/*++ Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Abstract: Author: Ken Reneris Environment: console --*/ // // set variable to define global variables // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include // // Misc constants // #define RANGE 1 #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_BATTERIES 8 #define MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH 100 // // Battery Device Names // PVOID COMPOSITE_NAME = _T("\\Device\\CompositeBattery"); // // Globals // BOOLEAN LongTerm = FALSE; #pragma pack(1) typedef struct _ID_MAP { UCHAR LocalId; UCHAR ActualId; } ID_MAP, *PID_MAP; #pragma pack() #pragma pack(1) typedef struct _MFG_DATE { UCHAR Day; // 1-31 UCHAR Month; // 1-12 USHORT Year; // 1996 - ? } MFG_DATE, *PMFG_DATE; #pragma pack() /******************************************************************************* * * GetBatteryDriverNames * * DESCRIPTION: Finds all battery class devices * * PARAMETERS: * DriverNames - pointer to an array of UNICODE_STRING structures to fill in * MaxBatteries - number of elements in DriverNames array * * RETURN VALUE: The number of batteries found * Will always find the Composite battery whether it exists or not * *******************************************************************************/ UCHAR GetBatteryDriverNames(UNICODE_STRING * DriverNames, UCHAR MaxBatteries) { UCHAR driverCount, index; DWORD reqSize; HDEVINFO devInfo; SP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DATA interfaceDevData; PSP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA funcClassDevData; if ((MaxBatteries == 0) || (DriverNames == NULL)) { return 0; } driverCount = 0; // Hard code the first battery to be the composite battery. RtlInitUnicodeString (&DriverNames[driverCount], COMPOSITE_NAME); driverCount++; // Use the SETUPAPI.DLL interface to get the // possible battery driver names. devInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs((LPGUID)&GUID_DEVICE_BATTERY, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_INTERFACEDEVICE); if (devInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { interfaceDevData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); index = 0; while (driverCount < MaxBatteries) { if (SetupDiEnumInterfaceDevice(devInfo, 0, (LPGUID)&GUID_DEVICE_BATTERY, index, &interfaceDevData)) { // Get the required size of the function class device data. SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail(devInfo, &interfaceDevData, NULL, 0, &reqSize, NULL); funcClassDevData = LocalAlloc(0, reqSize); if (funcClassDevData != NULL) { funcClassDevData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_INTERFACE_DEVICE_DETAIL_DATA); if (SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail(devInfo, &interfaceDevData, funcClassDevData, reqSize, &reqSize, NULL)) { reqSize = (lstrlen(funcClassDevData->DevicePath) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); RtlInitUnicodeString( &DriverNames[driverCount], funcClassDevData->DevicePath ); driverCount++; } else { printf("SetupDiGetInterfaceDeviceDetail, failed: %d", GetLastError()); } LocalFree(funcClassDevData); } } else { if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == GetLastError()) { break; } else { printf ("SetupDiEnumInterfaceDevice, failed: %d", GetLastError()); } } index++; } SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(devInfo); } else { printf("SetupDiGetClassDevs on GUID_DEVICE_BATTERY, failed: %d", GetLastError()); } return driverCount; } HANDLE OpenBattery (PUNICODE_STRING BatteryName) { NTSTATUS status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjA; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IOSB; HANDLE driverHandle; DWORD lastError; // HACK: I can't seems to find the correct device // names, so I can't open the composite battery using CreateFile() // and I can't open the detected batteries using NtOpenFile(), so I // have to use a different method of opening the battery depending on // which battery it is. if (BatteryName->Buffer == COMPOSITE_NAME) { InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjA, BatteryName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, 0 ); status = NtOpenFile ( &driverHandle, // return handle SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, // desired access &ObjA, // Object &IOSB, // io status block FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, // share access FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT // open options ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf ("Error opening %ws: NTSTATUS = 0x%08lx\n", BatteryName->Buffer, status); return NULL; } } else { driverHandle = CreateFile (BatteryName->Buffer, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == driverHandle) { lastError = GetLastError (); printf ("Error opening %ws: GetLastError = 0x%08lx \n", BatteryName->Buffer, lastError); return NULL; } } printf("Opened %ws \n", BatteryName->Buffer); return driverHandle; } ULONG GetBatteryTag (HANDLE DriverHandle) { NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IOSB; ULONG BatteryTag; ULONG Timeout = 0; if (LongTerm) { Timeout = (ULONG)-1; } Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile( DriverHandle, (HANDLE) NULL, // event (PIO_APC_ROUTINE) NULL, (PVOID) NULL, &IOSB, IOCTL_BATTERY_QUERY_TAG, &Timeout, // input buffer sizeof (Timeout), &BatteryTag, // output buffer sizeof (BatteryTag) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BatteryTag = BATTERY_TAG_INVALID; if (Status == STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE) { printf ("(Battery is not physically present or is not connected)\n"); } else { printf ("Query Battery tag failed: Status = %x\n", Status); } } printf("Battery Tag = 0x%08lx.\n", BatteryTag); return BatteryTag; } BOOLEAN GetBatteryInfo ( HANDLE DriverHandle, ULONG BatteryTag, IN BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL Level, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength ) { NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IOSB; BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION BInfo; memset (Buffer, 0, BufferLength); BInfo.BatteryTag = BatteryTag; BInfo.InformationLevel = Level; BInfo.AtRate = 0; // This is needed for reading estimated time correctly. Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile( DriverHandle, (HANDLE) NULL, // event (PIO_APC_ROUTINE) NULL, (PVOID) NULL, &IOSB, IOCTL_BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION, &BInfo, // input buffer sizeof (BInfo), Buffer, // output buffer BufferLength ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if ((Status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) || (Status == STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST) || (Status == STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { printf ("Not Supported by Battery, Level %x, Status: %x\n", Level, Status); } else { printf ("Query failed: Level %x, Status = %x\n", Level, Status); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } VOID GetBatteryStatus ( HANDLE DriverHandle, IN PBATTERY_WAIT_STATUS WaitStatus, IN PBATTERY_INFORMATION BInfo, OUT PBATTERY_STATUS BatteryStatus ) { NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IOSB; ULONG Volts; memset (BatteryStatus, 0xAB, sizeof(BatteryStatus)); Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile( DriverHandle, (HANDLE) NULL, // event (PIO_APC_ROUTINE) NULL, (PVOID) NULL, &IOSB, IOCTL_BATTERY_QUERY_STATUS, WaitStatus, // input buffer sizeof (BATTERY_WAIT_STATUS), BatteryStatus, // output buffer sizeof (BATTERY_STATUS) ); // // dump battery status // printf ("[Current Status Information]\n"); printf (" Power State...........: "); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Query failed: Status = %x\n", Status); return ; } // // Print the PowerState // printf ("%08x ", BatteryStatus->PowerState); if (BatteryStatus->PowerState & BATTERY_POWER_ON_LINE) { printf ("Power_Online "); } if (BatteryStatus->PowerState & BATTERY_DISCHARGING) { printf ("Discharging "); } if (BatteryStatus->PowerState & BATTERY_CHARGING) { printf ("Charging "); } if (BatteryStatus->PowerState & BATTERY_CRITICAL) { printf ("Critical! "); } if (BatteryStatus->PowerState == 0) { printf ("No flags set."); } printf ("\n"); // // Print the Voltage // Volts = BatteryStatus->Voltage; if (Volts == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_VOLTAGE) { printf (" Voltage...............: %08x UNKNOWN\n", Volts); } else { printf (" Voltage...............: %08x %d.