#ifndef __CACHE_CPP #define __CACHE_CPP /*++ Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Thread.cpp Abstract: Enhancements to current functionality: Timeout mechanism should track across waits. AddRef/Release on task when scheduling. Enhancement Ticker logic. History: --*/ #include /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ #if 0 // // The template argument for the below two operator functions // can never be deduced so I'm moving them to class WmiUniqueTimeout // // [TGani] // template bool operator == ( const typename WmiCacheController :: WmiUniqueTimeout &a_Arg1 , const typename WmiCacheController :: WmiUniqueTimeout &a_Arg2 ) { LONG t_Compare ; if ( ( t_Compare = a_Arg1.GetTicks () - a_Arg2.GetTicks () ) == 0 ) { t_Compare = a_Arg1.GetCounter () - a_Arg2.GetCounter () ; } return t_Compare == 0 ? true : false ; } template bool operator < ( const typename WmiCacheController :: WmiUniqueTimeout &a_Arg1 , const typename WmiCacheController :: WmiUniqueTimeout &a_Arg2 ) { LONG t_Compare ; if ( ( t_Compare = a_Arg1.GetTicks () - a_Arg2.GetTicks () ) == 0 ) { t_Compare = a_Arg1.GetCounter () - a_Arg2.GetCounter () ; } return t_Compare < 0 ? true : false ; } #endif //0 /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiCacheController :: WmiCacheController ( WmiAllocator &a_Allocator ) : m_Allocator ( a_Allocator ) , m_Cache ( a_Allocator ) , m_CacheDecay ( a_Allocator ) , m_ReferenceCount ( 0 ) , m_Counter ( 0 ), m_CriticalSection(NOTHROW_LOCK) { } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiCacheController :: ~WmiCacheController () { } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) WmiCacheController :: AddRef () { return InterlockedIncrement ( & m_ReferenceCount ) ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) WmiCacheController :: Release () { ULONG t_ReferenceCount = InterlockedDecrement ( & m_ReferenceCount ) ; if ( t_ReferenceCount == 0 ) { delete this ; } return t_ReferenceCount ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template STDMETHODIMP WmiCacheController :: QueryInterface ( REFIID , LPVOID FAR * ) { return E_NOINTERFACE ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Initialize () { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Cache.Initialize () ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_StatusCode = m_CacheDecay.Initialize () ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_StatusCode = WmiHelper :: InitializeCriticalSection ( & m_CriticalSection ) ; } } return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: UnInitialize () { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Cache.UnInitialize () ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_StatusCode = m_CacheDecay.UnInitialize () ; } WmiHelper :: DeleteCriticalSection ( & m_CriticalSection ) ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Insert ( WmiCacheElement &a_Element , Cache_Iterator &a_Iterator ) { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = e_StatusCode_Success ; Lock () ; Cache_Iterator t_Iterator ; t_StatusCode = m_Cache.Insert ( a_Element.GetKey () , & a_Element , t_Iterator ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { a_Element.InternalAddRef () ; a_Element.SetCached ( TRUE ) ; } UnLock () ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Delete ( const WmiKey &a_Key ) { Lock () ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Cache.Delete ( a_Key ) ; UnLock () ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Find ( const WmiKey &a_Key , Cache_Iterator &a_Iterator ) { Lock () ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Cache.Find ( a_Key , a_Iterator ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { a_Iterator.GetElement ()->AddRef ( ) ; } UnLock () ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Lock () { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = WmiHelper :: EnterCriticalSection ( & m_CriticalSection ) ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: UnLock () { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = WmiHelper :: LeaveCriticalSection ( & m_CriticalSection ) ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Shutdown () { Lock () ; ULONG