#include "bldr.h" #include "bootefi.h" #include "efi.h" #include "smbios.h" #include "stdlib.h" #if defined(_IA64_) #include "bootia64.h" #endif extern EFI_HANDLE EfiImageHandle; extern EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *EfiST; extern EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *EfiBS; // // macro definition // #define EfiPrint(_X) \ { \ if (IsPsrDtOn()) { \ FlipToPhysical(); \ EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, (_X)); \ FlipToVirtual(); \ } \ else { \ EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, (_X)); \ } \ } INTN RUNTIMEFUNCTION CompareGuid( IN EFI_GUID *Guid1, IN EFI_GUID *Guid2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Compares two GUIDs Arguments: Guid1 - guid to compare Guid2 - guid to compare Returns: = 0 if Guid1 == Guid2 --*/ { INT32 *g1, *g2, r; // // Compare 32 bits at a time // g1 = (INT32 *) Guid1; g2 = (INT32 *) Guid2; r = g1[0] - g2[0]; r |= g1[1] - g2[1]; r |= g1[2] - g2[2]; r |= g1[3] - g2[3]; return r; } EFI_STATUS GetSystemConfigurationTable( IN EFI_GUID *TableGuid, IN OUT VOID **Table ) { UINTN Index; // // ST is system table // for(Index=0;IndexNumberOfTableEntries;Index++) { if (CompareGuid(TableGuid,&(EfiST->ConfigurationTable[Index].VendorGuid))==0) { *Table = EfiST->ConfigurationTable[Index].VendorTable; return EFI_SUCCESS; } } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } ARC_STATUS BlGetEfiProtocolHandles( IN EFI_GUID *ProtocolType, OUT EFI_HANDLE **pHandleArray, OUT ULONG *NumberOfDevices ) /*++ Routine Description: Finds all of the handles that support a given protocol type. This routine requires that BlInitializeMemory() has already been called. Arguments: ProtocolType - GUID that describes handle type to search for. pHandleArray - receives an array of handles that support the specified protocol. The page that these handles reside in can be freed via BlFreeDescriptor. NumberOfDevices - receives the number of device handles that support the given protocol Returns: ARC_STATUS indicating outcome. --*/ { EFI_HANDLE *HandleArray = NULL; ULONGLONG HandleArraySize = 0; ULONG MemoryPage; ARC_STATUS ArcStatus; EFI_STATUS EfiStatus; *pHandleArray = NULL; *NumberOfDevices = 0; // // Change to physical mode so that we can make EFI calls // FlipToPhysical(); // EfiPrint(L"In BlGetEfiProtocolHandles\r\n"); // // Try to find out how much space we need. // EfiStatus = EfiBS->LocateHandle ( ByProtocol, ProtocolType, 0, (UINTN *) &HandleArraySize, HandleArray ); FlipToVirtual(); if (EfiStatus != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { // // yikes. something is really messed up. return failure. // // EfiPrint(L"LocateHandle returned failure\r\n"); return(EINVAL); } // EfiPrint(L"About to BlAllocateAlignedDescriptor\r\n"); // // allocate space for the handles. // ArcStatus = BlAllocateAlignedDescriptor( LoaderFirmwareTemporary, 0, (ULONG) BYTES_TO_PAGES(HandleArraySize), 0, &MemoryPage); if (ArcStatus != ESUCCESS) { // EfiPrint(L"BlAllocateAlignedDescriptor failed\r\n"); return(ArcStatus); } HandleArray = (EFI_HANDLE *)(ULONGLONG)((ULONGLONG)MemoryPage << PAGE_SHIFT); FlipToPhysical(); RtlZeroMemory(HandleArray, HandleArraySize); // EfiPrint(L"calling LocateHandle again\r\n"); // // now get the handles now that we have enough space. // EfiStatus = EfiBS->LocateHandle ( ByProtocol, ProtocolType, 0, (UINTN *) &HandleArraySize, (EFI_HANDLE *)HandleArray ); // EfiPrint(L"back from LocateHandle\r\n"); FlipToVirtual(); if (EFI_ERROR(EfiStatus)) { // // cleanup and return // // EfiPrint(L"LocateHandle failed\r\n"); BlFreeDescriptor( MemoryPage ); return(EINVAL); } // EfiPrint(L"LocateHandle succeeded, return success\r\n"); *NumberOfDevices = (ULONG)(HandleArraySize / sizeof (EFI_HANDLE)); *pHandleArray = HandleArray; // BlPrint(TEXT("BlGetEfiProtocolHandles: found %x devices\r\n"), *NumberOfDevices ); return(ESUCCESS); } CHAR16 *sprintf_buf; UINT16 count; VOID __cdecl putbuf(CHAR16 c) { *sprintf_buf++ = c; count++; } VOID bzero(CHAR16 *cp, int len) { while (len--) { *(cp + len) = 