On Error Resume Next while true WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Create an Object Path" WScript.Echo "" Set d = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemObjectPath") d.Path = "\\ALANBOS3\ROOT\DEFAULT:Foo.Bar=12,Wibble=""Hah""" DumpPath(d) d.RelPath = "Hmm.G=1,H=3" WScript.Echo "" DumpPath(d) Set d = Nothing WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Extract an Object Path from a class" WScript.Echo "" Set c = GetObject("winmgmts:").Get c.Path_.Class = "PATHTEST00" Set p = c.Put_ DumpPath(p) WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Extract an Object Path from a singleton" WScript.Echo "" Set i = GetObject("winmgmts:root/default:__cimomidentification=@") Set p = i.Path_ DumpPath(p) WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Extract an Object Path from a keyed instance" WScript.Echo "" Set i = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!win32_logicaldisk=""C:""") Set p = i.Path_ DumpPath(p) if Err <> 0 then WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "!Error:", Err.Number, Err.Description End if 'try to modify this path - should get an error WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Attempt illegal modification of object path class" WScript.Echo "" p.Class = "WHoops" if Err <> 0 then WScript.Echo "Trapped error successfully:", Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description Err.Clear else WScript.Echo "FAILED to trap error" end if WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Attempt illegal modification of object path keys" WScript.Echo "" p.Keys.Remove ("DeviceID") if Err <> 0 then WScript.Echo "Trapped error successfully:", Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description Err.Clear else WScript.Echo "FAILED to trap error" end if WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Clone keys" WScript.Echo "" Set newKeys = p.Keys.Clone DumpKeys (newKeys) WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Change Cloned keys" WScript.Echo "" 'Note that the cloned copy of Keys _should_ be mutable newKeys.Add "fred", 23 newKeys.Remove "DeviceID" DumpKeys (newKeys) Sub DumpPath(p) WScript.Echo "Path=", p.Path WScript.Echo "RelPath=",p.RelPath WScript.Echo "Class=", p.Class WScript.Echo "Server=", p.Server WScript.Echo "Namespace=", p.Namespace WScript.Echo "DisplayName=", p.DisplayName WScript.Echo "ParentNamespace=", p.ParentNamespace WScript.Echo "IsClass=", p.IsClass WScript.Echo "IsSingleton=", p.IsSingleton DumpKeys (p.Keys) end Sub Sub DumpKeys (keys) for each key in keys WScript.Echo "KeyName:", key.Name, "KeyValue:", key.Value next end Sub wend