############################################################################ # # Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved # # All rights reserved. # ############################################################################ WMIPRECOMPSHARED=1 !include ..\..\..\..\common\makefile.cmn SOURCES_USED=..\..\..\..\common\makefile.cmn TARGETNAME=Cimwin32Library TARGETPATH=obj TARGETTYPE=LIBRARY # The INCLUDES variable specifies any include paths that are specific to # this source directory. Separate multiple paths with single # semicolons. Relative path specifications are okay. INCLUDES=$(INCLUDES); \ $(UTILLIB_INC); \ $(STDLIBRARY_INC); \ $(CIMWIN32_LIB_INC); \ $(FRAMEDYN_PRIVATE); \ $(WMIIDL_INC); \ $(CRT_INC_PATH); \ $(NET_INC_PATH); \ $(BASE_INC_PATH) # The developer defines the SOURCES macro. It contains a list of all the # source files for this component. Specify each source file on a separate # line using the line-continuation character. This minimizes merge # conflicts if two developers are adding source files to the same component. MISCSOURCES= \ ..\confgmgr.cpp PRESOURCES= \ ..\assoc.cpp \ ..\binding.cpp \ ..\AdvApi32Api.cpp \ ..\cfgmgrdevice.cpp \ ..\chwres.cpp \ ..\configmgrapi.cpp \ ..\CAutoLock.cpp \ ..\CCriticalSec.cpp \ ..\CGlobal.cpp \ ..\CKernel.cpp \ ..\CMutex.cpp \ ..\devdesc.cpp \ ..\dllcommon.cpp \ ..\dllutils.cpp \ ..\dllunreg.cpp \ ..\DllWrapperbase.cpp \ ..\DMADesc.cpp \ ..\EventProvider.cpp \ ..\FactoryRouter.cpp \ ..\iodesc.cpp \ ..\irqdesc.cpp \ ..\implogonuser.cpp \ ..\Kernel32Api.cpp \ ..\RefPtrLite.cpp \ ..\ResourceDesc.cpp \ ..\ResourceManager.cpp \ ..\secureshare.cpp \ ..\securityApi.cpp \ ..\strings.cpp \ ..\Sid.cpp \ ..\SvrApiApi.cpp \ ..\TimerQueue.cpp \ ..\TimedDllResource.cpp \ ..\TimeOutRule.cpp \ ..\NetApi32Api.cpp \ ..\Nt4SvcToResMap.cpp \ ..\NtDevToSvcSearch.cpp \ ..\perfdata.cpp \ ..\UserEnvApi.cpp \ ..\userhive.cpp \ ..\WbemPsApi.cpp \ ..\WmiApi.cpp \ ..\Ws2_32Api.cpp \ ..\Wsock32Api.cpp \ ..\wbemnetapi32.cpp \ ..\cluidhelper.cpp NTSOURCES=$(NTSOURCES) \ ..\WMI_FilePrivateProfile.cpp \ ..\profilestring.cpp \ ..\session.cpp \ ..\MprApi.cpp \ ..\MsAcm32Api.cpp \ ..\NtDllApi.cpp \ ..\WinmmApi.cpp \ # ..\WinSpoolApi.cpp \ ..\computerAPI.cpp # Next, specify options for the compiler using C_DEFINES. C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) /D__WINNT_BUILD__ WIN32_WINNT_VERSION=0x0500 USE_NATIVE_EH=ASYNC USE_MSVCRT=1 USE_VCCOM=1 USE_IOSTREAM=1 USE_STL=1 !ifdef USE_FRAMEDYD DEBUG_CRTS=1 !endif