t_Index = 0 ; while ( true ) { WmiUniqueTimeout t_Key ; WmiCacheElement *t_Element = NULL ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_CacheDecay.Top ( t_Key , t_Element ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_Index ++ ; t_StatusCode = m_CacheDecay.DeQueue () ; } else { break ; } } ULONG t_ElementCount = m_Cache.Size () ; WmiCacheElement **t_Elements = NULL ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Allocator.New ( ( void ** ) & t_Elements , sizeof ( WmiCacheElement ) * t_ElementCount ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { for ( ULONG t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < t_ElementCount ; t_Index ++ ) { t_Elements [ t_Index ] = NULL ; } ULONG t_ElementIndex = 0 ; Cache_Iterator t_Iterator = m_Cache.Root (); while ( ! t_Iterator.Null () ) { if ( t_Iterator.GetElement ()->GetDecayed () == FALSE ) { WmiCacheElement *t_Element = t_Iterator.GetElement () ; t_Elements [ t_ElementIndex ] = t_Element ; t_Element->SetDecayed ( TRUE ) ; t_Element->SetDecaying ( FALSE ) ; t_Element->SetCached ( FALSE ) ; m_Cache.Delete ( t_Iterator.GetKey () ) ; } else { m_Cache.Delete ( t_Iterator.GetKey () ) ; } t_ElementIndex ++ ; t_Iterator = m_Cache.Root () ; } } UnLock () ; if ( t_Elements ) { for ( ULONG t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < t_ElementCount ; t_Index ++ ) { if ( t_Elements [ t_Index ] ) { t_Elements [ t_Index ]->InternalRelease () ; } } m_Allocator.Delete ( t_Elements ) ; } return e_StatusCode_Success ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Shutdown ( const WmiKey &a_Key ) { Lock () ; Cache_Iterator t_Iterator ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Cache.Find ( a_Key , t_Iterator ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { if ( t_Iterator.GetElement ()->GetDecayed () == FALSE ) { CacheDecay_Iterator t_QueueIterator = m_CacheDecay.Begin () ; while ( ! t_QueueIterator.Null () ) { WmiCacheElement *t_Element = t_QueueIterator.GetElement () ; if ( t_Element == t_Iterator.GetElement () ) { m_CacheDecay.Delete ( t_QueueIterator.GetKey () ) ; break ; } t_QueueIterator.Increment () ; } WmiCacheElement *t_Element = t_Iterator.GetElement () ; t_Element->SetDecayed ( TRUE ) ; t_Element->SetDecaying ( FALSE ) ; t_Element->SetCached ( FALSE ) ; m_Cache.Delete ( a_Key ) ; UnLock () ; t_Element->InternalRelease () ; } else { m_Cache.Delete ( a_Key ) ; UnLock () ; } } else { UnLock () ; } return e_StatusCode_Success ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: StrobeBegin ( const ULONG &a_Timeout ) { return e_StatusCode_Success ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Strobe ( ULONG &a_NextStrobeDelta ) { while ( true ) { Lock () ; WmiUniqueTimeout t_Key ; WmiCacheElement *t_Element = NULL ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_CacheDecay.Top ( t_Key , t_Element ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { a_NextStrobeDelta = ( a_NextStrobeDelta < t_Element->GetPeriod () ) ? a_NextStrobeDelta : t_Element->GetPeriod () ; ULONG t_Ticks = GetTickCount () ; #if 0 wchar_t t_Buffer [ 128 ] ; wsprintf ( t_Buffer , L"\n%lx - Checking ( %lx , %lx ) " , t_Ticks , t_Element , t_Key.GetTicks () ) ; OutputDebugString ( t_Buffer ) ; #endif if ( t_Ticks >= t_Key.GetTicks () ) { if ( t_Element->GetDecaying () ) { #if 0 wchar_t t_Buffer [ 128 ] ; wsprintf ( t_Buffer , L"\n%lx - Strobe ( %lx , %lx ) " , t_Ticks , t_Element , t_Key.GetTicks () ) ; OutputDebugString ( t_Buffer ) ; #endif t_Element->SetDecaying ( FALSE ) ; t_Element->SetDecayed ( TRUE ) ; t_StatusCode = m_CacheDecay.DeQueue () ; UnLock () ; t_Element->InternalRelease () ; } else { t_StatusCode = m_CacheDecay.DeQueue () ; UnLock () ; } } else { UnLock () ; break ; } } else { UnLock () ; break ; } } return e_StatusCode_Success ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiCacheController :: Decay ( WmiCacheElement &a_Element ) { Lock () ; ULONG t_Size = m_CacheDecay.Size () ; Cache_Iterator t_Iterator ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Cache.Find ( a_Element.GetKey () , t_Iterator ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { BOOL t_Found = FALSE ; CacheDecay_Iterator