid = pFavs->GetNextSiblingItem(tid); } return; }