on error resume next Set Locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") Set Service = Locator.ConnectServer("ludlow", "root\cimv2") WScript.Echo "Service initial settings:" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & Service.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & Service.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" Service.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 2 'wbemAuthenticationLevelConnect Service.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3 'wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate WScript.Echo "Service modified settings (expecting {2,3}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & Service.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & Service.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" 'Now get a class Set aClass = Service.Get("Win32_LogicalDisk") WScript.Echo "Class initial settings (expecting {2,3}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & aClass.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & aClass.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" aClass.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 6 'wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy aClass.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 2 'wbemImpersonationLevelIdentify WScript.Echo "Class modified settings (expecting {6,2}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & aClass.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & aClass.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" 'Now get an enumeration from the object Set Disks = aClass.Instances_ WScript.Echo "Collection A initial settings (expecting {6,2}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & Disks.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & Disks.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" 'For grins print them out For Each Disk In Disks WScript.Echo Disk.Path_.DisplayName WScript.Echo Disk.Security_.AuthenticationLevel & ":" & Disk.Security_.ImpersonationLevel Next WScript.Echo "" Disks.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 4 'wbemAuthenticationLevelPkt Disks.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 1 'wbemImpersonationLevelAnonymous WScript.Echo "Collection A modified settings (expecting {4,1}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & Disks.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & Disks.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" 'Now get an enumeration from the service Set Services = Service.InstancesOf("Win32_service") WScript.Echo "Collection B initial settings (expecting {2,3}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & Services.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & Services.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" 'For grins print them out For Each MyService In Services WScript.Echo MyService.Path_.DisplayName WScript.Echo MyService.Security_.AuthenticationLevel & ":" & MyService.Security_.ImpersonationLevel Next WScript.Echo "" Services.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 3 'wbemAuthenticationLevelCall Services.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 4 'wbemImpersonationLevelDelegate WScript.Echo "Collection B modified settings (expecting {3,4} or {4,4}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & Services.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & Services.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" 'Print out again as settings should have changed For Each MyService In Services WScript.Echo MyService.Path_.DisplayName WScript.Echo MyService.Security_.AuthenticationLevel & ":" & MyService.Security_.ImpersonationLevel Next WScript.Echo "" 'Now get an event source Set Events = Service.ExecNotificationQuery _ ("select * from __instancecreationevent where targetinstance isa 'Win32_NTLogEvent'") WScript.Echo "Event Source initial settings (expecting {2,3}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & Events.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & Events.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" Events.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 5 'wbemAuthenticationLevelPktIntegrity Events.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 4 'wbemImpersonationLevelDelegate WScript.Echo "Event Source modified settings (expecting {5,4}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & Events.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & Events.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" 'Now generate an error from services Set Class2 = Service.Get("NoSuchClassss") If Err <> 0 Then Set MyError = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLastError") WScript.Echo "ERROR: " & Err.Description & "," & "0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & "," & Err.Source WScript.Echo "Error object initial settings (expecting {2,3}):" WScript.Echo "Authentication: " & MyError.Security_.AuthenticationLevel WScript.Echo "Impersonation: " & MyError.Security_.ImpersonationLevel WScript.Echo "" Err.Clear End If WScript.Echo "FINAL SETTINGS" WScript.Echo "==============" WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Service settings (expected {2,3}) = {" & Service.Security_.AuthenticationLevel _ & "," & Service.Security_.ImpersonationLevel & "}" WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Class settings (expected {6,2}) = {" & aClass.Security_.AuthenticationLevel _ & "," & aClass.Security_.ImpersonationLevel & "}" WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Collection A settings (expected {4,1}) = {" & Disks.Security_.AuthenticationLevel _ & "," & Disks.Security_.ImpersonationLevel & "}" WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Collection B settings (expected {4,4} or {3,4}) = {" & Services.Security_.AuthenticationLevel _ & "," & Services.Security_.ImpersonationLevel & "}" WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Event Source settings (expected {5,4}) = {" & Events.Security_.AuthenticationLevel _ & "," & Events.Security_.ImpersonationLevel & "}" If Err <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "ERROR: " & Err.Description & "," & "0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & "," & Err.Source End If WScript.Echo Services.Count & "+" & Disks.Count