0; } } VOID __cdecl doprnt(VOID (*func)(CHAR16 c), const CHAR16 *fmt, va_list args); // // BUGBUG this is a semi-sprintf hacked together just to get it to work // UINT16 __cdecl wsprintf(CHAR16 *buf, const CHAR16 *fmt, ...) { va_list args; sprintf_buf = buf; va_start(args, fmt); doprnt(putbuf, fmt, args); va_end(args); putbuf('\0'); return count--; } void __cdecl printbase(VOID (*func)(CHAR16), ULONG x, int base, int width) { static CHAR16 itoa[] = L"0123456789abcdef"; ULONG j; LONG k; CHAR16 buf[32], *s = buf; bzero(buf, 16); if (x == 0 ) { *s++ = itoa[0]; } while (x) { j = x % base; *s++ = itoa[j]; x -= j; x /= base; } if( s-buf < width ) { for( k = 0; k < width - (s-buf); k++ ) { func('0'); } } for (--s; s >= buf; --s) { func(*s); } } void __cdecl printguid( VOID (*func)( CHAR16), GUID *pGuid ) { func(L'{'); printbase(func, pGuid->Data1, 16, 8); func(L'-'); printbase(func, pGuid->Data2, 16, 4); func(L'-'); printbase(func, pGuid->Data3, 16, 4); func(L'-'); printbase(func, pGuid->Data4[0], 16, 2); printbase(func, pGuid->Data4[1], 16, 2); func(L'-'); printbase(func, pGuid->Data4[2], 16, 2); printbase(func, pGuid->Data4[3], 16, 2); printbase(func, pGuid->Data4[4], 16, 2); printbase(func, pGuid->Data4[5], 16, 2); printbase(func, pGuid->Data4[6], 16, 2); printbase(func, pGuid->Data4[7], 16, 2); func(L'}'); } void __cdecl doprnt(VOID (*func)( CHAR16 c), const CHAR16 *fmt, va_list args) { ULONG x; LONG l; LONG width; CHAR16 c, *s; GUID * g; count = 0; while ((c = *fmt++) != 0) { if (c != '%') { func(c); continue; } width=0; c=*fmt++; if(c == '0') { while( (c = *fmt++) != 0) { if (!isdigit(c)) { break; } width = width*10; width = width+(c-48); } } fmt--; // back it up one char switch (c = *fmt++) { case 'x': x = va_arg(args, ULONG); printbase(func, x, 16, width); break; case 'o': x = va_arg(args, ULONG); printbase(func, x, 8, width); break; case 'd': l = va_arg(args, LONG); if (l < 0) { func('-'); l = -l; } printbase(func, (ULONG) l, 10, width); break; case 'u': l = va_arg(args, ULONG); printbase(func, (ULONG) l, 10, width); break; case 'g': g = va_arg(args, GUID *); printguid(func, g); break; case 'c': c = va_arg(args, CHAR16); func(c); break; case 's': s = va_arg(args, CHAR16 *); while (*s) { func(*s++); } break; default: func(c); break; } } } VOID CatPrint( IN UNICODE_STRING *String, IN CHAR16* Format, ... ) { CHAR16* pString = String->Buffer; va_list args; if (*pString != '\0') { pString = String->Buffer + wcslen(String->Buffer); } sprintf_buf = pString; va_start(args, Format); doprnt(putbuf, Format, args); va_end(args); putbuf('\0'); } VOID _DevPathPci ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { PCI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Pci; Pci = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"Pci(%x|%x)", Pci->Device, Pci->Function); } VOID _DevPathPccard ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { PCCARD_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Pccard; Pccard = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"Pccard(Socket%x)", Pccard->SocketNumber); } VOID _DevPathMemMap ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MEMMAP_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *MemMap; MemMap = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"MemMap(%d:%x-%x)", MemMap->MemoryType, MemMap->StartingAddress, MemMap->EndingAddress ); } VOID _DevPathController ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Controller; Controller = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"Ctrl(%d)", Controller->Controller ); } VOID _DevPathVendor ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Vendor; CHAR16 *Type; UNKNOWN_DEVICE_VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *UnknownDevPath; EFI_GUID UnknownDevice = UNKNOWN_DEVICE_GUID; EFI_GUID VendorGuid; Vendor = DevPath; switch (DevicePathType(&Vendor->Header)) { case HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH: Type = L"Hw"; break; case MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH: Type = L"Msg"; break; case MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH: Type = L"Media"; break; default: Type = L"?"; break; } RtlCopyMemory( &VendorGuid, &Vendor->Guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)); CatPrint(Str, L"Ven%s(%g", Type, &VendorGuid); if (CompareGuid (&VendorGuid, &UnknownDevice) == 0) { /* * GUID used by EFI to enumerate an EDD 1.1 device */ UnknownDevPath = (UNKNOWN_DEVICE_VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *)Vendor; CatPrint(Str, L":%02x)", UnknownDevPath->LegacyDriveLetter); } else { CatPrint(Str, L")"); } } VOID _DevPathAcpi ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Acpi; Acpi = DevPath; if ((Acpi->HID & PNP_EISA_ID_MASK) == PNP_EISA_ID_CONST) { CatPrint(Str, L"Acpi(PNP%04x,%x)", EISA_ID_TO_NUM (Acpi->HID), Acpi->UID); } else { CatPrint(Str, L"Acpi(%08x,%x)", Acpi->HID, Acpi->UID); } } VOID _DevPathAtapi ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { ATAPI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Atapi; Atapi = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"Ata(%s,%s)", Atapi->PrimarySecondary ? L"Secondary" : L"Primary", Atapi->SlaveMaster ? L"Slave" : L"Master" ); } VOID _DevPathScsi ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { SCSI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Scsi; Scsi = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"Scsi(Pun%x,Lun%x)", Scsi->Pun, Scsi->Lun); } VOID _DevPathFibre ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { FIBRECHANNEL_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Fibre; Fibre = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"Fibre(%lx)", Fibre->WWN); } VOID _DevPath1394 ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { F1394_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *F1394; F1394 = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"1394(%g)", &F1394->Guid); } VOID _DevPathUsb ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { USB_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Usb; Usb = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"Usb(%x)", Usb->Port); } VOID _DevPathI2O ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { I2O_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *I2O; I2O = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"I2O(%x)", I2O->Tid); } VOID _DevPathMacAddr ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MAC_ADDR_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *MAC; UINTN HwAddressSize; UINTN Index; MAC = DevPath; HwAddressSize = sizeof(EFI_MAC_ADDRESS); if (MAC->IfType == 0x01 || MAC->IfType == 0x00) { HwAddressSize = 6; } CatPrint(Str, L"Mac("); for(Index = 0; Index < HwAddressSize; Index++) { CatPrint(Str, L"%02x",MAC->MacAddress.Addr[Index]); } CatPrint(Str, L")"); } VOID _DevPathIPv4 ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { IPv4_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *IP; IP = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"IPv4(not-done)"); } VOID _DevPathIPv6 ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { IPv6_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *IP; IP = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"IP-v6(not-done)"); } VOID _DevPathInfiniBand ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { INFINIBAND_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *InfiniBand; InfiniBand = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"InfiniBand(not-done)"); } VOID _DevPathUart ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { UART_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Uart; CHAR8 Parity; Uart = DevPath; switch (Uart->Parity) { case 0 : Parity = 'D'; break; case 1 : Parity = 'N'; break; case 2 : Parity = 'E'; break; case 3 : Parity = 'O'; break; case 4 : Parity = 'M'; break; case 5 : Parity = 'S'; break; default : Parity = 'x'; break; } if (Uart->BaudRate == 0) { CatPrint(Str, L"Uart(DEFAULT %c",Uart->BaudRate,Parity); } else { CatPrint(Str, L"Uart(%d %c",Uart->BaudRate,Parity); } if (Uart->DataBits == 0) { CatPrint(Str, L"D"); } else { CatPrint(Str, L"%d",Uart->DataBits); } switch (Uart->StopBits) { case 0 : CatPrint(Str, L"D)"); break; case 1 : CatPrint(Str, L"1)"); break; case 2 : CatPrint(Str, L"1.5)"); break; case 3 : CatPrint(Str, L"2)"); break; default : CatPrint(Str, L"x)"); break; } } VOID _DevPathHardDrive ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Hd; Hd = DevPath; switch (Hd->SignatureType) { case SIGNATURE_TYPE_MBR: CatPrint(Str, L"HD(Part%d,Sig%08X)", Hd->PartitionNumber, *((UINT32 *)(&(Hd->Signature[0]))) ); break; case SIGNATURE_TYPE_GUID: CatPrint(Str, L"HD(Part%d,Sig%g)", Hd->PartitionNumber, (EFI_GUID *) &(Hd->Signature[0]) ); break; default: CatPrint(Str, L"HD(Part%d,MBRType=%02x,SigType=%02x)", Hd->PartitionNumber, Hd->MBRType, Hd->SignatureType ); break; } } VOID _DevPathCDROM ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { CDROM_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Cd; Cd = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"CDROM(Entry%x)", Cd->BootEntry); } VOID _DevPathFilePath ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Fp; Fp = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"%s", Fp->PathName); } VOID _DevPathMediaProtocol ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MEDIA_PROTOCOL_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *MediaProt; MediaProt = DevPath; CatPrint(Str, L"%g", &MediaProt->Protocol); } VOID _DevPathBssBss ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { BBS_BBS_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Bss; CHAR16 *Type; Bss = DevPath; switch (Bss->DeviceType) { case BBS_TYPE_FLOPPY: Type = L"Floppy"; break; case BBS_TYPE_HARDDRIVE: Type = L"Harddrive"; break; case BBS_TYPE_CDROM: Type = L"CDROM"; break; case BBS_TYPE_PCMCIA: Type = L"PCMCIA"; break; case BBS_TYPE_USB: Type = L"Usb"; break; case BBS_TYPE_EMBEDDED_NETWORK: Type = L"Net"; break; default: Type = L"?"; break; } CatPrint(Str, L"Bss-%s(%a)", Type, Bss->String); } VOID _DevPathEndInstance ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( DevPath ); CatPrint(Str, L","); } VOID _DevPathNodeUnknown ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( DevPath ); CatPrint(Str, L"?"); } struct { UINT8 Type; UINT8 SubType; VOID (*Function)(UNICODE_STRING *, VOID *); } DevPathTable[] = { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_PCI_DP, _DevPathPci, HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_PCCARD_DP, _DevPathPccard, HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_MEMMAP_DP, _DevPathMemMap, HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_VENDOR_DP, _DevPathVendor, HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_CONTROLLER_DP, _DevPathController, ACPI_DEVICE_PATH, ACPI_DP, _DevPathAcpi, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_ATAPI_DP, _DevPathAtapi, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_SCSI_DP, _DevPathScsi, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_FIBRECHANNEL_DP, _DevPathFibre, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_1394_DP, _DevPath1394, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_USB_DP, _DevPathUsb, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_I2O_DP, _DevPathI2O, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_MAC_ADDR_DP, _DevPathMacAddr, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_IPv4_DP, _DevPathIPv4, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_IPv6_DP, _DevPathIPv6, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_INFINIBAND_DP, _DevPathInfiniBand, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_UART_DP, _DevPathUart, MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_VENDOR_DP, _DevPathVendor, MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_HARDDRIVE_DP, _DevPathHardDrive, MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_CDROM_DP, _DevPathCDROM, MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_VENDOR_DP, _DevPathVendor, MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_FILEPATH_DP, _DevPathFilePath, MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_PROTOCOL_DP, _DevPathMediaProtocol, BBS_DEVICE_PATH, BBS_BBS_DP, _DevPathBssBss, END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE, END_INSTANCE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE, _DevPathEndInstance, 