/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Microsoft Windows * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999 * * File: strtable.h * * Contents: Interface file for CStringTable * * History: 25-Jun-98 jeffro Created * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef STRTABLE_H #define STRTABLE_H #pragma once #include // for class exception #include // for string relational operators #include "guidhelp.h" // for GUID relational operators #include "stgio.h" #include "strings.h" #ifdef DBG #define DECLARE_DIAGNOSITICS() \ public: void Dump() const; #else #define DECLARE_DIAGNOSITICS() \ public: void Dump() const {} #endif #ifdef DBG extern CTraceTag tagStringTable; #endif // DBG /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * IdentifierRange should be private to CIdentifierPool, but * compiler bugs prevent it. */ template class IdentifierRange { public: IdentifierRange(T idMin_ = T(), T idMax_ = T()) : idMin (idMin_), idMax (idMax_) { ASSERT (idMin <= idMax); } bool operator== (const IdentifierRange& other) const { return ((idMin == other.idMin) && (idMax == other.idMax)); } bool operator!= (const IdentifierRange& other) const { return (!(*this == other.idMin)); } T idMin; T idMax; }; template class CIdentifierPool : public CXMLObject { public: typedef IdentifierRange Range; typedef std::list RangeList; private: #if _MSC_VER > 1300 template friend IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CIdentifierPool& pool); template friend IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const CIdentifierPool& pool); #else // VC7 bug - doesn't handle template friends properly. By luck, this works. friend IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CIdentifierPool& pool); friend IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const CIdentifierPool& pool); #endif virtual void Persist(CPersistor &persistor); DEFINE_XML_TYPE(XML_TAG_IDENTIFIER_POOL); SC ScInvertRangeList (RangeList& rlInvert) const; #ifdef DBG void DumpRangeList (const RangeList& l) const; #endif public: DECLARE_DIAGNOSITICS(); CIdentifierPool (T idMin, T idMax); CIdentifierPool (IStream& stm); T Reserve(); bool Release(T idRelease); bool IsValid () const; bool IsRangeListValid (const RangeList& rl) const; SC ScGenerate (const RangeList& rlUsedIDs); static bool AddToRangeList (RangeList& rl, const Range& rangeToAdd); static bool AddToRangeList (RangeList& rl, T idAdd); class pool_exhausted : public exception { public: pool_exhausted(const char *_S = "pool exhausted") _THROW0() : exception(_S) {} virtual ~pool_exhausted() _THROW0() {} }; private: RangeList m_AvailableIDs; RangeList m_StaleIDs; T m_idAbsoluteMin; T m_idAbsoluteMax; T m_idNextAvailable; }; typedef CIdentifierPool CStringIDPool; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CEntry and CStoredEntry should be private to CStringTable, * but compiler bugs prevent it. */ /* * represents a string table entry in memory */ class CEntry : public CXMLObject { friend class CStringTable; friend class CStringEnumerator; friend struct CompareEntriesByID; friend struct CompareEntriesByString; friend struct IdentifierReleaser; friend IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CEntry& entry); friend IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const CEntry& entry); public: DECLARE_DIAGNOSITICS(); CEntry () : m_id(0), m_cRefs(0) {} CEntry (const std::wstring& str, MMC_STRING_ID id) : m_str(str), m_id(id), m_cRefs(0) {} virtual LPCTSTR GetXMLType() {return XML_TAG_STRING_TABLE_STRING;} virtual void Persist(CPersistor& persistor); private: /* * This ctor is only used by CStringTable when reconstructing * the entry from a file. */ CEntry (const std::wstring& str, MMC_STRING_ID id, DWORD cRefs) : m_str(str) , m_id(id), m_cRefs(cRefs) {} private: bool operator< (const LPCWSTR psz) const { return (m_str < psz); } bool operator< (const CEntry& other) const { return (m_str < other.m_str); } bool operator== (const LPCWSTR psz) const { return (m_str == psz); } bool operator== (const CEntry& other) const { return (m_str == other.m_str); } //private: public: // temp! std::wstring m_str; MMC_STRING_ID m_id; DWORD m_cRefs; }; struct CompareEntriesByID : public std::binary_function { bool operator() (const CEntry& entry1, const CEntry& entry2) const { return (entry1.m_id < entry2.m_id); } }; struct CompareEntriesByString : public std::binary_function { bool operator() (const CEntry& entry1, const CEntry& entry2) const { return (entry1 < entry2); } }; struct IdentifierReleaser : public std::unary_function { IdentifierReleaser (CStringIDPool& pool) : m_pool (pool) {} bool operator() (CEntry& entry) const { return (m_pool.Release (entry.m_id)); } private: CStringIDPool& m_pool; }; /* * Because the string and ID indexes map their keys to CEntry * pointers, we must use a collection that doesn't move its * elements once they're inserted. The only STL collection * that meets this requirement is a list. */ typedef std::list EntryList; typedef XMLListCollectionWrap CStringTable_base; class CStringTable : public CStringTable_base { friend IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CStringTable& entry); friend IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const CStringTable& entry); public: DECLARE_DIAGNOSITICS(); CStringTable (CStringIDPool* pIDPool); CStringTable (CStringIDPool* pIDPool, IStream& stm); ~CStringTable (); CStringTable (const CStringTable& other); CStringTable& operator= (const CStringTable& other); /* * IStringTable methods. Note that object doesn't implement * IStringTable, because IUnknown isn't implemented. */ STDMETHOD(AddString) (LPCOLESTR pszAdd, MMC_STRING_ID* pID); STDMETHOD(GetString) (MMC_STRING_ID id, ULONG cchBuffer, LPOLESTR lpBuffer, ULONG* pcchOut) const; STDMETHOD(GetStringLength) (MMC_STRING_ID id, ULONG* pcchString) const; STDMETHOD(DeleteString) (MMC_STRING_ID id); STDMETHOD(DeleteAllStrings) (); STDMETHOD(FindString) (LPCOLESTR pszFind, MMC_STRING_ID* pID) const; STDMETHOD(Enumerate) (IEnumString** ppEnum) const; size_t size() const { return (m_Entries.size()); } virtual void Persist(CPersistor& persistor) { CStringTable_base::Persist(persistor); if (persistor.IsLoading()) IndexAllEntries (); } SC ScCollectInUseIDs (CStringIDPool::RangeList& l) const; private: void IndexAllEntries () { IndexEntries (m_Entries.begin(), m_Entries.end()); } void IndexEntries (EntryList::iterator first, EntryList::iterator last) { for (; first != last; ++first) IndexEntry (first); } void IndexEntry (EntryList::iterator); typedef std::map StringToEntryMap; typedef std::map IDToEntryMap; EntryList::iterator LookupEntryByString (const std::wstring&) const; EntryList::iterator LookupEntryByID (MMC_STRING_ID) const; EntryList::iterator FindInsertionPointForEntry (const CEntry& entry) const; #ifdef DBG static void AssertValid (const CStringTable* pTable); #define ASSERT_VALID_(p) do { AssertValid(p); } while(0) #else #define ASSERT_VALID_(p) ((void) 0) #endif private: EntryList m_Entries; StringToEntryMap m_StringIndex; IDToEntryMap m_IDIndex; CStringIDPool* m_pIDPool; }; extern const CLSID CLSID_MMC; /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * class CLSIDToStringTableMap * * * PURPOSE: stl::map derived class that maps snapin_clsid to stringtable * and supports XML persistence of the map collection * * NOTE: Throws exceptions! *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef std::map ST_base; class CLSIDToStringTableMap : public XMLMapCollection { public: // this method is provided as alternative to Persist, whic allows // to cache parameter to be used to create new string tables void PersistSelf(CStringIDPool *pIDPool, CPersistor& persistor) { m_pIDPersistPool = pIDPool; persistor.Persist(*this, NULL); } protected: // XML persistence implementation virtual LPCTSTR GetXMLType() {return XML_TAG_STRING_TABLE_MAP;} virtual void OnNewElement(CPersistor& persistKey,CPersistor& persistVal) { CLSID key; ZeroMemory(&key,sizeof(key)); persistKey.Persist(key); CStringTable