// This is a part of the Microsoft Management Console. // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999 // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Management Console and related // electronic documentation provided with the interfaces. // You will need the NT SUR Beta 2 SDK or VC 4.2 in order to build this // project. This is because you will need MIDL 3.00.15 or higher and new // headers and libs. If you have VC 4.2 installed, then everything should // already be configured correctly. #include "pch.h" #include "resource.h" #include <SnapBase.h> #include "ADSIEdit.h" #include "snapdata.h" #include "editor.h" #include "connection.h" #include "querynode.h" #include "IAttredt.h" #include "editorui.h" #include "editimpl.h" //#include "HelpArr.h" // context help ID's // Version info #include <ntverp.h> #define IDS_SNAPIN_VERSION VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR #define IDS_SNAPIN_PROVIDER VER_COMPANYNAME_STR #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOCATOR #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // regsvr debugging // define to enable MsgBox debugging for regsvr32 //#define _MSGBOX_ON_REG_FAIL #ifdef _MSGBOX_ON_REG_FAIL #define _MSGBOX(x) AfxMessageBox(x) #else #define _MSGBOX(x) #endif #ifdef _MSGBOX_ON_REG_FAIL #define _REPORT_FAIL(lpszMessage, lpszClsid, lRes) \ ReportFail(lpszMessage, lpszClsid, lRes) void ReportFail(LPCWSTR lpszMessage, LPCWSTR lpszClsid, LONG lRes) { if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) return; CThemeContextActivator activator; CString sz; sz.Format(_T("%s %s %d"), lpszMessage,lpszClsid, lRes); AfxMessageBox(sz); } #else #define _REPORT_FAIL(lpszMessage, lpszClsid, lRes) #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // global constants and macros // GUIDs for snapin // {1C5DACFA-16BA-11d2-81D0-0000F87A7AA3} static const GUID CLSID_ADSIEditSnapin = { 0x1c5dacfa, 0x16ba, 0x11d2, { 0x81, 0xd0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x7a, 0x7a, 0xa3 } }; // {E6F27C2A-16BA-11d2-81D0-0000F87A7AA3} static const GUID CLSID_ADSIEditAbout = { 0xe6f27c2a, 0x16ba, 0x11d2, { 0x81, 0xd0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x7a, 0x7a, 0xa3 } }; // GUIDs for node types /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RESOURCES // # of columns in the result pane and map for resource strings extern RESULT_HEADERMAP _HeaderStrings[] = { { L"", IDS_HEADER_NAME, LVCFMT_LEFT, 180}, { L"", IDS_HEADER_TYPE, LVCFMT_LEFT, 90}, { L"", IDS_HEADER_DN, LVCFMT_LEFT, 450}, }; COLUMN_DEFINITION DefaultColumnDefinition = { COLUMNSET_ID_DEFAULT, N_HEADER_COLS, _HeaderStrings }; extern RESULT_HEADERMAP _PartitionsHeaderStrings[] = { { L"", IDS_HEADER_NAME, LVCFMT_LEFT, 180}, { L"", IDS_HEADER_NCNAME, LVCFMT_LEFT, 200}, { L"", IDS_HEADER_TYPE, LVCFMT_LEFT, 90}, { L"", IDS_HEADER_DN, LVCFMT_LEFT, 450}, }; COLUMN_DEFINITION PartitionsColumnDefinition = { COLUMNSET_ID_PARTITIONS, N_PARTITIONS_HEADER_COLS, _PartitionsHeaderStrings }; extern PCOLUMN_DEFINITION ColumnDefinitions[] = { &DefaultColumnDefinition, &PartitionsColumnDefinition, NULL }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CADSIEditModule HRESULT WINAPI CADSIEditModule::UpdateRegistryCLSID(const CLSID& clsid, BOOL bRegister) { static const WCHAR szIPS32[] = _T("InprocServer32"); static const WCHAR szCLSID[] = _T("CLSID"); HRESULT hRes = S_OK; LPOLESTR lpOleStrCLSIDValue; ::StringFromCLSID(clsid, &lpOleStrCLSIDValue); if (lpOleStrCLSIDValue == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } CRegKey key; if (bRegister) { LONG lRes = key.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szCLSID); _REPORT_FAIL(L"key.