//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999 // // File: querynode.cpp // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pch.h" #include #include "resource.h" #include "connection.h" #include "querynode.h" #include "queryui.h" #include "editor.h" #include #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOCATOR #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CADSIEditQueryData void CADSIEditQueryData::SetRootPath(LPCWSTR lpszRootPath) { m_sRootPath = lpszRootPath; GetDisplayPath(m_sDN); } void CADSIEditQueryData::GetDisplayPath(CString& sDisplayPath) { CComPtr pIADsPathname; HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (PVOID *)&(pIADsPathname)); ASSERT((S_OK == hr) && ((pIADsPathname) != NULL)); hr = pIADsPathname->Set(CComBSTR(m_sRootPath), ADS_SETTYPE_FULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(_T("Set failed. %s"), hr); } // Get the leaf name CString sDN; BSTR bstrPath = NULL; hr = pIADsPathname->Retrieve(ADS_FORMAT_X500_DN, &bstrPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(_T("Failed to get element. %s"), hr); sDisplayPath = L""; } else { sDisplayPath = bstrPath; } } void CADSIEditQueryData::GetDisplayName(CString& sDisplayName) { CString sDisplayPath; GetDisplayPath(sDisplayPath); sDisplayName = m_sName + _T(" [") + sDisplayPath + _T("]"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CADSIEditQueryNode // // {072B64B7-CFF7-11d2-8801-00C04F72ED31} const GUID CADSIEditQueryNode::NodeTypeGUID = { 0x72b64b7, 0xcff7, 0x11d2, { 0x88, 0x1, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x72, 0xed, 0x31 } }; CADSIEditQueryNode::CADSIEditQueryNode(CADsObject* pADsObject, CADSIEditQueryData* pQueryData) { m_pADsObject = pADsObject; m_pQueryData = pQueryData; m_nState = notLoaded; m_sType.LoadString(IDS_QUERY_STRING); } HRESULT CADSIEditQueryNode::OnCommand(long nCommandID, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT (pNodeList->GetCount() == 1); // not allowing multiple selection on any of these yet switch (nCommandID) { case IDM_SETTINGS_QUERY : { OnSettings(pComponentData); break; } case IDM_REMOVE_QUERY : { OnRemove(pComponentData); break; } default: ASSERT(FALSE); // Unknown command! return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } BOOL CADSIEditQueryNode::OnSetDeleteVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() == 1) // single selection { *pbHideVerb = TRUE; // always hide the verb return FALSE; } // // Multiple selection // *pbHideVerb = FALSE; return TRUE; } void CADSIEditQueryNode::OnRemove(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { if (ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_REMOVE_QUERY, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { BOOL bLocked = IsThreadLocked(); ASSERT(!bLocked); // cannot do refresh on locked node, the UI should prevent this if (bLocked) return; if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; // Do deletion stuff pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); } ASSERT(!IsSheetLocked()); // Remove query data from connection node's list GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->RemoveQueryFromList(GetQueryData()); // now remove from the UI DeleteHelper(pComponentData); pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(GetContainer()); delete this; // gone } } void CADSIEditQueryNode::OnDelete(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection { // Delete some results OnDeleteMultiple(pComponentData, pNodeList); } else if (pNodeList->GetCount() == 1) // single selection { // Can't delete a query node ASSERT(FALSE); } } void CADSIEditQueryNode::OnSettings(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { CThemeContextActivator activator; // Get the data from the existing query node data BOOL bOneLevel; bOneLevel = (GetQueryData()->GetScope() == ADS_SCOPE_ONELEVEL); CString sFilter, sName, sPath, sConnectPath; GetQueryData()->GetName(sName); GetQueryData()->GetFilter(sFilter); GetQueryData()->GetRootPath(sPath); CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); ASSERT(pConnectData); GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetADsObject()->GetPath(sConnectPath); CCredentialObject* pCredObject = pConnectData->GetCredentialObject(); CString szServer; pConnectData->GetDomainServer(szServer); // Initialize dialog with data CADSIEditQueryDialog queryDialog(szServer, sName, sFilter, sPath, sConnectPath, bOneLevel, pCredObject); if (queryDialog.DoModal() == IDOK) { // If OK CString sNewPath; queryDialog.GetResults(sName, sFilter, sNewPath, &bOneLevel); GetQueryData()->SetName(sName); GetQueryData()->SetFilter(sFilter); GetQueryData()->SetRootPath(sNewPath); GetADsObject()->SetPath(sNewPath); ADS_SCOPEENUM scope = (bOneLevel) ? ADS_SCOPE_ONELEVEL : ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE; GetQueryData()->SetScope(scope); // Make changes take effect CString sDisplayName; GetQueryData()->GetDisplayName(sDisplayName); SetDisplayName(sDisplayName); CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(this); OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList); } } LPCWSTR CADSIEditQueryNode::GetString(int nCol) { switch(nCol) { case N_HEADER_NAME : return GetDisplayName(); case N_HEADER_TYPE : return m_sType; case N_HEADER_DN : return m_pQueryData->GetDNString(); default : return NULL; } } BOOL CADSIEditQueryNode::HasPropertyPages(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { *pbHideVerb = TRUE; // always hide the verb return FALSE; } BOOL CADSIEditQueryNode::OnAddMenuItem(LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 pContextMenuItem, long *pInsertionAllowed) { if (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_SETTINGS_QUERY) { return TRUE; } else if (pContextMenuItem->lCommandID == IDM_REMOVE_QUERY) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } CQueryObj* CADSIEditQueryNode::OnCreateQuery() { CConnectionData* pConnectData = GetADsObject()->GetConnectionNode()->GetConnectionData(); CADSIEditRootData* pRootData = static_cast(GetRootContainer()); CComponentDataObject* pComponentData = pRootData->GetComponentDataObject(); RemoveAllChildrenHelper(pComponentData); CString sPath; GetADsObject()->GetPath(sPath); CString sFilter; GetQueryData()->GetFilter(sFilter); ADS_SCOPEENUM scope; scope = GetQueryData()->GetScope(); CADSIEditQueryObject* pQuery = new CADSIEditQueryObject(sPath, sFilter, scope, pConnectData->GetMaxObjectCount(), pConnectData->GetCredentialObject(), pConnectData->IsGC(), pConnectData->GetConnectionNode()); return pQuery; } BOOL CADSIEditQueryNode::OnSetRefreshVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHide, CNodeList* pNodeList) { *pbHide = FALSE; if (m_nState == loading) { return FALSE; } return !IsThreadLocked(); } void CADSIEditQueryNode::OnChangeState(CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: case loaded: case unableToLoad: case accessDenied: { m_nState = loading; m_dwErr = 0; } break; case loading: { if (m_dwErr == 0) m_nState = loaded; else if (m_dwErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) m_nState = accessDenied; else m_nState = unableToLoad; } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentDataObject->ChangeNode(this, CHANGE_RESULT_ITEM_ICON))); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentDataObject->UpdateVerbState(this))); } int CADSIEditQueryNode::GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage) { int nIndex = 0; switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: nIndex = ZONE_IMAGE_1; break; case loading: nIndex = ZONE_IMAGE_LOADING_1; break; case loaded: nIndex = ZONE_IMAGE_1; break; case unableToLoad: nIndex = ZONE_IMAGE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_1; break; case accessDenied: nIndex = ZONE_IMAGE_ACCESS_DENIED_1; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } return nIndex; } BOOL CADSIEditQueryNode::CanCloseSheets() { // // We can't do this with the new property page since it is not derived // from the base class in MTFRMWK. // //return (IDCANCEL != ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_RECORD_CLOSE_SHEET, MB_OKCANCEL)); ADSIEditMessageBox(IDS_MSG_RECORD_SHEET_LOCKED, MB_OK); return FALSE; } void CADSIEditQueryNode::OnHaveData(CObjBase* pObj, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { CTreeNode* p = dynamic_cast(pObj); ASSERT(p != NULL); if (p != NULL) { AddChildToListAndUI(p, pComponentDataObject); pComponentDataObject->SetDescriptionBarText(this); } } void CADSIEditQueryNode::OnError(DWORD dwerr) { if (dwerr == ERROR_TOO_MANY_NODES) { // need to pop message AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator; CString szFmt; szFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_QUERY_TOO_MANY_ITEMS); CString szMsg; szMsg.Format(szFmt, GetDisplayName()); AfxMessageBox(szMsg); } else { ADSIEditErrorMessage(dwerr); } }