On Error Resume Next while true Set context = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet") 'Try to add a null context.Add "J", null Set namedValue = context.Add("fred", 23) context("fred").Value = 12 context.Add "Hah", true context.Add "Whoah", "Freddy the frog" context.Add "Bam", Array(3456, 10, 12) 'Test collection behavior for each value in context if (IsNull (value)) Then WScript.Echo value.Name, "NULL" else if (IsArray (value)) Then Dim str str = value.Name & " {" V = value.Value for x=LBound(value) to UBound(value) if x <> LBound(value) Then str = str & ", " End If str2 = V(x) str = str & str2 Next str = str & "}" WScript.Echo str Else WScript.Echo value.Name, value End if end if next if Err <> 0 Then WScript.Echo Err.Description Err.Clear End if wend 'Test Count property WScript.Echo "There are", context.Count, "elements in the context" 'Test Removal context.Remove("hah") WScript.Echo "There are", context.Count, "elements in the context" 'Test Removal when element not present (NB: context names are case-insensitive) context.Remove("Hah") WScript.Echo "There are", context.Count, "elements in the context" 'Iterate through the names WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Here are the names:" WScript.Echo "==================" for each value in context WScript.Echo value.Name Next 'Test array access and default property of NamedValue WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Whoah element of context = ", context("Whoah")