/*******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Copyright - Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */ /* */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include class CDbVerRead : public CPersistentConfig { public: BOOL ReadDbVer(DWORD &dwVal) { return GetPersistentCfgValue(PERSIST_CFGVAL_CORE_FSREP_VERSION, dwVal); } }; class CUniqueStringPair { private: CFlexArray m_array; class CStringPair { public: wchar_t *m_wsz1; wchar_t *m_wsz2; CStringPair(const wchar_t *wsz1, const wchar_t *wsz2) { m_wsz1 = new wchar_t [wcslen(wsz1)+1]; m_wsz2 = new wchar_t [wcslen(wsz2)+1]; if (m_wsz1 && m_wsz2) { StringCchCopyW(m_wsz1, wcslen(wsz1)+1, wsz1); StringCchCopyW(m_wsz2, wcslen(wsz2)+1, wsz2); } else { delete [] m_wsz1; delete [] m_wsz2; m_wsz1 = NULL; m_wsz2 = NULL; throw CX_MemoryException(); } } ~CStringPair() { delete [] m_wsz1; delete [] m_wsz2; } }; public: CUniqueStringPair() {} ~CUniqueStringPair() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i != m_array.Size(); i++) { CStringPair *pEntry = (CStringPair*)m_array[i]; delete pEntry; m_array[i] = NULL; } m_array.Empty(); } HRESULT AddStrings(const wchar_t *wszKey, const wchar_t *wsz) { wchar_t *wszExisting = NULL; HRESULT hRes = FindStrings(wszKey, &wszExisting); if (hRes == WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) { CStringPair *pEntry = new CStringPair(wszKey, wsz); if (pEntry) { if (m_array.Add(pEntry) != 0) hRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; else hRes = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } else { hRes = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } return hRes; } HRESULT FindStrings(const wchar_t *wszKey, wchar_t **wsz) { HRESULT hRes = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; for (unsigned int i = 0; i != m_array.Size(); i++) { CStringPair *pEntry = (CStringPair*) m_array[i]; if (wcscmp(wszKey, pEntry->m_wsz1) == 0) { *wsz = pEntry->m_wsz2; hRes = WBEM_NO_ERROR; break; } } return hRes; } HRESULT RemoveString(const wchar_t *wszKey) { HRESULT hRes = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; for (unsigned int i = 0; i != m_array.Size(); i++) { CStringPair *pEntry = (CStringPair*) m_array[i]; if (wcscmp(wszKey, pEntry->m_wsz1) == 0) { delete pEntry; m_array.RemoveAt(i); hRes = WBEM_NO_ERROR; break; } } return hRes; } CStringPair* operator [] (int nSubscript) { if (nSubscript >= Size()) return (CStringPair*)NULL; else return (CStringPair*)m_array[nSubscript]; } size_t Size() { return m_array.Size(); } }; class CLocalizationUpgrade { public: CLocalizationUpgrade(CLifeControl* pControl, CRepository * pRepository); ~CLocalizationUpgrade(); HRESULT DoUpgrade(); private: CRepository * m_pRepository; CLifeControl* m_pControl; CUniqueStringPair m_keyHash; //Keyed on: OLD HASH CUniqueStringPair m_pathHash; //Keyed on: OLD PATH HASH CUniqueStringPair m_namespaces; //Keyed on: Namespace Path wchar_t m_namespaceClassHash[MAX_HASH_LEN+1]; wchar_t m_emptyClassHash[MAX_HASH_LEN+1]; wchar_t m_systemNamespaceHash[MAX_HASH_LEN+1]; int m_pass; HRESULT ProcessSystemClassesRecursively(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, const wchar_t *namespaceHash, const wchar_t *parentClassHash); HRESULT EnumerateChildNamespaces(const wchar_t *wsRootNamespace); HRESULT ProcessClassesRecursively(CNamespaceHandle *pNs,const wchar_t *namespaceHash, const wchar_t *classHash); HRESULT ProcessClass(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, const wchar_t *namespaceHash, const wchar_t *parentClassHash, const wchar_t *childClassHash); HRESULT EnumerateInstances(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, const wchar_t *wszNewNamespaceHash); HRESULT ProcessNamespaceCollisions(); HRESULT DeleteNamespaceRecursive(const wchar_t *wszFullNamespacePath); HRESULT DeleteNamespace(const wchar_t *wszNamespaceName, const wchar_t *wszNamespaceHash); HRESULT DeleteClass(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, CFileName &wszClassDefinitionPath); HRESULT DeleteChildClasses(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, const wchar_t *wszParentClassDefinition); HRESULT DeleteInstances(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, const wchar_t *wszClassDefinition, CFileName &wszKeyRootClass); HRESULT DeleteInstance(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, const wchar_t *wszClassInstanceLink, CFileName &wszKeyRoot); HRESULT DeleteInstanceReferences(CFileName &wszInstLink); HRESULT DeleteParentChildLink(wchar_t *wszClassDefinition); HRESULT DeleteClassRelationships(CFileName &wszClassDefinitionPath, const wchar_t wszParentClassHash[MAX_HASH_LEN+1]); HRESULT RetrieveKeyRootClass(CFileName &wszClassDefinitionPath, CFileName &wszKeyRootClass); HRESULT RetrieveParentClassHash(CFileName &wszClassDefinitionPath, wchar_t wszParentClassHash[MAX_HASH_LEN+1]); HRESULT DeleteInstanceAsNamespace(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, const wchar_t *wszClassInstanceLink); HRESULT ProcessHash(const wchar_t *wszName, bool *bDifferent); HRESULT ProcessFullPath(CFileName &wszName, const wchar_t *wszNewNamespaceHash); HRESULT FixupBTree(); HRESULT FixupNamespace(const wchar_t *wszNamespace); HRESULT FixupIndex(CFileName &oldIndexEntry, CFileName &newIndexEntry, bool &bChanged); HRESULT FixupIndexConflict(CFileName &wszOldIndex); HRESULT FixupIndexReferenceBlob(CFileName &wszReferenceIndex); HRESULT FixupInstanceBlob(CFileName &wszInstanceIndex); HRESULT WriteIndex(CFileName &wszOldIndex, const wchar_t *wszNewIndex); HRESULT WriteClassIndex(CNamespaceHandle *pNs, CFileName &wszOldIndex, const wchar_t *wszNewIndex, bool *bClassDeleted); HRESULT IndexExists(const wchar_t *wszIndex); bool IsClassDefinitionPath(const wchar_t *wszPath); bool IsKeyRootInstancePath(const wchar_t *wszPath); bool IsInstanceReference(const wchar_t *wszPath); HRESULT OldHash(const wchar_t *wszName, wchar_t *wszHash); HRESULT NewHash(const wchar_t *wszName, wchar_t *wszHash); HRESULT GetNewHash(const wchar_t *wszOldHash, wchar_t **pNewHash); HRESULT GetNewPath(const wchar_t *wszOldHash, wchar_t **pNewHash); void OldStringToUpper(wchar_t* pwcTo, const wchar_t* pwcFrom) { while(*pwcFrom) { if(*pwcFrom >= 'a' && *pwcFrom <= 'z') *pwcTo = *pwcFrom + ('A'-'a'); else *pwcTo = *pwcFrom; pwcTo++; pwcFrom++; } *pwcTo = 0; } void NewStringToUpper(wchar_t* pwcTo, const wchar_t* pwcFrom) { while(*pwcFrom) { if(*pwcFrom >= 'a' && *pwcFrom <= 'z') *pwcTo = *pwcFrom + ('A'-'a'); else if(*pwcFrom < 128) *pwcTo = *pwcFrom; else if (LCMapStringW(LOCALE_INVARIANT, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, pwcFrom, 1, pwcTo, 1) == 0) { *pwcTo = *pwcFrom; DEBUGTRACE((LOG_REPDRV, "Failed to convert %C to upper case\n", *pwcFrom)); } pwcTo++; pwcFrom++; } *pwcTo = 0; } };