//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FILE: special.cpp // // Summary; This file contians the dialogs for the MSDN version of // the control panel applet and setup entry points. // // History; // Jun-26-95 MikeMi Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "resource.h" #include "CLicReg.hpp" #include #include #include "liccpa.hpp" #include "PriDlgs.hpp" #include "SecDlgs.hpp" #include "Special.hpp" #include "sbs_res.h" #include SPECIALVERSIONINFO gSpecVerInfo; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: InitSpecialVersionInfo // // Summary: Initialize global data if liccpa is launched as // a special version (eg: restricted SAM, NFR, etc). // // Arguments: None. // // History: Oct-07-97 MarkBl Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitSpecialVersionInfo( void ) { // // If the SPECIALVERSION manifest is defined, initialize the // global data from the specifc manifests defined for the special // version. // // TBD : These special versions should change to be detected at // runtime vs. building a special version of liccpa. // #ifdef SPECIALVERSION gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerWarning = IDS_SPECVER_WARNING; gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText1 = IDS_SPECVER_TEXT1; gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText2 = IDS_SPECVER_TEXT2; gSpecVerInfo.dwSpecialUsers = SPECIAL_USERS; gSpecVerInfo.lmSpecialMode = SPECIAL_MODE; #else ZeroMemory(&gSpecVerInfo, sizeof(gSpecVerInfo)); #endif // SPECIALVERSION // // Special versions of liccpa detected at runtime. // // Currently, small business server only. // if (IsRestrictedSmallBusSrv()) { gSpecVerInfo.dwSpecialUsers = GetSpecialUsers(); // // Check for small business server NFR. // if (gSpecVerInfo.dwSpecialUsers == SAM_NFR_LICENSE_COUNT) { gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerWarning = IDS_SAMNFR_NOTAVAILABLE; gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText1 = IDS_SAMNFR_TEXT1; gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText2 = IDS_SAMNFR_TEXT2; gSpecVerInfo.lmSpecialMode = LICMODE_PERSERVER; } else { gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerWarning = IDS_SAM_NOTAVAILABLE; gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText1 = IDS_SAM_TEXT1; gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText2 = IDS_SAM_TEXT2; gSpecVerInfo.lmSpecialMode = LICMODE_PERSERVER; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: RaiseNotAvailWarning // // Summary; // Raise the special not available with this version warning // // Arguments; // hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of control dialog // // History; // Jun-26-95 MikeMi Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- void RaiseNotAvailWarning( HWND hwndCPL ) { TCHAR pszText[LTEMPSTR_SIZE]; TCHAR pszTitle[TEMPSTR_SIZE]; HINSTANCE hSbsLib = NULL; if ( (gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerWarning == IDS_SAMNFR_NOTAVAILABLE) && (NULL != (hSbsLib = LoadLibrary( SBS_RESOURCE_DLL ))) ) { LoadString( hSbsLib, SBS_License_Error, pszText, TEMPSTR_SIZE ); } else { LoadString( g_hinst, gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerWarning, pszText, TEMPSTR_SIZE ); } LoadString( g_hinst, IDS_CPATITLE, pszTitle, TEMPSTR_SIZE ); MessageBox( hwndCPL, pszText, pszTitle, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetStaticWithService( HWND hwndDlg, UINT idcStatic, LPTSTR psService, UINT idsText ) { WCHAR szText[LTEMPSTR_SIZE]; WCHAR szTemp[LTEMPSTR_SIZE]; LoadString( g_hinst, idsText, szTemp, LTEMPSTR_SIZE ); HRESULT hr = StringCbPrintf( szText, sizeof(szText), szTemp, psService ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) SetDlgItemText( hwndDlg, idcStatic, szText ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetStaticUsers( HWND hwndDlg, UINT idcStatic, DWORD users, UINT idsText ) { WCHAR szText[LTEMPSTR_SIZE]; WCHAR szTemp[LTEMPSTR_SIZE]; LoadString( g_hinst, idsText, szTemp, LTEMPSTR_SIZE ); HRESULT hr = StringCbPrintf( szText, sizeof(szText), szTemp, users ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) SetDlgItemText( hwndDlg, idcStatic, szText ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: OnSpecialInitDialog // // Summary; // Handle the initialization of the Special only Setup Dialog // // Arguments; // hwndDlg [in] - the dialog to initialize // psdParams [in] - used for the displayname and service name // // Notes; // // History; // Dec-08-1994 MikeMi Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- void OnSpecialInitDialog( HWND hwndDlg, PSETUPDLGPARAM psdParams ) { HWND hwndOK = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDOK ); CLicRegLicense cLicKey; BOOL fNew; LONG lrt; INT nrt; lrt = cLicKey.Open( fNew, psdParams->pszComputer ); nrt = AccessOk( NULL, lrt, FALSE ); if (ERR_NONE == nrt) { CenterDialogToScreen( hwndDlg ); SetStaticWithService( hwndDlg, IDC_STATICTITLE, psdParams->pszDisplayName, gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText1 ); if (IsRestrictedSmallBusSrv()) { SetStaticUsers( hwndDlg, IDC_STATICINFO, gSpecVerInfo.dwSpecialUsers, gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText2 ); } else { SetStaticWithService( hwndDlg, IDC_STATICINFO, psdParams->pszDisplayName, gSpecVerInfo.idsSpecVerText2 ); } // disable OK button at start! EnableWindow( hwndOK, FALSE ); // if help is not defined, remove the button if (NULL == psdParams->pszHelpFile) { HWND hwndHelp = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_BUTTONHELP ); EnableWindow( hwndHelp, FALSE ); ShowWindow( hwndHelp, SW_HIDE ); } if (psdParams->fNoExit) { HWND hwndExit = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDCANCEL ); // remove the ExitSetup button EnableWindow( hwndExit, FALSE ); ShowWindow( hwndExit, SW_HIDE ); } } else { EndDialog( hwndDlg, nrt ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: OnSpecialSetupClose // // Summary; // Do work needed when the Setup Dialog is closed. // Save to Reg the Service entry. // // Arguments; // hwndDlg [in] - hwnd of dialog this close was requested on // fSave [in] - Save service to registry // psdParams [in] - used for the service name and displayname // // History; // Nov-30-94 MikeMi Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- void OnSpecialSetupClose( HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fSave, PSETUPDLGPARAM psdParams ) { int nrt = fSave; if (fSave) { CLicRegLicenseService cLicServKey; cLicServKey.SetService( psdParams->pszService ); cLicServKey.Open( psdParams->pszComputer ); // configure license rule of one change from PerServer to PerSeat // cLicServKey.SetChangeFlag( TRUE ); cLicServKey.SetMode( gSpecVerInfo.lmSpecialMode ); cLicServKey.SetUserLimit( gSpecVerInfo.dwSpecialUsers ); cLicServKey.SetDisplayName( psdParams->pszDisplayName ); cLicServKey.SetFamilyDisplayName( psdParams->pszFamilyDisplayName ); cLicServKey.Close(); } EndDialog( hwndDlg, nrt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: OnSpecialAgree // // Summary; // Handle the user interaction with the Agree Check box // // Arguments; // hwndDlg [in] - the dialog to initialize // // Return; // TRUE if succesful, otherwise false // // Notes; // // History; // Nov-11-1994 MikeMi Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- void OnSpecialAgree( HWND hwndDlg ) { HWND hwndOK = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDOK ); BOOL fChecked = !IsDlgButtonChecked( hwndDlg, IDC_AGREE ); CheckDlgButton( hwndDlg, IDC_AGREE, fChecked ); EnableWindow( hwndOK, fChecked ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: dlgprocSPECIALSETUP // // Summary; // The dialog procedure for the special version Setup Dialog, // which will replace all others // // Arguments; // hwndDlg [in] - handle of Dialog window // uMsg [in] - message // lParam1 [in] - first message parameter // lParam2 [in] - second message parameter // // Return; // message dependant // // Notes; // // History; // Jun-26-1995 MikeMi Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_PTR CALLBACK dlgprocSPECIALSETUP( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL frt = FALSE; static PSETUPDLGPARAM psdParams; switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: psdParams = (PSETUPDLGPARAM)lParam; OnSpecialInitDialog( hwndDlg, psdParams ); frt = TRUE; // we use the default focus break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (HIWORD( wParam )) { case BN_CLICKED: switch (LOWORD( wParam )) { case IDOK: frt = TRUE; // use as save flag // intentional no break case IDCANCEL: OnSpecialSetupClose( hwndDlg, frt, psdParams ); frt = FALSE; break; case IDC_BUTTONHELP: PostMessage( hwndDlg, PWM_HELP, 0, 0 ); break; case IDC_AGREE: OnSpecialAgree( hwndDlg ); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } break; default: if (PWM_HELP == uMsg) { ::HtmlHelp( hwndDlg, LICCPA_HTMLHELPFILE, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 0); } break; } return( frt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SpecialSetupDialog // // Summary; // Init and raises Per Seat only setup dialog. // // Arguments; // hwndDlg [in] - handle of Dialog window // dlgParem [in] - Setup params IDC_BUTTONHELP // // Return; // 1 - OK button was used to exit // 0 - Cancel button was used to exit // -1 - General Dialog error // // Notes; // // History; // Dec-05-1994 MikeMi Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_PTR SpecialSetupDialog( HWND hwndParent, SETUPDLGPARAM& dlgParam ) { return( DialogBoxParam( g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SPECIALSETUP), hwndParent, dlgprocSPECIALSETUP, (LPARAM)&dlgParam ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetSpecialUsers // // Summary; // Gets the number of licensed users from the registry. // // Arguments; // none // Return; // The number of licensed users // // Notes; // // History; // Aug-18-97 GeorgeJe Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD GetSpecialUsers( VOID ) { LONG rVal; DWORD Disposition; HKEY hKey; DWORD Type; DWORD Size = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD Value; rVal = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_LICENSEINFO_SBS, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hKey, &Disposition ); if (rVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return DEFAULT_SPECIAL_USERS; } rVal = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGVAL_CONCURRENT_LIMIT, 0, &Type, (LPBYTE) &Value, &Size ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); return (rVal == ERROR_SUCCESS ? Value : DEFAULT_SPECIAL_USERS); } const WCHAR wszProductOptions[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions"; const WCHAR wszProductSuite[] = L"ProductSuite"; const WCHAR wszSBSRestricted[] = L"Small Business(Restricted)"; BOOL IsRestrictedSmallBusSrv( void ) /*++ Routine Description: Check if this server is a Microsoft small business restricted server. Arguments: None. Return Values: TRUE -- This server is a restricted small business server. FALSE -- No such restriction. --*/ { WCHAR wszBuffer[1024] = L""; DWORD cbBuffer = sizeof(wszBuffer); DWORD dwType; LPWSTR pwszSuite; HKEY hKey; BOOL bRet = FALSE; // // Check if this server is a Microsoft small business restricted server. // Do so by checking for the existence of the string // "Small Business(Restricted)" // in the MULTI_SZ "ProductSuite" value under // HKLM\CurrentCcntrolSet\Control\ProductOptions. // if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszProductOptions, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, wszProductSuite, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)wszBuffer, &cbBuffer) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ && *wszBuffer) { pwszSuite = wszBuffer; while (*pwszSuite) { if (lstrcmpi(pwszSuite, wszSBSRestricted) == 0) { bRet = TRUE; break; } pwszSuite += wcslen(pwszSuite) + 1; } } } RegCloseKey(hKey); } return bRet; }