/*++ Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: intrvbar.cpp Abstract: Implementation of the interval bar control. --*/ //==========================================================================// // Includes // //==========================================================================// #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "winhelpr.h" #include "utils.h" #include "intrvbar.h" //==========================================================================// // Constants // //==========================================================================// #define dwILineClassStyle (CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW) #define dwILineWindowStyle (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE) #define TO_THE_END 0x7FFFFFFFL //==========================================================================// // Macros // //==========================================================================// // Width of the start and stob grab bars #define ILGrabWidth() \ (10) #define ILGrabMinimumWidth() \ (6) // A rectangle is "drawable" if it has both nonzero height and minimum width #define PRectDrawable(lpRect) \ ((lpRect->right - lpRect->left) >= ILGrabMinimumWidth()) && \ (lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top) #define RectDrawable(Rect) \ ((Rect.right - Rect.left) >= ILGrabMinimumWidth()) && \ (Rect.bottom - Rect.top) //==========================================================================// // Local Functions // //==========================================================================// void CIntervalBar::NotifyChange ( void ) { HWND hWndParent ; hWndParent = WindowParent (m_hWnd) ; if (hWndParent) SendMessage (hWndParent, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM) WindowID (m_hWnd), (LPARAM) m_hWnd) ; } BOOL CIntervalBar::GrabRect ( OUT LPRECT lpRect ) { switch (m_iMode) { case ModeLeft: *lpRect = m_rectLeftGrab ; return (TRUE) ; break ; case ModeRight: *lpRect = m_rectRightGrab ; return (TRUE) ; break ; case ModeCenter: *lpRect = m_rectCenterGrab ; return (TRUE) ; break ; case ModeNone: lpRect->left = 0 ; lpRect->top = 0 ; lpRect->right = 0 ; lpRect->bottom = 0 ; return (FALSE) ; break ; default: return (FALSE); } } void CIntervalBar::DrawGrab ( HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRectGrab, BOOL bDown ) { if (!PRectDrawable(lpRectGrab)) return ; Fill(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE), lpRectGrab); DrawEdge (hDC, lpRectGrab, (bDown ? EDGE_SUNKEN:EDGE_RAISED), BF_RECT); } INT CIntervalBar::ValueToPixel ( INT iValue ) { INT xPixel ; if (m_iEndValue > m_iBeginValue) xPixel = MulDiv (iValue, m_rectBorder.right, (m_iEndValue - m_iBeginValue)) ; else xPixel = 0 ; return (PinExclusive (xPixel, 0, m_rectBorder.right)) ; } INT CIntervalBar::PixelToValue ( INT xPixel ) { INT iValue ; if (m_rectBorder.right) iValue = MulDiv (xPixel, (m_iEndValue - m_iBeginValue), m_rectBorder.right) ; else iValue = 0 ; return (PinInclusive (iValue, m_iBeginValue, m_iEndValue)) ; } void CIntervalBar::CalcPositions ( void ) /* Effect: Determine and set all of the physical rectangles of ILine, based on the current size of the ILine window and the current logical Start, Stop, Begin, and End values. */ { INT xStart, xStop ; INT yHeight ; GetClientRect (m_hWnd, &m_rectBorder) ; yHeight = m_rectBorder.bottom ; xStart = ValueToPixel (m_iStartValue) ; xStop = ValueToPixel (m_iStopValue) ; m_rectLeftBk.left = 1 ; m_rectLeftBk.top = 1 ; m_rectLeftBk.right = xStart ; m_rectLeftBk.bottom = yHeight - 1 ; m_rectLeftGrab.left = xStart ; m_rectLeftGrab.top = 1 ; m_rectLeftGrab.right = xStart + ILGrabWidth () ; m_rectLeftGrab.bottom = yHeight - 1 ; m_rectRightBk.left = xStop ; m_rectRightBk.top = 1 ; m_rectRightBk.right = m_rectBorder.right - 1 ; m_rectRightBk.bottom = yHeight - 1 ; m_rectRightGrab.left = xStop - ILGrabWidth () ; m_rectRightGrab.top = 1 ; m_rectRightGrab.right = xStop ; m_rectRightGrab.bottom = yHeight - 