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", lpOleStrCLSIDValue, lRes); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRes = key.Create(key, lpOleStrCLSIDValue); _REPORT_FAIL(L"key.Create(key", lpOleStrCLSIDValue, lRes); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // NOTICE-NTRAID#NTBUG9-551295-2002/02/21-artm // GetModuleFileName() does not guarantee null termination. // Therefore, we allocated + 1 to hold the NULL and zero out // the buffer first. We also check for a truncation and set // the error code if there was one. WCHAR szModule[_MAX_PATH + 1]; ZeroMemory(szModule, sizeof(WCHAR) * (_MAX_PATH + 1) ); DWORD numCopied = ::GetModuleFileName(m_hInst, szModule, _MAX_PATH); if (numCopied < _MAX_PATH) { lRes = key.SetKeyValue(szIPS32, szModule); _REPORT_FAIL(L"key.SetKeyValue(szIPS32", lpOleStrCLSIDValue, lRes); } else { // The module name was too big. Something's fishy. hRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } } } if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) hRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRes); } else { key.Attach(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT); if (key.Open(key, szCLSID) == ERROR_SUCCESS) key.RecurseDeleteKey(lpOleStrCLSIDValue); } ::CoTaskMemFree(lpOleStrCLSIDValue); return hRes; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Module, Object Map and DLL entry points CADSIEditModule _Module; BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(ObjectMap) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_ADSIEditSnapin, CADSIEditComponentDataObject) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_ADSIEditAbout, CADSIEditAbout) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_DsAttributeEditor, CAttributeEditor) END_OBJECT_MAP() STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); return (AfxDllCanUnloadNow()==S_OK && _Module.GetLockCount()==0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv) { return _Module.GetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv); } static _NODE_TYPE_INFO_ENTRY _NodeTypeInfoEntryArray[] = { { &CADSIEditRootData::NodeTypeGUID, _T("Root ADSI Edit Subtree") }, { &CADSIEditConnectionNode::NodeTypeGUID, _T("ADSI Edit Connection Node") }, { &CADSIEditContainerNode::NodeTypeGUID, _T("ADSI Edit Container Node") }, { &CADSIEditLeafNode::NodeTypeGUID, _T("ADSI Edit Leaf Node") }, { &CADSIEditQueryNode::NodeTypeGUID, _T("ADSI Edit Query Node") }, { NULL, NULL } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator; // registers all objects HRESULT hr = _Module.RegisterServer(/* bRegTypeLib */ FALSE); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { _MSGBOX(_T("_Module.RegisterServer() failed")); return hr; } CString szVersion, szProvider, szSnapinName, szSnapinNameEx; szVersion = IDS_SNAPIN_VERSION; szProvider = IDS_SNAPIN_PROVIDER; // NOTICE-2002/03/06-artm CString can throw out of memory exception but // that needs to be handled at a higher level. Also, the return value // is not checked but the call should _never_ fail if there is enough // memory (o'wise there was a serious screw up in including the resource). szSnapinName.LoadString(IDS_SNAPIN_NAME); // register the standalone ADSI Edit snapin into the console snapin list hr = RegisterSnapin(&CLSID_ADSIEditSnapin, &CADSIEditRootData::NodeTypeGUID, &CLSID_ADSIEditAbout, szSnapinName, szVersion, szProvider, FALSE /*bExtension*/, _NodeTypeInfoEntryArray); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { _MSGBOX(_T("RegisterSnapin(&CLSID_DNSSnapin) failed")); return hr; } // register the snapin nodes into the console node list for (_NODE_TYPE_INFO_ENTRY* pCurrEntry = _NodeTypeInfoEntryArray; pCurrEntry->m_pNodeGUID != NULL; pCurrEntry++) { hr = RegisterNodeType(pCurrEntry->m_pNodeGUID,pCurrEntry->m_lpszNodeDescription); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { _MSGBOX(_T("RegisterNodeType() failed")); return hr; } } return