0, 0, NULL }; #define ALIGN_SIZE(a) ((a % MIN_ALIGNMENT_SIZE) ? MIN_ALIGNMENT_SIZE - (a % MIN_ALIGNMENT_SIZE) : 0) EFI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED * UnpackDevicePath ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *DevPath ) { EFI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *Src, *Dest, *NewPath; UINTN Size; /* * Walk device path and round sizes to valid boundries * */ Src = DevPath; Size = 0; for (; ;) { Size += DevicePathNodeLength(Src); Size += ALIGN_SIZE(Size); if (IsDevicePathEnd(Src)) { break; } Src = NextDevicePathNode(Src); } /* * Allocate space for the unpacked path */ EfiAllocateAndZeroMemory( EfiLoaderData, Size, (VOID **) &NewPath ); if (NewPath) { /* * Copy each node */ Src = DevPath; Dest = NewPath; for (; ;) { Size = DevicePathNodeLength(Src); RtlCopyMemory (Dest, Src, Size); Size += ALIGN_SIZE(Size); SetDevicePathNodeLength (Dest, Size); Dest->Type |= EFI_DP_TYPE_UNPACKED; Dest = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *) (((UINT8 *) Dest) + Size); if (IsDevicePathEnd(Src)) { break; } Src = NextDevicePathNode(Src); } } return NewPath; } WCHAR DbgDevicePathStringBuffer[1000]; CHAR16 * DevicePathToStr ( EFI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *DevPath ) /*++ Turns the Device Path into a printable string. Allcoates the string from pool. The caller must FreePool the returned string. --*/ { UNICODE_STRING Str; EFI_DEVICE_PATH UNALIGNED *DevPathNode; VOID (*DumpNode)(UNICODE_STRING *, VOID *); UINTN Index; RtlZeroMemory(DbgDevicePathStringBuffer, sizeof(DbgDevicePathStringBuffer)); Str.Buffer= DbgDevicePathStringBuffer; Str.Length = sizeof(DbgDevicePathStringBuffer); Str.MaximumLength = sizeof(DbgDevicePathStringBuffer); /* * Unpacked the device path */ DevPath = UnpackDevicePath(DevPath); ASSERT (DevPath); /* * Process each device path node * */ DevPathNode = DevPath; while (!IsDevicePathEnd(DevPathNode)) { /* * Find the handler to dump this device path node */ DumpNode = NULL; for (Index = 0; DevPathTable[Index].Function; Index += 1) { if (DevicePathType(DevPathNode) == DevPathTable[Index].Type && DevicePathSubType(DevPathNode) == DevPathTable[Index].SubType) { DumpNode = DevPathTable[Index].Function; break; } } /* * If not found, use a generic function */ if (!DumpNode) { DumpNode = _DevPathNodeUnknown; } /* * Put a path seperator in if needed */ if (Str.Length && DumpNode != _DevPathEndInstance) { CatPrint (&Str, L"/"); } /* * Print this node of the device path */ DumpNode (&Str, DevPathNode); /* * Next device path node */ DevPathNode = NextDevicePathNode(DevPathNode); } /* * Shrink pool used for string allocation */ EfiBS->FreePool (DevPath); return Str.Buffer; } PVOID FindSMBIOSTable( UCHAR RequestedTableType ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine searches through the SMBIOS tables for the specified table type. Arguments: RequestedTableType - Which SMBIOS table are we looking for? Return Value: NULL - THe specified table was not found. PVOID - A pointer to the specified table. --*/ { extern PVOID SMBiosTable; PUCHAR StartPtr = NULL; PUCHAR EndPtr = NULL; PSMBIOS_EPS_HEADER SMBiosEPSHeader = NULL; PDMIBIOS_EPS_HEADER DMIBiosEPSHeader = NULL; PSMBIOS_STRUCT_HEADER SMBiosHeader = NULL; if( SMBiosTable == NULL ) { return NULL; } // // Set up our search pointers. // SMBiosEPSHeader = (PSMBIOS_EPS_HEADER)SMBiosTable; DMIBiosEPSHeader = (PDMIBIOS_EPS_HEADER)&SMBiosEPSHeader->Signature2[0]; StartPtr = (PUCHAR)ULongToPtr(DMIBiosEPSHeader->StructureTableAddress); EndPtr = StartPtr + DMIBiosEPSHeader->StructureTableLength; if( BdDebuggerEnabled ) { DbgPrint( "FindSMBIOSTable: About to start searching for table type %d at address (%x)...