;++ ; ; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation ; ; Module Name: ; ; hwpci.inc ; ; Abstract: ; ; Author: ; ; Revision History: ; ;-- ; ; PCI_INTERFACE_INT interrupt is the PCI BIOS entry point ; PCI_BIOS_PRESENT AX function code for PCI BIOS entry point ; PCI_READ_CONFIG_DWORD AX function code for PCI BIOS entry point ; PCI_INTERFACE_INT EQU 01AH PCI_BIOS_PRESENT EQU 0B101h PCI_READ_CONFIG_DWORD EQU 0B10Ah ; Down level bios checl PCI10_BIOS_PRESENT EQU 0B001h ; ; Structure for PCI System Data - it is passed to the system ; through the register to inform it what type of PCI support, ; if any, is present. ; PCI_SYSTEM_DATA struc MajorRevision db 0 MinorRevision db 0 NoBuses db 0 HwMechanism db 0 PCI_SYSTEM_DATA ends