hr; } STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) { HRESULT hr = _Module.UnregisterServer(); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // un register the standalone snapin hr = UnregisterSnapin(&CLSID_ADSIEditSnapin); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // unregister the snapin nodes, // this removes also the server node, with the Services Snapin extension keys for (_NODE_TYPE_INFO_ENTRY* pCurrEntry = _NodeTypeInfoEntryArray; pCurrEntry->m_pNodeGUID != NULL; pCurrEntry++) { hr = UnregisterNodeType(pCurrEntry->m_pNodeGUID); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } return S_OK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CADSIEditSnapinApp class CADSIEditSnapinApp : public CWinApp { public: virtual BOOL InitInstance(); virtual int ExitInstance(); }; CADSIEditSnapinApp theApp; BOOL CADSIEditSnapinApp::InitInstance() { _Module.Init(ObjectMap, m_hInstance); // Add theming support SHFusionInitializeFromModuleID(m_hInstance, 2); HRESULT hr = ::OleInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; } if (!CADSIEditComponentDataObject::LoadResources()) return FALSE; return CWinApp::InitInstance(); } int CADSIEditSnapinApp::ExitInstance() { #ifdef _DEBUG_REFCOUNT TRACE(_T("CADSIEditSnapinApp::ExitInstance()\n")); ASSERT(CComponentDataObject::m_nOustandingObjects == 0); ASSERT(CComponentObject::m_nOustandingObjects == 0); ASSERT(CDataObject::m_nOustandingObjects == 0); #endif // _DEBUG_REFCOUNT // Theming support SHFusionUninitialize(); _Module.Term(); return CWinApp::ExitInstance(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CADSIEditComponentObject (.i.e "view") HRESULT CADSIEditComponentObject::InitializeHeaders(CContainerNode* pContainerNode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ASSERT(m_pHeader); CColumnSet* pColumnSet = pContainerNode->GetColumnSet(); POSITION pos = pColumnSet->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CColumn* pColumn = pColumnSet->GetNext(pos); hr = m_pHeader->InsertColumn(pColumn->GetColumnNum(), pColumn->GetHeader(), pColumn->GetFormat(), AUTO_WIDTH); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = m_pHeader->SetColumnWidth(pColumn->GetColumnNum(), pColumn->GetWidth()); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } return hr; } HRESULT CADSIEditComponentObject::InitializeBitmaps(CTreeNode* cookie) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // image lists for nodes CBitmapHolder<IDB_16x16> _bmp16x16; CBitmapHolder<IDB_32x32> _bmp32x32; bool bBmpsLoaded = _bmp16x16.LoadBitmap() && _bmp32x32.LoadBitmap(); if (bBmpsLoaded) { ASSERT(m_pImageResult != NULL); hr = m_pImageResult->ImageListSetStrip(reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR*>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(_bmp16x16)), reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR*>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(_bmp32x32)), 0, BMP_COLOR_MASK); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CADSIEditComponentDataObject (.i.e "document") CADSIEditComponentDataObject::CADSIEditComponentDataObject() { /* CWatermarkInfo* pWatermarkInfo = new CWatermarkInfo; pWatermarkInfo->m_nIDBanner = IDB_WIZBANNER; pWatermarkInfo->m_nIDWatermark = IDB_WIZWATERMARK; SetWatermarkInfo(pWatermarkInfo); */ m_pColumnSet = new CADSIEditColumnSet(COLUMNSET_ID_DEFAULT); } HRESULT CADSIEditComponentDataObject::OnSetImages(LPIMAGELIST lpScopeImage) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // image lists for nodes CBitmapHolder<IDB_16x16> _bmp16x16; CBitmapHolder<IDB_32x32> _bmp32x32; bool bBmpsLoaded = _bmp16x16.LoadBitmap() && _bmp32x32.LoadBitmap(); if (bBmpsLoaded) { ASSERT(lpScopeImage != NULL); hr = lpScopeImage->ImageListSetStrip(reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR*>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(_bmp16x16)), reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR*>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(_bmp32x32)), 0, BMP_COLOR_MASK); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; } CRootData* CADSIEditComponentDataObject::OnCreateRootData() { CADSIEditRootData* pADSIEditRootNode = new CADSIEditRootData(this); AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString szSnapinType; // NOTICE-2002/02/20-artm LoadString() can throw out of memory exception. // This needs to be handled at a higher level, if at all. szSnapinType.LoadString(IDS_SNAPIN_NAME); pADSIEditRootNode->SetDisplayName(szSnapinType); return pADSIEditRootNode; } BOOL CADSIEditComponentDataObject::LoadResources() { BOOL bLoadColumnHeaders = TRUE; for (UINT nIdx = 0; ColumnDefinitions[nIdx]; nIdx++) { PCOLUMN_DEFINITION pColumnDef = ColumnDefinitions[nIdx]; bLoadColumnHeaders = LoadResultHeaderResources(pColumnDef->headers, pColumnDef->dwColumnCount); if (!bLoadColumnHeaders) { break; } } return LoadContextMenuResources(CADSIEditConnectMenuHolder::GetMenuMap()) && LoadContextMenuResources(CADSIEditContainerMenuHolder::GetMenuMap()) && LoadContextMenuResources(CADSIEditRootMenuHolder::GetMenuMap()) && LoadContextMenuResources(CADSIEditLeafMenuHolder::GetMenuMap()) && LoadContextMenuResources(CADSIEditQueryMenuHolder::GetMenuMap()) && bLoadColumnHeaders; } STDMETHODIMP CADSIEditComponentDataObject::CreateComponent(LPCOMPONENT* ppComponent) { ASSERT(ppComponent != NULL); CComObject<CADSIEditComponentObject>* pObject; CComObject<CADSIEditComponentObject>::CreateInstance(&pObject); ASSERT(pObject != NULL); // Store IComponentData pObject->SetIComponentData(this); return pObject->QueryInterface(IID_IComponent, reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppComponent)); } void CADSIEditComponentDataObject::OnNodeContextHelp(CTreeNode* pNode) { ASSERT(pNode != NULL); CComPtr<IDisplayHelp> spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"w2rksupp.chm::/topics/adsiedit.htm"); // spHelp->ShowTopic(L"w2rksupp.chm"); /* CString szNode; if (IS_CLASS(*pNode, CDNSRootData)) { szNode = _T("Root Node"); } else if (IS_CLASS(*pNode, CDNSServerNode)) { szNode = _T("Server Node"); } else if (IS_CLASS(*pNode, CDNSForwardZonesNode)) { szNode = _T("Forward Zones Node"); } else if (IS_CLASS(*pNode, CDNSReverseZonesNode)) { szNode = _T("Reverse Zones Node"); } else if (IS_CLASS(*pNode, CDNSZoneNode)) { szNode = _T("Zone Node"); } else if (IS_CLASS(*pNode, CDNSDomainNode)) { szNode = _T("Domain Node"); } else if (IS_CLASS(*pNode, CDNSCacheNode)) { szNode = _T("Domain Node"); } else if (dynamic_cast<CDNSRecordNodeBase*>(pNode) != NULL) { szNode = _T("Record Node"); } if (!szNode.IsEmpty()) { CString szMsg = _T("Context Help on "); szMsg += szNode; AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator; AfxMessageBox(szMsg); } */ } LPCWSTR g_szContextHelpFileName = L"\\help\\adsiedit.hlp"; LPCWSTR g_szHTMLHelpFileName = L"w2rksupp.chm"; LPCWSTR CADSIEditComponentDataObject::GetHTMLHelpFileName() { return g_szHTMLHelpFileName; } void CADSIEditComponentDataObject::OnDialogContextHelp(UINT nDialogID, HELPINFO* pHelpInfo) { ULONG nContextTopic; // TODO //if (FindDialogContextTopic(nDialogID, pHelpInfo, &nContextTopic)) // WinHelp(g_szContextHelpFileName, HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP, nContextTopic); } STDMETHODIMP CADSIEditComponentDataObject::GetHelpTopic(LPOLESTR* lpCompiledHelpFile) { // FUTURE-2002/02/21-artm Review function to make sure that all return values are // documented for ISnapinHelp. if (lpCompiledHelpFile == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; LPCWSTR lpszHelpFileName = GetHTMLHelpFileName(); if (lpszHelpFileName == NULL) { *lpCompiledHelpFile = NULL; return