\r\n", RequestedTableType, PtrToUlong(StartPtr) ); } while( StartPtr < EndPtr ) { SMBiosHeader = (PSMBIOS_STRUCT_HEADER)StartPtr; if( SMBiosHeader->Type == RequestedTableType ) { // This is the table we're looking for. if( BdDebuggerEnabled ) { DbgPrint( "FindSMBIOSTable: Found requested table type %d at address %x\r\n", RequestedTableType, PtrToUlong(StartPtr) ); } return (PVOID)StartPtr; } else { // // It's not him. Go to the next table. // if( BdDebuggerEnabled ) { DbgPrint( "FindSMBIOSTable: Inspected table type %d at address %x\r\n", SMBiosHeader->Type, PtrToUlong(StartPtr) ); } StartPtr += SMBiosHeader->Length; // // jump over any trailing string-list that may be appeneded onto the // end of this table. // while ( (*((USHORT UNALIGNED *)StartPtr) != 0) && (StartPtr < EndPtr) ) { StartPtr++; } StartPtr += 2; } } return NULL; } VOID EfiCheckFirmwareRevision( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine will retrieve the BIOS revision value then parse it to determine if the revision is new enough. If the revision is not new enough, we won't be returning from this function. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { #define FIRMWARE_MINIMUM_SOFTSUR (103) #define FIRMWARE_MINIMUM_LION (71) PUCHAR FirmwareString = NULL; PUCHAR VendorString = NULL; PUCHAR TmpPtr = NULL; ULONG FirmwareVersion = 0; ULONG FirmwareMinimum = 0; BOOLEAN IsSoftSur = FALSE; BOOLEAN IsVendorIntel = FALSE; WCHAR OutputBuffer[256]; PSMBIOS_BIOS_INFORMATION_STRUCT BiosInfoHeader = NULL; ULONG i = 0; BiosInfoHeader = (PSMBIOS_BIOS_INFORMATION_STRUCT)FindSMBIOSTable( SMBIOS_BIOS_INFORMATION_TYPE ); if( BiosInfoHeader ) { // // Get the firmware version string. // if( (ULONG)BiosInfoHeader->Version > 0 ) { // Jump to the end of the formatted portion of the SMBIOS table. FirmwareString = (PUCHAR)BiosInfoHeader + BiosInfoHeader->Length; // // Now jump over some number of strings to get to our string. // // This is a bit scary because we're trusting what SMBIOS // has handed us. If he gave us something bogus, then // we're about run off the end of the world looking for NULL // string terminators. // for( i = 0; i < ((ULONG)BiosInfoHeader->Version-1); i++ ) { while( *FirmwareString != 0 ) { FirmwareString++; } FirmwareString++; } // // Determine platform and firmware version. // // FirmwareString should look something like: // W460GXBS2.86E.0103B.P05.200103281759 // -------- ---- // | | // | ------- Firmware version // | // -------------------- Platform identifier. "W460GXBS" means softsur. // Anything else means Lion. // // if( FirmwareString ) { IsSoftSur = (BOOLEAN)(!strncmp( (PCHAR)FirmwareString, "W460GXBS", 8 )); // Get the minimum firmware that's okay, based on the platform. FirmwareMinimum = (IsSoftSur) ? FIRMWARE_MINIMUM_SOFTSUR : FIRMWARE_MINIMUM_LION; // Get the version. TmpPtr = (PUCHAR)strchr( (PCHAR)FirmwareString, '.' ); if( TmpPtr ) { TmpPtr++; TmpPtr = (PUCHAR)strchr( (PCHAR)TmpPtr, '.' ); if( TmpPtr ) { TmpPtr++; FirmwareVersion = strtoul( (PCHAR)TmpPtr, NULL, 10 ); #if DBG swprintf( OutputBuffer, L"EfiCheckFirmwareRevision: Successfully retrieved the Firmware String: %S\r\n", FirmwareString ); EfiPrint(OutputBuffer ); swprintf( OutputBuffer, L"EfiCheckFirmwareRevision: Detected platform: %S\r\n", IsSoftSur ? "Softsur" : "Lion" ); EfiPrint(OutputBuffer ); swprintf( OutputBuffer, L"EfiCheckFirmwareRevision: FirmwareVersion: %d\r\n", FirmwareVersion ); EfiPrint(OutputBuffer ); swprintf( OutputBuffer, L"EfiCheckFirmwareRevision: Minimum FirmwareVersion requirement: %d\r\n", FirmwareMinimum ); EfiPrint(OutputBuffer ); #endif } } } } // // Get the BIOS vendor and see if it's Intel. // if( (ULONG)BiosInfoHeader->Vendor > 0 ) { // Jump to the end of the formatted portion of the SMBIOS table. VendorString = (PUCHAR)BiosInfoHeader + BiosInfoHeader->Length; // // Now jump over some number of strings to get to our string. // for( i = 0; i < ((ULONG)BiosInfoHeader->Vendor-1); i++ ) { while( *VendorString != 0 ) { VendorString++; } VendorString++; } // // Remember firmware vendor. // if( VendorString ) { IsVendorIntel = (BOOLEAN)(!