cpp_quote("/*******************************************************************************/" ) cpp_quote("/* */" ) cpp_quote("/* Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */" ) cpp_quote("/* */" ) /* transact.IDL */ /* */ cpp_quote("/* The basic transaction interfaces and types. */" ) cpp_quote("/* */" ) cpp_quote("/*******************************************************************************/" ) import "unknwn.idl"; // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface ITransaction; cpp_quote("#ifndef DECLSPEC_UUID") cpp_quote("#if _MSC_VER >= 1100") cpp_quote("#define DECLSPEC_UUID(x) __declspec(uuid(x))") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("#define DECLSPEC_UUID(x)") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#endif") //========================================================================== // Transaction related types //========================================================================== [local,pointer_default(unique)] interface BasicTransactionTypes { typedef struct BOID { byte rgb[16]; } BOID; cpp_quote("#define BOID_NULL (*((BOID*)(&IID_NULL)))") // change the following two line together cpp_quote("#ifndef MAX_TRAN_DESC_DEFINED") // conflicts with uimsg.h. This is temporary work around cpp_quote("#define MAX_TRAN_DESC_DEFINED") typedef enum TX_MISC_CONSTANTS { MAX_TRAN_DESC = 40 } TX_MISC_CONSTANTS; cpp_quote("#endif") // Unit Of Work. typedef BOID XACTUOW; // Data type for isolation level values. typedef LONG ISOLEVEL; // Constants that specifiy isolation level of a transaction. typedef enum ISOLATIONLEVEL { ISOLATIONLEVEL_UNSPECIFIED = 0xFFFFFFFF, // ISOLATIONLEVEL_CHAOS = 0x00000010, // ISOLATIONLEVEL_READUNCOMMITTED = 0x00000100, // ISOLATIONLEVEL_BROWSE = 0x00000100, // Synonym for _READUNCOMITTED ISOLATIONLEVEL_CURSORSTABILITY = 0x00001000, // ISOLATIONLEVEL_READCOMMITTED = 0x00001000, // Synonym for _CURSORSTABILITY ISOLATIONLEVEL_REPEATABLEREAD = 0x00010000, // ISOLATIONLEVEL_SERIALIZABLE = 0x00100000, // ISOLATIONLEVEL_ISOLATED = 0x00100000, // Synonym for _SERIALIZABLE } ISOLATIONLEVEL; // Transaction information structure, used in ITransaction typedef struct XACTTRANSINFO { XACTUOW uow; // The current unit of work ISOLEVEL isoLevel; // The isolation level for the current UOW ULONG isoFlags; // Values from ISOFLAG enumeration DWORD grfTCSupported; // Flags indicating capabilities DWORD grfRMSupported; // ... of this transaction wrt DWORD grfTCSupportedRetaining; // ... parameters to Commit DWORD grfRMSupportedRetaining; // ... } XACTTRANSINFO; typedef struct XACTSTATS { ULONG cOpen; // The number of currently extant transactions. ULONG cCommitting; // The number of transactions which are proceding towards committing. ULONG cCommitted; // The number of transactions that are have been committed. ULONG cAborting; // The number of transactions which are in the process of aborting. ULONG cAborted; // The number of transactions that are have been aborted. ULONG cInDoubt; // The number of transactions which are presently in doubt. ULONG cHeuristicDecision; // The number of transactions that have completed by heuristic decision. FILETIME timeTransactionsUp; // The amount of time that this transaction service has been up. } XACTSTATS; // @enum ISOFLAG | Used in and . typedef enum ISOFLAG { ISOFLAG_RETAIN_COMMIT_DC = 1, // Use just one of ISOFLAG_RETAIN_COMMIT values ISOFLAG_RETAIN_COMMIT = 2, // ISOFLAG_RETAIN_COMMIT_NO = 3, // ISOFLAG_RETAIN_ABORT_DC = 4, // Use just one of ISOFLAG_RETAIN_ABORT values ISOFLAG_RETAIN_ABORT = 8, // ISOFLAG_RETAIN_ABORT_NO = 12, // ISOFLAG_RETAIN_DONTCARE = ISOFLAG_RETAIN_COMMIT_DC | ISOFLAG_RETAIN_ABORT_DC, // ISOFLAG_RETAIN_BOTH = ISOFLAG_RETAIN_COMMIT | ISOFLAG_RETAIN_ABORT, // ISOFLAG_RETAIN_NONE = ISOFLAG_RETAIN_COMMIT_NO | ISOFLAG_RETAIN_ABORT_NO, // ISOFLAG_OPTIMISTIC = 16, // ISOFLAG_READONLY = 32 // } ISOFLAG; // Used in ITransactionDispenser // A bit field of 32 bits; be sure to mask before comparing. typedef enum XACTTC { XACTTC_SYNC_PHASEONE = 1, XACTTC_SYNC_PHASETWO = 2, XACTTC_SYNC = 2, // nb alias for XACTTC_SYNC_PHASETWO XACTTC_ASYNC_PHASEONE = 4, XACTTC_ASYNC = 4 // nb alias for XACTTC_ASYNC_PHASEONE } XACTTC; // Used in ITransactionDispenser // A bit field of 32 bits; be sure to mask before comparing. typedef enum XACTRM { XACTRM_OPTIMISTICLASTWINS = 1, // XACTRM_NOREADONLYPREPARES = 2, // } XACTRM; typedef enum XACTCONST { XACTCONST_TIMEOUTINFINITE = 0, // } XACTCONST; typedef enum XACTHEURISTIC { XACTHEURISTIC_ABORT = 1, XACTHEURISTIC_COMMIT = 2, XACTHEURISTIC_DAMAGE = 3, XACTHEURISTIC_DANGER = 4, } XACTHEURISTIC; typedef enum XACTSTAT { XACTSTAT_NONE = 0x00000000, XACTSTAT_OPENNORMAL = 0x00000001, XACTSTAT_OPENREFUSED = 0x00000002, XACTSTAT_PREPARING = 0x00000004, XACTSTAT_PREPARED = 0x00000008, XACTSTAT_PREPARERETAINING = 0x00000010, XACTSTAT_PREPARERETAINED = 0x00000020, XACTSTAT_COMMITTING = 0x00000040, XACTSTAT_COMMITRETAINING = 0x00000080, XACTSTAT_ABORTING = 0x00000100, XACTSTAT_ABORTED = 0x00000200, XACTSTAT_COMMITTED = 0x00000400, XACTSTAT_HEURISTIC_ABORT = 0x00000800, XACTSTAT_HEURISTIC_COMMIT = 0x00001000, XACTSTAT_HEURISTIC_DAMAGE = 0x00002000, XACTSTAT_HEURISTIC_DANGER = 0x00004000, XACTSTAT_FORCED_ABORT = 0x00008000, XACTSTAT_FORCED_COMMIT = 0x00010000, XACTSTAT_INDOUBT = 0x00020000, XACTSTAT_CLOSED = 0x00040000, XACTSTAT_OPEN = 0x00000003, XACTSTAT_NOTPREPARED = 0x0007FFC3, XACTSTAT_ALL = 0x0007FFFF, } XACTSTAT; typedef struct XACTOPT { // Transaction configuration options ULONG ulTimeout; // timeout in milliseconds char szDescription[MAX_TRAN_DESC]; // description string for admin tools } XACTOPT; // //========================================================================== // Error code definitions for all transaction related functionality. //========================================================================== // typedef enum XACT_E { XACT_E_FIRST = 0x8004D000, XACT_E_LAST = 0x8004D01E, XACT_S_FIRST = 0x0004D000, XACT_S_LAST = 0x0004D009, XACT_E_ALREADYOTHERSINGLEPHASE = 0x8004D000, XACT_E_CANTRETAIN = 0x8004D001, XACT_E_COMMITFAILED = 0x8004D002, XACT_E_COMMITPREVENTED = 0x8004D003, XACT_E_HEURISTICABORT = 0x8004D004, XACT_E_HEURISTICCOMMIT = 0x8004D005, XACT_E_HEURISTICDAMAGE = 0x8004D006, XACT_E_HEURISTICDANGER = 0x8004D007, XACT_E_ISOLATIONLEVEL = 0x8004D008, XACT_E_NOASYNC = 0x8004D009, XACT_E_NOENLIST = 0x8004D00A, XACT_E_NOISORETAIN = 0x8004D00B, XACT_E_NORESOURCE = 0x8004D00C, XACT_E_NOTCURRENT = 0x8004D00D, XACT_E_NOTRANSACTION = 0x8004D00E, XACT_E_NOTSUPPORTED = 0x8004D00F, XACT_E_UNKNOWNRMGRID = 0x8004D010, XACT_E_WRONGSTATE = 0x8004D011, XACT_E_WRONGUOW = 0x8004D012, XACT_E_XTIONEXISTS = 0x8004D013, XACT_E_NOIMPORTOBJECT = 0x8004D014, XACT_E_INVALIDCOOKIE = 0x8004D015, XACT_E_INDOUBT = 0x8004D016, XACT_E_NOTIMEOUT = 0x8004D017, XACT_E_ALREADYINPROGRESS = 0x8004D018, XACT_E_ABORTED = 0x8004D019, XACT_E_LOGFULL = 0x8004D01A, XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE = 0x8004D01B, XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN = 0x8004D01C, XACT_E_CONNECTION_DENIED = 0x8004D01D, XACT_E_REENLISTTIMEOUT = 0x8004D01E, XACT_S_ASYNC = 0x0004D000, XACT_S_DEFECT = 0x0004D001, XACT_S_READONLY = 0x0004D002, XACT_S_SOMENORETAIN = 0x0004D003, XACT_S_OKINFORM = 0x0004D004, XACT_S_MADECHANGESCONTENT = 0x0004D005, XACT_S_MADECHANGESINFORM = 0x0004D006, XACT_S_ALLNORETAIN = 0x0004D007, XACT_S_ABORTING = 0x0004D008, XACT_S_SINGLEPHASE = 0x0004D009, } XACT_E; } // //========================================================================== // Basic transaction interfaces //========================================================================== // // Transaction interface, single phase [object,uuid(0fb15084-af41-11ce-bd2b-204c4f4f5020), pointer_default(unique)] interface ITransaction : IUnknown { HRESULT Commit ( [in] BOOL fRetaining, [in] DWORD grfTC, [in] DWORD grfRM ); HRESULT Abort ( [in, unique] BOID* pboidReason, [in] BOOL fRetaining, [in] BOOL fAsync ); HRESULT GetTransactionInfo ( [out] XACTTRANSINFO* pinfo ); }