!IF 0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999 Module Name: sources.inc. !ENDIF MAJORCOMP=MMC MINORCOMP=conui TARGETNAME=mmc TARGETPATH=obj TARGETTYPE=PROGRAM UMTYPE=windows WIN32_WINNT_VERSION=0x0400 WIN32_IE_VERSION=0x0500 SUBSYSTEM_VERSION=4.00 USE_VCCOM = 1 USE_STL = 1 USE_STATIC_ATL = 1 ATL_VER = 30 USE_WTL = 1 !ifdef PrivateBuild_NoLocalSC C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -DPrivateBuild_NoLocalSC !endif # # Enable Fusion Build Magic (preprocess the manifest, stick in resources) # SXS_ASSEMBLY_NAME = Microsoft.Windows.MMC SXS_ASSEMBLY_LANGUAGE_INDEPENDENT = 1 SXS_MANIFEST = mmc.manifest SXS_MANIFEST_IN_RESOURCES = 1 SXS_NO_BINPLACE = 1 SXS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID = ISOLATIONAWARE_NOSTATICIMPORT_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -DISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -DSXS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID=$(SXS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID) # # Shfusion.lib causes linker warnings. Ignore them. # LINKER_FLAGS=$(LINKER_FLAGS) -ignore:4049,4217 !if $(FREEBUILD) # on retail builds we don't want to stack fault, so we reserve 80k of stack LINKER_STACKCOMMITSIZE = 81200 !else # on chk builds, we default to 80k (we can reduce this to find stack pigs and elimnate them). LINKER_STACKCOMMITSIZE = 81200 !endif # Use LINKLIBS (gets passed first) if: (from build.hlp) # You are building a dynamic link. # You are exporting something that's defined in some other component library that you also build. # In your dirs file in the subdirectory above, you have ordered it so that the component libraries # are around before you build the dynamic link. LINKLIBS = \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\mmc.lib \ ..\..\core\$(CharWidth)\$(O)\uicore.lib \ ..\..\base\$(CharWidth)\$(O)\mmcbase.lib # We need $(SHELL_LIB_PATH)\shlwapip.lib for ualstr* TARGETLIBS = \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\user32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\oleaut32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\ole32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\oleacc.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\advapi32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\uuid.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\comdlg32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\HtmlHelp.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\shell32.lib \ $(SHELL_LIB_PATH)\shlwapip.lib \ $(SHELL_LIB_PATH)\shfusion.lib \ !if exist (..\..\PrivateBranch.inc) !include ..\..\PrivateBranch.inc !endif !ifndef __PublishedDir __PublishedDir = mmc !endif TLBDir = $(PROJECT_ROOT)\published\$(__PublishedDir)\$(O) # We need $(SHELL_INC_PATH) for uastrfnc.h # We need $(BASE_INC_PATH) for wow64t.h INCLUDES = \ ..\; \ ..\..\base; \ ..\..\inc; \ ..\..\types\idl\$(O); \ $(TLBDir); \ $(SHELL_INC_PATH); \ $(BASE_INC_PATH); \ PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE = ..\stdafx.h PRECOMPILED_CXX = 1 # This target is required so $(O)\amc.res doesn't become the default target # for makefile.def. We want "all" to be the default target. # # We have to go to this effort because sources(.inc) is included very early # in makefile.def. makefile.inc is the place where this would naturally go, # but we don't want to have to maintain this dependency list in # ansi\makefile.inc and unicode\makefile.inc. dummytarget: all $(O)\amc.res: \ ..\..\types\idl\$(O)\websnk.tlb \ $(TLBDir)\mmcobj.tlb \ ..\html\glyph100.eot \ ..\html\glyph110.eot \ ..\html\break.htm \ ..\html\default.htm \ ..\html\error.htm \ ..\html\horiz.htm \ ..\html\listpad.htm \ ..\html\reload.htm \ ..\html\reload2.htm \ ..\html\reload3.htm \ ..\res\commontb.bmp \ ..\res\commontb_rtl.bmp \ ..\res\hand.cur \ ..\res\mmc.ico \ ..\res\mmc.ico \ ..\res\nodes16.bmp \ ..\res\nodes32.bmp \ ..\res\sort.bmp \ SOURCES = \ ..\amc.rc \ ..\amc.cpp \ ..\amcdoc.cpp \ ..\amcdocmg.cpp \ ..\amcview.cpp \ ..\archpicker.cpp \ ..\caption.cpp \ ..\cclvctl.cpp \ ..\childfrm.cpp \ ..\controls.cpp \ ..\dd.cpp \ ..\docksite.cpp \ ..\evtsink.cpp \ ..\favorite.cpp \ ..\favui.cpp \ ..\filedlgex.cpp \ ..\fontlink.cpp \ ..\ftab.cpp \ ..\histlist.cpp \ ..\idle.cpp \ ..\kbdnav.cpp \ ..\mainfrm.cpp \ ..\mdiclint.cpp \ ..\mdiuisim.cpp \ ..\menubar.cpp \ ..\menubtns.cpp \ ..\mmcaxwin.cpp \ ..\mscparser.cpp \ ..\ocxview.cpp \ ..\props.cpp \ ..\scripthost.cpp \ ..\scriptevents.cpp \ ..\statbar.cpp \ ..\stdbar.cpp \ ..\stringutil.cpp \ ..\strtable.cpp \ ..\subclass.cpp \ ..\svfildlg.cpp \ ..\sysmenu.cpp \ ..\taskhost.cpp \ ..\tbtrack.cpp \ ..\toolbar.cpp \ ..\treectrl.cpp \ ..\trobimpl.cpp \ ..\vwtrack.cpp \ ..\webctrl.cpp \ ..\wrapper.cpp \ MISCFILES = \ ..\Microsoft_Management_Console_(MMC)_{386FE156-EDEB-4687-9AF0-7B24E6DE4EA4}.sld