/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ExecCommand.h Abstract: Contains function prototypes and macros. Author: V Vijaya Bhaskar Revision History: 14-Jun-2001 : Created by V Vijaya Bhaskar ( Wipro Technologies ). --*/ #ifndef __EXEC_COMMAND__H #define __EXEC_COMMAND__H /*************************************************************************** ** For a command to execute we have to replace some tokens with ** ** some required information . ** ***************************************************************************/ // NOTE: Check 'szValue' declaration when this value is changed. #define TOTAL_FLAGS 9 // Flags that can be used with command to execute. #define FILE_NAME L"@file" #define FILE_WITHOUT_EXT L"@fname" #define EXTENSION L"@ext" #define FILE_PATH L"@path" #define RELATIVE_PATH L"@relpath" #define IS_DIRECTORY L"@isdir" #define FILE_SIZE L"@fsize" #define FILE_DATE L"@fdate" #define FILE_TIME L"@ftime" #define IS_HEX L"0x" #define NOT_WIN32_APPL GetResString( IDS_NOT_WIN32_APPL ) #define ASCII_0 48 #define ASCII_9 57 #define ASCII_A 65 #define ASCII_F 70 #define ASCII_a 97 #define ASCII_f 102 #define US_ENG_CODE_PAGE 437 // Define for replacing flags with '%NUMBER' string. #define REPLACE_PERC_CHAR( FIRSTLOOP, FLAG_NAME, INDEX )\ if( TRUE == FIRSTLOOP )\ {\ if( FALSE == ReplaceString( FLAG_NAME, ( INDEX + 1 ) ) ) \ {\ ReleaseFlagArray( INDEX + 1 );\ return FALSE ;\ }\ }\ 1 /* Function prototypes for world . */ BOOL ExecuteCommand( void ) ; BOOL ReplaceSpacedDir( void ); BOOL ReplaceTokensWithValidValue( LPWSTR lpszPathName , WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdFindFile ) ; BOOL ReplaceHexToChar( LPWSTR lpszCommand ) ; void ReleaseStoreCommand( void ) ; #endif //__EXEC_COMMAND__H