t_QueueIterator = m_CacheDecay.Begin () ; while ( ! t_QueueIterator.Null () ) { WmiCacheElement *t_Element = t_QueueIterator.GetElement () ; if ( t_Element == & a_Element ) { m_CacheDecay.Delete ( t_QueueIterator.GetKey () ) ; break ; } t_QueueIterator.Increment () ; } ULONG t_Ticks = GetTickCount () ; WmiUniqueTimeout t_Key ( t_Ticks + a_Element.GetPeriod () , InterlockedIncrement ( & m_Counter ) ) ; #if 0 wchar_t t_Buffer [ 128 ] ; wsprintf ( t_Buffer , L"\n%lx - Decaying ( %lx , %lx , %lx ) " , t_Ticks , & a_Element , t_Ticks + a_Element.GetPeriod () , a_Element.GetPeriod () ) ; OutputDebugString ( t_Buffer ) ; #endif t_StatusCode = m_CacheDecay.EnQueue ( t_Key , t_Iterator.GetElement () ) ; UnLock () ; if ( t_Size == 0 ) { StrobeBegin ( a_Element.GetPeriod () ) ; } if ( t_StatusCode != e_StatusCode_Success ) { a_Element.InternalRelease () ; } } else { UnLock () ; } return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiContainerController :: WmiContainerController ( WmiAllocator &a_Allocator ) : m_Container ( a_Allocator ) , m_ReferenceCount ( 0 ), m_CriticalSection(NOTHROW_LOCK) { } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiContainerController :: ~WmiContainerController () { } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) WmiContainerController :: AddRef () { return InterlockedIncrement ( & m_ReferenceCount ) ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) WmiContainerController :: Release () { ULONG t_ReferenceCount = InterlockedDecrement ( & m_ReferenceCount ) ; if ( t_ReferenceCount == 0 ) { delete this ; } return t_ReferenceCount ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template STDMETHODIMP WmiContainerController :: QueryInterface ( REFIID , LPVOID FAR * ) { return E_NOINTERFACE ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: Initialize () { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Container.Initialize () ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_StatusCode = WmiHelper :: InitializeCriticalSection ( & m_CriticalSection ) ; } return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: UnInitialize () { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Container.UnInitialize () ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_StatusCode = WmiHelper :: DeleteCriticalSection ( & m_CriticalSection ) ; } return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: Insert ( WmiContainerElement &a_Element , Container_Iterator &a_Iterator ) { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = e_StatusCode_Success ; Lock () ; Container_Iterator t_Iterator ; t_StatusCode = m_Container.Insert ( a_Element.GetKey () , & a_Element , t_Iterator ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { a_Element.InternalAddRef () ; a_Element.SetCached ( TRUE ) ; } UnLock () ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: Delete ( const WmiKey &a_Key ) { Lock () ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Container.Delete ( a_Key ) ; UnLock () ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: Find ( const WmiKey &a_Key , Container_Iterator &a_Iterator ) { Lock () ; WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_Container.Find ( a_Key , a_Iterator ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { a_Iterator.GetElement ()->AddRef ( ) ; } UnLock () ; return t_StatusCode ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: Lock () { return WmiHelper :: EnterCriticalSection ( & m_CriticalSection ) ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: UnLock () { WmiHelper :: LeaveCriticalSection ( & m_CriticalSection ) ; return e_StatusCode_Success ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: Shutdown () { Lock () ; Container_Iterator t_Iterator = m_Container.Root (); while ( ! t_Iterator.Null () ) { m_Container.Delete ( t_Iterator.GetKey () ) ; t_Iterator = m_Container.Root () ; } UnLock () ; return e_StatusCode_Success ; } /****************************************************************************** * * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/ template WmiStatusCode WmiContainerController :: Strobe ( ULONG &a_NextStrobeDelta ) { return e_StatusCode_Success ; } #endif __CACHE_CPP