_strnicmp( (PCHAR)VendorString, "INTEL", 5 )); #if DBG swprintf( OutputBuffer, L"EfiCheckFirmwareRevision: Firmware Vendor String: %S\r\n", VendorString ); EfiPrint(OutputBuffer ); #endif } } } if( (FirmwareVersion) && (IsVendorIntel) ) { if( FirmwareVersion < FirmwareMinimum ) { swprintf(OutputBuffer, L"Your system's firmware version is less than %d.\n\r", FirmwareMinimum); EfiPrint(OutputBuffer); swprintf(OutputBuffer, L"You must upgrade your system firmware in order to proceed.\n\r" ); EfiPrint(OutputBuffer); while( 1 ); } } } ARC_STATUS BlLoadEFIImage( IN PCCHAR PartitionArcName, IN PCCHAR ImagePath, IN PCCHAR ImageName OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN StartImage, OUT EFI_HANDLE* EfiHandle OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Loads an EFI image by calling LoadImage boot service and optionally starts the image. Arguments: PartitionArcName - The arc name of the partition the files is located on ImagePath - The path to the file to load (from the root directory) on the partition specified by PartitionArcName. This can be the full file path or a partial path (e.g. only the directory). ImageName - Optional. The file name of the image to load. If not NULL, it is simply appended to ImagePath to form the complete path to the file. If NULL or empty string, ImagePath must contain the complete path. Note that the complete path must not exceed 128 characters, including the zero terminator. StartImage - If TRUE, the image is also started by calling StartImage boot service. EfiHandle - Optional. Pointer to a location to receive the loaded image EFI handle. Return value: ESUCCESS on success or the error code on failure. --*/ { ARC_STATUS Status = ESUCCESS; CHAR Buffer[128]; ULONG PartitionId = BL_INVALID_FILE_ID; ULONG FileId = BL_INVALID_FILE_ID; ULONG PageBase = 0; EFI_HANDLE _EfiHandle = 0; EFI_STATUS EfiStatus; PVOID ImageBase; ULONG PathSize; ULONG NameSize; ULONG PageCount; ULONG BytesRead; PCHAR CompletePath; FILE_INFORMATION FileInfo; EFI_DEVICE_PATH DevPath; EFI_GUID EfiLoadedImageProtocol = LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL; EFI_LOADED_IMAGE *LoadedEfiImageInfo = NULL; if(NULL == PartitionArcName || NULL == ImagePath) { Status = EINVAL; goto exit; } if(NULL == ImageName || 0 == ImageName[0]) { CompletePath = ImagePath; } else { PathSize = (ULONG)strlen(ImagePath); NameSize = (ULONG)strlen(ImageName); if(PathSize + NameSize >= sizeof(Buffer) / sizeof(Buffer[0])) { Status = ENAMETOOLONG; goto exit; } RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, ImagePath, PathSize * sizeof(ImagePath[0])); RtlCopyMemory(Buffer + PathSize, ImageName, (NameSize + 1) * sizeof(ImagePath[0])); CompletePath = Buffer; } Status = ArcOpen(PartitionArcName, ArcOpenReadOnly, &PartitionId); if(Status != ESUCCESS) { goto exit; } Status = BlOpen(PartitionId, CompletePath, ArcOpenReadOnly, &FileId); if(Status != ESUCCESS) { goto exit; } Status = BlGetFileInformation(FileId, &FileInfo); if(Status != ESUCCESS) { goto exit; } if(FileInfo.EndingAddress.HighPart != 0 || 0 == FileInfo.EndingAddress.LowPart) { Status = EINVAL; goto exit; } PageCount = (FileInfo.EndingAddress.LowPart + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE; Status = BlAllocateDescriptor(LoaderFirmwareTemporary, 0, PageCount, &PageBase); if(Status != ESUCCESS) { goto exit; } ImageBase = (PVOID) ((ULONG_PTR) PageBase * PAGE_SIZE); Status = BlRead(FileId, ImageBase, FileInfo.EndingAddress.LowPart, &BytesRead); if(Status != ESUCCESS) { goto exit; } if(BytesRead != FileInfo.EndingAddress.LowPart) { Status = EIO; goto exit; } // // LoadImage does not like a NULL device path so create an empty one // DevPath.Type = END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE; DevPath.SubType = END_ENTIRE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE; DevPath.Length[0] = sizeof(DevPath); DevPath.Length[1] = 0; FlipToPhysical(); EfiStatus = EfiST->BootServices->LoadImage(FALSE, EfiImageHandle, &DevPath, ImageBase, FileInfo.EndingAddress.LowPart, &_EfiHandle); if(!EFI_ERROR(EfiStatus)) { if(StartImage) { EfiStatus = EfiST->BootServices->StartImage(_EfiHandle, NULL, NULL); if(EFI_ALREADY_STARTED == EfiStatus) { // // The image is already started so don't unload // EfiStatus = EFI_SUCCESS; } if(EFI_ERROR(EfiStatus)) { EfiST->BootServices->UnloadImage(_EfiHandle); } } } // EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"In BlLoadEFIImage, image is loaded.