%03d V\n", Volts, (Volts/1000), Volts - ((Volts/1000)*1000)); } // // Print the Rate // if (BatteryStatus->Rate == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_RATE) { printf (" Rate..................: %08x UNKNOWN\n", BatteryStatus->Rate); } else { if (BInfo->Capabilities & BATTERY_CAPACITY_RELATIVE) { printf (" Rate..................: %08x %d % per hour ", BatteryStatus->Rate, BatteryStatus->Rate); } else { printf (" Rate..................: %08x %d mW ", BatteryStatus->Rate, BatteryStatus->Rate); } if (BatteryStatus->PowerState & BATTERY_CHARGING) { printf ("(Charging)\n"); } else if (BatteryStatus->PowerState & BATTERY_DISCHARGING) { printf ("(Discharging)\n"); } else { printf ("(Quiescent)\n"); } } // // Print the Current Capacity // if (BatteryStatus->Capacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY) { printf (" Current Battery Charge: %08x UNKNOWN\n"); } else { printf (" Current Battery Charge: %08x ", BatteryStatus->Capacity); if (BatteryStatus->Capacity == 0xFFFF) { printf ("Invalid"); } else { printf ("%d mWh ", BatteryStatus->Capacity); } if ((BInfo->FullChargedCapacity != 0) & (BInfo->FullChargedCapacity != BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY)){ printf ("(%d%%)", BatteryStatus->Capacity * 100 / BInfo->FullChargedCapacity); } printf ("\n"); } printf ("\n"); } void QueryBattery (PUNICODE_STRING BatteryName) { HANDLE driverHandle; ULONG batteryTag; BATTERY_INFORMATION BInfo; ULONG BETime; WCHAR BDeviceName[MAX_BATTERY_STRING_SIZE]; MFG_DATE BManDate; WCHAR BManName[MAX_BATTERY_STRING_SIZE]; ULONG BETemp; WCHAR BEUID[MAX_BATTERY_STRING_SIZE]; BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE BEGran[4]; BATTERY_WAIT_STATUS WStat; BATTERY_STATUS BStat; ULONG i; ULONG Cent; ULONG Far; if ((driverHandle = OpenBattery (BatteryName)) == NULL) { return; } printf ("Opened driver w/handle %d\n", driverHandle); batteryTag = GetBatteryTag (driverHandle); if (batteryTag == BATTERY_TAG_INVALID) { NtClose(driverHandle); return; } printf ("[Static Information]\n"); printf (" Battery Tag...........: %x\n", batteryTag); // // Get generic info // if (GetBatteryInfo (driverHandle, batteryTag, BatteryInformation, &BInfo, sizeof(BInfo))) { // // Print the Capabilities // printf (" Capabilities..........: "); printf ("%08x ", BInfo.Capabilities); if (BInfo.Capabilities & BATTERY_SYSTEM_BATTERY) { printf ("System "); } if (BInfo.Capabilities & BATTERY_CAPACITY_RELATIVE) { printf ("Capacity_Relative "); } if (BInfo.Capabilities & BATTERY_IS_SHORT_TERM) { printf ("Short_Term "); } printf ("\n"); // // Print the Technology // printf (" Technology............: %08x ", BInfo.Technology); if (BInfo.Technology == 0) { printf ("Primary Battery "); } else if (BInfo.Technology == 1) { printf ("Secondary Battery "); } else { printf ("Unknown "); } printf ("\n"); // // Print the Chemistry // printf (" Chemistry.............: %4.4s\n", BInfo.Chemistry); // // Print the Designed Capacity // printf (" Designed Capacity.....: "); if (BInfo.DesignedCapacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY) { printf ("%08x UNKNOWN\n", BInfo.DesignedCapacity); } else { if (BInfo.Capabilities & BATTERY_CAPACITY_RELATIVE) { printf ("%08x %d%%\n", BInfo.DesignedCapacity, BInfo.DesignedCapacity); } else { printf ("%08x %d mWh\n", BInfo.DesignedCapacity, BInfo.DesignedCapacity); } } // // Print the Full Charged Capacity // printf (" Full Charged Capacity.: "); if (BInfo.FullChargedCapacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY) { printf ("%08x UNKNOWN\n", BInfo.FullChargedCapacity); } else { if (BInfo.Capabilities & BATTERY_CAPACITY_RELATIVE) { printf ("%08x %d%%\n", BInfo.FullChargedCapacity, BInfo.FullChargedCapacity); } else { printf ("%08x %d mWh\n", BInfo.FullChargedCapacity, BInfo.FullChargedCapacity); } } if ((BInfo.FullChargedCapacity == 0) || (BInfo.FullChargedCapacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY)){ // // Print Alert 1 // printf (" Default Alert1 (crit).: %08x %d mWh\n", BInfo.DefaultAlert1, BInfo.DefaultAlert1); // // Print Alert 2 // printf (" Default Alert2 (low)..: %08x %d mWh (%d%%)\n", BInfo.DefaultAlert2, BInfo.DefaultAlert2); } else { // // Print