1 ; m_rectCenterGrab.left = m_rectLeftGrab.right ; m_rectCenterGrab.top = 1 ; m_rectCenterGrab.right = m_rectRightGrab.left ; m_rectCenterGrab.bottom = yHeight - 1 ; if (m_rectLeftGrab.right > m_rectRightGrab.left) { m_rectLeftGrab.right = m_rectLeftGrab.left + (xStop - xStart) / 2 ; m_rectRightGrab.left = m_rectLeftGrab.right ; m_rectCenterGrab.left = 0 ; m_rectCenterGrab.right = 0 ; // Ensure that at least one grab bar is visible when End > Begin and the total is // wide enough. ILGrabMinimumWidth + 2 is the minimum. // If on the left edge, make the Right grab visible. // If on the right edge, make the Left grab visible. // If in the middle, make them both visible. if ( !RectDrawable(m_rectLeftGrab) || !RectDrawable(m_rectRightGrab) ) { INT iWidth = ILGrabMinimumWidth(); if ( !RectDrawable(m_rectRightBk) ) { // Make the Left grab visible. m_rectRightGrab.left = m_rectRightGrab.right; m_rectLeftGrab.right = m_rectRightGrab.right; m_rectLeftGrab.left = m_rectLeftGrab.right - iWidth; } else if (!RectDrawable(m_rectLeftBk) ) { // Make the Right grab visible. m_rectLeftGrab.right = m_rectLeftGrab.left; m_rectRightGrab.left = m_rectLeftGrab.left; m_rectRightGrab.right = m_rectRightGrab.left + iWidth; } else { // Make them both visible. m_rectLeftGrab.left -= iWidth; m_rectRightGrab.right += iWidth; } } } } void CIntervalBar::Draw ( HDC hDC, LPRECT // lpRectUpdate ) /* Effect: Draw the image of pILine on hDC. Draw at least the portions within rectUpdate. Called By: OnPaint, OnMouseMove. */ { if (IsWindowEnabled(m_hWnd)) { FillRect (hDC, &m_rectLeftBk, m_hBrushBk) ; FillRect (hDC, &m_rectRightBk, m_hBrushBk) ; //DrawEdge (hDC, &m_rectBorder, BDR_SUNKENINNER, BF_RECT) ; DrawEdge (hDC, &m_rectBorder, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_RECT) ; DrawGrab (hDC, &m_rectLeftGrab, m_iMode == ModeLeft) ; DrawGrab (hDC, &m_rectRightGrab, m_iMode == ModeRight) ; DrawGrab (hDC, &m_rectCenterGrab, m_iMode == ModeCenter) ; } else { Fill(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE), &m_rectBorder); DrawEdge (hDC, &m_rectBorder, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_RECT) ; } } void CIntervalBar::MoveLeftRight ( BOOL bStart, BOOL bLeft, INT iMoveAmt ) { INT iStart, iStop, iMove ; iStart = m_iStartValue; iStop = m_iStopValue; iMove = iMoveAmt ; if (bLeft) iMove = -iMove ; if (bStart) { if (iMoveAmt == TO_THE_END) { iStart = m_iBeginValue ; } else { iStart += iMove ; if (iStart >= iStop) { return; } } SetStart (iStart) ; } else { if (iMoveAmt == TO_THE_END) { iStop = m_iEndValue ; } else { iStop += iMove ; if (iStart >= iStop) { return; } } SetStop (iStop) ; } NotifyChange () ; } BOOL CIntervalBar::OnKeyDown ( WPARAM wParam ) { BOOL bHandle = TRUE ; BOOL bStart ; BOOL bLeftDirection ; BOOL bShiftKeyDown ; if (wParam == VK_LEFT || wParam == VK_RIGHT) { bShiftKeyDown = (GetKeyState (VK_SHIFT) < 0) ; if (!bShiftKeyDown) { if (wParam == VK_LEFT) { // Left Arrow --> move Start Edge Left bStart = TRUE ; bLeftDirection = TRUE ; } else { // Right Arrow --> move Stop Edge Right bStart = FALSE ; bLeftDirection = FALSE ; } } else { if (wParam == VK_LEFT) { // Shift Left Arrow --> move Stop Edge Left bStart = FALSE ; bLeftDirection = TRUE ; } else { // Shift Right Arrow --> move Start Edge Right bStart = TRUE ; bLeftDirection = FALSE ; } } MoveLeftRight (bStart, bLeftDirection, 1) ; } else if (wParam == VK_HOME) { // move iStart all the way the Left MoveLeftRight (TRUE, TRUE, TO_THE_END) ; } else if (wParam == VK_END) { // move iStop all the way the right MoveLeftRight (FALSE, FALSE, TO_THE_END) ; } else { bHandle = FALSE ; } return (bHandle) ; } void CIntervalBar::StartGrab ( void ) { RECT rectUpdate ; SetCapture (m_hWnd) ; GrabRect (&rectUpdate) ; Update(); } void CIntervalBar::EndGrab ( void ) /* Internals: Set the mode to null after getting the grab rectangle so ILGrabRect knows which grab bar to get. */ { RECT rectUpdate ; ReleaseCapture () ; GrabRect (&rectUpdate) ; m_iMode = ModeNone ; Update(); } //==========================================================================// // Message Handlers // //==========================================================================// CIntervalBar::CIntervalBar ( void ) { m_hWnd = NULL; m_iBeginValue = 0; m_iEndValue = 100; m_iStartValue = 0; m_iStopValue = 100; m_iMode = ModeNone; m_hBrushBk = NULL; } CIntervalBar::~CIntervalBar ( void ) { if (m_hWnd) DestroyWindow(m_hWnd); if (m_hBrushBk) DeleteBrush (m_hBrushBk); } BOOL CIntervalBar::Init ( HWND hWndParent ) { #define dwIntervalBarClassStyle (CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW) #define dwIntervalBarStyle (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE) #define szIntervalBarClass TEXT("IntervalBar") // Register window class once if (pstrRegisteredClasses[INTRVBAR_WNDCLASS] == NULL) { WNDCLASS wc ; wc.style = dwILineClassStyle ; wc.lpfnWndProc = IntervalBarWndProc ; wc.cbClsExtra = 0 ; wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(PCIntervalBar) ; wc.hInstance = g_hInstance ; wc.hIcon = NULL ; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW) ; wc.hbrBackground = NULL ; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL ; wc.lpszClassName = szIntervalBarClass ; if (RegisterClass (&wc)) { pstrRegisteredClasses[INTRVBAR_WNDCLASS] = szIntervalBarClass; } else { return FALSE; } } // Create our window m_hWnd = CreateWindow (szIntervalBarClass, // class NULL, // caption dwIntervalBarStyle, // window style 0, 0, // position 0, 0, // size hWndParent, // parent window NULL, // menu g_hInstance, // program instance (LPVOID) this ); // user-supplied data if (m_hWnd == NULL) { return FALSE; } m_hBrushBk = CreateSolidBrush (GetSysColor(COLOR_SCROLLBAR)) ; CalcPositions () ; return TRUE; } void CIntervalBar::OnLButtonUp ( void ) { if (m_iMode == ModeNone) return ; EndGrab () ; } void CIntervalBar::OnMouseMove ( POINTS ptsMouse ) /* Effect: Handle any actions needed when the mouse moves in the ILine hWnd's client area or while the mouse is captured. In particular, if we are tracking one of the grab bars, determine if the mouse movement represents a logical value change and move the grab bar accordingly. Called By: ILineWndProc, in response to a WM_MOUSEMOVE message. See Also: OnLButtonDown, OnLButtonUp. Note: This function has multiple return points. Note: Since we have captured the mouse, we receive mouse msgs even when the mouse is outside our client area, but still in client coordinates. Thus we can have negative mouse coordinates. That is why we convert the lParam of the mouse msg into a POINTS structure rather than 2 WORDS. Internals: Remember that an IntervalLine can only take on integral values in the user-supplied range. Therefore we do our movement calculation in user values, not pixels. We determine what the logical value would be for the previous (last mouse move) and current mouse position. If these LOGICAL values differ, we attempt an adjustment of the grab bar by that logical amount. This way the grab values assume on integral positions and the calculations are simplified. If we calculated by pixel movement, and then shifted the bar into the nearest integal position, we would encounter rounding problems. In particular, when tracking the center grab bar, if we moved both start and stop by the same amount of PIXELS, then converted to LOGICAL values, we might find our center bar shrinking and growing while the bar moves. */ { INT iMousePrevious, iMouseCurrent ; INT iMouseMove ; // Are we tracking? if (m_iMode == ModeNone) return ; // Calc LOGICAL mouse movement assert ( USHRT_MAX >= m_rectBorder.left ); assert ( USHRT_MAX >= m_rectBorder.right ); ptsMouse.x = PinInclusive (ptsMouse.x, (SHORT)m_rectBorder.left, (SHORT)m_rectBorder.right) ; iMousePrevious = PixelToValue (m_ptsMouse.x) ; iMouseCurrent = PixelToValue (ptsMouse.x) ; iMouseMove = iMouseCurrent - iMousePrevious ; if (!iMouseMove) return ; // Move grab bar positions switch (m_iMode) { case