\r\n"); // // if the image is loaded then we need to make sure the OS knows about it. // if (!EFI_ERROR(EfiStatus)) { //EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"In BlLoadEFIImage, Getting Loaded image protocol.\r\n"); EfiStatus = EfiST->BootServices->HandleProtocol( _EfiHandle, &EfiLoadedImageProtocol, &LoadedEfiImageInfo ); //EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"In BlLoadEFIImage, got Loaded image protocol.\r\n"); } FlipToVirtual(); #if 0 if (LoadedEfiImageInfo) { MEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR *Descriptor; ULONG NewBasePage, NewPageCount; NewBasePage = (ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)LoadedEfiImageInfo->ImageBase) >> PAGE_SHIFT; NewPageCount = (ULONG) BYTES_TO_PAGES(LoadedEfiImageInfo->ImageSize); // // locate the descriptor containing the data. // Descriptor = BlFindMemoryDescriptor( NewBasePage ); if (!Descriptor) { // EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"In BlLoadEFIImage, no descriptor.\r\n"); // // no descriptor describes this range. So create a new one and // insert it. // Descriptor = (PMEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR)BlAllocateHeap( sizeof(MEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR)); if (Descriptor == NULL) { EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"In BlLoadEFIImage, allocate MEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR failed.\r\n"); Status = ENOMEM; goto exit; } Descriptor->MemoryType = MemoryFirmwarePermanent; Descriptor->BasePage = NewBasePage; Descriptor->PageCount = NewPageCount; BlInsertDescriptor(Descriptor); //EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"In BlLoadEFIImage, finished inserting descriptor.\r\n"); } else { //EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"In BlLoadEFIImage, calling BlGenerateDescriptor .\r\n"); Status = BlGenerateDescriptor( Descriptor, MemoryFirmwarePermanent, NewBasePage, NewPageCount); //EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"In BlLoadEFIImage, back from BlGenerateDescriptor .\r\n"); } } #endif if(EFI_ERROR(EfiStatus)) { Status = EFAULT; _EfiHandle = NULL; } exit: if(EfiHandle != NULL) { *EfiHandle = _EfiHandle; } if(PageBase != 0) { BlFreeDescriptor(PageBase); } if(FileId != -1) { BlClose(FileId); } if(PartitionId != -1) { ArcClose(PartitionId); } return Status; } EFI_STATUS EfiAllocateAndZeroMemory( EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType, UINTN Size, PVOID *ReturnPtr ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns a memory pointer which points to a newly allocated block of memory. If the memory allocation succeeds, the block is zero'd out. Arguments: MemoryType Specified EFI memory type to be tagged Size Size (in bytes) of the requested memory block. ReturnPtr Recieves the pointer allocated memory. Returns: EFI_STATUS determining if the allocation was successful. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN FlipBackToVirtual = FALSE; // // Check parameters and initialize. // if( !ReturnPtr ) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *ReturnPtr = NULL; if( (Size == 0) || (MemoryType >= EfiMaxMemoryType) ) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // If we aren't already in physical mode, get there now. if (IsPsrDtOn()) { FlipToPhysical(); FlipBackToVirtual = TRUE; } // try to allocate the requested block. Status = EfiST->BootServices->AllocatePool( MemoryType, Size, ReturnPtr ); if( FlipBackToVirtual ) { FlipToVirtual(); } // // If everything went okay, zero the block before returning. // if( (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) && (*ReturnPtr != NULL) ) { RtlZeroMemory( *ReturnPtr, Size ); ASSERT (((UINTN)(*ReturnPtr)) % MIN_ALIGNMENT_SIZE == 0); } return Status; }