Alert 1 // printf (" Default Alert1 (crit).: %08x %d mWh (%d%%)\n", BInfo.DefaultAlert1, BInfo.DefaultAlert1, (BInfo.DefaultAlert1*100)/BInfo.FullChargedCapacity); // // Print Alert 2 // printf (" Default Alert2 (low)..: %08x %d mWh (%d%%)\n", BInfo.DefaultAlert2, BInfo.DefaultAlert2, (BInfo.DefaultAlert2*100)/BInfo.FullChargedCapacity); } // // Print the Critical Bias // printf (" Critical Bias.........: %08x\n", BInfo.CriticalBias); // // Print the Cycle Count // printf (" Cycle Count...........: %08x %d\n", BInfo.CycleCount, BInfo.CycleCount); } // // Print the battery granularity // printf (" Granularity...........: "); if (GetBatteryInfo (driverHandle, batteryTag, BatteryGranularityInformation, BEGran, sizeof(BEGran))) { printf ("%08x Capacity(1) %08x\n", BEGran[0].Granularity, BEGran[0].Capacity); for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if ((BEGran[i].Granularity != -1) && (BEGran[i].Granularity != 0)) { printf (" %08x Capacity(%d) %08x\n", BEGran[i].Granularity, (i+1), BEGran[i].Capacity); } } } // // Print the temperature // printf (" Temperature...........: "); if (GetBatteryInfo (driverHandle, batteryTag, BatteryTemperature, &BETemp, sizeof(BETemp))) { printf ("%08x", BETemp); // // Print temp as something reasonable - Centigrade and Fahrenheit // if (BETemp > 0) { Cent = (BETemp/10) - 273; Far = ((Cent*2) - (Cent/5)) + 32; printf (" %d C %d F", Cent, Far); } printf ("\n"); } // // Print the Unique ID // printf (" Unique ID.............: "); if (GetBatteryInfo (driverHandle, batteryTag, BatteryUniqueID, BEUID, sizeof(BEUID))) { printf ("%ws\n", BEUID); } // // Print the estimated run time // printf (" Estimated Runtime.....: "); if (GetBatteryInfo (driverHandle, batteryTag, BatteryEstimatedTime, &BETime, sizeof(BETime))) { printf ("%08x ", BETime); if (BETime != BATTERY_UNKNOWN_TIME) { printf ("%d Seconds ", BETime); printf ("(%d:%d:%d)", BETime / 3600, (BETime % 3600) / 60, (BETime % 3600) % 60); } else { printf ("Not Available"); } printf ("\n"); } // // Print the device name // printf (" Device Name...........: "); if (GetBatteryInfo (driverHandle, batteryTag, BatteryDeviceName, BDeviceName, sizeof(BDeviceName))) { printf ("%ws\n", BDeviceName); } // // Print the manufacture date // printf (" Manufacture Date......: "); if (GetBatteryInfo (driverHandle, batteryTag, BatteryManufactureDate, &BManDate, sizeof(BManDate))) { printf ("%02X%02X%04X %02d/%02d/%d\n", BManDate.Month, BManDate.Day, BManDate.Year, BManDate.Month, BManDate.Day, BManDate.Year); } // // Print the manufacturer name // printf (" Manufacturer Name.....: "); if (GetBatteryInfo (driverHandle, batteryTag, BatteryManufactureName, BManName, sizeof(BManName))) { printf ("%ws\n", BManName); } printf ("\n"); // // Get the battery status and print it out // memset (&WStat, 0, sizeof(WStat)); WStat.BatteryTag = batteryTag; GetBatteryStatus (driverHandle, &WStat, &BInfo, &BStat); // // If the user requested it perform a long term status change request // if (LongTerm) { printf ("Starting long-term status change request (5 min.)\n"); WStat.PowerState = BStat.PowerState; WStat.LowCapacity = BStat.Capacity - RANGE; WStat.HighCapacity = BStat.Capacity + RANGE; WStat.Timeout = 50000000; // 5 min GetBatteryStatus (driverHandle, &WStat, &BInfo, &BStat); } NtClose(driverHandle); } int __cdecl main(USHORT argc, CHAR **argv) { ULONG battTag; ULONG battNum; ULONG RetVal; UCHAR param; UNICODE_STRING batteries [MAX_NUMBER_OF_BATTERIES]; UCHAR numBatts; RtlZeroMemory (batteries, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)*MAX_NUMBER_OF_BATTERIES); _tprintf (_T("Parameters: [L] - Issue Long-term status change request\n")); if (argc > 1) { param = argv[1][0]; if ((param == 'l') || param == 'L') { LongTerm = TRUE; } } while (1) { numBatts = GetBatteryDriverNames (batteries, MAX_NUMBER_OF_BATTERIES); printf ("\n"); for (battNum = 0; battNum < numBatts; battNum++) { _tprintf(_T("Batt#%d: %s \n"), battNum, batteries[battNum].Buffer); } printf ("\nBattery Number: "); if (scanf ("%d", &battNum) != 1) { return 0; // Program exit } printf ("\n"); if (battNum < numBatts) { QueryBattery (&batteries [battNum]); } else { printf ("Invalid Battery Number\n"); } } return 0; }