val(m_pIDPersistPool); persistVal.Persist(val); insert(ST_base::value_type(key,val)); } private: CStringIDPool *m_pIDPersistPool; }; typedef CLSIDToStringTableMap::value_type TableMapValue; class CMasterStringTable : public IStringTablePrivate, public CComObjectRoot, public CXMLObject { friend IStorage& operator>> (IStorage& stg, CMasterStringTable& mst); friend IStorage& operator<< (IStorage& stg, const CMasterStringTable& mst); public: DECLARE_DIAGNOSITICS(); CMasterStringTable (); ~CMasterStringTable (); public: DEFINE_XML_TYPE(XML_TAG_MMC_STRING_TABLE); virtual void Persist(CPersistor& persistor); SC ScPurgeUnusedStrings(); public: /* * ATL COM map */ BEGIN_COM_MAP (CMasterStringTable) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY (IStringTablePrivate) END_COM_MAP () /* * IStringTablePrivate methods */ STDMETHOD(AddString) (LPCOLESTR pszAdd, MMC_STRING_ID* pID, const CLSID* pclsid); STDMETHOD(GetString) (MMC_STRING_ID id, ULONG cchBuffer, LPOLESTR lpBuffer, ULONG* pcchOut, const CLSID* pclsid); STDMETHOD(GetStringLength) (MMC_STRING_ID id, ULONG* pcchString, const CLSID* pclsid); STDMETHOD(DeleteString) (MMC_STRING_ID id, const CLSID* pclsid); STDMETHOD(DeleteAllStrings) (const CLSID* pclsid); STDMETHOD(FindString) (LPCOLESTR pszFind, MMC_STRING_ID* pID, const CLSID* pclsid); STDMETHOD(Enumerate) (IEnumString** ppEnum, const CLSID* pclsid); /* * Shorthand into IStringTablePrivate (simulating a default parameter) */ STDMETHOD(AddString) (LPCOLESTR pszAdd, MMC_STRING_ID* pID) { return (AddString (pszAdd, pID, &CLSID_MMC)); } STDMETHOD(GetString) (MMC_STRING_ID id, ULONG cchBuffer, LPOLESTR lpBuffer, ULONG* pcchOut) { return (GetString (id, cchBuffer, lpBuffer, pcchOut, &CLSID_MMC)); } STDMETHOD(GetStringLength) (MMC_STRING_ID id, ULONG* pcchString) { return (GetStringLength (id, pcchString, &CLSID_MMC)); } STDMETHOD(DeleteString) (MMC_STRING_ID id) { return (DeleteString (id, &CLSID_MMC)); } STDMETHOD(DeleteAllStrings) () { return (DeleteAllStrings (&CLSID_MMC)); } STDMETHOD(FindString) (LPCOLESTR pszFind, MMC_STRING_ID* pID) { return (FindString (pszFind, pID, &CLSID_MMC)); } STDMETHOD(Enumerate) (IEnumString** ppEnum) { return (Enumerate (ppEnum, &CLSID_MMC)); } private: CStringTable* LookupStringTableByCLSID (const CLSID* pclsid) const; SC ScGenerateIDPool (); private: CStringIDPool m_IDPool; CLSIDToStringTableMap m_TableMap; static const WCHAR s_pszIDPoolStream[]; static const WCHAR s_pszStringsStream[]; }; class CStringEnumerator : public IEnumString, public CComObjectRoot { public: CStringEnumerator (); ~CStringEnumerator (); public: /* * ATL COM map */ BEGIN_COM_MAP (CStringEnumerator) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY (IEnumString) END_COM_MAP () /* * IEnumString methods */ STDMETHOD(Next) (ULONG celt, LPOLESTR *rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched); STDMETHOD(Skip) (ULONG celt); STDMETHOD(Reset) (); STDMETHOD(Clone) (IEnumString **ppenum); static HRESULT CreateInstanceWrapper ( CComObject** ppEnumObject, IEnumString** ppEnumIface); bool Init (const EntryList& entries); private: typedef std::vector StringVector; StringVector m_Strings; size_t m_cStrings; size_t m_nCurrentIndex; }; IStorage& operator>> (IStorage& stg, CMasterStringTable& mst); IStorage& operator<< (IStorage& stg, const CMasterStringTable& mst); IStorage& operator>> (IStorage& stg, CComObject& mst); IStorage& operator<< (IStorage& stg, const CComObject& mst); IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CStringTable& st); IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const CStringTable& st); IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CEntry& entry); IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const CEntry& entry); template IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, CIdentifierPool& pool); template IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const CIdentifierPool& pool); #include "strtable.inl" #endif /* STRTABLE_H */