E_NOTIMPL; } // FUTURE-2002/02/21-artm Replace string literals with named constants. // Will improve readability and maintenance. CString szResourceKitDir = _T(""); CString szKey = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\Components\\5A18D5BFC37FA0A4E99D24135BABE742"; HRESULT err = S_OK; CRegKey key; LONG lRes = key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey); _REPORT_FAIL(L"key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", szKey, lRes); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwCount = 2 * MAX_PATH; PTSTR ptszValue = new TCHAR[dwCount]; DWORD byteCount = dwCount * sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD bytesCopied = byteCount; ZeroMemory(ptszValue, byteCount); // NOTICE-NTRAID#NTBUG9-550463-2002/02/21-artm // Need to check that string read from registry null terminated. lRes = key.QueryValue( ptszValue, // Destination buffer. L"DC5632422F082D1189A9000CF497879A", // Value to read &bytesCopied); // In: size of destination buffer; Out: number of bytes written. _REPORT_FAIL(L"key.QueryValue(key", L"DC5632422F082D1189A9000CF497879A", lRes); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS && // Make sure that the value read wasn't truncated. ptszValue[dwCount - 1] == NULL && // Check that something was written. bytesCopied > 0) { CString szValue = ptszValue; // Extract the directory from the path read from the registry. szResourceKitDir = szValue.Left(szValue.ReverseFind(L'\\') + 1); } else { if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // This should never happen unless someone changed the location. // If it breaks from that it should be caught during testing. ASSERT(false); err = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } } // NOTICE-NTRAID#NTBUG9-550528-2002/02/21-artm Memory leak if lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS. // Fixed by moving delete outside of if()else statement. delete[] ptszValue; } if (FAILED(err)) { return err; } CString szHelpFilePath = szResourceKitDir + CString(lpszHelpFileName); UINT nBytes = (szHelpFilePath.GetLength()+1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // NOTICE-2002/02/21-artm lpCompiledHelpFile strictly an out parameter // // Since lpCompiledHelpFile is an OUT parm for ISnapinHelp::GetHelpTopic(), // it is assumed here that no memory has been allocated to the pointer. If // the caller mistakenly does allocate lpCompiledHelpFile some memory before // calling, this will result in leaking memory since this function does not // free that memory before allocating memory with CoTaskMemAlloc(). *lpCompiledHelpFile = (LPOLESTR)::CoTaskMemAlloc(nBytes); if (*lpCompiledHelpFile != NULL) { memcpy(*lpCompiledHelpFile, (LPCWSTR)szHelpFilePath, nBytes); } else { // NOTICE-NTRAID-NTBUG9-551264-2002/02/21-artm Need to handle case where CoTaskMemAlloc() fails. // If allocation fails, should return error code, not S_OK. err = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return err; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // help context macros and maps #if (FALSE) #define BEGIN_HELP_MAP(map) static DWORD map[] = { #define HELP_MAP_ENTRY(x) x, (DWORD)&g_aHelpIDs_##x , #define END_HELP_MAP 0, 0 }; #define NEXT_HELP_MAP_ENTRY(p) ((p)+2) #define MAP_ENTRY_DLG_ID(p) (*p) #define MAP_ENTRY_TABLE(p) ((DWORD*)(*(p+1))) #define IS_LAST_MAP_ENTRY(p) (MAP_ENTRY_DLG_ID(p) == 0) #define NEXT_HELP_TABLE_ENTRY(p) ((p)+2) #define TABLE_ENTRY_CTRL_ID(p) (*p) #define TABLE_ENTRY_HELP_ID(p) (*(p+1)) #define IS_LAST_TABLE_ENTRY(p) (TABLE_ENTRY_CTRL_ID(p) == 0) BEGIN_HELP_MAP(_DNSMgrContextHelpMap) // misc dialogs HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_CHOOSER_CHOOSE_MACHINE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_BROWSE_DIALOG) // misc. add dialogs HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_DOMAIN_ADDNEWHOST) // TODO HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_DOMAIN_ADDNEWDOMAIN)// TODO HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_SELECT_RECORD_TYPE_DIALOG) // NOTE: this has several incarnations... HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_NAME_SERVERS_PAGE) // server property pages HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_SERVER_INTERFACES_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_SERVER_FORWARDERS_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_SERVER_ADVANCED_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_SERVER_LOGGING_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_SERVER_BOOTMETHOD_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_SERVMON_STATISTICS_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_SERVMON_TEST_PAGE) // zone property pages HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_ZONE_GENERAL_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_ZONE_WINS_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_ZONE_NBSTAT_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_ZONE_NOTIFY_PAGE) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_ZONE_WINS_ADVANCED) // this is a subdialog, need to hook up // record property pages HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_NS_EDIT) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_SOA) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_A) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_CNAME) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_MX) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_UNK) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_TXT) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_X25) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_ISDN) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_HINFO) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_AAAA) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_MB) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_MG) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_MD) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_MF) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_MR) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_MINFO) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_RP) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_RT) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_AFSDB) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_WKS) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_PTR) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_SRV) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_KEY) HELP_MAP_ENTRY(IDD_RR_SIG) END_HELP_MAP BOOL CDNSComponentDataObjectBase::FindDialogContextTopic(/*IN*/UINT nDialogID, /*IN*/ HELPINFO* pHelpInfo, /*OUT*/ ULONG* pnContextTopic) { ASSERT(pHelpInfo != NULL); *pnContextTopic = 0; const DWORD* pMapEntry = _DNSMgrContextHelpMap; while (!IS_LAST_MAP_ENTRY(pMapEntry)) { if (nDialogID == MAP_ENTRY_DLG_ID(pMapEntry)) { DWORD* pTable = MAP_ENTRY_TABLE(pMapEntry); // look inside the table while (!IS_LAST_TABLE_ENTRY(pTable)) { if (TABLE_ENTRY_CTRL_ID(pTable) == pHelpInfo->iCtrlId) { *pnContextTopic = TABLE_ENTRY_HELP_ID(pTable); return TRUE; } pTable = NEXT_HELP_TABLE_ENTRY(pTable); } } pMapEntry = NEXT_HELP_MAP_ENTRY(pMapEntry); } return FALSE; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CADSIEditAbout CADSIEditAbout::CADSIEditAbout() { m_szProvider = IDS_SNAPIN_PROVIDER; m_szVersion = IDS_SNAPIN_VERSION; m_uIdStrDestription = IDS_SNAPINABOUT_DESCRIPTION; m_uIdIconImage = IDI_ADSIEDIT_SNAPIN; m_uIdBitmapSmallImage = IDB_ABOUT_16x16; m_uIdBitmapSmallImageOpen = IDB_ABOUT_16x16; m_uIdBitmapLargeImage = IDB_ABOUT_32x32; m_crImageMask = BMP_COLOR_MASK; }