ModeLeft: m_iStartValue += iMouseMove ; m_iStartValue = min (m_iStartValue, m_iStopValue - 1) ; break ; case ModeCenter: // Before we slide the center grab bar we need to see if the // desired movement amount would send either end out of bounds, // and reduce the movement accordingly. if (m_iStartValue + iMouseMove < m_iBeginValue) iMouseMove = m_iBeginValue - m_iStartValue ; if (m_iStopValue + iMouseMove > m_iEndValue) iMouseMove = m_iEndValue - m_iStopValue ; m_iStartValue += iMouseMove ; m_iStopValue += iMouseMove ; break ; case ModeRight: m_iStopValue += iMouseMove ; m_iStopValue = max (m_iStartValue + 1, m_iStopValue) ; break ; } m_iStartValue = PinInclusive (m_iStartValue, m_iBeginValue, m_iEndValue) ; m_iStopValue = PinInclusive (m_iStopValue, m_iBeginValue, m_iEndValue) ; Update(); m_ptsMouse = ptsMouse ; NotifyChange () ; } void CIntervalBar::OnLButtonDown ( POINTS ptsMouse ) { POINT ptMouse ; m_ptsMouse = ptsMouse ; ptMouse.x = ptsMouse.x ; ptMouse.y = ptsMouse.y ; if (PtInRect (&m_rectLeftGrab, ptMouse) || PtInRect (&m_rectLeftBk, ptMouse)) { m_iMode = ModeLeft ; } else if (PtInRect (&m_rectRightGrab, ptMouse) || PtInRect (&m_rectRightBk, ptMouse)) { m_iMode = ModeRight ; } else if (PtInRect (&m_rectCenterGrab, ptMouse)) { m_iMode = ModeCenter ; } if (m_iMode != ModeNone) StartGrab(); } void CIntervalBar::Update ( void ) { HDC hDC; // Determine pixel pos, draw CalcPositions () ; hDC = GetDC (m_hWnd) ; if ( NULL != hDC ) { Draw (hDC, &m_rectBorder) ; ReleaseDC (m_hWnd, hDC) ; } } //==========================================================================// // Exported Functions // //==========================================================================// LRESULT APIENTRY IntervalBarWndProc ( HWND hWnd, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) /* Note: This function must be declared in the application's linker-definition file, perfmon.def file. */ { PCIntervalBar pIntrvBar; BOOL bCallDefWindowProc ; POINTS ptsMouse ; LRESULT lrsltReturnValue ; bCallDefWindowProc = FALSE ; lrsltReturnValue = 0L ; if (uiMsg == WM_CREATE) { pIntrvBar = (PCIntervalBar)((CREATESTRUCT*)lParam)->lpCreateParams; } else { pIntrvBar = (PCIntervalBar)GetWindowLongPtr (hWnd, 0); } switch (uiMsg) { case WM_CREATE: SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, 0, (INT_PTR)pIntrvBar); break ; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: // See the note in OnMouseMove for why we are using POINTS SetFocus (hWnd) ; ptsMouse = MAKEPOINTS (lParam) ; pIntrvBar->OnLButtonDown (ptsMouse) ; break ; case WM_LBUTTONUP: pIntrvBar->OnLButtonUp () ; break ; case WM_SETFOCUS: case WM_KILLFOCUS: pIntrvBar->NotifyChange () ; return 0 ; case WM_ENABLE: pIntrvBar->Update(); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // See the note in OnMouseMove for why we are using POINTS ptsMouse = MAKEPOINTS (lParam) ; pIntrvBar->OnMouseMove (ptsMouse) ; break ; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (!pIntrvBar->OnKeyDown (wParam)) { bCallDefWindowProc = TRUE ; } break ; case WM_GETDLGCODE: // We want to handle Arrow keys input. If we don't specify this // the dialog will not pass arrow keys to us. return (DLGC_WANTARROWS) ; break ; case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps ; HDC hDC; hDC = BeginPaint (hWnd, &ps) ; pIntrvBar->Draw (hDC, &ps.rcPaint) ; EndPaint (hWnd, &ps) ; } break ; case WM_SIZE: pIntrvBar->CalcPositions () ; break; default: bCallDefWindowProc = TRUE ; } if (bCallDefWindowProc) lrsltReturnValue = DefWindowProc (hWnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam) ; return (lrsltReturnValue) ; } void CIntervalBar::SetRange ( INT iBegin, INT iEnd ) { m_iBeginValue = iBegin; m_iEndValue = iEnd; Update(); } void CIntervalBar::SetStart ( INT iStart ) { m_iStartValue = PinInclusive (iStart, m_iBeginValue, m_iEndValue) ; Update(); } void CIntervalBar::SetStop ( INT iStop ) { m_iStopValue = PinInclusive (iStop, m_iBeginValue, m_iEndValue) ; Update(); }