// Cookie.cpp : Implementation of CMyComputerCookie and related classes #include "stdafx.h" #include "cookie.h" #include "atlimpl.cpp" DECLARE_INFOLEVEL(MyComputerSnapin) #include "macros.h" USE_HANDLE_MACROS("MYCOMPUT(cookie.cpp)") #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #include "stdcooki.cpp" #include // defines nodetypes for the My Computer snapin // // This is used by the nodetype utility routines in stdutils.cpp // const struct NODETYPE_GUID_ARRAYSTRUCT g_NodetypeGuids[MYCOMPUT_NUMTYPES] = { { // MYCOMPUT_COMPUTER structuuidNodetypeComputer, lstruuidNodetypeComputer }, { // MYCOMPUT_SYSTEMTOOLS structuuidNodetypeSystemTools, lstruuidNodetypeSystemTools }, { // MYCOMPUT_SERVERAPPS structuuidNodetypeServerApps, lstruuidNodetypeServerApps }, { // MYCOMPUT_STORAGE structuuidNodetypeStorage, lstruuidNodetypeStorage } }; const struct NODETYPE_GUID_ARRAYSTRUCT* g_aNodetypeGuids = g_NodetypeGuids; const int g_cNumNodetypeGuids = MYCOMPUT_NUMTYPES; // // CMyComputerCookie // // returns <0, 0 or >0 HRESULT CMyComputerCookie::CompareSimilarCookies( CCookie* pOtherCookie, int* pnResult ) { // ISSUE-2002/02/27-JonN handle NULL ASSERT( NULL != pOtherCookie ); CMyComputerCookie* pcookie = ((CMyComputerCookie*)pOtherCookie); if (m_objecttype != pcookie->m_objecttype) { *pnResult = ((int)m_objecttype) - ((int)pcookie->m_objecttype); // arbitrary ordering return S_OK; } return CHasMachineName::CompareMachineNames( *pcookie, pnResult ); } CCookie* CMyComputerCookie::QueryBaseCookie(int i) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (i); ASSERT( i == 0 ); return (CCookie*)this; } int CMyComputerCookie::QueryNumCookies() { return 1; }